Update Windows binaries and native Makefile
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
## Windows specific library variables
LINK = link
CFLAGS = /c /O2 /GF /GL /MT /EHsc /fp:precise /J /nologo /TC
INCLUDES = /I"$(JDK_HOME)\include" /I"$(JDK_HOME)\include\win32"
LIBRARIES = Advapi32.lib SetupAPI.lib
DELETE = @del /q /f
RMDIR = @rd /q /s
MKDIR = @md
COPY = @copy /y
MOVE = @move /y
PRINT = @echo
FULL_CLASS = com.fazecast.jSerialComm.SerialPort
JAVAC = "$(JDK_HOME)\bin\javac"
JFLAGS = -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -Xlint:-options
LIBRARY_NAME = jSerialComm.dll
SOURCES = SerialPort_Windows.c WindowsHelperFunctions.c
JAVA_SOURCE_DIR = ..\..\..\..\src\main\java\com\fazecast\jSerialComm
RESOURCE_DIR = ..\..\..\..\src\main\resources\Windows
BUILD_DIR = ..\..\..\..\bin\Windows
JAVA_CLASS_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)\..\com\fazecast\jSerialComm
OBJECTSx86 = $(BUILD_DIR)\x86\SerialPort_Windows.obj $(BUILD_DIR)\x86\WindowsHelperFunctions.obj
OBJECTSx86_64 = $(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64\SerialPort_Windows.obj $(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64\WindowsHelperFunctions.obj
OBJECTSarmv7 = $(BUILD_DIR)\armv7\SerialPort_Windows.obj $(BUILD_DIR)\armv7\WindowsHelperFunctions.obj
OBJECTSaarch64 = $(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64\SerialPort_Windows.obj $(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64\WindowsHelperFunctions.obj
JNI_HEADER = ..\com_fazecast_jSerialComm_SerialPort.h
JAVA_CLASS = $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\SerialPort.class
# Define phony and suffix rules
.PHONY: all win32 win64 winarm winarm64 checkdirs clean
.SUFFIXES: .c .obj .class .java .h
# Default build target not possible due to different architecture compilers
all :
$(PRINT) Must specify a target (either win32, win64, winarm, or winarm64), but not at the same time since different versions of the Microsoft Compiler are required for difference architectures.
$(PRINT) NOTE: Before attempting to use this Makefile, make sure that you have called 'vcvarsall.bat' for your intended architecture. This file can normally be found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio [version]\VC\".
$(PRINT) Example: To build 64-bit Windows libraries, you would call:
$(PRINT) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat x64
$(PRINT) nmake win64
# Builds 32-bit Windows libraries
win32 : $(BUILD_DIR)\x86 $(BUILD_DIR)\x86\$(LIBRARY_NAME)
$(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)\x86\*.dll $(RESOURCE_DIR)\x86
$(DELETE) ..\*.h
# Builds 64-bit Windows libraries
win64 : $(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64 $(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64\$(LIBRARY_NAME)
$(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64\*.dll $(RESOURCE_DIR)\x86_64
$(DELETE) ..\*.h
# Builds armv7 Windows libraries
winarm : $(BUILD_DIR)\armv7 $(BUILD_DIR)\armv7\$(LIBRARY_NAME)
$(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)\armv7\*.dll $(RESOURCE_DIR)\armv7
$(DELETE) ..\*.h
# Builds arm64 Windows libraries
winarm64 : $(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64 $(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64\$(LIBRARY_NAME)
$(COPY) $(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64\*.dll $(RESOURCE_DIR)\aarch64
$(DELETE) ..\*.h
# Rule to create build directories
$(BUILD_DIR)\x86 :
$(MKDIR) "$@"
$(BUILD_DIR)\x86_64 :
$(MKDIR) "$@"
$(BUILD_DIR)\armv7 :
$(MKDIR) "$@"
$(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64 :
$(MKDIR) "$@"
# Rule to build 32-bit library
# Rule to build 64-bit library
# Rule to build armv7 library
# Rule to build arm64 library
$(BUILD_DIR)\aarch64\$(LIBRARY_NAME) : $(JNI_HEADER) $(OBJECTSaarch64)
# Suffix rules to get from *.c -> *.obj
$(OBJECTSx86) :
$(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(*B).c -Fo$@
$(OBJECTSx86_64) :
$(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(*B).c -Fo$@
$(OBJECTSarmv7) :
$(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(*B).c -Fo$@
$(OBJECTSaarch64) :
$(COMPILE) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(*B).c -Fo$@
# Rule to build JNI header file
# Suffix rule to get from *.java -> *.class
$(JAVAC) $(JFLAGS) -d $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)\..\..\.. -cp $(JAVA_SOURCE_DIR)\..\..\.. $(JAVA_SOURCE_DIR)\$(*B).java -h ..
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue