Auto-generated Configs

[no ci]
This commit is contained in:
GitHub git update Action 2024-04-12 17:18:18 +00:00
parent 08b3a82668
commit 5866fbbb72
4 changed files with 283 additions and 265 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Thu Apr 11 17:16:14 UTC 2024
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Fri Apr 12 17:16:15 UTC 2024
// by class com.rusefi.output.CHeaderConsumer
// begin
#pragma once
@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ struct engine_configuration_s {
bool enableAemXSeriesEgt : 1 {};
offset 1496 bit 16 */
bool unusedBit_503_16 : 1 {};
bool startRequestPinInverted : 1 {};
offset 1496 bit 17 */
bool unusedBit_503_17 : 1 {};
@ -5585,4 +5585,4 @@ struct persistent_config_s {
static_assert(sizeof(persistent_config_s) == 22656);
// end
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Thu Apr 11 17:16:14 UTC 2024
// this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Fri Apr 12 17:16:15 UTC 2024

View File

@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
#define show_microRusEFI_presets false
#define show_Proteus_presets false
#define show_test_presets false
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 3107998653
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 3121905576
#define SIMULATOR_TUNE_BIN_FILE_NAME "generated/simulator_tune_image.bin"
#define SIMULATOR_TUNE_BIN_FILE_NAME_PREFIX "generated/simulator_tune_image"
@ -1564,14 +1564,14 @@
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_all false
#define ts_show_vr_threshold_pins true
#define ts_show_vvt_output true
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI default.2024.04.11.XXX.3107998653"
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI default.2024.04.12.XXX.3121905576"
#define TS_SIMULATE_CAN '>'
#define TS_SIMULATE_CAN_char >
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't'
#define TS_TEST_COMMAND_char t

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
// was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on by SignatureConsumer
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 3107998653
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI default.2024.04.11.XXX.3107998653"
#define SIGNATURE_HASH 3121905576
#define TS_SIGNATURE "rusEFI default.2024.04.12.XXX.3121905576"

View File

@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
signature = "rusEFI default.2024.04.11.XXX.3107998653"
signature = "rusEFI default.2024.04.12.XXX.3121905576"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature= "rusEFI default.2024.04.11.XXX.3107998653" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature= "rusEFI default.2024.04.12.XXX.3121905576" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
#define adc_channel_e_list="Disabled", "PA0", "PA1", "PA2", "PA3", "PA4", "PA5", "PA6", "PA7", "PB0", "PB1", "PC0", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5"
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Thu Apr 11 17:16:14 UTC 2024
; this section was generated automatically by rusEFI tool config_definition-all.jar based on (unknown script) integration/rusefi_config.txt Fri Apr 12 17:16:15 UTC 2024
pageSize = 22656
page = 1
@ -756,6 +756,7 @@ useVssAsSecondWheelSpeed = bits, U32, 1496, [12:12], "false", "true"
is_enabled_spi_5 = bits, U32, 1496, [13:13], "false", "true"
is_enabled_spi_6 = bits, U32, 1496, [14:14], "false", "true"
enableAemXSeriesEgt = bits, U32, 1496, [15:15], "false", "true"
startRequestPinInverted = bits, U32, 1496, [16:16], "Normal", "Inverted"
skipBoardCanDash = bits, U32, 1496, [18:18], "false", "true"
devBit0 = bits, U32, 1496, [20:20], "false", "true"
devBit1 = bits, U32, 1496, [21:21], "false", "true"
@ -2526,7 +2527,7 @@ tcu_shiftTime = scalar, F32, 22652, "ms", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0
ochGetCommand = "O%2o%2c"
; see TS_OUTPUT_SIZE in console source code
ochBlockSize = 1716
ochBlockSize = 1724
; 11.2.3 Full Optimized High Speed
scatteredOchGetCommand = 9
@ -3160,264 +3161,268 @@ enabledForAc0 = bits, U32, 1072, [4:4]
hot0 = bits, U32, 1072, [5:5]
cold0 = bits, U32, 1072, [6:6]
disabledBySpeed0 = bits, U32, 1072, [7:7]
; total TS size = 1076
cranking1 = bits, U32, 1076, [0:0]
notRunning1 = bits, U32, 1076, [1:1]
disabledWhileEngineStopped1 = bits, U32, 1076, [2:2]
brokenClt1 = bits, U32, 1076, [3:3]
enabledForAc1 = bits, U32, 1076, [4:4]
hot1 = bits, U32, 1076, [5:5]
cold1 = bits, U32, 1076, [6:6]
disabledBySpeed1 = bits, U32, 1076, [7:7]
tempAlive0 = scalar, U08, 1076, "", 1, 0
tempCode0 = scalar, U08, 1077, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1080
isPrime = bits, U32, 1080, [0:0]
engineTurnedRecently = bits, U32, 1080, [1:1]
isFuelPumpOn = bits, U32, 1080, [2:2]
ignitionOn = bits, U32, 1080, [3:3]
; total TS size = 1084
isBenchTest = bits, U32, 1084, [0:0]
hasIgnitionVoltage = bits, U32, 1084, [1:1]
mainRelayState = bits, U32, 1084, [2:2]
delayedShutoffRequested = bits, U32, 1084, [3:3]
cranking1 = bits, U32, 1080, [0:0]
notRunning1 = bits, U32, 1080, [1:1]
disabledWhileEngineStopped1 = bits, U32, 1080, [2:2]
brokenClt1 = bits, U32, 1080, [3:3]
enabledForAc1 = bits, U32, 1080, [4:4]
hot1 = bits, U32, 1080, [5:5]
cold1 = bits, U32, 1080, [6:6]
disabledBySpeed1 = bits, U32, 1080, [7:7]
tempAlive1 = scalar, U08, 1084, "", 1, 0
tempCode1 = scalar, U08, 1085, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1088
lua_fuelAdd = scalar, F32, 1088, "g", 1, 0
lua_fuelMult = scalar, F32, 1092, "", 1, 0
lua_clutchUpState = bits, U32, 1096, [0:0]
lua_brakePedalState = bits, U32, 1096, [1:1]
lua_acRequestState = bits, U32, 1096, [2:2]
lua_luaDisableEtb = bits, U32, 1096, [3:3]
lua_luaIgnCut = bits, U32, 1096, [4:4]
sd_tCharge = scalar, S16, 1100, "deg C", 0.01, 0
sd_tChargeK = scalar, F32, 1104, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_coolantTemperatureCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1108, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_tpsCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1112, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_durationCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1116, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_fuel = scalar, U16, 1120, "mg", 0.01, 0
baroCorrection = scalar, F32, 1124, "", 1, 0
hellenBoardId = scalar, S16, 1128, "id", 1, 0
clutchUpState = scalar, S08, 1130, "", 1, 0
clutchDownState = scalar, S08, 1131, "", 1, 0
brakePedalState = scalar, S08, 1132, "", 1, 0
startStopState = scalar, S08, 1133, "", 1, 0
smartChipState = scalar, S08, 1134, "", 1, 0
smartChipRestartCounter = scalar, S08, 1135, "", 1, 0
smartChipAliveCounter = scalar, S08, 1136, "", 1, 0
startStopPhysicalState = bits, U32, 1140, [0:0]
acrActive = bits, U32, 1140, [1:1]
acrEngineMovedRecently = bits, U32, 1140, [2:2]
heaterControlEnabled = bits, U32, 1140, [3:3]
luaDigitalState0 = bits, U32, 1140, [4:4]
luaDigitalState1 = bits, U32, 1140, [5:5]
luaDigitalState2 = bits, U32, 1140, [6:6]
luaDigitalState3 = bits, U32, 1140, [7:7]
startStopStateToggleCounter = scalar, U32, 1144, "", 1, 0
luaSoftSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1148, "", 1, 0
luaHardSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1152, "", 1, 0
tractionControlSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1156, "", 1, 0
desiredRpmLimit = scalar, S16, 1160, "rpm", 1, 0
fuelInjectionCounter = scalar, U32, 1164, "", 1, 0
globalSparkCounter = scalar, U32, 1168, "", 1, 0
fuelingLoad = scalar, F32, 1172, "", 1, 0
ignitionLoad = scalar, F32, 1176, "", 1, 0
veTableYAxis = scalar, U16, 1180, "%", 0.01, 0
overDwellCounter = scalar, U08, 1182, "", 1, 0
overDwellNotScheduledCounter = scalar, U08, 1183, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1184
tpsFrom = scalar, F32, 1184
tpsTo = scalar, F32, 1188
deltaTps = scalar, F32, 1192
extraFuel = scalar, F32, 1196, "", 1, 0
valueFromTable = scalar, F32, 1200, "", 1, 0
isAboveAccelThreshold = bits, U32, 1204, [0:0]
isBelowDecelThreshold = bits, U32, 1204, [1:1]
isTimeToResetAccumulator = bits, U32, 1204, [2:2]
isFractionalEnrichment = bits, U32, 1204, [3:3]
belowEpsilon = bits, U32, 1204, [4:4]
tooShort = bits, U32, 1204, [5:5]
fractionalInjFuel = scalar, F32, 1208, "", 1, 0
accumulatedValue = scalar, F32, 1212, "", 1, 0
maxExtraPerCycle = scalar, F32, 1216, "", 1, 0
maxExtraPerPeriod = scalar, F32, 1220, "", 1, 0
maxInjectedPerPeriod = scalar, F32, 1224, "", 1, 0
cycleCnt = scalar, S32, 1228, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1232
hwEventCounters1 = scalar, U32, 1232, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters2 = scalar, U32, 1236, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters3 = scalar, U32, 1240, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters4 = scalar, U32, 1244, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters5 = scalar, U32, 1248, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters6 = scalar, U32, 1252, "", 1, 0
vvtCamCounter = scalar, U32, 1256, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_SPECIAL_POINT = scalar, F32, 1260, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_DIFF = scalar, F32, 1264, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_CYCLE_COUNT = scalar, U08, 1268, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_map_peak = scalar, U08, 1269, "", 1, 0
currentEngineDecodedPhase = scalar, F32, 1272, "deg", 1, 0
triggerToothAngleError = scalar, F32, 1276, "deg", 1, 0
triggerIgnoredToothCount = scalar, U08, 1280, "", 1, 0
mapCamPrevToothAngle = scalar, F32, 1284, "deg", 1, 0
isDecodingMapCam = bits, U32, 1288, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1292
crankSynchronizationCounter0 = scalar, U32, 1292, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio0 = scalar, F32, 1296, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations00 = scalar, U32, 1300, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition0 = scalar, F32, 1304, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition10 = scalar, F32, 1308, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition20 = scalar, F32, 1312, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition30 = scalar, F32, 1316, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition40 = scalar, F32, 1320, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio0 = scalar, F32, 1324, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex0 = scalar, U08, 1328, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex0 = scalar, U08, 1329, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1332
crankSynchronizationCounter1 = scalar, U32, 1332, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio1 = scalar, F32, 1336, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations01 = scalar, U32, 1340, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition1 = scalar, F32, 1344, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition11 = scalar, F32, 1348, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition21 = scalar, F32, 1352, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition31 = scalar, F32, 1356, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition41 = scalar, F32, 1360, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio1 = scalar, F32, 1364, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex1 = scalar, U08, 1368, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex1 = scalar, U08, 1369, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1372
crankSynchronizationCounter2 = scalar, U32, 1372, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio2 = scalar, F32, 1376, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations02 = scalar, U32, 1380, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition2 = scalar, F32, 1384, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition12 = scalar, F32, 1388, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition22 = scalar, F32, 1392, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition32 = scalar, F32, 1396, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition42 = scalar, F32, 1400, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio2 = scalar, F32, 1404, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex2 = scalar, U08, 1408, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex2 = scalar, U08, 1409, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1412
crankSynchronizationCounter3 = scalar, U32, 1412, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio3 = scalar, F32, 1416, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations03 = scalar, U32, 1420, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition3 = scalar, F32, 1424, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition13 = scalar, F32, 1428, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition23 = scalar, F32, 1432, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition33 = scalar, F32, 1436, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition43 = scalar, F32, 1440, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio3 = scalar, F32, 1444, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex3 = scalar, U08, 1448, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex3 = scalar, U08, 1449, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1452
crankSynchronizationCounter4 = scalar, U32, 1452, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio4 = scalar, F32, 1456, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations04 = scalar, U32, 1460, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition4 = scalar, F32, 1464, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition14 = scalar, F32, 1468, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition24 = scalar, F32, 1472, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition34 = scalar, F32, 1476, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition44 = scalar, F32, 1480, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio4 = scalar, F32, 1484, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex4 = scalar, U08, 1488, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex4 = scalar, U08, 1489, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1492
camResyncCounter = scalar, U08, 1492, "", 1, 0
m_hasSynchronizedPhase = bits, U32, 1496, [0:0]
isPrime = bits, U32, 1088, [0:0]
engineTurnedRecently = bits, U32, 1088, [1:1]
isFuelPumpOn = bits, U32, 1088, [2:2]
ignitionOn = bits, U32, 1088, [3:3]
; total TS size = 1092
isBenchTest = bits, U32, 1092, [0:0]
hasIgnitionVoltage = bits, U32, 1092, [1:1]
mainRelayState = bits, U32, 1092, [2:2]
delayedShutoffRequested = bits, U32, 1092, [3:3]
; total TS size = 1096
lua_fuelAdd = scalar, F32, 1096, "g", 1, 0
lua_fuelMult = scalar, F32, 1100, "", 1, 0
lua_clutchUpState = bits, U32, 1104, [0:0]
lua_brakePedalState = bits, U32, 1104, [1:1]
lua_acRequestState = bits, U32, 1104, [2:2]
lua_luaDisableEtb = bits, U32, 1104, [3:3]
lua_luaIgnCut = bits, U32, 1104, [4:4]
sd_tCharge = scalar, S16, 1108, "deg C", 0.01, 0
sd_tChargeK = scalar, F32, 1112, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_coolantTemperatureCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1116, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_tpsCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1120, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_durationCoefficient = scalar, F32, 1124, "", 1, 0
crankingFuel_fuel = scalar, U16, 1128, "mg", 0.01, 0
baroCorrection = scalar, F32, 1132, "", 1, 0
hellenBoardId = scalar, S16, 1136, "id", 1, 0
clutchUpState = scalar, S08, 1138, "", 1, 0
clutchDownState = scalar, S08, 1139, "", 1, 0
brakePedalState = scalar, S08, 1140, "", 1, 0
startStopState = scalar, S08, 1141, "", 1, 0
smartChipState = scalar, S08, 1142, "", 1, 0
smartChipRestartCounter = scalar, S08, 1143, "", 1, 0
smartChipAliveCounter = scalar, S08, 1144, "", 1, 0
startStopPhysicalState = bits, U32, 1148, [0:0]
acrActive = bits, U32, 1148, [1:1]
acrEngineMovedRecently = bits, U32, 1148, [2:2]
heaterControlEnabled = bits, U32, 1148, [3:3]
luaDigitalState0 = bits, U32, 1148, [4:4]
luaDigitalState1 = bits, U32, 1148, [5:5]
luaDigitalState2 = bits, U32, 1148, [6:6]
luaDigitalState3 = bits, U32, 1148, [7:7]
startStopStateToggleCounter = scalar, U32, 1152, "", 1, 0
luaSoftSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1156, "", 1, 0
luaHardSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1160, "", 1, 0
tractionControlSparkSkip = scalar, F32, 1164, "", 1, 0
desiredRpmLimit = scalar, S16, 1168, "rpm", 1, 0
fuelInjectionCounter = scalar, U32, 1172, "", 1, 0
globalSparkCounter = scalar, U32, 1176, "", 1, 0
fuelingLoad = scalar, F32, 1180, "", 1, 0
ignitionLoad = scalar, F32, 1184, "", 1, 0
veTableYAxis = scalar, U16, 1188, "%", 0.01, 0
overDwellCounter = scalar, U08, 1190, "", 1, 0
overDwellNotScheduledCounter = scalar, U08, 1191, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1192
tpsFrom = scalar, F32, 1192
tpsTo = scalar, F32, 1196
deltaTps = scalar, F32, 1200
extraFuel = scalar, F32, 1204, "", 1, 0
valueFromTable = scalar, F32, 1208, "", 1, 0
isAboveAccelThreshold = bits, U32, 1212, [0:0]
isBelowDecelThreshold = bits, U32, 1212, [1:1]
isTimeToResetAccumulator = bits, U32, 1212, [2:2]
isFractionalEnrichment = bits, U32, 1212, [3:3]
belowEpsilon = bits, U32, 1212, [4:4]
tooShort = bits, U32, 1212, [5:5]
fractionalInjFuel = scalar, F32, 1216, "", 1, 0
accumulatedValue = scalar, F32, 1220, "", 1, 0
maxExtraPerCycle = scalar, F32, 1224, "", 1, 0
maxExtraPerPeriod = scalar, F32, 1228, "", 1, 0
maxInjectedPerPeriod = scalar, F32, 1232, "", 1, 0
cycleCnt = scalar, S32, 1236, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1240
hwEventCounters1 = scalar, U32, 1240, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters2 = scalar, U32, 1244, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters3 = scalar, U32, 1248, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters4 = scalar, U32, 1252, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters5 = scalar, U32, 1256, "", 1, 0
hwEventCounters6 = scalar, U32, 1260, "", 1, 0
vvtCamCounter = scalar, U32, 1264, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_SPECIAL_POINT = scalar, F32, 1268, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_DIFF = scalar, F32, 1272, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_MAP_AT_CYCLE_COUNT = scalar, U08, 1276, "", 1, 0
mapVvt_map_peak = scalar, U08, 1277, "", 1, 0
currentEngineDecodedPhase = scalar, F32, 1280, "deg", 1, 0
triggerToothAngleError = scalar, F32, 1284, "deg", 1, 0
triggerIgnoredToothCount = scalar, U08, 1288, "", 1, 0
mapCamPrevToothAngle = scalar, F32, 1292, "deg", 1, 0
isDecodingMapCam = bits, U32, 1296, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1300
crankSynchronizationCounter0 = scalar, U32, 1300, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio0 = scalar, F32, 1304, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations00 = scalar, U32, 1308, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition0 = scalar, F32, 1312, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition10 = scalar, F32, 1316, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition20 = scalar, F32, 1320, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition30 = scalar, F32, 1324, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition40 = scalar, F32, 1328, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio0 = scalar, F32, 1332, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex0 = scalar, U08, 1336, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex0 = scalar, U08, 1337, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1340
crankSynchronizationCounter1 = scalar, U32, 1340, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio1 = scalar, F32, 1344, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations01 = scalar, U32, 1348, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition1 = scalar, F32, 1352, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition11 = scalar, F32, 1356, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition21 = scalar, F32, 1360, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition31 = scalar, F32, 1364, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition41 = scalar, F32, 1368, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio1 = scalar, F32, 1372, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex1 = scalar, U08, 1376, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex1 = scalar, U08, 1377, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1380
crankSynchronizationCounter2 = scalar, U32, 1380, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio2 = scalar, F32, 1384, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations02 = scalar, U32, 1388, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition2 = scalar, F32, 1392, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition12 = scalar, F32, 1396, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition22 = scalar, F32, 1400, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition32 = scalar, F32, 1404, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition42 = scalar, F32, 1408, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio2 = scalar, F32, 1412, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex2 = scalar, U08, 1416, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex2 = scalar, U08, 1417, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1420
crankSynchronizationCounter3 = scalar, U32, 1420, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio3 = scalar, F32, 1424, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations03 = scalar, U32, 1428, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition3 = scalar, F32, 1432, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition13 = scalar, F32, 1436, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition23 = scalar, F32, 1440, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition33 = scalar, F32, 1444, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition43 = scalar, F32, 1448, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio3 = scalar, F32, 1452, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex3 = scalar, U08, 1456, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex3 = scalar, U08, 1457, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1460
crankSynchronizationCounter4 = scalar, U32, 1460, "", 1, 0
vvtSyncGapRatio4 = scalar, F32, 1464, "", 1, 0
vvtToothDurations04 = scalar, U32, 1468, "us", 1, 0
vvtCurrentPosition4 = scalar, F32, 1472, "sync: Primary Cam Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition14 = scalar, F32, 1476, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition24 = scalar, F32, 1480, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition34 = scalar, F32, 1484, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
vvtToothPosition44 = scalar, F32, 1488, "sync: Cam Tooth Position", 1, 0
triggerSyncGapRatio4 = scalar, F32, 1492, "", 1, 0
triggerStateIndex4 = scalar, U08, 1496, "", 1, 0
vvtStateIndex4 = scalar, U08, 1497, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1500
wallFuelCorrection = scalar, F32, 1500, "", 1, 0
wallFuel = scalar, F32, 1504, "", 1, 0
camResyncCounter = scalar, U08, 1500, "", 1, 0
m_hasSynchronizedPhase = bits, U32, 1504, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1508
idleState = bits, S32, 1508, [0:2], "not important"
currentIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1512
baseIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1516
idleClosedLoop = scalar, F32, 1520
iacByTpsTaper = scalar, F32, 1524
throttlePedalUpState = scalar, S32, 1528, "", 1, 0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1532, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1532, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1532, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1532, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1532, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1532, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1532, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1532, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1532, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1532, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1532, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1532, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1532, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1532, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1532, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1532, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1532, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1536, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1540, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1544, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1548
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1552
; total TS size = 1556
idlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1556, "per", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1560, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1564, "per", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1568, "per", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1572
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1576, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1580, "%", 1, 0
etbCurrentAdjustedTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1584, "%", 1, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1588, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1588, [1:1]
etbDutyRateOfChange0 = scalar, F32, 1592, "per", 1,0
etbDutyAverage0 = scalar, F32, 1596, "per", 1,0
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1600, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1602, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1604, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1605, "", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1606, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1608
idlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1608, "per", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1612, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1616, "per", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1620, "per", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1624
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1628, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1632, "%", 1, 0
etbCurrentAdjustedTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1636, "%", 1, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1640, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1640, [1:1]
etbDutyRateOfChange1 = scalar, F32, 1644, "per", 1,0
etbDutyAverage1 = scalar, F32, 1648, "per", 1,0
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1652, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1654, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1656, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1657, "", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1658, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1660
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1660, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1661, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1662, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1664, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1666, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1668, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1672
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1672, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1673, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1674, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1676, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1678, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1680, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1684
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1684, "per", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1688, "per", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1692, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1696
value0 = scalar, U16, 1696, "value", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1698, "value", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1700, "ratio", 1,0
wallFuelCorrection = scalar, F32, 1508, "", 1, 0
wallFuel = scalar, F32, 1512, "", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1516
idleState = bits, S32, 1516, [0:2], "not important"
currentIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1520
baseIdlePosition = scalar, F32, 1524
idleClosedLoop = scalar, F32, 1528
iacByTpsTaper = scalar, F32, 1532
throttlePedalUpState = scalar, S32, 1536, "", 1, 0
mightResetPid = bits, U32, 1540, [0:0]
shouldResetPid = bits, U32, 1540, [1:1]
wasResetPid = bits, U32, 1540, [2:2]
mustResetPid = bits, U32, 1540, [3:3]
isCranking = bits, U32, 1540, [4:4]
isIacTableForCoasting = bits, U32, 1540, [5:5]
notIdling = bits, U32, 1540, [6:6]
needReset = bits, U32, 1540, [7:7]
isInDeadZone = bits, U32, 1540, [8:8]
isBlipping = bits, U32, 1540, [9:9]
useClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1540, [10:10]
badTps = bits, U32, 1540, [11:11]
looksLikeRunning = bits, U32, 1540, [12:12]
looksLikeCoasting = bits, U32, 1540, [13:13]
looksLikeCrankToIdle = bits, U32, 1540, [14:14]
isIdleCoasting = bits, U32, 1540, [15:15]
isIdleClosedLoop = bits, U32, 1540, [16:16]
idleTarget = scalar, S32, 1544, "", 1, 0
targetRpmByClt = scalar, S32, 1548, "", 1, 0
targetRpmAc = scalar, S32, 1552, "", 1, 0
iacByRpmTaper = scalar, F32, 1556
luaAdd = scalar, F32, 1560
; total TS size = 1564
idlePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1564, "per", 1,0
trim0 = scalar, F32, 1568, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment0 = scalar, F32, 1572, "per", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition0 = scalar, F32, 1576, "per", 1,0
etbFeedForward0 = scalar, F32, 1580
etbIntegralError0 = scalar, F32, 1584, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1588, "%", 1, 0
etbCurrentAdjustedTarget0 = scalar, F32, 1592, "%", 1, 0
etbRevLimitActive0 = bits, U32, 1596, [0:0]
jamDetected0 = bits, U32, 1596, [1:1]
etbDutyRateOfChange0 = scalar, F32, 1600, "per", 1,0
etbDutyAverage0 = scalar, F32, 1604, "per", 1,0
etbTpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1608, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter0 = scalar, U16, 1610, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode0 = scalar, S08, 1612, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop0 = scalar, S08, 1613, "", 1, 0
jamTimer0 = scalar, U16, 1614, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1616
idlePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1616, "per", 1,0
trim1 = scalar, F32, 1620, "", 1, 0
luaAdjustment1 = scalar, F32, 1624, "per", 1,0
m_wastegatePosition1 = scalar, F32, 1628, "per", 1,0
etbFeedForward1 = scalar, F32, 1632
etbIntegralError1 = scalar, F32, 1636, "", 1, 0
etbCurrentTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1640, "%", 1, 0
etbCurrentAdjustedTarget1 = scalar, F32, 1644, "%", 1, 0
etbRevLimitActive1 = bits, U32, 1648, [0:0]
jamDetected1 = bits, U32, 1648, [1:1]
etbDutyRateOfChange1 = scalar, F32, 1652, "per", 1,0
etbDutyAverage1 = scalar, F32, 1656, "per", 1,0
etbTpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1660, "count", 1,0
etbPpsErrorCounter1 = scalar, U16, 1662, "count", 1,0
etbErrorCode1 = scalar, S08, 1664, "", 1, 0
tcEtbDrop1 = scalar, S08, 1665, "", 1, 0
jamTimer1 = scalar, U16, 1666, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1668
faultCode0 = scalar, U08, 1668, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1669, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty0 = scalar, U08, 1670, "%", 1, 0
tempC0 = scalar, U16, 1672, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage0 = scalar, U16, 1674, "V", 0.001, 0
esr0 = scalar, U16, 1676, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1680
faultCode1 = scalar, U08, 1680, "", 1, 0
heaterDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1681, "%", 1, 0
pumpDuty1 = scalar, U08, 1682, "%", 1, 0
tempC1 = scalar, U16, 1684, "C", 1, 0
nernstVoltage1 = scalar, U16, 1686, "V", 0.001, 0
esr1 = scalar, U16, 1688, "ohm", 1, 0
; total TS size = 1692
dcOutput0 = scalar, F32, 1692, "per", 1,0
isEnabled0_int = scalar, U08, 1696, "per", 1,0
isEnabled0 = bits, U32, 1700, [0:0]
; total TS size = 1704
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1704, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1706, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1708
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1708, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1708, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1712, "sec", 0.01, 0
value0 = scalar, U16, 1704, "value", 1,0
value1 = scalar, U16, 1706, "value", 1,0
errorRate = scalar, F32, 1708, "ratio", 1,0
; total TS size = 1712
vvtTarget = scalar, U16, 1712, "deg", 0.1, 0
vvtOutput = scalar, U08, 1714, "%", 0.5, 0
; total TS size = 1716
lambdaCurrentlyGood = bits, U32, 1716, [0:0]
lambdaMonitorCut = bits, U32, 1716, [1:1]
lambdaTimeSinceGood = scalar, U16, 1720, "sec", 0.01, 0
; total TS size = 1724
time = { timeNow }
@ -5560,6 +5565,8 @@ entry = enabledForAc0, "enabledForAc0", int, "%d"
entry = hot0, "hot0", int, "%d"
entry = cold0, "cold0", int, "%d"
entry = disabledBySpeed0, "disabledBySpeed0", int, "%d"
entry = tempAlive0, "tempAlive0", int, "%d"
entry = tempCode0, "tempCode0", int, "%d"
entry = cranking1, "cranking1", int, "%d"
entry = notRunning1, "notRunning1", int, "%d"
entry = disabledWhileEngineStopped1, "disabledWhileEngineStopped1", int, "%d"
@ -5568,6 +5575,8 @@ entry = enabledForAc1, "enabledForAc1", int, "%d"
entry = hot1, "hot1", int, "%d"
entry = cold1, "cold1", int, "%d"
entry = disabledBySpeed1, "disabledBySpeed1", int, "%d"
entry = tempAlive1, "tempAlive1", int, "%d"
entry = tempCode1, "tempCode1", int, "%d"
entry = isPrime, "isPrime", int, "%d"
entry = engineTurnedRecently, "engineTurnedRecently", int, "%d"
entry = isFuelPumpOn, "isFuelPumpOn", int, "%d"
@ -6524,6 +6533,9 @@ indicatorPanel = fan_control0IndicatorPanel, 2
dialog = fan_control0Dialog, "fan_control0"
panel = fan_control0IndicatorPanel
liveGraph = fan_control0_1_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = tempAlive0
graphLine = tempCode0
indicatorPanel = fan_control1IndicatorPanel, 2
indicator = {cranking1}, "cranking No", "cranking Yes"
@ -6537,6 +6549,9 @@ indicatorPanel = fan_control1IndicatorPanel, 2
dialog = fan_control1Dialog, "fan_control1"
panel = fan_control1IndicatorPanel
liveGraph = fan_control1_1_Graph, "Graph", South
graphLine = tempAlive1
graphLine = tempCode1
indicatorPanel = fuel_pump_controlIndicatorPanel, 2
indicator = {isPrime}, "isPrime No", "isPrime Yes"
@ -8288,6 +8303,7 @@ dialog = lambda_monitorDialog, "lambda_monitor"
field = "Require Foot On Brake To Crank", requireFootOnBrakeToCrank
field = "Start/Stop Button input", startStopButtonPin
field = "Start/Stop Button input mode", startStopButtonMode
field = "Start Button", startRequestPinInverted
field = "Starter Control", starterControlPin, { starterControlPin != 0 || startStopButtonPin != 0}
field = "Start cranking maximum time", startCrankingDuration, {startStopButtonPin != 0}
field = "Suppress On Start Up (Ms)", startButtonSuppressOnStartUpMs, {startStopButtonPin != 0}
@ -9175,7 +9191,9 @@ dialog = tcuControls, "Transmission Settings"
commandButton = "Fuel Bench", cmd_set_engine_type_FUEL_BENCH
commandButton = "Fuel Bench", cmd_set_engine_type_FUEL_BENCH