#include "pch.h" #include "proteus_meta.h" /** * set engine_type 6 */ void proteusHarley() { strcpy(engineConfiguration->scriptSettingName[0], "compReleaseRpm"); engineConfiguration->scriptSetting[0] = 300; strcpy(engineConfiguration->scriptSettingName[1], "compReleaseDur"); engineConfiguration->scriptSetting[1] = 5000; // for now we need non wired camInput to keep TS field enable/disable logic happy engineConfiguration->camInputs[0] = PROTEUS_DIGITAL_6; engineConfiguration->vvtMode[0] = VVT_MAP_V_TWIN; engineConfiguration->luaOutputPins[0] = PROTEUS_LS_12; #if HW_PROTEUS strncpy(config->luaScript, R"( outputIndex = 0 startPwm(outputIndex, 100, 0) rpmLimitSetting = findSetting("compReleaseRpm", 300) compReleaseDulationLimit = findSetting("compReleaseDur", 6000) every200msTimer = Timer.new(); everySecondTimer = Timer.new(); every50msTimer = Timer.new(); offCounter = 0 -- cranking! packet542 = {0x20, 0x82, 0x81, 0xd9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} packet543 = {0x13, 0x57, 0x13, 0x45, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x00} packet541 = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x45, 0x00, 0xFF} -- every 200ms packet540 = {0x00, 0x00, 0x5a, 0x4c, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} -- every 1000ms packet502 = {0x01} packet546 = {0x35, 0x48, 0x44, 0x31, 0x46, 0x48} packet547 = {0x50, 0x41, 0x31, 0x4b, 0x42, 0x36} packet548 = {0x33, 0x34, 0x38, 0x32, 0x32, 0x00} counter543 = 0; setTickRate(66); canRxAdd(0x570) canRxAdd(0x500) function onCanRx(bus, id, dlc, data) --print('got CAN id=' .. id .. ' dlc=' .. dlc) id11 = id % 2048 if id11 == 0x500 then --Check can state of BCM canState = data[1] if canState == 01 then packet502[1] = 0x01 else packet502[1] = 0x00 end if id11 == 0x570 then curState = data[1] if curState == 06 then -- Cranking TODO: MUST ONLY DO THIS ON RPM TILL STARt packet542[2] = 0x82 end if curState == 04 then -- Kill off packet542[2] = 0x82 end if curState == 01 then -- Kill packet542[2] = 0xA2 end end end end function onTick() if packet502[1] == 01 then offCounter = 0 counter543 = (counter543 + 1) % 64 packet543[7] = 64 + counter543 packet543[8] = crc8_j1850(packet543, 7) APP = getSensor("AcceleratorPedal") if APP == nil then packet543[5] = 0 else packet543[5] = APP *2 end txCan(1, 0x543, 0, packet543) txCan(1, 0x541, 0, packet541) if every200msTimer:getElapsedSeconds() > 0.2 then every200msTimer:reset(); txCan(1, 0x540, 0, packet540) end if every50msTimer:getElapsedSeconds() > 0.05 then every50msTimer:reset(); txCan(1, 0x542, 0, packet542) end if everySecondTimer:getElapsedSeconds() > 1 then everySecondTimer:reset(); txCan(1, 0x502, 0, packet502) txCan(1, 0x546, 0, packet546) txCan(1, 0x547, 0, packet547) txCan(1, 0x548, 0, packet548) end rpm = getSensor("RPM") -- handle nil RPM, todo: change firmware to avoid nil RPM rpm = (rpm == nil and 0 or rpm) --print('Rpm ' .. rpm) --print('getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs ' .. getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs()) enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid = getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs() < compReleaseDulationLimit and rpm < rpmLimitSetting duty = enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid and 1 or 0 print("Compression release solenoid " .. duty) setPwmDuty(outputIndex, duty) else if offCounter == 0 then --goodbye sweet love txCan(1, 0x502, 0, packet502) --goodbye offCounter = 1 --One shot end end end )", efi::size(config->luaScript)); #endif }