
252 lines
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* @file trigger_decoder.h
* @date Dec 24, 2013
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020
#pragma once
#include "global.h"
#include "trigger_structure.h"
#include "engine_configuration.h"
#include "trigger_state_generated.h"
#include "timer.h"
class TriggerDecoderBase;
struct TriggerStateListener {
virtual void OnTriggerStateProperState(efitick_t nowNt) = 0;
virtual void OnTriggerSyncronization(bool wasSynchronized, bool isDecodingError) = 0;
virtual void OnTriggerSynchronizationLost() = 0;
class TriggerConfiguration {
explicit TriggerConfiguration(const char* printPrefix) : PrintPrefix(printPrefix) {}
void update();
const char* const PrintPrefix;
bool UseOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger;
bool VerboseTriggerSynchDetails;
trigger_config_s TriggerType;
virtual bool isUseOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger() const = 0;
virtual bool isVerboseTriggerSynchDetails() const = 0;
virtual trigger_config_s getType() const = 0;
typedef struct {
* index within trigger revolution, from 0 to trigger event count
uint32_t current_index;
* Number of actual events of each channel within current trigger cycle, these
* values are used to detect trigger signal errors.
* see TriggerWaveform
size_t eventCount[PWM_PHASE_MAX_WAVE_PER_PWM];
} current_cycle_state_s;
struct TriggerDecodeResult {
uint32_t CurrentIndex;
* @see TriggerWaveform for trigger wheel shape definition
class TriggerDecoderBase : public trigger_state_s {
TriggerDecoderBase(const char* name);
* current trigger processing index, between zero and #size
int getCurrentIndex() const;
int getTotalRevolutionCounter() const;
* this is important for crank-based virtual trigger and VVT magic
void incrementTotalEventCounter();
efitime_t getTotalEventCounter() const;
expected<TriggerDecodeResult> decodeTriggerEvent(
const char *msg,
const TriggerWaveform& triggerShape,
TriggerStateListener* triggerStateListener,
const TriggerConfiguration& triggerConfiguration,
const trigger_event_e signal,
const efitime_t nowUs);
void onShaftSynchronization(
bool wasSynchronized,
const efitick_t nowNt,
const TriggerWaveform& triggerShape);
bool isValidIndex(const TriggerWaveform& triggerShape) const;
* TRUE if we know where we are
bool shaft_is_synchronized;
efitick_t mostRecentSyncTime;
Timer previousEventTimer;
void setTriggerErrorState();
* current duration at index zero and previous durations are following
uint32_t toothDurations[GAP_TRACKING_LENGTH + 1];
efitick_t toothed_previous_time;
current_cycle_state_s currentCycle;
const char* const name;
* how many times since ECU reboot we had unexpected number of teeth in trigger cycle
uint32_t totalTriggerErrorCounter;
uint32_t orderingErrorCounter;
virtual void resetTriggerState();
void setShaftSynchronized(bool value);
bool getShaftSynchronized();
* this is start of real trigger cycle
* for virtual double trigger see timeAtVirtualZeroNt
efitick_t startOfCycleNt;
uint32_t findTriggerZeroEventIndex(
TriggerWaveform& shape,
const TriggerConfiguration& triggerConfiguration
bool someSortOfTriggerError() const {
return !m_timeSinceDecodeError.getElapsedSeconds(1);
// Called when some problem is detected with trigger decoding.
// That means either:
// - Too many events without a sync point
// - Saw a sync point but the wrong number of events in the cycle
virtual void onTriggerError() { }
void resetCurrentCycleState();
bool isSyncPoint(const TriggerWaveform& triggerShape, trigger_type_e triggerType) const;
bool validateEventCounters(const TriggerWaveform& triggerShape) const;
trigger_event_e prevSignal;
int64_t totalEventCountBase;
bool isFirstEvent;
Timer m_timeSinceDecodeError;
// we only need 90 degrees of events so /4 or maybe even /8 should work?
* the reason for sub-class is simply to save RAM but not having statistics in the trigger initialization instance
class PrimaryTriggerDecoder : public TriggerDecoderBase {
PrimaryTriggerDecoder(const char* name);
void resetTriggerState() override;
void resetHasFullSync() {
// If this trigger doesn't need disambiguation, we already have phase sync
m_hasSynchronizedPhase = !m_needsDisambiguation;
angle_t syncEnginePhase(int divider, int remainder, angle_t engineCycle);
float getInstantRpm() const {
return m_instantRpm;
* timestamp of each trigger wheel tooth
uint32_t timeOfLastEvent[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT];
int spinningEventIndex = 0;
// todo: change the implementation to reuse 'timeOfLastEvent'
uint32_t spinningEvents[PRE_SYNC_EVENTS];
* instant RPM calculated at this trigger wheel tooth
float instantRpmValue[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT];
* Stores last non-zero instant RPM value to fix early instability
float prevInstantRpmValue = 0;
void movePreSynchTimestamps();
void updateInstantRpm(
TriggerWaveform const & triggerShape, TriggerFormDetails *triggerFormDetails,
uint32_t index, efitick_t nowNt);
* Update timeOfLastEvent[] on every trigger event - even without synchronization
* Needed for early spin-up RPM detection.
void setLastEventTimeForInstantRpm(efitick_t nowNt);
// Returns true if syncEnginePhase has been called,
// i.e. if we have enough VVT information to have full sync on
// an indeterminite crank pattern
bool hasSynchronizedPhase() const {
return m_hasSynchronizedPhase;
void setNeedsDisambiguation(bool needsDisambiguation) {
m_needsDisambiguation = needsDisambiguation;
void onTriggerError() override;
float calculateInstantRpm(
TriggerWaveform const & triggerShape, TriggerFormDetails *triggerFormDetails,
uint32_t index, efitick_t nowNt);
float m_instantRpm = 0;
float m_instantRpmRatio = 0;
bool m_needsDisambiguation = false;
bool m_hasSynchronizedPhase = false;
class VvtTriggerDecoder : public TriggerDecoderBase {
VvtTriggerDecoder(const char* name) : TriggerDecoderBase(name) { }
angle_t getEngineCycle(operation_mode_e operationMode);
class Engine;
void calculateTriggerSynchPoint(
TriggerWaveform& shape,
TriggerDecoderBase& state);
void prepareEventAngles(TriggerWaveform *shape, TriggerFormDetails *details);