
382 lines
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* @file idle_thread.cpp
* @brief Idle Air Control valve thread.
* This thread looks at current RPM and decides if it should increase or decrease IAC duty cycle.
* This file has the hardware & scheduling logic, desired idle level lives separately.
* @date May 23, 2013
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2022
#include "pch.h"
#include "idle_thread.h"
#include "idle_hardware.h"
#include "periodic_task.h"
#include "dc_motors.h"
#include "stepper.h"
int IdleController::getTargetRpm(float clt) {
targetRpmByClt = interpolate2d(clt, engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpmBins, engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpm);
// Bump for AC
targetRpmAcBump = engine->acSwitchState ? engineConfiguration->acIdleRpmBump : 0;
return targetRpmByClt + targetRpmAcBump;
IIdleController::Phase IdleController::determinePhase(int rpm, int targetRpm, SensorResult tps, float vss, float crankingTaperFraction) {
if (!engine->rpmCalculator.isRunning()) {
return Phase::Cranking;
badTps = !tps;
if (badTps) {
// If the TPS has failed, assume the engine is running
return Phase::Running;
// if throttle pressed, we're out of the idle corner
if (tps.Value > engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold) {
return Phase::Running;
// If rpm too high (but throttle not pressed), we're coasting
int maximumIdleRpm = targetRpm + engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmUpperLimit;
looksLikeCoasting = rpm > maximumIdleRpm;
if (looksLikeCoasting) {
return Phase::Coasting;
// If the vehicle is moving too quickly, disable CL idle
auto maxVss = engineConfiguration->maxIdleVss;
looksLikeRunning = maxVss != 0 && vss > maxVss;
if (looksLikeRunning) {
return Phase::Running;
// If still in the cranking taper, disable closed loop idle
looksLikeCrankToIdle = crankingTaperFraction < 1;
if (looksLikeCrankToIdle) {
return Phase::CrankToIdleTaper;
// No other conditions met, we are idling!
return Phase::Idling;
float IdleController::getCrankingTaperFraction() const {
return (float)engine->rpmCalculator.getRevolutionCounterSinceStart() / engineConfiguration->afterCrankingIACtaperDuration;
float IdleController::getCrankingOpenLoop(float clt) const {
float mult =
// Override to separate table
? interpolate2d(clt, config->cltCrankingCorrBins, config->cltCrankingCorr)
// Otherwise use plain running table
: interpolate2d(clt, config->cltIdleCorrBins, config->cltIdleCorr);
return engineConfiguration->crankingIACposition * mult;
percent_t IdleController::getRunningOpenLoop(float clt, SensorResult tps) const {
float running =
engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition // Base idle position (slider)
* interpolate2d(clt, config->cltIdleCorrBins, config->cltIdleCorr);
// Now we bump it by the AC/fan amount if necessary
running += engine->acSwitchState ? engineConfiguration->acIdleExtraOffset : 0;
running += enginePins.fanRelay.getLogicValue() ? engineConfiguration->fan1ExtraIdle : 0;
running += enginePins.fanRelay2.getLogicValue() ? engineConfiguration->fan2ExtraIdle : 0;
// Now bump it by the specified amount when the throttle is opened (if configured)
// nb: invalid tps will make no change, no explicit check required
running += interpolateClamped(
0, 0,
engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold, engineConfiguration->iacByTpsTaper,
return clampF(0, running, 100);
percent_t IdleController::getOpenLoop(Phase phase, float clt, SensorResult tps, float crankingTaperFraction) {
percent_t crankingValvePosition = getCrankingOpenLoop(clt);
isCoasting = phase == Phase::Cranking;
// if we're cranking, nothing more to do.
if (isCoasting) {
return crankingValvePosition;
// If coasting (and enabled), use the coasting position table instead of normal open loop
// TODO: this should be a table of open loop mult vs. RPM, not vs. clt
useIacTableForCoasting = engineConfiguration->useIacTableForCoasting && phase == Phase::Coasting;
if (useIacTableForCoasting) {
return interpolate2d(clt, engineConfiguration->iacCoastingBins, engineConfiguration->iacCoasting);
percent_t running = getRunningOpenLoop(clt, tps);
// Interpolate between cranking and running over a short time
// This clamps once you fall off the end, so no explicit check for >1 required
return interpolateClamped(0, crankingValvePosition, 1, running, crankingTaperFraction);
float IdleController::getIdleTimingAdjustment(int rpm) {
return getIdleTimingAdjustment(rpm, m_lastTargetRpm, m_lastPhase);
float IdleController::getIdleTimingAdjustment(int rpm, int targetRpm, Phase phase) {
// if not enabled, do nothing
if (!engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl) {
return 0;
// If not idling, do nothing
if (phase != Phase::Idling) {
return 0;
if (engineConfiguration->useInstantRpmForIdle) {
rpm = engine->triggerCentral.triggerState.getInstantRpm();
// If inside the deadzone, do nothing
if (absI(rpm - targetRpm) < engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidDeadZone) {
return 0;
// We're now in the idle mode, and RPM is inside the Timing-PID regulator work zone!
return m_timingPid.getOutput(targetRpm, rpm, FAST_CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS / 1000.0f);
static void finishIdleTestIfNeeded() {
if (engine->timeToStopIdleTest != 0 && getTimeNowUs() > engine->timeToStopIdleTest)
engine->timeToStopIdleTest = 0;
static void undoIdleBlipIfNeeded() {
if (engine->timeToStopBlip != 0 && getTimeNowUs() > engine->timeToStopBlip) {
engine->timeToStopBlip = 0;
* @return idle valve position percentage for automatic closed loop mode
float IdleController::getClosedLoop(IIdleController::Phase phase, float tpsPos, int rpm, int targetRpm) {
auto idlePid = getIdlePid();
if (shouldResetPid) {
needReset = idlePid->getIntegration() <= 0 || mustResetPid;
// we reset only if I-term is negative, because the positive I-term is good - it keeps RPM from dropping too low
if (needReset) {
mustResetPid = false;
shouldResetPid = false;
wasResetPid = true;
// todo: move this to pid_s one day
industrialWithOverrideIdlePid.antiwindupFreq = engineConfiguration->idle_antiwindupFreq;
industrialWithOverrideIdlePid.derivativeFilterLoss = engineConfiguration->idle_derivativeFilterLoss;
efitimeus_t nowUs = getTimeNowUs();
notIdling = phase != IIdleController::Phase::Idling;
if (notIdling) {
// Don't store old I and D terms if PID doesn't work anymore.
// Otherwise they will affect the idle position much later, when the throttle is closed.
if (mightResetPid) {
mightResetPid = false;
shouldResetPid = true;
idleState = TPS_THRESHOLD;
// We aren't idling, so don't apply any correction. A positive correction could inhibit a return to idle.
m_lastAutomaticPosition = 0;
return 0;
// #1553 we need to give FSIO variable offset or minValue a chance
bool acToggleJustTouched = (nowUs - engine->acSwitchLastChangeTime) < MS2US(500);
// check if within the dead zone
isInDeadZone = !acToggleJustTouched && absI(rpm - targetRpm) <= engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone;
if (isInDeadZone) {
idleState = RPM_DEAD_ZONE;
// current RPM is close enough, no need to change anything
return m_lastAutomaticPosition;
// When rpm < targetRpm, there's a risk of dropping RPM too low - and the engine dies out.
// So PID reaction should be increased by adding extra percent to PID-error:
percent_t errorAmpCoef = 1.0f;
if (rpm < targetRpm) {
errorAmpCoef += (float)engineConfiguration->pidExtraForLowRpm / PERCENT_MULT;
// if PID was previously reset, we store the time when it turned on back (see errorAmpCoef correction below)
if (wasResetPid) {
restoreAfterPidResetTimeUs = nowUs;
wasResetPid = false;
// increase the errorAmpCoef slowly to restore the process correctly after the PID reset
// todo: move restoreAfterPidResetTimeUs to idle?
efitimeus_t timeSincePidResetUs = nowUs - restoreAfterPidResetTimeUs;
// todo: add 'pidAfterResetDampingPeriodMs' setting
errorAmpCoef = interpolateClamped(0, 0, MS2US(/*engineConfiguration->pidAfterResetDampingPeriodMs*/1000), errorAmpCoef, timeSincePidResetUs);
// If errorAmpCoef > 1.0, then PID thinks that RPM is lower than it is, and controls IAC more aggressively
percent_t newValue = idlePid->getOutput(targetRpm, rpm, SLOW_CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS / 1000.0f);
idleState = PID_VALUE;
// the state of PID has been changed, so we might reset it now, but only when needed (see idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold)
mightResetPid = true;
// Apply PID Multiplier if used
if (engineConfiguration->useIacPidMultTable) {
float engineLoad = getFuelingLoad();
float multCoef = interpolate3d(
engineConfiguration->iacPidMultLoadBins, engineLoad,
engineConfiguration->iacPidMultRpmBins, rpm
// PID can be completely disabled of multCoef==0, or it just works as usual if multCoef==1
newValue = interpolateClamped(0, 0, 1, newValue, multCoef);
// Apply PID Deactivation Threshold as a smooth taper for TPS transients.
// if tps==0 then PID just works as usual, or we completely disable it if tps>=threshold
// TODO: should we just remove this? It reduces the gain if your zero throttle stop isn't perfect,
// which could give unstable results.
newValue = interpolateClamped(0, newValue, engineConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold, 0, tpsPos);
m_lastAutomaticPosition = newValue;
return newValue;
float IdleController::getIdlePosition() {
// Simplify hardware CI: we borrow the idle valve controller as a PWM source for various stimulation tasks
// The logic in this function is solidly unit tested, so it's not necessary to re-test the particulars on real hardware.
return engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition;
* Here we have idle logic thread - actual stepper movement is implemented in a separate
* working thread see stepper.cpp
getIdlePid()->iTermMin = engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMin;
getIdlePid()->iTermMax = engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMax;
// On failed sensor, use 0 deg C - should give a safe highish idle
float clt = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Clt);
auto tps = Sensor::get(SensorType::DriverThrottleIntent);
// this variable is here to make Live View happier
useInstantRpmForIdle = engineConfiguration->useInstantRpmForIdle;
float rpm;
if (useInstantRpmForIdle) {
rpm = engine->triggerCentral.triggerState.getInstantRpm();
} else {
rpm = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Rpm);
// Compute the target we're shooting for
auto targetRpm = getTargetRpm(clt);
m_lastTargetRpm = targetRpm;
// Determine cranking taper
float crankingTaper = getCrankingTaperFraction();
// Determine what operation phase we're in - idling or not
float vehicleSpeed = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::VehicleSpeed);
auto phase = determinePhase(rpm, targetRpm, tps, vehicleSpeed, crankingTaper);
m_lastPhase = phase;
bool isAutomaticIdle = tps.Valid && engineConfiguration->idleMode == IM_AUTO;
isVerboseIAC = engineConfiguration->isVerboseIAC && isAutomaticIdle;
if (isVerboseIAC) {
efiPrintf("Idle state %s", getIdle_state_e(idleState));
percent_t iacPosition;
isBlipping = engine->timeToStopBlip != 0;
if (isBlipping) {
iacPosition = engine->blipIdlePosition;
idleState = BLIP;
} else {
// Always apply closed loop correction
iacPosition = getOpenLoop(phase, clt, tps, crankingTaper);
baseIdlePosition = iacPosition;
useClosedLoop = tps.Valid && engineConfiguration->idleMode == IM_AUTO;
// If TPS is working and automatic mode enabled, add any automatic correction
if (useClosedLoop) {
iacPosition += getClosedLoop(phase, tps.Value, rpm, targetRpm);
iacPosition = clampPercentValue(iacPosition);
engine->outputChannels.isIdleClosedLoop = phase == Phase::Idling;
engine->outputChannels.isIdleCoasting = phase == Phase::Coasting;
if (engineConfiguration->idleMode == IM_AUTO) {
// see also tsOutputChannels->idlePosition
engine->outputChannels.idleState = idleState;
} else {
engine->outputChannels.idleCurrentPosition = iacPosition;
extern StepperMotor iacMotor;
engine->outputChannels.idleTargetPosition = iacMotor.getTargetPosition();
#endif /* EFI_TUNER_STUDIO */
currentIdlePosition = iacPosition;
return iacPosition;
void IdleController::onSlowCallback() {
float position = getIdlePosition();
void IdleController::onConfigurationChange(engine_configuration_s const * previousConfiguration) {
shouldResetPid = !getIdlePid()->isSame(&previousConfiguration->idleRpmPid);
mustResetPid = shouldResetPid;
void IdleController::init() {
shouldResetPid = false;
mightResetPid = false;
wasResetPid = false;
#endif /* EFI_IDLE_CONTROL */