@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ enable2ndByteCanID = false
; https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36201#p36201
; https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36201#p36201
signature = "rusEFI main.2024.09.24.XYZ.1266360603"
signature = "rusEFI main.2024.09.25.XYZ.50302499"
queryCommand = "S"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature= "rusEFI main.2024.09.24.XYZ.1266360603" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
signature= "rusEFI main.2024.09.25.XYZ.50302499" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
@ -2027,7 +2027,7 @@ boardSpecificCalibration1 = scalar, S32, 22968, "", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
launchSmoothRetard = "Interpolates the Ignition Retard from 0 to 100% within the RPM Range"
launchSmoothRetard = "Interpolates the Ignition Retard from 0 to 100% within the RPM Range"
isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition = "Some engines are OK running semi-random sequential while other engine require phase synchronization"
isPhaseSyncRequiredForIgnition = "Some engines are OK running semi-random sequential while other engine require phase synchronization"
useCltBasedRpmLimit = "If enabled, use a curve for RPM limit (based on coolant temperature) instead of a constant value."
useCltBasedRpmLimit = "If enabled, use a curve for RPM limit (based on coolant temperature) instead of a constant value."
forceO2Heating = "If enabled, don't wait for engine start to heat O2 sensors. WARNING: this will reduce the life of your sensor, as condensation in the exhaust from a cold start can crack the sensing element."
forceO2Heating = "If enabled, don't wait for engine start to heat O2 sensors.\nWARNING: this will reduce the life of your sensor, as condensation in the exhaust from a cold start can crack the sensing element."
invertVvtControlIntake = "If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'."
invertVvtControlIntake = "If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'."
invertVvtControlExhaust = "If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'."
invertVvtControlExhaust = "If increased VVT duty cycle increases the indicated VVT angle, set this to 'advance'. If it decreases, set this to 'retard'. Most intake cams use 'advance', and most exhaust cams use 'retard'."
sdTriggerLog = "'Trigger' mode will write a high speed log of trigger events (warning: uses lots of space!). 'Normal' mode will write a standard MLG of sensors, engine function, etc. similar to the one captured in TunerStudio."
sdTriggerLog = "'Trigger' mode will write a high speed log of trigger events (warning: uses lots of space!). 'Normal' mode will write a standard MLG of sensors, engine function, etc. similar to the one captured in TunerStudio."
@ -3549,7 +3549,7 @@ unusedAtTheExtraEnd92 = scalar, U08, 1851, "", 1, 0
egoCorrectionForVeAnalyze = { 100 + fuelPidCorrection1 }
egoCorrectionForVeAnalyze = { 100 + fuelPidCorrection1 }
wbo0_hasFault = { enableAemXSeries && (faultCode0 >= 3) }
wbo0_hasFault = { enableAemXSeries && ((faultCode0 >= 3) && (faultCode0 != 7)) }
fuelUnits = bits, U08, [0:2], "kPa", "MAF", "%TPS", "Lua"
fuelUnits = bits, U08, [0:2], "kPa", "MAF", "%TPS", "Lua"
@ -8358,15 +8358,49 @@ dialog = lambda_monitorDialog, "lambda_monitor"
dialog = egoSettings_IO2, "O2 Sensor 2 I/O"
dialog = egoSettings_IO2, "O2 Sensor 2 I/O"
field = "Input channel", afr_hwChannel2
field = "Input channel", afr_hwChannel2
indicatorPanel = uegoCan0Indicators, 1, { enableAemXSeries == 1 }
indicator = { faultCode0 == 7 }, "RusEFI WBO", "AEM Gauge", green, black, yellow, black
indicatorPanel = uegoCan1Indicators, 1, { enableAemXSeries == 1 }
indicator = { faultCode1 == 7 }, "RusEFI WBO", "AEM Gauge", green, black, yellow, black
indicatorPanel = uegoCan0IndicatorsExt, 1, { enableAemXSeries == 1 && faultCode0 != 7 }
indicator = { faultCode0 == 0 || faultCode0 == 7 }, "Failed", "Ready/Ok", red, black, green, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 2 }, "Heating allowed", "Heating prohibited", green, black, yellow, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 1 }, "Communication ok", "Timeout reading", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 3 }, "No heating failure", "Heating failed", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 4 }, "No overheat", "Overheat", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 5 }, "No underheat", "Underheat", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode0 == 6 }, "Heater supply ok", "No heater supply", green, black, yellow, black
indicatorPanel = uegoCan1IndicatorsExt, 1, { enableAemXSeries == 1 && faultCode1 != 7 }
indicator = { faultCode1 == 0 || faultCode1 == 7 }, "Failed", "Ready/Ok", red, black, green, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 2 }, "Heating allowed", "Heating prohibited", green, black, yellow, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 1 }, "Communication ok", "Timeout reading", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 3 }, "No heating failure", "Heating failed", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 4 }, "No overheat", "Overheat", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 5 }, "No underheat", "Underheat", green, black, red, black
indicator = { faultCode1 == 6 }, "Heater supply ok", "No heater supply", green, black, yellow, black
dialog = uegoCanStatus, "CAN UEGO 1, 2 Status", border
panel = uegoCan0Indicators, West
panel = uegoCan1Indicators, East
dialog = uegoCanStatusExt, "CAN UEGO 1, 2 Extended Status", border
panel = uegoCan0IndicatorsExt, West
panel = uegoCan1IndicatorsExt, East
dialog = uegoCan, "CAN UEGO/wideband O2"
dialog = uegoCan, "CAN UEGO/wideband O2"
field = "Support for AEM or RusEFI CAN UEGO"
field = "Support for AEM or RusEFI CAN UEGO"
field = "Enable CAN Wideband", enableAemXSeries, { canReadEnabled }
field = "Enable CAN Wideband", enableAemXSeries, { canReadEnabled }
field = "Wideband CAN bus", widebandOnSecondBus
field = "Wideband CAN bus", widebandOnSecondBus
field = flipWboChannels, flipWboChannels
field = "Swap channels 1 and 2", flipWboChannels, flipWboChannels
field = "Force O2 sensor heating", forceO2Heating
field = "Force O2 sensor heating", forceO2Heating
dialog = egoSettings, "", yAxis
dialog = egoSettings, "", yAxis
panel = uegoCan
panel = uegoCan
panel = uegoCanStatus, { enableAemXSeries == 1 }
panel = uegoCanStatusExt, { enableAemXSeries == 1 }
panel = egoSettings_IO1
panel = egoSettings_IO1
panel = egoSettings_IO2, {afr_hwChannel != 0 && enableAemXSeries == 0}
panel = egoSettings_IO2, {afr_hwChannel != 0 && enableAemXSeries == 0}
panel = egoSettings_sensor, {afr_hwChannel != 0 && enableAemXSeries == 0}
panel = egoSettings_sensor, {afr_hwChannel != 0 && enableAemXSeries == 0}