499 lines
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499 lines
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* @file engine.cpp
* This might be a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_object but that's best way I can
* express myself in C/C++. I am open for suggestions :)
* @date May 21, 2014
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018
#include "main.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "engine_state.h"
#include "efiGpio.h"
#include "trigger_central.h"
#include "fuel_math.h"
#include "engine_math.h"
#include "advance_map.h"
#include "speed_density.h"
#include "advance_map.h"
#include "efilib2.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "aux_valves.h"
#include "map_averaging.h"
#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
#include "injector_central.h"
#define isRunningBenchTest() true
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
static LoggingWithStorage logger("engine");
extern fuel_Map3D_t veMap;
extern afr_Map3D_t afrMap;
#if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
extern TunerStudioOutputChannels tsOutputChannels;
MockAdcState::MockAdcState() {
memset(hasMockAdc, 0, sizeof(hasMockAdc));
void MockAdcState::setMockVoltage(int hwChannel, float voltage) {
scheduleMsg(&logger, "fake voltage: channel %d value %.2f", hwChannel, voltage);
fakeAdcValues[hwChannel] = voltsToAdc(voltage);
hasMockAdc[hwChannel] = true;
#endif /* EFI_ENABLE_MOCK_ADC */
int MockAdcState::getMockAdcValue(int hwChannel) {
return fakeAdcValues[hwChannel];
* We are executing these heavy (logarithm) methods from outside the trigger callbacks for performance reasons.
* See also periodicFastCallback
void Engine::updateSlowSensors(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
int rpm = rpmCalculator.getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
isEngineChartEnabled = CONFIG(isEngineChartEnabled) && rpm < CONFIG(engineSnifferRpmThreshold);
sensorChartMode = rpm < CONFIG(sensorSnifferRpmThreshold) ? boardConfiguration->sensorChartMode : SC_OFF;
// todo: move this logic somewhere to sensors folder?
if (engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor != EFI_ADC_NONE) {
float fuelLevelVoltage = getVoltageDivided("fuel", engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor);
sensors.fuelTankGauge = interpolateMsg("fgauge", boardConfiguration->fuelLevelEmptyTankVoltage, 0,
boardConfiguration->fuelLevelFullTankVoltage, 100,
engineState.injectorLag = getInjectorLag(sensors.vBatt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
void Engine::onTriggerSignalEvent(efitick_t nowNt) {
isSpinning = true;
lastTriggerToothEventTimeNt = nowNt;
Engine::Engine() {
Engine::Engine(persistent_config_s *config) {
Accelerometer::Accelerometer() {
x = y = z = 0;
SensorsState::SensorsState() {
void SensorsState::reset() {
fuelTankGauge = vBatt = 0;
iat = clt = NAN;
void Engine::reset() {
withError = isEngineChartEnabled = false;
etbAutoTune = false;
sensorChartMode = SC_OFF;
actualLastInjection = 0;
fsioTimingAdjustment = 0;
fsioIdleTargetRPMAdjustment = 0;
isAlternatorControlEnabled = false;
callFromPitStopEndTime = 0;
rpmHardLimitTimestamp = 0;
wallFuelCorrection = 0;
* it's important for fixAngle() that engineCycle field never has zero
engineCycle = getEngineCycle(FOUR_STROKE_CRANK_SENSOR);
lastTriggerToothEventTimeNt = 0;
isCylinderCleanupMode = false;
engineCycleEventCount = 0;
stopEngineRequestTimeNt = 0;
isRunningPwmTest = false;
isTestMode = false;
isSpinning = false;
isCltBroken = false;
adcToVoltageInputDividerCoefficient = NAN;
memset(&ignitionPin, 0, sizeof(ignitionPin));
knockNow = false;
knockEver = false;
knockCount = 0;
knockDebug = false;
knockVolts = 0;
iHead = NULL;
timeOfLastKnockEvent = 0;
injectionDuration = 0;
clutchDownState = clutchUpState = brakePedalState = false;
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m));
FuelConsumptionState::FuelConsumptionState() {
perSecondConsumption = perSecondAccumulator = 0;
perMinuteConsumption = perMinuteAccumulator = 0;
accumulatedSecondPrevNt = accumulatedMinutePrevNt = getTimeNowNt();
void FuelConsumptionState::addData(float durationMs) {
if (durationMs > 0.0f) {
perSecondAccumulator += durationMs;
perMinuteAccumulator += durationMs;
void FuelConsumptionState::update(efitick_t nowNt DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) {
efitick_t deltaNt = nowNt - accumulatedSecondPrevNt;
if (deltaNt >= US2NT(US_PER_SECOND_LL)) {
perSecondConsumption = getFuelRate(perSecondAccumulator, deltaNt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
perSecondAccumulator = 0;
accumulatedSecondPrevNt = nowNt;
deltaNt = nowNt - accumulatedMinutePrevNt;
if (deltaNt >= US2NT(US_PER_SECOND_LL * 60)) {
perMinuteConsumption = getFuelRate(perMinuteAccumulator, deltaNt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
perMinuteAccumulator = 0;
accumulatedMinutePrevNt = nowNt;
TransmissionState::TransmissionState() {
EngineState::EngineState() {
dwellAngle = NAN;
engineNoiseHipLevel = 0;
injectorLag = 0;
warningCounter = 0;
lastErrorCode = 0;
crankingTime = 0;
timeSinceCranking = 0;
vssEventCounter = 0;
targetAFR = 0;
tpsAccelEnrich = 0;
tChargeK = 0;
cltTimingCorrection = 0;
runningFuel = baseFuel = currentVE = 0;
timeOfPreviousWarning = -10;
baseTableFuel = iatFuelCorrection = 0;
fuelPidCorrection = 0;
cltFuelCorrection = postCrankingFuelCorrection = 0;
warmupTargetAfr = airMass = 0;
baroCorrection = timingAdvance = 0;
sparkDwell = mapAveragingDuration = 0;
totalLoggedBytes = injectionOffset = 0;
auxValveStart = auxValveEnd = 0;
fuelCutoffCorrection = 0;
coastingFuelCutStartTime = 0;
void EngineState::updateSlowSensors(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
engine->sensors.iat = getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
engine->sensors.clt = getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
engine->sensors.oilPressure = getOilPressure(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
warmupTargetAfr = interpolate2d("warm", engine->sensors.clt, engineConfiguration->warmupTargetAfrBins,
engineConfiguration->warmupTargetAfr, WARMUP_TARGET_AFR_SIZE);
void EngineState::periodicFastCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
if (ENGINE(rpmCalculator).isCranking(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) {
crankingTime = nowNt;
timeSinceCranking = 0.0f;
} else {
timeSinceCranking = nowNt - crankingTime;
int rpm = ENGINE(rpmCalculator).getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
sparkDwell = getSparkDwell(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
dwellAngle = cisnan(rpm) ? NAN : sparkDwell / getOneDegreeTimeMs(rpm);
engine->sensors.currentAfr = getAfr(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for IAT corr to be here
iatFuelCorrection = getIatFuelCorrection(engine->sensors.iat PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for CLT corr to be here
if (boardConfiguration->useWarmupPidAfr && engine->sensors.clt < engineConfiguration->warmupAfrThreshold) {
if (rpm < 200) {
cltFuelCorrection = 1;
} else {
cltFuelCorrection = warmupAfrPid.getValue(warmupTargetAfr, engine->sensors.currentAfr, 1);
#if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
if (engineConfiguration->debugMode == DBG_WARMUP_ENRICH) {
tsOutputChannels.debugFloatField1 = warmupTargetAfr;
} else {
cltFuelCorrection = getCltFuelCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
// update fuel consumption states
fuelConsumption.update(nowNt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
// Fuel cut-off isn't just 0 or 1, it can be tapered
fuelCutoffCorrection = getFuelCutOffCorrection(nowNt, rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
// post-cranking fuel enrichment.
// for compatibility reasons, apply only if the factor is greater than zero (0.01 margin used)
if (engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor > 0.01f) {
// convert to microsecs and then to seconds
float timeSinceCrankingInSecs = NT2US(timeSinceCranking) / 1000000.0f;
// use interpolation for correction taper
postCrankingFuelCorrection = interpolateClamped(0.0f, engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor,
engineConfiguration->postCrankingDurationSec, 1.0f, timeSinceCrankingInSecs);
} else {
postCrankingFuelCorrection = 1.0f;
cltTimingCorrection = getCltTimingCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
engineNoiseHipLevel = interpolate2d("knock", rpm, engineConfiguration->knockNoiseRpmBins,
engineConfiguration->knockNoise, ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE);
baroCorrection = getBaroCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
injectionOffset = getInjectionOffset(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
float engineLoad = getEngineLoadT(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
timingAdvance = getAdvance(rpm, engineLoad PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
if (engineConfiguration->fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY) {
float coolantC = ENGINE(sensors.clt);
float intakeC = ENGINE(sensors.iat);
tChargeK = convertCelsiusToKelvin(getTCharge(rpm, tps, coolantC, intakeC PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX));
float map = getMap();
* *0.01 because of https://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/153/
float rawVe = veMap.getValue(rpm, map);
// get VE from the separate table for Idle
if (CONFIG(useSeparateVeForIdle)) {
float idleVe = interpolate2d("idleVe", rpm, config->idleVeBins, config->idleVe, IDLE_VE_CURVE_SIZE);
// interpolate between idle table and normal (running) table using TPS threshold
rawVe = interpolateClamped(0.0f, idleVe, boardConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold, rawVe, tps);
currentVE = baroCorrection * rawVe * 0.01;
targetAFR = afrMap.getValue(rpm, map);
} else {
baseTableFuel = getBaseTableFuel(rpm, engineLoad);
* Here we have a bunch of stuff which should invoked after configuration change
* so that we can prepare some helper structures
void Engine::preCalculate() {
* Here we prepare a fast, index-based MAF lookup from a slower curve description
for (int i = 0; i < MAF_DECODING_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
float volts = i / MAF_DECODING_CACHE_MULT;
float maf = interpolate2d("maf", volts, config->mafDecodingBins,
config->mafDecoding, MAF_DECODING_COUNT);
mafDecodingLookup[i] = maf;
void Engine::setConfig(persistent_config_s *config) {
this->config = config;
engineConfiguration = &config->engineConfiguration;
memset(config, 0, sizeof(persistent_config_s));
void Engine::printKnockState(void) {
scheduleMsg(&logger, "knock now=%s/ever=%s", boolToString(knockNow), boolToString(knockEver));
void Engine::knockLogic(float knockVolts) {
this->knockVolts = knockVolts;
knockNow = knockVolts > engineConfiguration->knockVThreshold;
* KnockCount is directly proportional to the degrees of ignition
* advance removed
* ex: degrees to subtract = knockCount;
* TODO use knockLevel as a factor for amount of ignition advance
* to remove
* Perhaps allow the user to set a multiplier
* ex: degrees to subtract = knockCount + (knockLevel * X)
* X = user configurable multiplier
if (knockNow) {
knockEver = true;
timeOfLastKnockEvent = getTimeNowUs();
if (knockCount < engineConfiguration->maxKnockSubDeg)
} else if (knockCount >= 1) {
} else {
knockCount = 0;
void Engine::watchdog() {
if (isRunningPwmTest)
if (!isSpinning) {
if (!isRunningBenchTest() && enginePins.stopPins()) {
// todo: make this a firmwareError assuming functional tests would run
warning(CUSTOM_ERR_2ND_WATCHDOG, "Some pins were turned off by 2nd pass watchdog");
efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
// note that we are ignoring the number of tooth here - we
// check for duration between tooth as if we only have one tooth per revolution which is not the case
* todo: better watch dog implementation should be implemented - see
* http://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/96/
* note that the result of this subtraction could be negative, that would happen if
* we have a trigger event between the time we've invoked 'getTimeNow' and here
efitick_t timeSinceLastTriggerEvent = nowNt - lastTriggerToothEventTimeNt;
if (timeSinceLastTriggerEvent < US2NT(REVOLUTION_TIME_HIGH_THRESHOLD)) {
isSpinning = false;
ignitionEvents.isReady = false;
scheduleMsg(&logger, "engine has STOPPED");
scheduleMsg(&logger, "templog engine has STOPPED [%x][%x] [%x][%x] %d",
(int)(nowNt >> 32), (int)nowNt,
(int)(lastTriggerToothEventTimeNt >> 32), (int)lastTriggerToothEventTimeNt,
void Engine::checkShutdown() {
int rpm = rpmCalculator.getRpm();
const float vBattThreshold = 5.0f;
if (isValidRpm(rpm) && sensors.vBatt < vBattThreshold && stopEngineRequestTimeNt == 0) {
// todo: add stepper motor parking
bool Engine::isInShutdownMode() {
if (stopEngineRequestTimeNt == 0) // the shutdown procedure is not started
return false;
const efitime_t engineStopWaitTimeoutNt = 5LL * 1000000LL;
// The engine is still spinning! Give it some time to stop (but wait no more than 5 secs)
if (isSpinning && (getTimeNowNt() - stopEngineRequestTimeNt) < US2NT(engineStopWaitTimeoutNt))
return true;
// todo: add checks for stepper motor parking
return false;
injection_mode_e Engine::getCurrentInjectionMode(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
return rpmCalculator.isCranking(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) ? CONFIG(crankingInjectionMode) : CONFIG(injectionMode);
* The idea of this method is to execute all heavy calculations in a lower-priority thread,
* so that trigger event handler/IO scheduler tasks are faster.
void Engine::periodicFastCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
engine->m.beforeFuelCalc = GET_TIMESTAMP();
int rpm = rpmCalculator.getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
ENGINE(injectionDuration) = getInjectionDuration(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
engine->m.fuelCalcTime = GET_TIMESTAMP() - engine->m.beforeFuelCalc;
StartupFuelPumping::StartupFuelPumping() {
isTpsAbove50 = false;
pumpsCounter = 0;
void StartupFuelPumping::setPumpsCounter(int newValue) {
if (pumpsCounter != newValue) {
pumpsCounter = newValue;
if (pumpsCounter == PUMPS_TO_PRIME) {
scheduleMsg(&logger, "let's squirt prime pulse %.2f", pumpsCounter);
pumpsCounter = 0;
} else {
scheduleMsg(&logger, "setPumpsCounter %d", pumpsCounter);
void StartupFuelPumping::update(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
if (engine->rpmCalculator.getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) == 0) {
bool isTpsAbove50 = getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) >= 50;
if (this->isTpsAbove50 != isTpsAbove50) {
setPumpsCounter(pumpsCounter + 1);
} else {
* Engine is not stopped - not priming pumping mode
isTpsAbove50 = false;