It is an error for a to-be-closed variable to have a non-closable
non-nil value when it is being closed. This situation does not seem to
be useful and often hints to an error. (Particularly in the C API, it is
easy to change a to-be-closed index by mistake.)
Sometimes it is useful to mark to-be-closed an index that is not
at the top of the stack (e.g., if the value to be closed came from
a function call returning multiple values).
The new syntax is <local *toclose x = f()>. The mark '*' allows other
attributes to be added later without the need of new keywords; it
also allows better error messages. The API function was also renamed
('lua_tobeclosed' -> 'lua_toclose').
From the point of view of 'git', all names are relative to the root
directory of the project. So, file names in '$Id:' also should be
relative to that directory: the proper name for test file 'all.lua'
is 'testes/all.lua'.