/** * @file lcd_controller.cpp * * LCD is a tree-like set of menues controlled by a joystick. At the moment three actions are supported: * "next item" * "enter sub-menu" * "return one level up" * * In case of a 20x4 display top three lines are three menu items you can scroll through and * bottom line is error or warning line. * * By default the first line shows current RPM and time since boot in seconds. * The "more" symbol points at the currently selected menu item. * * @date Aug 14, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 */ #include "global.h" #if EFI_HD44780_LCD #include "os_access.h" #include "lcd_controller.h" #include "lcd_HD44780.h" #include "rpm_calculator.h" #include "allsensors.h" #include "engine.h" #include "rtc_helper.h" #include "io_pins.h" #include "efi_gpio.h" #include "svnversion.h" #include "joystick.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "lcd_menu_tree.h" #include "memstreams.h" #include "settings.h" #include "injector_central.h" #include "engine_controller.h" #include "mmc_card.h" #include "idle_thread.h" #include "fuel_math.h" EXTERN_ENGINE ; extern bool hasFirmwareErrorFlag; static MenuItem ROOT(NULL, NULL); static MenuTree tree(&ROOT); /** * todo: add some comment explaining how this works */ static MenuItem miRpm(tree.root, LL_RPM); static MenuItem miSensors(tree.root, "SENSORS"); static MenuItem miFuelControl(tree.root, "FUEL CONTROL"); static MenuItem miBench(tree.root, "BENCH TEST"); static MenuItem miAbout(tree.root, "ABOUT"); static MenuItem miTriggerErrors(&miRpm, LL_TRIGGER_ERRORS); static MenuItem miTriggerDuty(&miRpm, LL_TRIGGER_DUTY); static MenuItem miFuelCltCorr(&miFuelControl, LL_FUEL_CLT_CORRECTION); static MenuItem miFuelIatCorr(&miFuelControl, LL_FUEL_IAT_CORRECTION); static MenuItem miFuelInjectorLag(&miFuelControl, LL_FUEL_INJECTOR_LAG); static MenuItem miClt(&miSensors, LL_CLT_TEMPERATURE); static MenuItem miIat(&miSensors, LL_IAT_TEMPERATURE); static MenuItem miTps(&miSensors, LL_TPS); static MenuItem miVBatt(&miSensors, LL_VBATT); static MenuItem miMap(&miSensors, LL_MAP); static MenuItem miAfr(&miSensors, LL_AFR); static MenuItem miBaro(&miSensors, LL_BARO); static MenuItem miMapV(&miSensors, LL_MAF_V); static MenuItem miMapKgHr(&miSensors, LL_MAF_KG_HR); static MenuItem miKnock(&miSensors, LL_KNOCK); static MenuItem miStopEngine(&miBench, "stop engine", scheduleStopEngine); static MenuItem miTestFan(&miBench, "test fan", fanBench); static MenuItem miTestFuelPump(&miBench, "test pump", fuelPumpBench); static MenuItem miTestMIL(&miBench, "test MIL", milBench); static MenuItem miTestIAC(&miBench, "test IAC", startIdleBench); // todo: looks like these are not finished yet? static MenuItem miTestSpark1(&miBench, "test spark1"); static MenuItem miTestSpark2(&miBench, "test spark2"); static MenuItem miTestSpark3(&miBench, "test spark3"); static MenuItem miTestSpark4(&miBench, "test spark4"); static MenuItem miTestInj1(&miBench, "test injector1"); static MenuItem miTestInj2(&miBench, "test injector2"); static MenuItem miTestInj3(&miBench, "test injector3"); static MenuItem miTestInj4(&miBench, "test injector4"); static MenuItem miVersion(&miAbout, LL_VERSION); static MenuItem miConfig(&miAbout, LL_CONFIG); static MenuItem miAlgo(&miAbout, LL_ALGORITHM); static MenuItem miInjection(&miAbout, LL_INJECTION); static MenuItem miIgnition(&miAbout, LL_IGNITION); static MenuItem miInjFlow(&miAbout, LL_ING_FLOW); #define DISP_LINES (engineConfiguration->HD44780height - 1) static char lcdLineBuffer[30]; static MemoryStream lcdLineStream; void onJoystick(joystick_button_e button) { /** * this method is invoked on EXTI IRQ thread */ if (button == JB_CENTER) { tree.enterSubMenu(); } else if (button == JB_BUTTON_D) { tree.nextItem(); } else if (button == JB_BUTTON_A) { tree.back(); } // actual repaint happends in the repaint loop } char * appendStr(char *ptr, const char *suffix) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < efiStrlen(suffix); i++) { *ptr++ = suffix[i]; } return ptr; } void initLcdController(void) { tree.init(&miRpm, engineConfiguration->HD44780height - 1); msObjectInit(&lcdLineStream, (uint8_t *) lcdLineBuffer, sizeof(lcdLineBuffer), 0); } static const char* ignitionModeStr[] = { "1C", "IND", "WS" }; static const char* injectionModeStr[] = { "Sim", "Seq", "Bch" }; static const char* idleModeStr[] = { "I:A", "I:M" }; //static const char *getPinShortName(io_pin_e pin) { // switch (pin) { // case ALTERNATOR_SWITCH: // return "AL"; // case FUEL_PUMP_RELAY: // return "FP"; // case FAN_RELAY: // return "FN"; // case O2_HEATER: // return "O2H"; // default: // firmwareError(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "No short name for %d", (int) pin); // return ""; // } //} //char * appendPinStatus(char *buffer, io_pin_e pin) { // char *ptr = appendStr(buffer, getPinShortName(pin)); // int state = getOutputPinValue(pin); // // todo: should we handle INITIAL_PIN_STATE? // if (state) { // return appendStr(ptr, ":Y "); // } else { // return appendStr(ptr, ":n "); // } //} #if 0 static char * prepareInfoLine(engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration, char *buffer) { char *ptr = buffer; ptr = appendStr(ptr, " "); ptr = appendStr(ptr, ignitionModeStr[engineConfiguration->ignitionMode]); ptr = appendStr(ptr, " "); ptr = appendStr(ptr, injectionModeStr[engineConfiguration->injectionMode]); ptr = appendStr(ptr, " "); ptr = appendStr(ptr, idleModeStr[engineConfiguration->idleMode]); ptr = appendStr(ptr, " "); return ptr; } #endif //static char * prepareStatusLine(char *buffer) { // char *ptr = buffer; // // ptr = appendPinStatus(ptr, FUEL_PUMP_RELAY); // ptr = appendPinStatus(ptr, FAN_RELAY); // ptr = appendPinStatus(ptr, O2_HEATER); // return ptr; //} static char buffer[MAX_LCD_WIDTH + 4]; static void lcdPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); // todo: migrate to chsnprintf lcdLineStream.eos = 0; // reset chvprintf((BaseSequentialStream *) &lcdLineStream, fmt, ap); lcdLineStream.buffer[lcdLineStream.eos] = 0; // terminator va_end(ap); lcd_HD44780_print_string(lcdLineBuffer); } static void showLine(lcd_line_e line, int screenY) { static char buffer[_MAX_FILLER + 2]; switch (line) { case LL_VERSION: lcdPrintf("ver %s %d", VCS_VERSION, getRusEfiVersion()); return; case LL_CONFIG: lcdPrintf("config %s", getConfigurationName(engineConfiguration->engineType)); return; case LL_RPM: { int seconds = minI(9999, getTimeNowSeconds()); lcdPrintf("RPM %d %d ", GET_RPM(), seconds); } #if EFI_FILE_LOGGING { char sdState; if (CONFIGB(isSdCardEnabled)) { sdState = isSdCardAlive() ? 'L' : 'n'; } else { sdState = 'D'; } lcdPrintf("%c", sdState); } #endif return; case LL_CLT_TEMPERATURE: lcdPrintf("Coolant %.2f", getCoolantTemperature()); return; case LL_IAT_TEMPERATURE: lcdPrintf("Intake Air %.2f", getIntakeAirTemperature()); return; case LL_ALGORITHM: lcdPrintf(getEngine_load_mode_e(engineConfiguration->fuelAlgorithm)); return; case LL_INJECTION: lcdPrintf(getInjection_mode_e(engineConfiguration->injectionMode)); return; case LL_ING_FLOW: lcdPrintf("Inj %.2fcc", engineConfiguration->injector.flow); return; case LL_IGNITION: lcdPrintf(getIgnition_mode_e(engineConfiguration->ignitionMode)); return; case LL_TPS: getPinNameByAdcChannel("tps", engineConfiguration->tps1_1AdcChannel, buffer); lcdPrintf("Throttle %s %.2f%%", buffer, getTPS()); return; case LL_FUEL_CLT_CORRECTION: lcdPrintf("CLT corr %.2f", getCltFuelCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); return; case LL_FUEL_IAT_CORRECTION: lcdPrintf("IAT corr %.2f", getIatFuelCorrection(getIntakeAirTemperature() PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); return; case LL_FUEL_INJECTOR_LAG: lcdPrintf("ING LAG %.2f", getInjectorLag(engine->sensors.vBatt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); return; case LL_VBATT: lcdPrintf("Battery %.2fv", getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); return; case LL_KNOCK: getPinNameByAdcChannel("hip", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel, buffer); lcdPrintf("Knock %s %.2fv", buffer, engine->knockVolts); return; #if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS case LL_BARO: if (hasBaroSensor()) { lcdPrintf("Baro: %.2f", getBaroPressure()); } else { lcdPrintf("Baro: none"); } return; #endif case LL_AFR: if (hasAfrSensor(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) { lcdPrintf("AFR: %.2f", getAfr()); } else { lcdPrintf("AFR: none"); } return; case LL_MAP: if (hasMapSensor(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) { lcdPrintf("MAP %.2f", getMap(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); } else { lcdPrintf("MAP: none"); } return; case LL_MAF_V: if (hasMafSensor()) { lcdPrintf("MAF: %.2fv", getMafVoltage(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); } else { lcdPrintf("MAF: none"); } return; case LL_MAF_KG_HR: if (hasMafSensor()) { lcdPrintf("MAF: %.2f kg/hr", getRealMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)); } else { lcdPrintf("MAF: none"); } return; case LL_TRIGGER_ERRORS: lcdPrintf("Errors"); return; case LL_TRIGGER_DUTY: lcdPrintf("Duty"); return; default: lcdPrintf("()"); } } static void fillWithSpaces(void) { int column = getCurrentHD44780column(); for (int r = column; r < 20; r++) { lcd_HD44780_print_char(' '); } } void updateHD44780lcd(void) { MenuItem *p = tree.topVisible; int screenY = 0; for (; screenY < tree.linesCount && p != nullptr; screenY++) { lcd_HD44780_set_position(screenY, 0); char firstChar; if (p == tree.current) { if (p->callback != NULL) { firstChar = '!'; } else { firstChar = p->firstChild == NULL ? '*' : '>'; } } else { firstChar = ' '; } lcd_HD44780_print_char(firstChar); if (p->lcdLine == LL_STRING) { lcd_HD44780_print_string(p->text); } else { showLine(p->lcdLine, screenY); } fillWithSpaces(); p = p->next; } for (; screenY < tree.linesCount; screenY++) { lcd_HD44780_set_position(screenY, 0); fillWithSpaces(); } const char * message = hasFirmwareErrorFlag ? getFirmwareError() : getWarning(); memcpy(buffer, message, engineConfiguration->HD44780width); buffer[engineConfiguration->HD44780width] = 0; lcd_HD44780_set_position(engineConfiguration->HD44780height - 1, 0); lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); fillWithSpaces(); // // lcd_HD44780_set_position(0, 9); // /** // * this would blink so that we know the LCD is alive // */ // if (isEven) { // lcd_HD44780_print_char('R'); // } else { // lcd_HD44780_print_char(' '); // } // lcd_HD44780_set_position(0, 10); // // char * ptr = itoa10(buffer, GET_RPM()); // ptr[0] = 0; // int len = ptr - buffer; // for (int i = 0; i < 6 - len; i++) { // lcd_HD44780_print_char(' '); // } // lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); // // if (hasFirmwareError()) { // memcpy(buffer, getFirmwareError(), LCD_WIDTH); // buffer[LCD_WIDTH] = 0; // lcd_HD44780_set_position(1, 0); // lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); // return; // } // // lcd_HD44780_set_position(1, 0); // memset(buffer, ' ', LCD_WIDTH); // memcpy(buffer, getWarning(), LCD_WIDTH); // buffer[LCD_WIDTH] = 0; // lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); // // if (engineConfiguration->HD44780height < 3) { // return; // } // // int index = (getTimeNowSeconds() / 2) % (NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_LINES / 2); // // prepareCurrentSecondLine(engine, index); // buffer[LCD_WIDTH] = 0; // lcd_HD44780_set_position(2, 0); // lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); // // prepareCurrentSecondLine(engine, index + NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_LINES / 2); // buffer[LCD_WIDTH] = 0; // lcd_HD44780_set_position(3, 0); // lcd_HD44780_print_string(buffer); // //#if EFI_PROD_CODE // dateToString(dateBuffer); // lcd_HD44780_set_position(1, 0); // lcd_HD44780_print_string(dateBuffer); //#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } #endif