/** * @file error_handling.cpp * * @date Apr 1, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2017 */ #include "main.h" #include "error_handling.h" #include "io_pins.h" #include "efilib2.h" #include "engine.h" #if EFI_SIMULATOR || EFI_PROD_CODE //todo: move into simulator global #include "memstreams.h" #include static MemoryStream warningStream; static MemoryStream firmwareErrorMessageStream; extern OutputPin communicationPin; #endif #define WARNING_BUFFER_SIZE 80 static char warningBuffer[WARNING_BUFFER_SIZE]; static bool isWarningStreamInitialized = false; #if EFI_HD44780_LCD || defined(__DOXYGEN__) #include "lcd_HD44780.h" #endif /* EFI_HD44780_LCD */ static LoggingWithStorage logger("error handling"); EXTERN_ENGINE; #define WARNING_PREFIX "WARNING: " extern int warningEnabled; extern bool main_loop_started; fatal_msg_t errorMessageBuffer; bool hasFirmwareErrorFlag = false; const char *dbg_panic_file; int dbg_panic_line; char *getFirmwareError(void) { return (char*) errorMessageBuffer; } #if EFI_SIMULATOR || EFI_PROD_CODE void chDbgPanic3(const char *msg, const char * file, int line) { if (hasFatalError()) return; dbg_panic_file = file; dbg_panic_line = line; #if CH_DBG_SYSTEM_STATE_CHECK || defined(__DOXYGEN__) dbg_panic_msg = msg; #endif /* CH_DBG_SYSTEM_STATE_CHECK */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) ON_FATAL_ERROR(); #else printf("chDbgPanic3 %s %s%d", msg, file, line); exit(-1); #endif #if EFI_HD44780_LCD || defined(__DOXYGEN__) lcdShowFatalMessage((char *) msg); #endif /* EFI_HD44780_LCD */ if (!main_loop_started) { print("fatal %s %s:%d\r\n", msg, file, line); chThdSleepSeconds(1); chSysHalt(); } } /** * @param forIndicator if we want to retrieving value for TS indicator, this case a minimal period is applued */ bool isWarningNow(efitimesec_t now, bool forIndicator) { int period = forIndicator ? maxI(3, engineConfiguration->warningPeriod) : engineConfiguration->warningPeriod; return absI(now - engine->engineState.timeOfPreviousWarning) < period; } void addWarningCode(obd_code_e code) { engine->engineState.warningCounter++; engine->engineState.lastErrorCode = code; } // todo: move to some util file & reuse for 'firmwareError' method void printToStream(MemoryStream *stream, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { stream->eos = 0; // reset chvprintf((BaseSequentialStream *) stream, fmt, ap); stream->buffer[stream->eos] = 0; } #endif int warningCounter = 0; /** * OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault is the general error code for now * * @returns TRUE in case there are too many warnings */ bool warning(obd_code_e code, const char *fmt, ...) { if (hasFirmwareErrorFlag) return true; #if EFI_SIMULATOR || defined(__DOXYGEN__) printf("sim_warning %s\r\n", fmt); #endif #if EFI_SIMULATOR || EFI_PROD_CODE efiAssert(isWarningStreamInitialized, "warn stream not initialized", false); addWarningCode(code); efitimesec_t now = getTimeNowSeconds(); if (isWarningNow(now, false) || !warningEnabled) return true; // we just had another warning, let's not spam engine->engineState.timeOfPreviousWarning = now; resetLogging(&logger); // todo: is 'reset' really needed here? appendMsgPrefix(&logger); append(&logger, WARNING_PREFIX); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); printToStream(&warningStream, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); append(&logger, warningBuffer); append(&logger, DELIMETER); scheduleLogging(&logger); #else warningCounter++; printf("unit_test_warning: "); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("\r\n"); #endif return false; } char *getWarning(void) { return warningBuffer; } uint32_t lastLockTime; uint32_t maxLockTime = 0; void onLockHook(void) { lastLockTime = GET_TIMESTAMP(); } void onUnlockHook(void) { uint32_t t = GET_TIMESTAMP() - lastLockTime; if (t > maxLockTime) { maxLockTime = t; } // if (t > 2800) { // // un-comment this if you want a nice stop for a breakpoint // maxLockTime = t + 1; // } } void initErrorHandling(void) { #if EFI_SIMULATOR || EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) msObjectInit(&warningStream, (uint8_t *) warningBuffer, WARNING_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); msObjectInit(&firmwareErrorMessageStream, errorMessageBuffer, sizeof(errorMessageBuffer), 0); #endif isWarningStreamInitialized = true; } void firmwareError(obd_code_e code, const char *fmt, ...) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (hasFirmwareErrorFlag) return; addWarningCode(code); ON_FATAL_ERROR() ; hasFirmwareErrorFlag = true; if (indexOf(fmt, '%') == -1) { /** * in case of simple error message let's reduce stack usage * because chvprintf might be causing an error */ strncpy((char*) errorMessageBuffer, fmt, sizeof(errorMessageBuffer) - 1); errorMessageBuffer[sizeof(errorMessageBuffer) - 1] = 0; // just to be sure } else { firmwareErrorMessageStream.eos = 0; // reset va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); chvprintf((BaseSequentialStream *) &firmwareErrorMessageStream, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); // todo: reuse warning buffer helper method firmwareErrorMessageStream.buffer[firmwareErrorMessageStream.eos] = 0; // need to terminate explicitly } #else printf("firmwareError [%s]\r\n", fmt); va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("\r\n"); #if EFI_SIMULATOR || defined(__DOXYGEN__) exit(-1); #endif /* EFI_SIMULATOR */ #endif }