@ -740,7 +740,6 @@ entry = currentIdlePosition, "Idle: Position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleClosedLoop, "Idle: Closed loop", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "Idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "Idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -522,11 +522,10 @@ dialog = idle_stateDialog, "idle_state"
graphLine = idleClosedLoop
liveGraph = idle_state_2_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = iacByTpsTaper
graphLine = throttlePedalUpState
graphLine = idleTarget
graphLine = targetRpmByClt
liveGraph = idle_state_3_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = targetRpmAc
liveGraph = idle_state_3_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = iacByRpmTaper
graphLine = luaAdd
@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ LDS_lambda_monitor,
#define VVT_BASE_ADDRESS 1792
#define VVT_BASE_ADDRESS 1788
@ -822,96 +822,95 @@ currentIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1608
baseIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1612
idleClosedLoop = scalar, F32, 1616
iacByTpsTaper = scalar, F32, 1620
throttlePedalUpState = scalar, S32, 1624, "", 1, 0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1628, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1628, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1628, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1628, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1628, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1628, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1628, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1628, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1628, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1628, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1632, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1636, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1640, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1644
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1648
; total TS size = 1652
targetWithIdlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1652, "%", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1656, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1660, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1664, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1668
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1672, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1676, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget0 = scalar, S16, 1680, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1684, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1684, [1:1]
validPlantPosition0 = bits, U32, 1684, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1688, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1690, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1692, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker0 = scalar, S08, 1693, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1694, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1696, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget0 = scalar, S08, 1698, "%", 1, 0
state0 = scalar, U08, 1699, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1700
targetWithIdlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1700, "%", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1704, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1708, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1712, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1716
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1720, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1724, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget1 = scalar, S16, 1728, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1732, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1732, [1:1]
validPlantPosition1 = bits, U32, 1732, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1736, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1738, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1740, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker1 = scalar, S08, 1741, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1742, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1744, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget1 = scalar, S08, 1746, "%", 1, 0
state1 = scalar, U08, 1747, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1748
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1748, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1749, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1750, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1752, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1754, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1756, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1760
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1760, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1761, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1762, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1764, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1766, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1768, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1772
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1772, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1776, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1780, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1784
value0 = scalar, U16, 1784, "RAW", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1786, "RAW", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1788, "% (don't belive me)", 1,0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1624, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1624, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1624, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1624, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1624, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1624, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1624, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1624, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1624, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1624, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1628, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1632, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1636, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1640
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1644
; total TS size = 1648
targetWithIdlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1648, "%", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1652, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1656, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1660, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1664
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1668, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1672, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget0 = scalar, S16, 1676, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1680, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1680, [1:1]
validPlantPosition0 = bits, U32, 1680, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1684, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1686, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1688, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker0 = scalar, S08, 1689, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1690, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1692, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget0 = scalar, S08, 1694, "%", 1, 0
state0 = scalar, U08, 1695, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1696
targetWithIdlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1696, "%", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1700, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1704, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1708, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1712
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1716, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1720, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget1 = scalar, S16, 1724, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1728, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1728, [1:1]
validPlantPosition1 = bits, U32, 1728, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1732, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1734, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1736, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker1 = scalar, S08, 1737, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1738, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1740, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget1 = scalar, S08, 1742, "%", 1, 0
state1 = scalar, U08, 1743, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1744
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1744, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1745, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1746, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1748, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1750, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1752, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1756
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1756, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1757, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1758, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1760, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1762, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1764, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1768
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1768, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1772, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1776, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1780
value0 = scalar, U16, 1780, "RAW", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1782, "RAW", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1784, "% (don't belive me)", 1,0
; total TS size = 1788
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1788, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1790, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1792
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1792, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1794, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1796
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1796, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1796, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1800, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1804
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1792, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1792, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1796, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1800
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
// generated by /
@ -559,9 +559,6 @@ static const LogField fields[] = {
{___engine.module<IdleController>().unmock().iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", "", 0},
{___engine.module<IdleController>().unmock().throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", "", 0},
{___engine.module<IdleController>().unmock().idleTarget, "Idle: Target RPM", "", 0},
@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ struct engine_configuration_s {
* Throttle Pedal not pressed switch - used on some older vehicles like early Mazda Miata
* offset 590
switch_input_pin_e throttlePedalUpPin;
switch_input_pin_e unusedThrottlePedalUpPin;
* @see hasBaroSensor
* offset 592
@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ struct engine_configuration_s {
* offset 731
pin_input_mode_e throttlePedalUpPinMode;
pin_input_mode_e unusedThrottlePedalUpPinMode;
* Ratio between the wheels and your transmission output.
* units: ratio
@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@
#define SentInput_NONE 0
#define show_tcu_gauges false
#define show_vvt_output_pin true
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 2433891682
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 1042177977
#define SIMULATOR_TUNE_BIN_FILE_NAME "generated/simulator_tune_image.bin"
#define SIMULATOR_TUNE_BIN_FILE_NAME_PREFIX "generated/simulator_tune_image"
@ -1798,14 +1798,14 @@
#define ts_show_wastegate_sensor true
#define ts_show_wbo_canbus_index true
#define ts_show_wbo_canbus_set_index true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.14.paralela.2433891682"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.15.paralela.1042177977"
#define TS_SIMULATE_CAN '>'
#define TS_SIMULATE_CAN_char >
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND_char t
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 2433891682
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.14.paralela.2433891682"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 1042177977
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.15.paralela.1042177977"
@ -31,151 +31,144 @@ struct idle_state_s {
* offset 16
percent_t iacByTpsTaper = (percent_t)0;
* idle: throttlePedalUpState
* true in IDLE throttle pedal state, false if driver is touching the pedal
* todo: better name for this field?
* offset 20
int throttlePedalUpState = (int)0;
* idle: mightResetPid
* The idea of 'mightResetPid' is to reset PID only once - each time when TPS > idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold.
* The throttle pedal can be pressed for a long time, making the PID data obsolete (thus the reset is required).
* We set 'mightResetPid' to true only if PID was actually used (i.e. idlePid.getOutput() was called) to save some CPU resources.
* See automaticIdleController().
offset 24 bit 0 */
offset 20 bit 0 */
bool mightResetPid : 1 {};
* Idle: shouldResetPid
offset 24 bit 1 */
offset 20 bit 1 */
bool shouldResetPid : 1 {};
* Idle: wasResetPid
* This is needed to slowly turn on the PID back after it was reset.
offset 24 bit 2 */
offset 20 bit 2 */
bool wasResetPid : 1 {};
* Idle: mustResetPid
* This is used when the PID configuration is changed, to guarantee the reset
offset 24 bit 3 */
offset 20 bit 3 */
bool mustResetPid : 1 {};
* Idle: cranking
offset 24 bit 4 */
offset 20 bit 4 */
bool isCranking : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 5 */
offset 20 bit 5 */
bool isIacTableForCoasting : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 6 */
offset 20 bit 6 */
bool notIdling : 1 {};
* Idle: reset
offset 24 bit 7 */
offset 20 bit 7 */
bool needReset : 1 {};
* Idle: dead zone
offset 24 bit 8 */
offset 20 bit 8 */
bool isInDeadZone : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 9 */
offset 20 bit 9 */
bool isBlipping : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 10 */
offset 20 bit 10 */
bool useClosedLoop : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 11 */
offset 20 bit 11 */
bool badTps : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 12 */
offset 20 bit 12 */
bool looksLikeRunning : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 13 */
offset 20 bit 13 */
bool looksLikeCoasting : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 14 */
offset 20 bit 14 */
bool looksLikeCrankToIdle : 1 {};
* Idle: coasting
offset 24 bit 15 */
offset 20 bit 15 */
bool isIdleCoasting : 1 {};
* Idle: Closed loop active
offset 24 bit 16 */
offset 20 bit 16 */
bool isIdleClosedLoop : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 17 */
bool unusedBit_23_17 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 17 */
bool unusedBit_22_17 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 18 */
bool unusedBit_23_18 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 18 */
bool unusedBit_22_18 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 19 */
bool unusedBit_23_19 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 19 */
bool unusedBit_22_19 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 20 */
bool unusedBit_23_20 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 20 */
bool unusedBit_22_20 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 21 */
bool unusedBit_23_21 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 21 */
bool unusedBit_22_21 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 22 */
bool unusedBit_23_22 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 22 */
bool unusedBit_22_22 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 23 */
bool unusedBit_23_23 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 23 */
bool unusedBit_22_23 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 24 */
bool unusedBit_23_24 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 24 */
bool unusedBit_22_24 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 25 */
bool unusedBit_23_25 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 25 */
bool unusedBit_22_25 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 26 */
bool unusedBit_23_26 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 26 */
bool unusedBit_22_26 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 27 */
bool unusedBit_23_27 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 27 */
bool unusedBit_22_27 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 28 */
bool unusedBit_23_28 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 28 */
bool unusedBit_22_28 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 29 */
bool unusedBit_23_29 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 29 */
bool unusedBit_22_29 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 30 */
bool unusedBit_23_30 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 30 */
bool unusedBit_22_30 : 1 {};
offset 24 bit 31 */
bool unusedBit_23_31 : 1 {};
offset 20 bit 31 */
bool unusedBit_22_31 : 1 {};
* Idle: Target RPM
* offset 28
* offset 24
int idleTarget = (int)0;
* Idle: Target RPM base
* offset 32
* offset 28
int targetRpmByClt = (int)0;
* Idle: Target A/C RPM
* offset 36
* offset 32
int targetRpmAc = (int)0;
* idle: iacByRpmTaper portion
* offset 40
* offset 36
percent_t iacByRpmTaper = (percent_t)0;
* idle: Lua Adder
* offset 44
* offset 40
percent_t luaAdd = (percent_t)0;
static_assert(sizeof(idle_state_s) == 48);
static_assert(sizeof(idle_state_s) == 44);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition_base-all.jar based on (unknown script) controllers/actuators/idle_state.txt
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI master.2024.12.14.paralela.2433891682"
signature = "rusEFI master.2024.12.15.paralela.1042177977"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature= "rusEFI master.2024.12.14.paralela.2433891682" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature= "rusEFI master.2024.12.15.paralela.1042177977" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ etbSplit = scalar, U08, 585, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 5, 1
tle6240_cs = bits, U16, 586, [0:8], $gpio_list
tle6240_csPinMode = bits, U08, 588, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open collector", "open collector inverted"
mc33810_csPinMode = bits, U08, 589, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open collector", "open collector inverted"
throttlePedalUpPin = bits, U16, 590, [0:8], $switch_input_pin_e_list
unusedThrottlePedalUpPin = bits, U16, 590, [0:8], $switch_input_pin_e_list
baroSensor_lowValue = scalar, F32, 592, "kpa", 1, 0, -400, 800, 2
baroSensor_highValue = scalar, F32, 596, "kpa", 1, 0, -400, 800, 2
baroSensor_type = bits, U08, 600, [0:4], "Custom", "DENSO183", "MPX4250", "HONDA3BAR", "NEON_2003", "22012AA090", "GM 3 Bar", "MPX4100", "Toyota 89420-02010", "MPX4250A", "Bosch 2.5", "Mazda1Bar", "GM 2 Bar", "GM 1 Bar", "MPXH6400", "MPXH6300", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ triggerInputPins1 = bits, U16, 724, [0:8], $brain_input_pin_e_list
triggerInputPins2 = bits, U16, 726, [0:8], $brain_input_pin_e_list
mc33_t_min_boost = scalar, U16, 728, "us", 1, 0, 0, 10000, 0
hip9011CsPinMode = bits, U08, 730, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open collector", "open collector inverted"
throttlePedalUpPinMode = bits, U08, 731, [0:1], "DEFAULT", "PULLUP", "PULLDOWN", "INVALID"
unusedThrottlePedalUpPinMode = bits, U08, 731, [0:1], "DEFAULT", "PULLUP", "PULLDOWN", "INVALID"
finalGearRatio = scalar, U16, 732, "ratio", 0.01, 0, 0, 10, 2
tcuInputSpeedSensorPin = bits, U16, 734, [0:8], $brain_input_pin_e_list
tcuInputSpeedSensorTeeth = scalar, U08, 736, "", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
@ -1886,7 +1886,7 @@ targetAfrBlends2_blendValues = array, U08, 23330, [8], "%", 0.5, 0, 0, 100, 1
camInputs4 = "Camshaft input could be used either just for engine phase detection if your trigger shape does not include cam sensor as 'primary' channel, or it could be used for Variable Valve timing on one of the camshafts. 4"
throttlePedalPositionAdcChannel = "Electronic throttle pedal position first channel\nSee throttlePedalPositionSecondAdcChannel for second channel\nSee also tps1_1AdcChannel\nSee throttlePedalUpVoltage and throttlePedalWOTVoltage"
etbSplit = "TPS/PPS error threshold"
throttlePedalUpPin = "Throttle Pedal not pressed switch - used on some older vehicles like early Mazda Miata"
unusedThrottlePedalUpPin = "Throttle Pedal not pressed switch - used on some older vehicles like early Mazda Miata"
baroSensor_lowValue = "kPa value at low volts"
baroSensor_highValue = "kPa value at high volts"
knockRetardAggression = "Ignition timing to remove when a knock event occurs. Advice: 5% (mild), 10% (turbo/high comp.), 15% (high knock, e.g. GDI), 20% (spicy lump),"
@ -2647,7 +2647,7 @@ targetAfrBlends2_blendValues = array, U08, 23330, [8], "%", 0.5, 0, 0, 100, 1
ochGetCommand = "O%2o%2c"
; see TS_OUTPUT_SIZE in console source code
ochBlockSize = 1804
ochBlockSize = 1800
; 11.2.3 Full Optimized – High Speed
scatteredOchGetCommand = 9
@ -3486,99 +3486,98 @@ currentIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1608
baseIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1612
idleClosedLoop = scalar, F32, 1616
iacByTpsTaper = scalar, F32, 1620
throttlePedalUpState = scalar, S32, 1624, "", 1, 0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1628, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1628, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1628, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1628, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1628, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1628, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1628, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1628, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1628, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1628, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1628, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1628, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1632, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1636, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1640, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1644
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1648
; total TS size = 1652
targetWithIdlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1652, "%", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1656, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1660, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1664, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1668
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1672, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1676, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget0 = scalar, S16, 1680, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1684, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1684, [1:1]
validPlantPosition0 = bits, U32, 1684, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1688, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1690, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1692, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker0 = scalar, S08, 1693, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1694, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1696, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget0 = scalar, S08, 1698, "%", 1, 0
state0 = scalar, U08, 1699, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1700
targetWithIdlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1700, "%", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1704, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1708, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1712, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1716
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1720, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1724, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget1 = scalar, S16, 1728, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1732, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1732, [1:1]
validPlantPosition1 = bits, U32, 1732, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1736, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1738, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1740, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker1 = scalar, S08, 1741, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1742, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1744, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget1 = scalar, S08, 1746, "%", 1, 0
state1 = scalar, U08, 1747, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1748
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1748, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1749, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1750, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1752, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1754, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1756, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1760
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1760, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1761, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1762, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1764, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1766, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1768, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1772
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1772, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1776, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1780, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1784
value0 = scalar, U16, 1784, "RAW", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1786, "RAW", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1788, "% (don't belive me)", 1,0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1624, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1624, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1624, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1624, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1624, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1624, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1624, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1624, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1624, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1624, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1624, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1624, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1628, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1632, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1636, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1640
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1644
; total TS size = 1648
targetWithIdlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1648, "%", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1652, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1656, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1660, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1664
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1668, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1672, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget0 = scalar, S16, 1676, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1680, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1680, [1:1]
validPlantPosition0 = bits, U32, 1680, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1684, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1686, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1688, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker0 = scalar, S08, 1689, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1690, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1692, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget0 = scalar, S08, 1694, "%", 1, 0
state0 = scalar, U08, 1695, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1696
targetWithIdlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1696, "%", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1700, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1704, "%", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1708, "%", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1712
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1716, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1720, "%", 1, 0
m_adjustedTarget1 = scalar, S16, 1724, "%", 0.01, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1728, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1728, [1:1]
validPlantPosition1 = bits, U32, 1728, [2:2]
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1732, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1734, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1736, "", 1, 0
etbErrorCodeBlinker1 = scalar, S08, 1737, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1738, "%", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1740, "sec", 0.01, 0
adjustedEtbTarget1 = scalar, S08, 1742, "%", 1, 0
state1 = scalar, U08, 1743, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1744
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1744, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1745, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1746, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1748, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1750, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1752, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1756
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1756, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1757, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1758, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1760, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1762, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1764, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1768
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1768, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1772, "%", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1776, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1780
value0 = scalar, U16, 1780, "RAW", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1782, "RAW", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1784, "% (don't belive me)", 1,0
; total TS size = 1788
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1788, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1790, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1792
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1792, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1794, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1796
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1796, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1796, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1800, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1804
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1792, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1792, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1796, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1800
time = { timeNow }
@ -6074,7 +6073,6 @@ entry = currentIdlePosition, "Idle: Position", float, "%.3f"
entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f"
entry = idleClosedLoop, "Idle: Closed loop", float, "%.3f"
entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f"
entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d"
entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = shouldResetPid, "Idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d"
entry = wasResetPid, "Idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d"
@ -7196,11 +7194,10 @@ dialog = idle_stateDialog, "idle_state"
graphLine = idleClosedLoop
liveGraph = idle_state_2_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = iacByTpsTaper
graphLine = throttlePedalUpState
graphLine = idleTarget
graphLine = targetRpmByClt
liveGraph = idle_state_3_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = targetRpmAc
liveGraph = idle_state_3_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = iacByRpmTaper
graphLine = luaAdd
@ -8100,7 +8097,6 @@ dialog = lambda_monitorDialog, "lambda_monitor"
field = "Clutch Up", clutchUpPin
field = "Clutch Up signal", clutchUpPinInverted
field = "Clutch Up mode", clutchUpPinMode
field = "Throttle Up switch", throttlePedalUpPin
field = "Brake Pedal", brakePedalPin
field = "Brake Pedal signal", brakePedalPinInverted
field = "Brake Pedal Mode", brakePedalPinMode
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Generated by
! SIGNATURE_HASH is a built-in variable generated by config_definition-all.jar
! Using env variable branch [master]
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.14.paralela.@@SIGNATURE_HASH@@"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI master.2024.12.15.paralela.@@SIGNATURE_HASH@@"
Reference in New Issue