struct_no_prefix engine_state2_s struct_no_prefix speed_density_s bit isTChargeAirModel float airMassInOneCylinder;Speed-density logic: calculated air mass in one cylinder, in grams float tCharge;speed density\nRate-of-change limiter is applied to degrees, so we store both Kelvin and degrees.; float tChargeK float Tcharge_coff floatms_t airFlow float manifoldAirPressureAccelerationAdjustment; float adjustedManifoldAirPressure; ! speed_density_s end_struct speed_density_s sd; float targetAFR float engineCycleDurationMs; float minRpmKcurrentTPS int currentTpsAdc float tpsVoltageMCU float tpsVoltageBoard float currentBaroCorrectedVE; ! engine_state2_s end_struct