/* * @file CJ125_logic.h * * @date Feb 1, 2019 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2019 */ #ifndef HW_LAYER_SENSORS_CJ125_LOGIC_H_ #define HW_LAYER_SENSORS_CJ125_LOGIC_H_ #include "engine_configuration.h" #include "pwm_generator_logic.h" #include "pid.h" typedef enum { CJ125_LSU_42 = 0, CJ125_LSU_49 = 1, } cj125_sensor_type_e; typedef enum { CJ125_INIT, CJ125_IDLE, CJ125_CALIBRATION, CJ125_PREHEAT, CJ125_HEAT_UP, CJ125_READY, CJ125_OVERHEAT, CJ125_ERROR, } cj125_state_e; typedef enum { CJ125_ERROR_NONE = 0, CJ125_ERROR_HEATER_MALFUNCTION = 1, CJ125_ERROR_OVERHEAT = 2, CJ125_ERROR_WRONG_IDENT = 3, CJ125_ERROR_WRONG_INIT = 4, } cj125_error_e; typedef enum { CJ125_MODE_NONE, CJ125_MODE_NORMAL_8, CJ125_MODE_NORMAL_17, CJ125_MODE_CALIBRATION, } cj125_mode_e; class Cj125SpiStream { public: virtual uint8_t ReadRegister(uint8_t regAddr) = 0; virtual void WriteRegister(uint8_t regAddr, uint8_t regValue) = 0; }; class CJ125 { public: CJ125(); Cj125SpiStream *spi = NULL; Logging *logger = NULL; SimplePwm wboHeaterControl; // Chip diagnostics register contents volatile int diag = 0; efitick_t startHeatingNt; efitick_t prevNt; float heaterDuty = 0.0f; pid_s heaterPidConfig; Pid heaterPid; volatile cj125_mode_e mode = CJ125_MODE_NONE; // Amplification coefficient, needed by cjGetAfr() volatile float amplCoeff = 0.0f; // Calculated Lambda-value volatile float lambda = 1.0f; // Current values volatile float vUa = 0.0f; volatile float vUr = 0.0f; // Calibration values volatile float vUaCal = 0.0f; volatile float vUrCal = 0.0f; OutputPin wboHeaterPin; OutputPin cj125Cs; // Used by CJ125 driver state machine volatile cj125_state_e state = CJ125_INIT; // Last Error code volatile cj125_error_e errorCode = CJ125_ERROR_NONE; void setError(cj125_error_e errCode DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); bool isWorkingState(void) const; void SetHeater(float value DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); void SetIdleHeater(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); void StartHeaterControl(pwm_gen_callback *stateChangeCallback DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); void cjIdentify(void); void cjSetMode(cj125_mode_e m); bool isValidState() const; void cjInitPid(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); }; // Heater params for Idle(cold), Preheating and Control stages // See http://www.waltech.com/wideband-files/boschsensordatasheet.htm #define CJ125_HEATER_IDLE_RATE 0.15f // for a very cold sensor (presumably), we allow 15% duty max. #define CJ125_HEATER_PREHEAT_PERIOD 300 // 300 ms #define CJ125_HEATER_CONTROL_PERIOD 180 // 180 ms #define CJ125_HEATER_OVERHEAT_PERIOD 500 // 500 ms #define CJ125_HEATER_PREHEAT_RATE (0.4f/14.0f) // Assuming that dutycycle=1.0 equals to 14V, and max.allowed heater rate is 0.4V/sec #define CJ125_HEATER_MIN_DUTY 0.1f #define CJ125_HEATER_PWM_FREQ 100 // 100 Hz #define CJ125_HEATER_LIMITING_VOLTAGE 12.0f // Do not allow more than 90% heating for high battery voltage (>12V). #define CJ125_HEATER_LIMITING_RATE 0.92f // This prevents sensor overheating. // CJ125 SPI Registers #define IDENT_REG_RD 0x48 // Read Identity Register #define INIT_REG1_WR 0x56 // Write To Initialization Register 1 #define INIT_REG2_WR 0x5A // Write To Initialization Register 2 #define INIT_REG1_RD 0x6C // Read Initialization Register 1 #define DIAG_REG_RD 0x78 // Read Diagnostics Register #define INIT_REG2_RD 0x7E // Read Initialization Register 2 #define CJ125_IDENT 0x60 // 96 #define CJ125_IDENT_MASK 0xF8 #define CJ125_INIT1_NORMAL_8 0x88 // 0b10001000 (Normal mode, Amplification 8) #define CJ125_INIT1_NORMAL_17 0x89 // 0b10001001 (Normal mode, Amplification 17) #define CJ125_INIT1_CALBRT 0x9D // 0b10011101 (Calibration mode, LA=1, RA=1) #define CJ125_INIT2_NORMAL 0x00 // 0b00000000, (Normal mode) #define CJ125_INIT2_DIAG 0x10 // 0b00010000, (Extended diagnostics mode, SET_DIA_Q=1) #define CJ125_INIT2_RESET 0x40 // 0b01000000, SRESET=1 #define CJ125_DIAG_NORM 0xFF // no errors #define CJ125_UACAL_MIN 1.0f // Calibration UA values range #define CJ125_UACAL_MAX 2.0f // Some experimental magic values for heater PID regulator #define CJ125_PID_LSU42_P (80.0f / 16.0f * 5.0f / 1024.0f) #define CJ125_PID_LSU42_I (25.0f / 16.0f * 5.0f / 1024.0f) #define CJ125_PID_LSU49_P (8.0f) #define CJ125_PID_LSU49_I (0.003f) #endif /* HW_LAYER_SENSORS_CJ125_LOGIC_H_ */