#!/usr/bin/env python """This file handles the writing of the scoring lines Gerber file -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. See http://www.fsf.org for details of the license. Rugged Circuits LLC http://ruggedcircuits.com/gerbmerge """ import config import util import makestroke # Add a horizontal line if its within the extents of the panel. Also, trim # start and/or end points to the extents. def addHorizontalLine(Lines, x1, x2, y, extents): assert (x1 < x2) # For a horizontal line, y must be above extents[1] and below extents[3]. if extents[1] < y < extents[3]: # Now trim endpoints to be greater than extents[0] and below extents[2] line = (max(extents[0], x1), y, min(extents[2], x2), y) Lines.append(line) # Add a vertical line if its within the extents of the panel. Also, trim # start and/or end points to the extents. def addVerticalLine(Lines, x, y1, y2, extents): assert (y1 < y2) # For a vertical line, x must be above extents[0] and below extents[2]. if extents[0] < x < extents[2]: # Now trim endpoints to be greater than extents[1] and below extents[3] line = (x, max(extents[1], y1), x, min(extents[3], y2)) Lines.append(line) def isHorizontal(line): return line[1]==line[3] def isVertical(line): return line[0]==line[2] def clusterOrdinates(values): """Create a list of tuples where each tuple is a variable-length list of items from 'values' that are all within 2 mils of each other.""" # First, make sure the values are sorted. Then, take the first one and go along # the list clustering as many as possible. values.sort() currCluster = None L = [] for val in values: if currCluster is None: currCluster = (val,) else: if (val - currCluster[0]) <= 0.002: currCluster = currCluster + (val,) else: L.append(currCluster) currCluster = (val,) if currCluster is not None: L.append(currCluster) return L def mergeHLines(Lines): """Lines is a list of 4-tuples (lines) that have nearly the same Y ordinate and are to be optimized by combining overlapping lines.""" # First, make sure lines are sorted by starting X ordinate and that all lines # proceed to the right. Lines.sort() for line in Lines: assert line[0] < line[2] # Obtain the average value of the Y ordinate and use that as the Y ordinate for # all lines. yavg = 0.0 for line in Lines: yavg += line[1] yavg /= len(Lines) NewLines = [] # Now proceed to pick off one line at a time and try to merge it with # the next one in sequence. currLine = None for line in Lines: if currLine is None: currLine = line else: # If the line to examine starts to the left of (within 0.002") the end # of the current line, extend the current line. if line[0] <= currLine[2]+0.002: currLine = (currLine[0], yavg, max(line[2],currLine[2]), yavg) else: NewLines.append(currLine) currLine = line NewLines.append(currLine) return NewLines def sortByY(A,B): "Helper function to sort two lines (4-tuples) by their starting Y ordinate" return cmp(A[1], B[1]) def mergeVLines(Lines): """Lines is a list of 4-tuples (lines) that have nearly the same X ordinate and are to be optimized by combining overlapping lines.""" # First, make sure lines are sorted by starting Y ordinate and that all lines # proceed up. Lines.sort(sortByY) for line in Lines: assert line[1] < line[3] # Obtain the average value of the X ordinate and use that as the X ordinate for # all lines. xavg = 0.0 for line in Lines: xavg += line[0] xavg /= len(Lines) NewLines = [] # Now proceed to pick off one line at a time and try to merge it with # the next one in sequence. currLine = None for line in Lines: if currLine is None: currLine = line else: # If the line to examine starts below (within 0.002") the end # of the current line, extend the current line. if line[1] <= currLine[3]+0.002: currLine = (xavg, currLine[1], xavg, max(line[3],currLine[3])) else: NewLines.append(currLine) currLine = line NewLines.append(currLine) return NewLines def mergeLines(Lines): # All lines extend up (vertical) and to the right (horizontal). First, do # simple merges. Sort all lines, which will order the lines with starting # points in increasing X order (i.e., to the right). Lines.sort() # Now sort the lines into horizontal lines and vertical lines. For each # ordinate, group all lines by that ordinate in a dictionary. Thus, all # horizontal lines will be grouped together by Y ordinate, and all # vertical lines will be grouped together by X ordinate. HLines = {} VLines = {} for line in Lines: if isHorizontal(line): try: HLines[line[1]].append(line) except KeyError: HLines[line[1]] = [line] else: try: VLines[line[0]].append(line) except KeyError: VLines[line[0]] = [line] # I don't think the next two blocks of code are necessary (merging lines # that are at exactly the same ordinate) since the last two blocks of # code do the same thing more generically by merging lines at close-enough # ordinates. # Extend horizontal lines NewHLines = {} for yval,lines in list(HLines.items()): # yval is the Y ordinate of this group of lines. lines is the set of all # lines with this Y ordinate. NewHLines[yval] = [] # Try to extend the first element of this list, which will be the leftmost. xline = lines[0] for line in lines[1:]: # If this line's left edge is within 2 mil of the right edge of the line # we're currently trying to grow, then grow it. if abs(line[0] - xline[2]) <= 0.002: # Arbitrary 2mil? # Extend... xline = (xline[0], xline[1], line[2], xline[1]) else: # ...otherwise, append the currently-extended line and make this # line the new one we try to extend. NewHLines[yval].append(xline) xline = line NewHLines[yval].append(xline) # Extend vertical lines NewVLines = {} for xval,lines in list(VLines.items()): # xval is the X ordinate of this group of lines. lines is the set of all # lines with this X ordinate. NewVLines[xval] = [] # Try to extend the first element of this list, which will be the bottom-most. xline = lines[0] for line in lines[1:]: # If this line's bottom edge is within 2 mil of the top edge of the line # we're currently trying to grow, then grow it. if abs(line[1] - xline[3]) <= 0.002: # Arbitrary 2mil? # Extend... xline = (xline[0], xline[1], xline[0], line[3]) else: # ...otherwise, append the currently-extended line and make this # line the new one we try to extend. NewVLines[xval].append(xline) xline = line NewVLines[xval].append(xline) HLines = NewHLines VLines = NewVLines NewHLines = [] NewVLines = [] # Now combine lines that have their endpoints either very near each other # or within each other. We will have to sort all horizontal lines by their # Y ordinates and group them according to Y ordinates that are close enough # to each other. yvals = list(HLines.keys()) clusters = clusterOrdinates(yvals) # A list of clustered tuples containing yvals for cluster in clusters: clusterLines = [] for yval in cluster: clusterLines.extend(HLines[yval]) # clusterLines is now a list of lines (4-tuples) that all have nearly the same # Y ordinate. Merge them together. NewHLines.extend(mergeHLines(clusterLines)) xvals = list(VLines.keys()) clusters = clusterOrdinates(xvals) for cluster in clusters: clusterLines = [] for xval in cluster: clusterLines.extend(VLines[xval]) # clusterLines is now a list of lines (4-tuples) that all have nearly the same # X ordinate. Merge them together. NewVLines.extend(mergeVLines(clusterLines)) Lines = NewHLines + NewVLines return Lines # Main entry point. Gerber file has already been opened, header written # out, 1mil tool selected. def writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent): # For each job, write out 4 score lines, above, to the right, below, and # to the left. After we collect all potential scoring lines, we worry # about merging, etc. dx = config.Config['xspacing']/2.0 dy = config.Config['yspacing']/2.0 extents = (OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) Lines = [] for layout in Place.jobs: x = layout.x - dx y = layout.y - dy X = layout.x + layout.width_in() + dx Y = layout.y + layout.height_in() + dy # Just so we don't get 3.75000000004 and 3.75000000009, we round to # 2.5 limits. x,y,X,Y = [round(val,5) for val in [x,y,X,Y]] if 0: # Scoring lines go all the way across the panel now addHorizontalLine(Lines, x, X, Y, extents) # above job addVerticalLine(Lines, X, y, Y, extents) # to the right of job addHorizontalLine(Lines, x, X, y, extents) # below job addVerticalLine(Lines, x, y, Y, extents) # to the left of job else: addHorizontalLine(Lines, OriginX, MaxXExtent, Y, extents) # above job addVerticalLine(Lines, X, OriginY, MaxYExtent, extents) # to the right of job addHorizontalLine(Lines, OriginX, MaxXExtent, y, extents) # below job addVerticalLine(Lines, x, OriginY, MaxYExtent, extents) # to the left of job # Combine disparate lines into single lines Lines = mergeLines(Lines) #for line in Lines: # print [round(x,3) for x in line] # Write 'em out for line in Lines: makestroke.drawPolyline(fid, [(util.in2gerb(line[0]),util.in2gerb(line[1])), \ (util.in2gerb(line[2]),util.in2gerb(line[3]))], 0, 0) # vim: expandtab ts=2 sw=2 ai syntax=python