
118 lines
2.6 KiB

#include "lua.hpp"
#include "lua_hooks.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "loggingcentral.h"
#include "sensor.h"
#include "adc_inputs.h"
#include "efilib.h"
// Some functions lean on existing FSIO implementation
#include "fsio_impl.h"
static int lua_efi_print(lua_State* l) {
auto msg = luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
efiPrintf("LUA: %s", msg);
return 0;
static int lua_getSensor(lua_State* l) {
auto sensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
auto result = Sensor::get(static_cast<SensorType>(sensorIndex));
if (result) {
// return value if valid
lua_pushnumber(l, result.Value);
} else {
// return nil if invalid
return 1;
static int lua_getSensorRaw(lua_State* l) {
auto sensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
lua_pushnumber(l, Sensor::getRaw(static_cast<SensorType>(sensorIndex)));
return 1;
static int lua_hasSensor(lua_State* l) {
auto sensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
lua_pushboolean(l, Sensor::hasSensor(static_cast<SensorType>(sensorIndex)));
return 1;
static int lua_table3d(lua_State* l) {
auto tableIdx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
auto x = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);
auto y = luaL_checknumber(l, 3);
// index table, compute table lookup
auto result = getFSIOTable(tableIdx)->getValue(x, y);
lua_pushnumber(l, result);
return 1;
static int lua_fan(lua_State* l) {
lua_pushboolean(l, enginePins.fanRelay.getLogicValue());
return 1;
static int lua_getAnalog(lua_State* l) {
auto idx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
// Sanitize parameter
idx = clampI(0, idx, FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT - 1);
// Do the analog read
float voltage = getVoltage("lua", engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[idx]);
lua_pushnumber(l, voltage);
return 1;
static int lua_getDigital(lua_State* l) {
auto idx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
bool state = false;
switch (idx) {
case 0: state = engine->clutchDownState; break;
case 1: state = engine->clutchUpState; break;
case 2: state = engine->brakePedalState; break;
case 3: state = engine->acSwitchState; break;
// Return nil to indicate invalid parameter
return 1;
lua_pushboolean(l, state);
return 1;
#endif // EFI_UNIT_TEST
void configureRusefiLuaHooks(lua_State* l) {
lua_register(l, "print", lua_efi_print);
lua_register(l, "getSensor", lua_getSensor);
lua_register(l, "getSensorRaw", lua_getSensorRaw);
lua_register(l, "hasSensor", lua_hasSensor);
lua_register(l, "table3d", lua_table3d);
lua_register(l, "getFan", lua_fan);
lua_register(l, "getAnalog", lua_getAnalog);
lua_register(l, "getDigital", lua_getDigital);