echo This script should be executed from the root of rusEfi trunk SVN local copy pwd echo Updating from SVN call svn update set RUSEFI_GIT_PATH=../rusefi.github/rusefi ls -l %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% rd /s /q %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%\firmware rd /s /q %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%\hardware rd /s /q %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%\java_console rd /s /q %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%\unit_tests rd /s /q %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%\win32_functional_tests cp -r firmware %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% cp -r hardware %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% cp -r java_console %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% cp -r unit_tests %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% cp -r win32_functional_tests %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% rm -f %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%/readme.* rm -f %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH%/README.* cp -r README.* %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% cp -r readme.* %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% echo Going to git copy location cd %RUSEFI_GIT_PATH% git config --global "" git config --global "rusEfi" git pull git add * git commit -a -m "auto-sync" git push --repo