refactored version with proper package names and initial module info for JDK9

This commit is contained in:
Michael Hoffer 2017-10-15 13:45:53 +02:00
parent daa359ff02
commit 5d6f032b1a
486 changed files with 905 additions and 2059 deletions

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Binary file not shown.

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* Copyright (C) 2014 Alfons Wirtz
* website
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License at <>
* for more details.
package boardgraphics;
import geometry.planar.Area;
import geometry.planar.Circle;
import geometry.planar.Ellipse;
import geometry.planar.FloatPoint;
import geometry.planar.IntBox;
import geometry.planar.PolylineShape;
import geometry.planar.Shape;
import geometry.planar.TileShape;
import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
* Context for drawing items in the board package to the screen.
* @author Alfons Wirtz
public class GraphicsContext implements
public GraphicsContext( IntBox p_design_bounds,
Dimension p_panel_bounds, board.LayerStructure p_layer_structure, java.util.Locale p_locale)
coordinate_transform = new CoordinateTransform(p_design_bounds, p_panel_bounds);
item_color_table = new ItemColorTableModel(p_layer_structure, p_locale);
other_color_table = new OtherColorTableModel(p_locale);
color_intensity_table = new ColorIntensityTable();
layer_visibility_arr = new double [p_layer_structure.arr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < layer_visibility_arr.length; ++i)
if (p_layer_structure.arr[i].is_signal)
layer_visibility_arr [i] = 1;
layer_visibility_arr [i] = 0;
* Copy constructor
public GraphicsContext(GraphicsContext p_graphics_context)
this.coordinate_transform = new CoordinateTransform(p_graphics_context.coordinate_transform);
this.item_color_table = new ItemColorTableModel(p_graphics_context.item_color_table);
this.other_color_table = new OtherColorTableModel(p_graphics_context.other_color_table);
this.color_intensity_table = new ColorIntensityTable(p_graphics_context.color_intensity_table);
this.layer_visibility_arr = p_graphics_context.copy_layer_visibility_arr();
* Changes the bounds of the board design to p_design_bounds.
* Useful when components are still placed outside the boaed.
public void change_design_bounds(IntBox p_new_design_bounds)
if (p_new_design_bounds.equals(this.coordinate_transform.design_box))
Dimension screen_bounds = this.coordinate_transform.screen_bounds;
this.coordinate_transform = new CoordinateTransform(p_new_design_bounds, screen_bounds);
* changes the size of the panel to p_new_bounds
public void change_panel_size(Dimension p_new_bounds)
if (coordinate_transform == null)
IntBox design_box = coordinate_transform.design_box;
boolean left_right_swapped = coordinate_transform.is_mirror_left_right();
boolean top_bottom_swapped = coordinate_transform.is_mirror_top_bottom();
double rotation = coordinate_transform.get_rotation();
coordinate_transform = new CoordinateTransform(design_box, p_new_bounds);
* draws a polygon with corners p_points
public void draw(FloatPoint[] p_points, double p_half_width, Color p_color, Graphics p_g, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
Rectangle clip_shape = (Rectangle)p_g.getClip() ;
// the class member update_box cannot be used here, because
// the dirty rectangle is internally enlarged by the system.
// Therefore we can not improve the performance by using an
// update octagon instead of a box.
IntBox clip_box = coordinate_transform.screen_to_board(clip_shape);
double scaled_width = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_half_width);
init_draw_graphics(g2, p_color, (float)scaled_width*2);
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
GeneralPath draw_path = null;
if (!show_line_segments)
draw_path = new GeneralPath();
for(int i= 0; i<(p_points.length-1); i++)
if (line_outside_update_box(p_points[i], p_points[i + 1],
p_half_width + update_offset, clip_box))
// this check should be unnessersary here,
// the system should do it in the draw(line) function
Point2D p1 = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_points[i]) ;
Point2D p2 = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_points[i+1]) ;
Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(p1, p2) ;
if (show_line_segments)
draw_path.append(line, false);
if (!show_line_segments)
* draws the boundary of a circle
public void draw_circle(FloatPoint p_center, double p_radius, double p_draw_half_width,
Color p_color, Graphics p_g, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
Point2D center = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_center);
double radius = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_radius);
double diameter = 2 * radius;
float draw_width = (float)(2 * coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_draw_half_width));
Ellipse2D circle =
new Ellipse2D.Double(center.getX() - radius,center.getY() - radius, diameter, diameter);
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
init_draw_graphics(g2, p_color, draw_width);
* draws a rectangle
public void draw_rectangle(FloatPoint p_corner1, FloatPoint p_corner2,
double p_draw_half_width, Color p_color, Graphics p_g, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g ;
Point2D corner1 = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_corner1) ;
Point2D corner2 = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_corner2) ;
double xmin = Math.min(corner1.getX(), corner2.getX()) ;
double ymin = Math.min(corner1.getY(), corner2.getY()) ;
float draw_width = (float)(2 * coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_draw_half_width)) ;
double width = Math.abs(corner2.getX() - corner1.getX()) ;
double height = Math.abs(corner2.getY() - corner1.getY()) ;
Rectangle2D rectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(xmin, ymin, width, height) ;
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
init_draw_graphics(g2, p_color, draw_width) ;
g2.draw(rectangle) ;
* Draws the boundary of p_shape.
public void draw_boundary(Shape p_shape, double p_draw_half_width, Color p_color, Graphics p_g, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_shape instanceof PolylineShape)
FloatPoint[] draw_corners = p_shape.corner_approx_arr();
if (draw_corners.length <= 1)
FloatPoint[] closed_draw_corners = new FloatPoint[draw_corners.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(draw_corners, 0, closed_draw_corners, 0, draw_corners.length);
closed_draw_corners[closed_draw_corners.length - 1] = draw_corners [0];
this.draw( closed_draw_corners, p_draw_half_width, p_color, p_g, p_translucency_factor);
else if (p_shape instanceof Circle)
Circle curr_circle = (Circle) p_shape;
this.draw_circle(, curr_circle.radius, p_draw_half_width,
p_color, p_g, p_translucency_factor);
* Draws the boundary of p_area.
public void draw_boundary(Area p_area, double p_draw_half_width, Color p_color, Graphics p_g, double p_translucency_factor)
draw_boundary(p_area.get_border(), p_draw_half_width, p_color, p_g, p_translucency_factor);
Shape[] holes = p_area.get_holes();
for (int i = 0; i < holes.length; ++i)
draw_boundary(holes[i], p_draw_half_width, p_color, p_g, p_translucency_factor);
* Draws the interiour of a circle
public void fill_circle(Circle p_circle, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
Point2D center = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(;
double radius = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_circle.radius);
if (!point_near_rectangle(center.getX(), center.getY(), (Rectangle)p_g.getClip(), radius))
double diameter = 2 * radius;
Ellipse2D circle =
new Ellipse2D.Double(center.getX() - radius,center.getY() - radius, diameter, diameter);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
* Draws the interiour of an ellipse.
public void fill_ellipse(Ellipse p_ellipse, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
Ellipse [] ellipse_arr = new Ellipse[1];
ellipse_arr[0] = p_ellipse;
fill_ellipse_arr(ellipse_arr, p_g, p_color, p_translucency_factor);
* Draws the interiour of an array of ellipses.
* Ellipses contained in an other ellipse are treated as holes.
public void fill_ellipse_arr(Ellipse [] p_ellipse_arr, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null || p_ellipse_arr.length <= 0)
GeneralPath draw_path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
for (Ellipse curr_ellipse : p_ellipse_arr)
Point2D center = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(;
double bigger_radius = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(curr_ellipse.bigger_radius);
if (!point_near_rectangle(center.getX(), center.getY(), (Rectangle)p_g.getClip(), bigger_radius))
double smaller_radius = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(curr_ellipse.smaller_radius);
Ellipse2D draw_ellipse =
new Ellipse2D.Double(center.getX() - bigger_radius,center.getY() - smaller_radius,
2 * bigger_radius, 2 * smaller_radius);
double rotation = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen_angle(curr_ellipse.rotation);
AffineTransform affine_transform = new AffineTransform();
affine_transform.rotate(rotation, center.getX(), center.getY());
java.awt.Shape rotated_ellipse = affine_transform.createTransformedShape(draw_ellipse);
draw_path.append(rotated_ellipse, false);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
* Checks, if the distance of the point with coordinates p_x, p_y to p_rect ist at most p_dist.
private boolean point_near_rectangle(double p_x, double p_y, Rectangle p_rect, double p_dist)
if (p_x < p_rect.x - p_dist)
return false;
if (p_y < p_rect.y - p_dist)
return false;
if (p_x > p_rect.x + p_rect.width + p_dist)
return false;
if (p_y > p_rect.y + p_rect.height + p_dist)
return false;
return true;
* Fill the interior of the polygon shape represented by p_points.
public void fill_shape(FloatPoint[] p_points, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
Polygon draw_polygon = new Polygon();
for(int i= 0; i < p_points.length; i++)
Point2D curr_corner = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(p_points[i]);
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
* Fill the interiour of a list of polygons.
* Used for example with an area consisting of a border polygon and some holes.
public void fill_area(FloatPoint[][] p_point_lists, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null)
GeneralPath draw_path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
for (int j = 0; j < p_point_lists.length; ++j)
Polygon draw_polygon = new Polygon();
FloatPoint[] curr_point_list = p_point_lists[j];
for(int i= 0; i < curr_point_list.length; i++)
Point2D curr_corner = coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(curr_point_list[i]);
draw_path.append(draw_polygon, false);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)p_g;
set_translucency(g2, p_translucency_factor);
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
* draws the interiour of an item of class geometry.planar.Area
public void fill_area(Area p_area, Graphics p_g, Color p_color, double p_translucency_factor)
if (p_color == null || p_area.is_empty())
if (p_area instanceof Circle)
fill_circle((Circle) p_area, p_g, p_color, p_translucency_factor);
PolylineShape border = (PolylineShape) p_area.get_border();
if (!border.is_bounded())
System.out.println("GraphicsContext.fill_area: shape not bounded");
Rectangle clip_shape = (Rectangle)p_g.getClip() ;
IntBox clip_box = coordinate_transform.screen_to_board(clip_shape);
if (!border.bounding_box().intersects(clip_box))
Shape [] holes = p_area.get_holes();
FloatPoint[] [] draw_polygons = new FloatPoint [holes.length + 1][];
for (int j = 0; j < draw_polygons.length; ++j)
PolylineShape curr_draw_shape;
if (j == 0)
curr_draw_shape = border;
curr_draw_shape = (PolylineShape) holes[j - 1];
draw_polygons[j] = new FloatPoint [curr_draw_shape.border_line_count() + 1];
FloatPoint curr_draw_polygon[] = draw_polygons[j];
for (int i = 0; i < curr_draw_polygon.length - 1; ++i)
curr_draw_polygon[i] = curr_draw_shape.corner_approx(i);
// close the polygon
curr_draw_polygon[curr_draw_polygon.length - 1] = curr_draw_polygon[0];
fill_area(draw_polygons, p_g, p_color, p_translucency_factor) ;
if (show_area_division)
TileShape[] tiles = p_area.split_to_convex();
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; ++i)
FloatPoint[] corners = new FloatPoint [tiles[i].border_line_count() + 1];
TileShape curr_tile = tiles[i];
for (int j = 0; j < corners.length - 1; ++j)
corners[j]= curr_tile.corner_approx(j);
corners[corners.length - 1] = corners[0];
draw(corners, 1, java.awt.Color.white, p_g, 0.7);
public Color get_background_color()
return other_color_table.get_background_color();
public Color get_hilight_color()
return other_color_table.get_hilight_color();
public Color get_incomplete_color()
return other_color_table.get_incomplete_color();
public Color get_outline_color()
return other_color_table.get_outline_color();
public Color get_component_color(boolean p_front)
return other_color_table.get_component_color(p_front);
public Color get_violations_color()
return other_color_table.get_violations_color();
public Color get_length_matching_area_color()
return other_color_table.get_length_matching_area_color();
public Color[] get_trace_colors(boolean p_fixed)
return item_color_table.get_trace_colors(p_fixed);
public Color[] get_via_colors(boolean p_fixed)
return item_color_table.get_via_colors(p_fixed);
public Color[] get_pin_colors()
return item_color_table.get_pin_colors();
public Color[] get_conduction_colors()
return item_color_table.get_conduction_colors();
public Color[] get_obstacle_colors()
return item_color_table.get_obstacle_colors();
public Color[] get_via_obstacle_colors()
return item_color_table.get_via_obstacle_colors();
public Color[] get_place_obstacle_colors()
return item_color_table.get_place_obstacle_colors();
public double get_trace_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.TRACES.ordinal());
public double get_via_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.VIAS.ordinal());
public double get_pin_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.PINS.ordinal());
public double get_conduction_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.CONDUCTION_AREAS.ordinal());
public double get_obstacle_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.KEEPOUTS.ordinal());
public double get_via_obstacle_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.VIA_KEEPOUTS.ordinal());
public double get_place_obstacle_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.PLACE_KEEPOUTS.ordinal());
public double get_component_outline_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.COMPONENT_OUTLINES.ordinal());
public double get_hilight_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.HILIGHT.ordinal());
public double get_incomplete_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.INCOMPLETES.ordinal());
public double get_length_matching_area_color_intensity()
return color_intensity_table.get_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.LENGTH_MATCHING_AREAS.ordinal());
public void set_trace_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.TRACES.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_via_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.VIAS.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_pin_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.PINS.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_conduction_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.CONDUCTION_AREAS.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_obstacle_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.KEEPOUTS.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_via_obstacle_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.VIA_KEEPOUTS.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_hilight_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.HILIGHT.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_incomplete_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.INCOMPLETES.ordinal(), p_value);
public void set_length_matching_area_color_intensity(double p_value)
color_intensity_table.set_value(ColorIntensityTable.ObjectNames.LENGTH_MATCHING_AREAS.ordinal(), p_value);
public java.awt.Dimension get_panel_size()
return coordinate_transform.screen_bounds;
* Returns the center of the design on the screen.
public Point2D get_design_center()
FloatPoint center = coordinate_transform.design_box_with_offset.centre_of_gravity();
return coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(center);
* Returns the bounding box of the design in screen coordinates.
public java.awt.Rectangle get_design_bounds()
return coordinate_transform.board_to_screen(coordinate_transform.design_box);
* Sets the factor for automatic layer dimming.
* Values are between 0 and 1. If 1, there is no automatic layer dimming.
public void set_auto_layer_dim_factor(double p_value)
auto_layer_dim_factor = p_value;
/** gets the factor for automatic layer dimming */
public double get_auto_layer_dim_factor()
return this.auto_layer_dim_factor;
/** Sets the layer, which will be excluded from automatic layer dimming. */
public void set_fully_visible_layer(int p_layer_no)
fully_visible_layer = p_layer_no;
* Gets the visibility factor of the input layer.
* The result is between 0 and 1.
* If the result is 0, the layer is invisible,
* if the result is 1, the layer is fully visible.
public double get_layer_visibility(int p_layer_no)
double result;
if (p_layer_no == this.fully_visible_layer)
result = layer_visibility_arr[p_layer_no];
result = this.auto_layer_dim_factor * layer_visibility_arr[p_layer_no];
return result;
* Gets the visibility factor of the input layer without the aoutomatic layer dimming.
public double get_raw_layer_visibility(int p_layer_no)
return layer_visibility_arr[p_layer_no];
* Gets the visibility factor of the input layer.
* The value is expected between 0 and 1.
* If the value is 0, the layer is invisible,
* if the value is 1, the layer is fully visible.
public void set_layer_visibility(int p_layer_no, double p_value)
layer_visibility_arr[p_layer_no] = Math.max(0, Math.min(p_value, 1));
public void set_layer_visibility_arr(double [] p_layer_visibility_arr)
this.layer_visibility_arr = p_layer_visibility_arr;
public double[] copy_layer_visibility_arr()
double[] result = new double [this.layer_visibility_arr.length];
System.arraycopy(this.layer_visibility_arr, 0, result, 0, this.layer_visibility_arr.length);
return result;
/** Returns the number of layers on the board */
public int layer_count()
return layer_visibility_arr.length;
* filter lines, which cannot touch the update_box to improve the
* performance of the draw function by avoiding unnessesary calls
* of draw (line)
private boolean line_outside_update_box(FloatPoint p_1,
FloatPoint p_2, double p_update_offset, IntBox p_update_box)
if (p_1 == null || p_2 == null)
return true;
if (Math.max(p_1.x, p_2.x) < p_update_box.ll.x - p_update_offset)
return true;
if (Math.max(p_1.y, p_2.y) < p_update_box.ll.y - p_update_offset )
return true;
if (Math.min(p_1.x, p_2.x) > p_update_box.ur.x + p_update_offset)
return true;
if (Math.min(p_1.y, p_2.y) > p_update_box.ur.y + p_update_offset)
return true;
return false;
* initialise some values in p_graphics
private static void init_draw_graphics(Graphics2D p_graphics, Color p_color, float p_width)
BasicStroke bs = new BasicStroke(Math.max(p_width, 0), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);
p_graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
private static void set_translucency(Graphics2D p_g2, double p_factor)
AlphaComposite curr_alpha_composite;
if (p_factor >= 0)
curr_alpha_composite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) p_factor);
curr_alpha_composite = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.DST_OVER, (float) -p_factor);
* Writes an instance of this class to a file.
private void writeObject( p_stream)
/** Reads an instance of this class from a file */
private void readObject( p_stream)
throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
this.item_color_table = new ItemColorTableModel(p_stream);
this.other_color_table = new OtherColorTableModel(p_stream);
public transient ItemColorTableModel item_color_table;
public transient OtherColorTableModel other_color_table;
public ColorIntensityTable color_intensity_table;
public CoordinateTransform coordinate_transform = null;
/** layer_visibility_arr[i] is between 0 and 1, for each layer i, 0 is invisible and 1 fully visible. */
private double [] layer_visibility_arr;
* The factor for autoomatic layer dimming of layers different from the current layer.
* Values are between 0 and 1. If 1, there is no automatic layer dimming.
private double auto_layer_dim_factor = 0.7;
/** The layer, which is not automatically dimmed. */
private int fully_visible_layer = 0;
private static final int update_offset = 10000;
private static final boolean show_line_segments = false;
private static final boolean show_area_division = false;

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2014 Alfons Wirtz
* website
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License at <>
* for more details.
* Created on 19. Oktober 2005, 08:15
package gui;
import logger.FRLogger;
* @author Alfons Wirtz
public class BoardMenuHelp extends BoardMenuHelpReduced
* Creates a new instance of BoardMenuHelp
* Separated from BoardMenuHelpReduced to avoid ClassNotFound exception when the library
* jh.jar is not found, which is only used in this extended class.
public BoardMenuHelp(BoardFrame p_board_frame)
javax.swing.JMenuItem direct_help_window = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
if (direct_help != null)
this.add(direct_help_window, 0);
javax.swing.JMenuItem contents_window = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
if (contents_help != null)
this.add(contents_window, 0);
private void initialize_help(java.util.Locale p_locale)
// try to find the helpset and create a HelpBroker object
if (BoardFrame.help_broker == null)
String language = p_locale.getLanguage();
String helpset_name;
if (language.equalsIgnoreCase("de"))
helpset_name = "helpset/de/Help.hs";
helpset_name = "helpset/en/Help.hs";
URL hsURL = HelpSet.findHelpSet(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), helpset_name);
if (hsURL == null)
FRLogger.warning("HelpSet " + helpset_name + " not found.");
BoardFrame.help_set = new HelpSet(null, hsURL);
catch (HelpSetException ee)
System.out.println("HelpSet " + helpset_name + " could not be opened.");
if (BoardFrame.help_set != null)
BoardFrame.help_broker = BoardFrame.help_set.createHelpBroker();
if (BoardFrame.help_broker != null)
// CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource is a convenience class to display the helpset
contents_help = new CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource(BoardFrame.help_broker);
direct_help = new CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking(BoardFrame.help_broker);
private static CSH.DisplayHelpFromSource contents_help = null;
private static CSH.DisplayHelpAfterTracking direct_help = null;

View File

@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2014 Alfons Wirtz
* website
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License at <>
* for more details.
* Created on 4. Dezember 2006, 07:01
package gui;
* Function used for Java Websrart.
* Some put to a separate class to avoid runtime undefined in offline applications.
* @author Alfons Wirtz
public class WebStart
* Separate function to avoid runtime undefines in an offline application.
public static get_code_base()
javax.jnlp.BasicService basic_service =
return basic_service.getCodeBase();
catch(Exception e)
return null;
public static javax.jnlp.FileContents save_dialog(String p_parent, String[] p_file_extensions, p_input_stream, String p_name)
javax.jnlp.FileSaveService file_save_service =
javax.jnlp.FileContents curr_file_contents =
file_save_service.saveFileDialog(p_parent, p_file_extensions, p_input_stream, p_name);
return curr_file_contents;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
* Looks up a file with the input name in the Cookie file system of Java Web Start.
* Returns an input stream from that file or null, if no such file was found.
public static get_file_input_stream(String p_file_name)
{ code_base = WebStart.get_code_base();
if (code_base != null)
javax.jnlp.PersistenceService persistence_service =
String [] muffins = persistence_service.getNames(code_base);
for (int i = 0; i < muffins.length; ++i)
if (muffins[i].equals(p_file_name))
{ defaults_file_url = new + muffins[i]);
javax.jnlp.FileContents file_contents = persistence_service.get(defaults_file_url);
return file_contents.getInputStream();
catch(Exception e)
return null;
* Looks up a file with the input name in the Cookie file system of Java Web Start.
* This file will be overwritten.
* Creates a new file, if no such file exists yet.
public static get_file_output_stream(String p_file_name)
{ output_stream = null;
String [] muffins = null;
javax.jnlp.PersistenceService persistence_service = null; code_base = get_code_base();
if (code_base != null)
persistence_service =
muffins = persistence_service.getNames(code_base);
catch(Exception e)
muffins = null;
boolean file_exists = false; file_url = null;
if (muffins != null)
for (int i = 0; i < muffins.length; ++i)
if (muffins[i].equals(p_file_name))
file_url = new + muffins[i]);
file_exists = true;
if (!file_exists)
file_url = new + p_file_name);
long act_size = persistence_service.create(file_url, MAX_FILE_SIZE);
if (act_size < MAX_FILE_SIZE)
return null;
javax.jnlp.FileContents file_contents = persistence_service.get(file_url);
output_stream = file_contents.getOutputStream(true);
catch(Exception e)
return null;
return output_stream;
* Deletes all files ending with p_file_ending from the cookie file system.
* Return false, if no file to delete was found
* If p_confirm_message != null, the user is asked to confirm the delete action.
public static boolean delete_files(String p_file_ending, String p_confirm_messsage)
boolean file_deleted = false;
{ code_base = WebStart.get_code_base();
if (code_base == null)
return false;
javax.jnlp.PersistenceService persistence_service =
String [] muffins = persistence_service.getNames(code_base); file_url = null;
if (muffins != null)
for (int i = 0; i < muffins.length; ++i)
if (muffins[i].endsWith(p_file_ending))
file_url = new + muffins[i]);
if (p_confirm_messsage == null || WindowMessage.confirm(p_confirm_messsage))
file_deleted = true;
catch(Exception e)
file_deleted = false;
return file_deleted;
private static final long MAX_FILE_SIZE = 100000;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More