Checks of the form '1 <= x && x <= M' were rewritten in the form
'(unsigned)x - 1 < (unsigned)M', which is usually more efficient.
(Other similar checks have similar translations.) Although
some compilers do these optimizations, that does not happen
for all compilers or all cases.
All UTF-8 encoding functionality (including the escape
sequence '\u') accepts all values from the original UTF-8
specification (with sequences of up to six bytes).
By default, the decoding functions in the UTF-8 library do not
accept invalid Unicode code points, such as surrogates. A new
parameter 'nonstrict' makes them accept all code points up to
(2^31)-1, as in the original UTF-8 specification.
From the point of view of 'git', all names are relative to the root
directory of the project. So, file names in '$Id:' also should be
relative to that directory: the proper name for test file 'all.lua'
is 'testes/all.lua'.