
312 lines
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

package designformats.specctra;
%class SpecctraFileScanner
%implements Scanner
%function next_token
%type Object
/* %debug */
StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();
LineTerminator = \r|\n|\r\n
InputCharacter = [^\r\n]
WhiteSpace = {LineTerminator} | [ \t\f]
/* comments */
Comment = {TraditionalComment} | {EndOfLineComment}
TraditionalComment = "/*" [^*] ~"*/" | "/*" "*"+ "/"
EndOfLineComment = "#" {InputCharacter}* {LineTerminator}
/* Character used for quoting string */
QuoteChar1 = \"
QuoteChar2 = '
SpecCharASCII = _|\.|\/|\\|:|#|\$|&|>|<|,|;|=|@|\[|\]||\~|\*|\?|\!|\%|\^
SpecCharANSI1 = €||ƒ|„|…|†|‡|ˆ|‰|Š||Œ|Ž|||“|”|•||—|˜|™|š||œ|ž|Ÿ
SpecCharANSI2 = [¡-ÿ]
SpecCharANSI = {SpecCharANSI1}|{SpecCharANSI2}
SpecChar1 = {SpecCharASCII}|{SpecCharANSI}
SpecChar2 = {SpecChar1}|-|\+
SpecChar3 = {SpecChar2}|{QuoteChar1}|{QuoteChar2}
SpecChar4 = {SpecChar1}|\+
SpecChar5 = {SpecChar4}|{QuoteChar1}|{QuoteChar2}
DecIntegerLiteral = ([+-]? (0 | [1-9][0-9]*))
Mantissa = ([+-]? [0-9]+ ("." [0-9]+)?)
Exponent = ([Ee] {DecIntegerLiteral})
DecFloatLiteral = {Mantissa} {Exponent}?
Identifier = ({Letter}|{SpecChar1})({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar3})*
NameIdentifier = ({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar2})({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar3})*
IdentifierIgnoringQuotes = ({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar3})*
/* to divide the component name from the pin name with the character "-" */
ComponentIdentifier = ({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar4})({Letter}|{Digit}|{SpecChar5})*
/* States used for qouting strings */
%state STRING1
%state STRING2
/* The state NAME is used if the next token has to be interpreted as string, even if it is a number */
%state NAME
/* The state LAYER_NAME is used if the next token has to be interpreted as a layer name */
/* To divide a component name from the pin name with the charracter "-" */
/* Returns the next character */
%state SPEC_CHAR
/* Reads the next identifier while handling the quote characters as normal characters */
/* keywords */
"absolute" { return Keyword.ABSOLUTE; }
"active" { return Keyword.ACTIVE; }
"against_preferred_direction_trace_costs" { return Keyword.AGAINST_PREFERRED_DIRECTION_TRACE_COSTS; }
"against_prefered_direction_trace_costs" { return Keyword.AGAINST_PREFERRED_DIRECTION_TRACE_COSTS; }
"attach" { return Keyword.ATTACH; }
"autoroute" { return Keyword.AUTOROUTE; }
"autoroute_settings" { return Keyword.AUTOROUTE_SETTINGS; }
"back" { return Keyword.BACK; }
"boundary" { return Keyword.BOUNDARY; }
"circ" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.CIRCLE; }
"circle" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.CIRCLE; }
"circuit" { return Keyword.CIRCUIT; }
"class" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.CLASS; }
"class_class" { return Keyword.CLASS_CLASS; }
"classes" { return Keyword.CLASSES; }
"clear" { return Keyword.CLEARANCE; }
"clearance" { return Keyword.CLEARANCE; }
"clearance_class" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.CLEARANCE_CLASS; }
"comp" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.COMPONENT_SCOPE; }
"component" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.COMPONENT_SCOPE; }
"constant" { return Keyword.CONSTANT; }
"control" { return Keyword.CONTROL; }
"fanout" { return Keyword.FANOUT; }
"fix" { return Keyword.FIX; }
"fortyfive_degree" { return Keyword.FORTYFIVE_DEGREE; }
"flip_style" { return Keyword.FLIP_STYLE; }
"fromto" { return Keyword.FROMTO; }
"front" { return Keyword.FRONT; }
"generated_by_freeroute" {return Keyword.GENERATED_BY_FREEROUTE; }
"horizontal" { return Keyword.HORIZONTAL; }
"image" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.IMAGE; }
"host_cad" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.HOST_CAD; }
"host_version" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.HOST_VERSION; }
"keepout" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.KEEPOUT; }
"layer" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.LAYER; }
"layer_rule" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.LAYER_RULE; }
"length" { return Keyword.LENGTH; }
"library" { return Keyword.LIBRARY_SCOPE; }
"lock_type" { return Keyword.LOCK_TYPE; }
"logical_part" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.LOGICAL_PART; }
"logical_part_mapping" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.LOGICAL_PART_MAPPING; }
"net" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.NET; }
"network" { return Keyword.NETWORK_SCOPE; }
"network_out" { return Keyword.NETWORK_OUT; }
"ninety_degree" { return Keyword.NINETY_DEGREE; }
"none" { return Keyword.NONE; }
"normal" { return Keyword.NORMAL; }
"off" { return Keyword.OFF; }
"on" { return Keyword.ON; }
"order" { return Keyword.ORDER; }
"outline" { return Keyword.OUTLINE; }
"padstack" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.PADSTACK; }
"parser" { return Keyword.PARSER_SCOPE; }
"part_library" { return Keyword.PART_LIBRARY_SCOPE; }
"path" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.POLYGON_PATH; }
"pcb" { return Keyword.PCB_SCOPE; }
"pin" { return Keyword.PIN; }
"pins" { return Keyword.PINS; }
"place" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.PLACE; }
"place_control" { return Keyword.PLACE_CONTROL; }
"place_keepout" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.PLACE_KEEPOUT; }
"placement" { return Keyword.PLACEMENT_SCOPE; }
"plane" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.PLANE_SCOPE; }
"plane_via_costs" { return Keyword.PLANE_VIA_COSTS; }
"poly" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.POLYGON; }
"polygon" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.POLYGON; }
"polyline_path" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.POLYLINE_PATH; }
"position" { return Keyword.POSITION; }
"postroute" { return Keyword.POSTROUTE; }
"power" { return Keyword.POWER; }
"preferred_direction" { return Keyword.PREFERRED_DIRECTION; }
"prefered_direction" { return Keyword.PREFERRED_DIRECTION; }
"preferred_direction_trace_costs" { return Keyword.PREFERRED_DIRECTION_TRACE_COSTS; }
"prefered_direction_trace_costs" { return Keyword.PREFERRED_DIRECTION_TRACE_COSTS; }
"pull_tight" { return Keyword.PULL_TIGHT; }
"rect" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.RECTANGLE; }
"rectangle" { yybegin(LAYER_NAME); return Keyword.RECTANGLE; }
"resolution" { return Keyword.RESOLUTION_SCOPE; }
"rotate" { return Keyword.ROTATE; }
"rotate_first" { return Keyword.ROTATE_FIRST; }
"routes" { return Keyword.ROUTES; }
"rule" { return Keyword.RULE; }
"rules" { return Keyword.RULES; }
"session" { return Keyword.SESSION; }
"shape" { return Keyword.SHAPE; }
"shove_fixed" { return Keyword.SHOVE_FIXED; }
"side" { return Keyword.SIDE; }
"signal" { return Keyword.SIGNAL; }
"snap_angle" { return Keyword.SNAP_ANGLE; }
"spare" { return Keyword.SPARE; }
"start_pass_no" { return Keyword.START_PASS_NO; }
"start_ripup_costs" { return Keyword.START_RIPUP_COSTS; }
"string_quote" { yybegin(IGNORE_QUOTE); return Keyword.STRING_QUOTE; }
"structure" { return Keyword.STRUCTURE_SCOPE; }
"type" { return Keyword.TYPE; }
"use_layer" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.USE_LAYER; }
"use_net" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.USE_NET; }
"use_via" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.USE_VIA; }
"vertical" { return Keyword.VERTICAL; }
"via" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.VIA; }
"vias" { return Keyword.VIAS; }
"via_at_smd" { return Keyword.VIA_AT_SMD; }
"via_costs" { return Keyword.VIA_COSTS; }
"via_keepout" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.VIA_KEEPOUT; }
"via_rule" { return Keyword.VIA_RULE; }
"width" { return Keyword.WIDTH; }
"window" { return Keyword.WINDOW; }
"wire" { yybegin(NAME); return Keyword.WIRE; }
"wire_keepout" { return Keyword.KEEPOUT; }
"wiring" { return Keyword.WIRING_SCOPE; }
"write_resolution" { return Keyword.WRITE_RESOLUTION; }
"(" { return Keyword.OPEN_BRACKET; }
")" { return Keyword.CLOSED_BRACKET; }
/* identifiers */
{Identifier} { return yytext(); }
/* Characters for quoting strings */
{QuoteChar1} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING1); }
{QuoteChar2} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING2); }
/* literals */
{DecIntegerLiteral} { return new Integer(yytext()); }
{DecFloatLiteral} { return new Double(yytext()); }
/* comments */
{Comment} { /* ignore */ }
/* whitespace */
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
/* Strings quoted with " */
[^\"\\]+ { string.append( yytext() ); }
\\ { string.append('\\'); }
\" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return string.toString(); }
/* Strings quotet with ' */
[^\'\\]+ { string.append( yytext() ); }
\\ { string.append('\\'); }
' { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return string.toString(); }
<NAME> {
/* keywords */
"(" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.OPEN_BRACKET;}
")" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.CLOSED_BRACKET;}
/* identifiers */
{NameIdentifier} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return yytext(); }
/* Characters for quoting strings */
{QuoteChar1} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING1); }
{QuoteChar2} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING2); }
/* whitespace */
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
/* Reads the next identifier while handling the quote characters as normal characters */
/* keywords */
"(" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.OPEN_BRACKET;}
")" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.CLOSED_BRACKET;}
/* identifiers */
{IdentifierIgnoringQuotes} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return yytext(); }
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
/* keywords */
"pcb" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.PCB_SCOPE; }
"signal" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.SIGNAL; }
"(" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.OPEN_BRACKET;}
")" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.CLOSED_BRACKET;}
/* identifiers */
{NameIdentifier} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return yytext(); }
/* Characters for quoting strings */
{QuoteChar1} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING1); }
{QuoteChar2} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING2); }
/* whitespace */
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
/* to divide a component name from the pin name with the charracter "-" */
/* keywords */
"(" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.OPEN_BRACKET;}
")" { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return Keyword.CLOSED_BRACKET;}
/* identifiers */
{ComponentIdentifier} { yybegin(YYINITIAL); return yytext(); }
/* Characters for quoting strings */
{QuoteChar1} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING1); }
{QuoteChar2} { string.setLength(0); yybegin(STRING2); }
/* whitespace */
{WhiteSpace} { /* ignore */ }
{SpecChar2} {return yytext();}
/* error fallback */
.|\n { throw new Error("Illegal character <"+
yytext()+">"); }