#!/usr/bin/env python """ Merge several RS274X (Gerber) files generated by Eagle into a single job. This program expects that each separate job has at least three files: - a board outline (RS274X) - data layers (copper, silkscreen, etc. in RS274X format) - an Excellon drill file Furthermore, it is expected that each job was generated by Eagle using the GERBER_RS274X plotter, except for the drill file which was generated by the EXCELLON plotter. This program places all jobs into a single job. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. See http://www.fsf.org for details of the license. Rugged Circuits LLC http://ruggedcircuits.com/gerbmerge """ import sys import os import getopt import re import aptable import jobs import config import parselayout import fabdrawing import strokes import tiling import tilesearch1 import tilesearch2 import placement import schwartz import util import scoring import drillcluster VERSION_MAJOR=1 VERSION_MINOR='9b' RANDOM_SEARCH = 1 EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH = 2 FROM_FILE = 3 config.AutoSearchType = RANDOM_SEARCH config.RandomSearchExhaustiveJobs = 2 config.PlacementFile = None # This is a handle to a GUI front end, if any, else None for command-line usage GUI = None def usage(): print \ """ Usage: gerbmerge [Options] configfile [layoutfile] Options: -h, --help -- This help summary -v, --version -- Program version and contact information -s, --skipdisclaimer -- Skip disclaimer dialog --random-search -- Automatic placement using random search (default) --full-search -- Automatic placement using exhaustive search --place-file=fn -- Read placement from file --rs-fsjobs=N -- When using random search, exhaustively search N jobs for each random placement (default: N=2) --search-timeout=T -- When using random search, search for T seconds for best random placement (default: T=0, search until stopped) --no-trim-gerber -- Do not attempt to trim Gerber data to extents of board --no-trim-excellon -- Do not attempt to trim Excellon data to extents of board --octagons=fmt -- Generate octagons in two different styles depending on the value of 'fmt': fmt is 'rotate' : 0.0 rotation fmt is 'normal' : 22.5 rotation (default) If a layout file is not specified, automatic placement is performed. If the placement is read from a file, then no automatic placement is performed and the layout file (if any) is ignored. NOTE: The dimensions of each job are determined solely by the maximum extent of the board outline layer for each job. """ sys.exit(1) # changed these two writeGerberHeader files to take metric units (mm) into account: def writeGerberHeader22degrees(fid): if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': fid.write( \ """G75* G70* %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,22.5* % """) else: # assume mm - also remove eagleware hack for %AMOC8 fid.write( \ """G75* G71* %MOMM*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX53Y53*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% """) def writeGerberHeader0degrees(fid): if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': fid.write( \ """G75* G70* %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX25Y25*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% %AMOC8* 5,1,8,0,0,1.08239X$1,0.0* % """) else: # assume mm - also remove eagleware hack for %AMOC8 fid.write( \ """G75* G71* %MOMM*% %OFA0B0*% %FSLAX53Y53*% %IPPOS*% %LPD*% """) writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees def writeApertureMacros(fid, usedDict): keys = config.GAMT.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: if key in usedDict: config.GAMT[key].writeDef(fid) def writeApertures(fid, usedDict): keys = config.GAT.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: if key in usedDict: config.GAT[key].writeDef(fid) def writeGerberFooter(fid): fid.write('M02*\n') def writeExcellonHeader(fid): if config.Config['measurementunits'] != 'inch': # metric - mm fid.write( \ """M48 METRIC,0000.00 """) fid.write('%\n') def writeExcellonFooter(fid): fid.write('M30\n') def writeExcellonTool(fid, tool, size): fid.write('%sC%f\n' % (tool, size)) def writeFiducials(fid, drawcode, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent): """Place fiducials at arbitrary points. The FiducialPoints list in the config specifies sets of X,Y co-ordinates. Positive values of X/Y represent offsets from the lower left of the panel. Negative values of X/Y represent offsets from the top right. So: FiducialPoints = 0.125,0.125,-0.125,-0.125 means to put a fiducial 0.125,0.125 from the lower left and 0.125,0.125 from the top right""" fid.write('%s*\n' % drawcode) # Choose drawing aperture fList = config.Config['fiducialpoints'].split(',') for i in range(0, len(fList), 2): x,y = float(fList[i]), float(fList[i+1]) if x>=0: x += OriginX else: x = MaxXExtent + x if y>=0: y += OriginX else: y = MaxYExtent + y fid.write('X%07dY%07dD03*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x), util.in2gerb(y))) def writeCropMarks(fid, drawing_code, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent): """Add corner crop marks on the given layer""" # Draw 125mil lines at each corner, with line edge right up against # panel border. This means the center of the line is D/2 offset # from the panel border, where D is the drawing line diameter. # use 3mm lines for metric fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code) # Choose drawing aperture offset = config.GAT[drawing_code].dimx/2.0 # should we be using 'cropmarkwidth' from config.py? if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': cropW = 0.125 #inch else: cropW = 3 #mm # Lower-left x = OriginX + offset y = OriginY + offset fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+cropW), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+cropW))) # Lower-right x = MaxXExtent - offset y = OriginY + offset fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+cropW))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x-cropW), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) # Upper-right x = MaxXExtent - offset y = MaxYExtent - offset fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x-cropW), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y-cropW))) # Upper-left x = OriginX + offset y = MaxYExtent - offset fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y-cropW))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+0.000), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(x+cropW), util.in2gerb(y+0.000))) def disclaimer(): if (config.Config['skipdisclaimer'] > 0): # remove annoying disclaimer return print """ **************************************************** * R E A D C A R E F U L L Y * * * * This program comes with no warranty. You use * * this program at your own risk. Do not submit * * board files for manufacture until you have * * thoroughly inspected the output of this program * * using a previewing program such as: * * * * Windows: * * - GC-Prevue * * - ViewMate * * * * Linux: * * - gerbv * * * * By using this program you agree to take full * * responsibility for the correctness of the data * * that is generated by this program. * **************************************************** To agree to the above terms, press 'y' then Enter. Any other key will exit the program. """ s = raw_input() if s == 'y': print return print "\nExiting..." sys.exit(0) def tile_jobs(Jobs): """Take a list of raw Job objects and find best tiling by calling tile_search""" # We must take the raw jobs and construct a list of 4-tuples (Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob). # This means we must construct a rotated job for each entry. We first sort all # jobs from largest to smallest. This should give us the best tilings first so # we can interrupt the tiling process and get a decent layout. L = [] #sortJobs = schwartz.schwartz(Jobs, jobs.Job.jobarea) sortJobs = schwartz.schwartz(Jobs, jobs.Job.maxdimension) sortJobs.reverse() for job in sortJobs: Xdim = job.width_in() Ydim = job.height_in() rjob = jobs.rotateJob(job, 90) ##NOTE: This will only try 90 degree rotations though 180 & 270 are available for count in range(job.Repeat): L.append( (Xdim,Ydim,job,rjob) ) PX,PY = config.Config['panelwidth'],config.Config['panelheight'] if config.AutoSearchType==RANDOM_SEARCH: tile = tilesearch2.tile_search2(L, PX, PY) else: tile = tilesearch1.tile_search1(L, PX, PY) if not tile: # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch) if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': raise RuntimeError, 'Panel size %.2f"x%.2f" is too small to hold jobs' % (PX,PY) else: raise RuntimeError, 'Panel size %.2fmmx%.2fmm is too small to hold jobs' % (PX,PY) return tile def merge(opts, args, gui = None): writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees global GUI GUI = gui skipDisclaimer = 0 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('--octagons',): if arg=='rotate': writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader0degrees elif arg=='normal': writeGerberHeader = writeGerberHeader22degrees else: raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown octagon format' elif opt in ('--random-search',): config.AutoSearchType = RANDOM_SEARCH elif opt in ('--full-search',): config.AutoSearchType = EXHAUSTIVE_SEARCH elif opt in ('--rs-fsjobs',): config.RandomSearchExhaustiveJobs = int(arg) elif opt in ('--search-timeout',): config.SearchTimeout = int(arg) elif opt in ('--place-file',): config.AutoSearchType = FROM_FILE config.PlacementFile = arg elif opt in ('--no-trim-gerber',): config.TrimGerber = 0 elif opt in ('--no-trim-excellon',): config.TrimExcellon = 0 elif opt in ('-s', '--skipdisclaimer'): skipDisclaimer = 1 else: raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option: %s" % opt if len(args) > 2 or len(args) < 1: raise RuntimeError, 'Invalid number of arguments' if (skipDisclaimer == 0): disclaimer() # Load up the Jobs global dictionary, also filling out GAT, the # global aperture table and GAMT, the global aperture macro table. updateGUI("Reading job files...") config.parseConfigFile(args[0]) # Force all X and Y coordinates positive by adding absolute value of minimum X and Y for name, job in config.Jobs.iteritems(): min_x, min_y = job.mincoordinates() shift_x = shift_y = 0 if min_x < 0: shift_x = abs(min_x) if min_y < 0: shift_y = abs(min_y) if (shift_x > 0) or (shift_y > 0): job.fixcoordinates( shift_x, shift_y ) # Display job properties for job in config.Jobs.values(): print 'Job %s:' % job.name, if job.Repeat > 1: print '(%d instances)' % job.Repeat else: print print ' Extents: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)' % (job.minx,job.miny,job.maxx,job.maxy) # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch) if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': print ' Size: %f" x %f"' % (job.width_in(), job.height_in()) else: print ' Size: %5.3fmm x %5.3fmm' % (job.width_in(), job.height_in()) print # Trim drill locations and flash data to board extents if config.TrimExcellon: updateGUI("Trimming Excellon data...") print 'Trimming Excellon data to board outlines ...' for job in config.Jobs.values(): job.trimExcellon() if config.TrimGerber: updateGUI("Trimming Gerber data...") print 'Trimming Gerber data to board outlines ...' for job in config.Jobs.values(): job.trimGerber() # We start origin at (0.1", 0.1") just so we don't get numbers close to 0 # which could trip up Excellon leading-0 elimination. # I don't want to change the origin. If this a code bug, then it should be fixed (SDD) OriginX = OriginY = 0 #0.1 # Read the layout file and construct the nested list of jobs. If there # is no layout file, do auto-layout. updateGUI("Performing layout...") print 'Performing layout ...' if len(args) > 1: Layout = parselayout.parseLayoutFile(args[1]) # Do the layout, updating offsets for each component job. X = OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'] Y = OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin'] for row in Layout: row.setPosition(X, Y) Y += row.height_in() + config.Config['yspacing'] # Construct a canonical placement from the layout Place = placement.Placement() Place.addFromLayout(Layout) del Layout elif config.AutoSearchType == FROM_FILE: Place = placement.Placement() Place.addFromFile(config.PlacementFile, config.Jobs) else: # Do an automatic layout based on our tiling algorithm. tile = tile_jobs(config.Jobs.values()) Place = placement.Placement() Place.addFromTiling(tile, OriginX + config.Config['leftmargin'], OriginY + config.Config['bottommargin']) (MaxXExtent,MaxYExtent) = Place.extents() MaxXExtent += config.Config['rightmargin'] MaxYExtent += config.Config['topmargin'] # Start printing out the Gerbers. In preparation for drawing cut marks # and crop marks, make sure we have an aperture to draw with. Use a 10mil line. # If we're doing a fabrication drawing, we'll need a 1mil line. OutputFiles = [] try: fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['placement'] except KeyError: fullname = 'merged.placement.txt' Place.write(fullname) OutputFiles.append(fullname) # For cut lines AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cutlinewidth']) drawing_code_cut = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP) if drawing_code_cut is None: drawing_code_cut = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP) # For crop marks AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['cropmarkwidth']) drawing_code_crop = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP) if drawing_code_crop is None: drawing_code_crop = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP) # For fiducials drawing_code_fiducial_copper = drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = None if config.Config['fiducialpoints']: AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialcopperdiameter']) drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP) if drawing_code_fiducial_copper is None: drawing_code_fiducial_copper = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP) AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', config.Config['fiducialmaskdiameter']) drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP) if drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask is None: drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP) # For fabrication drawing. AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D??', 0.001) drawing_code1 = aptable.findInApertureTable(AP) if drawing_code1 is None: drawing_code1 = aptable.addToApertureTable(AP) updateGUI("Writing merged files...") print 'Writing merged output files ...' for layername in config.LayerList.keys(): lname = layername if lname[0]=='*': lname = lname[1:] try: fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles[layername] except KeyError: fullname = 'merged.%s.ger' % lname OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') writeGerberHeader(fid) # Determine which apertures and macros are truly needed apUsedDict = {} apmUsedDict = {} for job in Place.jobs: apd, apmd = job.aperturesAndMacros(layername) apUsedDict.update(apd) apmUsedDict.update(apmd) # Increase aperature sizes to match minimum feature dimension if config.MinimumFeatureDimension.has_key(layername): print ' Thickening', lname, 'feature dimensions ...' # Fix each aperture used in this layer for ap in apUsedDict.keys(): new = config.GAT[ap].getAdjusted( config.MinimumFeatureDimension[layername] ) if not new: ## current aperture size met minimum requirement continue else: ## new aperture was created new_code = aptable.findOrAddAperture(new) ## get name of existing aperture or create new one if needed del apUsedDict[ap] ## the old aperture is no longer used in this layer apUsedDict[new_code] = None ## the new aperture will be used in this layer # Replace all references to the old aperture with the new one for joblayout in Place.jobs: job = joblayout.job ##access job inside job layout temp = [] if job.hasLayer(layername): for x in job.commands[layername]: if x == ap: temp.append(new_code) ## replace old aperture with new one else: temp.append(x) ## keep old command job.commands[layername] = temp if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']): apUsedDict[drawing_code_cut]=None if config.Config['cropmarklayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']): apUsedDict[drawing_code_crop]=None if config.Config['fiducialpoints']: if ((layername=='*toplayer') or (layername=='*bottomlayer')): apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_copper] = None elif ((layername=='*topsoldermask') or (layername=='*bottomsoldermask')): apUsedDict[drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask] = None # Write only necessary macro and aperture definitions to Gerber file writeApertureMacros(fid, apmUsedDict) writeApertures(fid, apUsedDict) #for row in Layout: # row.writeGerber(fid, layername) # # Do cut lines # if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']): # fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_cut) # Choose drawing aperture # row.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) # Finally, write actual flash data for job in Place.jobs: updateGUI("Writing merged output files...") job.writeGerber(fid, layername) if config.Config['cutlinelayers'] and (layername in config.Config['cutlinelayers']): fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code_cut) # Choose drawing aperture job.writeCutLines(fid, drawing_code_cut, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) if config.Config['cropmarklayers']: if layername in config.Config['cropmarklayers']: writeCropMarks(fid, drawing_code_crop, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) if config.Config['fiducialpoints']: if ((layername=='*toplayer') or (layername=='*bottomlayer')): writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_copper, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) elif ((layername=='*topsoldermask') or (layername=='*bottomsoldermask')): writeFiducials(fid, drawing_code_fiducial_soldermask, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) writeGerberFooter(fid) fid.close() # Write board outline layer if selected fullname = config.Config['outlinelayerfile'] if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none": OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') writeGerberHeader(fid) # Write width-1 aperture to file # add metric support if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001) else: AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.25) # we'll use 0.25 mm - same as Diptrace AP.writeDef(fid) # Choose drawing aperture D10 fid.write('D10*\n') # Draw the rectangle fid.write('X%07dY%07dD02*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY))) # Bottom-left fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent))) # Top-left fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(MaxYExtent))) # Top-right fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(MaxXExtent), util.in2gerb(OriginY))) # Bottom-right fid.write('X%07dY%07dD01*\n' % (util.in2gerb(OriginX), util.in2gerb(OriginY))) # Bottom-left writeGerberFooter(fid) fid.close() # Write scoring layer if selected fullname = config.Config['scoringfile'] if fullname and fullname.lower() != "none": OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') writeGerberHeader(fid) # Write width-1 aperture to file AP = aptable.Aperture(aptable.Circle, 'D10', 0.001) AP.writeDef(fid) # Choose drawing aperture D10 fid.write('D10*\n') # Draw the scoring lines scoring.writeScoring(fid, Place, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) writeGerberFooter(fid) fid.close() # Get a list of all tools used by merging keys from each job's dictionary # of tools. if 0: Tools = {} for job in config.Jobs.values(): for key in job.xcommands.keys(): Tools[key] = 1 Tools = Tools.keys() Tools.sort() else: toolNum = 0 # First construct global mapping of diameters to tool numbers for job in config.Jobs.values(): for tool,diam in job.xdiam.items(): if config.GlobalToolRMap.has_key(diam): continue toolNum += 1 config.GlobalToolRMap[diam] = "T%02d" % toolNum # Cluster similar tool sizes to reduce number of drills if config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] > 0: config.GlobalToolRMap = drillcluster.cluster( config.GlobalToolRMap, config.Config['drillclustertolerance'] ) drillcluster.remap( Place.jobs, config.GlobalToolRMap.items() ) # Now construct mapping of tool numbers to diameters for diam,tool in config.GlobalToolRMap.items(): config.GlobalToolMap[tool] = diam # Tools is just a list of tool names Tools = config.GlobalToolMap.keys() Tools.sort() fullname = config.Config['fabricationdrawingfile'] if fullname and fullname.lower() != 'none': if len(Tools) > strokes.MaxNumDrillTools: raise RuntimeError, "Only %d different tool sizes supported for fabrication drawing." % strokes.MaxNumDrillTools OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') writeGerberHeader(fid) writeApertures(fid, {drawing_code1: None}) fid.write('%s*\n' % drawing_code1) # Choose drawing aperture fabdrawing.writeFabDrawing(fid, Place, Tools, OriginX, OriginY, MaxXExtent, MaxYExtent) writeGerberFooter(fid) fid.close() # Finally, print out the Excellon try: fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['drills'] except KeyError: fullname = 'merged.drills.xln' OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') writeExcellonHeader(fid) # Ensure each one of our tools is represented in the tool list specified # by the user. for tool in Tools: try: size = config.GlobalToolMap[tool] except: raise RuntimeError, "INTERNAL ERROR: Tool code %s not found in global tool map" % tool writeExcellonTool(fid, tool, size) #for row in Layout: # row.writeExcellon(fid, size) for job in Place.jobs: job.writeExcellon(fid, size) writeExcellonFooter(fid) fid.close() updateGUI("Closing files...") # Compute stats jobarea = 0.0 #for row in Layout: # jobarea += row.jobarea() for job in Place.jobs: jobarea += job.jobarea() totalarea = ((MaxXExtent-OriginX)*(MaxYExtent-OriginY)) ToolStats = {} drillhits = 0 for tool in Tools: ToolStats[tool]=0 #for row in Layout: # hits = row.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool]) # ToolStats[tool] += hits # drillhits += hits for job in Place.jobs: hits = job.drillhits(config.GlobalToolMap[tool]) ToolStats[tool] += hits drillhits += hits try: fullname = config.MergeOutputFiles['toollist'] except KeyError: fullname = 'merged.toollist.drl' OutputFiles.append(fullname) #print 'Writing %s ...' % fullname fid = file(fullname, 'wt') print '-'*50 # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch) if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': print ' Job Size : %f" x %f"' % (MaxXExtent-OriginX, MaxYExtent-OriginY) print ' Job Area : %.2f sq. in.' % totalarea else: print ' Job Size : %.2fmm x %.2fmm' % (MaxXExtent-OriginX, MaxYExtent-OriginY) print ' Job Area : %.0f mm2' % totalarea print ' Area Usage : %.1f%%' % (jobarea/totalarea*100) print ' Drill hits : %d' % drillhits if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': print 'Drill density : %.1f hits/sq.in.' % (drillhits/totalarea) else: print 'Drill density : %.2f hits/cm2' % (100*drillhits/totalarea) print '\nTool List:' smallestDrill = 999.9 for tool in Tools: if ToolStats[tool]: if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': fid.write('%s %.4fin\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool])) print ' %s %.4f" %5d hits' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool]) else: fid.write('%s %.4fmm\n' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool])) print ' %s %.4fmm %5d hits' % (tool, config.GlobalToolMap[tool], ToolStats[tool]) smallestDrill = min(smallestDrill, config.GlobalToolMap[tool]) fid.close() if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': print "Smallest Tool: %.4fin" % smallestDrill else: print "Smallest Tool: %.4fmm" % smallestDrill print print 'Output Files :' for f in OutputFiles: print ' ', f if (MaxXExtent-OriginX)>config.Config['panelwidth'] or (MaxYExtent-OriginY)>config.Config['panelheight']: print '*'*75 print '*' # add metric support (1/1000 mm vs. 1/100,000 inch) if config.Config['measurementunits'] == 'inch': print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1f"x%.1f"' % (config.Config['panelwidth'],config.Config['panelheight']) else: print '* ERROR: Merged job exceeds panel dimensions of %.1fmmx%.1fmm' % (config.Config['panelwidth'],config.Config['panelheight']) print '*' print '*'*75 sys.exit(1) # Done! return 0 def updateGUI(text = None): global GUI if GUI != None: GUI.updateProgress(text) if __name__=="__main__": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvs', ['help', 'version', 'octagons=', 'random-search', 'full-search', 'rs-fsjobs=', 'search-timeout=', 'place-file=', 'no-trim-gerber', 'no-trim-excellon', 'skipdisclaimer']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() elif opt in ('-v', '--version'): print """ GerbMerge Version %d.%s -- Combine multiple Gerber/Excellon files This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3. See LICENSE file or http://www.fsf.org for details of this license. ProvideYourOwn - http://provideyourown.com """ % (VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR) sys.exit(0) elif opt in ('--octagons', '--random-search','--full-search','--rs-fsjobs','--place-file','--no-trim-gerber','--no-trim-excellon', '--search-timeout', '-s', '--skipdisclaimer'): pass ## arguments are valid else: raise RuntimeError, "Unknown option: %s" % opt if len(args) > 2 or len(args) < 1: usage() sys.exit(merge(opts, args)) ## run germberge # vim: expandtab ts=2 sw=2 ai syntax=python