Mac OS Makefile updates.

This commit is contained in:
hedgecrw85 2015-07-02 11:28:28 -05:00
parent 422304c2d0
commit f0c717c1a3
3 changed files with 2 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ JAVAC := javac
JAVAH := javah -jni
JFLAGS := -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -Xlint:-options
LIBRARY_NAME := libjSerialComm.jnilib
SOURCES := SerialPort_OSX.c OSXHelperFunctions.c
JAVA_SOURCE_DIR = ../../../../src/main/java/com/fazecast/jSerialComm
RESOURCE_DIR = ../../../../src/main/resources/OSX
BUILD_DIR = ../../../../bin/OSX
JAVA_CLASS_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/../com/fazecast/jSerialComm
OBJECTSx86 = $(BUILD_DIR)/x86/$(SOURCES:.c=.o)
OBJECTSx86_64 = $(BUILD_DIR)/x86_64/$(SOURCES:.c=.o)
OBJECTSx86 = $(BUILD_DIR)/x86/SerialPort_OSX.o $(BUILD_DIR)/x86/OSXHelperFunctions.o
OBJECTSx86_64 = $(BUILD_DIR)/x86_64/SerialPort_OSX.o $(BUILD_DIR)/x86_64/OSXHelperFunctions.o
JNI_HEADER = ../com_fazecast_jSerialComm_SerialPort.h
JAVA_CLASS = $(JAVA_CLASS_DIR)/SerialPort.class

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@ -71,15 +71,4 @@ speed_t getBaudRateCode(speed_t baudRate)
return 0;
void setBaudRate(int portFD, speed_t baudRate)
struct termios2 options = { 0 };
ioctl(portFD, TCGETS2, &options);
options.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD;
options.c_cflag |= BOTHER;
options.c_ispeed = baudRate;
options.c_ospeed = baudRate;
ioctl(portFD, TCSETS2, &options);

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@ -29,6 +29,5 @@
#include <termios.h>
speed_t getBaudRateCode(speed_t baudRate);
void setBaudRate(int portFD, speed_t baudRate);
#endif // #ifndef __OSX_HELPER_FUNCTIONS_HEADER_H__