Detail (extra test for warnings when closing state)

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Roberto Ierusalimschy 2019-08-19 14:41:48 -03:00
parent 9405472565
commit 5bc47fe830
1 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -243,6 +243,17 @@ Lua warning: @on
Lua warning: ZZZ
-- create two objects to be finalized when closing state
-- the errors in the finalizers must generate warnings
u1 = setmetatable({}, {__gc = function () error("XYZ") end})
u2 = setmetatable({}, {__gc = function () error("ZYX") end})
RUN('lua %s 2> %s', prog, out)
-- test many arguments
RUN('lua %s %s > %s', prog, string.rep(" a", 30), out)