; $Id: core.ini,v 2013/06/03 18:41:50 jsmcortina Exp $
; This ini file is Copyright 2007,2008,2009,2010 James Murray and Kenneth Culver.
; It is only to be used with a genuine B&G MS3.
; Original author(s) uncertain. Contains work of Eric Fahlgren
; Re-written to support MS3
; configuration defines, either #set or #unset
;This enables the "full" CAN/serial commands so this INI can be used anywhere on the CAN network.
#unset EXPANDED_CLT_TEMP ; change this line to SET if you want to use the extended range
#unset INI_VERSION_2 ; this is set by TunerStudio, but needs to be unset for Megatune to work
#set MPH ; unset for kph
#set METRES ;unset for inches in wheel size
#unset PW_4X
MTversion = 2.25 ; MegaTune itself; needs to match exec version.
versionInfo = "r\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x3c" ; Title bar
queryCommand = "r\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\x14" ; Verify against signature.
versionInfo = "S" ; Put this in the title bar.
queryCommand = "Q" ; Verify against signature.
signature = "MS3 Format 0262.09P" ; MS-II sends a null at 20th byte.
; 123456789.123456789.
; ok
#error Megatune cannot be used with MS3 - please upgrade to TunerStudio
; Temperature Limits and Settings Reference
; contributed by Mike Soultanian
; Below is a listing of all of the temperature ranges used throughout the INI
; for the MegaSquirt.
; CELSIUS (Expanded/Normal):
; Low limit: -40C/-40C
; High limit: 230C/150C
; Low danger: 65C/10C
; Low warning: 93C/65C
; High warning: 162C/93C
; High danger: 176C/104C
; FAHRENHEIT (Expanded/Normal):
; Low Limit: -40F/-40F
; High limit: 450F/300F
; Low danger: 150F/50F
; Low warning: 200F/150F
; High warning: 325F/200F
; High danger: 350F/220F (also used for curve editor limits)
tableWriteCommand = "t" ;
referenceTable = mafTableBurner, "Calibrate MAF Table..."
tableIdentifier = 003, "MAF Table"
adcCount = 1024 ; length of the table
bytesPerAdc = 2 ; using words
scale = 1 ; scale before sending to controller
tableGenerator = fileBrowseGenerator, "Browse for Inc File"
solutionsLabel = "MAF Sensor"
solution = "Default", { table(adcValue, "maffactor.inc") }
solution = "Ford V8", { table(adcValue, "maffactor.inc") }
solution = "Ford Lightning MAF", { table(adcValue, "maffactor_1L3F_Lightning.inc") }
solution = "Infiniti Q45 MAF", { table(adcValue, "maffactor_Q45.inc") }
; solution = "GM LT1/LS1/LS2 MAF", { table(adcValue, "maffactor_lsx.inc") } ; file is not valid, use new method instead
solution = "Custom inc File", fileBrowseGenerator
; the referenceName will over-ride previous, so if you are creating a
; settingGroup with a reference name of lambdaSensor, it will replace the
; setting group defined in the settingGroups.xml of the TunerStudio config
; folder. If is is an undefined referenceName, it will be added.
; keyword = referenceName, DisplayName
settingGroup = lambdaSensor, "Oxygen Sensor / Display"
settingOption = NARROW_BAND_EGO, "Narrowband Sensor - Volts"
settingOption = LAMBDA, "Wideband - Lambda"
settingOption = DEFAULT, "WideBand - AFR" ; DEFAULT will be over looked and this will fall into the #else block of the statement.
settingGroup = lambdaDisplay, "" ; Hide this settingGroup option
settingOption = DEFAULT, "" ;
; valid types: boolean, double, int, list
; no offset as they are local variables.
; entry format the same as Constants, except there is no offset.
; arrays are not yet supported.
; name = class, type, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = type, min, max;
; type List: value will be index.
;tsCanId = bits, U08, [0:3] ; The short one, just numbers
tsCanId = bits, U08, [0:3], "CAN ID 0", "CAN ID 1", "CAN ID 2", "CAN ID 3", "CAN ID 4", "CAN ID 5", "CAN ID 6", "CAN ID 7", "CAN ID 8", "CAN ID 9", "CAN ID 10","CAN ID 11","CAN ID 12","INVALID","CAN ID 14","INVALID"
; testScale = scalar, U16, "%", 0.001, 0, 0, 600, 4
; testTransform = scalar, U08, "#", 0.1, 0, 0, 25.5, 1
rpmhigh = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmwarn = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
rpmdang = scalar, U16, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 30000, 0
loadhigh = scalar, U16, "", 1, 0, 100, 1000, 0
wue_lpg = bits, U08, [0:0], "No", "Yes"
vehigh = scalar, U16, "%", 1, 0, 100, 600, 0
; clt_exp = bits, U08, [0:0], "Normal", "Expanded"
; valid logger types: composite, tooth, trigger, csv
;loggerDef = uniqueName, Display Name, type
loggerDef = mapLogger, "MAP Logger", csv
dataReadCommand = "r\\x00\\xf4\\x00\\x00\\x04\\x00" ; standard TS command format
dataReadTimeout = 10000 ; time in ms
dataReadyCondition = { ( status3 & 0x02 ) == 0x02 }
;dataLength = 1024 ; in bytes, including headers, footers and data //not used..
;recordDef = headerLen. footerLen, recordLen
recordDef = 0, 0, 2; in bytes, the recordLen is for each record, currently limited to 4 bytes
;recordField = Name, HeaderName, startBit, bitCount, scale, units, updateCondition
recordField = nonMap, "Not MAP", 15, 1, 1.0, "Flag"
recordField = mapWindow, "MAPwindow", 14, 1, 1.0, "Flag", { !nonMap }
recordField = rpmPrint, "isRPM", 14, 1, 1.0, "Flag", { nonMap }
recordField = mapSensor, "Sensor", 10, 3, 1.0, "#", { !nonMap }
recordField = mapAdc, "MAP ADC", 0, 10, 1.0, "ADC", { !nonMap }
recordField = sampleRpm, "RPM", 0, 14, 1.0, "rpm", { nonMap && rpmPrint }
recordField = crankAngle, "CrankAngle", 0, 13, 0.1, "deg", { nonMap && !rpmPrint }
;calcField = name, HeaderName, units, expression
calcField = mapValue, "MAP", "kPa", { map0 + (mapmax - map0) * mapAdc/1023 }
; Constants Definition
; --------------------
; Scalar Values
; -------------
; The scaling and translation values are used as follows:
; msValue = userValue / scale - translate
; userValue = (msValue + translate) * scale
; Array Values
; ------------
; Arrays are specified just like scalars, except that they have a "shape"
; entry in the fourth parameter. The shape allows you to define lists or
; tables, for example [8] defines a list with eight values and [2x4] defines
; a table with eight values (two rows and four columns). Tables may be
; stored in either "X-" or "Y-order." X-order means that memory is layed
; out like.
; [x1,y1] [x2,y1]...[xn,y1] [x1,y2]...
; Y-order would be
; [x1,y1] [x1,y2]...[x1,yn] [x2,y1]...
; To use the TableEditor, you must define two lists and a table, and
; the lengths of the lists must correspond to the shape of the table.
; Bit Fields
; ----------
; Bits are numbered 0-7, the rightmost being bit zero. The basic
; data word that stores bit fields must be unsigned.
; You need NOT supply the correct number of labels matching the
; number of bits you've specified (one bit requires 2 values, two
; bits requires 4 values and so on). If you neglect to supply enough
; labels, they will be synthesized using the sequence "1", "2" and so
; on based upon their position in the sequence (the cltType and matType
; will end up with identical lists).
; updated settings from "new" serial
pageActivationDelay = 1
blockReadTimeout = 300
; next two from TS 1.18.1 testing
writeBlocks = on
interWriteDelay = 0
;Relationship between TS pages and MS3 pages
;MT MS3 internal
;MS3 internal pages 0-3 are sensor lookup tables
;1 4
;2 5
;MS3 internal pages 6,7 are outpc,txbuf
;3 8
;4 9
;5 10
;6 11
;7 12
;8 13
;9 18
;10 19
;11 21
;12 22
;13 23
;14 24
;15 25
;16 26
endianness = big
nPages = 15
pageSize = 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024, 1024
pageIdentifier = "\$tsCanId\x04", "\$tsCanId\x05", "\$tsCanId\x08", "\$tsCanId\x09", "\$tsCanId\x0a", "\$tsCanId\x0b", "\$tsCanId\x0c", "\$tsCanId\x0d", "\$tsCanId\x12", "\$tsCanId\x13", "\$tsCanId\x15", "\$tsCanId\x16", "\$tsCanId\x17", "\$tsCanId\x18", "\$tsCanId\x19"
burnCommand = "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i", "b%2i"
pageReadCommand = "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c", "r%2i%2o%2c"
pageValueWrite = "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v"
pageChunkWrite = "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v" , "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v", "w%2i%2o%2c%v"
crc32CheckCommand = "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04", "k%2i\x00\x00\x00\x04"
; new serial
messageEnvelopeFormat = msEnvelope_1.0
page = 1
; name = class, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
nCylinders = bits, U08, 0, [0:4], "INVALID","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID","INVALID"
no_skip_pulses = scalar, U08, 1, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 1.00, 10.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
ICIgnCapture = bits, U08, 2, [0:0], "Falling Edge", "Rising Edge" ; ICIgnOption
engineType = bits, U08, 2, [3:3], "Even fire", "Odd fire"
; old setting and settings
spkout_hi_lo = bits, U08, 2, [4:4], "Going Low (Normal)", "Going High (Inverted)" ; *
; new settings
spkout_hi_lo2 = bits, U08, 2, [4:4], "Going Low", "Going High" ; *
max_coil_dur = scalar, U08, 3, "ms", 0.1000, 0.00000, 1.00, 8.00, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
max_spk_dur = scalar, U08, 4, "ms", 0.1000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
dwellAcc = scalar, U08, 5, "ms", 0.1000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
crankingRPM = scalar, S16, 6, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 3000.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
triggerOffset = scalar, S16, 8, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -90.0, 180.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
TpsBypassCLTRevlim = scalar, S16, 10, "TPS %", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 120, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
RevLimRpm2 = scalar, S16, 12, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
map0 = scalar, S16, 14, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -100.0, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
mapmax = scalar, S16, 16, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -100.0, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
clt0 = scalar, S16, 18, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -100.0, 500.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
cltmult = scalar, S16, 20, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, -200.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
mat0 = scalar, S16, 22, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -100.0, 500.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
clt0 = scalar, S16, 18, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -100.0, 500.0, 1
cltmult = scalar, S16, 20, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, -200.0, 200.0, 0
mat0 = scalar, S16, 22, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -100.0, 500.0, 1
matmult = scalar, S16, 24, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, -200.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
tpsMin = scalar, S16, 26, "ADC", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.0, 1023.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
tpsMax = scalar, S16, 28, "ADC", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.0, 1023.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
batt0 = scalar, S16, 30, "V", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.0, 3276.7, 1 ; ( 2 bytes)
battmax = scalar, S16, 32, "V", 0.10000, 0.00000,-3276.8, 3276.7, 1 ; ( 2 bytes)
ego0 = scalar, S16, 34, "afr", 0.10000, 0.00000,-3276.8, 3276.7, 1 ; ( 2 bytes)
egomult = scalar, S16, 36, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, -200.0, 200.0, 0 ; ( 2 bytes)
baro0 = scalar, S16, 38, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000,-3276.8, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
baromax = scalar, S16, 40, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000,-3276.8, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
bcor0 = scalar, S16, 42, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,-3276.8, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
bcormult = scalar, S16, 44, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, -200.0, 200.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
Xknock0 = scalar, S16, 46, "V", 0.01000, 0.00000, 0.0, 5.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
Xknockmax = scalar, S16, 48, "V", 0.01000, 0.00000, 0.0, 5.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
crankTolerance = scalar, U08, 50, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
asTolerance = scalar, U08, 51, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
pulseTolerance = scalar, U08, 52, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
IdleCtl = bits , U08, 53, [0:3], "None", "On/Off valve", "IAC Stepper Moving Only", "IAC Stepper Always On", "PWM Warmup", "15-Minute IAC", "PWM Closed-loop", "IAC Closed-loop moving only", "IAC Closed-loop always-on", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID" ; *
IdleCtl_vss = bits , U08, 53, [4:4], "Standard", "Use VSS"
IACtstep = scalar, U08, 54, "ms", 1.000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
IAC_tinitial_step=scalar, U08, 55, "ms", 1.000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
IACminstep = scalar, U08, 56, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
dwellduty = scalar, U08, 57, "%", 0.39, 0.0, 0, 100,0
IACStart = scalar, S16, 58, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 4000.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
IdleHyst = scalar, S16, 60, "°C", 0.05555, 0.00000, -40.0, 230.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IACcoldtmp = scalar, S16, 66, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 230.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IdleHyst = scalar, S16, 60, "°C", 0.05555, 0.00000, -40.0, 150.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IACcoldtmp = scalar, S16, 66, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 150.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IdleHyst = scalar, S16, 60, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 450.0, 1
IACcoldtmp = scalar, S16, 66, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
IdleHyst = scalar, S16, 60, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 300.0, 1
IACcoldtmp = scalar, S16, 66, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
IACcrankpos = scalar, S16, 62, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 4000.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IACcrankxt = scalar, S16, 64, "sec", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,32767.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
;coldtemp above to save IF clauses
IACcoldpos = scalar, S16, 68, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 4000.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IACcoldxt = scalar, S16, 70, "sec", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,32767.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
OverBoostKpa2 = scalar, S16, 72, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
fc_rpm_lower = scalar, U16, 74, "rpm", 1.00000, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
OverBoostOption = bits, U08, 76, [0:1], "None", "Fuel Cut", "Spark Cut", "Both"
hardware_spk = bits, U08, 77, [0:2], "INVALID", "INVALID", "Spark", "INVALID", "Tacho Out", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
hardware_fuel = bits, U08, 77, [4:4], "Inj I/J", "Inj A,B.."
hardware_cam = bits, U08, 77, [6:7], "Digital Frequency In 2", "CMP", "MAP sensor", "INVALID"
OverBoostKpa = scalar, S16, 78, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
OverBoostHyst = scalar, S16, 80, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 1
overboostcutx = scalar, U08, 82, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
overboostcuty = scalar, U08, 83, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
tpsThresh = scalar, S16, 84, "%/s", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 5000.0, 1 ; * ( 2 byte)
mapThresh = scalar, S16, 86, "kPa/s", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 10000.0, 0 ; * ( 2 byte) threshold for MAE
taeColdA = scalar, U08, 88, "%ReqFuel", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; Tpsacold
taeColdM = scalar, U08, 89, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 100, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; AccMult
taeTime = scalar, U08, 90, "s", 0.010000, 0.00000, 0.00, 1.00, 2 ; * ( 1 byte) ; TpsAsync
tpsasync_events = scalar, U08, 90, "events", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; TpsAsync
tdePct = scalar, U08, 91, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 50.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; TPSDQ
floodClear = scalar, S16, 92, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes) ; TPSWOT
TPSOXLimit = scalar, S16, 94, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 300.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes) ; TPSOXLimit
tpsProportion = scalar, U08, 96, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; Tps_acc_wght
baroCorr = bits , U08, 97, [0:1], "None", "Initial MAP Reading", "Two Independent Sensors", "INVALID"; BaroOption
egoType = bits , U08, 98, [0:1], "Disabled", "Narrow Band", "Wide Band", "INVALID" ; egoOption
egoCount = scalar, U08, 99, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoDelta = scalar, U08, 100, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
oldegoLimit = scalar, U08, 101, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
EGOVtarget = scalar, U08, 102, "Volts", 0.00489, 0.00000, 0.00, 1, 3
tempUnits = bits , U08, 103, [0:0], "Coolant/MAT Tables in °F", "Coolant/MAT Tables in °C" ; * ( 1 byte)
egonum = scalar, U08, 104, "", 1, 0, 0, 16, 0
rtc_trim = scalar, S08, 105, "ppm", 1, 0, -127, +127, 0
fastIdleT = scalar, S16, 106, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 230.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
egoTemp = scalar, S16, 108, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 230.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fastIdleT = scalar, S16, 106, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
egoTemp = scalar, S16, 108, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fastIdleT = scalar, S16, 106, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
egoTemp = scalar, S16, 108, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
fastIdleT = scalar, S16, 106, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
egoTemp = scalar, S16, 108, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
egoRPM = scalar, S16, 110, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
#if PW_4X
reqFuel = scalar, U16, 112, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 262.143, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
reqFuel = scalar, U16, 112, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 65.535, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
divider = scalar, U08, 114, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
alternate = bits, U08, 115, [0:0], "Simultaneous", "Alternating" ; * ( 1 byte)
altcrank = bits, U08, 115, [1:1], "Every event", "Alternate events"
alternate_blend = bits, U08, 115, [2:2], "Off", "Blend Curve (7)"
injPwmT = scalar, U08, 116, "ms", 0.12800, 0.128, 0.00, 32.64, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
injPwmPd = scalar, U08, 117, "us", 1.00000, 0.00000, 40.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
injPwmP = scalar, U08, 118, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
twoStroke = bits, U08, 119, [0:1], "Four-stroke", "Two-stroke", "INVALID", "Rotary" ; *
; injType = bits, U08, 120, [0:0], "Port Injection", "Throttle Body" ; * not used by code
nInjectors = bits, U08, 121, [0:4], "INVALID", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
OddFireang = scalar, U16, 122, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
rpmLF = scalar, U08, 124, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
mapLF = scalar, U08, 125, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
tpsLF = scalar, U08, 126, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoLF = scalar, U08, 127, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
adcLF = scalar, U08, 128, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
knk_pin_out = bits, U08, 129, [0:4], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
mafLF = scalar, U08, 130, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 10.00, 100.00, 0
algorithm = bits, U08, 132, [0:3], "INVALID", "Speed Density", "Percent Baro", "Alpha-N", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID" ; *
algorithm2 = bits, U08, 132, [4:7], "Disabled", "Speed Density", "Percent Baro", "Alpha-N", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
IgnAlgorithm = bits, U08, 133, [0:3], "INVALID", "Speed Density", "Percent Baro", "Alpha-N", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
IgnAlgorithm2 = bits, U08, 133, [4:7], "Disabled", "Speed Density", "Percent Baro", "Alpha-N", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
AfrAlgorithm = scalar, U08, 134, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; U ( 1 byte) UNUSED
dwelltime = scalar, U08, 135, "ms", 0.10000, 0, 0.1, 25.5, 1
trigret_ang = scalar, U16, 136, "deg", 0.1, 0, 5, 180,1
RevLimOption_retard = bits,U08, 138, [0:1], "Off", "Progressive retard", "Fixed angle", "INVALID"
RevLimOption_spkcut = bits,U08, 138, [2:2], "Off", "On"
RevLimCLTbased = bits, U08, 138, [3:3], "Normal", "CLT based"
RevLimMaxRtd = scalar, U08, 139, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,0, 25.5, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
ego_startdelay = scalar, U08, 140, "sec", 1, 0, 0, 120, 0
can_poll2_ego = bits, U08, 141, [0:0], "Disable", "Enable"
opt142_rtc = bits, U08, 142, [0:1], "Off", "On-board", "CAN", "INVALID"
opt142_gs_share = bits, U08, 142, [2:2], "Off", "On"
injPwmT2 = scalar, U08, 143, "ms", 0.12800, 0.12800, 0.00, 32.64, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
injPwmPd2 = scalar, U08, 144, "us", 1.00000, 0.00000, 40.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
injPwmP2 = scalar, U08, 145, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
can_ego_id = scalar, U08, 146, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 14, 0 ;
can_ego_table = scalar, U08, 147, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
can_ego_offset = scalar, U16, 148, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0
baro_upper = scalar, S16, 150, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 60, {loadhigh}, 1 ;
baro_lower = scalar, S16, 152, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 60, {loadhigh}, 1 ;
baro_default = scalar, S16, 154, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 60, {loadhigh}, 1 ;
RevLimTPSbypassRPM = scalar, S16, 156, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ;
RevLimNormal1 = scalar, S16, 158, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ;
RevLimNormal2 = scalar, S16, 160, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ;
hw_latency = scalar, U08, 162, "usec", 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0
;next three are loadopts in the firmware
loadCombine = bits, U08, 163, [0:1], "additive", "multiplicitive", "Blend Curve (1)", "INVALID"
loadMult = bits, U08, 163, [2:2], "don't multiply", "multiply"
loadStoich = bits, U08, 163, [3:3], "don't include AFRtarget", "include AFRtarget"
loadCombineign = bits, U08, 163, [4:4], "additive", "Blend Curve (2)"
loadMult2 = bits, U08, 163, [5:5], "don't multiply", "multiply"
baud = scalar, U32, 164, "", 1.00000, 0.00000,9600.0,115200.0, 0 ; x ( 4 bytes)
MAPOXLimit = scalar, S16, 168, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 300.00, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
can_poll_id_rtc = scalar, U08, 170, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 14, 0
mycan_id = scalar, U08, 171, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 14, 0
mapsample_percent = scalar, U08, 172, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 50, 0
can_poll_id_ports = scalar, U08, 173, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 14, 0 ;
can_poll_id = scalar, U08, 174, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 14, 0 ;
aeTaperTime = scalar, U08, 175, "s", 0.010000, 0.00000, 0.00, 1.00, 2 ; * ( 1 byte) ; TpsAsync2
tpsasync2_events= scalar, U08, 175, "events", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte) ; TpsAsync2
aeEndPW = scalar, S16, 176, "%ReqFuel", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 0 ; * tpsaccel2 ; TpsAccel2
egoAlgorithm = bits , U08, 178, [0:1], "Simple", "INVALID", "PID", "No correction" ; * ( 1 byte)
egoKP = scalar, U08, 179, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 200.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoKI = scalar, U08, 180, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 200.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
egoKD = scalar, U08, 181, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 200.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
#if MPH
ac_idleup_vss_offpoint = scalar, U16, 182, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 200, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
ac_idleup_vss_hyst = scalar, U16, 184, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 200, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
ac_idleup_vss_offpoint = scalar, U16, 182, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 300, 0
ac_idleup_vss_hyst = scalar, U16, 184, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 300, 0
flexFuel = bits , U08, 186, [0:0], "Disabled", "Enabled" ; * ( 1 byte)
flexport = bits, U08, 186, [1:2], "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID"; (1 byte )
fuelFreq = array , U08, 187, [ 2], "Hz", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fuelFreq0 = scalar, U08, 187, "Hz", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0
fuelFreq1 = scalar, U08, 188, "Hz", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0
fuelCorr = array , U08, 189, [ 2], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 50, 255, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fuelCorr0 = scalar, U08, 189, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 50, 255, 0
fuelCorr1 = scalar, U08, 190, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 50, 255, 0
dwellmode = bits , U08, 191, [0:1], "Standard Dwell", "Fixed Duty", "Time after Spark", "Charge at Trigger"
pwmidle_shift_lower_rpm = scalar, U16, 192, "rpm", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
ac_idleup_tps_offpoint = scalar, S16, 194, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1
ac_idleup_tps_hyst = scalar, S16, 196, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1
fan_idleup_tps_offpoint = scalar, S16, 198, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 150.00, 1
fan_idleup_tps_hyst = scalar, S16, 200, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1
#if MPH
fan_idleup_vss_offpoint = scalar, U16, 202, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 200.00, 0
fan_idleup_vss_offpoint = scalar, U16, 202, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 300.00, 0
knk_option = bits , U08, 204, [0:1], "Disabled", "Safe Mode", "Aggressive Mode", "INVALID" ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_option_an = bits , U08, 204, [2:3], "On/Off", "Analogue", "INVALID", "Internal"
knkDirection = bits , U08, 204, [4:4], "Low Input", "High Input" ; *
knkpull = bits , U08, 204, [5:6], "INVALID", "None", "Pull up", "INVALID" ; *
knk_option_wind = bits , U08, 204, [7:7], "At end", "Peak"
knk_maxrtd = scalar, U08, 205, "deg", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_step1 = scalar, U08, 206, "deg", 0.1, 0.0, 1.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_step2 = scalar, U08, 207, "deg", 0.1, 0.0, 0.5, 10.0, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_trtd = scalar, U08, 208, "sec", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_tadv = scalar, U08, 209, "sec", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_dtble_adv = scalar, U08, 210, "deg", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
knk_ndet = scalar, U08, 211, "knocks", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte )
EAEOption = bits , U08, 212, [0:2], "Off", "EAE", "INVALID", "X-tau", "X-tau with CLT correction", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID" ; * ( 1 byte )
knkport = bits, U08, 213, [0:3], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2","INVALID","INVALID"
knk_maxmap = scalar, U16, 214, "kPa", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
knk_lorpm = scalar, U16, 216, "rpm", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
knk_hirpm = scalar, U16, 218, "rpm", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
triggerTeeth = scalar, U16, 220, "teeth", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 512, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
No_Miss_Teeth = scalar, U08, 222, "teeth", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0 ; * ( 1 byte )
pwmidle_shift_open_time = scalar, U08, 223, "sec", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 20, 0 ; * ( 1 byte )
Miss_ang = scalar, U16, 224, "deg BTDC", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 720, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes )
ICISR_tmask = scalar, U08, 226, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
ICISR_pmask = scalar, U08, 227, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90, 0 ; * ( 1 byte )
ae_lorpm = scalar, U16, 228, "rpm", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
ae_hirpm = scalar, U16, 230, "rpm", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fuelSpkDel = array , S16, 232, [ 2], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-45.00, 45.00, 1 ; * ( 4 bytes)
fuelSpkDel0 = scalar, S16, 232, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-45.00, 45.00, 1
fuelSpkDel1 = scalar, S16, 234, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-45.00, 45.00, 1
spk_conf2_gm = bits , U08, 236, [0:0], "Off", "GM Bypass on SpkB"
spk_conf2_tfi = bits , U08, 236, [1:2], "Off", "TFI Non-signature", "INVALID", "TFI Signature PIP"
spk_conf2_oddodd= bits , U08, 236, [3:4], "Alternate", "INVALID", "Paired", "Custom"
spk_conf2_dwell = bits , U08, 236, [5:5], "Off", "On"
spk_conf2_ngc = bits , U08, 236, [6:6], "Off", "Alternate"
spk_conf2_dli = bits , U08, 236, [7:7], "Off", "Toyota DLI"
spk_config_campol =bits, U08, 237, [0:0], "Low", "High"
spk_config_camcrank = bits, U08, 237, [1:1], "Crank wheel", "Cam wheel"
spk_config_trig2 =bits, U08, 237, [2:3], "INVALID", "Single wheel with missing tooth", "Dual wheel", "Dual wheel with missing tooth"
spk_config_trig2l =bits, U08, 237, [4:5], "INVALID", "Rising edge", "Falling edge", "Poll level"
spk_config_resetcam =bits, U08, 237, [6:7], "Cam", "Crank", "Every cylinder", "INVALID"
; invalids in next line are spare and should be used, extra CASes hidden.
; incomplete modes are hidden for the moment
spk_mode0 = bits , U08, 238, [0:5], "EDIS", "EDIS Multispk", "Basic trigger", "Trigger return", "Toothed wheel", "420A/Neon", "36-2+2", "36-2-2-2", "Subaru 6/7", "Miata 99-05", "6g72", "IAW Weber", "CAS 4/1", "4G63", "Twin trigger", "Chrysler 2.2/2.5", "Renix 44-2-2", "Suzuki Swift", "Suzuki Vitara 2.0", "Daihatsu 3cyl", "Daihatsu 4cyl", "VTR1000", "Rover#1", "Rover#2", "Rover#3", "GM 7X", "Log crank", "Log crank&cam", "QR25DE", "Honda RC51", "Fiat 1.8 16V", "Fuel Only", "Optispark", "Nissan SR20", "Nissan RB25", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID","LS1", "YZF1000", "Honda Acura", "VQ35DE","Jeep 2000", "Jeep 2002", "Zetec VCT", "Flywheel tri-tach", "2JZ VVTi", "Honda TSX/D17", "INVALID", "Viper V10","INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID","INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID","INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
spk_mode3_trim = bits, U08, 239, [0:0], "Off", "On"
spk_mode3_tach3 = bits, U08, 239, [1:1], "CMP", "Digital Frequency Input 2"
spk_mode3_hirespol= bits, U08, 239, [2:2], "Normal", "Inverted"
spk_mode3 = bits, U08, 239, [5:7], "Single coil", "INVALID", "Wasted spark", "Wasted COP", "Coil on plug", "INVALID", "Dual dizzy", "INVALID" ; (1 byte )
rtbaroport = bits, U08, 240, [0:4], "MAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog in 3", "Analog in 1", "Analog in 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
ego2port = bits, U08, 241, [0:4], "MAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog in 3", "Analog in 1", "Analog in 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
mapport = bits, U08, 242, [0:4], "MAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog in 3", "Analog in 1", "Analog in 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
mapport_t = bits, U08, 242, [5:5], "Voltage", "Frequency"
mapport_f = bits, U08, 242, [6:7], "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3"
knkport_an = bits, U08, 243, [0:2], "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID",
RevLimcutx = scalar, U08, 244, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
RevLimcuty = scalar, U08, 245, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
; feature4_0ftrig = bits, U08, 246, [0:0], "Simple", "Advanced"
feature4_0igntrig= bits, U08, 246, [1:1], "Off", "Ignition trigger indicator"
feature4_0VEtblsize=bits, U08, 246, [2:2], "16x16","12x12" // not used
feature4_0maxdwl = bits, U08, 246, [3:3], "Off", "On"
feature4_0ftrig = bits, U08, 246, [4:5], "Off", "INVALID", "Simple", "Advanced"
feature4_0mindwl = bits, U08, 246, [6:6], "Off", "On"
timing_flags = bits, U08, 247, [0:0], "Use Table", "Fixed timing";
use_prediction = bits, U08, 247, [1:1], "No Prediction", "1st Deriv Prediction";
crank_dwell = scalar, U08, 248, "ms", 0.1000,0.00000,1.00,8.00,1
tsw_pin_f = bits, U08, 249, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "Blend Curve (3)", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
crank_timing = scalar, S16, 250, "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,-10.00,90.00,1;
fixed_timing = scalar, S16, 252, "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,-90.00,90.00,1;
tsf_rpm = scalar, U16, 254, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
tsf_kpa = scalar, S16, 256, "kPa", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
tsf_tps = scalar, S16, 258, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1;
tss_rpm = scalar, U16, 260, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
tss_kpa = scalar, S16, 262, "kPa", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
tss_tps = scalar, S16, 264, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1;
; feature5_0 266
OvrRunC = bits , U08, 266, [0:0], "Off", "On" ; * ( 1 byte)
f5_0_tsf = bits , U08, 266, [1:1], "Off", "On"
f5_0_tsf_opt = bits , U08, 266, [2:3], "Hardware", "rpm", "kPa", "TPS"
f5_0_tss = bits , U08, 266, [4:4], "Off", "On"
f5_0_tss_opt = bits , U08, 266, [5:6], "Hardware", "rpm", "kPa", "TPS"
tsw_pin_s = bits, U08, 267, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "Blend Curve (4)", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwmidlecranktaper= scalar, U08, 268, "s", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0
knk_step_adv = scalar, U08, 269, "deg", 0.1, 0.0, 0.5, 10.0, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
fc_rpm = scalar, U16, 270, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
fc_kpa = scalar, S16, 272, "kPa", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
fc_tps = scalar, S16, 274, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 10.00, 1;
fc_clt = scalar, S16, 276, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 230.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fc_clt = scalar, S16, 276, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 150.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
fc_clt = scalar, S16, 276, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 450.0, 1
fc_clt = scalar, S16, 276, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 300.0, 1
fc_delay = scalar, U08, 278, "s", 0.1, 0, 0.5, 5.0, 1
tacho_opt80 = bits, U08, 279, [7:7], "Off", "On"
tacho_opt40 = bits, U08, 279, [6:6], "Normal", "Half speed"
tacho_opt3f = bits, U08, 279, [0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
fc_ego_delay = scalar, U08, 280, "seconds", 1, 0, 0.00, 10, 0
EAElagsource = bits, U08, 281, [0:0], "TPSdot", "MAPdot"
EAElagthresh = scalar, S16, 282, "unit/sec", 1, 0, 0.00, 1000, 0
EAElagRPMmax = scalar, U16, 284, "rpms", 1, 0, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
feature3_tps = bits, U08, 286, [0:0], "Off", "On"
feature3_aseunit= bits, U08, 286, [1:1], "Cycles", "0.1 seconds"
feature3_maplog = bits, U08, 286, [2:2], "Off", "On"
feature3_3 = bits, U08, 286, [3:3], "Off", "On"
feature3_pw4x = bits, U08, 286, [4:4], "Normal", "4x"
feature3_n2oin = bits, U08, 286, [5:5], "On", "Off"
feature3_matase = bits, U08, 286, [6:6], "Off", "On"
feature3_dwell = bits, U08, 286, [7:7], "Off", "On"
launch_opt_retard = bits, U08, 287, [3:3], "Off", "On"
launch_opt_bank = bits, U08, 287, [4:5], "Off","Bank1", "Bank2", "Both"
launch_opt_on = bits, U08, 287, [6:7], "Off", "Launch","INVALID","Launch/Flatshift"
launch_sft_lim = scalar, S16, 288, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_sft_deg = scalar, S16, 290, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -90.0, 180.00, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_hrd_lim = scalar, S16, 292, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_tps = scalar, S16, 294, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.0, 100.00, 0 ;
launchlimopt = bits , U08, 296, [0:1], "None", "Spark Cut", "Fuel Cut", "Spark and fuel" ; * ( 1 byte)
launchcutx = scalar, U08, 297, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
launchcuty = scalar, U08, 298, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
launch_opt_pins = bits, U08, 299, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
flats_arm = scalar, S16, 300, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
flats_sft = scalar, S16, 302, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
flats_deg = scalar, S16, 304, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -90.0, 180.00, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
flats_hrd = scalar, S16, 306, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
staged_pri_size = scalar, U16, 308, "cc", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.0000, 15000.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
staged_sec_size = scalar, U16, 310, "cc", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.0000, 15000.0, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
staged_first_param = bits, U08, 312, [0:2], "Off", "RPM", "MAP", "TPS", "Duty", "Table", "INVALID", "INVALID"
staged_second_param = bits, U08, 312, [3:5], "Off", "RPM", "MAP", "TPS", "Duty", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
staged_transition_on = bits, U08, 312, [6:6], "Off", "On"
staged_second_logic = bits, U08, 312, [7:7], "OR", "AND"
staged_pw1_0 = bits, U08, 312, [7:7], "Off", "On"
staged_transition_events = scalar, U08, 313, "ign events", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.0, 0
staged_param_1 = scalar, S16, 314, "units", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25500.0, 0
staged_param_2 = scalar, S16, 316, "units", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25500.0, 0
staged_hyst_1 = scalar, S16, 318, "units", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25500.0, 0
staged_hyst_2 = scalar, S16, 320, "units", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25500.0, 0
; Nitrous System
N2Oopt_01 = bits, U08, 322,[0:1],"INVALID","Bank1", "Bank2", "Both"
N2Oopt_2 = bits, U08, 322,[2:2], "Off", "On" ; enables stage 1
N2Oopt_3 = bits, U08, 322,[3:3], "Off", "On" ; enables stage 2
N2Oopt_4 = bits, U08, 322,[4:4], "Off", "On" ; use AFR2
;input and output pins moved
N2Oopt2_prog = bits, U08, 323,[0:0], "On/Off", "Progressive"
N2Oopt2_prog_time= bits, U08, 323,[1:1], "RPM-based", "Time-based"
N2Oopt2_prog_freq= bits, U08, 323,[2:4], "INVALID", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
N2ORpm = scalar, U16, 324, "RPM", 1, 0, 1000, {rpmhigh}, 0
N2ORpmMax = scalar, U16, 326, "RPM", 1, 0, 1000, {rpmhigh}, 0
N2OTps = scalar, S16, 328, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1;
N2OClt = scalar, S16, 330, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 230.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
N2OClt = scalar, S16, 330, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.0, 150.0, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
N2OClt = scalar, S16, 330, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 450.0, 1
N2OClt = scalar, S16, 330, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40.0, 300.0, 1
N2OAngle = scalar, S16, 332, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 50, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
#if PW_4X
N2OPWLo = scalar, S16, 334, "ms", 0.004, 0, -128, +128, 3
N2OPWHi = scalar, S16, 336, "ms", 0.004, 0, -128, +128, 3
N2OPWLo = scalar, S16, 334, "ms", 0.001, 0, -32, +32, 3
N2OPWHi = scalar, S16, 336, "ms", 0.001, 0, -32, +32, 3
N2Odel_launch = scalar, U08, 338, "s", 0.01, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
N2Odel_flat = scalar, U08, 339, "s", 0.01, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
N2Oholdon = scalar, U08, 340, "s", 0.01, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
;nitrous stage 2
; Nitrous System
N2O2delay = scalar, U08, 341, "s", 0.01, 0, 0, 2.55,2
N2O2Rpm = scalar, U16, 342, "RPM", 1, 0, 1000, 25000, 0
N2O2RpmMax = scalar, U16, 344, "RPM", 1, 0, 1000, 25000, 0
N2O2Angle = scalar, S16, 346, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 50, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
#if PW_4X
N2O2PWLo = scalar, S16, 348, "ms", 0.004, 0, -128, +128, 3
N2O2PWHi = scalar, S16, 350, "ms", 0.004, 0, -128, +128, 3
N2O2PWLo = scalar, S16, 348, "ms", 0.001, 0, -32, +32, 3
N2O2PWHi = scalar, S16, 350, "ms", 0.001, 0, -32, +32, 3
RotarySplitModeFD = bits, U08, 352, [0:0], "FC mode", "FD mode"
RotarySplitModeNeg = bits, U08, 352, [1:1], "Not Allowed", "Allowed"
dlyct = scalar, U08, 353, "", 1,0,0,255,0
dwelltime_trl = scalar, U08, 354, "ms", 0.10000, 0, 0.1, 25.5, 1
N2Oopt_pins = bits, U08, 355, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
RevLimRtdAng = scalar, S16, 356, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10, 25.5, 1
RevLimNormal3 = scalar, S16, 358, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
RevLimNormal2_hyst= scalar,S16, 360, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwmidleset_inv = bits, U08, 362, [3:3], "Normal, 0%=off", "Inverted, 100%=off"
trig_init = scalar, U08, 363, "", 1,0,0,255,0
pwmidle_ms = scalar, U16, 364, "ms", 1, 0.00000, 0, 500, 0
pwmidle_close_delay = scalar, U08, 366, "sec", 1, 0.00000, 0, 10, 0
pwmidle_open_duty = scalar, U08, 367, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
pwmidle_open_steps = scalar, U08, 367, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0 ; same but steps
pwmidle_closed_duty = scalar, U08, 368, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
pwmidle_closed_steps = scalar, U08, 368, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0 ; same but steps
pwmidle_pid_wait_timer = scalar, U08, 369, "sec", 1, 0.00000, 0, 10, 0
pwmidle_min_duty = scalar, U08, 370, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 255, 1
pwmidle_min_steps = scalar, U08, 370, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0 ; same but steps
pwmidle_engage_rpm_adder = scalar, U16, 371, "rpm", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwmidle_tps_threshold = scalar, U16, 373, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 1000, 1
pwmidle_dp_adder = scalar, U08, 375, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 20, 1
pwmidle_dp_adder_steps = scalar, U08, 375, "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 20, 0 ; same but steps
pwmidle_rpmdot_threshold = scalar, U16, 376, "rpm/sec", 10.0, 0.00000, 0, 1000, 0
pwmidle_decelload_threshold=scalar,U16, 378, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
pwmidle_Kp = scalar, U16, 380, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
pwmidle_Ki = scalar, U16, 382, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
pwmidle_Kd = scalar, U16, 384, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
pwmidle_freq_scale = bits, U08, 386, [0:3], "1021Hz", "766Hz", "613Hz", "511Hz", "383Hz", "306Hz", "204Hz", "153Hz", "99Hz", "75Hz", "50Hz", "48Hz", "30Hz", "20Hz", "15Hz", "12Hz"
pwmidle_freq_pin = bits, U08, 386, [5:5], "PWM / Idle Out 1", "PWM Out 2"
pwmidle_freq_pin3 = bits, U08, 386, [6:7], "Off", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3"
boost_ctl_settings_freq = bits, U08, 387, [0:2], "INVALID", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
boost_ctl_settings_on = bits, U08, 387, [3:3], "Off","On"
boost_ctl_settings_cl = bits, U08, 387, [4:4], "Open-loop", "Closed-loop"
boost_ctl_settings_invert_new= bits, U08, 387, [5:5], "Normal", "Inverted"
boost_ctl_settings_initialvals=bits,U08,387, [6:6], "Off", "Use Initial Value Table"
boost_ctl_pins_pwm = bits, U08, 388, [5:7], "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J"
boost_ctl_pins = bits, U08, 388, [0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
boost_ctl_Kp = scalar, U08, 389, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_Ki = scalar, U08, 390, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_Kd = scalar, U08, 391, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_closeduty = scalar, U08, 392, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_openduty = scalar, U08, 393, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_ms = scalar, U16, 394, "ms", 1, 0.00000, 10, 500, 0
boost_ctl_pwm_scale = bits, U08, 396, [0:3], "1021Hz", "766Hz", "613Hz", "511Hz", "383Hz", "306Hz", "204Hz", "153Hz", "99Hz", "75Hz", "50Hz", "48Hz", "30Hz", "20Hz", "15Hz", "12Hz"
boost_ctl_pwm = bits, U08, 396, [4:5], "INVALID", "Mid","Slow", "INVALID"
NoiseFilterOpts = bits, U08, 397, [0:0], "Off", "On"
NoiseFilterOpts1 = bits, U08, 397, [1:1], "Off", "On"
NoiseFilterOpts2 = bits, U08, 397, [2:2], "Off", "On"
NoiseFilterOpts3 = bits, U08, 397, [3:3], "Off", "On"
pwmidle_min_rpm = scalar, U16, 398, "rpm", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwmidle_max_rpm = scalar, U16, 400, "rpm", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwmidle_targ_ramptime = scalar, U08, 402, "sec", 1, 0.00000, 0, 10, 0
;accel wizard mini tables moved here to keep on one page
taeBins = array , U08, 404, [ 4], "%", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 4 bytes) ; tpsen_table
maeBins = array , U08, 408, [ 4], "%", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ; * ( 4 bytes) ; mapen_table
taeRates = array , S16, 412, [ 4], "%/s", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 5000.00, 1 ; * ( 8 bytes) tpsDot bins used for AE: x for TAE interpolation ; tpsdot_table
maeRates = array , S16, 420, [ 4], "kPa/s", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 32767.0, 0 ; * ( 8 bytes) mapDot bins used for AE: x for MAE ; mapdot_table
secondtrigopts = bits, U08, 428, [0:0], "Off", "On"
secondtrigopts1 = bits, U08, 428, [1:1], "Off", "On"
secondtrigopts2 = bits, U08, 428, [2:2], "Off", "On"
secondtrigopts3 = bits, U08, 428, [3:3], "Off", "On"
TC5_required_width = scalar, U16, 429, "uSec", 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00, 5000, 0 ;
egoLimit = scalar, S16, 431, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 50, 0 ;
stoich = scalar, S16, 433, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1 ;
MAPOXMin = scalar, S16, 435, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
IC2ISR_tmask = scalar, U08, 437, "ms", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 1 byte )
IC2ISR_pmask = scalar, U08, 438, "%", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 90, 0 ; * ( 1 byte )
;afrload and eaeload are part of extra_load_opts in firmware
afrload = bits, U08, 439, [0:3], "Use primary load (Algorithm)", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
eaeload = bits, U08, 439, [4:7], "Use primary load (Algorithm)", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "INVALID", "MAF", "ITB", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
; airden_scaling = scalar, U08, 440, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 150.00, 0
#if MPH
fan_idleup_vss_hyst = scalar, U16, 441, "MPH", 0.22369, 0, 0, 200, 0
fan_idleup_vss_hyst = scalar, U16, 441, "KPH", 0.3600, 0, 0, 300, 0
log_style_led = bits, U08, 443, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANOUT1", "CANOUT2", "CANOUT3", "CANOUT4", "CANOUT5", "CANOUT6", "CANOUT7", "CANOUT8", "CANOUT9", "CANOUT10", "CANOUT11", "CANOUT12", "CANOUT13", "CANOUT14", "CANOUT15", "CANOUT16"
log_style_ledspd = bits, U08, 443, [6:7], "Normal", "Slower", "Faster", "INVALID"
primedelay = scalar, U08, 444, "s", 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 3, 1
pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable = bits, U08, 445, [0:0], "Use last value", "Use initial value table"
pwmidle_cl_opts_initval_clt = bits, U08, 445, [1:1], "Use MAT", "Use CLT"
pwmidle_dp_decay_factor = scalar, U08, 446, "", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv = bits, U08, 447, [0:0], "Use normal activation", "Use PID idle activation"
idleveadv_to_pid_idleve = bits, U08, 447, [1:1], "Use normal activation", "Use PID idle activation"
#if PW_4X
staged_secondary_enrichment = scalar, U16, 455, "ms", 0.004, 0, 0, 10, 3
staged_secondary_enrichment = scalar, U16, 455, "ms", 0.001, 0, 0, 10, 3
staged_primary_delay = scalar, U08, 457, "ign events", 1, 0, 0, 30, 0
idleadvance_on = bits, U08, 459, [0:0], "Off", "On" ;
idleve_on = bits, U08, 459, [1:1], "Off", "On"
idleve_vsson = bits, U08, 459, [2:3], "Off", "VSS1", "VSS2", "INVALID"
idleadv_vsson = bits, U08, 459, [4:5], "Off", "VSS1", "VSS2", "INVALID"
idle_special_ops_timing_assist = bits, U08, 459, [6:6], "Off", "On"
idleadvance_tps = scalar, S16, 460, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
idleadvance_rpm = scalar, S16, 462, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
idleadvance_load = scalar, S16, 464, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
idleadvance_clt = scalar, S16, 466, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 230.00, 1
idleadvance_clt = scalar, S16, 466, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
idleadvance_clt = scalar, S16, 466, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 450, 1
idleadvance_clt = scalar, S16, 466, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
idleadvance_delay = scalar, U08, 468, "sec", 1, 0, 0, 5, 0
idleadvance_curve = array, S16, 469, [ 4 ], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -10.00, 90.00, 1
idleadvance_loads = array, S16, 477, [ 4 ], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
;SD datalogging
log_style2_but = bits, U08, 485, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
log_style_block = bits, U08, 486, [0:1], "64 byte", "64 byte + stream", "INVALID", "INVALID"
log_style_on = bits, U08, 486, [6:7], "Disabled", "Insertion", "Button", "INVALID" ;"Button+WTF"
log_style2_samp = bits, U08, 487, [3:4], "Timed", "every tooth", "every cycle", "INVALID"
log_style2_clg = bits, U08, 487, [5:5], "Off", "On"
log_style3_adc = bits, U08, 488, [0:2], "INT_MAP", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID"
log_length = scalar, U08, 489, "mins", 1, 0, 1, 255, 0
log_int = scalar, U16, 490, "ms", 0.128,0,3,8388,0
logFieldOffset = array , U16, 492, [ 64], "", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65535, 0 ; * ( 64 words)
logFieldLength = array , U08, 620, [ 64], "", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 64 bytes)
firea = scalar, U08, 684, "", 1,0,0,16,0
fireb = scalar, U08, 685, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firec = scalar, U08, 686, "", 1,0,0,16,0
fired = scalar, U08, 687, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firee = scalar, U08, 688, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firef = scalar, U08, 689, "", 1,0,0,16,0
fireg = scalar, U08, 690, "", 1,0,0,16,0
fireh = scalar, U08, 691, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firei = scalar, U08, 692, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firej = scalar, U08, 693, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firek = scalar, U08, 694, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firel = scalar, U08, 695, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firem = scalar, U08, 696, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firen = scalar, U08, 697, "", 1,0,0,16,0
fireo = scalar, U08, 698, "", 1,0,0,16,0
firep = scalar, U08, 699, "", 1,0,0,16,0
sequential = bits, U08, 700, [0:1], "Off", "Semi-sequential", "Fully Sequential", "INVALID"
sequential_angle_spec = bits, U08, 700, [2:4], "INVALID", "End of squirt", "Middle of Squirt", "INVALID", "Beginning of squirt", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
sequential_trim_on_off = bits, U08, 700, [5:5], "Off", "On"
; sequential_bank_trim = bits, U08, 700, [6:6], "Off", "On" ; no longer used
boost_launch_duty = scalar, U08, 701, "%", 1,0,0,100,0
boost_launch_target = scalar, U16, 702, "kPa", 1,0,0,{loadhigh},0
boost_feats_tsw = bits, U08, 704, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "Blend Curve(6)","Gear-based", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
boost_feats_launch = bits, U08, 704, [5:5], "Off", "On"
boost_feats_timed = bits, U08, 704, [6:6], "Off", "On"
;see lower for launch_var_on
launch_3step_in = bits, U08, 705, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
launch_var_low = scalar, U16, 706, "rpm", 1,0,0,{rpmhigh},0
launch_var_up = scalar, U16, 708, "rpm", 1,0,0,{rpmhigh},0
launch_var_sof = scalar, U16, 710, "rpm", 1,0,0,{rpmhigh},0
launch_sft_lim3 = scalar, S16, 712, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_sft_deg3 = scalar, S16, 714, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -90.0, 180.00, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_hrd_lim3 = scalar, S16, 716, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
map_sample_duration = scalar, S16, 718, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 50, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes )
opentime_opt1_master = bits, U08, 720, [7:7], "Same", "Individual"
opentime_opt1 = bits, U08, 720, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt2 = bits, U08, 721, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt3 = bits, U08, 722, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt4 = bits, U08, 723, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt5 = bits, U08, 724, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt6 = bits, U08, 725, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt7 = bits, U08, 726, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt8 = bits, U08, 727, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opta = bits, U08, 728, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opta_pwm= bits, U08, 728, [4:4], "Off", "On"
opentime_optb = bits, U08, 729, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_optb_pwm= bits, U08, 729, [4:4], "Off", "On"
opentime_optb_own= bits, U08, 729, [5:5], "Off", "On"
opentime_opt11 = bits, U08, 730, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt12 = bits, U08, 731, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt13 = bits, U08, 732, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt14 = bits, U08, 733, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt15 = bits, U08, 734, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime_opt16 = bits, U08, 735, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; opentime_opt17 = bits, U08, 736, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; opentime_opt18 = bits, U08, 737, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt1_master = bits, U08, 738, [7:7], "Off", "On"
smallpw_opt1 = bits, U08, 738, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt2 = bits, U08, 739, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt3 = bits, U08, 740, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt4 = bits, U08, 741, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt5 = bits, U08, 742, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt6 = bits, U08, 743, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt7 = bits, U08, 744, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt8 = bits, U08, 745, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opta = bits, U08, 746, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_optb = bits, U08, 747, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt11 = bits, U08, 748, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt12 = bits, U08, 749, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt13 = bits, U08, 750, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt14 = bits, U08, 751, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt15 = bits, U08, 752, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw_opt16 = bits, U08, 753, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; smallpw_opt17 = bits, U08, 754, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; smallpw_opt18 = bits, U08, 755, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
maxafr_opt1_on = bits, U08, 756, [0:0], "Off", "On"
maxafr_opt1_load= bits,U08, 756, [1:2], "MAP", "TPS", "INVALID", "INVALID"
maxafr_opt1_led = bits,U08, 757, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANOUT1", "CANOUT2", "CANOUT3", "CANOUT4", "CANOUT5", "CANOUT6", "CANOUT7", "CANOUT8", "CANOUT9", "CANOUT10", "CANOUT11", "CANOUT12", "CANOUT13", "CANOUT14", "CANOUT15", "CANOUT16"
maxafr_en_load = scalar, U16, 758, "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
maxafr_en_rpm = scalar, U16, 760, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
maxafr_en_time = scalar, U16, 762, "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 5.000, 1
maxafr_spkcut_time=scalar, U16, 764, "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 5.000, 2
maxafr_ret_tps = scalar, U16, 766, "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, 110, 1
maxafr_ret_map = scalar, U16, 768, "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
maxafr_ret_rpm = scalar, U16, 770, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 1
#if PW_4X
launch_addfuel = scalar, S16, 772, "ms", 0.004, 0.0000, -128, +128, 3
launch_addfuel = scalar, S16, 772, "ms", 0.001, 0.0000, -32, +32, 3
wheeldia1 = scalar, U16, 774, "m", 0.001, 0, 0.3, 2, 3
wheeldia2 = scalar, U16, 778, "m", 0.001, 0, 0.3, 2, 3
#else ; inches
wheeldia1 = scalar, U16, 774, "in", 0.039370, 0, 12, 79, 1
wheeldia2 = scalar, U16, 778, "in", 0.039370, 0, 12, 79, 1
fdratio1 = scalar, U16, 776, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 6.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
;not a gap
vss1_pos = bits, U08, 780, [0:1], "Wheel", "Driveline", "Pulses per mile", "Pulses per km"
vss2_pos = bits, U08, 780, [2:3], "Wheel", "Driveline", "Pulses per mile", "Pulses per km"
launch_var_on = bits, U08, 781, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
reluctorteeth1 = scalar, U08, 782, "", 1, 0,0,255,0
reluctorteeth2 = scalar, U08, 783, "", 1, 0,0,255,0
vss_opt1 = bits, U08, 784, [0:3], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "CAN VSS", "Use CAN PWMin"
vss_opt2 = bits, U08, 784, [4:7], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "CAN VSS", "Use CAN PWMin"
vss1_an = bits, U08, 785,[0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
vss1_can_id = scalar, U08, 786, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255, 0 ;
tsw_pin_ob = bits, U08, 787, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vss1_can_offset = scalar, U16, 788, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65535, 0 ;
vss2_can_offset = scalar, U16, 790, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65535, 0 ;
MapThreshXTD = scalar, U08, 792, "-kpa/sec", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ;
MapThreshXTD2 = scalar, U08, 793, "-kpa/sec", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ;
reluctorteeth3 = scalar, U08, 794, "", 1, 0,0,255,0
reluctorteeth4 = scalar, U08, 795, "", 1, 0,0,255,0
ss_opt1 = bits, U08, 796, [0:3], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "Poll CAN"
ss_opt2 = bits, U08, 796, [4:7], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "Poll CAN"
vss2_an = bits, U08, 797,[0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
ss1_pwmseq = scalar, U08, 798, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 1, 4, 0
ss2_pwmseq = scalar, U08, 799, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 1, 4, 0
gear_can_offset = scalar, U16, 800, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65535, 0 ;
mapsample_opt1 = bits, U08, 802, [0:1], "1", "2", "4", "INVALID"
mapsample_opt2 = bits, U08, 802, [2:2], "Use timed min", "Use event average"
map2port = bits, U08, 803, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog in 3", "Analog in 1", "Analog in 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
n2o1n_pins = bits, U08, 804,[0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
n2o1f_pins = bits, U08, 805,[0:4], "Same", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
n2o2n_pins = bits, U08, 806,[0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
n2o2f_pins = bits, U08, 807,[0:4], "Same", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
#if MPH
vss1_an_max = scalar, U16, 808, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 1000, 0
vss2_an_max = scalar, U16, 810, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 1000, 0
vss1_an_max = scalar, U16, 808, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 1600, 0
vss2_an_max = scalar, U16, 810, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 1600, 0
tsw_pin_rf = bits, U08, 812, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
tsw_pin_afr = bits, U08, 813, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "Blend curve(5)", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
tsw_pin_stoich = bits, U08, 814, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
boost_vss = bits, U08, 815, [0:1], "Off", "VSS1", "VSS2", "INVALID"
#if PW_4X
ReqFuel_alt = scalar, U16, 816, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 262.143, 2
ReqFuel_alt = scalar, U16, 816, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 65.535, 2
stoich_alt = scalar, S16, 818, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1
water_pins_pump = bits, U08, 820,[0:4], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
water_pins_valve = bits, U08, 821,[0:4], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
water_pins_in_shut = bits, U08, 822, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
water_freq = bits, U08, 823,[0:2], "INVALID", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
water_freq_on = bits, U08, 823,[4:4], "Off", "On"
water_freq_type = bits, U08, 823,[5:6], "Off", "Fast", "Slow", "INVALID"
boost_vss_tps = scalar, U16, 824, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
water_tps = scalar, U16, 826, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
water_rpm = scalar, U16, 828, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
water_map = scalar, U16, 830, "kPa", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
water_mat = scalar, S16, 832, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
water_mat = scalar, S16, 832, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
pwmidle_rpmdot_disablepid = scalar, S16, 834, "", 10.0000, 0.00000, 0, 1000, 0
boost_ctl_lowerlimit = scalar, S16, 836, "%",0.10000, 0.00000, 5, {loadhigh}, 1
enable_pollADC = bits, U08, 838, [0:0], "Disable", "Enable"
enable_pollPWM = bits, U08, 838, [1:2], "Disable", "16bit", "32bit", "INVALID"
enable_pollports_digin = bits, U08,838, [3:3], "Disable", "Enable"
enable_pollports_digout = bits,U08,838, [4:5], "Disable", "One", "Two", "INVALID"
enable_pwmout = bits,U08,838, [6:6], "Disable", "Enable"
; enable_poll_rtc = bits,U08,838, [7:7], "Disable", "Enable"
poll_table_rtc = scalar, U08, 839, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0
poll_tablePWM = scalar, U08, 840, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
poll_tableports = scalar, U08, 841, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
poll_offset_rtc = scalar, S16, 842, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0
poll_offsetPWM = scalar, S16, 844, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0 ;
can_poll_digin_offset = scalar, S16, 846, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0 ;
can_poll_digout_offset = scalar, S16, 848, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0 ;
egt_num = bits, U08, 850, [0:4], "Off", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
accXport = bits, U08, 851, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
accYport = bits, U08, 852, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
accZport = bits, U08, 853, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
accXcal1 = scalar, S16, 854, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accXcal2 = scalar, S16, 856, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accYcal1 = scalar, S16, 858, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accYcal2 = scalar, S16, 860, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accZcal1 = scalar, S16, 862, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accZcal2 = scalar, S16, 864, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 4095, 0
accxyzLF = scalar, U08, 866, "%", 1, 0, 10, 100, 0
egt16port = bits, U08, 882, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "EXT_MAP (ADC11)", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt1port = bits, U08, 867, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt2port = bits, U08, 868, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt3port = bits, U08, 869, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt4port = bits, U08, 870, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt5port = bits, U08, 871, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt6port = bits, U08, 872, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt7port = bits, U08, 873, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt8port = bits, U08, 874, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt9port = bits, U08, 875, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt10port = bits, U08, 876, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt11port = bits, U08, 877, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt12port = bits, U08, 878, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt13port = bits, U08, 879, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt14port = bits, U08, 880, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt15port = bits, U08, 881, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "EGO2 (ADC12)", "Spare ADC (ADC13)", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egt_conf_action = bits, U08, 883, [0:0], "Off", "On"
egt_conf_shutdown = bits, U08, 883, [1:1], "Off", "On"
egt_conf_bank = bits, U08, 883, [2:3], "INVALID", "Bank 1", "Bank 2", "Both"
;EGT calibration
egtcal_temp0 = scalar, S16, 884, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 1500, 0
egtcal_tempmax= scalar, S16, 886, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 1500, 0
egt_warn = scalar, S16, 888, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 1500, 0
egt_max = scalar, S16, 890, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 1500, 0
egtcal_temp0 = scalar, S16, 884, "°F", 0.1, 0, -40, 2700, 0
egtcal_tempmax= scalar, S16, 886, "°F", 0.1, 0, -40, 2700, 0
egt_warn = scalar, S16, 888, "°F", 0.1, 0, -40, 2700, 0
egt_max = scalar, S16, 890, "°F", 0.1, 0, -40, 2700, 0
egt_time = scalar, U16, 892, "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 10, 2
vss1_can_scale= scalar, U16, 894, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 6553, 1
vss2_can_scale= scalar, U16, 896, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 6553, 1
vss1_pwmseq = scalar, U08, 898, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 1, 4, 0
vss2_pwmseq = scalar, U08, 899, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 1, 4, 0
MAFOption = bits, U08, 900, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "MAP", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
MAFOption_t = bits, U08, 900, [5:5], "Voltage", "Frequency"
MAFOption_f = bits, U08, 900, [6:7], "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3"
enginesize = scalar, U16, 901, "cc", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 65536, 0
vssout_opt = bits, U08, 903,[0:4], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vssout_optunits= bits, U08, 903, [6:7], "Time", "Pulses per mile", "Pulses per km", "INVALID"
vssout_scale = scalar, U16, 904, "", 0.1, 0, 0, 6553, 1
vss1_can_size = bits, U08, 906, [0:0], "8bit", "16bit"
vss2_can_size = bits, U08, 906, [1:1], "8bit", "16bit"
canpwm_clk = scalar, U08, 907, "MHz", 1,0,0,100,0
canpwm_pre = scalar, U08, 908, "", 1,0,0,255,0
canpwm_div = scalar, U08, 909, "", 1,0,0,255,0
vss1_can_table = scalar, U08, 910, "", 1,0,0,255,0
feature7_mafmat = bits, U08, 911, [0:0], "Off", "On"
feature7_maftrim = bits, U08, 911, [1:1], "Off", "On"
feature7_mafcalib= bits, U08, 911, [2:2], "Off", "On"
feature7_aeevents= bits, U08, 911, [3:3], "Time", "Events"
feature7_aetpswot= bits, U08, 911, [4:4], "Off", "On"
vss1LF = scalar, U08, 912, "", 1,0,10,100,0
vss2LF = scalar, U08, 913, "", 1,0,10,100,0
ss1LF = scalar, U08, 914, "", 1,0,10,100,0
ss2LF = scalar, U08, 915, "", 1,0,10,100,0
#if PW_4X
egt_addfuel = scalar, U16, 916, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 262.143, 2
egt_addfuel = scalar, U16, 916, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 65.535, 2
launch_fcut_rpm= scalar, U16, 918, "RPM", 1, 0, 1000, {rpmhigh}, 0
;gear ratios
gear1ratio = scalar, U16, 920, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear2ratio = scalar, U16, 922, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear3ratio = scalar, U16, 924, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear4ratio = scalar, U16, 926, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear5ratio = scalar, U16, 928, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear6ratio = scalar, U16, 930, ":1", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.40, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear_method = bits, U08, 932, [0:1], "Off", "VSS/RPM", "Analogue", "CAN Gear#"
gear_port_an = bits, U08, 933, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
gear0v = scalar, U16, 934, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear1v = scalar, U16, 936, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear2v = scalar, U16, 938, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear3v = scalar, U16, 940, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear4v = scalar, U16, 942, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear5v = scalar, U16, 944, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear6v = scalar, U16, 946, "V", 0.01, 0.00000, 0.00, 5.0, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
gear_no = scalar, U08, 948, "", 1, 0, 1, 6, 0
vssdotLF = scalar, U08, 949, "", 1,0,10,100,0
vssdot_int = scalar, U08, 950, "ms", 10, 0 , 10, 2000, 0
ac_idleup_io_in = bits, U08, 951, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
ac_idleup_settings = bits, U08, 951, [7:7], "Off", "On"
ac_idleup_io_out = bits, U08, 952, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANOUT1", "CANOUT2", "CANOUT3", "CANOUT4", "CANOUT5", "CANOUT6", "CANOUT7", "CANOUT8", "CANOUT9", "CANOUT10", "CANOUT11", "CANOUT12", "CANOUT13", "CANOUT14", "CANOUT15", "CANOUT16"
ac_idleup_delay = scalar, U16, 953, "ms", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 1000, 0
ac_idleup_adder_duty = scalar, U08, 955, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
ac_idleup_adder_steps = scalar, U08, 955, "steps", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
fanctl_settings_on = bits, U08, 956, [7:7], "Off", "On"
fanctl_settings_idleup = bits, U08, 956, [6:6], "No", "Yes"
fanctl_settings_pin = bits, U08, 956, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANOUT1", "CANOUT2", "CANOUT3", "CANOUT4", "CANOUT5", "CANOUT6", "CANOUT7", "CANOUT8", "CANOUT9", "CANOUT10", "CANOUT11", "CANOUT12", "CANOUT13", "CANOUT14", "CANOUT15", "CANOUT16"
fanctl_idleup_delay = scalar, U16, 957, "ms", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 1000, 0
fanctl_idleup_adder_duty = scalar, U08, 959, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
fanctl_idleup_adder_steps = scalar, U08, 959, "steps", 1.000, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
fanctl_ontemp =scalar, S16, 960, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1
fanctl_offtemp =scalar, S16, 962, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1
fanctl_ontemp =scalar, S16, 960, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
fanctl_offtemp =scalar, S16, 962, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
canadc_opt1 = bits, U08, 964, [0:0], "Off", "On"
canadc_opt2 = bits, U08, 964, [1:1], "Off", "On"
canadc_opt3 = bits, U08, 964, [2:2], "Off", "On"
canadc_opt4 = bits, U08, 964, [3:3], "Off", "On"
canadc_opt5 = bits, U08, 964, [4:4], "Off", "On"
canadc_opt6 = bits, U08, 964, [5:5], "Off", "On"
fanctl_opt2_engineoff = bits, U08, 965, [0:0], "No", "Yes"
canadc_id1 = scalar, U08, 966, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_id2 = scalar, U08, 967, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_id3 = scalar, U08, 968, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_id4 = scalar, U08, 969, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_id5 = scalar, U08, 970, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_id6 = scalar, U08, 971, "", 1, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0
canadc_tab1 = scalar, U08, 972, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_tab2 = scalar, U08, 973, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_tab3 = scalar, U08, 974, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_tab4 = scalar, U08, 975, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_tab5 = scalar, U08, 976, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_tab6 = scalar, U08, 977, "", 1, 0, 0, 31, 0, 0
canadc_off1 = scalar, U16, 978, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
canadc_off2 = scalar, U16, 980, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
canadc_off3 = scalar, U16, 982, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
canadc_off4 = scalar, U16, 984, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
canadc_off5 = scalar, U16, 986, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
canadc_off6 = scalar, U16, 988, "", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0, 0
ac_idleup_cl_targetadder = scalar, S16, 990, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 700, 0
fan_idleup_cl_targetadder = scalar, S16, 992, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 700, 0
boost_ctl_clt_threshold = scalar, S16, 994, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 230.00, 1
boost_ctl_clt_threshold = scalar, S16, 994, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
boost_ctl_clt_threshold = scalar, S16, 994, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 450, 1
boost_ctl_clt_threshold = scalar, S16, 994, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
fan_ctl_settings_acfan = bits, U08, 996, [0:0], "Leave Fan off", "Turn fan on"
ego_upper_bound = scalar, U08, 997, "Lambda", 0.006803, 0.00000, 0.0476, 1.7, 3
ego_lower_bound = scalar, U08, 998, "Lambda", 0.006803, 0.00000, 0.0476, 1.7, 3
ego_upper_bound = scalar, U08, 997, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 7, 25, 1
ego_lower_bound = scalar, U08, 998, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 7, 25, 1
;pad 1 byte
#if MPH
launch_maxvss = scalar, U16, 1000, "MPH", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0.00, 200, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
launch_maxvss = scalar, U16, 1000, "KPH", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0.00, 300, 0
maf_range = bits, U08, 1002, [0:1], "650g/s", "1300g/s", "1950g/s", "2600g/s"
ac_delay_since_last_on = scalar, U08, 1003, "sec", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 30, 0
;pad 4 bytes
boost_gear_switch = scalar, U08, 1008, "gear", 1, 0, 1, 7, 0
staged_extended_opts_use_v3 = bits, U08, 1009, [0:0], "Use Inj A-H (if possible)", "Use Inj I/J"
staged_extended_opts_simult = bits, U08, 1009, [1:1], "Alternating (2 squirts)", "Simultaneous (1 squirt)"
staged_extended_opts_pw1off = bits, U08, 1009, [2:2], "Off", "On"
can_pwmout_id = scalar, U08, 1010, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
can_pwmout_tab = scalar, U08, 1011, "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 15, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
can_pwmout_offset = scalar, S16, 1012, "bytes", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, 4095, 0 ;
idleve_tps = scalar, S16, 1014, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
idleve_rpm = scalar, U16, 1016, "rpm", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
idleve_load = scalar, S16, 1018, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
idleve_clt = scalar, S16, 1020, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 230.00, 1
idleve_clt = scalar, S16, 1020, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
idleve_clt = scalar, S16, 1020, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 450, 1
idleve_clt = scalar, S16, 1020, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
idleve_delay = scalar, U08, 1022, "sec", 1.00000, 0.0000, 0, 10, 0
ac_idleup_cl_lockout_mapadder = scalar, U08, 1023, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 25.5, 0
page = 2
pwm_testio = bits, U08, 0, [0:2], "INVALID", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
duty_testio = scalar, U08, 1, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 1
testop_0 = scalar, U08, 2, "", 1,0,0,255,0
testop_coil = bits, U08, 2, [0:1], "Off", "One", "Sequence", "INVALID"
testop_fp = bits, U08, 2, [4:4], "Off", "On"
testop_inj = bits, U08, 2, [5:6], "Off", "One", "Sequence", "All"
testop_pwm = bits, U08, 2, [7:7], "Standard", "As below"
testdwell = scalar, U08, 3, "ms", 0.1,0,0,25.5,1
testint = scalar, U16, 4, "ms", 0.128,0,0,8388,1
;this depend on single coil or seq etc.
testrpm = scalar, U16, 4, "RPM", 1.0, { (120000/testint) - (testint/ 0.128) },0,937500,0
#if PW_4X
testpw = scalar, U16, 6, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0, 262.143, 3
testpw = scalar, U16, 6, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0, 65.535, 3
testinjcnt = scalar, U16, 8, "", 1,0,0,65535,0
testinjPwmT = scalar, U08, 11, "ms", 0.12800, 0.12800, 0.00, 32.64, 1
testinjPwmPd = scalar, U08, 12, "us", 1.00000, 0.00000, 40.00, 100.00, 0
testinjPwmP = scalar, U08, 13, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0
testsel_inj = bits, U08, 14, [0:3], "InjA", "InjB", "InjC", "InjD", "InjE", "InjF", "InjG", "InjH", "InjI", "InjJ" ,"InjK", "InjL", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
testsel_coil = bits, U08, 14, [4:7], "CoilA", "CoilB", "CoilC", "CoilD", "CoilE", "CoilF", "CoilG", "CoilH", "CoilI", "CoilJ", "CoilK", "CoilL", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
dbgtooth = scalar, U08, 15, "tooth", 1,0,0,255,0
iacpostest = scalar, U16, 16, "steps", 1,0,0,65535,0
iachometest = scalar, U16, 18, "steps", 1,0,0,65535,0
iactest_0 = scalar, U08, 20, "", 1,0,0,255,0
flashlock = bits, U08, 21, [0:0], "Locked", "Unlocked" ; tables 0-3
boost_ctl_settings_on2 = bits, U08, 22, [3:3], "Off","On"
boost_ctl_settings_cl2 = bits, U08, 22, [4:4], "Open-loop", "Closed-loop"
boost_ctl_pins_pwm2 = bits, U08, 23, [5:7], "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J"
boost_ctl_pins2 = bits, U08, 23, [0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
boost_ctl_Kp2 = scalar, U08, 24, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_Ki2 = scalar, U08, 25, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_Kd2 = scalar, U08, 26, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
boost_ctl_closeduty2 = scalar, U08, 27, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_openduty2 = scalar, U08, 28, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_lowerlimit2 = scalar, S16, 30, "%",0.10000, 0.00000, 5, {loadhigh}, 1
boost_ctl_sensor2 = bits, U08, 32, [0:3], "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
;small gap
egoport1 = bits, U08, 40, [0:4], "Normal EGO", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport2 = bits, U08, 41, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport3 = bits, U08, 42, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport4 = bits, U08, 43, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport5 = bits, U08, 44, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport6 = bits, U08, 45, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport7 = bits, U08, 46, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport8 = bits, U08, 47, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport9 = bits, U08, 48, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport10 = bits, U08, 49, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport11 = bits, U08, 50, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport12 = bits, U08, 51, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport13 = bits, U08, 52, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport14 = bits, U08, 53, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport15 = bits, U08, 54, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egoport16 = bits, U08, 55, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "CAN EGO", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
egomap1 = bits, U08, 56, [0:3], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap2 = bits, U08, 57, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap3 = bits, U08, 58, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap4 = bits, U08, 59, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap5 = bits, U08, 60, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap6 = bits, U08, 61, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap7 = bits, U08, 62, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap8 = bits, U08, 63, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap9 = bits, U08, 64, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap10 = bits, U08, 65, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap11 = bits, U08, 66, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap12 = bits, U08, 67, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap13 = bits, U08, 68, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap14 = bits, U08, 69, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap15 = bits, U08, 70, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
egomap16 = bits, U08, 71, [0:2], "EGO1", "EGO2", "EGO3", "EGO4", "EGO5", "EGO6", "EGO7", "EGO8", "EGO9", "EGO10", "EGO11", "EGO12", "EGO13", "EGO14", "EGO15", "EGO16"
;egomap?t is not presently implemented in the code
egomap1t = bits, U08, 56, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap2t = bits, U08, 57, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap3t = bits, U08, 58, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap4t = bits, U08, 59, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap5t = bits, U08, 60, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap6t = bits, U08, 61, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap7t = bits, U08, 62, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap8t = bits, U08, 63, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap9t = bits, U08, 64, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap10t = bits, U08, 65, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap11t = bits, U08, 66, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap12t = bits, U08, 67, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap13t = bits, U08, 68, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap14t = bits, U08, 69, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap15t = bits, U08, 70, [4:4], "1", "2"
egomap16t = bits, U08, 71, [4:4], "1", "2"
tc_opt_on = bits, U08, 72, [0:0], "Off", "On"
tc_opt_method = bits, U08, 72, [1:2], "Perfect Run", "VSS %slip", "Perfect Run RPM", "Switch input"
tc_opt_slipcurve=bits,U08, 72, [4:4], "Fixed value", "Adjustable"
tc_opt_n2o = bits, U08, 72, [5:5], "On/Off", "INVALID"
tc_opt_bank = bits, U08, 72, [6:7], "INVALID", "Bank 1", "Bank 2", "Both"
tc_slipthresh = scalar, U08, 73, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
#if MPH
tc_minvss = scalar, U16, 74, "mph", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
tc_maxvss = scalar, U16, 76, "mph", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
tc_minvss = scalar, U16, 74, "kph", 0.36000, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
tc_maxvss = scalar, U16, 76, "kph", 0.36000, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
tc_mintps = scalar, S16, 78, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
tc_enin = bits, U08, 80, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
knock_bpass = bits, U08, 81, [0:5], "1.22", "1.26", "1.31", "1.35", "1.40", "1.45", "1.51", "1.57", "1.63", "1.71", "1.78", "1.87", "1.96", "2.07", "2.18", "2.31", "2.46", "2.54", "2.62", "2.71", "2.81", "2.92", "3.03", "3.15", "3.28", "3.43", "3.59", "3.76", "3.95", "4.16", "4.39", "4.66", "4.95", "5.12", "5.29", "5.48", "5.68", "5.90", "6.12", "6.37", "6.64", "6.94", "7.27", "7.63", "8.02", "8.46", "8.95", "9.50", "10.12", "10.46", "10.83", "11.22", "11.65", "12.10", "12.60", "13.14", "13.72", "14.36", "15.07", "15.84", "16.71", "17.67", "18.76", "19.98"
knock_conf_num = bits, U08, 82, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_conf_percyl = bits, U08, 82, [7:7], "Off", "On"
knock_int = bits, U08, 83, [0:4], "40", "45", "50", "55", "60", "65", "70", "75", "80", "90", "100", "110", "120", "130", "140", "150", "160", "180", "200", "220", "240", "260", "280", "300", "320", "360", "400", "440", "480", "520", "560", "600"
ff_tpw0 = scalar, U08, 84, "ms", 0.05, 0, 0, 12.7, 2
ff_tpw1 = scalar, U08, 85, "ms", 0.05, 0, 0, 12.7, 2
ff_temp0 = scalar, S16, 86, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
ff_temp1 = scalar, S16, 88, "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 150.00, 1
ff_temp0 = scalar, S16, 86, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
ff_temp1 = scalar, S16, 88, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000, -40, 300, 1
fueltemp1 = bits, U08, 90, [0:4], "Off", "Flex fuel", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
tc_knob = bits, U08, 91, [0:4], "Normal EGO", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
maf_freq0 = scalar, U16, 92, "Hz", 0.25, 0.00000, 0, 16383,1
maf_freq1 = scalar, U16, 94, "Hz", 0.25, 0.00000, 0, 16383,1
map_freq0 = scalar, U16, 96, "Hz", 0.2, 0.00000, 0, 13107,1
map_freq1 = scalar, U16, 98, "Hz", 0.2, 0.00000, 0, 13107,1
knock_gain01 = bits, U08, 100, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain02 = bits, U08, 101, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain03 = bits, U08, 102, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain04 = bits, U08, 103, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain05 = bits, U08, 104, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain06 = bits, U08, 105, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain07 = bits, U08, 106, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain08 = bits, U08, 107, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain09 = bits, U08, 108, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain10 = bits, U08, 109, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain11 = bits, U08, 110, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain12 = bits, U08, 111, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain13 = bits, U08, 112, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain14 = bits, U08, 113, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain15 = bits, U08, 114, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_gain16 = bits, U08, 115, [0:5], "2.000", "1.882", "1.778", "1.684", "1.600", "1.523", "1.455", "1.391", "1.333", "1.280", "1.231", "1.185", "1.143", "1.063", "1.000", "0.944", "0.895", "0.85", "0.81", "0.773", "0.739", "0.708", "0.680", "0.654", "0.630", "0.607", "0.586", "0.567", "0.548", "0.500", "0.471", "0.444", "0.421", "0.400", "0.381", "0.364", "0.348", "0.333", "0.320", "0.308", "0.296", "0.286", "0.276", "0.267", "0.258", "0.250", "0.236", "0.222", "0.211", "0.200", "0.190", "0.182", "0.174", "0.167", "0.160", "0.154", "0.148", "0.143", "0.138", "0.133", "0.129", "0.125", "0.118", "0.111"
knock_sens01 = bits, U08, 116, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens02 = bits, U08, 117, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens03 = bits, U08, 118, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens04 = bits, U08, 119, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens05 = bits, U08, 120, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens06 = bits, U08, 121, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens07 = bits, U08, 122, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens08 = bits, U08, 123, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens09 = bits, U08, 124, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens10 = bits, U08, 125, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens11 = bits, U08, 126, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens12 = bits, U08, 127, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens13 = bits, U08, 128, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens14 = bits, U08, 129, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens15 = bits, U08, 130, [0:0], "1", "2"
knock_sens16 = bits, U08, 131, [0:0], "1", "2"
;These are here for code dev to turn features on/off
; feature6_0 = bits, U08, 84, [0:0], "Off", "On"
; feature6_1 = bits, U08, 84, [1:1], "Off", "On"
; feature6_2 = bits, U08, 84, [2:2], "Off", "On"
; feature6_3 = bits, U08, 84, [3:3], "Off", "On"
; feature6_4 = bits, U08, 84, [4:4], "Off", "On"
; feature6_5 = bits, U08, 84, [5:5], "Off", "On"
; feature6_6 = bits, U08, 84, [6:6], "Off", "On"
; feature6_7 = bits, U08, 84, [7:7], "Off", "On"
s16_debug = scalar, S16, 132, "", 1, 0.00000, -32768, +32767, 0
u08_debug134 = scalar, U08, 134, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, +255, 0
AE_options = bits, U08, 135, [0:0], "Time-based AE", "Accel-pump AE"
accel_blend_percent = scalar, S16, 136, "%", 0.1, 0.0, 0, 100, 1
accel_tpsdot_threshold = scalar, U16, 138, "%/sec", 0.1, 0, 0, 5000, 0
accel_mapdot_threshold = scalar, U16, 140, "kpa/sec", 1, 0, 0, 20000, 0
accel_mapdots = array, S16, 142, [8], "kpa/sec", 1, 0, -5000, 5000, 0
accel_tpsdots = array, S16, 158, [8], "%/sec", 0.1, 0, -3000, 3000, 1
accel_mapdot_amts = array, S16, 174, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, -500, 500, 1
accel_tpsdot_amts = array, S16, 190, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, -500, 500, 1
accel_CLT_multiplier = scalar, S16, 206, "%", 0.1, 0, 100, 255, 1
cl_idle_timing_target_deltas = array, S16, 208, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, -1000, 1000, 0
cl_idle_timing_advance_deltas = array, S16, 224, [8], "deg", 0.1, 0, -90, 90, 0
;these are commented for alpha18 as feature incomplete
; ltt_opt_on = bits, U08, 240, [0:0], "Off", "On"
; ltt_opt_mode = bits, U08, 240, [1:1], "Timed", "Button"
; ltt_but_in = bits, U08, 241, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
; ltt_int = scalar, U08, 242, "", 1, 0.00000, 5, 30, 0
; ltt_led_out = bits, U08, 243, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
; ltt_thresh = scalar, U16, 244, "%", 0.1, 0.0, 100, 65535, 1
tc_minmap = scalar, S16, 246, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
can_bcast1_on = bits, U08, 248, [0:0], "Off", "On"
can_bcast1_280x4 = bits, U08, 248, [1:1], "Off", "On"
can_bcast1_280x1 = bits, U08, 248, [2:2], "Off", "On"
can_bcast1_289 = bits, U08, 248, [3:3], "Off", "On"
; can_bcast2 249
can_bcast_int = scalar, U16, 250, "ms", 0.128, 0.00000, 50, 1000,1
timedout1_in = bits, U08, 252, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
timedout1_out = bits, U08, 253, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
timedout1_offdelay = array, U16, 254, [6], "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
tstop_out = bits, U08, 256, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
; pad 257
tstop_delay = scalar, U16, 258, "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
tstop_hold = scalar, U16, 260, "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
oddfireangs1 = scalar, U16, 262, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfireangs2 = scalar, U16, 264, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfireangs3 = scalar, U16, 266, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfireangs4 = scalar, U16, 268, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfireangs5 = scalar, U16, 270, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
oddfireangs6 = scalar, U16, 272, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 720.00, 0 ; * ( 2 byte)
cel_opt_on = bits, U08, 274, [0:0], "Off", "On"
cel_opt_stat = bits, U08, 274, [1:3], "Off", "MAP", "MAT", "CLT", "TPS", "Batt", "EGO", "EGT1"
cel_port = bits, U08, 275, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
afr_min = scalar, U08, 276, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1 ;
afr_max = scalar, U08, 277, "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1 ;
afr_var_upper = scalar, U16, 278, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
afr_var_lower = scalar, U16, 280, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
map_minadc = scalar, U16, 282, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
map_maxadc = scalar, U16, 284, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
map_var_upper = scalar, U16, 286, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
mat_minadc = scalar, U16, 288, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
mat_maxadc = scalar, U16, 290, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
mat_var_upper = scalar, U16, 292, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
clt_minadc = scalar, U16, 294, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
clt_maxadc = scalar, U16, 296, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
clt_var_upper = scalar, U16, 298, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
tps_minadc = scalar, U16, 300, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
tps_maxadc = scalar, U16, 302, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 1023, 0
tps_var_upper = scalar, U16, 304, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
batt_minv = scalar, U08, 306, "", 0.1, 0, 7.00, 23.0, 1
batt_maxv = scalar, U08, 307, "", 0.1, 0, 7.00, 23.0, 1
batt_var_upper = scalar, U16, 308, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
cel_opt2_map = bits, U08, 310, [0:0], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_mat = bits, U08, 310, [1:1], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_clt = bits, U08, 310, [2:2], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_tps = bits, U08, 310, [3:3], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_batt = bits, U08, 310, [4:4], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_afr0 = bits, U08, 310, [5:5], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_sync = bits, U08, 310, [6:6], "Off", "On"
cel_opt2_egt = bits, U08, 310, [7:7], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_map = bits, U08, 311, [0:0], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_mat = bits, U08, 311, [1:1], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_clt = bits, U08, 311, [2:2], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_tps = bits, U08, 311, [3:3], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_batt= bits, U08, 311, [4:4], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_ego = bits, U08, 311, [5:5], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_sync = bits, U08, 311, [6:6], "Off", "On"
cel_action1_map_an = bits, U08, 311, [7:7], "Off", "On"
cel_clt_cold = scalar, S16, 312, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_clt_warm = scalar, S16, 314, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_clt_cold = scalar, S16, 312, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_clt_warm = scalar, S16, 314, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_warmtime = scalar, U16, 316 "mins", 0.01666, 9, 1, 20,1
cel_mat_default = scalar, S16, 318, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_mat_default = scalar, S16, 318, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
cel_revlim = scalar, S16, 320, "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0
cel_overboost = scalar, S16, 322, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
cel_boost_duty = scalar, U08, 324, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
cel_boost_duty2 = scalar, U08, 325, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
cel_synctol = scalar, U08, 326, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
cel_opt3_flex = bits, U08, 327, [0:0], "Off", "On"
cel_retard = scalar, S16, 328, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,0.00, 10.00, 1
map_var_lower = scalar, U16, 330, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
egt_minvalid = scalar, S16, 332, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 1500, 1
egt_maxvalid = scalar, S16, 334, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 1500, 1
egt_minvalid = scalar, S16, 332, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 2700, 1
egt_maxvalid = scalar, S16, 334, "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 2700, 1
egt_var_upper = scalar, U16, 336, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
egt_var_lower = scalar, U16, 338, "", 1, 0, 0.00, 65535, 0
cel_runtime = scalar, U08, 340, "s", 1, 0.00000, 5, 100, 0
cel_action2_flex = bits, U08, 341, [0:0], "Off", "On"
cel_action2_egt = bits, U08, 341, [1:1], "Off", "On"
blend_opt1 = bits, U08, 342, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt2 = bits, U08, 343, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt3 = bits, U08, 344, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt4 = bits, U08, 345, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt5 = bits, U08, 346, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt6 = bits, U08, 347, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
blend_opt7 = bits, U08, 348, [0:4], "TPS", "MAP", "RPM", "MAFload", "Flex%", "VSS1", "Gear", "RPM*load/100", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
; somewhat big gap here
; ###### ### ##### ##### # ######
; # # # # # # # # # # #
; # # # # # # # # #
; ###### # # #### # #### # # ######
; # # # # # # # ####### #
; # # # # # # # # # #
; ###### ### ##### ##### # # #
; big pad
fuelCorr_default = scalar, U08, 652, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 50, 255, 0
;pad 653
fuelSpkDel_default = scalar, S16, 654, "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-45.00, 45.00, 1
map_phase_thresh = scalar, S16, 656, "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
flex_pct0 = scalar, U16, 658, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 100,1
flex_pct1 = scalar, U16, 660, "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 100,1
;generic sensors
sensor01_source = bits, U08, 662, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor02_source = bits, U08, 663, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor03_source = bits, U08, 664, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor04_source = bits, U08, 665, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor05_source = bits, U08, 666, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor06_source = bits, U08, 667, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor07_source = bits, U08, 668, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor08_source = bits, U08, 669, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor09_source = bits, U08, 670, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor10_source = bits, U08, 671, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor11_source = bits, U08, 672, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor12_source = bits, U08, 673, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor13_source = bits, U08, 674, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor14_source = bits, U08, 675, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor15_source = bits, U08, 676, [0:4], "Off", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Analog In 3", "Analog In 1", "Analog In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CAN ADC01", "CAN ADC02", "CAN ADC03", "CAN ADC04", "CAN ADC05", "CAN ADC06", "CAN ADC07", "CAN ADC08", "CAN ADC09", "CAN ADC10", "CAN ADC11", "CAN ADC12", "CAN ADC13", "CAN ADC14", "CAN ADC15", "CAN ADC16", "CAN ADC17", "CAN ADC18", "CAN ADC19", "CAN ADC20", "CAN ADC21", "CAN ADC22", "CAN ADC23", "CAN ADC24"
sensor01_trans = bits, U08, 678, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor02_trans = bits, U08, 679, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor03_trans = bits, U08, 680, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor04_trans = bits, U08, 681, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor05_trans = bits, U08, 682, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor06_trans = bits, U08, 683, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor07_trans = bits, U08, 684, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor08_trans = bits, U08, 685, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor09_trans = bits, U08, 686, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor10_trans = bits, U08, 687, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor11_trans = bits, U08, 688, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor12_trans = bits, U08, 689, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor13_trans = bits, U08, 690, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor14_trans = bits, U08, 691, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor15_trans = bits, U08, 692, [0:2], "Raw", "Linear", "Same as MAP", "Same as CLT", "Same as MAT", "Same as EGO", "Same as MAF", "GM calibration"
sensor16_trans = bits, U08, 693, [0:2], "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "GM calibration"
sensor01_val0 = scalar, S16, 694, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor02_val0 = scalar, S16, 696, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor03_val0 = scalar, S16, 698, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor04_val0 = scalar, S16, 700, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor05_val0 = scalar, S16, 702, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor06_val0 = scalar, S16, 704, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor07_val0 = scalar, S16, 706, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor08_val0 = scalar, S16, 708, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor09_val0 = scalar, S16, 710, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor10_val0 = scalar, S16, 712, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor11_val0 = scalar, S16, 714, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor12_val0 = scalar, S16, 716, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor13_val0 = scalar, S16, 718, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor14_val0 = scalar, S16, 720, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor15_val0 = scalar, S16, 722, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor16_val0 = scalar, S16, 724, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor01_max = scalar, S16, 726, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor02_max = scalar, S16, 728, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor03_max = scalar, S16, 730, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor04_max = scalar, S16, 732, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor05_max = scalar, S16, 734, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor06_max = scalar, S16, 736, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor07_max = scalar, S16, 738, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor08_max = scalar, S16, 740, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor09_max = scalar, S16, 742, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor10_max = scalar, S16, 744, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor11_max = scalar, S16, 746, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor12_max = scalar, S16, 748, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor13_max = scalar, S16, 750, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor14_max = scalar, S16, 752, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor15_max = scalar, S16, 754, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor16_max = scalar, S16, 756, "", 0.10000, 0.00000, -3276.7, 3276.7, 1 ; * ( 2 bytes)
sensor01LF = scalar, U08, 758, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor02LF = scalar, U08, 759, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor03LF = scalar, U08, 760, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor04LF = scalar, U08, 761, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor05LF = scalar, U08, 762, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor06LF = scalar, U08, 763, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor07LF = scalar, U08, 764, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor08LF = scalar, U08, 765, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor09LF = scalar, U08, 766, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor10LF = scalar, U08, 767, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor11LF = scalar, U08, 768, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor12LF = scalar, U08, 769, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor13LF = scalar, U08, 770, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor14LF = scalar, U08, 771, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor15LF = scalar, U08, 772, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor16LF = scalar, U08, 773, "", 1,0,10,100,0
sensor_temp = bits, U08, 774, [0:0], "degF", "degC"
#if PW_4X
injOpen1 = scalar, U16, 776, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen2 = scalar, U16, 778, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen3 = scalar, U16, 780, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen4 = scalar, U16, 782, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen5 = scalar, U16, 784, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen6 = scalar, U16, 786, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen7 = scalar, U16, 788, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen8 = scalar, U16, 790, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpena = scalar, U16, 792, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpenb = scalar, U16, 794, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
;next 8 not yet used
injOpen11 = scalar, U16, 796, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen12 = scalar, U16, 798, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen13 = scalar, U16, 800, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen14 = scalar, U16, 802, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen15 = scalar, U16, 804, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen16 = scalar, U16, 806, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen17 = scalar, U16, 808, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen18 = scalar, U16, 810, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen1 = scalar, U16, 776, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen2 = scalar, U16, 778, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen3 = scalar, U16, 780, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen4 = scalar, U16, 782, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen5 = scalar, U16, 784, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen6 = scalar, U16, 786, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen7 = scalar, U16, 788, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpen8 = scalar, U16, 790, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpena = scalar, U16, 792, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
injOpenb = scalar, U16, 794, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
;next 8 not yet used
injOpen11 = scalar, U16, 796, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen12 = scalar, U16, 798, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen13 = scalar, U16, 800, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen14 = scalar, U16, 802, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen15 = scalar, U16, 804, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen16 = scalar, U16, 806, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen17 = scalar, U16, 808, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
injOpen18 = scalar, U16, 810, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
shift_cut_on = bits, U08, 812, [0:0], "Off", "On"
shift_cut_auto = bits, U08, 812, [1:1], "Button", "Auto"
shift_cut_gear = bits, U08, 812, [2:2], "Off", "On"
shift_cut_in = bits, U08, 813, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
shift_cut_out = bits, U08, 814,[0:4], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
shift_cut_rpm = scalar, U16, 815, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_tps = scalar, U16, 817, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
shift_cut_delay = scalar, U08, 819, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_time = scalar, U08, 820, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_add12 = scalar, U08, 821, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_add23 = scalar, U08, 822, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_add34 = scalar, U08, 823, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_add45 = scalar, U08, 824, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_add56 = scalar, U08, 825, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_soldelay=scalar, U08, 826, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
shift_cut_rpm12 = scalar, U16, 827, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_rpm23 = scalar, U16, 829, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_rpm34 = scalar, U16, 831, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_rpm45 = scalar, U16, 833, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_rpm56 = scalar, U16, 835, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
shift_cut_reshift= scalar, U08, 837, "s", 0.01024, 0, 0, 2.55, 2
;open-loop PWM. all arrays
pwm_opt_on_a = bits, U08, 838, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_a = bits, U08, 838, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_a = bits, U08, 838, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_a = bits, U08, 838, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT" ; ITB hidden
pwm_opt_on_b = bits, U08, 839, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_b = bits, U08, 839, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_b = bits, U08, 839, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_b = bits, U08, 839, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT"
pwm_opt_on_c = bits, U08, 840, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_c = bits, U08, 840, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_c = bits, U08, 840, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_c = bits, U08, 840, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT"
pwm_opt_on_d = bits, U08, 841, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_d = bits, U08, 841, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_d = bits, U08, 841, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_d = bits, U08, 841, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT"
pwm_opt_on_e = bits, U08, 842, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_e = bits, U08, 842, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_e = bits, U08, 842, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_e = bits, U08, 842, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT"
pwm_opt_on_f = bits, U08, 843, [0:0], "Off", "On"
pwm_opt_var_f = bits, U08, 843, [1:1], "On-Off", "Variable"
pwm_opt_freq_f = bits, U08, 843, [2:4], "250Hz", "78Hz", "39Hz", "26Hz", "19.5Hz", "15.6Hz", "13Hz", "11.1Hz"
pwm_opt_load_f = bits, U08, 843, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "CLT", "BattV", "MAT"
pwm_opt2_a = bits, U08, 844, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_opt2_b = bits, U08, 845, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_opt2_c = bits, U08, 846, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_opt2_d = bits, U08, 847, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_opt2_e = bits, U08, 848, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_opt2_f = bits, U08, 849, [0:5], "INVALID", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
pwm_onabove_a = scalar, U08, 850, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_onabove_b = scalar, U08, 851, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_onabove_c = scalar, U08, 852, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_onabove_d = scalar, U08, 853, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_onabove_e = scalar, U08, 854, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_onabove_f = scalar, U08, 855, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_a = scalar, U08, 856, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_b = scalar, U08, 857, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_c = scalar, U08, 858, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_d = scalar, U08, 859, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_e = scalar, U08, 860, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_offbelow_f = scalar, U08, 861, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
dualfuel_sw_on = bits, U08, 862, [0:0], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_fuel = bits,U08, 862, [1:1], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_spk = bits, U08, 862, [2:2], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_afr = bits, U08, 862, [3:3], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_rf = bits, U08, 862, [4:4], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_stoich=bits,U08, 862, [5:5], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_wue = bits, U08, 862, [6:6], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw_ase = bits, U08, 862, [7:7], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_prime=bits,U08, 863, [0:0], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_crank=bits,U08, 863, [1:1], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_injp =bits,U08, 863, [2:2], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_smpw =bits,U08, 863, [3:3], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_ob =bits ,U08, 863, [4:4], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_sw2_boosw=bits,U08, 863, [5:5], "Off", "On"
opentime2_opt1_master = bits, U08, 864, [7:7], "Same", "Individual"
opentime2_opt1 = bits, U08, 864, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt2 = bits, U08, 865, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt3 = bits, U08, 866, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt4 = bits, U08, 867, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt5 = bits, U08, 868, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt6 = bits, U08, 869, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt7 = bits, U08, 870, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt8 = bits, U08, 871, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opta = bits, U08, 872, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opta_pwm= bits, U08, 872, [4:4], "Off", "On"
opentime2_optb = bits, U08, 873, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_optb_pwm= bits, U08, 873, [4:4], "Off", "On"
opentime2_optb_own= bits, U08, 873, [5:5], "Off", "On"
opentime2_opt11 = bits, U08, 874, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt12 = bits, U08, 875, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt13 = bits, U08, 876, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt14 = bits, U08, 877, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt15 = bits, U08, 878, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
opentime2_opt16 = bits, U08, 879, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; opentime2_opt17 = bits, U08, 880, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; opentime2_opt18 = bits, U08, 881, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt1_master = bits, U08, 864, [7:7], "Off", "On"
smallpw2_opt1 = bits, U08, 882, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt2 = bits, U08, 883, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt3 = bits, U08, 884, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt4 = bits, U08, 885, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt5 = bits, U08, 886, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt6 = bits, U08, 887, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt7 = bits, U08, 888, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt8 = bits, U08, 889, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opta = bits, U08, 890, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_optb = bits, U08, 891, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt11 = bits, U08, 892, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt12 = bits, U08, 893, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt13 = bits, U08, 894, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt14 = bits, U08, 895, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt15 = bits, U08, 896, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
smallpw2_opt16 = bits, U08, 897, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; smallpw2_opt17 = bits, U08, 898, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
; smallpw2_opt18 = bits, U08, 899, [0:1], "Curve 1", "Curve 2", "Curve 3", "Curve 4"
dualfuel_pin = bits, U08, 900, [0:4], "INVALID", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
dualfuel_opt_temp= bits, U08, 901, [0:0], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_opt_press=bits, U08, 901, [1:1], "Off", "On"
dualfuel_opt_mode = bits,U08, 901, [2:2], "Switching", "Dual table"
dualfuel_opt_out = bits,U08, 901, [3:3], "Shared outputs+relay", "Different outputs"
#if PW_4X
inj2Open1 = scalar, U16, 902, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open2 = scalar, U16, 904, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open3 = scalar, U16, 906, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open4 = scalar, U16, 908, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open5 = scalar, U16, 910, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open6 = scalar, U16, 912, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open7 = scalar, U16, 914, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open8 = scalar, U16, 916, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Opena = scalar, U16, 918, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Openb = scalar, U16, 920, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
;next 8 not yet used
inj2Open11 = scalar, U16, 922, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open12 = scalar, U16, 924, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open13 = scalar, U16, 926, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open14 = scalar, U16, 928, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open15 = scalar, U16, 930, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open16 = scalar, U16, 932, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open17 = scalar, U16, 934, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open18 = scalar, U16, 936, "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open1 = scalar, U16, 902, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open2 = scalar, U16, 904, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open3 = scalar, U16, 906, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open4 = scalar, U16, 908, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open5 = scalar, U16, 910, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open6 = scalar, U16, 912, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open7 = scalar, U16, 914, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Open8 = scalar, U16, 916, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Opena = scalar, U16, 918, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2Openb = scalar, U16, 920, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3 ; * ( 1 byte)
;next 8 not yet used
inj2Open11 = scalar, U16, 922, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open12 = scalar, U16, 924, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open13 = scalar, U16, 926, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open14 = scalar, U16, 928, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open15 = scalar, U16, 930, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open16 = scalar, U16, 932, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open17 = scalar, U16, 934, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2Open18 = scalar, U16, 936, "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.50, 3
inj2PwmT = scalar, U08, 938, "ms", 0.12800, 0.128, 0.00, 32.64, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2PwmPd = scalar, U08, 939, "us", 1.00000, 0.00000, 40.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2PwmP = scalar, U08, 940, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2PwmT2 = scalar, U08, 941, "ms", 0.12800, 0.128, 0.00, 32.64, 1 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2PwmPd2 = scalar, U08, 942, "us", 1.00000, 0.00000, 40.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
inj2PwmP2 = scalar, U08, 943, "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0 ; * ( 1 byte)
dualfuel_temp_sens = bits, U08, 944, [0:3], "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
dualfuel_press_sens = bits, U08, 945, [0:3], "Sensor 1", "Sensor 2","Sensor 3","Sensor 4","Sensor 5","Sensor 6","Sensor 7","Sensor 8","Sensor 9","Sensor 10","Sensor 11","Sensor 12","Sensor 13","Sensor 14","Sensor 15","Sensor 16"
; unused variables for trans controller to adjust us
; FuelAdj 946
; SpkAdj, 948
; IdleAdj, 950
; SprAdj; 952
; These two aren't used:
ITB_load_mappoint = scalar, S16, 956, "% baro", 0.1000, 0, 30, 100.0, 1
ITB_load_idletpsthresh = scalar, S16, 958, "%", 0.1000, 0, -10, 100, 0
idle_voltage_comp_voltage = array, S16, 960, [6], "V", 0.1000, 0, 9, 17, 1
idle_voltage_comp_delta = array, S16, 972, [6], "%", 0.392, 0.00000, -20, 20, 1
page = 3 ; 8
boost_ctl_load_targets = array, S16, 0, [8x8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
boost_ctl_loadtarg_tps_bins=array, S16, 128, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
boost_ctl_loadtarg_rpm_bins=array, U16, 144, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
boost_ctl_pwm_targets = array, U08, 160, [8x8], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_pwmtarg_tps_bins=array, S16, 224, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
boost_ctl_pwmtarg_rpm_bins=array, U16, 240, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
#if PW_4X
primePWTable = array, S16, 256, [ 10], "ms", 0.40000, 0.00000, 0.00, 260.00, 1 ; * ( 20 bytes)
primePWTable = array, S16, 256, [ 10], "ms", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65.00, 1 ; * ( 20 bytes)
crankPctTable =array, U16, 276, [ 10], "%", 1, 1, 1, 10000, 0 ; * ( 20 bytes)
asePctTable =array, S16, 296, [ 10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 400.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
aseCntTable =array, S16, 316, [ 10], "cycles", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 2500.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
matTemps =array, S16, 336, [ 6], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 12 bytes)
matTemps =array, S16, 336, [ 6], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
matRetard =array, U08, 348, [ 6], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1 ; * ( 6 bytes)
EAEAWCRPMbins = array, U16, 354, [ 12], "rpm", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * (24 bytes)
EAESOCRPMbins = array, U16, 378, [ 12], "rpm", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * (24 bytes)
EAEAWCKPAbins = array, U16, 402, [ 12], "kpa", 0.10000, 0.00000,0, {loadhigh}, 0 ; * (24 bytes)
EAESOCKPAbins = array, U16, 426, [ 12], "kpa", 0.10000, 0.00000,0, {loadhigh}, 0 ; * (24 bytes)
EAEBAWC = array, U08, 450, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 100, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
EAEBSOC = array, U08, 462, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000,0, 25.5, 1 ; * (12 bytes)
EAEAWN = array, U08, 474, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
EAESON = array, U08, 486, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
EAEAWW = array, U08, 498, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0
EAESOW = array, U08, 510, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0
; Supplemental corrections for barometer and MAT.
baroCorrVals = array , S16, 522, [ 9], "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 110.00, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
matCorrTemps2 = array , S16, 540, [ 9], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 12 bytes)
matCorrTemps2 = array , S16, 540, [ 9], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
temp_table_p5 = array, S16, 558, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
temp_table_p5 = array, S16, 558, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
EAEAWWCLTbins = array, S16, 578, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 230.00, 0
EAESOWCLTbins = array, S16, 602, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 230.00, 0
EAEAWWCLTbins = array, S16, 578, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 0
EAESOWCLTbins = array, S16, 602, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 0
EAEAWWCLTbins = array, S16, 578, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
EAESOWCLTbins = array, S16, 602, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
EAEAWWCLTbins = array, S16, 578, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
EAESOWCLTbins = array, S16, 602, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
pwmidle_target_rpms = array, U16, 626, [ 8 ], "rpms", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 2000, 0;
pwmidle_clt_temps = array, S16, 642, [8], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 230.00, 1 ;
pwmidle_clt_temps = array, S16, 642, [8], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ;
pwmidle_clt_temps = array, S16, 642, [8], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
pwmidle_clt_temps = array, S16, 642, [8], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
;padding 20
RevLimLookup = array , S16, 678, [ 8], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 230.00, 1 ; * ( 16 bytes)
RevLimLookup = array , S16, 678, [ 8], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 16 bytes)
RevLimLookup = array , S16, 678, [ 8], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1 ; * ( 16 bytes)
RevLimLookup = array , S16, 678, [ 8], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1 ; * ( 16 bytes)
RevLimRpm1 = array , U16, 694, [ 8], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 16 bytes
;these are not presently used, but might re-appear
Xknk_rpm = array , U16, 710, [ 6], "rpm", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
Xknk_thresh = array , U16, 722, [ 6], "v", 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 5.00, 2 ; * ( 2 bytes)
RotarySplitTable = array, S16, 734, [8x8], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -60, 20, 1
RotarySplitLoad = array, U16, 862, [ 8 ], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, {loadhigh}, 0
RotarySplitRPM = array, U16, 878, [ 8 ], "RPM", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
NoiseFilterRpm = array, U16, 894, [ 4], "RPM", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
NoiseFilterLen = array, U16, 902, [ 4], "usec", 1.0, 0.00000, 0.00, 43000, 1
VariableLagTPSBins = array, U08, 910, [4], "%/sec", 1, 0.000000, 0.00, 255.00, 0
VariableLagMapLags = array, U08, 914, [4], "Lag", 1, 0.000000, 0.00, 255.00, 0
pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_duty = array, U16, 918, [4], "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_steps = array, U16, 918, [4], "steps", 1, 0, 0, 512, 0
pwmidle_crank_clt_temps = array, S16, 926, [4], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 230.00, 1
pwmidle_crank_clt_temps = array, S16, 926, [4], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1
pwmidle_crank_clt_temps = array, S16, 926, [4], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
pwmidle_crank_clt_temps = array, S16, 926, [4], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
matclt_pct = array, U16, 934, [6], "%", 0.010, 0, 0, 100, 1
matclt_flow = array, U16, 946, [6], "load*rpm", 100, 0, 0, 6553500, 0
;user defined
; these are not used by the code and are provided for users to use and learn from
; if you want to add more... you also have to make matching changes in ms2_extra.h
; and ms2_extra_main.c
; note that it you add an 'int' that two bytes are consumed and two of the following
; spare array will need to be removed!
user_value1 = scalar, U16, 958, "", 1, 0, 0, 65535, 0
user_value2 = scalar, U16, 960, "", 1, 0, 0, 65535, 0
user_conf0 = bits, U08, 962, [0:0], "Off", "On"
user_conf1 = bits, U08, 962, [1:2], "Mode 0", "Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3"
;spare 10 bytes
;end user defined
baroCorrDelta = array , S16, 974, [ 9], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000,-120.0, 120.0, 1 ; * ( 6 bytes)
matCorrDelta2 = array , S16, 992, [ 9], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000,-120.0, 150.0, 1 ; * ( 6 bytes)
; space
page = 4 ; 9 - injector channel trims
inj_trima = array , S08, 000, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimb = array , S08, 036, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimc = array , S08, 072, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimd = array , S08, 108, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trime = array , S08, 144, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimf = array , S08, 180, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimg = array , S08, 216, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimh = array , S08, 252, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimi = array , S08, 288, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimj = array , S08, 324, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimk = array , S08, 360, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_triml = array , S08, 396, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimm = array , S08, 432, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimn = array , S08, 468, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimo = array , S08, 504, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trimp = array , S08, 540, [6x6], "%", 0.20000, 0.00000, -25.4, 25.4, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
inj_trim_rpm = array, U16, 576, [6], "rpm", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
inj_trim_load =array, U16, 588, [6], "%", 0.1, 0.0000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * (12 bytes)
inj_timing = array, S16, 600, [12x12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000, -360.0, 720.0, 1
inj_timing_rpm = array, U16, 888, [12], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
inj_timing_load = array, S16, 912, [12], "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
maxafr1_load = array, U16, 936, [6], "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
maxafr1_rpm = array, U16, 948, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
maxafr1_diff = array, U08, 960, [6x6], "Lambda", 0.006803, 0.00000, 0.00, 0.14, 3
maxafr1_diff = array, U08, 960, [6x6], "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 2.00, 1
dwellrpm_dwell = array, U08, 996, [6], "ms", 0.1, 0, 1, 8, 1
dwellrpm_rpm = array, U16, 1002, [6], "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 15000, 0
page = 5 ; 10
boost_ctl_load_targets2 = array, S16, 0, [8x8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
boost_ctl_loadtarg_tps_bins2=array, S16, 128, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
boost_ctl_loadtarg_rpm_bins2=array, U16, 144, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
boost_ctl_pwm_targets2 = array, U08, 160, [8x8], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
boost_ctl_pwmtarg_tps_bins2=array, S16, 224, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
boost_ctl_pwmtarg_rpm_bins2=array, U16, 240, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
boost_timed_pct = array, U08, 256, [ 6 ], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
boost_timed_time= array, U16, 262, [ 6 ], "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 1
boostvss_duty = array, U08, 274, [ 6 ], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
boostvss_target = array, U16, 280, [ 6 ], "kPa", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
#if MPH
boostvss_speed = array, U16, 292, [ 6 ], "MPH", 0.22369, 0, 0, 1000, 0
boostvss_speed = array, U16, 292, [ 6 ], "KPH", 0.3600, 0, 0, 1600, 0
map_sample_rpms = array, U16, 304, [ 8 ], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
map_sample_timing = array, S16, 320, [ 8 ], "deg", 0.10000, 0, -360, 720, 1
afrTable1 = array , U08, 336, [12x12], "Lambda", 0.006803, 0.00000, 0.00, 2.00, 3 ; * (144 bytes)
afrTable2 = array , U08, 480, [12x12], "Lambda", 0.006803, 0.00000, 0.00, 2.00, 3 ; * (144 bytes)
afrTable1 = array , U08, 336, [12x12], "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 9.00, 20.00, 1
afrTable2 = array , U08, 480, [12x12], "AFR", 0.10000, 0.00000, 9.00, 20.00, 1
wueBins = array , U08, 624, [ 10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, { wue_lpg?50:100 }, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 10 bytes)
;gap 8 bytes
iacstepTable = array , S16, 642, [ 10], "steps", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 500.00, 0 ; * ( 20 bytes)
arpm_table1 = array , U16, 662, [ 12], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
arpm_table2 = array , U16, 686, [ 12], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
amap_table1 = array , S16, 710, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
amap_table2 = array , S16, 734, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
tempTable = array , S16, 758, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1 ; * ( 20 bytes) Temperature bins for cranking, cold AE and WUE ; temp_table
tempTable = array , S16, 758, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
dwellvolts = array , U08, 794, [ 6], "V", 0.10000, 0.00000,6, 18, 1 ; * ( 6 bytes)
dwellcorr = array , U08, 800, [ 6], "%", 2, 0.00000,20, 512, 0 ; * ( 6 bytes)
cold_adv_table = array , S16, 806, [ 10], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10.00, 10.00, 1 ; * ( 20 bytes)
ipwmTable = array , S16, 826, [ 10], "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 1
opentimepct0 = array, U16, 846, [ 6], "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0.00, 500, 1
opentimepct1 = array, U16, 858, [ 6], "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0.00, 500, 1
opentimepct2 = array, U16, 870, [ 6], "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0.00, 500, 1
opentimepct3 = array, U16, 882, [ 6], "%", 0.1, 0.00000, 0.00, 500, 1
opentimev = array, U16, 894, [ 6], "V", 0.100, 0.00000, 6, 19.2, 1
#if PW_4X
smallpw0 = array, U16, 906, [ 6], "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw1 = array, U16, 918, [ 6], "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw2 = array, U16, 930, [ 6], "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw3 = array, U16, 942, [ 6], "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpwpw = array, U16, 954, [ 6], "ms", 0.004, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw0 = array, U16, 906, [ 6], "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw1 = array, U16, 918, [ 6], "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw2 = array, U16, 930, [ 6], "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpw3 = array, U16, 942, [ 6], "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
smallpwpw = array, U16, 954, [ 6], "ms", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 2, 3
waterinj_rpm = array, U16, 966, [ 8], "RPM", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0
waterinj_map = array, U16, 982, [ 4], "kPa", 0.1, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 0
waterinj_duty = array, U08, 990, [8 x 4], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
page = 6 ; 11 - spark channel trims
spk_trima = array , S08, 000, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimb = array , S08, 036, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimc = array , S08, 072, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimd = array , S08, 108, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trime = array , S08, 144, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimf = array , S08, 180, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimg = array , S08, 216, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimh = array , S08, 252, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimi = array , S08, 288, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimj = array , S08, 324, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimk = array , S08, 360, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_triml = array , S08, 396, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimm = array , S08, 432, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimn = array , S08, 468, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimo = array , S08, 504, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trimp = array , S08, 540, [6x6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (36 bytes)
spk_trim_rpm = array, U16, 576, [6], "rpm", 1, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
spk_trim_load = array, U16, 588, [6], "%", 0.1, 0.0000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * (12 bytes)
XAcc =array, U16, 600, [5], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 5.00, 90, 1 ; * ( 10 bytes)
TauAcc =array, U16, 610, [5], "msec",1.00000, 0.00000, 2.00, 20000, 0 ; * ( 10 bytes)
XDec =array, U16, 620, [5], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 5.00, 90, 1 ; * ( 10 bytes)
TauDec =array, U16, 630, [5], "msec",1.00000, 0.00000, 2.00, 20000, 0 ; * ( 10 bytes)
XTrpms =array, U16, 640, [5], "rpm",1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 10 bytes)
XClt =array, U16, 650, [10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 600, 0 ; * ( 20 bytes)
TauClt =array, U16, 670, [10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 600, 0 ; * ( 20 bytes)
XClt_temps = array, S16, 690, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
TauClt_temps = array, S16, 710, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
XClt_temps = array, S16, 690, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
TauClt_temps = array, S16, 710, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
;progressive nitrous tables
n2o1_time = array, U16, 730, [6], "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
n2o1_rpm = array, U16, 742, [6], "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
n2o1_duty = array, U08, 754, [6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 1
#if PW_4X
n2o1_pw = array, S16, 760, [6], "ms", 0.004, 0, -20, 80, 3
n2o2_pw = array, S16, 814, [6], "ms", 0.004, 0, -20, 80, 3
n2o1_pw = array, S16, 760, [6], "ms", 0.001, 0, -5, 20, 3
n2o2_pw = array, S16, 814, [6], "ms", 0.001, 0, -5, 20, 3
n2o1_retard = array, U16, 772, [6], "deg", 0.1, 0, 0, 30, 1
n2o2_time = array, U16, 784, [6], "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
n2o2_rpm = array, U16, 796, [6], "RPM", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
n2o2_duty = array, U08, 808, [6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 1
; n2o2_pw = array, S16, 814, [6], "ms", 0.001, 0, -5, 20, 3
n2o2_retard = array, U16, 826, [6], "deg", 0.1, 0, 0, 30, 1
; staged tables
staged_percents=array, U08, 838, [8x8], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
staged_rpms = array, U16, 902, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
staged_loads = array, S16, 918, [8], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 250, 1
MAFFlow = array, U16, 934, [12], "g/sec", {0.01 * (maf_range + 1)}, 0.00000, 0.00, {655 * (maf_range + 1)}, 1
MAFCor = array, U08, 958, [12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.0, 0
launch_time = array, U16, 970, [6], "s", 0.001, 0, 0, 15, 2
launch_retard = array, U16, 982, [6], "deg", 0.1, 0, 0, 30, 1
page = 7 ; 12
veTable1 = array , U16, 000, [16x16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {vehigh}, 1 ; * (512 bytes)
veTable2 = array , U16, 512, [16x16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {vehigh}, 1 ;
page = 8 ; 13
advanceTable1 = array , S16, 000, [16x16], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10.00, 90.00, 1 ; * (512 bytes)
advanceTable2 = array , S16, 512, [16x16], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10.00, 90.00, 1 ; * (512 bytes)
page = 9 ; 18
veTable3 = array , U16, 000, [16x16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {vehigh}, 1 ;
advanceTable3 = array , S16, 512, [16x16], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10.00, 90.00, 1 ; * (288 bytes)
page = 10 ; 19
frpm_table1 = array , U16, 000, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
frpm_table2 = array , U16, 032, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
frpm_table3 = array , U16, 064, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
fmap_table1 = array , S16, 096, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
fmap_table2 = array , S16, 128, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
fmap_table3 = array , S16, 160, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
srpm_table1 = array , U16, 192, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
srpm_table2 = array , U16, 224, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
srpm_table3 = array , U16, 256, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
smap_table1 = array , S16, 288, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
smap_table2 = array , S16, 320, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
smap_table3 = array , S16, 352, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
EAEAWCRPMbins2 = array, U16, 384, [ 12], "rpm", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
EAESOCRPMbins2 = array, U16, 408, [ 12], "rpm", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
EAEAWCKPAbins2 = array, U16, 432, [ 12], "%", 0.1000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
EAESOCKPAbins2 = array, U16, 456, [ 12], "%", 0.1000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1
EAEBAWC2 = array, U08, 480, [ 12], "%", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100.00, 0
EAEBSOC2 = array, U08, 492, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 25.5, 1
EAEAWN2 = array, U08, 504, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0 ; * (12 bytes)
EAESON2 = array, U08, 516, [ 12], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000,0, 200, 0
EAEAWW2 = array, U08, 528, [ 12], "%", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 0
EAESOW2 = array, U08, 540, [ 12], "%", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 0
EAEAWWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 552, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 230.00, 0
EAESOWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 576, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 230.00, 0
EAEAWWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 552, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 0
EAESOWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 576, [ 12], "deg", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 0
EAEAWWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 552, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
EAESOWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 576, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 450.00, 1
EAEAWWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 552, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
EAESOWCLTbins2 = array, S16, 576, [ 12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
ITB_load_loadvals= array, S16, 600, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 100.00, 1
ITB_load_switchpoints = array,S16, 624, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 100.00, 1
ITB_load_rpms = array, U16, 648, [ 12], "rpm", 1.0000, 0.000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
idleve_table1 = array, U16, 672, [4x4], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 200, 1
idleve_table2 = array, U16, 704, [4x4], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 200, 1
idleve_loads1 = array, S16, 736, [4 ], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 255, 1
idleve_loads2 = array, S16, 744, [4 ], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, 255, 1
idleve_rpms1 = array, U16, 752, [4 ], "rpm", 1.00000, 0.000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
idleve_rpms2 = array, U16, 760, [4 ], "rpm", 1.00000, 0.000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
#if MPH
tc_perfect_vss = array, U16, 768, [ 10 ], "mph", 0.22369, 0.00000, 0, 200, 1
tc_perfect_vss = array, U16, 768, [ 10 ], "kph", 0.3600, 0.00000, 0, 300, 1
tc_perfect_time = array, U16, 788, [ 10 ], "s", 0.001024, 0.00000, 0, 30, 1
tc_react_x = array, U16, 808, [ 4 ], "slip% x 0.01s", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 10000, 1
tc_retard = array, U16, 816, [ 4 ], "deg", 0.1, 0.00000, 0, 30, 1
tc_spkcut = array, U08, 824, [ 4 ], "cut%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 0
tc_addfuel = array, U08, 828, [ 4 ], "add%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
tc_nitrous = array, U08, 832, [ 4 ], "cut%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
tc_boost = array, U08, 836, [ 4 ], "cut%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
knock_rpms = array, U16, 840, [10], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
knock_thresholds= array, U16, 860, [10], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
knock_starts= array, S16, 880, [10], "deg", 0.1, 0, -50, 50, 1
knock_durations = array, S16, 900, [10], "deg", 0.1, 0, 0, 50, 1
pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_rpms = array, U16, 920, [5], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt = array, S16, 930, [5], "°C", 0.05555, -320, -40, 230, 0
pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt = array, S16, 930, [5], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000, -40, 450, 0
pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_duties = array, U08, 940, [5 x 5], "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_steps = array, U08, 940, [5 x 5], "steps", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
knock_clts = array, S16, 966, [ 4], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
knock_clts = array, S16, 966, [ 4], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
knock_upscale = array, U16, 974, [4], "%", 0.1, 0, 100, 600, 1
tc_perfect_rpm = array, U16, 982, [ 10 ], "rpm", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
tc_boost_duty_delta = array, S08, 1002, [ 4 ], "+/-duty", 1, 0.00000, -100, 100, 0
page = 11 ; 21
pwm_rpms_a = array, U16, 0, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_rpms_b = array, U16, 12, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_rpms_c = array, U16, 24, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_rpms_d = array, U16, 36, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_rpms_e = array, U16, 48, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_rpms_f = array, U16, 60, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
pwm_loadvals_a = array, S16, 72, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_loadvals_b = array, S16, 84, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_loadvals_c = array, S16, 96, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_loadvals_d = array, S16, 108, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_loadvals_e = array, S16, 120, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_loadvals_f = array, S16, 132, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 1000, 1
pwm_duties_a = array, U08, 144, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_duties_b = array, U08, 180, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_duties_c = array, U08, 216, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_duties_d = array, U08, 252, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_duties_e = array, U08, 288, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
pwm_duties_f = array, U08, 324, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
primePWTable2 = array, S16, 360, [ 10], "ms", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65.00, 1 ; * ( 20 bytes)
crankPctTable2 = array, U16, 380, [ 10], "%", 1, 1, 1, 10000, 0 ; * ( 20 bytes)
asePctTable2 = array, S16, 400, [ 10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 400.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
aseCntTable2 = array, S16, 420, [ 10], "cycles", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 2500.00, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
wueBins2 = array, U08, 440, [ 10], "%", 1.00000, 0.00000, { wue_lpg?50:100 }, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 10 bytes)
temp_table_p21 = array, S16, 450, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
temp_table_p21 = array, S16, 450, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
frpm_table4 = array , U16, 470, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
fmap_table4 = array , S16, 502, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
srpm_table4 = array , U16, 534, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,{rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
smap_table4 = array , S16, 566, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
dualfuel_temp = array, S16, 598, [ 10], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, {clthighlim}, 0
dualfuel_temp = array, S16, 598, [ 10], "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, {clthighlim}, 1
dualfuel_temp_adj=array, S16, 618, [ 10], "%", 0.10000, 0.000,-200.00, 200.00, 1
dualfuel_press = array, S16, 638, [ 10], "kPa", 0.10000, 0.000, 0.00, 200.00, 1
dualfuel_press_adj=array, S16, 658, [ 10], "%", 0.10000, 0.000,-200.00, 200.00, 1
inj_timing_sec=array, S16, 678, [12x12], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000, -360, 720, 1
inj_timing_sec_load=array, S16, 966, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
inj_timing_sec_rpm=array, U16, 990, [ 12], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
page = 12 ; 22
veTable4 = array , U16, 000, [16x16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {vehigh}, 1 ;
advanceTable4 = array , S16, 512, [16x16], "deg", 0.10000, 0.00000,-10.00, 90.00, 1 ; * (288 bytes)
page = 13 ; 23
; Generic Spare Port Settings constants
psEnabled = array , U08, 0, [ 48], "on/off", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 1.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psCondition = array , U08, 48, [ 48x2], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-128.00, 127.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psConnector = array , U08, 144, [ 48], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-128.00, 127.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psInitValue = array , U08, 192, [ 48], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-128.00, 127.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psPortValue = array , U08, 240, [ 48], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-128.00, 127.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psOutSize = array , U08, 288, [ 48x2], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-128.00, 127.00, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psOutOffset = array , U16, 384, [ 48x2], "", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, 32767.0, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 2 bytes)
psThreshold = array , S16, 576, [ 48x2], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-32768.0,32767.0, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 4 bytes)
psHysteresis = array , S16, 768, [ 48x2], "", 1.00000, 0.00000,-32768.0,32767.0, 0, noSizeMutation ; * ( 4 bytes)
;next is 960
page = 14 ; 24
narrowband_tgts = array, U16, 0, [12x12], "V", 0.00488, 0.00000, 0, 1, 3
narrowband_tgts_rpms = array, U16, 288, [ 12], "rpm", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
narrowband_tgts_loads = array, S16,312, [ 12], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
als_opt_fc = bits, U08, 336, [0:0], "Off", "On"
als_opt_sc = bits, U08, 336, [1:1], "Off", "On"
als_opt_idle = bits, U08, 336, [2:2], "Off", "On"
als_opt_fuel = bits, U08, 336, [3:3], "Off", "On"
als_opt_pwmout= bits, U08, 336, [4:4], "Off", "On"
als_opt_ri = bits, U08, 336, [5:5], "Off", "On"
als_maxtime = scalar, U08, 337, "s", 0.1, 0, 1, 25.5, 1
; als_mintps = scalar, S16, 338, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
als_maxtps = scalar, S16, 340, "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
als_iac_duty = scalar, U08, 342, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
als_iac_steps = scalar, U08, 342, "steps", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
als_in_pin = bits, U08, 343, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
als_out_pin = bits, U08, 344, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANPWM1", "CANPWM2", "CANPWM3", "CANPWM4", "CANPWM5", "CANPWM6", "CANPWM7", "CANPWM8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
als_pwm_duty = scalar, U08, 345, "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
als_pausetime = scalar, U08, 346, "s", 0.1, 0, 0, 25.5, 1
; pad
als_minclt = scalar, S16, 348, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 1
als_maxclt = scalar, S16, 350, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 1
als_minclt = scalar, S16, 348, "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
als_maxclt = scalar, S16, 350, "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
;ALS tables
als_rpms = array, U16, 352, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
als_tpss = array, U16, 364, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
als_timing = array, S16, 376, [6x6], "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,-50.00, 50.00,1;
als_addfuel = array, S16, 448, [6x6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
als_fuelcut = array, U08, 520, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
als_sparkcut = array, U08, 556, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
als_minrpm = scalar, U16, 592, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
als_maxrpm = scalar, U16, 594, "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
als_maxmat = scalar, S16, 596, "°C", 0.05555, -320.000, -40.00, 150.00, 1
als_maxmat = scalar, S16, 596, "°F", 0.10000, 0.000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
vvt_onoff_ang = scalar, S16, 598, "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_opt1_on = bits, U08, 600, [0:1], "Off", "1", "2", "4"
; vvt_opt1_dir_intake = bits, U08, 600, [2:2], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_opt1_int = bits, U08, 600, [3:3], "Synced to cam", "Timed"
vvt_opt1_tst = bits, U08, 600, [4:6], "Off", "VVT1", "VVT2", "VVT3", "VVT4", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID" ; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
; vvt_opt1_dir_exhaust = bits, U08, 600, [7:7], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_hold_duty = scalar, U08, 601, "%", 0.394, 0, 0, 100, 1
vvt_out1 = bits, U08, 602, [0:3], "Off", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vvt_out2 = bits, U08, 603, [0:3], "Off", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vvt_out3 = bits, U08, 604, [0:3], "Off", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vvt_out4 = bits, U08, 605, [0:3], "Off", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vvt_out1_dir = bits, U08, 602, [7:7], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_out2_dir = bits, U08, 603, [7:7], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_out3_dir = bits, U08, 604, [7:7], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_out4_dir = bits, U08, 605, [7:7], "Advance", "Retard"
vvt_ctl_ms = scalar, U16, 606, "ms", 1, 0.00000, 10, 500, 0
vvt_ctl_Kp = scalar, U08, 608, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_ctl_Ki = scalar, U08, 609, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_ctl_Kd = scalar, U08, 610, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_test_duty = scalar, U08, 611, "%", 0.392, 0.00000, 0, 100, 1
vvt_min_ang1 = scalar, S16, 612, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_min_ang2 = scalar, S16, 614, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_min_ang3 = scalar, S16, 616, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_min_ang4 = scalar, S16, 618, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_max_ang1 = scalar, S16, 620, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_max_ang2 = scalar, S16, 622, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_max_ang3 = scalar, S16, 624, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_max_ang4 = scalar, S16, 626, "abs.deg.", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_opt2_pid = bits, U08, 628, [0:0], "On/off", "PID"
vvt_opt2_use_hold_intake = bits, U08, 628, [1:1], "Off", "On"
vvt_opt2_use_hold_exhaust = bits, U08, 628, [2:2], "Off", "On"
vvt_opt2_cam2pol = bits, U08, 628, [4:4], "Falling Edge", "Rising Edge"
vvt_opt2_cam3pol = bits, U08, 628, [5:5], "Falling Edge", "Rising Edge"
vvt_opt2_cam4pol = bits, U08, 628, [6:6], "Falling Edge", "Rising Edge"
vvt_opt2_cam1pol = bits, U08, 628, [7:7], "Falling Edge", "Rising Edge"
vvt_opt3_cam2 = bits, U08, 629, [0:1], "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3"
vvt_opt3_cam3 = bits, U08, 629, [2:3], "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3"
vvt_opt3_cam4 = bits, U08, 629, [4:5], "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3"
vvt_opt3_cam1 = bits, U08, 629, [6:6], "Main cam", "INVALID" ; for display only
vvt_timing_load = array, S16, 630, [ 8], "%", 0.10000, 0.000, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
vvt_timing_rpm = array, U16, 646, [ 8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
vvt_timing1 = array, S16, 662, [8x8], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000, -360, 720, 1
vvt_timing2 = array, S16, 790, [8x8], "deg", 0.10000, 0.000, -360, 720, 1
vvt_tth1 = scalar, U08, 918, "", 1, 0, 0, 8, 0
vvt_tth2 = scalar, U08, 919, "", 1, 0, 0, 8, 0
vvt_tth3 = scalar, U08, 920, "", 1, 0, 0, 8, 0
vvt_tth4 = scalar, U08, 921, "", 1, 0, 0, 8, 0
vvt_coldpos1 = scalar, S16, 922, "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
vvt_coldpos2 = scalar, S16, 924, "degrees", 0.10000,0.00000,0, 720.00,1;
tclu_opt_vss = bits, U08, 926, [0:1], "Off", "VSS1", "VSS2", "INVALID"
tclu_opt_gear = bits, U08, 926, [2:2], "Off", "On"
tclu_brakepin = bits, U08, 927, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
tclu_enablepin = bits, U08, 928, [0:4], "Off", "Digital Switched In 3", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Digital Switched 12V In", "Digital Switched In 2", "Digital Frequency In 3", "Digital Frequency In 1", "CMP", "Digital Switched In 1", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANIN1", "CANIN2", "CANIN3", "CANIN4", "CANIN5", "CANIN6", "CANIN7", "CANIN8", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
tclu_outpin = bits, U08, 929, [0:5], "Off", "Stepper Out 1", "Stepper Out 2", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "INVALID", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "Tach Out", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "PWM Out 3", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Digital Frequency In 1", "Digital Frequency In 2", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "CANOUT1", "CANOUT2", "CANOUT3", "CANOUT4", "CANOUT5", "CANOUT6", "CANOUT7", "CANOUT8", "CANOUT9", "CANOUT10", "CANOUT11", "CANOUT12", "CANOUT13", "CANOUT14", "CANOUT15", "CANOUT16"
tclu_gearmin = scalar, U08, 930, "", 1, 0, 0, 8, 0
tclu_delay = scalar, U08, 931, "s", 0.1, 0, 0, 10, 1
#if MPH
tclu_vssmin = scalar, U16, 932, "MPH", 0.22369, 0, 0, 1000, 0
tclu_vssmin = scalar, U16, 932, "KPH", 0.3600, 0, 0, 1600, 0
tclu_tpsmin = scalar, S16, 934, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
tclu_tpsmax = scalar, S16, 936, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 1
tclu_mapmin = scalar, U16, 938, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
tclu_mapmax = scalar, U16, 940, "%", 0.1, 0, 0, {loadhigh}, 1
vvt_opt4_decode = bits, U08, 942, [0:1], "Standard", "BMW V10", "INVALID", "INVALID"
vvt_opt5_add1 = bits, U08, 943, [0:1], "Off", "Cam 1", "Cam 2", "INVALID"
vvt_opt5_add2 = bits, U08, 943, [2:2], "Commanded", "Actual"
vvt_opt5_err = bits, U08, 943, [3:3], "Yes","No"
vvt_opt5_vvt1 = bits, U08, 943, [4:4], "Intake","Exhaust"
vvt_opt5_vvt2 = bits, U08, 943, [5:5], "Intake","Exhaust"
vvt_opt5_vvt3 = bits, U08, 943, [6:6], "Intake","Exhaust"
vvt_opt5_vvt4 = bits, U08, 943, [7:7], "Intake","Exhaust"
vvt_hold_duty_exh = scalar, U08, 944, "%", 0.394, 0, 0, 100, 1
vvt_ctl_Kp_exh = scalar, U08, 945, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_ctl_Ki_exh = scalar, U08, 946, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_ctl_Kd_exh = scalar, U08, 947, "%", 1, 0.00000, 0, 200, 0
vvt_cam1tth1 = scalar, U08, 948, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam1tth2 = scalar, U08, 949, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam2tth1 = scalar, U08, 950, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam2tth2 = scalar, U08, 951, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam3tth1 = scalar, U08, 952, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam3tth2 = scalar, U08, 953, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam4tth1 = scalar, U08, 954, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_cam4tth2 = scalar, U08, 955, "", 1, 0.00000, 0, 255, 0
vvt_opt6_freq = bits, U08, 956, [0:3], "1021Hz", "766Hz", "613Hz", "511Hz", "383Hz", "306Hz", "204Hz", "153Hz", "99Hz", "75Hz", "50Hz", "48Hz", "30Hz", "20Hz", "15Hz", "12Hz"
als_rifuelcut = array, U08, 958, [6x6], "%", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
als_rirpms = array, U16, 994, [6], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, {rpmhigh}, 0
als_ritpss = array, U16, 1006, [6], "%", 0.1, 0, 0, 100, 0
; 6 spare
page = 15 ; 25
mafv = array, U16, 0, [64], "V", 0.001, 0.00000, 0.00, 5, 3
maff = array, U16, 0, [64], "Hz", { (maf_freq1 - maf_freq0) / 5000 }, { maf_freq0 * 5000 / (maf_freq1 - maf_freq0) }, {maf_freq0}, { maf_freq1 }, 0
mafflow = array, U16, 128, [64], "g/sec", {0.01 * (maf_range + 1)}, 0.00000, 0.00, {655 * (maf_range + 1)}, 2
alphaMAPtable = array , S16, 256, [ 6x 6], "kPa", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, 200.00, 1 ; * ( 72 bytes)
amap_tps = array , S16, 328, [ 6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.0, 100.00, 1 ; * ( 12 bytes)
amap_rpm = array , U16, 340, [ 6], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,15000.00, 0 ; * ( 12 bytes)
tpswot_tps = array , S16, 352, [ 6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.0, 100.00, 1 ; * ( 12 bytes)
tpswot_rpm = array , U16, 364, [ 6], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00,15000.00, 0 ; * ( 12 bytes)
matCorrTemps = array , S16, 376, [ 6], "°C", 0.05555, -320.000,-40.00, 150.00, 1 ; * ( 12 bytes)
matCorrTemps = array , S16, 376, [ 6], "°F", 0.10000, 0.00000,-40.00, 300.00, 1
matCorrDelta = array , S16, 388, [ 6], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000,-120.0, 120.0, 1 ; * ( 6 bytes)
;next is 400
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs1 = array, U08, 400, [8x8], "%", 1.000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 0
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs2 = array, U08, 464, [8x8], "%", 1.000, 0.00000, 0.00, 100, 0
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_rpms1 = array, U16, 528, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 25000, 0
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_rpms2 = array, U16, 544, [8], "rpm", 1, 0, 0, 25000, 0
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targboosts1 = array, S16, 560, [8], "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, 600, 0
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targboosts2 = array, S16, 576, [8], "%", 0.10000, 0, 0, 600, 0
blendx1 = array, S16, 592, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx2 = array, S16, 610, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx3 = array, S16, 628, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx4 = array, S16, 646, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx5 = array, S16, 664, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx6 = array, S16, 682, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendx7 = array, S16, 700, [9], "X", 1, 0, -32767, 32767, 0
blendy1 = array, U08, 718, [9], "VE2", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy2 = array, U08, 727, [9], "Spk2", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy3 = array, U08, 736, [9], "VE3/4", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy4 = array, U08, 745, [9], "Spk3/4", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy5 = array, U08, 754, [9], "AFR2", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy6 = array, U08, 763, [9], "Boost2", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
blendy7 = array, U08, 772, [9], "Crank%2", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
;will need to shuffle these next ones done if additional blend curves added
tcslipx = array, U16, 781, [9], "Knob%", 0.0978, 0, 0, 100, 0
tcslipy = array, U08, 799, [9], "Slip threshold %", 1, 0, 0, 100, 0
;page = 16 ; 26
;these are only here for testing.. not fully enabled in firmware yet
; want to bitpack the two together
; rtFieldOffset = array , U16, 000, [ 256], "", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 65535, 0 ; * ( 64 words)
; rtFieldLength = array , U08, 718, [ 256], "", 1.0000, 0.00000, 0.00, 255.00, 0 ; * ( 64 bytes)
; commented for alpha18
; ltt_table1 = array , S08, 512, [16x16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, -12.7, 12.7, 1 ; * (512 bytes)
; ltt_rpms = array , U16, 768, [ 16], "RPM", 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00, {rpmhigh}, 0 ; * ( 24 bytes)
; ltt_loads = array , S16, 800, [ 16], "%", 0.10000, 0.00000, 0.00, {loadhigh}, 1 ; * ( 24 bytes)
requiresPowerCycle = nCylinders
requiresPowerCycle = ICIgnCapture
requiresPowerCycle = engineType
requiresPowerCycle = spkout_hi_lo2
; requiresPowerCycle = triggerOffset
requiresPowerCycle = triggerTeeth
requiresPowerCycle = No_Miss_Teeth
requiresPowerCycle = IdleCtl
requiresPowerCycle = IAC_tinitial_step
requiresPowerCycle = hardware_spk
requiresPowerCycle = hardware_cam
requiresPowerCycle = hardware_fuel
requiresPowerCycle = baroCorr
requiresPowerCycle = egoType
; requiresPowerCycle = alternate
requiresPowerCycle = twoStroke
requiresPowerCycle = nInjectors
requiresPowerCycle = OddFireang
requiresPowerCycle = algorithm
requiresPowerCycle = algorithm2
requiresPowerCycle = IgnAlgorithm
requiresPowerCycle = IgnAlgorithm2
requiresPowerCycle = AfrAlgorithm
requiresPowerCycle = opt142_rtc
requiresPowerCycle = mycan_id
requiresPowerCycle = flexFuel
requiresPowerCycle = flexport
requiresPowerCycle = dwellmode
requiresPowerCycle = knk_option
requiresPowerCycle = knkDirection
requiresPowerCycle = knkpull
requiresPowerCycle = knk_option_an
requiresPowerCycle = knkport
requiresPowerCycle = spk_conf2_gm
requiresPowerCycle = spk_conf2_tfi
requiresPowerCycle = spk_conf2_oddodd
requiresPowerCycle = spk_conf2_ngc
requiresPowerCycle = spk_conf2_dli
requiresPowerCycle = spk_config_campol
requiresPowerCycle = spk_config_camcrank
requiresPowerCycle = spk_config_trig2
requiresPowerCycle = spk_config_trig2l
requiresPowerCycle = spk_config_resetcam
requiresPowerCycle = spk_mode0
requiresPowerCycle = spk_mode3
requiresPowerCycle = rtbaroport
requiresPowerCycle = map2port
requiresPowerCycle = ego2port
requiresPowerCycle = mapport
requiresPowerCycle = mapport_t
requiresPowerCycle = mapport_f
requiresPowerCycle = knkport_an
requiresPowerCycle = feature4_0igntrig
requiresPowerCycle = tsw_pin_f
requiresPowerCycle = tsw_pin_s
requiresPowerCycle = tacho_opt3f
requiresPowerCycle = launch_opt_on
requiresPowerCycle = launch_opt_pins
requiresPowerCycle = N2Oopt_pins
requiresPowerCycle = pwmidle_freq_scale
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pins_pwm
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pins
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pwm_scale
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pwm
requiresPowerCycle = afrload
requiresPowerCycle = eaeload
requiresPowerCycle = log_style_led
requiresPowerCycle = log_style2_but
requiresPowerCycle = log_style_on
requiresPowerCycle = log_style3_adc
requiresPowerCycle = sequential
requiresPowerCycle = boost_feats_tsw
requiresPowerCycle = launch_3step_in
requiresPowerCycle = maxafr_opt1_led
requiresPowerCycle = vss1_pos
requiresPowerCycle = vss2_pos
requiresPowerCycle = launch_var_on
requiresPowerCycle = reluctorteeth1
requiresPowerCycle = reluctorteeth2
requiresPowerCycle = vss_opt1
requiresPowerCycle = vss_opt2
requiresPowerCycle = vss1_an
requiresPowerCycle = vss2_an
requiresPowerCycle = tsw_pin_ob
requiresPowerCycle = ss_opt1
requiresPowerCycle = ss_opt2
requiresPowerCycle = n2o1n_pins
requiresPowerCycle = n2o1f_pins
requiresPowerCycle = n2o2n_pins
requiresPowerCycle = n2o2f_pins
requiresPowerCycle = water_freq_on
requiresPowerCycle = water_pins_pump
requiresPowerCycle = water_pins_valve
requiresPowerCycle = water_pins_in_shut
requiresPowerCycle = egt_num
requiresPowerCycle = accXport
requiresPowerCycle = accYport
requiresPowerCycle = accZport
requiresPowerCycle = egt1port
requiresPowerCycle = egt2port
requiresPowerCycle = egt3port
requiresPowerCycle = egt4port
requiresPowerCycle = egt5port
requiresPowerCycle = egt6port
requiresPowerCycle = egt7port
requiresPowerCycle = egt8port
requiresPowerCycle = egt9port
requiresPowerCycle = egt10port
requiresPowerCycle = egt11port
requiresPowerCycle = egt12port
requiresPowerCycle = egt13port
requiresPowerCycle = egt14port
requiresPowerCycle = egt15port
requiresPowerCycle = egt16port
requiresPowerCycle = MAFOption
requiresPowerCycle = MAFOption_t
requiresPowerCycle = MAFOption_f
requiresPowerCycle = vssout_opt
requiresPowerCycle = vssout_optunits
requiresPowerCycle = gear_method
requiresPowerCycle = gear_port_an
requiresPowerCycle = ac_idleup_io_in
requiresPowerCycle = ac_idleup_settings
requiresPowerCycle = ac_idleup_io_out
requiresPowerCycle = fanctl_settings_on
requiresPowerCycle = fanctl_settings_pin
requiresPowerCycle = staged_extended_opts_use_v3
requiresPowerCycle = staged_extended_opts_simult
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_settings_on2
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_settings_cl2
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pins_pwm2
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_pins2
requiresPowerCycle = boost_ctl_sensor2
requiresPowerCycle = egoport1
requiresPowerCycle = egoport2
requiresPowerCycle = egoport3
requiresPowerCycle = egoport4
requiresPowerCycle = egoport5
requiresPowerCycle = egoport6
requiresPowerCycle = egoport7
requiresPowerCycle = egoport8
requiresPowerCycle = egoport9
requiresPowerCycle = egoport10
requiresPowerCycle = egoport11
requiresPowerCycle = egoport12
requiresPowerCycle = egoport13
requiresPowerCycle = egoport14
requiresPowerCycle = egoport15
requiresPowerCycle = egoport16
requiresPowerCycle = tc_opt_on
requiresPowerCycle = tc_opt_method
requiresPowerCycle = tc_enin
requiresPowerCycle = fueltemp1
requiresPowerCycle = sensor01_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor02_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor03_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor04_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor05_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor06_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor07_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor08_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor09_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor10_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor11_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor12_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor13_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor14_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor15_source
requiresPowerCycle = sensor16_source
requiresPowerCycle = shift_cut_on
requiresPowerCycle = shift_cut_gear
requiresPowerCycle = shift_cut_in
requiresPowerCycle = shift_cut_out
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_a
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_b
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_c
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_d
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_e
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt_on_f
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_a
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_b
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_c
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_d
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_e
requiresPowerCycle = pwm_opt2_f
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_sw_on
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_pin
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_opt_mode
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_opt_out
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_temp_sens
requiresPowerCycle = dualfuel_press_sens
requiresPowerCycle = als_opt_pwmout
requiresPowerCycle = als_in_pin
requiresPowerCycle = als_out_pin
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt1_on
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_out1
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_out2
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_out3
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_out4
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt2_cam1pol
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt2_cam2pol
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt2_cam3pol
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt2_cam4pol
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt3_cam2
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt3_cam3
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt3_cam4
requiresPowerCycle = tclu_brakepin
requiresPowerCycle = tclu_enablepin
requiresPowerCycle = tclu_outpin
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt4_decode
requiresPowerCycle = vvt_opt6_freq
requiresPowerCycle = knk_pin_out
; requiresPowerCycle = ltt_opt_on
; requiresPowerCycle = ltt_but_in
; requiresPowerCycle = ltt_led_out
requiresPowerCycle = timedout1_in
requiresPowerCycle = timedout1_out
requiresPowerCycle = tstop_out
requiresPowerCycle = NoiseFilterOpts
requiresPowerCycle = map_phase_thresh
requiresPowerCycle = staged_extended_opts_use_v3
requiresPowerCycle = staged_extended_opts_simult
requiresPowerCycle = staged_extended_opts_pw1off
requiresPowerCycle = staged_first_param
requiresPowerCycle = staged_second_param
requiresPowerCycle = staged_transition_on
requiresPowerCycle = staged_pw1_0
defaultValue = tsCanId, "CAN ID 0"
defaultValue = rpmhigh, 9000
defaultValue = rpmwarn, 3000
defaultValue = rpmdang, 5000
defaultValue = loadhigh, 400
defaultValue = wue_lpg, "No"
defaultValue = vehigh, 255
; defaultValue = clt_exp, "Normal"
; constantName = "Help Text"
; tool tips tooltips
;Ensure all settings are defined as some MS2/BG words shipped with TS are not applicable.
nCylinders = "The number of cylinders or rotors in your engine."
engineType = "Most engines are Even Fire. Typical odd-fire engines are V-twin, some V4, Vmax, some V6, V10."
reqFuel = "Global fuel constant. Use the ReqFuel calculator. (Technically related to a pulsewidth at 100%VE)\n\nFirst, fill in all settings below and then click the [Required Fuel] button."
spkout_hi_lo2 = "Spark output polarity. Typically 'Going High' for 99% of installs. Be sure to read documentation carefully to avoid melting your coils!"
cold_adv_table = ""
RevLimRpm1 = ""
afrTable1 = ""
afrTable2 = ""
wueBins = ""
taeBins = ""
maeBins = ""
iacstepTable = ""
ipwmTable = ""
tempTable = ""
taeRates = ""
maeRates = ""
map0 = "MAP reading at 0V, typically pick a sensor from 'common MAP sensors.'"
mapmax = "MAP reading at 5V, typically pick a sensor from 'common MAP sensors.'"
clt0 = ""
cltmult = ""
mat0 = ""
matmult = ""
tpsMin = ""
tpsMax = ""
batt0 = "Can be used to correct battery voltage readings."
battmax = "Can be used to correct battery voltage readings."
ego0 = ""
egomult = ""
baro0 = "Baro reading at 0V, typically pick a sensor from 'common Baro sensors.'"
baromax = "Baro reading at 5V, typically pick a sensor from 'common Baro sensors.'"
bcor0 = "The barometeric correction to fuel at a total vacuum.\nFor new installs set these two settings to zero and the barometric correction curve to 100% across the board.\nImported settings from older code versions use a vacuum of 147, a rate of -47 and have the curve at zero."
bcormult = "The rate of change of correction.\nFor new installs set these two settings to zero and the barometric correction curve to 100% across the board.\nImported settings from older code versions use a vacuum of 147, a rate of -47 and have the curve at zero."
crankTolerance = ""
pulseTolerance = ""
IdleCtl = "Selects method of idle control.\nNone = no idle control valve.\nOn/Off = basic open or closed valve (rare)\nThe other settings select between Stepper (4 wire) or PWM (2,3 wire) valves\nOpen-Loop modes control the valve purely based on temperature.\nClosed-Loop modes adjust the valve position to achieve a target RPM"
IACtstep = "Time between each stepper motor step.\nIncrease this if the motor appears to behave intermittently."
IAC_tinitial_step = "The length of the first motor step. Typically set a little longer to improve reliability."
IACminstep = "Minimum number of steps to move in one go."
IACStart = "On startup the stepper motor will move this many steps to ensure it has reached the home position. Set the value to a number larger than the number of steps required for full travel. (This was formerly called 'Start Value')"
IdleHyst = "Amount the coolant temperature must move before idle position is changed."
IACcrankxt = "After the engine starts, the idle valve moves from the 'cranking position' to the 'run' position. This setting controls how long that transition takes."
pwmidlecranktaper = "After the engine starts, the idle valve moves from the 'cranking position' to the 'run' position. This setting controls how long that transition takes."
pwmidleset_inv = "Most valves work with 0% = closed. A few valve may work in the opposite direction."
pwmidle_freq_pin = "Output for idle valve."
pwmidle_freq_pin3 = "Second output for idle valve in 3-wire mode."
pwmidle_freq_scale = "Frequency to operate at. This varies with valve type. Ford/Bosch valves typically operate 50-100Hz. Miata valves are closer to 300Hz."
fastIdleT = "Open the idle valve below this temperature for fast-idle."
divider = ""
alternate = "Sets injector staging in non-sequential modes. For Sequential set 2 Squirts/Alternating or 1 Squirt/Simultaneous."
twoStroke = "Four-Stroke (most engines), Two-stroke or Rotary."
; injType = "Not used presently."
nInjectors = "Number of primary injectors i.e. not any secondary staged injectors you may have."
rpmLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
mapLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
mafLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
tpsLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
egoLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
adcLF = "Smoothing factors. 100% = no smoothing. 10% = highly smoothed."
feature3_tps = "Automatically recalibrate TPS if negative TPS values are seen. This can be useful if the zero position on your TPS varies.\n(The temporary recalibration is not saved.)"
baud = "This should be set to 115200."
; These tips for on/off outputs do not show up in 2.1.13, but added for the future
psEnabled = "Enables this output for programmable control. Do NOT enable an output here that is already is use for another feature e.g. idle, boost etc."
psCondition = "The variable to the left (like in a datalog) is compared with the target value, the output triggers if:\n> variable is greater than target.\n= variable equals target precisely (useless)\n< variable is less than target\nAnd logical bitwise AND with the target."
psConnector = "Whether to include a second condition and whether condition 1 AND condition 2 must be true or condition 1 OR condition 2."
psInitValue = "Typically this is set to 0 which means the output is off."
psPortValue = "Typically this is set to 1 which means the output is on when triggered."
psOutSize = ""
psOutOffset = ""
psThreshold = "This is the target value that the variable is compared against."
psHysteresis = "A deadband to prevent the output bouncing on and off."
veTable1 = ""
veTable2 = ""
asePctTable = ""
aseCntTable = ""
matTemps = ""
matRetard = ""
baroCorrVals = ""
; matCorrTemps = ""
baroCorrDelta = ""
; matCorrDelta = ""
MAFFlow = ""
MAFCor = ""
firea = "Firing order is used for trim and per-cylinder corrections so the adjustment is applied to the correct cylinder number. Injectors and coils must still be wired in firing order sequence. i.e. InjA = cyl1, InjB = next cylinder to fire"
enginesize = "Engine size or displacement in cc. Fill this in before using the ReqFuel calculator.\nTo convert from cu.in to cc, multiply by 16.39"
staged_pri_size = "The size of each of your main/primary injectors in cc/min.\nTypical conversion from lbs/hr is multiply by 10.5"
sequential = "Off - disables sequential fuel and runs batch fire. Semi-sequential - fires injectors in pairs spread over a crank rotation (Requires a crank wheel.) Fully-Sequential - fires each injector in turn spread over a full engine cycle (requires a cam sensor on 4-stroke for phase information.)"
sequential_angle_spec = "Whether to time the injection by the start, middle or end of the pulse. End is most common and typically arranged so that injection has finished just before the inlet valve opens."
sequential_trim_on_off = "Whether to enable per-cylinder trim tables. This allows each cylinder to be tuned individually if you have per-cylinder widebands or EGT."
baroCorr = "Enables or disables fuel adjustment for barometer (altitude.)\nOff = ignore baro\nInitial MAP reading = take a sample from the MAP sensor at power-on\nTwo independent sensors = use a second dedicated barometer sensor."
rtbaroport = "The connection to an external or internal barometer sensor."
baro_upper = "Maximum possible barometer reading that the engine will see. (typ. 102kPa) Limits faulty readings."
baro_lower = "Lowest possible barometer reading that the engine will see. (typ. 68-80kPa) Limits faulty readings."
baro_default = "Fixed barometer reading for when barometric correction is disabled."
mapport_t = "Selects voltage (common) or frequency (rare) type MAP sensor input"
mapport = "The connection to an external or internal voltage MAP sensor."
mapport_f = "The connection to an external or internal frequency MAP sensor."
map_freq0 = "The low frequency corresponding to the least MAP."
map_freq1 = "The high frequency corresponding to the most MAP."
map2port = "If fitted, the connection to a second voltage MAP sensor."
tempUnits = "Selects the temperature units displayed on the optional MegaView."
algorithm = "The calculation method for fuel. The choices are:\nSpeed Density (uses MAP sensor)\nPercent Baro (Speed-Density but with barometric pressure difference included)\nAlpha-N (uses TPS)\nMAF (uses MAF)\nITB (a mode specifically for Independent Throttle Bodies)"
algorithm2 = "Enables a second modifier or blended fuel table (VE2)\n\nAdvanced use only."
loadCombine = "Selects the modifier or blend method"
loadMult = "Normal Speed-Density should enable 'Multiply MAP'. In rare circumstances, this can be disabled. %baro works the same. With Alpha-N, enabling multiply MAP gives 'Hybrid Alpha-N' : disabling multiply MAP gives 'Pure Alpha-N'. MAF never multiplies in MAP."
loadMult2 = "The same as Multiply MAP, but this setting controls the secondary blended tables VE2 and VE4 - allowing for example Speed-Density (with MAP) on VE1 to be blended with a Pure Alpha-N (without MAP) on VE2."
loadStoich = "Including the AFR target allows the VE table to be a 'real' VE table and the desired AFR to be specified in the AFR table.\nWith AFR not included, the AFR table is for reference only and the 'VE' table takes full control."
stoich = "The stoichiometric (chemical ideal) AFR for the fuel in use. For gasoline leave this as 14.7 and set the internal calibration on your wideband to match."
IgnAlgorithm = "The load Y-axis for ignition table lookups"
IgnAlgorithm2 = "Enables a second modifier or blended fuel table (Spk2)\n\nAdvanced use only."
loadCombineign = "Selects the modifier or blend method"
afrload = "The load Y-axis for AFR table lookups"
eaeload = "The load Y-axis for EAE curve lookups"
OvrRunC = "Over-run fuel cut is a method to totally cut off fuel during over-run situations such as coasting down a hill in gear. Be sure to set the parameters so that it is only triggered under true over-run conditions and not during regular driving."
fc_rpm = "Typically a number of hundred RPM above idle."
fc_kpa = "Typically this will be below your idle kPa."
fc_tps = "This should be set close to zero such that over-run only enables when you really are off the throttle."
fc_clt = "Set this to prevent over-run operation on a cold engine."
fc_delay = "The delay prevents jerky on/off operation during transients."
fc_ego_delay = "Over-run will give a full-lean EGO reading and closed-loop EGO should be disabled until a sensible reading is available. Set this long enough so that the EGO sensor is returning a true reading."
fc_rpm_lower = "Allows a dead-band of RPM for smoother operation. Typically set this a few hundred RPM below your minimum RPM setting."
RevLimOption_retard = "Options for spark retardation to limit revs.\nOff = no spark retard used\nProgressive Retard = timing is progressively retarded above the set RPM\nFixed angle = above the set RPM the timing is immediately changed to the angle you specify."
RevLimNormal1 = "Timing is retarded above this RPM."
RevLimMaxRtd = "Maximum timing retard."
RevLimRtdAng = "Timing value used in Fixed angle."
RevLimOption_spkcut = "Enables spark-cut limiting.\nCaution! This can cause catalyst damage and is noisy in operation.\nWill not work with EDIS, TFI or GMDIS"
RevLimNormal3 = "Spark is cut above this RPM"
RevLimcutx = "Cut X/Y sparks determines how aggressive the cut is. Different engines will require different settings."
RevLimcuty = "As above."
RevLimNormal2 = "Fuel is cut above this RPM. Set this to a large RPM if you do not want a limiter."
RevLimNormal2_hyst = "Sets an RPM deadband. RPMs must fall by this much before fuel is re-enabled. A number of hundred RPM is suggested."
RevLimCLTbased = "Enables optional coolant based rev limiter, so that the rev limit can be lowered when the engine is cold. The curve itself sets the lower 'retard above' limit at your chosen temperatures."
RevLimRpm2 = "This number is added to the limit from the curve to give the new fuel cut hard limit rpm."
TpsBypassCLTRevlim = "Above this TPS% the coolant curve is ignored. This should be set to a high %age number, so that only in an emergency when you really need full throttle on a cold engine can you override the cold limit. Or set to over 100% so that the limit in the curve is always used whatever the throttle position."
RevLimTPSbypassRPM = "Rev limit when above the TPS% bypass limit."
tacho_opt80 = "Enables the tacho output"
tacho_opt3f = "Selects the output pin"
tacho_opt40 = "Normal - an output pulse is generated matching each cylinder event. i.e. 4 cylinder engines have 4 pulses per engine cycle.\nHalf speed - output runs at half speed. This can enable a 4-cyl tacho to be used on an 8-cyl engine."
fanctl_settings_on = "Enables fan control"
fanctl_settings_idleup = "Whether the fan activation should also raise the idle"
fanctl_settings_pin = "Selects the output pin for the fan relay"
fanctl_idleup_delay = "How long to wait after raising idle before turning on fan"
fanctl_idleup_adder_duty = "PWM open-loop duty cycle to increase by"
fanctl_idleup_adder_steps = "Additional stepper idle steps to open"
fan_idleup_cl_targetadder = "Target rpm to increase by"
fanctl_ontemp = "Turn fan on above this temperature"
fanctl_offtemp = "Turn fan off below this temperature (must be lower than "on" temperature)"
fanctl_opt2_engineoff = "Allows fan to run in key-on, engine-off situation"
fan_ctl_settings_acfan = "Whether the fan should be automatically turned on to help cool the A/C radiator."
fan_idleup_tps_offpoint = "Disable fan above this TPS% (reduces load on engine when max power desired.)"
fan_idleup_tps_hyst = "Deadband of TPS% "
fan_idleup_vss_offpoint = "Disable fan above this vehicle speed (at high speeds airflow through radiator will be sufficient on its own.)"
fan_idleup_vss_hyst = "Deadband of VSS"
tclu_outpin = "Selects output port to connect to lockup solenoid "
tclu_enablepin = "Selects optional input port for enable switch (could be used for 4th gear pressure switch.) "
tclu_brakepin = "Selects optional input port for brake light switch (brake light unlocks convertor.) "
tclu_tpsmin = "Minimum TPS to enable lockup "
tclu_tpsmax = "Maximum TPS to enable lockup "
tclu_mapmin = "Minimum MAP to enable lockup "
tclu_mapmax = "Maximum MAP to enable lockup "
tclu_opt_vss = "Optionally allow VSS1 or VSS2 speed input as criteria "
tclu_vssmin = "Sets minimum speed for lockup. (Requires VSS input in speed/gear sensors.) "
tclu_opt_gear = "Optionally allows gear number as criteria. (Requires gear to be enable in speed/gear sensors.) "
tclu_gearmin = "Minimum gear to enable lockup "
tclu_delay = "Wait this long after conditions are met before locking up."
MAFOption_t = "Selects between 0-5V voltage input (e.g. most MAFs) or frequency input (e.g. GM) "
MAFOption = "Selects the hardware input pin where the MAF is connected. Or 'Off' to disable MAF readings. "
MAFOption_f = "Selects from four possible frequency input pins."
maf_freq0 = "The frequency the MAF outputs to indicate least air flow."
maf_freq1 = "The frequency the MAF outputs to indicate greatest air flow."
feature7_mafmat = "Optionally enables a trim curve based on MAT sensor input."
feature7_maftrim = "Optionally enables VE table 1 as a trim table. Fill the table with 100% to begin with. "
maf_range = "Sets the range to match your MAF sensor. Set this before loading a MAF calibration curve. On gasoline, 650g/s ~800hp; 1300g/s ~1600hp; 1950g/s ~2400hp and 2600g/s ~3200hp. Use the lowest range suitable for better low-end precision. "
feature7_mafcalib = "Select this if you want to use MAF in the 'old way' as per 1.1.x and earlier. See the 1.1.x MAF manual page. "
opentime_opt1_master = "Same = one dead-time across all injectors. Most common.\n\nIndividual = the dead time for each injector is set individually."
opentime_opt1 = "You can choose one of the four battery voltage correction curves. (If in doubt pick curve 1 and leave the curve alone.)"
injOpen1 = "Injector dead time.\nTypically 0.9ms for high-z (~14ohm)"
opentime_opta_pwm = "Enables PWM current limiting (peak and hold) for low ohm injectors."
injPwmPd = "The period/frequency during the hold phase. Safe to leave at 66us."
injPwmT = "This the 'peak' time and is typically set to 1-1.5ms"
injPwmP = "This is the 'hold' percentage current. 30-50% is typical."
opentime_optb_own = "Enables different settings for bank 2. Only applicable if physically different injectors are on the second bank. Could be used with staged injection.\nFor most engines, this should be set to Off."
opentime_opta = "You can choose one of the four battery voltage correction curves. (If in doubt pick curve 1 and leave the curve alone.)"
smallpw_opt1_master = "The Injector Small Pulsewidths feature allows the user to make a correction and make the non-linear region more linear in nature. Unless you have calibration data for your injectors measured on your Megasquirt, this feature should be left turned off. "
staged_first_param = "This setting enables staged injection and sets the primary staging parameter, which is used to determine when to engage the secondary injectors.\nFor table-based staging, 0% means not staged at all, and 100% means fully staged, between is partially staged."
staged_sec_size = "Size of secondary injectors in cc/min"
staged_extended_opts_pw1off = "Off = when staged, primary and secondary pulse-widths are equal.\n\nOn = when staged, primaries are shut down completely and just secondary injectors are used."
staged_extended_opts_use_v3 = "Whether the secondaries are connected to MS3X outputs or to the InjI/J batch fire outputs."
staged_extended_opts_simult = "Whether the batch fire outputs alternate during an engine cycle or fire once together."
staged_transition_on = "Allows a gradual transition into staging instead of a hard switch point."
staged_transition_events = "how many ignition events it will take to go from no staging to fully staged."
staged_primary_delay = "Delays the reduction of the primary pulse width by a number of ignition events after the secondaries start coming online."
staged_secondary_enrichment = "This setting is used to inject more fuel on the secondaries than the fully staged calculation determines. This is useful when there is a small lean spot just after staged injection fully engages."
staged_param_1 = "Used to determine when staged injection engages when using RPM, MAP, TPS, or Duty."
staged_hyst_1 = "Used as a deadband to determine when staged injection shuts off."
staged_second_param = "This setting is used to add a second method for determining when to stage."
staged_param_2 = "Used to determine when staged injection engages when using RPM, MAP, TPS, or Duty."
staged_hyst_2 = "Used as a deadband to determine when staged injection shuts off."
staged_second_logic = "Whether both parameters or either parameter will enable staging."
flexFuel = "This enables or disables the Flex Fuel system."
flexport = "Selects where the sensor is connected."
fueltemp1 = "If used, specifies a sensor input for fuel temperature."
fuelFreq0 = "The low and high frequencies generated by the sensor (e.g. 50Hz, 150Hz for the GM sensor)"
flex_pct0 = "The ethanol percentage corresponding to the low and high frequencies."
fuelCorr0 = "The fuel multiplier. 100% means no change. The default of 163% for fully ethanol gives 63% additional fuel."
fuelSpkDel0 = "The timing addition in degrees. E85 burns more slowly than pure gasoline and will require more advance."
ff_tpw0 = "The pulsewidth from the sensor at low and high temperatures (1.0, 5.0ms for GM)"
ff_temp0 = "The low/high temperatures at low/high pulsewidths"
fuelCorr_default = "Multiplier to be used if the sensor sends an out of range frequency. (Faulty sensor or an error condition.)"
fuelSpkDel_default = "Timing to add under fault conditions. (Expected to be 0 or negative.)"
fuelFreq1 = ""
flex_pct1 = ""
fuelCorr1 = ""
fuelSpkDel1 = ""
egoAlgorithm = "None - no fuel changes are made in response to oxygen sensor readings.\nSimple - This method of closed-loop EGO control is well-suited to use with a narrowband O2 sensor. \nPID - This method incorporates a Proportional Integral Derivative control loop which tuned properly, adjusts the amount of fuel being injected to quickly get to the target, and then maintains the target without any oscillation."
egoCount = "The number of ignition events between each correction."
egoDelta = "controls how large each correction 'step' is."
egoLimit = "The maximum amount of adjustment performed by the closed-loop algorithm."
ego_lower_bound = "Only correct above this AFR"
ego_upper_bound = "Only correct below this AFR"
egoTemp = "Only correct above this temperature."
egoRPM = "Only correct above this RPM."
TPSOXLimit = "Only correct below this throttle position."
MAPOXLimit = "Only correct below this load."
MAPOXMin = "Only correct above this load."
ego_startdelay = "Only correct when engine has been running at least this long."
egoKP = "Proportional term"
egoKI = "Integral term"
egoKD = "Differential term"
egoType = "Disabled - No EGO sensor enabled.\nNarrowband = Enable narrowband sensor/s.\nWideband = Enable wideband sensor/s"
egonum = "Selects the number of oxygen sensors in use."
egoport1 = "Selects where the sensor or controller is connected."
egomap1 = "Selects which oxygen sensor applies to this cylinder if multiple sensors are used. When only a single sensor is fitted, ensure all cylinders are set to EGO1."
spk_mode0 = "Sets the type of tach input pattern decoder to be used."
triggerOffset = "In 'Basic Trigger' and 'Trigger Return' this specifies the engine angle BTDC that each trigger pulse is received.\n\nIn 'Toothed Wheel' this should always be set to zero - use tooth#1 angle instead.\n\nIn other modes this setting can make a +/- 20 degree adjustment to the built-in reference angle."
trigret_ang = "This is only used in CAS 4/1 mode and specifies the angular length of each tooth."
OddFireang = "For oddfire engines this specifies the angle the engine must rotate from spark A output to spark B output."
spk_conf2_gm = "With HEI7/8 this setting enables the 'bypass' output on spark B."
spk_conf2_tfi = "Allows you to enable Signature PIP mode if you have a Signature PIP distributor, where one vane is shorter than the others. Signature PIP mode is used with 'Basic Trigger' and allows the Megasquirt to use these distributors for sequential fuel."
spk_conf2_oddodd = "Alternate = most oddfires such as Ford V4, Chevy V6, Viper V10\n\nPaired = Yamaha Vmax\n\nCustom = set your own oddfire angles."
no_skip_pulses = "The number of tach input pulses at start-up that are ignored before ignition calculations and wheel decoding begins. The default value of 3 is suitable for most applications."
ICIgnCapture = "This must be matched to your tach input. If it is set incorrectly you can experience timing drift with rpms or misdetection of missing teeth on a missing tooth wheel. The tooth logger can be used to confirm polarity is correct."
spkout_hi_lo2 = "This setting is CRITICAL or you will melt your ignition coils. For 99% of installs, this should be set to 'Going high'"
spk_mode3 = "Specifies the type of ignition coils in use. TFI, HEI, EDIS, GMDIS must set 'single coil'"
hardware_spk = ""
hardware_cam = "Selects where the cam input is connected."
spk_mode3_tach3 = "Selects where the tertiary tach input is connected"
spk_mode3_hirespol = "Selects whether to flip polarity on hi-res tach input."
timing_flags = "Fixed Advance = locks timing to the value set below. This is used for confirming timing with a strobe timing light during setup.\n\nUse table = normal operation where the spark advance table is used."
use_prediction = "1st Deriv Prediction = engine accleration deceleration is allowed for in timing calculation. (Normal setting)\n\nNo Prediction = no allowance."
fixed_timing = "The timing to lock to in 'Fixed' mode"
crank_dwell = "Specifies the base coil dwell time during cranking before battery correction is applied."
crank_timing = "Specifies the ignition advance to be used while cranking. Typically 5-10 deg BTDC"
spk_conf2_dli = "Enables specific multiplexed outputs for use with the Toyota ignition module such as used on the 7MGTE."
dwellmode = "Standard Dwell - this is the setting to use for most installs.\nFixed Duty - locks the spark output to a constant duty cycle instead of controlling dwell. e.g. Ford's 'Push Start' TFI modules, Bosch 'smart' ignition modules, or MSD and other CD boxes.\nTime After Spark - only intended for Saab Tri-Ionic DI cassettes.\nCharge at trigger - rarely used. Could be used with MSD type CDI boxes when running Basic Trigger only."
spk_conf2_dwell = "For time-after-spark, the dwell can be varied with rpm."
max_coil_dur = "The base dwell time before battery voltage correction. Typical values are 3-4 ms."
max_spk_dur = "The time required for the spark to complete, typically in the order of 1 millisecond."
dwelltime = "The backwards dwell time for Time-After-Spark"
dwellduty = "For fixed duty, this specifies the %age duty cycle of the output signal."
hw_latency = "If you notice a slight retarding of ignition timing with rpm while strobing with fixed timing, you can enter a small number in here to remedy it."
feature4_0igntrig = ""
spk_mode3_trim = "Enables the adjustment of timing per individual cylinder."
spk_config_trig2 = "Single wheel with missing tooth = typically a crank wheel such as 36-1 or 60-2\n\nDual wheel = two wheels without missing teeth e.g. Nippodenso 24/1 CAS\n\nDual wheel with missing tooth = typically a 36-1, 60-2 crank wheel and an additional cam wheel."
triggerTeeth = "The number of effective teeth, counting the missing teeth as if they existed. i.e. a 36-1 wheel has 35 physical teeth, but enter 36."
No_Miss_Teeth = "The number of missing teeth. Common are 1 for 36-1, or 2 for 60-2 or 36-2"
Miss_ang = "See the 'Trigger Wheel' section of the manual for more detail on this important setting."
spk_config_camcrank = "Does the main wheel rotate at crankshaft speed or camshaft (distributor) speed."
spk_config_trig2l = "Like ignition input capture above, specifies which voltage level is considered 'active'"
spk_config_campol = "In 'Poll level' mode specifies which voltage level is used for each engine phase."
spk_config_resetcam = "how often are second trigger (e.g. cam) input pulses received."
oddfireangs1 = "Number of crank degrees engine rotates from Spk A to Spk B"
oddfireangs2 = "Number of crank degrees engine rotates from Spk B to next cyl"
oddfireangs3 = "Number of crank degrees engine rotates from Spk C to next cyl"
oddfireangs4 = "Number of crank degrees engine rotates from Spk D to next cyl"
mapsample_opt2 = "'Use event average' is useful for most engines.\n\n'Use timed min' is intended for 1cyl, V twins with highly cyclic MAP signals."
map_sample_duration = "How many degrees to sample over. The starting angle is set in the curve above."
mapsample_opt1 = "How many ignition events to sample over. Typically set to 1 for large engines or 2 for 1,2 cylinder."
map_phase_thresh = "When using the MAP sensor to detect engine phase, this sets a pressure threshold that can identify the intake vs. exhaust phases. Will be highly engine dependent, 80kPa worked on a small 1-cyl."
pwmidle_closed_duty = "The duty below which changes in duty no longer have an effect on RPM"
pwmidle_closed_steps = "The number of steps below which changes in duty no longer have an effect on RPM"
pwmidle_open_duty = "The duty above which changes in duty no longer have an effect on RPM"
pwmidle_open_steps = "The number of steps above which changes in duty no longer have an effect on RPM"
pwmidle_dp_adder = "The amount to increase the idle valve duty/steps by when throttle is lifted. Should be set to a value that results in RPM being slightly above the target RPM."
pwmidle_dp_adder_steps = "The amount to increase the idle valve duty/steps by when throttle is lifted. Should be set to a value that results in RPM being slightly above the target RPM."
pwmidle_close_delay = "This setting controls the amount of time between pressing the throttle and closing the valve while driving. A value of 0 disables this setting. NOTE: The timer does not start until actual RPM is 200 RPM above the target."
pwmidle_dp_decay_factor = "This setting determines how quickly the duty added by the dashpot adder decays to 0. The faster RPM falls, the longer the dashpot stays in effect."
pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable = "This setting controls whether the initial duty value used upon entering closed loop idle is taken from the last time in closed loop or taken from the initial value table."
pwmidle_cl_opts_initval_clt = "This setting is used to set whether the initial values table y-axis lookup is done using CLT or MAT."
pwmidle_shift_lower_rpm = "The RPM above which the idle valve will remain closed when shifting gears."
pwmidle_shift_open_time = "The longest amount of time that a shift takes. After this timer expires, the valve will follow normal dashpot behavior."
pwmidle_Kp = "Proportional gain for closed loop idle PID loop. Reacts immediately to change in RPM."
pwmidle_Ki = "Integral gain for closed loop idle PID loop. Reacts to sustained difference between target RPM and actual RPM."
pwmidle_Kd = "Derivative gain for closed loop idle PID loop. Reacts to rate of change of RPM."
pwmidle_min_duty = "The minimum duty that the PID code will use while engaged."
pwmidle_min_steps = "The minimum steps that the PID code will use while engaged."
pwmidle_min_rpm = "Set to the engine's RPM with the idle valve closed."
pwmidle_max_rpm = "Set to the engine's RPM with the idle valve open."
pwmidle_pid_wait_timer = "Controls how long all conditions for entering closed loop idle must be met for before entering closed loop control."
pwmidle_targ_ramptime = "How long after entering closed loop idle it will take for actual RPM to match target RPM."
pwmidle_ms = "Controls how often the closed loop idle algorithm runs."
pwmidle_rpmdot_disablepid = "Use so that engaging clutch without throttle does not leave PID running. Avoids situations where PID stays running while not actually idling causing stalls once PID is entered again."
IdleCtl_vss = "Controls whether the VSS activates closed loop idle."
pwmidle_engage_rpm_adder = "This setting controls the RPM below which the PID algorithm is engaged, and the RPM above which PID is disengaged, and the close taper (if a Close delay setting is used, detailed later) is started. This setting should be set in the 200-300 rpm range for best performance."
pwmidle_tps_threshold = "The TPS value below which the other factors for entering closed loop idle are considered."
pwmidle_rpmdot_threshold = "The value RPMdot must be below before closed loop idle can be activated."
pwmidle_decelload_threshold = "The value load must be above before closed loop idle can be activated."
boost_ctl_settings_on = "Controls whether boost control is enabled."
boost_ctl_settings_initialvals = "For use with closed loop boost control. Controls whether the initial values table is used to set the initial duty before closed loop is engaged."
boost_ctl_pwm = "Controls the frequency range allowed on the boost control output(s). Mid allows 12-1021 Hz. Slow allows 11.1-78Hz"
boost_ctl_pwm_scale = "Frequencies available with Mid solenoid freqency range. Frequency is shared with PWM idle when using the Mid range"
boost_ctl_pins_pwm = "Output pins available when using the Mid frequency range."
boost_ctl_settings_freq = "Frequencies available when using the Slow frequency range."
boost_ctl_pins = "Output pins available when using the Slow frequency range."
boost_ctl_settings_invert_new = "Set this so that higher duty yields higher boost."
boost_ctl_ms = "Controls how often the boost control algorithm runs."
boost_ctl_closeduty = "(Closed loop) The duty below which changes in duty no longer cause changes in boost pressure."
boost_ctl_openduty = "(Closed loop) The duty above which changes in duty no longer cause changes in boost pressure."
boost_ctl_clt_threshold = "Coolant temperature must be above this value before boost control will work."
boost_ctl_lowerlimit = "(Closed loop) Boost pressure must be above target boost - this setting before closed loop control will activate."
boost_ctl_settings_cl = "Controls whether open loop or closed loop control algorithm is used."
boost_ctl_Kp = "Proportional gain for closed loop control. Proportional control causes immediate changes to output duty with changes in boost error."
boost_ctl_Ki = "Integral gain for closed loop control. Integral control causes changes in duty with boost error over time. The longer boost is off target, the stronger the reaction due to the integral term."
boost_ctl_Kd = "Derivative gain for closed loop control. Derivative control causes larger reactions in boost duty with faster rate of change of boost error. The faster error changes, the more duty will change to counteract."
OverBoostOption = "Selection can be fuel cut, spark cut, or both. Fuel cut only cuts fuel, spark cut only cuts spark, both cuts both fuel and spark."
OverBoostKpa = "Maximum desired boost before overboost protection cuts fuel/spark."
OverBoostHyst = "After overboost protection is enabled, how far below the maximum boost must boost drop before spark/fuel are re-enabled."
tsw_pin_ob = "Allows an input pin to toggle maximum boost to an alternate value."
OverBoostKpa2 = "The alternate maximum desired boost before overboost protection cuts fuel/spark."
overboostcutx = "When using spark cut, controls the number of sparks to cut."
overboostcuty = "When using spark cut, controls the number of potential spark events from which to cut spark."
boost_feats_tsw = "Allow boost tables to be switched when an input is toggled on/off."
boost_gear_switch = "Selects which gear to switch tables on when gear-based boost table switching is enabled."
boost_feats_timed = "Launch control must be enabled to use this feature. Times the amount of boost from launch."
boost_feats_launch = "Allow a specific target (closed loop) or duty (open loop) to be specified when launch control is active."
boost_launch_duty = "Duty to use when launch is active."
boost_launch_target = "Target to use when launch is active."
boost_vss = "Requires VSS to be enabled. Allows boost duty or target to be controlled based on vehicle speed."
boost_vss_tps = "TPS must be above this value for the VSS target boost to be used."
boost_ctl_settings_on2 = "Controls whether the second channel of boost control is enabled."
boost_ctl_pins_pwm2 = "Output for solenoid."
boost_ctl_pins2 = "Output for solenoid."
boost_ctl_closeduty2 = "The duty below which changes in duty no longer cause changes in boost pressure."
boost_ctl_openduty2 = "The duty above which changes in duty no longer cause changes in boost pressure."
boost_ctl_lowerlimit2 = "Boost pressure must be above target boost - this setting before closed loop control will activate."
boost_ctl_settings_cl2 = "Controls whether open loop or closed loop control algorithm is used."
boost_ctl_Kp2 = "Proportional gain for closed loop control. Proportional control causes immediate changes to output duty with changes in boost error."
boost_ctl_Ki2 = "Integral gain for closed loop control. Integral control causes changes in duty with boost error over time. The longer boost is off target, the stronger the reaction due to the integral term."
boost_ctl_Kd2 = "Derivative gain for closed loop control. Derivative control causes larger reactions in boost duty with faster rate of change of boost error. The faster error changes, the more duty will change to counteract."
boost_ctl_sensor2 = "MAP sensor input to monitor."
rpmhigh = "The maximum for RPM on gauges, tables, curves and entry boxes.\nAdjust to suit your engine."
rpmwarn = "The RPM 'warning' on gauges - yellow"
rpmdang = "The RPM 'danger' on gauges - red"
loadhigh = "The maximum 'load' value e.g. kPa on gauges, tables, curves and entry boxes."
vehigh = "The maximum for VE values."
wue_lpg = "For most installs, setting warmup enrichment (WUE) to below 100% indicates a serious tuning mistake and the code will flag up a 'Configuration Error' to alert the user. In rare conditions such as using LPG (propane) for fuel, it can be valid. This setting disables the Config Error warning message."
maxafr_opt1_on = "Enables the AFR safety system"
maxafr_opt1_led = "Sets an on/off warning output"
maxafr_opt1_load = "Selects the load axis on the AFR difference table"
maxafr_en_load = "Only check above this TPS/kPa"
maxafr_en_rpm = "Only check above this RPM"
maxafr_en_time = "Specifies a wait time before taking action, to prevent transients from tripping."
maxafr_spkcut_time = "Cuts spark as the first stage in the system for this long."
maxafr_ret_tps = "throttle is below this limit."
maxafr_ret_map = "Fuel and spark remain cut until MAP (boost) is below this limit."
maxafr_ret_rpm = "Fuel and spark remain cut until RPM is below this limit."
feature3_3 = "Sequenced batch fire can be useful to give more repeatable engine operation. On every startup the batch firing is aligned to the same ignition event (cylinder). Without this feature the alignment is random."
trig_init = "Specifies the ignition 'trigger'. Typically try 0 or 1."
dlyct = "Sets the CPU hardware based noise filter. Typically a small number or zero."
NoiseFilterOpts = "Enables the noise filtering. Uses the curve to set the filter period. The filter measures the width of the tach-in pulse in order to reject short noise spikes and allow through valid wider tach-in pulses. Typically set to 1000us or more at low revs and 100us or more at high revs. Basic distributor setups can use far larger numbers."
NoiseFilterOpts1 = "Enables ignoring of bogus tach pulses, they will still be recorded in the composite logger."
NoiseFilterOpts2 = "The tach input is disabled for a short period of time after a valid tach pulse to mask out any bogus tach pulses."
ICISR_tmask = "The absolute time after a valid tach pulse when new pulses are ignored. The time value here depends greatly on the type of tach input in use.\ne.g. a 60-2 wheel spinning at 10000rpm has a real tach pulse every 0.1ms. A distributor pickup on a 4-cyl at 600rpm has a real tach pulse every 50ms.\nThis value must be set to less than the shortest ever valid time on your install."
ICISR_pmask = "This works as a percentage of the last valid tooth time. 30-50% are typical values."
secondtrigopts = "Enables a simple noise filter on the cam tach input."
TC5_required_width = "Equivalent to the time on the curve used for the crank input."
secondtrigopts1 = "Enables ignoring of bogus tach pulses, they will still be recorded in the composite logger."
secondtrigopts2 = "The tach input is disabled for a short period of time after a valid tach pulse to mask out any bogus tach pulses."
IC2ISR_tmask = "The absolute time after a valid tach pulse when new pulses are ignored. The time value here depends greatly on the type of tach input in use.\ne.g. a 60-2 wheel spinning at 10000rpm has a real tach pulse every 0.1ms. A distributor pickup on a 4-cyl at 600rpm has a real tach pulse every 50ms.\nThis value must be set to less than the shortest ever valid time on your install."
IC2ISR_pmask = "This works as a percentage of the last valid tooth time. 30-50% are typical values."
crankingRPM = "Set this a few hundred RPM above your typical fast cranking speed."
floodClear = "Above this throttle position no fuel will be injected during cranking to help clear a flood situation. It will also disable priming."
alternate_blend = "Enables a blend curve between cranking curves."
altcrank = "Engines with many cylinders such as V12 may find that the injecting fuel on every tach event gives difficult hot starting due to small pulsewidths.\nThis option allows the fuel to be injected on alternate events (with twice the pulse width)"
primedelay = "Delays the priming pulses to allow a lazy fuel pump to build pressure."
feature3_matase = "Can be used to help with perceived heat-soak issues."
feature3_aseunit = "Selects whether After Start Enrichment (ASE) uses Seconds or Ignition Events as the timer."
shift_cut_on = "Enables the sequential / bike shift cut system."
shift_cut_auto = "Whether the system operates from a pushbutton or automatically."
shift_cut_in = "Input used for the button."
shift_cut_out = "Output to the shift solenoid."
shift_cut_rpm = "Minimum RPM to allow shifting."
shift_cut_tps = "Minimum throttle to allow shifting."
shift_cut_delay = "The solenoid is activated immediately, then wait this long before cutting spark."
shift_cut_time = "How long to cut spark for."
shift_cut_gear = "Option to add additional spark cut time per gear."
shift_cut_add12 = "Additional time to cut spark for this shift."
shift_cut_add23 = "Additional time to cut spark for this shift."
shift_cut_add34 = "Additional time to cut spark for this shift."
shift_cut_add45 = "Additional time to cut spark for this shift."
shift_cut_add56 = "Additional time to cut spark for this shift."
shift_cut_soldelay = "How long to keep the solenoid powered after the spark is returned."
shift_cut_reshift = "Ignore button for this long after shifting - to prevent a false shift."
shift_cut_rpm12 = "Shift at this rpm."
shift_cut_rpm23 = "Shift at this rpm."
shift_cut_rpm34 = "Shift at this rpm."
shift_cut_rpm45 = "Shift at this rpm."
shift_cut_rpm56 = "Shift at this rpm."
ac_idleup_settings = "Enables the A/C idle-up feature."
ac_idleup_io_out = "Output to engage compressor."
ac_idleup_io_in = "Switch input."
ac_idleup_delay = "Delay after switch is pressed before engaging compressor."
ac_delay_since_last_on = "Sets a delay to prevent rapid cycling on/off."
ac_idleup_adder_duty = "Additional PWM idle duty cycle to add when A/C is active."
ac_idleup_adder_steps= "Additional idle steps to add when A/C is active."
ac_idleup_cl_targetadder= "Bump up RPM by this much when A/C is active."
ac_idleup_cl_lockout_mapadder = "When A/C is active the engine load will increase. Set this number so that the additional load doesn't kick you out of closed-loop idle."
ac_idleup_tps_offpoint = "Disable A/C when TPS is above this. (Reduces load on engine when driver demands full power.)"
ac_idleup_tps_hyst = "Deadband in TPS to prevent bouncing on/off."
ac_idleup_vss_offpoint = "Disable A/C above this speed."
idleadvance_on = "Enables Idle-advance feature"
idle_special_ops_timing_assist = "Enables additional advance curve linked to closed-loop idle target. This allows you to use timing control to assist with idle speed regulation."
idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv = "Either links idle-advance with closed-loop idle or allows idle advance to have its own conditions."
idleadvance_tps = "Only activate below this TPS."
idleadvance_rpm = "Only activate below this RPM."
idleadvance_load = "Only activate above this load. (Helps code ignore over-run situations.)"
idleadvance_clt = "Only activate above this coolant temperature. (Typically idle-advance does not work too well during warmup.)"
idleadvance_delay = "After the conditions are met, wait this long before enabling idle-advance. This helps reduce false activations."
idleve_on = "Enables Idle-VE feature"
idleveadv_to_pid_idleve = "Either links idle-advance with closed-loop idle or allows idle advance to have its own conditions."
idleve_tps = "Only activate below this TPS."
idleve_rpm = "Only activate below this RPM."
idleve_load = "Only activate above this load. (Helps code ignore over-run situations.)"
idleve_clt = "Only activate above this coolant temperature. (Typically idle-VE does not work too well during warmup.)"
idleve_vsson = "Selects whether VSS1 must be zero before idle-VE is activated."
idleve_delay = "After the conditions are met, wait this long before enabling idle-advance. This helps reduce false activations."
knk_option = "Disabled: do not use knock feedback for ignition advance control\nSafe Mode: use knock retard, but keep the advance below that which caused knock. This backs the advance 1 small step back and leaves it at that until TPS or MAP changes - or knock comes back. This is 'safe mode' scheme is the safest thing for a DIY set-up.\nAggressive Mode: use knock retard, but keep advance at threshold of knock occurring. That is, the program advances (up to the timing table value) if it doesn't see knock, and retards if does see knock. The difference from safe mode is that the timing can be advance all the way to the table value after knock, not just up to one step below knock. This may result in the knock returning, in which case the timing is retarded again, then advanced slowly, and so on."
knk_option_an = "On/Off: basic on/off 'knock' or 'no-knock' external input.\nAnalogue: external analogue input proportional to knock signal level\nInternal: internal knock module."
knkport = "Input for knock on/off signal"
knkDirection = "The logic input level. i.e. when set to 'low' then a 0V signal means there is knock. This matches the GM module"
knkpull = "Whether an internal pull-resistor should be applied. When using the suggested Datalog/Tableswitch/Launch input pin set to 'None'"
knkport_an = "Input for knock analogue signal"
knk_option_wind = "Either read single analogue value at end knock window or peak detect."
knk_pin_out = "Optional digital output for knock window signal."
knk_ndet = "Number of knock events detected before control is started."
knk_maxmap = "Disable knock retard above this MAP."
knk_lorpm = "Knock control is implemented above this RPM"
knk_hirpm = "Knock control is implemented below this RPM"
knk_maxrtd = "Maximum total retard when knock occurs."
knk_trtd = "The time between knock retard corrections"
knk_step1 = "How much to retard by on each correction step when knock is first detected. Make it large to quickly retard the timing and stop knock."
knk_step2 = "How much to retard by on each correction step if knock restarts after it had stopped."
knk_tadv = "The time between knock advance corrections (i.e. timing return to normal)"
knk_step_adv = "The ignition advance step size after knock has stopped."
knk_dtble_adv = "If ignition table timing changes by this much then return to normal timing as operating in different area."
knock_bpass = "This should be adjusted to suit the resonant frequency of you engine."
knock_int = "How long the signal is sampled for."
knock_conf_num = "How many knock sensors (1 or 2)"
knock_conf_percyl = "Enables linking of knock signal to cylinder number. This only works if coil-on-plug or sequential fuel are enabled."
knock_gain01 = "Compensate for sensor sensitivity and distance between cylinder and sensor."
knock_sens01 = "Pick which sensor to use for each cylinder."
AE_options = "Selects between time-based accel enrichment or pump-style enrichment."
EAEOption = "Enables a well-wetting transient system."
feature7_aetpswot = "Enables a curve to model effective 100% TPS for a given RPM. This allows smaller throttle movements to be more responsive at lower RPMs and ignores changes in throttle above 'wide-open'."
mapThresh = "Trigger enrichment above this MAPdot value."
aeEndPW = "After main enrichment event, taper down to this amount of enrichment.\n0 is suggested."
feature7_aeevents = "Length of enrichment pulse is measured in ignition events or seconds."
tpsasync_events = "Length of enrichment pulse."
tpsasync2_events = "Length of enrichment taper."
taeTime = "Length of main enrichment pulse."
aeTaperTime = "Length of 'taper' time after main enrichment pulse.\n0 is suggested."
tpsThresh = "Trigger enrichment above this TPSdot value."
tdePct = "Deceleration fuel cut amount in percent. 100% is no cut, 0% is complete cut of fuel.\n100% is suggested."
taeColdA = "At full cold (-40C/F), add this amount to the enrichment."
taeColdM = "At full cold (-40C/F), multiply the enrichment by this percentage."
ae_lorpm = "Below this RPM full enrichment is enabled."
ae_hirpm = "Above this RPM, there is no enrichment. In between the enrichment is on a sliding scale."
tpsProportion = "Weight (0-100) to be given to TPSdot over MAPdot for accel enrichment."
accel_mapdot_threshold = "Trigger enrichment above this MAPdot value."
accel_tpsdot_threshold = "Trigger enrichment above this TPSdot value."
accel_CLT_multiplier = "At full cold (-40C/F), multiply the enrichment by this percentage."
accel_blend_percent = "Weight (0-100) to be given to TPSdot over MAPdot for accel enrichment."
als_in_pin = "Enables the Anti-Lag system and selects the Enable input."
als_maxtps = "Disable ALS above this TPS%."
als_minrpm = "Disable ALS below this RPM."
als_maxrpm = "Disable ALS above this RPM."
als_maxmat = "Disable ALS above this manifold temperature."
als_maxtime = "Only allow ALS to be active for this long to reduce temperature build-up."
als_pausetime = "Enforce a minimum time between activations to reduce temperature build-up."
als_minclt = "Disable ALS below this coolant temperature."
als_maxclt = "Disable ALS above this coolant temperature."
als_opt_fc = "Whether cyclic fuel cut should be used. ONLY for use with sequential fuel."
als_opt_sc = "Whether cyclic spark cut should be used."
als_opt_ri = "Whether roving idle fuel cut should be used."
als_opt_idle = "Enables the idle valve in ALS mode."
als_iac_duty = "What valve duty should be used to give the extra air needed for ALS."
als_iac_steps = "What valve steps should be used to give the extra air needed for ALS."
als_out_pin = "Enables an additional output in ALS mode for extra-air valve."
als_opt_pwmout = "Enables an additional pulsed output in ALS mode."
als_pwm_duty = "Duty cycle on pulsed output when ALS is active."
vvt_opt1_on = "Enables VVT control and selects number of cams to control."
vvt_opt4_decode = "Enables a special decoder if applicable."
vvt_opt6_freq = "VVT solenoid PWM frequency."
vvt_opt2_pid = "Chooses between basic on/off mode or variable position control."
vvt_opt5_add1 = "Whether to adjust injection timing based on cam position and which cam."
vvt_opt5_add2 = "If injector timing is being adjusted, whether to adjust it based on target or actual current position."
vvt_onoff_ang = "Angle to advance injector timing by when VVT is active."
vvt_opt1_int = "How often to run the calculations.\nSynced to cam is most typical meaning that the calculations are run as soon as new cam tooth passes the sensor."
vvt_ctl_ms = "Specifies a fixed calculation interval."
vvt_opt5_err = "Whether error checking should be applied to the measured cam angles."
vvt_opt1_tst = "Selects a cam output to test."
vvt_test_duty = "What duty cycle to output to the VVT solenoid."
vvt_opt2_use_hold_intake = "Some VVT systems will hold at a fixed position when a certain duty cycle is applied, enable this on those systems. Others have no specific hold-duty."
vvt_hold_duty = "Specific hold duty."
vvt_ctl_Kp = "Proportional gain for closed loop control. Proportional control causes immediate changes to output duty with changes in VVT position difference."
vvt_ctl_Ki = "Integral gain for closed loop control. Integral control causes changes in duty with VVT position difference over time. The longer VVT is off target, the stronger the reaction due to the integral term."
vvt_ctl_Kd = "Derivative gain for closed loop control. Derivative control causes larger reactions in duty with faster rate of change of VVT position difference. The faster the difference changes, the more duty will change to counteract."
vvt_opt2_use_hold_exhaust = "Some VVT systems will hold at a fixed position when a certain duty cycle is applied, enable this on those systems. Others have no specific hold-duty."
vvt_hold_duty_exh = "Specific hold duty."
vvt_ctl_Kp_exh = "Proportional gain for closed loop control. Proportional control causes immediate changes to output duty with changes in VVT position difference."
vvt_ctl_Ki_exh = "Integral gain for closed loop control. Integral control causes changes in duty with VVT position difference over time. The longer VVT is off target, the stronger the reaction due to the integral term."
vvt_ctl_Kd_exh = "Derivative gain for closed loop control. Derivative control causes larger reactions in duty with faster rate of change of VVT position difference. The faster the difference changes, the more duty will change to counteract."
vvt_opt3_cam1 = "Cam1 is always the main cam input."
vvt_opt2_cam1pol = "Cam1 capture polarity is defined on the Ignition Options page."
vvt_tth1 = "The number of teeth on the cam1 trigger wheel."
vvt_out1 = "VVT1 solenoid output"
vvt_min_ang1 = "The minimum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_max_ang1 = "The maximum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_opt5_vvt1 = "Whether this is an intake or exhaust cam."
vvt_cam1tth1 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_cam1tth2 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_out1_dir = "What direction the cam moves with output duty."
vvt_opt3_cam2 = "The input for cam2."
vvt_opt2_cam2pol = "The capture polarity for cam2.\n(If reported cam angle changes unexpecedly with RPM while the cam is stationary, try swapping polarity."
vvt_tth2 = "The number of teeth on the cam2 trigger wheel."
vvt_out2 = "VVT2 solenoid output"
vvt_min_ang2 = "The minimum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_max_ang2 = "The maximum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_opt5_vvt2 = "Whether this is an intake or exhaust cam."
vvt_cam2tth1 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_cam2tth2 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_out2_dir = "What direction the cam moves with output duty."
vvt_opt3_cam3 = "The input for cam3."
vvt_opt2_cam3pol = "The capture polarity for cam3.\n(If reported cam angle changes unexpecedly with RPM while the cam is stationary, try swapping polarity."
vvt_tth3 = "The number of teeth on the cam3 trigger wheel."
vvt_out3 = "VVT3 solenoid output"
vvt_min_ang3 = "The minimum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_max_ang3 = "The maximum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_opt5_vvt3 = "Whether this is an intake or exhaust cam."
vvt_cam3tth1 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_cam3tth2 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_out3_dir = "What direction the cam moves with output duty."
vvt_opt3_cam4 = "The input for cam4."
vvt_opt2_cam4pol = "The capture polarity for cam4.\n(If reported cam angle changes unexpecedly with RPM while the cam is stationary, try swapping polarity."
vvt_tth4 = "The number of teeth on the cam4 trigger wheel."
vvt_out4 = "VVT4 solenoid output"
vvt_min_ang4 = "The minimum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_max_ang4 = "The maximum absolute angle from the cam sensor."
vvt_opt5_vvt4 = "Whether this is an intake or exhaust cam."
vvt_cam4tth1 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_cam4tth2 = "Application specific, look for cam tooth after this crank tooth."
vvt_out4_dir = "What direction the cam moves with output duty."
f5_0_tsf = "Enables fuel table switching."
f5_0_tsf_opt = "Hardware = Physical switch or blend curve\nRPM,kPa,TPS allow switching above threshold set below."
tsw_pin_f = "Table switch input."
tsf_rpm = "RPM threshold."
tsf_kpa = "kPa threshold."
tsf_tps = "TPS threshold."
f5_0_tss = "Enables spark table switching."
f5_0_tss_opt = "Hardware = Physical switch or blend curve\nRPM,kPa,TPS allow switching above threshold set below."
tsw_pin_s = "Table switch input."
tss_rpm = "RPM threshold."
tss_kpa = "kPa threshold."
tss_tps = "TPS threshold."
tsw_pin_rf = "Enables ReqFuel switch input."
ReqFuel_alt = "ReqFuel to use when switched."
tsw_pin_afr = "Enables AFR table switch input."
tsw_pin_stoich = "Enables Stoich switch input."
stoich_alt = "Stoich to use when switched."
dualfuel_sw_on = "Enables Dual Fuel support (e.g. LPG or secondary race fuel on a different system.)"
dualfuel_opt_mode = "Switching = swaps from fuel 1 to fuel 2.\nDual Table = parallel fuel tables allowing simultaneous control of both fuels. e.g. mapped methanol under boost."
dualfuel_opt_out = "Shared outputs = used when two sets of injectors share one set of control wires from the ECU and have a relay to switch +12V.\nDifferent outputs = where each main and secondary injectors are wired to different outputs."
staged_extended_opts_use_v3 = "Where secondary injectors are wired."
dualfuel_pin = "Input for Dual Fuel switching."
dualfuel_sw_fuel = "Whether to switch fuel tables."
dualfuel_sw_spk = "Whether to switch spark tables."
dualfuel_sw_afr = "Whether to switch AFR tables."
dualfuel_sw_rf = "Whether to switch ReqFuel."
dualfuel_sw_stoich = "Whether to switch Stoich."
dualfuel_sw_wue = "Whether to switch warmup curves."
dualfuel_sw_ase = "Whether to switch afterstart curves."
dualfuel_sw2_prime = "Whether to switch priming curves."
dualfuel_sw2_crank = "Whether to switch cranking pulse curves."
dualfuel_sw2_injp = "Whether to switch injector parameters."
dualfuel_sw2_smpw = "Whether to switch small pulsewidth curves."
dualfuel_sw2_ob = "Whether to switch overboost limits."
dualfuel_sw2_boosw = "Whether to switch boost tables."
dualfuel_opt_temp = "Enable secondary fuel temperature adjustment."
dualfuel_temp_sens = "Secondary fuel temperature input."
dualfuel_opt_press = "Enable secondary fuel pressure adjustment."
dualfuel_press_sens = "Secondary fuel pressure input."
vss1_an = "Input for analogue 0-5V speed sensor."
vss1_an_max = "Speed at 5V input."
vss_opt1 = "Selects digital pulse input or input via CAN from expansion board."
wheeldia1 = "Overall diameter of wheel and tyre. (Units are set in Project Properties.)"
vss1_pos = "Whether speed sensor teeth are mounted\n-Directly on the wheel\n-on the driveline/trans\n-as pulses per mile\n-as pulse per km."
reluctorteeth1 = "Number of teeth on speed pickup reluctor."
vss1_pwmseq = "CAN PWM port for capturing from expansion board."
vss1_can_scale = "Number of pulses per mile/km or scaler to convert from one unit system to another. (Megasquirt uses 0.1 ms-2 internally, so to convert from 0.1 mph use 45.6%"
vss1LF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
vss2_an = "Input for analogue 0-5V speed sensor."
vss2_an_max = "Speed at 5V input."
vss_opt2 = "Selects digital pulse input or input via CAN from expansion board."
wheeldia2 = "Overall diameter of wheel and tyre. (Units are set in Project Properties.)"
vss2_pos = "Whether speed sensor teeth are mounted\n-Directly on the wheel\n-on the driveline/trans\n-as pulses per mile\n-as pulse per km."
reluctorteeth2 = "Number of teeth on speed pickup reluctor."
vss2_pwmseq = "CAN PWM port for capturing from expansion board."
vss2_can_scale = "Number of pulses per mile/km or scaler to convert from one unit system to another. (Megasquirt uses 0.1 ms-2 internally, so to convert from 0.1 mph use 45.6%"
vss2LF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
vssout_opt = "Digital pulsed output to drive a speedometer."
vssout_optunits = "Type of output conversion."
vssout_scale = "Scaling factor."
vssdot_int = "How often to calculate VSSdot (acceleration.)"
vssdotLF = "Smoothing factor on VSSdot. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
fdratio1 = "Final drive gear ratio."
gear_method = "How to determine gear no.\nVSS/RPM - compares the vehicle speed with RPM and the gear ratio table.\nAnalogue - uses a 0-5V analogue gear-position-sensor input.\nCAN gear# - fetches a gear number from an expansion board over CAN."
gear_no = "How many gears."
gear1ratio = "Ratio of each gear."
gear_port_an = "Analogue input for gear-position-sensor."
gear0v = "Nominal voltage in each position."
ss_opt1 = "Number of pickup teeth on reluctor."
reluctorteeth3 = "Number of pickup teeth on reluctor."
ss1LF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
ss_opt2 = "Number of pickup teeth on reluctor."
reluctorteeth4 = "Number of pickup teeth on reluctor."
ss2LF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
accXport = "Analogue 0-5V input for X-axis."
accYport = "Analogue 0-5V input for Y-axis."
accZport = "Analogue 0-5V input for Z-axis."
accXcal1 = "Calibration value when X is -1g. See the manual."
accXcal2 = "Calibration value when X is +1g. See the manual."
accYcal1 = "Calibration value when Y is -1g. See the manual."
accYcal2 = "Calibration value when Y is +1g. See the manual."
accZcal1 = "Calibration value when Z is -1g. See the manual."
accZcal2 = "Calibration value when Z is +1g. See the manual."
accxyzLF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
log_style_on = "Enables SDcard datalogging.\nInsertion - log always.\nButton - use a button to start and stop logs.\nTrigger - start logs when trigger condition is met."
log_style2_but = "Digital switch input."
log_style_led = "Output for LED or indicator lamp."
log_style_block = "Type of datalog to record.\n64byte = regular SDcard datalog.\n64byte+stream = datalog plus simulataneous audio soundtrack."
log_style2_samp = "Timed = suitable for all installs.\nCycle/tooth = for developer use."
log_int = "How often to record data.\nLower limit for most cards is 3ms."
log_length = "How long each datalog file should be. After this time a new logfile is started."
log_style3_adc = "Optional analogue (sound) stream input."
log_style_ledspd = "Unless advised otherwise, use 'Normal'"
egt_num = "Number of EGT channels to enable."
egtcal_temp0 = "Temperature at 0V."
egtcal_tempmax = "Temperature at 5V - depends on interface design."
egt_conf_action = "EGT over-temperature reactions"
egt_warn = "Turn on warning output above this temperature."
egt_addfuel = "Bump up pulsewidth on over-temperature."
egt_conf_bank = "Most installs should use 'Both' Bank1,2 only apply to Staged primary and secondaries."
egt_conf_shutdown = "Enables engine shutdown if above max temperature or too long above warning limit."
egt_time = "Shutdown if above warning temperature for this long."
egt_max = "Shutdown if temperature exceeds this maximum (even for a split second.)"
egt1port = "Analogue 0-5V input from thermocouple. (Note that an interface circuit is required.)"
sensor01_source = "Analogue 0-5V input."
sensor01_trans = "Type of transformation from raw input to useful numbers.\nRaw = raw 0-1023 ADC count\nLinear = useful for many ratiometric sensors with a linear scale.\nSame as XXX applies the same transform as other sensors on your ECU.\nGM calibration = same transform as GM air/coolant thermistor sensors."
sensor01_val0 = "The number you want to see when 0V is applied"
sensor01_max = "The number you want to see when 5V is applied"
sensor01LF = "Smoothing factor. 100% = no smoothing, 15% = maximum smoothing."
opt142_gs_share = "Normally each input can only be used by one feature. This setting allows inputs to be shared between generic sensors and other features. (Obviously you can still only connect one sensor to each input!)"
sensor_temp = "Selects degF/degC for temperature units when using CLT/MAT calibrations. This is set on the Generic Sensors page."
tc_opt_on = "Enables traction control"
tc_opt_method = "Traction control method:\nPerfect Run = a drag race strategy for a single pass comparing actual VSS against best possible.\nVSS %slip = compares VSS1 to VSS2 and detects slip%.\nPerfect Run RPM = similar to perfect run but without VSS for classes where that is not allowed.\nSwitch input = for use with an external slip detector."
tc_enin = "Optional digital switch input"
tc_mintps = "Only enable traction control above this TPS%"
tc_minmap = "Only enable traction control above this MAP"
tc_minvss = "Only enable traction control above this VSS"
tc_opt_slipcurve = "Whether to use a fixed slip% limit or an adjustable curve."
tc_slipthresh = "Fixed slip% limit."
tc_opt_n2o = "Only on/off control is presently supported."
tc_opt_bank = "Which bank of injectors to add fuel to.\nNormally select 'Both'\nWhen staging bank 1 = primary, bank 2 = secondary"
launch_opt_on = "Off - all of launch is turned off\nLaunch - launch only, no flat shift\nLaunch/flatshift - launch and flat shift.\n(Flat shift is used on manual gearboxes for full throttle shifts with a clutch switch to engage the limiter.)"
launch_opt_pins = "Input for launch switch."
launch_sft_lim = "Above this RPM timing is retarded when the launch conditions are met."
launch_sft_deg = "The absolute timing to retard to. i.e. 5 gives 5 BTDC timing."
launch_opt_bank = "Allows fuelling to be changed while the launch limiter is on."
launch_addfuel = "The raw millisecond pulsewidth change to make (+/-)"
launch_tps = "Launch is only active when the throttle is open a certain percentage. Most users can safely set this to a very low number."
launch_hrd_lim = "Above this rpm the hard limiter methods are used when the launch conditions are met."
launchlimopt = "-None - do not use \n-Spark cut - drop sparks, this is the most common limiter used. (Will not work with EDIS ignition.)\n-Fuel cut - cuts fuel.\n-Spark and fuel - both"
launchcutx = "Cuts X sparks from Y events - cuts spark in a round-robin manner like a fraction, 4 from 5 is like 4/5 so four fifths of the sparks will get cut."
launchcuty = "Cuts X sparks from Y events - cuts spark in a round-robin manner like a fraction, 4 from 5 is like 4/5 so four fifths of the sparks will get cut."
launch_fcut_rpm = "During the flat-shift up-shift and the revs are falling, the fuel is cut off until the revs have fallen below this set point to reduce exhaust explosions."
launch_maxvss = "Prevents launch from activating once you are rolling."
flats_arm = "This rpm set point is used to differentiate between a flat shift and launch condition, typically set to a few hundred RPM above idle."
flats_sft = "The timing is retarded above this RPM when the flat shift conditions are met."
flats_deg = "The absolute timing to retard to. i.e. 5 gives 5 BTDC timing."
flats_hrd = "Above this rpm the hard limiter methods are used when the flat-shift conditions are met."
launch_opt_retard = "Enables feature to feed in timing after launch."
launch_var_on = "Input for 0-5V potentiometer used to vary launch RPM."
launch_var_low = "With a 0V input, the launch hard limit is set to this RPM."
launch_var_up = "With a 5V input, the launch hard limit is set to this RPM."
launch_var_sof = "The soft launch limit is this many rpm below the variable hard limit. 1000rpm is typical."
launch_3step_in = "Input for 3-step switch. Could be used as burnout limiter."
launch_sft_lim3 = "The timing is retarded above this RPM when the 3-step is on."
launch_sft_deg3 = "The timing is retarded to this angle when the 3-step is on."
launch_hrd_lim3 = "Sets the hard limit RPM when the 3-step is on."
timedout1_in = "Input for transbrake button."
timedout1_out = "Output for transbrake solenoid."
timedout1_offdelay = "Delay between button release and transbrake release."
tstop_out = "Output for throttle-stop solenoid."
tstop_delay = "Delay after launch before solenoid is activated."
tstop_hold = "How long to keep solenoid on for."
N2Oopt_2 = "Enables the feature."
N2ORpm = "The minimum RPM to enable nitrous."
N2OClt = "The minimum coolant temperature to enable nitrous."
N2OTps = "The minimum throttle position to enable nitrous."
N2ORpmMax = "The maximum RPM to enable nitrous."
N2Oopt_01 = "Set to 'Both' for most installs. If 'dual table' or Staging are in use it selects which injector bank receives any additional fuel pulsewidth."
N2Oopt2_prog = "Selects between On/Off or Progressive control mode."
N2Oopt2_prog_time = "Chooses between time or RPM as control factor."
N2Oopt2_prog_freq = "Selects solenoid frequency. Typically around 13Hz."
N2Oopt_4 = "Allows optional AFR safety system to use alternate AFR targets when nitrous is active."
n2o1n_pins = "Output for stage 1 nitrous solenoid."
n2o1f_pins = "Output for stage 1 fuel solenoid."
N2Oopt_pins = "Input to use to enable the nitrous system. (Expects a 12V signal.)"
N2OPWLo = "Fuel PW to add at the min RPM. (Tapers down between min and max.)"
N2OPWHi = "Fuel PW to add at the max RPM. (Tapers down between min and max.)"
N2OAngle = "Sets a fixed ignition retard when nitrous is active."
N2Odel_launch = "Sets a minimum time after launch control is released before nitrous can activate."
N2Odel_flat = "Sets a minimum time after flat-shift is released before nitrous can activate."
N2Oopt_3 = "Enables the second stage."
n2o2n_pins = "Output for stage 2 nitrous solenoid."
n2o2f_pins = "Output for stage 2 fuel solenoid."
N2O2Rpm = "The activation RPM for stage 2."
N2O2RpmMax = "The maximum RPM for stage 2."
N2O2delay = "Sets a minimum time delay after stage 1 activates before stage 2 can activate."
N2O2Angle = "Sets an additional ignition retard when stage2 is active."
N2O2PWLo = "Fuel PW to add at the min RPM. (Tapers down between min and max.)"
N2O2PWHi = "Fuel PW to add at the max RPM. (Tapers down between min and max.)"
water_freq_on = "Enables the feature."
water_pins_pump = "Output to pump relay."
water_freq_type = "'Off' - no valve output (used fixed nozzle)\n'Slow' - slow speed valve output with chosen PWM duty cycle\n'Fast' - valve switches at injector speed with chosen PWM duty cycle."
water_freq = "Valve operating frequency."
water_pins_valve = "Output for valve."
water_tps = "Only enable above this TPS%."
water_rpm = "Only enable above this RPM."
water_map = "Only enable above this MAP."
water_mat = "Only enable above this MAT."
water_pins_in_shut = "Allows a low fluid level sensor switch input.\n\nIf fluid reserve is low when water injection is required, for safety the engine will be shutdown using the parameters in the AFR Safety System."
pwm_opt_on_a = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_a = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_a = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_a = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_a = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_a = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_a = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
pwm_opt_on_b = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_b = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_b = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_b = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_b = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_b = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_b = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
pwm_opt_on_c = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_c = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_c = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_c = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_c = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_c = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_c = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
pwm_opt_on_d = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_d = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_d = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_d = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_d = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_d = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_d = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
pwm_opt_on_e = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_e = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_e = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_e = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_e = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_e = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_e = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
pwm_opt_on_f = "Enables feature."
pwm_opt2_f = "Output for relay/solenoid."
pwm_opt_var_f = "Selects:\nOn-Off - output is turned on or off based on the table.\nVariable - output runs at a fixed frequency with duty set by the table."
pwm_opt_freq_f = "Selects output frequency."
pwm_onabove_f = "Output is on when the table is above this number."
pwm_offbelow_f = "Output is off when the table is below this number."
pwm_opt_load_f = "The variable used for the load axis on the table."
mycan_id = "Set to 0 unless specifically wanting to configure this as a secondary data capture ECU."
enable_pollPWM = "Enables capturing PWM (pulse/frequency) from expansion board."
can_poll_id = "CANid of expansion board."
poll_tablePWM = "Table number on expansion board."
poll_offsetPWM= "Table number on expansion board."
canpwm_clk = "Clock frequency on expansion board. See documentation."
canpwm_pre = "Prescaler on expansion board. See documentation."
canpwm_div = "Divider on expansion board. See documentation."
enable_pollADC= "Enables capturing analogue inputs from expansion board."
canadc_opt1 = "Enables this group of analogue inputs."
canadc_id1 = "CANid of expansion board."
canadc_tab1 = "Table number on expansion board."
canadc_off1 = "Data offset on expansion board."
can_poll_id_ports = "CANid of expansion board for digital inputs/outputs."
poll_tableports = "Table number on expansion board."
enable_pollports_digin = "Enables using digital inputs from expansion board."
can_poll_digin_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
enable_pollports_digout = "Enables using on/off outputs on expansion board."
can_poll_digout_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
enable_pwmout = "Enables sending PWM/pulsed outputs to expansion board."
can_pwmout_id = "CANid of expansion board."
can_pwmout_tab = "Table number on expansion board."
can_pwmout_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
can_bcast1_on = "Enables broadcasting of parameters over CAN."
can_bcast_int = "How often to broadcast."
can_bcast1_280x4 = "Specific messages can be enabled."
vss1_can_id = "CANid of expansion board."
vss1_can_table = "Table number on expansion board."
vss1_can_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
vss1_can_size = "How the data is stored on the expansion board. See documentation."
vss2_can_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
vss2_can_size = "How the data is stored on the expansion board. See documentation."
gear_can_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
opt142_rtc = "Enables the built-in real time clock or selects a clock on an expansion board via CAN."
rtc_trim = "Applies a trim to correct for slow/fast running clock."
can_poll_id_rtc = "CANid of expansion board."
poll_table_rtc = "Table number on expansion board."
poll_offset_rtc = "Data offset on expansion board."
can_poll2_ego = "Enables collecting EGO/AFR from innovate widebands on expansion board."
can_ego_id = "CANid of expansion board."
can_ego_table = "Table number on expansion board."
can_ego_offset = "Data offset on expansion board."
cel_opt_on = "Enables sensor checking feature."
cel_port = "Output for warning lamp."
cel_runtime = "Period after-start before sensors are checked."
cel_opt2_map = "Enables checking of the MAP sensor."
map_minadc = "Minimum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
map_maxadc = "Maximum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
map_var_lower = "Minimum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect flat-lined input.)"
map_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_mat = "Enables checking of the MAT sensor."
mat_minadc = "Minimum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
mat_maxadc = "Maximum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
mat_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_clt = "Enables checking of the CLT sensor."
clt_minadc = "Minimum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
clt_maxadc = "Maximum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
clt_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_tps = "Enables checking of the TP sensor."
tps_minadc = "Minimum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
tps_maxadc = "Maximum raw ADC 0-1023 input allowed."
tps_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_batt = "Enables checking of the battery voltage input."
batt_minv = "Minimum voltage allowed."
batt_maxv = "Maximum voltage allowed."
batt_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_afr0 = "Enables checking of the EGO/AFR input."
afr_min = "Minimum AFR allowed."
afr_max = "Maximum AFR allowed."
afr_var_lower = "Minimum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect flat-lined input.)"
afr_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt2_sync = "Enables checking for sync-losses."
cel_synctol = "Set CEL above this many sync-losses."
cel_opt2_egt = "Enables checking of the EGT input."
egt_minvalid = "Minimum EGT allowed."
egt_maxvalid = "Maximum EGT allowed."
egt_var_lower = "Minimum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect flat-lined input.)"
egt_var_upper = "Maximum amount of fluctuation allowed. (To detect wildly varying input.)"
cel_opt3_flex = "Enables checking of the Flex-fuel sensor input."
cel_opt_stat = "Sets gauge 'status5' to record 'fluctuations' number. Observe the dash gauge and examine datalogs to determine sensible min/max fluctuation limits for each sensor input in turn."
cel_action1_map = "Whether an invalid MAP reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_action1_map_an = "Whether an invalid MAP reading will enable the fallback MAP table."
cel_action1_mat = "Whether an invalid MAT reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_mat_default = "If MAT fails, assume MAT is this temperature."
cel_action1_clt = "Whether an invalid CLT reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_clt_cold = "If CLT fails, start engine using this assumed temperature."
cel_clt_warm = "If CLT fails, assume this is the warmed up engine temperature."
cel_warmtime = "If CLT fails, assume engine takes this long to warmup."
cel_action1_tps = "Whether an invalid TPS reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_action1_batt = "Whether an invalid battery voltage reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_action1_ego = "Whether an invalid AFR/EGO reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_action2_flex = "Whether an invalid Flex-fuel reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_action2_egt = "Whether an invalid EGT reading will trigger limp mode."
cel_revlim = "Rev limiter when in limp mode."
cel_overboost = "Maximum boost when in limp mode. Typically 102kPa for no boost."
cel_boost_duty = "Fixed boost valve duty in limp mode. Set for least boost, typically 0%."
cel_boost_duty2 = "Fixed boost valve duty in limp mode. Set for least boost, typically 0%."
cel_retard = "Retard timing by this amount when in limp mode."
testint = "How often to pulse the coil/injector."
testrpm = "Approximate equivalent RPM."
testop_coil = "Whether to test a single coil output or operate in sequence."
testsel_coil = "Whether to test a single coil output or operate in sequence."
testdwell = "Dwell used during testing - no voltage correction is applied."
testop_inj = "Whether to test a single injector output or operate in sequence."
testsel_inj = "Whether to test a single injector output or operate in sequence."
testpw = "Pulsewidth used during testing - no dead-time is added and no voltage correction is applied."
testinjcnt = "Number of injection pulses in each test."
pwm_testio = "Frequency of pulsed outputs."
duty_testio = "Duty cycle of pulsed outputs."
iachometest = "Number of steps to move valve in homing operation (should be set larger than total number of steps from open to closed.)"
iacpostest = "Desired valve position."
feature3_pw4x = "Only used on low-revving large engines for extra-long pulsewidths. MUST also set PW4X in Project Properties."
feature3_n2oin = "Normally this should be on so that the input responds to a +12V signal."
;curves help text
dualfuel_temp_adj = "Specifies a percentage adjustment in fuelling based on fuel temperature. 0% means no adjustment."
dualfuel_press_adj = "Specifies a percentage adjustment in fuelling based on fuel pressure. 0% means no adjustment.\nThe pressure used for the lookup is always the pressure across the injector i.e. rail pressure - intake pressure."
pwm_duties_a = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
pwm_duties_b = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
pwm_duties_c = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
pwm_duties_d = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
pwm_duties_e = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
pwm_duties_f = "The values within the table specify the output duty or frequency based that is looked up based on the input 'load' and RPM."
tcslipy = "Sets the desired slip% threshold at different knob settings 0-100%"
blendy1 = "Sets a percentage blend from VE1 (0%) to VE2 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
blendy2 = "Sets a percentage blend from Spk1 (0%) to Spk2 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
blendy3 = "Sets a percentage blend from the combined VE1+2 (0%) to VE3+4 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
blendy4 = "Sets a percentage blend from the combined Spk1+2 (0%) to Spk3+4 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
blendy5 = "Sets a percentage blend from AFR1 (0%) to AFR2 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
blendy6 = "Sets a percentage blend from Boost1 (0%) to Boost2 (100%) based on the input X axis value."
tpswot_tps = "Sets the TPS% that is considered wide-open-throttle based on RPM.\ni.e. at low RPMS, partial throttle will flow the same air as full throttle. At maximum RPMs full throttle is required for full air flow.\nWhen the throttle is at or beyond the new 'full throttle' it is considered 100% throttle. This has the effect of making TPS based accel enrichment more sensitive at lower throttle opening at lower RPMs and also prevents TPS accel enrichment if the throttle is already 'fully open.'"
launch_retard = "The curve sets the degrees of ignition subtracted from the normal timing (i.e. retarding it) against time after launch.\nThis can be used to launch at higher RPMs without blowing the tyres away and then feeding the timing back in.\nBe sure to end the curve with zero degrees of retard to use normal timing for the rest of the run."
cl_idle_timing_advance_deltas = "Uses timing to assist closed-loop idle control.\nThe X axis of the curve is RPMs +/- the target. i.e. if the target was 800, then -75 in the curve means 800-75 = 725RPM\nThe Y axis of the curve is timing +/-. i.e. + means add timing, - means subtract timing.\nTypically, use positive (advanced) timing when RPMs are below target and negative (retarded) timing when RPMs are above target."
idle_voltage_comp_delta = "Some 2 wire PWM idle valves will operate differently depending on the system voltage. This allows a compensation to be applied to allow for that difference.\nTypically at lower voltages the valve will need slightly more duty (positive number) and at higher voltages it will need less duty (negative number.)"
maeBins = "The curve specifies a fuel pulsewidth percent adder based on rate of change of MAP (MAPdot)\nThis is part of the basic time based accel enrichment scheme. Larger changes in MAP require more fuel added. The number is a percentage of ReqFuel."
taeBins = "The curve specifies a fuel pulsewidth percent adder based on rate of change of TPS (TPSdot)\nThis is part of the basic time based accel enrichment scheme. Larger changes in TPS require more fuel added. The number is a percentage of ReqFuel."
accel_mapdot_amts = "The curve specifies a fuel pulsewidth percent adder based on rate of change of MAP (MAPdot)\nThis is part of the accel-pump based accel enrichment scheme. Larger changes in MAP require more fuel added.\nThe negative part of the curve is used for decel enleanment, or set to zero PW% for no enleanment.\nEnsure that there is a 0 0 point in the curve so that when MAP is not changing, no additional fuel is added. The number is a percentage of ReqFuel."
accel_tpsdot_amts = "The curve specifies a fuel pulsewidth percent adder based on rate of change of TPS (TPSdot)\nThis is part of the accel-pump based accel enrichment scheme. Larger changes in TPS require more fuel added.\nThe negative part of the curve is used for decel enleanment, or set to zero PW% for no enleanment.\nEnsure that there is a 0 0 point in the curve so that when TPS is not changing, no additional fuel is added. The number is a percentage of ReqFuel."
knock_starts = "Set the crank angle (for each cylinder) when the knock system starts 'listening' for knock.\nKnock usually occurs in the time after TDC."
knock_durations = "Set the number of crank degrees that the knock system 'listens' for knock."
knock_thresholds = "Sets an allowable knock level before retard is triggered.\nThe numbers here are highly engine dependent."
knock_upscale = "Allows the threshold to be scaled up on a cold engine. Frequently a cold engine is noiser and may cause false alarms without a raised threshold."
tc_perfect_vss = "The perfect run traction control sets a curve of the 'best' speed (VSS) that you can run for each time-point after launch.\nIf your VSS is reporting a higher number than the curve, it is assumed to be wheelspin and the reactions come into force.\nThis traction control strategy is typically applied early in a run only.\nNote that VSS based traction control is outlawed in some race classes."
tc_perfect_rpm = "The perfect run traction control sets a curve of the 'best' RPM that you can run for each time-point after launch.\nIf your RPM is higher than the curve, it is assumed to be wheelspin and the reactions come into force.\nThis traction control strategy only makes sense in first gear. Set the final row in the table to just earlier than the time when you expect to shift with an RPM higher than your maximum RPM."
tc_retard = "Sets the number of degrees of timing retard to apply based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
tc_spkcut = "Sets the amount of spark cut to apply based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
tc_nitrous = "Sets the amount of nitrous cut to apply based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
tc_boost = "Sets the amount to reduce the boost target by based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
tc_boost_duty_delta = "Sets the amount to change the boost duty by based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
tc_addfuel = "Sets the amount of fuel to add based on the amount of wheelspin multiplied by how long."
primePWTable = "The priming pulse is used to wet the intake manifold walls and provide some initial starting fuel.\nSetting the curve to all zeros will disable fuel pump priming also."
primePWTable2 = "The priming pulse is used to wet the intake manifold walls and provide some initial starting fuel.\nSetting the curve to all zeros will disable fuel pump priming also."
crankPctTable = "This percentage table controls the fuel injected when the engine is cranking over. Most engines need 200-400% when cold and near 100% when hot.\n(It is a percentage of ReqFuel, so that if you swap injectors, this curve can be left alone.)"
crankPctTable2 = "This percentage table controls the fuel injected when the engine is cranking over. Most engines need 200-400% when cold and near 100% when hot.\n(It is a percentage of ReqFuel, so that if you swap injectors, this curve can be left alone.)"
asePctTable = "Immediately after the engine has started it is normal to need additional fuel. This curve specifies how much as a percentage adder. (5-50%)"
asePctTable2 = "Immediately after the engine has started it is normal to need additional fuel. This curve specifies how much as a percentage adder. (5-50%)"
aseCntTable = "Specifies how long (in engine cycles or seconds) to apply afterstart enrichment."
aseCntTable2 = "Specifies how long (in engine cycles or seconds) to apply afterstart enrichment."
wueBins = "Specifies the percentage multiplier for fuel during warmup. At cold temperatures 200-300% may be required. At fully warm (final row in table) 100% MUST be specified.\n(LPG users can override this requirement by turning off the warmup warning on the gauge settings/limit page.)"
wueBins2 = "Specifies the percentage multiplier for fuel during warmup. At cold temperatures 200-300% may be required. At fully warm (final row in table) 100% MUST be specified.\n(LPG users can override this requirement by turning off the warmup warning on the gauge settings/limit page.)"
mafflow = "Specifies the flow curve in grammes/sec vs. frequency or voltage.\nStart out with the actual flow curve for your MAF sensor and then 'tweak' to tune it to your install."
MAFCor = "Specifies the adjustment on top of the MAF sensor calibration you loaded through Tools-Calibrate MAF table\nStart out with the correction curve at 100% (no correction) and then 'tweak' to tune it to your install."
dwellrpm_dwell = "For Saab Trionic ignition, this allows the dwell time to be varied with RPM."
boostvss_duty = "For open-loop boost control, this specifies a solenoid duty based on the wheel speed on VSS1 or VSS2."
boostvss_target = "For closed-loop boost control, this specifies a target boost level based on the wheel speed on VSS1 or VSS2.\nThis can be used to limit boost in lower gears to reduce the change of wheelspin or loss of control."
n2o1_duty = "For progressive control, this specifies the solenoid duty vs. active time or RPM."
n2o2_duty = "For progressive control, this specifies the solenoid duty vs. active time or RPM."
n2o1_pw = "For progressive control, this specifies the additional fuel pulsewidth vs. active time or RPM."
n2o2_pw = "For progressive control, this specifies the additional fuel pulsewidth vs. active time or RPM."
n2o1_retard = "For progressive control, this specifies the ignition retard vs. active time or RPM."
n2o2_retard = "For progressive control, this specifies the ignition retard vs. active time or RPM."
matclt_pct = "In theory, at zero air-flow the air temperature in the intake manifold will reach the manifold (coolant) temperature. At infinite airflow, the air will be unaffected by the temperature of the manifold.\nThe curve is setup to give the 'best estimate' of intake air temperature as part of the speed-density fuel calculation.\nIt would be expected that some CLT should be blended in at low airflows, falling away rapidly to close to zero at higher airflows.\nWhen first enabling this curve it will be necessary to adjust the VE values at low RPMs as they will be compensating for the air density change."
smallpw0 = "This allows for some correction to the non-linearity that fuel injectors show at low pulsewidths.\nTesting has shown that injectors are frequently linear by 2ms, but below than require more actual pulsewidth than linear to achieve the desired fuel flow.\ne.g. for '1.0ms' of fuel, 1.5ms PW may actually be required."
smallpw1 = "This allows for some correction to the non-linearity that fuel injectors show at low pulsewidths.\nTesting has shown that injectors are frequently linear by 2ms, but below than require more actual pulsewidth than linear to achieve the desired fuel flow.\ne.g. for '1.0ms' of fuel, 1.5ms PW may actually be required."
smallpw2 = "This allows for some correction to the non-linearity that fuel injectors show at low pulsewidths.\nTesting has shown that injectors are frequently linear by 2ms, but below than require more actual pulsewidth than linear to achieve the desired fuel flow.\ne.g. for '1.0ms' of fuel, 1.5ms PW may actually be required."
smallpw3 = "This allows for some correction to the non-linearity that fuel injectors show at low pulsewidths.\nTesting has shown that injectors are frequently linear by 2ms, but below than require more actual pulsewidth than linear to achieve the desired fuel flow.\ne.g. for '1.0ms' of fuel, 1.5ms PW may actually be required."
opentimepct0 = "Specifies the percentage change in injector deadtime vs. system voltage.\n13.2V must be 100%.\nAt lower voltages the deadtime % will be above 100%; at higher voltages it will be below 100%"
opentimepct1 = "Specifies the percentage change in injector deadtime vs. system voltage.\n13.2V must be 100%.\nAt lower voltages the deadtime % will be above 100%; at higher voltages it will be below 100%"
opentimepct2 = "Specifies the percentage change in injector deadtime vs. system voltage.\n13.2V must be 100%.\nAt lower voltages the deadtime % will be above 100%; at higher voltages it will be below 100%"
opentimepct3 = "Specifies the percentage change in injector deadtime vs. system voltage.\n13.2V must be 100%.\nAt lower voltages the deadtime % will be above 100%; at higher voltages it will be below 100%"
boost_timed_pct = "Allows boost to be feathered in after launching.\n100% means use normal boost settings."
map_sample_timing = "When timed MAP sampling is enabled, this specifies the angle BTDC for each cylinder when MAP sampling should begin.\nExperimentation and use of the Diagnostics-MAP logger will be required to determine the best settings."
dwellcorr = "Specifies the percentage adjustment to the nominal dwell based on battery voltage.\nInductive coils require greater dwell (charge time) at lower voltages."
cold_adv_table = "This curve optionally allows ignition timing to be advance during warmup.\n Conversely, some engines may prefer retard during warmup to pre-heat the catalytic convertor."
iacstepTable = "Specifies the stepper idle 'step' position vs. coolant temperature to be used during warmup.\nLarge positions are more open. Zero is fully closed.\nThe curve will start high at cold temperatures and descend towards zero at high temperatures."
ipwmTable = "Specifies the PWM idle duty vs. coolant temperature to be used during warmup.\nLarge duties are more open. Typically zero is fully closed. (Some 2 wire Bosch valves have a closed position of about 35%)\nThe curve will start high at cold temperatures and descend towards zero at high temperatures."
matRetard = "Allows ignition timing to be retarded based on intake temperature. This is primarily for forced induction installs where there is charge heating."
baroCorrDelta = "There are two ways that barometric correction may be used.\n\n1. The current way. On the MAP/Baro page the 'At total vacuum' and 'rate' numbers are set to zero. This curve is then normally 100% at all points and adjusted up or down to alter fuelling based on the barometer reading.\n\n2. The old way. The two numbers are set to 147 and -47 and the curve is normally 0% at all points."
matCorrDelta2 = "This curve is the whole air density correction exposed in full.\nIt is based on the 'ideal gas law' and typically varies between 125% cold to 75% hot."
matCorrDelta = "Allows for minor corrections to fuelling based on manifold air temperature (MAT) when using MAF to control fuelling. The default curve is 0% meaning no correction."
EAEAWN2 = "This curve modifies the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on RPM."
EAEAWN = "This curve modifies the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on RPM."
EAEAWW2 = "This curve modifies the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on coolant temperature."
EAEAWW = "This curve modifies the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Adhere-to-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on coolant temperature."
EAEBAWC2 = "This curve determines how much fuel is getting added to the port walls per injection event. It is a percentage (Y-axis) of each injection event based on load (X-axis)."
EAEBAWC = "This curve determines how much fuel is getting added to the port walls per injection event. It is a percentage (Y-axis) of each injection event based on load (X-axis)."
EAEBSOC2 = "This curve determines how much fuel is being sucked from the walls on each intake (valve open) event. It is a percentage (Y-axis) of the total amount of fuel that has adhered to the walls based on load (X-axis), so therefore the percentages are much smaller (about 10x smaller) than the Adhere-to-walls coefficients."
EAEBSOC = "This curve determines how much fuel is being sucked from the walls on each intake (valve open) event. It is a percentage (Y-axis) of the total amount of fuel that has adhered to the walls based on load (X-axis), so therefore the percentages are much smaller (about 10x smaller) than the Adhere-to-walls coefficients."
EAESON2 = "This curve modifies the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on RPM."
EAESON = "This curve modifies the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on RPM."
EAESOW2 = "This curve modifies the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on coolant temperature."
EAESOW = "This curve modifies the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve. It allows the amount of correction specified by the EAE Sucked-from-walls curve to be increased or decreased based on coolant temperature."
XAcc = "This is the percentage of the fuel (0-100%) that goes into the wall puddle while accelerating (fuel pulse width increasing), with the remainder of the squirt going directly into the cylinder to be burned."
XDec = "This is the percentage of fuel (0-100%) going into the wall puddle while decelerating (fuel pulse width decreasing),"
TauAcc = "This is the time factor vs. RPM used during acceleration."
TauDec = "This is the time factor vs. RPM used during deceleration."
XClt = "Coolant temperature (CLT) correction to the puddling factor X."
TauClt = "Coolant temperature (CLT) correction to the time factor Tau."
MapThreshXTD = "X-Tau accel tables are used when MAPdot is positive or less negative than this start transition threshold. In-between a blend is used."
MapThreshXTD2 = "X-Tau Decel tables are used when MAPdot is more negative than this finish transition threshold. In-between a blend is used."
NoiseFilterLen = "The duration of the noise filter depending on RPM. Its aim is to filter out brief spikes of noise on the tach input. The settings here depend on wheel mode and are engine specific. Setting the filter period too high will filter out real teeth.\nExamples\n36-1, 60-2: 500rpm = 200us, 7500rpm = 13\nBasic crank trigger: 500rpm = 1800us, 7500rpm = 120us"
idleadvance_curve = "Sets the timing vs engine load when Idle-Advance is active. Typically the curve will ramp from low advance at low load to more advance at higher loads to stablise idle."
pwmidle_target_rpms = "The closed loop idle RPM target depending on coolant temperature. It is normal to set a high idle on a cold engine, tapering down as the engine warms up."
RevLimRpm1 = "When the coolant-based rev-limiter is enabled this allows you to specify different rev limits depending on the coolant temperature to prevent a cold engine from being over-revved."
pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_duty = "The idle valve position during cranking. This should be set high enough so that the engine can start without touching the throttle when cold, but not so high that the engine revs up too far immediately after starting."
pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_steps = "The idle valve position during cranking. This should be set high enough so that the engine can start without touching the throttle when cold, but not so high that the engine revs up too far immediately after starting."
ITB_load_loadvals = "This curve is used to allocate the bins on the VE table to either Speed-Density or Alpha-N tuning. The area of the VE table below the load value from the curve will be used for Speed-Density tuning and the area above the curve will be used for Alpha-N tuning.\nChanging this curve will require the VE table to be retuned.\nSee the full manual for more details on ITB mode."
ITB_load_switchpoints = "This curve defines the TPS value where the MAP load reaches %Baro switchpoint. This curve will be different for each engine and should be set up using values obtained from log files from your engine. Setting this curve is an important part of ITB mode.\nChanging this curve will require the VE table to be retuned.\nSee the full manual for more details on ITB mode."
ITB_load_mappoint = "Above this MAP value, tuning switches from MAP based to TPS based. Default is 90% and works for most engines."
ITB_load_idletpsthresh = "A minimum TPS value that must be met to allow the switch to TPS based tuning to occur. This is sometimes useful in idle tuning."
; tables
pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_duties = "The best-guess idle valve duty for RPM/load. This allows you to 'kick-start' the closed loop idle by setting the valve to the most likely position."
pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_steps = "The best-guess idle valve position for RPM/load. This allows you to 'kick-start' the closed loop idle by setting the valve to the most likely position."
vvt_timing1 = "Desired VVT (relative) timing vs RPM/load"
vvt_timing2 = "Desired VVT (relative) timing vs RPM/load"
als_rifuelcut = "The fuel-cut percentage vs. RPM/load when in anti-lag idle mode.\nThis must ONLY be used with sequential fuel as it cuts off injectors in a round-robin manner."
als_fuelcut = "The fuel-cut percentage vs. RPM/load when in anti-lag mode.\nThis must ONLY be used with sequential fuel as it cuts off injectors in a round-robin manner."
als_sparkcut = "The spark-cut percentage vs. RPM/load when in anti-lag mode.\nThis drops sparks in a round-robin manner."
als_timing = "The ignition advance vs. RPM/load when in anti-lag mode.\nTypically this will be -20 to -50 for ATDC timing."
als_addfuel = "The percentage of fuel to be added vs. RPM/load when in anti-lag mode."
waterinj_duty = "The duty cycle of the output vs RPM/load"
maxafr1_diff = "The maximum AFR difference allowed on the leaner side. This compares the AFR target table and the wideband lambda sensor reading.\nTypically a larger allowance is allowed under low load and low RPMs. High load and into boost require tight control to guard against engine-damaging lean conditions."
veTable1 = "The main fuel table (1). Larger VE values mean more fuel, smaller mean less fuel."
veTable2 = "The secondary fuel table (2), can be used as a blend table with table 1. Larger VE values mean more fuel, smaller mean less fuel."
veTable3 = "The alternate main fuel table (3). Can be used as a switched table from no.1. Larger VE values mean more fuel, smaller mean less fuel."
veTable4 = "The alternate secondary fuel table (4). Can be used as a blended and switched table from no.1+2. Larger VE values mean more fuel, smaller mean less fuel."
idleve_table1 = "Sets the VE values when 'idle-VE' is active."
idleve_table2 = "Sets the VE values when 'idle-VE' is active."
staged_percents = "Percentage values specify the amount of staging.\n0% = not staged, only primaries\n100% = fully staged."
afrTable1 = "Sets the target AFR vs RPM/load.\nWhen 'incorporate AFR' is off, this is a reference table only.\nWhen 'incorporate AFR' is on, this table is included in the fuel calculation.\n\nSet this table before beginning tuning."
afrTable2 = "Sets the target AFR vs RPM/load.\nWhen 'incorporate AFR' is off, this is a reference table only.\nWhen 'incorporate AFR' is on, this table is included in the fuel calculation.\n\nSet this table before beginning tuning."
advanceTable1 = "The main ignition advance table (1). Numbers are actual timing BTDC.\nBe sure to have verified timing before starting tuning."
advanceTable2 = "The secondary ignition advance table (2), can be used as a blend table with table 1."
advanceTable3 = "The alternate main ignition advance table (3). Can be used as a switched table from no.1"
advanceTable4 = "The alternate secondary ignition advance table (4). Can be used as a blended and switched table from no.1+2."
RotarySplitTable = "Specifies the split (delay) in degrees between leading and trailing coils."
boost_ctl_pwm_targets = "For open-loop boost, sets the output duty cycle vs. TPS/RPM"
boost_ctl_load_targets = "For closed-loop boost, sets the target kPa (boost) vs. TPS/RPM"
boost_ctl_pwm_targets2 = "For open-loop boost, sets the output duty cycle vs. TPS/RPM"
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs1 = "The best-guess boost valve duty for TPS/RPM. This allows you to 'kick-start' the closed loop boost by setting the valve to the most likely position."
boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs2 = "The best-guess boost valve duty for TPS/RPM. This allows you to 'kick-start' the closed loop boost by setting the valve to the most likely position."
boost_ctl_load_targets2 = "For closed-loop boost, sets the target kPa (boost) vs. TPS/RPM"
inj_trima = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimb = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimc = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimd = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trime = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimf = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimg = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimh = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimi = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimj = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimk = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_triml = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimm = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimn = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimo = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_trimp = "Specifies a +/- percentage adjustment on the basic fuel pulsewidth to allow for difference per cylinder."
inj_timing = "The injector timing in degrees BTDC vs load/RPM. Typical wisdom says that the injection event should finish just as the inlet valve is opening. This corresponds to around 360 BTDC as the timing is measured with respect to the spark event.\nActual best timing can be determined by dyno or road testing."
inj_timing_sec = "The injector timing (for secondary staged injectors) in degrees BTDC vs load/RPM. Typical wisdom says that the injection event should finish just as the inlet valve is opening. This corresponds to around 360 BTDC as the timing is measured with respect to the spark event.\nActual best timing can be determined by dyno or road testing."
spk_trima = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimb = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimc = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimd = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trime = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimf = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimg = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimh = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimi = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimj = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimk = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_triml = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimm = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimn = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimo = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
spk_trimp = "Specifies a +/- timing angle adjustment on the basic timing to allow for difference per cylinder."
narrowband_tgts = "The target narrowband lamba sensor voltage vs. load/RPM"
; tool tips end tooltips
; There are five pre-defined values that may be used to define your menus.
; The first four allow access to the "standard" dialog boxes, the last one
; merely draws a separator (horizontal line) in the menu.
; std_constants
; std_enrichments
; std_realtime
; std_warmup
; std_accel
; std_separator
; Additionally, to support MegaSquirt-II firmware, there are two standard
; dialogs to generate its three embedded tables. The first of these acts
; like Roger Enns' EasyTherm, but only works for MS-II. The second one
; generates the internal AFR table required for proper closed loop operation
; in MS-II. Use these without page numbers, as they will just be ignored
; in any case.
; std_ms2gentherm
; std_ms2geno2
; If you use any of the std_constants, std_enrichments or std_warmup
; editors, they may be optionally suffixed with a page number (only
; useful for multi-page code variants), which causes them to edit the
; specified page. If you leave off the page specifier, they edit logical
; page one as specified in the Constants section.
; There are four special menu names, which when used append to the standard
; menus of the same name instead of creating a new one. The menu names
; are "File", "Communications", "Tools" and "Help".
menuDialog = main
menu = "Basic/Load Settings"
subMenu = base, "Engine and sequential settings"
subMenu = generalsettings2, "General Settings"
subMenu = revlimiter2, "Rev Limiter"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = tacho, "Tacho output"
subMenu = fan_control, "Fan Control"
subMenu = tcluparams, "Torque Convertor Lockup"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = barometerCorr, "Barometric Correction",0, {baroCorr}
subMenu = map_sample_dialog, "MAP Sample Settings"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ITBcombined, "ITB load settings", 0, { algorithm == 6 || algorithm2 == 6 || IgnAlgorithm == 6 || IgnAlgorithm2 == 6 || afrload == 6 || eaeload == 6 }
; subMenu = mafcombined, "MAF Options"
subMenu = mafdialog, "MAF Options"
subMenu = MAFtable1, "MAF Flow Curve", 0, {!feature7_mafcalib && (MAFOption_t == 0) }
subMenu = MAFtable1f, "MAF Flow Curve", 0, {!feature7_mafcalib && (MAFOption_t == 1) }
subMenu = MAFtable1old, "MAF Correction Table (old)", 0, {feature7_mafcalib}
subMenu = manifoldTempCorr,"MAF/MAT correction table", 0, {feature7_mafmat && ((algorithm == 5) || (algorithm2 == 4) || (algorithm2 == 5))}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = manifoldTempCorr2,"MAT air density table", 0, {((algorithm != 4) && (algorithm != 5) && (algorithm2 != 4) && (algorithm2 != 5))}
subMenu = matclt_curve, "MAT/CLT correction", 0, {(algorithm != 4) && (algorithm != 5) && (algorithm2 != 4) && (algorithm2 != 5)}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display"
subMenu = iopinlist, "I/O pins in use"
subMenu = limitsettings, "Gauge and Settings limits"
menu = "F&uel Settings"
subMenu = injsettings, "Injector Dead-time"
subMenu = smallpw, "Injector small pulsewidths"
subMenu = inj_timing_tbl, "Injector Timing Table", 0, { sequential != 0 }
subMenu = inj_timing_sec_tbl, "Secondary Injector Timing Table", 0, { sequential != 0 && (dualfuel_sw_on || staged_first_param) }
subMenu = stagedCombined, "Staged Injection"
subMenu = flexFuelSettings,"Fuel Sensor settings (Flex)"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = egoControl, "AFR/&EGO Control"
subMenu = afrTable1Tbl, "A&FR Table 1", 0
subMenu = afrTable2Tbl, "AF&R Table 2", 0, { (!dualfuel_sw_on && tsw_pin_afr) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_afr) || ( N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_4) }
subMenu = narrowband_tgts_tbl, "Narrowband EGO targets", 0, { egoType == 1 }
subMenu = maxafr, "AFR safety system"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = veTable1Tbl, "Fuel VE Table &1", 0, { ((algorithm != 5) || ((algorithm == 5) && (feature7_maftrim))) }
subMenu = veTable2Tbl, "Fuel VE Table &2", 0, { (algorithm2 != 0) }
subMenu = veTable3Tbl, "Fuel VE Table 3", 0, { ((algorithm != 5) || ((algorithm == 5) && (feature7_maftrim))) && ((!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tsf) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_mode)) }
subMenu = veTable4Tbl, "Fuel VE Table 4", 0, { (algorithm2 != 0) && ((!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tsf) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_mode)) }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = inj_trimad, "Cyl 1-4 Trims", 7, { hardware_fuel && sequential_trim_on_off }
subMenu = inj_trimeh, "Cyl 5-8 Trims", 7, { hardware_fuel && (nInjectors > 4) && sequential_trim_on_off }
subMenu = inj_trimil, "Cyl 9-12 Trims", 7, { hardware_fuel && (nInjectors > 8) && sequential_trim_on_off }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = injseq, "Sequenced batch fire", 0, { sequential == 0 }
menu = "&Ignition Settings"
subMenu = combinedignition, "Ignition Options/Wheel Decoder"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = dwellSettings, "D&well battery correction", 0, { spk_mode0 != 31 }
subMenu = dwellrpm_curve, "Dwell vs rpm", 0, {spk_mode0 > 1 && dwellmode == 2 && spk_conf2_dwell}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = coldAdvance, "&Cold Advance", 0, { spk_mode0 != 31 }
subMenu = matBasedRetard, "MAT-&Based Timing Retard", 0, { spk_mode0 != 31 }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = noisefiltering2, "Noise Filtering", 0
subMenu = knockSettings, "&Knock Sensor Settings"
subMenu = knockSettings4, "Knock Sensor Parameters", 0, {knk_option && (knk_option_an == 3)}
subMenu = knockSettings2, "Knock Window Settings", 0, {knk_option}
subMenu = knockupscale_curve, "Knock Coolant Scaling", 0, {knk_option}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ignitionTbl1, "&Ignition Table 1", 0, { (spk_mode0 != 31) }
subMenu = ignitionTbl2, "Ignition Table 2", 0, { (IgnAlgorithm2 !=0) && (spk_mode0 != 31)}
subMenu = ignitionTbl3, "Ignition Table 3", 0, { (!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tss) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk) }
subMenu = ignitionTbl4, "Ignition Table 4", 0, { (IgnAlgorithm2 !=0) && ((!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tss) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)) }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = RotaryTrailingSettings, "Rotary Settings", 0, { (spk_mode0 != 31) }
subMenu = RotarySplitTbl, "Rotary Split Table", 0, { (twoStroke == 3) && (spk_mode0 != 31) }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = spk_trimad, "Cyl 1-4 Trims", 8, { spk_mode3_trim }
subMenu = spk_trimeh, "Cyl 5-8 Trims", 8, { spk_mode3_trim && (nCylinders > 4)}
subMenu = spk_trimil, "Cyl 9-12 Trims", 8, { spk_mode3_trim && (nCylinders > 8)}
menu = "&Startup/Idle"
subMenu = crsettings, "Cranking/startup settings", 0
subMenu = primingPW, "Pri&ming Pulse", 0
subMenu = crankingPW, "Cra&nking Pulse", 0
subMenu = nestedasePct, "Afterstart (ASE) Percentage", 0
subMenu = aseTaper, "Afterstart (ASE) Taper", 0
subMenu = nestedwarmup_curve, "&Warmup Enrichment", 0
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = primingPW2, "Pri&ming Pulse 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw2_prime) }
subMenu = crankingPW2, "Cra&nking Pulse 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw2_crank) || alternate_blend }
subMenu = nestedasePct2, "Afterstart (ASE) Percentage 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_ase) }
subMenu = aseTaper2, "Afterstart (ASE) Taper 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_ase) }
subMenu = nestedwarmup_curve2, "&Warmup Enrichment 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_wue) }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = combinedidle, "I&dle Control"
subMenu = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_dutycurve, "PWM idle cranking duty", 0, {IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6}
subMenu = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_stepscurve, "IAC idle cranking steps", 0, {IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8}
subMenu = iacBins, "I&dle Steps", 0, { IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 }
subMenu = ipwBins, "I&dle PWM duty Table",0, { IdleCtl == 4 }
subMenu = combinedCLidle, "Closed-loop idle settings", 0, { IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
subMenu = pwmidle_target_curve, "Closed-loop idle target curve", 0, { IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 || idle_special_ops_timing_assist }
subMenu = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_dty, "Closed-loop idle initial values (duty)", 0, { pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable && IdleCtl == 6 }
subMenu = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_stps, "Closed-loop idle initial values (steps)", 0, { pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable && (IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) }
subMenu = idle_voltage_comp_curve, "PWM idle voltage compensation", 0, { IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6 }
subMenu = ac_idleup, "Air Conditioning Idleup", 0
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = idleAdvance, "Idle Advance Settings"
subMenu = cl_idle_timing_curve, "Idle RPM Timing Correction Curve", 0, { idle_special_ops_timing_assist }
subMenu = idleVe, "Idle VE Settings"
menu = "Accel Enrich"
subMenu = accelsettings, "Accel Enrich settings"
subMenu = AEtime_settings, "Time-based Accel",0, { !(AE_options & 0x1) }
subMenu = AEpump_settings, "Accel-pump accel enrichment settings",0, { AE_options & 0x1 }
subMenu = tpswot_curve, "TPS WOT curve", 0, {feature7_aetpswot}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = EAEBAWCcurve, "EAE Adhere-to-walls coefficient", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAEBSOCcurve, "EAE Sucked-from-walls coefficient", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAEAWNcurve, "EAE Adhere-to-walls rpm correction", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAESONcurve, "EAE Sucked-from-walls rpm correction", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAEAWWcurve, "EAE Adhere-to-walls CLT correction", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAESOWcurve, "EAE Sucked-from-walls CLT correction", 0, { EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2 }
subMenu = EAElagcomp, "EAE lag compensation settings", 0, {EAEOption == 2}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = EAEBAWCcurve2, "EAE Adhere-to-walls coefficient 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = EAEBSOCcurve2, "EAE Sucked-from-walls coefficient 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = EAEAWNcurve2, "EAE Adhere-to-walls rpm correction 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = EAESONcurve2, "EAE Sucked-from-walls rpm correction 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = EAEAWWcurve2, "EAE Adhere-to-walls CLT correction 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = EAESOWcurve2, "EAE Sucked-from-walls CLT correction 2", 0, { (EAEOption == 1 || EAEOption == 2) && (staged_first_param ) }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = XAccTable, "Puddling Factors (&accel)", 0, { EAEOption == 3 || EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = XDecTable, "Puddling Factors (&decel)", 0, { EAEOption == 3 || EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = TauAccTable, "Time Factors (a&ccel)", 0, { EAEOption == 3 || EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = TauDecTable, "Time Factors (d&ecel)", 0, { EAEOption == 3 || EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = XCltTable, "&X (Puddling) Temp. Corrections",0, { EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = TCltTable, "&Tau (Time) Temp. Corrections", 0, { EAEOption == 4 }
subMenu = xTauSettings, "&MAPdot Settings", 0, { EAEOption == 3 || EAEOption == 4 }
menu = "Boost/VVT"
subMenu = boost, "Boost Control Settings"
subMenu = boostctlDutys, "Boost Control Duty Table", 0, { (boost_ctl_settings_on) && (!boost_ctl_settings_cl)}
subMenu = boostctlTargs, "Boost Control Target Table", 0, { (boost_ctl_settings_on == 1) && (boost_ctl_settings_cl == 1) }
subMenu = boostctlCLPWMtargs1, "Boost Control Initial Duty Table 1", 0, { (boost_ctl_settings_on == 1) && (boost_ctl_settings_cl == 1) && (boost_ctl_settings_initialvals == 1) }
subMenu = boostctlDutys2, "Boost Control Duty Table 2", 0, { boost_ctl_settings_on && (((!boost_ctl_settings_cl) && (boost_feats_tsw || dualfuel_sw2_boosw)) || (boost_ctl_settings_on2 && !boost_ctl_settings_cl2)) }
subMenu = boostctlTargs2, "Boost Control Target Table 2", 0, { boost_ctl_settings_on && ((boost_ctl_settings_cl && (boost_feats_tsw || dualfuel_sw2_boosw)) || (boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2)) }
subMenu = boostctlCLPWMtargs2, "Boost Control Initial Duty Table 2", 0, { boost_ctl_settings_on && ((boost_ctl_settings_cl && boost_ctl_settings_initialvals && (boost_feats_tsw || dualfuel_sw2_boosw)) || (boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2)) }
subMenu = boost_timed_curve, "Boost delay",0, { boost_ctl_settings_on && launch_opt_on && boost_feats_timed }
subMenu = boostvss_duty_curve, "Boost Control vs Speed", 0, { (boost_ctl_settings_on) && (!boost_ctl_settings_cl) && boost_vss}
subMenu = boostvss_target_curve, "Boost Control vs Speed", 0, { (boost_ctl_settings_on) && (boost_ctl_settings_cl)&& boost_vss}
subMenu = boostctlSettings2, "Boost 2 Control Settings", 0 , {boost_ctl_settings_on}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = antilag, "Turbo anti-lag (ALS)"
subMenu = antilagtables, "Turbo anti-lag tables", 0, {als_in_pin}
subMenu = als_rifuelcut_tbl, "Turbo anti-lag Roving Idle", 0, {als_in_pin && als_opt_ri && hardware_fuel && sequential}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = vvtparams, "VVT Settings"
subMenu = vvt_timing1_tbl, "VVT intake table", 0, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
subMenu = vvt_timing2_tbl, "VVT exhaust table", 0, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2)}
subMenu = pwm_duties_Tbl_vvt, "VVT on/off table", 0, {vvt_opt1_on && !vvt_opt2_pid}
menu = "Table choices"
subMenu = tablesw, "Table Switch/Dual Fuel"
subMenu = dualfuel_temp_curve, "Temperature adjustment", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_temp) }
subMenu = dualfuel_press_curve, "Pressure adjustment", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_press) }
subMenu = injsettings2, "Alt. Injector Dead-time 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw2_injp) || staged_first_param }
subMenu = smallpw2, "Alt. Injector small pulsewidths 2", 0, { (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw2_smpw) || staged_first_param }
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = blend1menu, "Blend Curve (1) VE1->2", 0, {algorithm2 && (loadCombine == 2)}
subMenu = blend2menu, "Blend Curve (2) Spk1->2", 0, {IgnAlgorithm2 && (loadCombineign == 1)}
subMenu = blend3menu, "Blend Curve (3) VE1+2->3+4", 0, {f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 0) && (tsw_pin_f == 14)}
subMenu = blend4menu, "Blend Curve (4) Spk1+2->3+4", 0, {f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 0) && (tsw_pin_s == 14)}
subMenu = blend5menu, "Blend Curve (5) AFR1->2", 0, {tsw_pin_afr == 14}
subMenu = blend6menu, "Blend Curve (6) Boost1->2", 0, {(boost_feats_tsw == 14) && boost_ctl_settings_on}
subMenu = blend7menu, "Blend Curve (7) Crank%1->2", 0, {alternate_blend}
menu = "Advanced Engine"
subMenu = speedsensors, "Speed and gear Sensors"
subMenu = egt, "EGT/Thermocouple settings"
subMenu = sensors, "Generic Sensor inputs"
subMenu = accelerometer, "Accelerometer parameters"
subMenu = tcsettings, "Traction Control Settings"
subMenu = tc_perfect_curve, "Traction Control - Perfect Run VSS", 0, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 0)}
subMenu = tc_perfectrpm_curve, "Traction Control - Perfect Run RPM", 0, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 2)}
subMenu = tcslip_menu, "Traction Control - External Slip% input", 0, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 1) && tc_opt_slipcurve}
subMenu = tc_curves, "Traction Control Reactions", 0, {tc_opt_on}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = launch, "Launch / 2-step / 3-step"
subMenu = launch_retard_time, "Timed retard after launch", 0, {launch_opt_on && launch_opt_retard}
subMenu = ShiftSettings, "Sequential shift cut"
subMenu = nitrous, "&Nitrous System"
subMenu = nitrous_curves_time, "Nitrous - Time-based Progressive",0, {N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt2_prog && N2Oopt2_prog_time}
subMenu = nitrous_curves_rpm, "Nitrous - RPM-based Progressive", 0, {N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt2_prog && !N2Oopt2_prog_time}
subMenu = waterinj, "Water Injection"
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = ms3_port_edit, "Programmable On/Off Outputs"
subMenu = gen_pwm_a, "Generic PWM output A"
subMenu = gen_pwm_b, "Generic PWM output B"
subMenu = gen_pwm_c, "Generic PWM output C"
subMenu = gen_pwm_d, "Generic PWM output D"
subMenu = gen_pwm_e, "Generic PWM output E", 0, {!(vvt_opt1_on)}
subMenu = gen_pwm_f, "Generic PWM output F", 0, {!(als_in_pin && als_opt_pwmout)}
; subMenu = userdefined, "User defined menu" ; uncomment this line to enable
menuDialog = main
menu = "3D &Tuning Maps"
subMenu = veTable1Map, "Fuel VE Table &1",0, { ((algorithm != 5) || ((algorithm == 5) && (feature7_maftrim))) }
subMenu = veTable2Map, "Fuel VE Table &2", 0, { (algorithm2 != 0) && (algorithm2 != 5) }
subMenu = veTable3Map, "Fuel VE Table &3", 0, { (!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tsf) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_mode) }
subMenu = veTable4Map, "Fuel VE Table &4", 0, { ((!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tsf) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_mode)) && (algorithm2 != 0) }
subMenu = afrTable1Map, "A&FR Table 1", 0, { egoType > 1 }
subMenu = afrTable2Map, "AF&R Table 2", 0, { (egoType > 1) && ((!dualfuel_sw_on && tsw_pin_afr) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_afr)) }
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = ignitionMap1, "&Ignition Map1", 0, {(spk_mode0 != 31)}
subMenu = ignitionMap2, "Ignition Map2", 0, { (IgnAlgorithm2 != 0) && (spk_mode0 != 31)}
subMenu = ignitionMap3, "Ignition Map3", 0, { (!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tss) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk) }
subMenu = ignitionMap4, "Ignition Map4", 0, { (IgnAlgorithm2 !=0) && ((!dualfuel_sw_on && f5_0_tss) || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)) }
subMenu = RotarySplitMap, "Rotary Split Map", 0, {(twoStroke == 3) && (spk_mode0 != 31)}
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = boostctlDtyMap, "Boost Control Duty Map", 0, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl == 0}
subMenu = boostctlTargMap, "Boost Control Target Map", 0, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
subMenu = boostctlDtyMap2, "Boost Control Duty Map 2", 0, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl == 0}
subMenu = boostctlTargMap2, "Boost Control Target Map 2", 0, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
subMenu = std_separator
subMenu = inj_timing_map, "Sequential Injector Timing Map", 0, { sequential != 0 }
subMenu = inj_timing_sec_map, "Sequential Injector Secondary Timing Map", 0, { sequential != 0 && (dualfuel_sw_on || staged_first_param) }
menu = "CAN-bus/ Testmodes"
subMenu = canparams, "CAN parameters"
subMenu = canbroadcast, "CAN Broadcasting"
subMenu = canvss, "CAN VSS, Gear, EGO"
subMenu = realtimeclock, "Real Time Clock"
subMenu = checkengine, "Check Engine Light"
subMenu = limpmode, "Limp Mode", 0, {cel_opt_on}
subMenu = alphaMAPTbl, "Fallback MAP table", 0, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_map && cel_action1_map && cel_action1_map_an}
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = outputtest, "Output Test Mode - Inj/Spk"
subMenu = outputtest_io, "Output Test Mode - I/O"
subMenu = iactest, "Output Test Mode - Idle Valve ", 0, {IdleCtl}
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = special, "Special Options"
menuDialog = main
menu = "T&ools"
subMenu = sensorCal, "Calibrate MAP/Baro"
subMenu = battcalib, "Calibrate Battery Voltage"
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = flash_unlock, "Un/Lock calibrations"
subMenu = std_ms2gentherm, "Calibrate T&hermistor Tables", 0, {flashlock}
subMenu = std_ms2geno2, "Calibrate &AFR Table", 0, {flashlock}
subMenu = mafTableBurner, "Calibrate &MAF Table", 0, {flashlock && feature7_mafcalib}
subMenu = std_separator ;----------------------------------------------
subMenu = std_trigwiz, "Tri&gger Wizard", 0,{ (spk_mode0 != 31) && (spk_mode0 != 4) }
menu = "Data Logging"
subMenu = sdcard_datalog, "SD Card Datalogging"
subMenu = std_ms3SdConsole, "Browse / Import SD Card"
menu = "Communications"
subMenu = setbaud, "Megasquirt baud rate", 0
menu = "Help"
subMenu = helpGeneral, "Megasquirt 3 Info"
; subMenu = sensorHelp, "Sensor Calibration"
; text over-rides for internal TS dialogs.
; Not all dialogs support this yet, let Phil Tobin know if you need a specific one.
; Requires 0.999.9h upwards
"Engine Stroke" = "Engine Stroke/Rotary"
"Number of Cylinders" = "No. Cylinders/Rotors"
; commandName = command1, command2, commandn...
; command in standard ini format, a command name can be assigned to 1 to n commands that will be executed in order.
; This dos not include any resultant protocol envelope data, only the response data itself.
; WARNING!! These commands bypass TunerStudio's normal memory synchronization. If these commands
; alter mapped settings (Constant) memory in the controller, TunerStudio will have an out of sync condition
; and may create error messages.
; It is expected that these commands would not typically alter any ram mapped to a Constant.
cmdStopTestmode = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x00"
cmdEnterTestMode = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x01"
cmdtestspkon = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x02"
cmdtestinjon = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x03"
cmdfpon = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x05"
cmdfpoff = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x06"
cmdtestinjspkoff = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x07"
cmdtestiacoff = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x08"
cmdtestiachome = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x09"
cmdtestiacon = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x0a"
cmdtest10off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x80"
cmdtest10pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x82"
cmdtest10on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x83"
cmdtest11off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x84"
cmdtest11pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x86"
cmdtest11on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x87"
cmdtest12off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x88"
cmdtest12pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x8a"
cmdtest12on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x8b"
cmdtest13off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x8c"
cmdtest13pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x8e"
cmdtest13on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x8f"
cmdtest14off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x90"
cmdtest14pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x92"
cmdtest14on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x93"
cmdtest15off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x94"
cmdtest15pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x96"
cmdtest15on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x97"
cmdtest16off = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x98"
cmdtest16pulsed = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x9a"
cmdtest16on = "w\$tsCanId\x07\x02\x87\x00\x03\x30\x39\x9b"
dialog = tcslip_set, "", yAxis
field = "0-5V knob input", tc_knob
dialog = tcslip_menu, "Slip threshold vs knob input", yAxis
panel = tc_slip_curve
panel = tcslip_set
dialog = blend1_set, "", yAxis
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt1
field = "%VE2. 0% = Fully VE1. 100% = Fully VE2."
dialog = blend1menu, "Blend Curve (1)", yAxis
panel = blend1_curve
panel = blend1_set
dialog = blend2_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt2
field = "%Spk2. 0% = Fully Spk1. 100% = Fully Spk2."
dialog = blend2menu, "Blend Curve (2)", yAxis
panel = blend2_curve
panel = blend2_set
dialog = blend3_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt3
field = "%VE3/4. 0% = Fully VE1/2. 100% = Fully VE3/4."
dialog = blend3menu, "Blend Curve (3)", yAxis
panel = blend3_curve
panel = blend3_set
dialog = blend4_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt4
field = "%Spk3/4. 0% = Fully Spk1/2. 100% = Fully Spk3/4."
dialog = blend4menu, "Blend Curve (4)", yAxis
panel = blend4_curve
panel = blend4_set
dialog = blend5_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt5
field = "%AFR2. 0% = Fully AFR1. 100% = Fully AFR2."
dialog = blend5menu, "Blend Curve (5)", yAxis
panel = blend5_curve
panel = blend5_set
dialog = blend6_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt6
field = "%Boost2. 0% = Fully Boost1. 100% = Fully Boost2."
dialog = blend6menu, "Blend Curve (6)", yAxis
panel = blend6_curve
panel = blend6_set
dialog = blend7_set
field = "X axis parameter", blend_opt7
field = "%Crank%2. 0% = Fully Cranking curve1. 100% = Fully Cranking curve2."
dialog = blend7menu, "Blend Curve (7)", yAxis
panel = blend7_curve
panel = blend7_set
dialog = airden_words
field = "For firmware 1.2.x this feature has changed."
field = "This curve is the whole air density correction exposed in full."
field = "It is based on the 'ideal gas law'."
dialog = manifoldTempCorr2, "MAT air density correction"
panel = airden_words
panel = airdenCorr
dialog = checkengine_l, "Sensor validation"
field = "Sensor checking", cel_opt_on
field = "Light output", cel_port, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Ignore fluctuations for first", cel_runtime, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#MAP sensor check", cel_opt2_map, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum ADC", map_minadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum ADC", map_maxadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum Fluctuation", map_var_lower, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", map_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#MAT sensor check", cel_opt2_mat, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum ADC", mat_minadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum ADC", mat_maxadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", mat_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#CLT sensor check", cel_opt2_clt, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum ADC", clt_minadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum ADC", clt_maxadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", clt_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#TPS check", cel_opt2_tps, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum ADC", tps_minadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum ADC", tps_maxadc, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", tps_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
dialog = checkengine_r, ""
field = "#Battery check", cel_opt2_batt, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum voltage", batt_minv, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum voltage", batt_maxv, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", batt_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#EGO1 sensor check", cel_opt2_afr0, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum AFR", afr_min, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum AFR", afr_max, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum Fluctuation", afr_var_lower, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", afr_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#Sync-loss check", cel_opt2_sync, {cel_opt_on}
field = "No. sync losses allowed", cel_synctol, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#EGT sensor check", cel_opt2_egt, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum EGT", egt_minvalid, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum EGT", egt_maxvalid, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Minimum Fluctuation", egt_var_lower, {cel_opt_on}
field = "Maximum Fluctuation", egt_var_upper, {cel_opt_on}
field = "#Flex sensor check", cel_opt3_flex, {cel_opt_on && flexFuel}
field = ""
field = "status5 shows fluctuation of", cel_opt_stat, {cel_opt_on}
dialog = limpmode, "Limp mode"
field = "MAP triggers limp mode", cel_action1_map, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_map}
field = "Use fallback MAP table", cel_action1_map_an, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_map && cel_action1_map}
field = "MAT triggers limp mode", cel_action1_mat, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_mat}
field = "Fallback MAT", cel_mat_default, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_mat && cel_action1_mat}
field = "CLT triggers limp mode", cel_action1_clt, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_clt}
field = "Fallback cold CLT", cel_clt_cold, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_clt && cel_action1_clt}
field = "Fallback warmed up CLT", cel_clt_warm, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_clt && cel_action1_clt}
field = "Time to warmup engine", cel_warmtime, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_clt && cel_action1_clt}
field = "TPS triggers limp mode", cel_action1_tps, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_tps}
field = "TPS-accel is disabled in fault conditions"
field = "Batt triggers limp mode", cel_action1_batt, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_batt}
field = "EGO triggers limp mode", cel_action1_ego, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_afr0}
field = "Flex triggers limp mode", cel_action2_flex, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt3_flex}
field = "EGT triggers limp mode", cel_action2_egt, {cel_opt_on && cel_opt2_egt}
field = "The following apply in limp mode:"
field = "Limp rev limit", cel_revlim
field = "Limp boost limit", cel_overboost
field = "Limp boost valve duty", cel_boost_duty
field = "Limp boost valve2 duty", cel_boost_duty2
field = "Limp retard timing by", cel_retard
dialog = checkengine, "Check Engine Light", xAxis
panel = checkengine_l
panel = checkengine_r
dialog = limitsettings, "Limit settings"
field = "These are the limits for gauges and tuning settings"
field = "they do not alter engine behaviour"
field = "rpm - max", rpmhigh
field = "rpm - warn level", rpmwarn
field = "rpm - danger level", rpmdang
field = "load/kPa - max", loadhigh
field = "VE value - max", vehigh
field = "Allow WUE below 100% (only for LPG)", wue_lpg
dialog = iopinlist, "Pin I/O / Option List"
displayOnlyField = "Main fuel outputs", hardware_fuel
displayOnlyField = "Injector Out I, Injector Out J", hardware_fuel, {hardware_fuel== 0}
displayOnlyField = "Injector Out A, Injector Out B etc.", hardware_fuel, {hardware_fuel}
displayOnlyField = "Spark hardware in use", hardware_spk
displayOnlyField = "Spark Out A, Spark Out B etc.", hardware_spk, {hardware_spk}
displayOnlyField = "Cam input (if used)", hardware_cam
displayOnlyField = "Tertiary tach input", spk_mode3_tach3, {spk_mode0 == 47}
displayOnlyField = "(** Spare ports not shown **)"
displayOnlyField = "EGO 1 port", egoport1
displayOnlyField = "EGO 2 port", egoport2, {egonum > 1}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 3 port", egoport3, {egonum > 2}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 4 port", egoport4, {egonum > 3}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 5 port", egoport5, {egonum > 4}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 6 port", egoport6, {egonum > 5}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 7 port", egoport7, {egonum > 6}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 8 port", egoport8, {egonum > 7}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 9 port", egoport9, {egonum > 8}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 10 port", egoport10, {egonum > 9}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 11 port", egoport11, {egonum > 10}
displayOnlyField = "EGO 12 port", egoport12, {egonum > 11}
displayOnlyField = "PWM Idle Output", pwmidle_freq_pin, { (IdleCtl == 1) || (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
displayOnlyField = "PWM idle 3 wire mode", pwmidle_freq_pin3, { ((IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6)) && pwmidle_freq_pin3 }
displayOnlyField = "Fan control Output", fanctl_settings_pin, { fanctl_settings_on }
displayOnlyField = "AC Idleup Output", ac_idleup_io_out, { ac_idleup_settings && ac_idleup_io_out }
displayOnlyField = "AC Idleup Input", ac_idleup_io_in, { ac_idleup_settings }
displayOnlyField = "Realtime baro port", rtbaroport, {baroCorr == 2}
displayOnlyField = "MAP Voltage input", mapport, {mapport_t == 0}
displayOnlyField = "MAP Frequency input", mapport_f, {mapport_t == 1}
displayOnlyField = "MAP 2nd port", map2port, {mapport_t == 0}
displayOnlyField = "MAF Voltage input", MAFOption, {(MAFOption_t == 0) && MAFOption}
displayOnlyField = "MAF Frequency input", MAFOption_f, {(MAFOption_t == 1) && MAFOption}
displayOnlyField = "Flex Sensor port", flexport, { flexFuel > 0 }
displayOnlyField = "Flex Temperature input", fueltemp1, {fueltemp1}
displayOnlyField = "Tacho Output", tacho_opt3f, { tacho_opt80 }
displayOnlyField = "AC Idleup Output", ac_idleup_io_out, { ac_idleup_settings }
displayOnlyField = "VVT1 output", vvt_out1, {vvt_opt1_on}
displayOnlyField = "VVT2 output", vvt_out2, {vvt_opt1_on > 1}
displayOnlyField = "VVT3 output", vvt_out3, {vvt_opt1_on > 2}
displayOnlyField = "VVT4 output", vvt_out4, {vvt_opt1_on > 3}
displayOnlyField = "VVT1 input", vvt_opt3_cam1, {0}
displayOnlyField = "VVT2 input", vvt_opt3_cam2, {vvt_opt1_on > 1}
displayOnlyField = "VVT3 input", vvt_opt3_cam3, {vvt_opt1_on > 2}
displayOnlyField = "VVT4 input", vvt_opt3_cam4, {vvt_opt1_on > 3}
displayOnlyField = "Fuel Table Switching Input", tsw_pin_f, { f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 0) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
displayOnlyField = "Spark Table Switching Input", tsw_pin_s, { f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 0) }
displayOnlyField = "Req Fuel Switching", tsw_pin_rf, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_rf)}
displayOnlyField = "AFR table Switching", tsw_pin_afr, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_afr)}
displayOnlyField = "Stoich Switching", tsw_pin_stoich, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_stoich)}
displayOnlyField = "Dual fuel Input", dualfuel_pin, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
displayOnlyField = "Knock input pin", knkport, { knk_option && !knk_option_an }
displayOnlyField = "Overboost switching", tsw_pin_ob, { OverBoostOption > 0 }
displayOnlyField = "Boost Table Switching", boost_feats_tsw, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
displayOnlyField = "Boost Control output (high,mid)", boost_ctl_pins_pwm, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm < 2)}
displayOnlyField = "Boost Control output (slow)", boost_ctl_pins, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm == 2)}
displayOnlyField = "Boost Control2 output (high,mid)", boost_ctl_pins_pwm2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && (boost_ctl_pwm < 2)}
displayOnlyField = "Boost Control2 output (slow)", boost_ctl_pins2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && (boost_ctl_pwm == 2)}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM A output", pwm_opt2_a, {pwm_opt_on_a}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM B output", pwm_opt2_b, {pwm_opt_on_b}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM C output", pwm_opt2_c, {pwm_opt_on_c}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM D output", pwm_opt2_d, {pwm_opt_on_d}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM E output", pwm_opt2_e, {pwm_opt_on_e}
displayOnlyField = "Gen PWM F output", pwm_opt2_f, {pwm_opt_on_f}
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 01 Input", sensor01_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 02 Input", sensor02_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 03 Input", sensor03_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 04 Input", sensor04_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 05 Input", sensor05_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 06 Input", sensor06_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 07 Input", sensor07_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 08 Input", sensor08_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 09 Input", sensor09_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 10 Input", sensor10_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 11 Input", sensor11_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 12 Input", sensor12_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 13 Input", sensor13_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 14 Input", sensor14_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 15 Input", sensor15_source
displayOnlyField = "Generic Sensor 16 Input", sensor16_source
displayOnlyField = "WI Pump output", water_pins_pump, {water_freq_on}
displayOnlyField = "WI Valve output", water_pins_valve, {water_freq_on && water_freq_type}
displayOnlyField = "VSS1 Analogue sensor", vss1_an
displayOnlyField = "VSS1 digi Input", vss_opt1, {!vss1_an}
displayOnlyField = "VSS1 CAN PWM port", vss1_pwmseq, {vss_opt1 ==15 && !vss1_an}
displayOnlyField = "VSS2 Analogue sensor", vss2_an
displayOnlyField = "VSS2 digi Input", vss_opt2, {!vss2_an}
displayOnlyField = "VSS2 CAN PWM port", vss2_pwmseq, {vss_opt2 ==15 && !vss2_an}
displayOnlyField = "Shaft Sensor 1", ss_opt1
displayOnlyField = "Shaft Sensor 2", ss_opt2
displayOnlyField = "VSS output", vssout_opt
displayOnlyField = "Gear pos. Input", gear_port_an, { (gear_method == 2) }
displayOnlyField = "Bike Shifter input", shift_cut_in, { shift_cut_on }
displayOnlyField = "Bike Shifter output", shift_cut_out, { shift_cut_on }
displayOnlyField = "Accelerometer X input", accXport
displayOnlyField = "Accelerometer Y input", accYport
displayOnlyField = "Accelerometer Z input", accZport
displayOnlyField = "SDcard Datalog button", log_style2_but, {log_style_on > 1}
displayOnlyField = "SDcard LED indicator", log_style_led, {log_style_on}
displayOnlyField = "SDcard Stream input", log_style3_adc, {log_style_block == 1}
displayOnlyField = "Nitrous Stage 1 output - nitrous", n2o1n_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
displayOnlyField = "Nitrous Stage 1 output - fuel", n2o1f_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
displayOnlyField = "Nitrous Enable input on:", N2Oopt_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
displayOnlyField = "Nitrous Stage 2 output - nitrous", n2o2n_pins, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 }
displayOnlyField = "Nitrous Stage 2 output - fuel", n2o2f_pins, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 }
displayOnlyField = "AFR safety Warning output", maxafr_opt1_led, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 1 channel", egt1port, { (egt_num > 0) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 2 channel", egt2port, { (egt_num > 1) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 3 channel", egt3port, { (egt_num > 2) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 4 channel", egt4port, { (egt_num > 3) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 5 channel", egt5port, { (egt_num > 4) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 6 channel", egt6port, { (egt_num > 5) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 7 channel", egt7port, { (egt_num > 6) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 8 channel", egt8port, { (egt_num > 7) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 9 channel", egt9port, { (egt_num > 8) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 10 channel", egt10port, { (egt_num > 9) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 11 channel", egt11port, { (egt_num > 10) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 12 channel", egt12port, { (egt_num > 11) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 13 channel", egt13port, { (egt_num > 12) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 14 channel", egt14port, { (egt_num > 13) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 15 channel", egt15port, { (egt_num > 14) }
displayOnlyField = "EGT 16 channel", egt16port, { (egt_num > 15) }
displayOnlyField = "Launch Input", launch_opt_pins, { launch_opt_on >0 }
displayOnlyField = "Variable launch input", launch_var_on, { launch_opt_on >0 }
displayOnlyField = "3-step input", launch_3step_in, {launch_opt_on >0 }
displayOnlyField = "Anti-lag enable input", als_in_pin
displayOnlyField = "ALS On/off output", als_out_pin, {als_in_pin}
displayOnlyField = "ALS PWM output", als_opt_pwmout, {als_in_pin}
displayOnlyField = "ALS Output", pwm_opt2_f, {als_in_pin && als_opt_pwmout}
displayOnlyField = "Torque convertor lockup", tclu_outpin
displayOnlyField = "TCLU Enable input", tclu_enablepin, {tclu_outpin}
displayOnlyField = "TCLU Brake switch", tclu_brakepin, {tclu_outpin}
dialog = ase_note
field = "The typical range for afterstart is 50% (cold) to 5% (warm)"
dialog = nestedasePct, "Afterstart Enrichment (ASE) percent adder"
panel = asePct
panel = ase_note
dialog = nestedasePct2, "Afterstart Enrichment (ASE) percent adder 2"
panel = asePct2
panel = ase_note
dialog = wc_note
field = "For 99% of engines, warmup must have 100% in the final row. Typical maximum is 255% (cold)."
dialog = nestedwarmup_curve, "Warmup Enrichment percent multiplier"
panel = warmup_curve
panel = wc_note
dialog = nestedwarmup_curve2, "Warmup Enrichment percent multiplier 2"
panel = warmup_curve2
panel = wc_note
dialog = tcsettings, "Traction Control"
field = "Traction control", tc_opt_on
field = "Method", tc_opt_method, {tc_opt_on}
field = "Enable input", tc_enin, {tc_opt_on}
field = "Minimum TPS", tc_mintps, {tc_opt_on}
field = "Minimum MAP", tc_minmap, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 1)}
field = "Minimum VSS", tc_minvss, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method != 2) && (tc_opt_method != 3) }
field = "VSS1 = driven, VSS2 = undriven wheels"
; field = "Maximum VSS", tc_maxvss, {tc_opt_on }
field = "Slip % setting", tc_opt_slipcurve, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 1)}
field = "Slip threshold", tc_slipthresh, {tc_opt_on && (tc_opt_method == 1) && !tc_opt_slipcurve}
field = "Nitrous control", tc_opt_n2o, {tc_opt_on }
field = "Add fuel to:", tc_opt_bank, {tc_opt_on }
field = "When staging bank 1 = primary, bank 2 = secondary"
dialog = tc_top, "", xAxis
panel = tc_retard_curve, West
panel = tc_spkcut_curve, East, {spk_mode0 > 1}
dialog = tc_mid, "", xAxis
panel = tc_addfuel_curve, West
panel = tc_nitrous_curve, East, {N2Oopt_2}
dialog = tc_btm, "", xAxis
panel = tc_boost_curve, West, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
panel = tc_boost_duty_delta_curve, East, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_settings_cl != 1)}
dialog = tc_curves, "Traction Control Reactions", yAxis
panel = tc_top, North
panel = tc_mid, Center
panel = tc_btm, South
dialog = tcluparams, "Torque Convertor Lockup"
field = "Output pin", tclu_outpin
field = "Enable input", tclu_enablepin, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Brake switch", tclu_brakepin, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Minimum TPS", tclu_tpsmin, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Maximum TPS", tclu_tpsmax, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Minimum MAP", tclu_mapmin, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Maximum MAP", tclu_mapmax, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Use VSS", tclu_opt_vss, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Minimum speed", tclu_vssmin, {tclu_outpin && tclu_opt_vss}
field = "Use gear value", tclu_opt_gear, {tclu_outpin}
field = "Minimum gear", tclu_gearmin, {tclu_outpin && tclu_opt_gear}
field = "Activation delay", tclu_delay, {tclu_outpin}
dialog = vvtct, ""
field = "."
field = "Input"
field = "Polarity"
field = "No. Teeth"
field = "Output"
field = "Minimum"
field = "Maximum"
field = "Int./exh."
field = "Tooth 1"
field = "Tooth 2"
field = "More duty means"
dialog = vvtc1, ""
field = "#CAM1"
field = "", vvt_opt3_cam1, {vvt_opt1_on}
field = "", vvt_opt2_cam1pol,{vvt_opt1_on && ((spk_config_trig2l & 0x3) == 0x3) && (spk_mode0 == 4) && (spk_config_trig2 == 3) && (vvt_opt4_decode ==0 )}
field = "", vvt_tth1, {(vvt_opt1_on > 0) && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "", vvt_out1, {vvt_opt1_on}
field = "", vvt_min_ang1, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_max_ang1, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt5_vvt1, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_cam1tth1, {vvt_opt1_on && (vvt_opt4_decode == 1)}
field = "", vvt_cam1tth2, {vvt_opt1_on && (vvt_opt4_decode == 1)}
field = "", vvt_out1_dir, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
dialog = vvtc2, ""
field = "#CAM2"
field = "", vvt_opt3_cam2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt2_cam2pol,{(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_tth2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "", vvt_out2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_min_ang2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_max_ang2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt5_vvt2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_cam2tth1, {0}
field = "", vvt_cam2tth2, {0}
field = "", vvt_out2_dir, {(vvt_opt1_on > 1) && vvt_opt2_pid}
dialog = vvtc3, ""
field = "#CAM3"
field = "", vvt_opt3_cam3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt2_cam3pol,{(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_tth3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "", vvt_out3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_min_ang3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_max_ang3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt5_vvt3, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_cam3tth1, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt4_decode == 1)}
field = "", vvt_cam3tth2, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt4_decode == 1)}
field = "", vvt_out3_dir, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
dialog = vvtc4, ""
field = "#CAM4"
field = "", vvt_opt3_cam4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt2_cam4pol,{(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_tth4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "", vvt_out4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_min_ang4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_max_ang4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt5_vvt4, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_cam4tth1, {0}
field = "", vvt_cam4tth2, {0}
field = "", vvt_out4_dir, {(vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_pid}
dialog = vvtcams, "Cam settings", xAxis
panel = vvtct
panel = vvtc1
panel = vvtc2
panel = vvtc3
panel = vvtc4
dialog = vvtinext, ""
field = "."
; field = "More duty means"
field = "Use hold duty"
field = "Hold/neutral duty"
field = "Proportional Gain"
field = "Integral Gain"
field = "Differential Gain"
dialog = vvtinexi, ""
field = "#Intake"
; field = "", vvt_opt1_dir_intake, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_opt2_use_hold_intake, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_hold_duty, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid && vvt_opt2_use_hold_intake}
field = "", vvt_ctl_Kp, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_ctl_Ki, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "", vvt_ctl_Kd, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
dialog = vvtinexe, ""
field = "#Exhaust"
; field = "", vvt_opt1_dir_exhaust, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) }
field = "", vvt_opt2_use_hold_exhaust, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) }
field = "", vvt_hold_duty_exh, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) && vvt_opt2_use_hold_exhaust }
field = "", vvt_ctl_Kp_exh, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) }
field = "", vvt_ctl_Ki_exh, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) }
field = "", vvt_ctl_Kd_exh, { vvt_opt2_pid && (vvt_opt5_vvt1 || vvt_opt5_vvt2 || vvt_opt1_on > 2) }
dialog = vvtinex, "PID parameters", xAxis
panel = vvtinext
panel = vvtinexi
panel = vvtinexe
dialog = vvtl, ""
field = "No. VVTs", vvt_opt1_on
field = "Cam decoder", vvt_opt4_decode,{vvt_opt1_on && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "Frequency", vvt_opt6_freq, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_out1}
field = "On/off or variable (PID)", vvt_opt2_pid, {vvt_opt1_on}
field = "Adjust inj. timing based on", vvt_opt5_add1, {vvt_opt1_on}
field = "Commanded vs. actual", vvt_opt5_add2, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt5_add1}
field = "Inj. timing adjustment", vvt_onoff_ang, {vvt_opt1_on && !vvt_opt2_pid && vvt_opt5_add1}
field = "#TEST"
field = "Test output", vvt_opt1_tst, {vvt_opt1_on}
field = "Test duty", vvt_test_duty, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt1_tst}
dialog = vvtr, ""
field = "Control interval", vvt_opt1_int, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
field = "Control interval time", vvt_ctl_ms, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid && vvt_opt1_int}
field = "Range check measured angles", vvt_opt5_err, {vvt_opt1_on && vvt_opt2_pid}
panel = vvtinex
dialog = vvtparams2, "VVT settings", xAxis
panel = vvtl
panel = vvtr
dialog = vvtparams, "VVT settings", yAxis
panel = vvtparams2
panel = vvtcams
dialog = spk_trimaTblTitle, "Cyl #1"
panel = spk_trimaTbl
dialog = spk_trimbTblTitle, "Cyl #2"
panel = spk_trimbTbl
dialog = spk_trimcTblTitle, "Cyl #3"
panel = spk_trimcTbl
dialog = spk_trimdTblTitle, "Cyl #4"
panel = spk_trimdTbl
dialog = spk_trimadt, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimaTblTitle
panel = spk_trimbTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimadb, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimcTblTitle
panel = spk_trimdTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimad,"Spark trims 1-4"
panel = spk_trimadt
panel = spk_trimadb
dialog = spk_trimeTblTitle, "Cyl #5"
panel = spk_trimeTbl
dialog = spk_trimfTblTitle, "Cyl #6"
panel = spk_trimfTbl
dialog = spk_trimgTblTitle, "Cyl #7"
panel = spk_trimgTbl
dialog = spk_trimhTblTitle, "Cyl #8"
panel = spk_trimhTbl
dialog = spk_trimeht, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimeTblTitle
panel = spk_trimfTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimehb, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimgTblTitle
panel = spk_trimhTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimeh,"Spark trims 5-8"
panel = spk_trimeht
panel = spk_trimehb
dialog = spk_trimiTblTitle, "Cyl #9"
panel = spk_trimiTbl
dialog = spk_trimjTblTitle, "Cyl #10"
panel = spk_trimjTbl
dialog = spk_trimkTblTitle, "Cyl #11"
panel = spk_trimkTbl
dialog = spk_trimlTblTitle, "Cyl #12"
panel = spk_trimlTbl
dialog = spk_trimilt, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimiTblTitle
panel = spk_trimjTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimilb, "", xAxis
panel = spk_trimkTblTitle
panel = spk_trimlTblTitle
dialog = spk_trimil,"Spark trims 9-12"
panel = spk_trimilt
panel = spk_trimilb
dialog = inj_trimaTblTitle, "Cyl #1"
panel = inj_trimaTbl, Center
dialog = inj_trimbTblTitle, "Cyl #2"
panel = inj_trimbTbl
dialog = inj_trimcTblTitle, "Cyl #3"
panel = inj_trimcTbl
dialog = inj_trimdTblTitle, "Cyl #4"
panel = inj_trimdTbl
dialog = inj_trimadt, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimaTblTitle
panel = inj_trimbTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimadb, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimcTblTitle
panel = inj_trimdTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimad,"Injector trims 1-4", yAxis
panel = inj_trimadt
panel = inj_trimadb
dialog = inj_trimeTblTitle, "Cyl #5"
panel = inj_trimeTbl, Center
dialog = inj_trimfTblTitle, "Cyl #6"
panel = inj_trimfTbl
dialog = inj_trimgTblTitle, "Cyl #7"
panel = inj_trimgTbl
dialog = inj_trimhTblTitle, "Cyl #8"
panel = inj_trimhTbl
dialog = inj_trimeht, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimeTblTitle
panel = inj_trimfTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimehb, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimgTblTitle
panel = inj_trimhTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimeh,"Injector trims 5-8", yAxis
panel = inj_trimeht
panel = inj_trimehb
dialog = inj_trimiTblTitle, "Cyl #9"
panel = inj_trimiTbl
dialog = inj_trimjTblTitle, "Cyl #10"
panel = inj_trimjTbl
dialog = inj_trimkTblTitle, "Cyl #11"
panel = inj_trimkTbl
dialog = inj_trimlTblTitle, "Cyl #12"
panel = inj_trimlTbl
dialog = inj_trimilt, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimiTblTitle
panel = inj_trimjTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimilb, "", xAxis
panel = inj_trimkTblTitle
panel = inj_trimlTblTitle
dialog = inj_trimil,"Injector trims 9-12"
panel = inj_trimilt
panel = inj_trimilb
dialog = antilag, "Anti Lag"
field = "#Caution! Anti-lag is very hard on your turbo"
field = "# and engine. Use at your risk."
field = "Anti-lag enable input", als_in_pin
; field = "Minimum TPS", als_mintps, {als_in_pin}
field = "Maximum TPS", als_maxtps, {als_in_pin}
field = "Minimum RPM", als_minrpm, {als_in_pin}
field = "Maximum RPM", als_maxrpm, {als_in_pin}
field = "Maximum MAT", als_maxmat, {als_in_pin}
field = "Maximum ALS time", als_maxtime, {als_in_pin}
field = "Time between activations", als_pausetime,{als_in_pin}
field = "Minimum CLT", als_minclt, {als_in_pin}
field = "Maximum CLT", als_maxclt, {als_in_pin}
field = "Enable cyclic fuel cut", als_opt_fc, {als_in_pin && hardware_fuel && sequential}
field = "Fuel cut likely unsafe with Staging"
field = "Enable cyclic spark cut", als_opt_sc, {als_in_pin}
field = "-"
field = "Enable roving idle fuel cut", als_opt_ri, {als_in_pin}
field = "-"
field = "Use idle valve", als_opt_idle, {als_in_pin}
field = "Idle valve Duty", als_iac_duty, { als_in_pin && als_opt_idle && (IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "Idle valve Steps", als_iac_steps, { als_in_pin && als_opt_idle && (IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8)}
field = "-"
field = "On/off output", als_out_pin, {als_in_pin}
field = "-"
field = "PWM output (generic PWM F)", als_opt_pwmout, {als_in_pin}
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_f, {als_in_pin && als_opt_pwmout}
field = "Output duty", als_pwm_duty, {als_in_pin && als_opt_pwmout}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_f, {als_in_pin && als_opt_pwmout}
field = ""
dialog = als_left1, "Added fuel %age"
panel = als_addfuel_tbl
dialog = als_left2, "ALS Timing"
panel = als_timing_tbl
dialog = als_right1, "Spark cut %"
panel = als_sparkcut_tbl, North, {als_opt_sc}
dialog = als_right2, "Fuel cut %"
panel = als_fuelcut_tbl, South, {als_opt_fc && hardware_fuel && sequential}}
dialog = antilag_left, ""
panel = als_left1, North
panel = als_left2, South
dialog = antilag_right, "", border
panel = als_right1, North
panel = als_right2, South
dialog = antilagtables, "Anti-lag tables", border
panel = antilag_left, West
panel = antilag_right, East
dialog = flash_unlock, "Un/Lock calibrations"
field = "Sensor Calibrations", flashlock
field = "Always re-lock after use"
dialog = gen_pwm_left_a, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM A", pwm_opt_on_a
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_a, {pwm_opt_on_a}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_a, {pwm_opt_on_a}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_a, {pwm_opt_on_a && !(pwm_opt_var_a)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_a, {pwm_opt_on_a && !(pwm_opt_var_a)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_a, {pwm_opt_on_a && pwm_opt_var_a}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_a, {pwm_opt_on_a}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_a, "Generic PWM A", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_a, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_a, Center
dialog = gen_pwm_left_b, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM B", pwm_opt_on_b
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_b, {pwm_opt_on_b}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_b, {pwm_opt_on_b}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_b, {pwm_opt_on_b && !(pwm_opt_var_b)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_b, {pwm_opt_on_b && !(pwm_opt_var_b)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_b, {pwm_opt_on_b && pwm_opt_var_b}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_b, {pwm_opt_on_b}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_b, "Generic PWM B", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_b, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_b, Center
dialog = gen_pwm_left_c, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM C", pwm_opt_on_c
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_c, {pwm_opt_on_c}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_c, {pwm_opt_on_c}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_c, {pwm_opt_on_c && !(pwm_opt_var_c)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_c, {pwm_opt_on_c && !(pwm_opt_var_c)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_c, {pwm_opt_on_c && pwm_opt_var_c}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_c, {pwm_opt_on_c}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_c, "Generic PWM C", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_c, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_c, Center
dialog = gen_pwm_left_d, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM D", pwm_opt_on_d
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_d, {pwm_opt_on_d}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_d, {pwm_opt_on_d}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_d, {pwm_opt_on_d && !(pwm_opt_var_d)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_d, {pwm_opt_on_d && !(pwm_opt_var_d)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_d, {pwm_opt_on_d && pwm_opt_var_d}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_d, {pwm_opt_on_d}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_d, "Generic PWM D", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_d, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_d, Center
dialog = gen_pwm_left_e, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM E", pwm_opt_on_e
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_e, {pwm_opt_on_e}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_e, {pwm_opt_on_e}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_e, {pwm_opt_on_e && !(pwm_opt_var_e)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_e, {pwm_opt_on_e && !(pwm_opt_var_e)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_e, {pwm_opt_on_e && pwm_opt_var_e}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_e, {pwm_opt_on_e}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_e, "Generic PWM E", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_e, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_e, Center
dialog = gen_pwm_left_f, ""
field = "Enable generic PWM F", pwm_opt_on_f
field = "Output port/pin", pwm_opt2_f, {pwm_opt_on_f}
field = "On-off or variable", pwm_opt_var_f, {pwm_opt_on_f}
field = "On above duty", pwm_onabove_f, {pwm_opt_on_f && !(pwm_opt_var_f)}
field = "Off below duty", pwm_offbelow_f, {pwm_opt_on_f && !(pwm_opt_var_f)}
field = "Frequency", pwm_opt_freq_f, {pwm_opt_on_f && pwm_opt_var_f}
field = "Load Y axis", pwm_opt_load_f, {pwm_opt_on_f}
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp, {0}
dialog = gen_pwm_f, "Generic PWM F", border
panel = gen_pwm_left_f, West
panel = pwm_duties_Tbl_f, Center
dialog = map_sample_dialog_south, "MAP sample general settings"
field = "MAP sample method", mapsample_opt2
field = "Map Sample Window", map_sample_duration, { !mapsample_opt2 }
field = "No. sample events", mapsample_opt1, { !mapsample_opt2 }
field = ""
field = "Phase detect threshold", map_phase_thresh, { (nCylinders < 3) && (hardware_cam == 2) && (spk_mode0 == 4) && (spk_config_trig2 == 3) }
dialog = map_sample_dialog, "MAP Sampling Settings", border
panel = mapsample_curve, Center, { !mapsample_opt2 }
panel = map_sample_dialog_south, South
dialog = ShiftSettings, "Shifter System"
field = "Shifter Spark cut system", shift_cut_on
field = "Mode", shift_cut_auto, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Button input", shift_cut_in, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Solenoid output", shift_cut_out, { shift_cut_on }
field = "RPM >", shift_cut_rpm, { shift_cut_on }
field = "And TPS >", shift_cut_tps, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Delay before spark cut", shift_cut_delay, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Spark cut time (base)", shift_cut_time, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Gear based delay", shift_cut_gear, { shift_cut_on }
field = "Additional delay 1-2", shift_cut_add12, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_gear }
field = "Additional delay 2-3", shift_cut_add23, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_gear }
field = "Additional delay 3-4", shift_cut_add34, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_gear }
field = "Additional delay 4-5", shift_cut_add45, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_gear }
field = "Additional delay 5-6", shift_cut_add56, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_gear }
field = "Solenoid delay", shift_cut_soldelay, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_on}
field = "Re-shift hold-off time", shift_cut_reshift
field = "Automatic mode shift points"
field = "Shift rpm 1-2", shift_cut_rpm12, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_auto }
field = "Shift rpm 2-3", shift_cut_rpm23, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_auto }
field = "Shift rpm 3-4", shift_cut_rpm34, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_auto }
field = "Shift rpm 4-5", shift_cut_rpm45, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_auto }
field = "Shift rpm 5-6", shift_cut_rpm56, { shift_cut_on && shift_cut_auto }
dialog = fan_control, "Fan Control"
field = "Fan Control On", fanctl_settings_on
field = "Fan Control Idles up?", fanctl_settings_idleup, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "Output Pin", fanctl_settings_pin, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "Idleup Delay", fanctl_idleup_delay, { fanctl_settings_on && fanctl_settings_idleup }
field = "Idleup Duty", fanctl_idleup_adder_duty, { fanctl_settings_on && fanctl_settings_idleup && (IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "Idleup Steps", fanctl_idleup_adder_steps, { fanctl_settings_on && fanctl_settings_idleup && (IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) }
field = "Idleup target increase", fan_idleup_cl_targetadder, { ac_idleup_settings && (IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) }
field = "Fan On Temperature", fanctl_ontemp, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "Fan Off Temperature", fanctl_offtemp, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "Allow fan when engine off", fanctl_opt2_engineoff, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "Fan on with AC on?", fan_ctl_settings_acfan, { fanctl_settings_on && ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Fan shutoff"
field = "TPS shutoff", fan_idleup_tps_offpoint, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "TPS hysteresis", fan_idleup_tps_hyst, { fanctl_settings_on }
field = "VSS shutoff", fan_idleup_vss_offpoint, { fanctl_settings_on && (vss_opt1 || vss1_an) }
field = "VSS hyst", fan_idleup_vss_hyst, { fanctl_settings_on && (vss_opt1 || vss1_an) }
dialog = ac_idleup, "Air Conditioning Idleup"
field = "AC Idleup On", ac_idleup_settings
field = "Idleup Output", ac_idleup_io_out, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Idleup Input", ac_idleup_io_in, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Idleup Delay", ac_idleup_delay, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Compressor delay since last on", ac_delay_since_last_on, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Idleup Duty", ac_idleup_adder_duty, { (IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6) && ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Idleup Steps", ac_idleup_adder_steps, { (IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) && ac_idleup_settings }
field = "Idleup target increase", ac_idleup_cl_targetadder, { ac_idleup_settings && (IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) }
field = "Idleup CL max decel load adder", ac_idleup_cl_lockout_mapadder, { ac_idleup_settings && (IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8) }
field = "AC compressor shutoff"
field = "TPS shutoff", ac_idleup_tps_offpoint, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "TPS hysteresis", ac_idleup_tps_hyst, { ac_idleup_settings }
field = "VSS shutoff", ac_idleup_vss_offpoint, { ac_idleup_settings && (vss_opt1 || vss1_an) }
field = "VSS hysteresis", ac_idleup_vss_hyst, { ac_idleup_settings && (vss_opt1 || vss1_an) }
dialog = sensor_source, "", yAxis
field = "Sensor - source"
field = "01", sensor01_source
field = "02", sensor02_source
field = "03", sensor03_source
field = "04", sensor04_source
field = "05", sensor05_source
field = "06", sensor06_source
field = "07", sensor07_source
field = "08", sensor08_source
dialog = sensor_sourceb, "", yAxis
field = "Sensor - source"
field = "09", sensor09_source
field = "10", sensor10_source
field = "11", sensor11_source
field = "12", sensor12_source
field = "13", sensor13_source
field = "14", sensor14_source
field = "15", sensor15_source
field = "16", sensor16_source
dialog = sensor_trans, "", yAxis
field = "Transformation"
field = "", sensor01_trans, {sensor01_source}
field = "", sensor02_trans, {sensor02_source}
field = "", sensor03_trans, {sensor03_source}
field = "", sensor04_trans, {sensor04_source}
field = "", sensor05_trans, {sensor05_source}
field = "", sensor06_trans, {sensor06_source}
field = "", sensor07_trans, {sensor07_source}
field = "", sensor08_trans, {sensor08_source}
dialog = sensor_transb, "", yAxis
field = "Transformation"
field = "", sensor09_trans, {sensor09_source}
field = "", sensor10_trans, {sensor10_source}
field = "", sensor11_trans, {sensor11_source}
field = "", sensor12_trans, {sensor12_source}
field = "", sensor13_trans, {sensor13_source}
field = "", sensor14_trans, {sensor14_source}
field = "", sensor15_trans, {sensor15_source}
field = "", sensor16_trans, {sensor16_source}
dialog = sensor_val0, "", yAxis
field = "0V value"
field = "", sensor01_val0, {sensor01_source && (sensor01_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor02_val0, {sensor02_source && (sensor02_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor03_val0, {sensor03_source && (sensor03_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor04_val0, {sensor04_source && (sensor04_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor05_val0, {sensor05_source && (sensor05_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor06_val0, {sensor06_source && (sensor06_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor07_val0, {sensor07_source && (sensor07_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor08_val0, {sensor08_source && (sensor08_trans == 1)}
dialog = sensor_val0b, "", yAxis
field = "0V value"
field = "", sensor09_val0, {sensor09_source && (sensor09_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor10_val0, {sensor10_source && (sensor10_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor11_val0, {sensor11_source && (sensor11_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor12_val0, {sensor12_source && (sensor12_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor13_val0, {sensor13_source && (sensor13_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor14_val0, {sensor14_source && (sensor14_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor15_val0, {sensor15_source && (sensor15_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor16_val0, {sensor16_source && (sensor16_trans == 1)}
dialog = sensor_max, "", yAxis
field = "5V value"
field = "", sensor01_max, {sensor01_source && (sensor01_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor02_max, {sensor02_source && (sensor02_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor03_max, {sensor03_source && (sensor03_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor04_max, {sensor04_source && (sensor04_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor05_max, {sensor05_source && (sensor05_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor06_max, {sensor06_source && (sensor06_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor07_max, {sensor07_source && (sensor07_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor08_max, {sensor08_source && (sensor08_trans == 1)}
dialog = sensor_maxb, "", yAxis
field = "5V value"
field = "", sensor09_max, {sensor09_source && (sensor09_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor10_max, {sensor10_source && (sensor10_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor11_max, {sensor11_source && (sensor11_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor12_max, {sensor12_source && (sensor12_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor13_max, {sensor13_source && (sensor13_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor14_max, {sensor14_source && (sensor14_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor15_max, {sensor15_source && (sensor15_trans == 1)}
field = "", sensor16_max, {sensor16_source && (sensor16_trans == 1)}
dialog = sensor_lag, "", yAxis
field = "Lag factor"
field = "", sensor01LF, {sensor01_source}
field = "", sensor02LF, {sensor02_source}
field = "", sensor03LF, {sensor03_source}
field = "", sensor04LF, {sensor04_source}
field = "", sensor05LF, {sensor05_source}
field = "", sensor06LF, {sensor06_source}
field = "", sensor07LF, {sensor07_source}
field = "", sensor08LF, {sensor08_source}
dialog = sensor_lagb, "", yAxis
field = "Lag factor"
field = "", sensor09LF, {sensor09_source}
field = "", sensor10LF, {sensor10_source}
field = "", sensor11LF, {sensor11_source}
field = "", sensor12LF, {sensor12_source}
field = "", sensor13LF, {sensor13_source}
field = "", sensor14LF, {sensor14_source}
field = "", sensor15LF, {sensor15_source}
field = "", sensor16LF, {sensor16_source}
dialog = sensors_top, "Sensors 1-8", xAxis
panel = sensor_source
panel = sensor_trans
panel = sensor_val0
panel = sensor_max
panel = sensor_lag
dialog = sensors_btm, "Sensors 9-16", xAxis
panel = sensor_sourceb
panel = sensor_transb
panel = sensor_val0b
panel = sensor_maxb
panel = sensor_lagb
dialog = sensors_data, "", yAxis
panel = sensors_top
panel = sensors_btm
dialog = sensors_temp, "", xAxis
field = "Allow input sharing", opt142_gs_share
field = "CLT/MAT units", sensor_temp
dialog = sensors, "Generic Sensor Input", border
panel = sensors_data, North
panel = sensors_temp, South
dialog = ITB_settings, "ITB settings"
field = "Percent Baro switchpoint", ITB_load_mappoint
field = "Idle TPS threshold", ITB_load_idletpsthresh
dialog = ITBcombined, "ITB load settings", border
panel = ITB_settings, South
panel = ITB_load_switchpoint_curve, West
panel = ITB_load_loadvals_curve, East
dialog = mafdialog, "MAF Settings", yAxis
field = "Sensor type", MAFOption_t
field = "Voltage input port", MAFOption, {MAFOption_t == 0}
field = "Frequency input port", MAFOption_f, {MAFOption_t == 1}
field = "Low frequency", maf_freq0, {MAFOption_t == 1}
field = "High frequency", maf_freq1, {MAFOption_t == 1}
field = "MAT correction curve", feature7_mafmat
field = "Use VE1 as trim table", feature7_maftrim, {algorithm == 5}
field = "MAF sensor range", maf_range
field = "Set the range before loading a flow curve."
field = "Use old-style calibration curve (see Tools menu)", feature7_mafcalib
dialog = battcalib, "Battery Voltage Calibration"
field = "Supply voltage at zero ADC count", batt0
field = "Supply voltage at max ADC count", battmax
field = ""
field = "Typical values are 0.0V and 29.7V"
dialog = waterinj_topl, ""
field = "Enable water/meth injection", water_freq_on
field = "Pump output", water_pins_pump, {water_freq_on}
field = "Valve style", water_freq_type, {water_freq_on}
field = "Frequency", water_freq, {water_freq_on && (water_freq_type ==2)}
field = "Valve output", water_pins_valve, {water_freq_on && water_freq_type}
dialog = waterinj_topr, ""
field = "Enable when.."
field = "TPS >", water_tps, {water_freq_on}
field = "RPM >", water_rpm, {water_freq_on}
field = "MAP >", water_map, {water_freq_on}
field = "MAT >", water_mat, {water_freq_on}
field = ""
field = "Low fluid level input", water_pins_in_shut, {water_freq_on && maxafr_opt1_on}
dialog = waterinj_top, "", border
panel = waterinj_topl, West
panel = waterinj_topr, East
dialog = waterinj, "Water Injection", border
panel = waterinj_top, North
panel = waterinjTbl, Center
dialog = vss1, "Vehicle speed sensor 1"
field = "Analogue sensor", vss1_an
field = "Full scale speed", vss1_an_max, {vss1_an}
field = "Input", vss_opt1, {!vss1_an}
field = "Wheel diameter", wheeldia1, {vss_opt1 && !vss1_an && (vss_opt1 != 14) && (vss1_pos < 2)}
field = "VSS position/type", vss1_pos
field = "Pulses", vss1_can_scale, {vss_opt1 && !vss1_an && (vss_opt1 != 14) && (vss1_pos > 1)}
field = "Speed sensor #teeth", reluctorteeth1, {vss_opt1 && !vss1_an && (vss_opt1 != 14) && (vss1_pos < 2)}
field = "PWM port", vss1_pwmseq, {vss_opt1 ==15 && !vss1_an}
field = "Scaler", vss1_can_scale, {vss_opt1 ==14 && !vss1_an}
field = "Smoothing lag factor", vss1LF ;, {(vss1_an) || (vss1_opt) }
dialog = vss2, "Vehicle speed sensor 2"
field = "Analogue sensor", vss2_an
field = "Full scale speed", vss2_an_max, {vss2_an}
field = "Input", vss_opt2, {!vss2_an}
field = "Wheel diameter", wheeldia2, {vss_opt2 && !vss2_an && (vss_opt2 != 14) && (vss2_pos < 2)}
field = "VSS position", vss2_pos
field = "Pulses", vss2_can_scale, {vss_opt2 && !vss2_an && (vss_opt2 != 14) && (vss2_pos > 1)}
field = "Speed sensor #teeth", reluctorteeth2, {vss_opt2 && !vss2_an && (vss_opt2 != 14) && (vss2_pos < 2)}
field = "PWM port", vss2_pwmseq, {vss_opt2 ==15 && !vss2_an}
field = "Scaler", vss2_can_scale, {vss_opt2 ==14 && !vss1_an}
field = "Smoothing lag factor", vss2LF ;, {(vss2_an) || (vss_opt2) }
dialog = ss, "Shaft Speed Sensors"
field = "Sensor 1", ss_opt1
field = "Speed sensor #teeth", reluctorteeth3, {ss_opt1 && ss_opt1<15}
field = "Smoothing lag factor", ss1LF ;, {ss_opt2 && ss_opt2<15}
; field = "Remote CANid", ss1_can_id, {ss_opt1 ==15 &&0}
; field = "Remote CAN offset", ss1_can_offset, {ss_opt1 ==15 &&0}
field = ""
field = ""
field = "Sensor 2", ss_opt2
field = "Speed sensor #teeth", reluctorteeth4, {ss_opt2 && ss_opt2<15}
field = "Smoothing lag factor", ss2LF ;, {ss_opt2 && ss_opt2<15}
; field = "Remote CANid", ss2_can_id, {ss_opt2 ==15 &&0}
; field = "Remote CAN offset", ss2_can_offset, {ss_opt2 ==15 &&0}
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
dialog = vssout, "VSS output"
field = "VSS output", vssout_opt
field = "VSSout units", vssout_optunits, { vssout_opt }
field = "Scale", vssout_scale, { vssout_opt }
dialog = vssdotlag, "VSSdot smoothing"
field = "Sample interval", vssdot_int
field = "Lag factor", vssdotLF
dialog = gears, "Gear detection"
field = "Final drive ratio", fdratio1
field = "Method", gear_method
field = "Number of gears", gear_no, {gear_method}
field = "1st ratio", gear1ratio, { (gear_method == 1) }
field = "2nd ratio", gear2ratio, { (gear_method == 1) && (gear_no > 1) } ; would be pretty pointless otherwise!
field = "3rd ratio", gear3ratio, { (gear_method == 1) && (gear_no > 2) }
field = "4th ratio", gear4ratio, { (gear_method == 1) && (gear_no > 3) }
field = "5th ratio", gear5ratio, { (gear_method == 1) && (gear_no > 4) }
field = "6th ratio", gear6ratio, { (gear_method == 1) && (gear_no > 5) }
field = ""
field = "Input port", gear_port_an, { (gear_method == 2) }
field = "Neutral voltage", gear0v, { (gear_method == 2) }
field = "1st gear voltage", gear1v, { (gear_method == 2) }
field = "2nd gear voltage", gear2v, { (gear_method == 2) && (gear_no > 1) }
field = "3rd gear voltage", gear3v, { (gear_method == 2) && (gear_no > 2) }
field = "4th gear voltage", gear4v, { (gear_method == 2) && (gear_no > 3) }
field = "5th gear voltage", gear5v, { (gear_method == 2) && (gear_no > 4) }
field = "6th gear voltage", gear6v, { (gear_method == 2) && (gear_no > 5) }
dialog = ssnorth, "", border
panel = vss1, West
panel = vss2, East
dialog = vssoutdot, "", border
panel = vssout, North
panel = vssdotlag, South
dialog = sssouth, "", border
panel = ss, West
panel = vssoutdot, East
; dialog = speedsensors, "Speed Sensors", border
dialog = speedsensorsmain, "", yAxis
panel = ssnorth
panel = sssouth
dialog = speedsensors, "Speed and Gear Sensors", border
panel = speedsensorsmain, West
panel = gears, East
dialog = accelerometer, "Accelerometer input"
field = "X input", accXport
field = "Y input", accYport
field = "Z input", accZport
field = "X -1g calib.", accXcal1, { accXport }
field = "X +1g calib.", accXcal2, { accXport }
field = "Y -1g calib.", accYcal1, { accYport }
field = "Y +1g calib.", accYcal2, { accYport }
field = "Z -1g calib.", accZcal1, { accZport }
field = "Z +1g calib.", accZcal2, { accZport }
field = "Lag factor", accxyzLF
dialog = xTauSettings, "X-Tau MAPdot Settings"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#um"
field = "#MAPdot Thresholds for transition to X, Tau Decel Tables"
field = "Start Transition", MapThreshXTD
field = "Finish Transition", MapThreshXTD2
dialog = sdcard_top, ""
field = "SD card logging:", log_style_on
field = "Datalog button", log_style2_but, {log_style_on > 1}
field = "LED indicator", log_style_led, {log_style_on}
field = "Log data block size", log_style_block, {log_style_on}
field = "Sampling", log_style2_samp, {(log_style_block != 1) && log_style_on }
field = "Sample interval", log_int, {(log_style_block != 1) && log_style_on }
field = "Log file max duration", log_length, {log_style_on}
field = "Stream input", log_style3_adc, {log_style_block == 1}
field = "SPI comms speed", log_style_ledspd, {log_style_on}
; field = "Glitch tooth logger enable", log_style2_clg
dialog = sdcard_btm, ""
logFieldSelector = dataLogFieldSelector, "Log Field Selection", logFieldOffset, logFieldLength, 55
dialog = sdcard_datalog, "SD Card Datalogging", yAxis
panel = sdcard_top
panel = dataLogFieldSelector
dialog = N2OSystem_topl, ""
field = "Nitrous Control", N2Oopt_2
field = "Enable N2O when above", N2ORpm, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "And Coolant Temp above", N2OClt, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "And TPS >", N2OTps, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Max RPM", N2ORpmMax, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Enrich which bank", N2Oopt_01, { N2Oopt_2 }
dialog = N2OSystem_topr, ""
field = "On/Off vs Progressive mode", N2Oopt2_prog, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Time-based or RPM-based", N2Oopt2_prog_time, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "Solenoid frequency", N2Oopt2_prog_freq, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "AFR safety uses AFR2 targets", N2Oopt_4, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = ""
dialog = N2OSystem1, "Nitrous System Stage 1"
field = "Stage 1 output - nitrous", n2o1n_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Stage 1 output - fuel", n2o1f_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Enable input on:", N2Oopt_pins, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Additional Fuel PW @ N2O min rpm", N2OPWLo, { N2Oopt_2 && !N2Oopt2_prog}
field = "Additional Fuel PW @ N2O max rpm", N2OPWHi, { N2Oopt_2 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "Retard Ignition by", N2OAngle, { N2Oopt_2 && !N2Oopt2_prog}
field = "Nitrous delay after launch", N2Odel_launch, { N2Oopt_2 && launch_opt_on }
field = "Nitrous delay after flat shift", N2Odel_flat, { N2Oopt_2 && launch_opt_on }
field = ""
field = ""
;not yet implemented field = "Nitrous fuel hold on",N2Oholdon, { N2Oopt_2 }
dialog = N2OSystem2, "Nitrous System Stage 2"
field = "Nitrous stage 2", N2Oopt_3, { N2Oopt_2 }
field = "Stage 2 output - nitrous", n2o2n_pins, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 }
field = "Stage 2 output - fuel", n2o2f_pins, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 }
field = "Enable stage 2 above", N2O2Rpm, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "Max RPM", N2O2RpmMax, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "delay after stage1", N2O2delay, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && (!N2Oopt2_prog || !N2Oopt2_prog_time) }
field = "Retard Ignition by", N2O2Angle, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "Additional Fuel PW @ N2O min rpm", N2O2PWLo, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
field = "Additional Fuel PW @ N2O Max RPM", N2O2PWHi, { N2Oopt_2 && N2Oopt_3 && !N2Oopt2_prog }
dialog = N2OSystem_top, "", border
panel = N2OSystem_topl, West
panel = N2OSystem_topr, East
dialog = N2OSystems, "", border
panel = N2OSystem1, West
panel = N2OSystem2, East
dialog = nitrous, "Nitrous oxide control", border
panel = N2OSystem_top, North
panel = N2OSystems, South
dialog = n2o1_curves_time, ""
panel = n2o1_duty_time
panel = n2o1_pw_time
panel = n2o1_retard_time
dialog = n2o2_curves_time, ""
panel = n2o2_duty_time
panel = n2o2_pw_time
panel = n2o2_retard_time
dialog = nitrous_curves_time, "Time-based Progressive Nitrous Oxide Charts", border
panel = n2o1_curves_time, West
panel = n2o2_curves_time, East
dialog = n2o1_curves_rpm, ""
panel = n2o1_duty_rpm
panel = n2o1_pw_rpm
panel = n2o1_retard_rpm
dialog = n2o2_curves_rpm, ""
panel = n2o2_duty_rpm
panel = n2o2_pw_rpm
panel = n2o2_retard_rpm
dialog = nitrous_curves_rpm, "RPM-based Progressive Nitrous Oxide Charts", border
panel = n2o1_curves_rpm, West
panel = n2o2_curves_rpm, East
;combined curves
dialog = n2o_retard_empty, ""
field = ""
dialog = n2o_curves_rpm_t, "", xAxis
panel = n2o_duty_rpm
panel = n2o_pw_rpm
dialog = n2o_curves_rpm_b, "", xAxis
panel = n2o_retard_rpm
panel = n2o_retard_empty
dialog = nitrous_curves_rpm_many, "RPM-based Progressive Nitrous Oxide Charts", border
panel = n2o_curves_rpm_t, North
panel = n2o_curves_rpm_b, South
dialog = overboost, "Overboost Protection"
field = "Overboost protection", OverBoostOption
field = "Maximum Boost", OverBoostKpa, { OverBoostOption > 0 }
field = "Hysteresis", OverBoostHyst, { OverBoostOption > 0 }
field = "Overboost switching", tsw_pin_ob, { OverBoostOption > 0 }
field = "Alt. Maximum Boost", OverBoostKpa2, { (tsw_pin_ob && (OverBoostOption > 0)) || dualfuel_sw2_ob }
field = ""
field = "Cut X sparks", overboostcutx, { OverBoostOption > 1 }
field = "From Y events", overboostcuty, { OverBoostOption > 1 }
dialog = boostfeat, ""
field = "Boost Table Switching", boost_feats_tsw, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Boost Table Switching Gear", boost_gear_switch, { boost_feats_tsw == 15 }
field = ""
field = "Boost timed from launch", boost_feats_timed, {boost_ctl_settings_on && launch_opt_on}
field = ""
field = "Specific Launch duty/target", boost_feats_launch, {boost_ctl_settings_on && launch_opt_on}
field = "Launch boost duty", boost_launch_duty, {boost_ctl_settings_on && launch_opt_on && boost_feats_launch && boost_ctl_settings_cl == 0}
field = "Launch boost target", boost_launch_target, {boost_ctl_settings_on && launch_opt_on && boost_feats_launch && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
field = ""
field = "Boost vs speed", boost_vss, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Above TPS", boost_vss_tps, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_vss}
dialog = boostctlSettings, "Boost Control Settings"
field = "Boost control Enabled", boost_ctl_settings_on
field = "Boost control Use initial value table", boost_ctl_settings_initialvals { boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl }
field = "Solenoid Freq. Range", boost_ctl_pwm, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Solenoid Frequency (mid)", boost_ctl_pwm_scale, { boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm == 1)}
field = "Note, the mid frequency is shared with PWM idle"
field = "Boost Control Pin (high,mid)", boost_ctl_pins_pwm, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm < 2)}
field = "Solenoid Frequency (slow)", boost_ctl_settings_freq, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm == 2)}
field = "Boost Control Pin (slow)", boost_ctl_pins, {boost_ctl_settings_on && (boost_ctl_pwm == 2)}
field = "Output polarity", boost_ctl_settings_invert_new, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
; field = "More output duty gives", boost_ctl_settings_inv, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
; field = "('More boost' was previously called 'Inverted'.)"
field = "Control Interval", boost_ctl_ms, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = ""
field = "Closed Duty", boost_ctl_closeduty, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Open Duty", boost_ctl_openduty, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Boost Control Lower CLT threshold",boost_ctl_clt_threshold, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Boost Control Lower Limit Delta", boost_ctl_lowerlimit, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl }
field = ""
field = "Algorithm", boost_ctl_settings_cl, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Proportional Gain", boost_ctl_Kp, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
field = "Integral Gain", boost_ctl_Ki, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
field = "Differential Gain", boost_ctl_Kd, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl}
dialog = boosteast, ""
panel = overboost, North
panel = boostfeat, South
dialog = boost, "Boost Control", border
panel = boostctlSettings, West
panel = boosteast, East
dialog = boostctlSettings2, "Boost Control Settings 2"
field = "Boost control Enabled", boost_ctl_settings_on2, {boost_ctl_settings_on}
field = "Target duty and boost tables 2 are used."
field = "Boost vs vss or time or tableswitch not supported."
field = "Frequencies same as channel 1"
field = "Boost Control Pin (high,mid)", boost_ctl_pins_pwm2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && (boost_ctl_pwm < 2)}
field = "Boost Control Pin (slow)", boost_ctl_pins2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && (boost_ctl_pwm == 2)}
field = ""
field = "Closed Duty", boost_ctl_closeduty2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "Open Duty", boost_ctl_openduty2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "Boost Control Lower Limit", boost_ctl_lowerlimit2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_cl2 }
field = ""
field = "Algorithm", boost_ctl_settings_cl2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2}
field = "Proportional Gain", boost_ctl_Kp2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "Integral Gain", boost_ctl_Ki2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "Differential Gain", boost_ctl_Kd2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "MAP sensor to target", boost_ctl_sensor2, {boost_ctl_settings_on && boost_ctl_settings_on2 && boost_ctl_settings_cl2}
field = "Must be defined in Generic Sensors"
dialog = maxafrset, ""
field = "Enable AFR Safety", maxafr_opt1_on
field = "Warning output", maxafr_opt1_led, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action }
field = "Load axis", maxafr_opt1_load, { maxafr_opt1_on }
field = "Check above load", maxafr_en_load, { maxafr_opt1_on }
field = "Check above RPM", maxafr_en_rpm, { maxafr_opt1_on }
field = "Wait for", maxafr_en_time, { maxafr_opt1_on }
field = "Kill spark for", maxafr_spkcut_time, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action}
field = "Then kill fuel until..." ;, "", { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action}
field = "TPS below", maxafr_ret_tps, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action}
field = "MAP below", maxafr_ret_map, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action}
field = "RPM below", maxafr_ret_rpm, { maxafr_opt1_on || egt_conf_action}
dialog = maxafrTbls, "AFR difference table", border
panel = maxafr1Tbl, West
dialog = maxafr, "Maximum AFR Safety System", border
panel = maxafrset, West
panel = maxafrTbls, East
dialog = egtwestn, "Configuration"
field = "No. EGT inputs", egt_num
field = ""
field = "Calibration - see documentation"
field = "Temp at 0V", egtcal_temp0, {egt_num}
field = "Temp at 5V", egtcal_tempmax, {egt_num}
dialog = egtwests, "Actions"
field = "EGT actions", egt_conf_action
field = "Warning LED same as AFR safety"
field = "Warn temperature", egt_warn, {egt_conf_action}
field = "Added fuel", egt_addfuel, {egt_conf_action}
field = "Add to", egt_conf_bank, {egt_conf_action}
field = "Shutdown engine", egt_conf_shutdown, {egt_conf_action}
field = "Time > warn temp", egt_time, {egt_conf_action && egt_conf_shutdown}
field = "Max temperature", egt_max, {egt_conf_action && egt_conf_shutdown}
field = "See AFR safety for shutdown options"
dialog = egtwest, "", yAxis
panel = egtwestn, North
panel = egtwests, South
dialog = egteast, "Data capture"
field = "EGT 1 channel", egt1port, { (egt_num > 0) }
field = "EGT 2 channel", egt2port, { (egt_num > 1) }
field = "EGT 3 channel", egt3port, { (egt_num > 2) }
field = "EGT 4 channel", egt4port, { (egt_num > 3) }
field = "EGT 5 channel", egt5port, { (egt_num > 4) }
field = "EGT 6 channel", egt6port, { (egt_num > 5) }
field = "EGT 7 channel", egt7port, { (egt_num > 6) }
field = "EGT 8 channel", egt8port, { (egt_num > 7) }
field = "EGT 9 channel", egt9port, { (egt_num > 8) }
field = "EGT 10 channel", egt10port, { (egt_num > 9) }
field = "EGT 11 channel", egt11port, { (egt_num > 10) }
field = "EGT 12 channel", egt12port, { (egt_num > 11) }
field = "EGT 13 channel", egt13port, { (egt_num > 12) }
field = "EGT 14 channel", egt14port, { (egt_num > 13) }
field = "EGT 15 channel", egt15port, { (egt_num > 14) }
field = "EGT 16 channel", egt16port, { (egt_num > 15) }
dialog = egt, "EGT / Thermocouple inputs", border
panel = egtwest, West
panel = egteast, East
dialog = injseq, "Injector Sequence"
field = "These settings allow batch firing to be sequenced from a specific"
field = "trigger number for repeatable phasing on each start."
field = "Enable sequenced batch fire", feature3_3
field = "Injector sequence start trigger no.", trig_init, {feature3_3 }
dialog = canwest, ""
field = "My CAN ID", mycan_id
field = "Enable PWM polling", enable_pollPWM
field = "Remote CAN Id", can_poll_id, { enable_pollPWM }
field = "Remote table number for PWM data", poll_tablePWM, { enable_pollPWM }
field = "Remote table offset for PWM data", poll_offsetPWM, { enable_pollPWM }
field = "Remote clock", canpwm_clk, { enable_pollPWM }
field = "Remote prescale", canpwm_pre, { enable_pollPWM }
field = "Remote divider", canpwm_div, { enable_pollPWM }
field = ""
field = "Enable ADC polling", enable_pollADC
dialog = caneast, ""
field = "Digital ports"
field = "Remote CAN Id", can_poll_id_ports, { enable_pollports_digin || enable_pollports_digout}
field = "Table", poll_tableports, { enable_pollports_digin || enable_pollports_digout}
field = "Enable input port", enable_pollports_digin
field = "Offset", can_poll_digin_offset, { enable_pollports_digin}
field = "Enable output port", enable_pollports_digout
field = "Offset", can_poll_digout_offset, { enable_pollports_digout}
field = ""
field = "Enable PWM outputs", enable_pwmout
field = "Remote CAN Id", can_pwmout_id, { enable_pwmout }
field = "Table", can_pwmout_tab, { enable_pwmout }
field = "Offset", can_pwmout_offset, { enable_pwmout }
;CAN adcs
dialog = canadc_opt, "", yAxis
field = "CAN ADC group on/off"
field = "CAN ADC 1- 4", canadc_opt1, { enable_pollADC }
field = "CAN ADC 5- 8", canadc_opt2, { enable_pollADC }
field = "CAN ADC 9-12", canadc_opt3, { enable_pollADC }
field = "CAN ADC 13-16", canadc_opt4, { enable_pollADC }
field = "CAN ADC 17-20", canadc_opt5, { enable_pollADC }
field = "CAN ADC 21-24", canadc_opt6, { enable_pollADC }
dialog = canadc_id, "", yAxis
field = "CAN Id"
field = "", canadc_id1, { canadc_opt1 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_id2, { canadc_opt2 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_id3, { canadc_opt3 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_id4, { canadc_opt4 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_id5, { canadc_opt5 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_id6, { canadc_opt6 && enable_pollADC }
dialog = canadc_tab, "", yAxis
field = "Table"
field = "", canadc_tab1, { canadc_opt1 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_tab2, { canadc_opt2 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_tab3, { canadc_opt3 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_tab4, { canadc_opt4 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_tab5, { canadc_opt5 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_tab6, { canadc_opt6 && enable_pollADC }
dialog = canadc_off, "", yAxis
field = "Offset"
field = "", canadc_off1, { canadc_opt1 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_off2, { canadc_opt2 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_off3, { canadc_opt3 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_off4, { canadc_opt4 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_off5, { canadc_opt5 && enable_pollADC }
field = "", canadc_off6, { canadc_opt6 && enable_pollADC }
dialog = canadcs, "CAN ADC selection", xAxis
panel = canadc_opt
panel = canadc_id
panel = canadc_tab
panel = canadc_off
dialog = can_top, "", xAxis
panel = canwest
panel = caneast
dialog = canparams, "CAN Parameters", border
panel = can_top, North
panel = canadcs, South
dialog = canbroadcast, "CAN Broadcasting"
field = "Enable broadcasting", can_bcast1_on
field = "Broadcast interval", can_bcast_int, { can_bcast1_on }
field = "0x280 rpm * 4", can_bcast1_280x4, { can_bcast1_on }
field = "0x280 rpm * 1", can_bcast1_280x1, { can_bcast1_on }
field = "0x289 coolant", can_bcast1_289, { can_bcast1_on }
dialog = canvss1, "CAN VSS and gear selection"
field = "This is for polling the actual vehicle speed"
field = "mph/kph from a remote device."
field = "For a pulse input use the CAN PWM instead"
field = "Remote CAN id", vss1_can_id
field = "Remote CAN table", vss1_can_table
field = ""
field = "VSS1 offset", vss1_can_offset, {vss_opt1 == 0x0e}
field = "Data size", vss1_can_size, {vss_opt1 == 0x0e}
field = ""
field = "VSS2 offset", vss2_can_offset, {vss_opt2 == 0x0e}
field = "Data size", vss2_can_size, {vss_opt2 == 0x0e}
field = ""
field = "Gear# offset", gear_can_offset, {(gear_method & 0x03) == 0x03}
dialog = canrtc, "Real time clock"
field = "Enable real time clock", opt142_rtc
field = "Trim +/-", rtc_trim, {opt142_rtc}
field = "Remote CAN id", can_poll_id_rtc, {opt142_rtc == 2}
field = "Table", poll_table_rtc, {opt142_rtc == 2 }
field = "Offset", poll_offset_rtc, {opt142_rtc == 2}
dialog = canego, "Innovate EGO data via CAN"
field = "Fetch Innovate EGO data", can_poll2_ego
field = "Remote CAN id", can_ego_id, {can_poll2_ego}
field = "Table", can_ego_table, {can_poll2_ego}
field = "Offset", can_ego_offset, {can_poll2_ego}
dialog = canvss, "CAN VSS, gear, EGO", yAxis
panel = canvss1
panel = canego
dialog = realtimeclock, "", yAxis
panel = canrtc
panel = std_ms3Rtc
dialog = tablesw1, "Table Switching"
field = "Fuel Table Switching", f5_0_tsf, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel) }
field = "Switch source", f5_0_tsf_opt, { f5_0_tsf && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
field = "Input pin", tsw_pin_f, { f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 0) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
field = "rpm greater than", tsf_rpm, { f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 1) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
field = "kPa greater than", tsf_kpa, { f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 2) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
field = "TPS greater than", tsf_tps, { f5_0_tsf && (f5_0_tsf_opt == 3) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_fuel)}
field = ""
field = "Spark Table Switching", f5_0_tss, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk) }
field = "Switch source", f5_0_tss_opt, { f5_0_tss && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)}
field = "Input pin", tsw_pin_s, { f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 0) }
field = "rpm greater than", tss_rpm, { f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 1) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)}
field = "kPa greater than", tss_kpa, { f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 2) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)}
field = "TPS greater than", tss_tps, { f5_0_tss && (f5_0_tss_opt == 3) && !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_spk)}
field = ""
field = "Req Fuel Switching", tsw_pin_rf, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_rf)}
field = "Alternate ReqFuel (lower number)", ReqFuel_alt, { tsw_pin_rf || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_rf)}
field = ""
field = "AFR table Switching", tsw_pin_afr, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_afr)}
field = ""
field = "Stoich Switching", tsw_pin_stoich, { !(dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_stoich)}
field = "Alternate Stoich", stoich_alt, { tsw_pin_stoich || (dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_sw_stoich)}
field = ""
field = "Boost control table switching is on the boost control menu"
dialog = dualfuel, "Dual Fuel switching"
field = "Dual fuel enable", dualfuel_sw_on
field = "Mode", dualfuel_opt_mode, { dualfuel_sw_on }
field = "Outputs mode", dualfuel_opt_out, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Secondary outputs", staged_extended_opts_use_v3, { dualfuel_sw_on && (dualfuel_opt_out || dualfuel_opt_mode) }
;was { ((dualfuel_opt_out || dualfuel_opt_mode) && hardware_fuel && ((nCylinders <= 4)) || ((nCylinders > 4) && (sequential == 1))) }
field = "Secondary v3 alternate", staged_extended_opts_simult, { ((dualfuel_opt_out || dualfuel_opt_mode) && staged_extended_opts_use_v3) || ((nCylinders > 4) && (dualfuel_opt_out || dualfuel_opt_mode) && hardware_fuel && !(sequential & 0x1)) }
field = "Input pin", dualfuel_pin, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. fuel tables", dualfuel_sw_fuel, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. spark tables", dualfuel_sw_spk, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. AFR tables", dualfuel_sw_afr, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. ReqFuel", dualfuel_sw_rf, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. Stoich", dualfuel_sw_stoich, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. warmup", dualfuel_sw_wue, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. afterstart", dualfuel_sw_ase, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. priming", dualfuel_sw2_prime, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. cranking pulse", dualfuel_sw2_crank, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. injector params", dualfuel_sw2_injp, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. small pulsewidths", dualfuel_sw2_smpw, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. overboost", dualfuel_sw2_ob, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Alt. boost table", dualfuel_sw2_boosw, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = ""
field = "Enable Temperature Adjustment", dualfuel_opt_temp, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Temperature on", dualfuel_temp_sens, { dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_temp}
field = "Enable Pressure Adjustment", dualfuel_opt_press, { dualfuel_sw_on && !dualfuel_opt_mode }
field = "Gauge Pressure in kPa on", dualfuel_press_sens, { dualfuel_sw_on && dualfuel_opt_press}
field = "Pressure used = Gauge + Baro - MAP"
dialog = tablesw, "Table Switching and Dual Fuel", xAxis
panel = tablesw1, West
panel = dualfuel, East
dialog = outputTestbuttons1a, "", xAxis
;commandButton = "Label Text", command, { Enabled Condition }, optionalFlags
; The rem > 0 expression is just for testing.. It works when the MS is on the Stim with rpm.
; a status bit there would be the expected real expression
commandButton = "Enable Test Mode", cmdEnterTestMode, { (!(status3 & 8)) && (rpm == 0)}
; if clickOnCloseIfEnabled is set, then the command assigned to this button will be run on the
; dialog close, but only if the enable condition is true
; valid click flags are:
; clickOnCloseIfEnabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is true
; clickOnCloseIfDisabled - the command will be sent on dialog close if active condition is false
; clickOnClose - the command will be sent on dialog close always
commandButton = "Disable Test Mode", cmdStopTestmode, { status3 & 8 }, clickOnCloseIfEnabled
dialog = outputTestbuttons1b, ""
field = "Ensure engine is stationary or stim RPM is 0 before testing injectors or coils"
dialog = outputTestbuttons1, "Test Mode Controls", yAxis
panel = outputTestbuttons1a
panel = outputTestbuttons1b
dialog = outputTestbuttons2, "Fuel pump", xAxis
commandButton = "Fuel pump on", cmdfpon, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Fuel pump off", cmdfpoff, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest_l, "Output test modes", yAxis
dialog = outputtest_spk_l, "", yAxis
field = "Output interval", testint
displayOnlyField = "RPM (coil on plug)", testrpm
field = "Coil testing mode", testop_coil
field = "Coil output to test", testsel_coil
field = "Dwell", testdwell
dialog = outputtest_spk_r, "", yAxis
commandButton = "Start", cmdtestspkon, { testop_coil && (status3 & 8) && testdwell }
commandButton = "Stop", cmdtestinjspkoff, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest_inj_l, "", yAxis
field = "Output interval", testint
displayOnlyField = "RPM (full sequential)", testrpm
field = "Injector testing mode", testop_inj
field = "Injector channel to test", testsel_inj
field = "Pulsewidth", testpw
field = "Total number of injections", testinjcnt
dialog = outputtest_inj_r, "", yAxis
commandButton = "Start", cmdtestinjon, { testop_inj && (status3 & 8) && testpw && testinjcnt }
commandButton = "Stop", cmdtestinjspkoff, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest_spk, "Coil testing", xAxis
panel = outputtest_spk_l
panel = outputtest_spk_r
dialog = outputtest_inj, "Injector testing", xAxis
panel = outputtest_inj_l
panel = outputtest_inj_r
dialog = outputtest_controls, "Output test modes", yAxis
panel = outputTestbuttons1
panel = outputTestbuttons2
panel = outputtest_spk
panel = outputtest_inj
dialog = outputtest_r, "Reference gauges", yAxis
gauge = voltMeter, North
gauge = injcountGauge, South
dialog = outputtest, "", xAxis
panel = outputtest_controls
panel = outputtest_r
dialog = outputtest9, "Fuel pump", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdfpoff, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdfpon, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest16, "PWM Out 2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest16off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest16pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest16on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest10, "High Curr 3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest10off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest10pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest10on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest11, "High Curr 1", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest11off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest11pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest11on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest12, "High Curr 2", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest12off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest12pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest12on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest13, "PWM Out 3", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest13off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest13pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest13on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest14, "PWM/Idle 1", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest14off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest14pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest14on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest15, "Tach Out", yAxis
commandButton = "Off", cmdtest15off, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "Pulsed", cmdtest15pulsed, { status3 & 8 }
commandButton = "On", cmdtest15on, { status3 & 8 }
dialog = outputtest_io_warning, ""
field = "Caution! Used incorrectly this can cause hardware damage. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK."
field = "The pin/port will be forced into an output overriding any other configuration."
field = "After testing, turn off/on the ECU to restore normal settings."
dialog = outputtest_io_pwm, "Pulse settings", xAxis
field = "Pulse frequency", pwm_testio
field = "Pulse duty cycle", duty_testio
dialog = outputtest_io1, "Outputs", xAxis
panel = outputtest9
panel = outputtest16
panel = outputtest10
panel = outputtest11
panel = outputtest12
panel = outputtest13
panel = outputtest14
panel = outputtest15
dialog = outputtest_io, "", yAxis
panel = outputTestbuttons1
panel = outputtest_io_pwm
panel = outputtest_io1
panel = outputtest_io_warning
dialog = iactest_l, "", yAxis
field = "Idle valve testing can be used with the engine running or stationary"
field = ""
field = "Idle valve homing steps", iachometest, {( IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 ) }
field = "Idle valve step (0-255)", iacpostest, {( IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 ) }
field = "PWM idle duty% (0-100)", iacpostest, {( IdleCtl == 4 || IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "Set the steps before enabling testing"
dialog = iactest_r, "", yAxis
commandButton = "Enable test - home position", cmdtestiachome, {( IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 ) }
commandButton = "Enable test - run position", cmdtestiacon
commandButton = "Stop testing", cmdtestiacoff
dialog = iactest_top, "", xAxis
panel = iactest_l
panel = iactest_r
dialog = iactest_bot, "", xAxis
gauge = IACgauge
gauge = PWMIdlegauge
dialog = iactest, "Idle valve test", yAxis
panel = iactest_top
panel = iactest_bot
dialog = special, "Special options"
field = "Pulsewidth scaling", feature3_pw4x
field = "Digital Switched 12V In pulldown", feature3_n2oin
; field = "tooth to debug", dbgtooth
; field = "S16 debug", s16_debug
; field = "U08 debug 134", u08_debug134
; field = "Log MAP instead of teeth", feature3_maplog
; dialog = lttrim, "Long Term Trim settings"
; field = "Enable experi. long term trim", ltt_opt_on
; field = "Write method", ltt_opt_mode, {ltt_opt_on}
; field = "Burn button", ltt_but_in, {ltt_opt_on && (ltt_opt_mode == 1)}
; field = "Burn Interval", ltt_int, {ltt_opt_on && (ltt_opt_mode == 0)}
; field = "LED output", ltt_led_out,{ltt_opt_on}
; field = "Change threshold", ltt_thresh, {ltt_opt_on}
dialog = EAElagcomp, "EAE lag compensation"
field = "Source", EAElagsource
field = "Threshold", EAElagthresh
field = "Max RPM", EAElagRPMmax
dialog = RotaryTrailingSettings, "Rotary Settings"
field = "See also Rotary Split Table"
field = "Output mode", RotarySplitModeFD, { (twoStroke == 3) && (nCylinders == 2) && (spk_mode3 == 2) }
field = "Allow negative split?", RotarySplitModeNeg, { twoStroke == 3 }
field = "Trailing Dwell time", dwelltime_trl, { (twoStroke == 3) && (spk_mode0 >1) && (dwellmode==0) }
dialog = noisefiltering, "", yAxis
field = "See the web help for more information about noise filtering"
field = "Noise filter period", dlyct
; note that use of this depends on whether the wheel is single/double edged
field = "#PRIMARY TACH (crank)"
field = "Noise Filter Enabled", NoiseFilterOpts
field = "Use noise filter curve to tune"
field = "Tach period rejection", NoiseFilterOpts1
field = "Tach interrupt masking", NoiseFilterOpts2, {NoiseFilterOpts == 0}
field = "Time", ICISR_tmask, {NoiseFilterOpts1 || NoiseFilterOpts2}
field = "Percentage", ICISR_pmask, {NoiseFilterOpts1 || NoiseFilterOpts2}
; field = "Polarity checking", NoiseFilterOpts3, {NoiseFilterOpts == 0}
; note that use of this depends on whether the wheel uses a cam and/or if it is single/double edged
field = "#SECONDARY TACH (cam)"
field = "Noise Filter Enabled", secondtrigopts;
field = "Noise Filter Time Period", TC5_required_width, { secondtrigopts & 0x1 }
field = "Tach period rejection", secondtrigopts1
field = "Tach interrupt masking", secondtrigopts2, { secondtrigopts == 0 }
field = "Time", IC2ISR_tmask, {secondtrigopts1 || secondtrigopts2}
field = "Percentage", IC2ISR_pmask, {secondtrigopts1 || secondtrigopts2}
; field = "Polarity checking", secondtrigopts3, { secondtrigopts == 0 }
dialog = noisefilterpad
field = "Note, a power cycle is required after enabling/disabling"
field = " the noise filters"
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
dialog = Eastnoisefilter, "", yAxis
panel = NoiseFiltercurve
panel = noisefilterpad, South
dialog = noisefiltering2, "Noise Filtering", xAxis
panel = noisefiltering, West
panel = Eastnoisefilter, East
dialog = launchwest, ""
field = "Launch control option:", launch_opt_on
field = ""
field = "Input on:", launch_opt_pins, { launch_opt_on >0 }
field = "Launch retard above", launch_sft_lim, {launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Retard to", launch_sft_deg, {launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Launch fuel add/remove", launch_opt_bank, { launch_opt_on >0 }
field = "Fuel addition", launch_addfuel, {launch_opt_bank && launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Enable Launch when TPS above ", launch_tps, { launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Launch hard limit", launch_hrd_lim, {launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Limiter method", launchlimopt, { launch_opt_on >0}
field = "Cut X sparks", launchcutx, { (launchlimopt & 1) && (launch_opt_on >0) }
field = "from Y events", launchcuty, { (launchlimopt & 1) && (launch_opt_on >0) }
field = "Cut fuel above", launch_fcut_rpm, { (launchlimopt & 1) && (launch_opt_on >0) }
field = "Disable launch when VSS1 above", launch_maxvss, { (launch_opt_on == 1) && (vss_opt1 || vss1_an) }
field = "Flat shift arming rpm", flats_arm, { launch_opt_on >1 }
field = "Flat shift mode retard above", flats_sft, { launch_opt_on >1 }
field = "Retard to : ", flats_deg, { launch_opt_on >1 }
field = "Flat shift hard rev limit", flats_hrd, { launch_opt_on >1 }
field = ""
field = "Timed retard after launch", launch_opt_retard, { launch_opt_on }
dialog = launchnortheast, "Variable Launch"
field = "Variable launch input", launch_var_on, { launch_opt_on >0 }
field = " -minimum setting", launch_var_low, {launch_var_on && launch_opt_on >0 }
field = " -maximum setting", launch_var_up, {launch_var_on && launch_opt_on >0 }
field = " -soft limit lower by", launch_var_sof, {launch_var_on && launch_opt_on >0 }
dialog = launchsoutheast, "3-step / burnout limiter"
field = "3-step input", launch_3step_in, {launch_opt_on >0 }
field = " -Retard above", launch_sft_lim3, {launch_3step_in && launch_opt_on >0}
field = " -Retard to", launch_sft_deg3, {launch_3step_in && launch_opt_on >0}
field = " -Hard limit", launch_hrd_lim3, {launch_3step_in && launch_opt_on >0}
dialog = launchtbtstop, "Transbrake, throttle stop"
field = "Transbrake button input", timedout1_in
field = "Transbrake output", timedout1_out, {timedout1_in}
field = "Delay", timedout1_offdelay, {timedout1_in && timedout1_out}
field = ""
field = "Throttle stop output", tstop_out
field = "On delay after launch", tstop_delay, {tstop_out}
field = "Keep on for", tstop_hold, {tstop_out}
dialog = launcheast, "", yAxis
panel = launchnortheast
panel = launchtbtstop
panel = launchsoutheast
dialog = launch, "Launch control/ 2-step / 3-step", border
panel = launchwest, West
panel = launcheast, East
dialog = tacho, "Tachometer output"
; topicHelp = tachohelp
field = "Tacho output enabled", tacho_opt80
field = ""
field = "Output on:", tacho_opt3f, { tacho_opt80 }
field = "Speed", tacho_opt40, { tacho_opt80 }
dialog = overrun, "Over Run Fuel Cut"
; topicHelp = Chelp8
field = "Over Run Fuel Cut", OvrRunC
field = "Cut fuel when:"
field = "RPM greater than:", fc_rpm, { OvrRunC }
field = "and KPa lower than: ", fc_kpa, { OvrRunC }
field = "and TPS lower than: ", fc_tps, { OvrRunC }
field = "and coolant greater than:", fc_clt, { OvrRunC }
field = "after delay", fc_delay, { OvrRunC }
field = ""
field = "Delay EGO after fuel return:", fc_ego_delay, { OvrRunC }
field = "Return fuel when RPM less than:", fc_rpm_lower, { OvrRunC }
dialog = staging, "Staged Injection"
field = "Staged injection first parameter", staged_first_param
field = "Primary injector size", staged_pri_size, { staged_first_param }
field = "Secondary injector size", staged_sec_size, { staged_first_param }
field = "Transition fully to secondaries", staged_extended_opts_pw1off, { staged_first_param }
field = "Secondary outputs", staged_extended_opts_use_v3, { staged_first_param }
field = "Secondary v3 alternate", staged_extended_opts_simult, { (staged_extended_opts_use_v3 && staged_first_param) || ((nCylinders > 4) && (staged_first_param) && (hardware_fuel) && !(sequential & 0x1)) }
field = ""
field = "Gradual transition", staged_transition_on, { staged_first_param && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = "Transition events", staged_transition_events, { (staged_first_param && staged_transition_on) && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = "Primary reduction delay", staged_primary_delay, { (staged_first_param && staged_transition_on) && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = "Secondary enrichment", staged_secondary_enrichment, { (staged_first_param && staged_transition_on) && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = ""
field = "Primary staging threshold", staged_param_1, { staged_first_param && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = "Primary staging hysteresis", staged_hyst_1, { staged_first_param && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = ""
field = "Second parameter", staged_second_param, { staged_first_param && ((staged_first_param & 0x7) != 5) }
field = "Secondary staging threshold", staged_param_2, { staged_second_param }
field = "Secondary staging hysteresis", staged_hyst_2, { staged_second_param }
field = "Secondary staging logic", staged_second_logic, { staged_second_param }
dialog = stagedCombined, "Staged Settings", border
panel = staging, West
panel = stagedTable, Center, { (staged_first_param & 0x7) == 5 }
dialog = crsettings, "Cranking settings"
field = "Cranking RPM", crankingRPM
field = ""
field = "Flood clear TPS", floodClear
field = "Above this throttle no fuel is injected"
field = "Cranking fuel pulse rate ", altcrank
field = "Blended cranking curves", alternate_blend
field = ""
field = "Priming pulse delay", primedelay
field = "Ignore MAT correction during ASE", feature3_matase
field = "ASE count units", feature3_aseunit
dialog = generalSettings, "General Settings"
; topicHelp = "http://www.megasquirt.info/megatune.htm#sg"
field = "Barometric Correction", baroCorr
field = "Realtime baro port", rtbaroport, {baroCorr == 2}
field = "Upper limit", baro_upper, {baroCorr}
field = "Lower limit", baro_lower, {baroCorr}
field = "Default baro", baro_default, {baroCorr < 2}
field = "MAP Sensor type", mapport_t
field = "Voltage input port", mapport, {mapport_t == 0}
field = "Frequency input port", mapport_f, {mapport_t == 1}
field = "Low frequency", map_freq0, {mapport_t == 1}
field = "High frequency", map_freq1, {mapport_t == 1}
field = "2nd MAP port", map2port
field = "(See also Tools->Calibrate MAP/Baro)"
field = "MegaView Temp. Units", tempUnits
field = "#Input Smoothing Lag Factors"
field = "MAP Averaging Lag Factor", mapLF
field = "MAF Averaging Lag Factor", mafLF
field = "RPM Averaging Lag Factor", rpmLF
field = "TPS Averaging Lag Factor", tpsLF
field = "Lambda Averaging Lag Factor", egoLF
field = "CLT/MAT/Battery Lag Factor", adcLF
field = "Auto-zero TPS", feature3_tps
dialog = secondaryLoad, "Load parameters"
field = "Primary Fuel Load", algorithm
field = "Secondary Fuel Load", algorithm2
field = "Secondary Fuel", loadCombine, {algorithm2 != 0 }
field = "Multiply MAP (VE1/3)", loadMult
field = "99% of Speed-Density installs should use Multiply"
field = "Multiply MAP (VE2/4)", loadMult2, {algorithm2 && (loadCombine == 2)}
field = ""
field = "Incorporate AFRTarget", loadStoich
field = "Stoichiometric AFR", stoich ;, { loadStoich } needed for lambda calc even if not incl AFR
field = ""
field = "Primary Ignition Load", IgnAlgorithm
field = "Secondary Ignition Load", IgnAlgorithm2
field = "Secondary Ignition", loadCombineign, {IgnAlgorithm2}
field = ""
field = "AFR table load", afrload
field = "EAE curve load", eaeload
dialog = eastgeneral, ""
panel = secondaryLoad, North
panel = overrun, South
dialog = generalsettings2, "General settings", border
panel = generalSettings, West
panel = eastgeneral, East
dialog = revlimiter, ""
field = "SPARK RETARD"
field = "Mode", RevLimOption_retard
field = "Retard above", RevLimNormal1, { RevLimOption_retard && (RevLimCLTbased == 0) }
field = "Maximum Retard", RevLimMaxRtd, { RevLimOption_retard == 1 }
field = "Retard to", RevLimRtdAng, { RevLimOption_retard == 2}
field = ""
field = "SPARK CUT"
field = "Enable spark cut limiting", RevLimOption_spkcut
field = "Spark cut above", RevLimNormal3, { RevLimOption_spkcut }
field = "Cut X sparks", RevLimcutx, { RevLimOption_spkcut }
field = "from Y events", RevLimcuty, { RevLimOption_spkcut }
field = ""
field = "FUEL CUT"
field = "Hard Fuel cut limit", RevLimNormal2
field = "Hysteresis", RevLimNormal2_hyst
field = ""
field = "Rev Limiter CLT based", RevLimCLTbased
field = "Rev Limit Adder", RevLimRpm2, { RevLimCLTbased & 1 }
field = "Rev Limit TPS bypass", TpsBypassCLTRevlim, { RevLimCLTbased & 1 }
field = "RPM when in TPS bypass", RevLimTPSbypassRPM, { RevLimCLTbased & 1 }
field = "Beyond upper temperature, nomal limits above are used"
dialog = revlimiter2, "Rev limiter", border
panel = revlimiter, West
panel = revlimiterBins, Center, { RevLimCLTbased & 1 }
dialog = flexn, ""
field = "#Spark/fuel"
field = "Sensor frequency"
field = "Ethanol mix"
field = "Fuel Multiplier%"
field = "Timing Addition"
field = "#Temp sense"
field = "Sensor PW"
field = "Fuel temp"
dialog = flexl, ""
field = "Low"
field = "", fuelFreq0, { flexFuel }
field = "", flex_pct0, { flexFuel }
field = "", fuelCorr0, { flexFuel }
field = "", fuelSpkDel0, { flexFuel }
field = "Low"
field = "", ff_tpw0, { flexFuel && (fueltemp1 == 1)}
field = "", ff_temp0, { flexFuel && (fueltemp1 == 1)}
dialog = flexh, ""
field = "High"
field = "", fuelFreq1, { flexFuel }
field = "", flex_pct1, { flexFuel }
field = "", fuelCorr1, { flexFuel }
field = "", fuelSpkDel1, { flexFuel }
field = "High"
field = "", ff_tpw1, { flexFuel && (fueltemp1 == 1)}
field = "", ff_temp1, { flexFuel && (fueltemp1 == 1)}
dialog = ff_table1, "", xAxis
panel = flexn
panel = flexl
panel = flexh
dialog = ff_fallback, "", yAxis
field = "#Fallback for sensor failure"
field = "Fallback Fuel Multiplier%", fuelCorr_default, { flexFuel > 0 }
field = "Fallback Timing Addition", fuelSpkDel_default, { flexFuel > 0 }
dialog = flexFuelSettings, "Fuel Sensor Settings", yAxis
field = "Flex Fuel Sensor", flexFuel
field = "Sensor port", flexport, { flexFuel > 0 }
panel = ff_table1
field = "Temperature input", fueltemp1
panel = ff_fallback
dialog = sequentialOptions, "Sequential Fuel Injection"
field = "Main fuel outputs", hardware_fuel
field = "Sequential On", sequential
field = "Angle specifies:", sequential_angle_spec, { sequential != 0 }
field = "Injector Trim", sequential_trim_on_off
dialog = firingorder1, "Firing Order"
field = "A.", firea
field = "B.", fireb, { nCylinders > 1}
field = "C.", firec, { nCylinders > 2}
field = "D.", fired, { nCylinders > 3}
field = "E.", firee, { nCylinders > 4}
field = "F.", firef, { nCylinders > 5}
field = "G.", fireg, { nCylinders > 6}
field = "H.", fireh, { nCylinders > 7}
dialog = firingorder2, "Firing Order"
field = "I.", firei, { nCylinders > 8}
field = "J.", firej, { nCylinders > 9}
field = "K.", firek, { nCylinders > 10}
field = "L.", firel, { nCylinders > 11}
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
field = ""
dialog = firingorder, "", xAxis
panel = firingorder1, West
panel = firingorder2, East
dialog = seqfo, "", border
panel = sequentialOptions, North
panel = firingorder, South
dialog = base3, "", yAxis
field = "Engine size", enginesize
field = "Injector size each", staged_pri_size
dialog = base2, "", yAxis
panel = std_injection, North
panel = base3, South
dialog = base, "Engine and Sequential Settings", border
panel = base2, West
panel = seqfo, East
;main injector parameters
dialog = ot_ot, "", yAxis
field = "Dead time"
field = "@ 13.2V"
field = "A", injOpen1
field = "B", injOpen2, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "C", injOpen3, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "D", injOpen4, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "E", injOpen5, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "F", injOpen6, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "G", injOpen7, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "H", injOpen8, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "I", injOpena, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "J", injOpenb, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "K", injOpen11, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "L", injOpen12, {opentime_opt1_master}
dialog = ot_curve, "", yAxis
field = "", opentime_opt1_master
field = "Voltage dead"
field = "time curve"
field = "", opentime_opt1
field = "", opentime_opt2, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt3, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt4, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt5, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt6, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt7, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt8, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opta, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_optb, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt11, {opentime_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime_opt12, {opentime_opt1_master}
dialog = injchar_ms3x, "Injectors", xAxis
panel = ot_ot
panel = ot_curve
; 9-16
dialog = injcurveswest, "", yAxis
panel = opencurve0, North
panel = opencurve2, South
dialog = injcurveseast, "", yAxis
panel = opencurve1, North
panel = opencurve3, South
dialog = injcurves, "", xAxis
panel = injcurveswest
panel = injcurveseast
dialog = injCharswest, "", yAxis
panel = injchar_ms3x, North
dialog = injsettings, "", border
panel = injCharswest, West
panel = injcurves, Center
; table-switched alternate parameters
dialog = ot_ot2, "", yAxis
field = "Dead time"
field = "@ 13.2V"
field = "A", inj2Open1
field = "B", inj2Open2, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "C", inj2Open3, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "D", inj2Open4, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "E", inj2Open5, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "F", inj2Open6, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "G", inj2Open7, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "H", inj2Open8, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "I", inj2Opena, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "J", inj2Openb, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "K", inj2Open11, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "L", inj2Open12, {opentime2_opt1_master}
dialog = ot_curve2, "", yAxis
field = "", opentime2_opt1_master
field = "Voltage dead"
field = "time curve"
field = "", opentime2_opt1
field = "", opentime2_opt2, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt3, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt4, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt5, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt6, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt7, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt8, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opta, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_optb, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt11, {opentime2_opt1_master}
field = "", opentime2_opt12, {opentime2_opt1_master}
dialog = injchar_ms3x_2, "Injectors", xAxis
panel = ot_ot2
panel = ot_curve2
dialog = injCharswest2, "", yAxis
panel = injchar_ms3x_2, North
dialog = injsettings2, "", border
panel = injCharswest2, West
dialog = smallpwwest2, ""
field = "Enable non-linear small pulsewidths", smallpw2_opt1_master
field = "(This is for the alternate injectors from dual-fuel)"
field = "Injector A", smallpw2_opt1, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector B", smallpw2_opt2, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector C", smallpw2_opt3, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector D", smallpw2_opt4, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector E", smallpw2_opt5, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector F", smallpw2_opt6, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector G", smallpw2_opt7, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector H", smallpw2_opt8, { smallpw2_opt1_master }
field = "Injector I", smallpw2_opta, { smallpw2_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 8)) }
field = "Injector J", smallpw2_optb, { smallpw2_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 9)) }
field = "Injector K", smallpw2_opt11, { smallpw2_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 10)) }
field = "Injector L", smallpw2_opt12, { smallpw2_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 11)) }
dialog = smallpw2, "Non-Linear small pulsewidths 2", border
panel = smallpwwest2, West
dialog = smallpwwest, ""
field = "Enable non-linear small pulsewidths", smallpw_opt1_master
field = "!CAUTION!"
field = "Unless you have specific injector data these"
field = "'curves' must be a straight line from 0-2"
field = "Ensure the start and end points are equal"
field = "(e.g. 0.000, 0.000 and 2.000, 2.000)"
field = "Select the pulsewidth curve for each injector"
field = "Injector A", smallpw_opt1, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) ) }
field = "Injector B", smallpw_opt2, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 1)) }
field = "Injector C", smallpw_opt3, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 2)) }
field = "Injector D", smallpw_opt4, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 3)) }
field = "Injector E", smallpw_opt5, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 4)) }
field = "Injector F", smallpw_opt6, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 5)) }
field = "Injector G", smallpw_opt7, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 6)) }
field = "Injector H", smallpw_opt8, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 7)) }
field = "Injector I", smallpw_opta, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 8)) }
field = "Injector J", smallpw_optb, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 9)) }
field = "Injector K", smallpw_opt11, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 10)) }
field = "Injector L", smallpw_opt12, { smallpw_opt1_master && ((hardware_fuel) && (nInjectors > 11)) }
dialog = smallcurveswest, "", yAxis
panel = smallcurve0
panel = smallcurve2
dialog = smallcurveseast, "", yAxis
panel = smallcurve1
panel = smallcurve3
dialog = smallcurves, "", xAxis
panel = smallcurveswest
panel = smallcurveseast
dialog = smallpw, "Non-Linear small pulsewidths", border
panel = smallpwwest, West
panel = smallcurves, Center
; dialog = egoControl, "EGO Control"
dialog = egoControlright, ""
field = "Algorithm", egoAlgorithm, { egoType }
field = "Ignition Events per Step", egoCount, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Controller Step Size", egoDelta, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 0) }
field = "Controller Auth +/-", egoLimit, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Only correct above:", ego_lower_bound, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "and correct below:", ego_upper_bound, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Above Coolant", egoTemp, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Above RPM", egoRPM, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Below TPS", TPSOXLimit, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Below Load", MAPOXLimit, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "Active Above Load", MAPOXMin, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "EGO delay after start", ego_startdelay, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm < 3) }
field = "PID Proportional Gain", egoKP, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
field = "PID Integral", egoKI, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
field = "PID Derivative", egoKD, { egoType && (egoAlgorithm == 2) }
dialog = egoports, "",yAxis
field = "EGO 1 port", egoport1
field = "EGO 2 port", egoport2, {egonum > 1}
field = "EGO 3 port", egoport3, {egonum > 2}
field = "EGO 4 port", egoport4, {egonum > 3}
field = "EGO 5 port", egoport5, {egonum > 4}
field = "EGO 6 port", egoport6, {egonum > 5}
field = "EGO 7 port", egoport7, {egonum > 6}
field = "EGO 8 port", egoport8, {egonum > 7}
field = "EGO 9 port", egoport9, {egonum > 8}
field = "EGO 10 port", egoport10, {egonum > 9}
field = "EGO 11 port", egoport11, {egonum > 10}
field = "EGO 12 port", egoport12, {egonum > 11}
; not implemented
; dialog = egoports_tgt, "", yAxis
; field = "AFR target"
; field = "", egomap1t
; field = "", egomap2t, {egonum > 1}
; field = "", egomap3t, {egonum > 2}
; field = "", egomap4t, {egonum > 3}
; field = "", egomap5t, {egonum > 4}
; field = "", egomap6t, {egonum > 5}
; field = "", egomap7t, {egonum > 6}
; field = "", egomap8t, {egonum > 7}
dialog = egoports2, "EGO ports", xAxis
panel = egoports
; panel = egoports_tgt
dialog = egoControlleft, "", yAxis
field = "EGO Sensor Type", egoType
field = "Number of sensors", egonum, { egoType }
field = "#Remember to Calibrate and set Project Properties"
panel = egoports2
dialog = egoControlmain, "", xAxis
panel = egoControlright, West
panel = egoControlleft, East
dialog = egomap_inj, "", yAxis
field = "Injector"
field = "inj A"
field = "inj B"
field = "inj C"
field = "inj D"
field = "inj E"
field = "inj F"
field = "inj G"
field = "inj H"
field = "inj I"
field = "inj J"
field = "inj K"
field = "inj L"
dialog = egomap_ego, "", yAxis
field = "- uses sensor"
field = "", egomap1
field = "", egomap2
field = "", egomap3
field = "", egomap4
field = "", egomap5
field = "", egomap6
field = "", egomap7
field = "", egomap8
field = "", egomap9
field = "", egomap10
field = "", egomap11
field = "", egomap12
dialog = egomapping, "AFR / EGO sensor mapping", xAxis
panel = egomap_inj
panel = egomap_ego
dialog = egoControl, "AFR / EGO Control", border
panel = egoControlmain, West
panel = egomapping, East
; dialog = ignitionOptions, "Ignition Options"
dialog = ignitionOptions, ""
; field = "#General Ignition"
field = "Spark mode(dizzy, EDIS,wheel)", spk_mode0 ; !
field = "Trigger Angle/Offset", triggerOffset, { (spk_mode0 != 31) && (spk_mode0 != 4)}
;, {spk_mode0 ==2 || spk_mode0 ==3 || spk_mode0 ==12 || spk_mode0 ==14}
field = "Angle between main and return", trigret_ang, { spk_mode0 ==12}
field = "Oddfire first angle", OddFireang, { (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0 < 31) && (spk_conf2_oddodd != 3) }
field = "GM HEI/DIS options", spk_conf2_gm, {spk_mode0 ==2}
field = "Ford TFI options", spk_conf2_tfi, {spk_mode0 == 2}
; field = "420A/NGC alternate cam", spk_conf2_ngc, {(spk_mode0==6) && (nCylinders==4)}
field = "Oddfire phasing", spk_conf2_oddodd, { (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0==4)}
field = "Skip Pulses", no_skip_pulses
field = "Ignition Input Capture", ICIgnCapture ; !
field = "Spark Output", spkout_hi_lo2, {spk_mode0 != 31} ;
field = "Number of coils", spk_mode3
field = "Spark hardware in use", hardware_spk
field = "Cam input (if used)", hardware_cam
field = "Tertiary tach input", spk_mode3_tach3, {spk_mode0 == 47}
field = "Flip polarity on hi-res tach", spk_mode3_hirespol, {((spk_mode0 >= 32) && (spk_mode0 <= 39)) || (spk_mode0 == 47)}
; dialog = moreIgnitionOptions, "More Ignition Options"
dialog = moreIgnitionOptions, ""
field = "Fixed Advance", timing_flags
field = "Use Prediction", use_prediction
field = "Timing for Fixed Advance", fixed_timing, { timing_flags == 1 };
field = "Cranking Dwell", crank_dwell
field = "Cranking Advance", crank_timing, {!(spk_mode0 == 2 && triggerOffset < 20) }
field = ""
field = "Toyota Multiplex", spk_conf2_dli, {spk_mode0 > 2}
field = "Dwell type", dwellmode
field = "Use dwell vs rpm curve", spk_conf2_dwell, {dwellmode ==2}
field = "Nominal Dwell", max_coil_dur, {(spk_mode0 >1) && (dwellmode==0) }
field = "Spark Duration", max_spk_dur, {(spk_mode0 >1) && (dwellmode==0) }
field = "Dwell time", dwelltime, {(spk_mode0 >1) && (dwellmode==2) && (spk_conf2_dwell==0)}
field = "Dwell duty", dwellduty, {(spk_mode0 >1) && (dwellmode==1) }
field = "NOTE: Spark hardware latency should ONLY be used if"
field = "you notice spark retard with increasing rpms."
field = "Spark Hardware Latency", hw_latency
field = "middle LED indicator", feature4_0igntrig, { (spk_mode0 == 3) }
; field = "Overdwell protection", feature4_0maxdwl
field = ""
field = "Spark trim", spk_mode3_trim
; dialog = triggerWheel, "Trigger Wheel Settings"
dialog = triggerWheel, ""
; topicHelp = trighelp
field = "Trigger wheel arrangement", spk_config_trig2, { spk_mode0 == 4 }
field = "Trigger Wheel Teeth", triggerTeeth, { (spk_mode0 == 4) || (spk_mode0 == 47) }
field = "Missing Teeth", No_Miss_Teeth, {(spk_config_trig2 != 2) && (spk_mode0 == 4)}
field = "Tooth #1 Angle", Miss_ang, { (spk_mode0 == 4) || (spk_mode0 == 47) }
field = "Main wheel speed", spk_config_camcrank, { (spk_mode0 == 4) || (spk_mode0 == 14) }
field = "Second trigger active on", spk_config_trig2l, {(spk_config_trig2 & 0x2) && spk_mode0 == 4}
field = "Level for phase 1", spk_config_campol, {((spk_config_trig2l & 0x3) == 0x3) && (spk_mode0 == 4) && (spk_config_trig2 == 3)}
field = "and every rotation of..", spk_config_resetcam, {((spk_config_trig2 & 0x3) == 0x2) && spk_mode0 == 4}
dialog = padignition
field = ""
dialog = westIgnitionOptions, "", yAxis
panel = ignitionOptions
panel = triggerWheel
dialog = oddfireangles1, ""
field = "Custom oddfire angles in sequence from #1"
; dialog = oddfireangles2, "", xAxis
; field = "1st"
; field = "2nd"
dialog = oddfireangles3, "", xAxis
field = "1st", oddfireangs1, {(spk_conf2_oddodd == 3) && (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0==4)}
field = "2nd", oddfireangs2, {(spk_conf2_oddodd == 3) && (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0==4)}
; dialog = oddfireangles4, "", xAxis
; field = "3rd"
; field = "4th"
dialog = oddfireangles5, "", xAxis
field = "3rd", oddfireangs3, {(spk_conf2_oddodd == 3) && (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0==4)}
field = "4th", oddfireangs4, {(spk_conf2_oddodd == 3) && (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0==4)}
dialog = eastIgnitionOptions, "", yAxis
panel = moreIgnitionOptions
panel = oddfireangles1
; panel = oddfireangles2
panel = oddfireangles3
; panel = oddfireangles4
panel = oddfireangles5
; { (engineType == 1) && (spk_mode0 < 31) }
dialog = combinedignition, "Combined Ignition Options", border
panel = westIgnitionOptions, West
panel = eastIgnitionOptions, East
dialog = northwestidle, "", border
field = "Algorithm", IdleCtl
; field = ""
dialog = northeastidle, "", border
field = "Fast Idle Temperature", fastIdleT, { IdleCtl == 1 }
; field = "Hysteresis", IdleHyst, { IdleCtl == 1 } ; adding this line causes one above to vanish
dialog = westidle, "Stepper idle"
; topicHelp = "http://www.megasquirt.info/megatune.htm#sd"
field = "Time Step Size", IACtstep, { IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Initial Time Step Size", IAC_tinitial_step, { IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 7 }
field = "Minimum # steps to move", IACminstep, { IdleCtl == 2 || IdleCtl == 3 || IdleCtl == 5 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Start Value", IACStart, { IdleCtl > 1 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6} ; !
field = "Crank-to-Run Taper Time", IACcrankxt, { IdleCtl > 1 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6 && IdleCtl != 7 && IdleCtl != 8 }
field = "Hysteresis", IdleHyst, { IdleCtl > 0 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6 && IdleCtl != 7 && IdleCtl != 8 }
field = "#Time-Based After Start"
field = " Cold Temperature", IACcoldtmp, { IdleCtl > 1 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6 && IdleCtl != 7 && IdleCtl != 8 }
field = " Cold Position", IACcoldpos, { IdleCtl > 1 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6 && IdleCtl != 7 && IdleCtl != 8 }
field = " Cold Taper Time", IACcoldxt, { IdleCtl > 1 && IdleCtl != 4 && IdleCtl != 6 && IdleCtl != 7 && IdleCtl != 8 }
dialog = eastidle, "PWM idle"
field = "Warmup only mode"
field = "Set duty vs. temp in the duty table"
field = "Crank-to-Run Taper Time", pwmidlecranktaper, { (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
field = ""
field = "Valve mode", pwmidleset_inv, { (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "Output port", pwmidle_freq_pin, { (IdleCtl == 1) || (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "3 wire mode", pwmidle_freq_pin3, { (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "Frequency", pwmidle_freq_scale, { (IdleCtl == 4) || (IdleCtl == 6) }
field = "This frequency may be shared with boost control"
dialog = northidle, "", border
panel = northwestidle, West
panel = northeastidle, East
dialog = southidle, "", border
panel = westidle, West
panel = eastidle, East
dialog = combinedidle, "Idle Control", border
panel = northidle, North
panel = southidle, South
dialog = pwmidle_closedloop, "Closed Loop Idle Valve Settings"
field = "Idle Open Duty", pwmidle_open_duty, { IdleCtl == 6 }
field = "Idle Open Steps", pwmidle_open_steps, { IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Idle Valve Closed Duty", pwmidle_closed_duty, { IdleCtl == 6 }
field = "Idle Valve Closed Steps", pwmidle_closed_steps, { IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Dashpot adder", pwmidle_dp_adder, { IdleCtl == 6 }
field = "Dashpot adder", pwmidle_dp_adder_steps, { IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Dashpot decay factor", pwmidle_dp_decay_factor, { IdleCtl == 6 || IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "Use last value or table", pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable
field = "Use CLT or MAT in table lookup", pwmidle_cl_opts_initval_clt, { pwmidle_cl_opts_initvaluetable }
field = "NOTE: Close delay of 0 means do not close"
field = "Close delay", pwmidle_close_delay
field = "Shift Settings"
field = "Leave valve closed above:", pwmidle_shift_lower_rpm, { pwmidle_close_delay > 0 }
field = "For this number of seconds:", pwmidle_shift_open_time, { pwmidle_close_delay > 0 }
field = ""
dialog = pwmidle_PID_activation, "Closed Loop Idle PID activation Settings"
field = "Use VSS to activate PID", IdleCtl_vss
field = "Idle Activation RPM adder", pwmidle_engage_rpm_adder, { IdleCtl_vss != 1 }
field = "Idle Activation TPS threshold", pwmidle_tps_threshold
dialog = pwmidle_PID_behavior, "Closed Loop Idle PID Delays and Behavior"
field = "Min Duty for PID", pwmidle_min_duty, { IdleCtl == 6 }
field = "Min Steps for PID", pwmidle_min_steps, { IdleCtl == 7 || IdleCtl == 8 }
field = "RPM with valve closed", pwmidle_min_rpm
field = "RPM with valve open", pwmidle_max_rpm
field = "PID delay", pwmidle_pid_wait_timer
field = "Crank to run delay", pwmidlecranktaper
field = "PID ramp to target time", pwmidle_targ_ramptime
field = "PID Control Interval", pwmidle_ms
field = "Use so that engaging clutch without throttle"
field = "does not leave PID running"
field = "PID disable RPMdot", pwmidle_rpmdot_disablepid, { IdleCtl_vss != 1 }
dialog = pwmidle_PID_gains, "Closed Loop Idle PID Gains"
field = "Proportional Gain", pwmidle_Kp
field = "Integral Gain", pwmidle_Ki
field = "Derivative Gain", pwmidle_Kd
dialog = pwmidle_PID_lockout, "Closed Loop Idle PID Lockout detection"
field = "PID lockout RPMdot threshold", pwmidle_rpmdot_threshold, { IdleCtl_vss != 1 }
field = "PID lockout max decel load", pwmidle_decelload_threshold, { IdleCtl_vss != 1 }
dialog = pwmidle_west_panel, "", border
panel = pwmidle_closedloop, North
panel = pwmidle_PID_gains, Center
panel = pwmidle_PID_activation, South
dialog = pwmidle_mid_panel, "", border
panel = pwmidle_PID_behavior, North
panel = pwmidle_PID_lockout, Center
dialog = combinedCLidle, "Closed-loop Idle Control", border
panel = pwmidle_mid_panel, Center
panel = pwmidle_west_panel, West
; first accel page
dialog = accelsettings, "Accel enrich settings"
field = "Use Time-based or Accel-pump Accel", AE_options
field = "Wall-wetting AE (EAE, X-tau)", EAEOption
field = "TPSdot uses %WOT", feature7_aetpswot
;time based AE
dialog = time_ae_south_west, ""
field = "Accel MAPdot threshold", mapThresh
field = "End Pulsewidth", aeEndPW
field = "Time or Ignition Events", feature7_aeevents
field = "Accel duration", tpsasync_events, { feature7_aeevents }
field = "Accel taper", tpsasync2_events, { feature7_aeevents }
field = "Accel Time", taeTime, { !feature7_aeevents }
field = "Accel Taper Time", aeTaperTime, { !feature7_aeevents }
dialog = time_ae_south_east, ""
field = "Accel TPSdot threshold", tpsThresh
field = "Decel Fuel Amount", tdePct
field = "Cold Accel Adder", taeColdA
field = "Cold Accel Multiplier", taeColdM
field = "Accel Enrich Down-scaling With RPM"
field = "Full Accel Below:", ae_lorpm, { !feature7_aeevents }
field = "Zero Accel Above:", ae_hirpm, { !feature7_aeevents }
dialog = time_ae_south_south, "", xAxis
panel = time_ae_south_west
panel = time_ae_south_east
dialog = time_ae_south, "", yAxis
liveGraph = timeaeGraph, "AE Graph", South
graphLine = afr1
graphLine = TPSdot, "%", -2000, 2000, auto, auto
graphLine = MAPdot, "%", -2000, 2000, auto, auto
panel = time_ae_south_south
dialog = time_ae_mid, ""
field = "Accel enrichment TPSdot<->MAPdot blend. Percent TPS driven", tpsProportion
dialog = time_ae_north, "", xAxis
panel = time_accel_mapdot_curve, West, {tpsProportion < 100}
panel = time_accel_tpsdot_curve, East, {tpsProportion > 0}
dialog = AEtime_settings, "Time-based Accel Enrichment", yAxis
panel = time_ae_north
panel = time_ae_mid
panel = time_ae_south
dialog = pump_ae_south_west, ""
field = "Accel MAPdot Threshold", accel_mapdot_threshold, { accel_blend_percent < 100 }
field = "Accel TPSdot Threshold", accel_tpsdot_threshold, { accel_blend_percent > 0 }
field = "Cold Accel Multiplier", accel_CLT_multiplier
dialog = pump_ae_south_east, ""
field = "Accel Enrich Down-scaling With RPM"
field = "Full Accel Below:", ae_lorpm, { !feature7_aeevents }
field = "Zero Accel Above:", ae_hirpm, { !feature7_aeevents }
dialog = pump_ae_south_south, "", xAxis
panel = pump_ae_south_west
panel = pump_ae_south_east
dialog = pump_ae_south, "", yAxis
liveGraph = pump_ae_Graph, "AE Graph", South
graphLine = afr1
graphLine = TPSdot, "%", -2000, 2000, auto, auto
graphLine = MAPdot, "%", -2000, 2000, auto, auto
panel = pump_ae_south_south
dialog = pump_ae_north, "", xAxis
panel = pump_accel_mapdot_curve, West, {accel_blend_percent < 100}
panel = pump_accel_tpsdot_curve, East, {accel_blend_percent > 0}
dialog = pump_ae_mid, ""
field = "Accel enrichment TPSdot<->MAPdot blend. Percent TPS driven", accel_blend_percent
dialog = AEpump_settings, "Accel-pump Accel Enrichment", yAxis
panel = pump_ae_north
panel = pump_ae_mid
panel = pump_ae_south
dialog = sensorCal, "Calibrate MAP/Baro"
field = "#MAP Sensor"
settingSelector = "Common MAP Sensors"
settingOption = "MPX4115", map0=10.6, mapmax=121.7
settingOption = "MPX4250", map0=10, mapmax=260
settingOption = "GM 1-BAR", map0=10, mapmax=105
settingOption = "GM 2-BAR", map0=8.8, mapmax=208
settingOption = "GM 3-BAR / MPXH6300", map0=1.1, mapmax=315.5
settingOption = "MPXH6400", map0=3.5, mapmax=416.5
field = "Value at 0.0 volts", map0
field = "Value at 5.0 volts", mapmax
field = "#Barometer Sensor (usually identical to MAP)"
settingSelector = "Common Baro Sensors"
settingOption = "MPX4115", baro0=10.6, baromax=121.7
settingOption = "MPX4250", baro0=10, baromax=260
settingOption = "GM 1-BAR", baro0=10, baromax=105
settingOption = "GM 2-BAR", baro0=8.8, baromax=208
settingOption = "GM 3-BAR / MPXH6300",baro0=1.1, baromax=315.5
settingOption = "MPXH6400", baro0=3.5, baromax=416.5
field = "Value at 0.0 volts", baro0
field = "Value at 5.0 volts", baromax
field = "#Barometric Correction"
field = "At total vacuum ", bcor0
field = "Rate", bcormult
dialog = knockSettings3, "Knock Sensor Settings"
field = "Knock Control", knk_option
field = "Input type", knk_option_an, { knk_option }
field = "Knock input pin", knkport, { knk_option && !knk_option_an }
field = "Knock indicated by:", knkDirection, { knk_option && !knk_option_an }
field = "Pullup/down on input", knkpull, { knk_option && !knk_option_an }
field = "Input pin", knkport_an, { knk_option && (knk_option_an == 1) }
field = "Window sample type", knk_option_wind, { knk_option && (knk_option_an == 1) }
field = "Window output", knk_pin_out, { knk_option && (knk_option_an < 2) }
field = "#Detection"
field = "Knock Count", knk_ndet, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Knock Ignored Above MAP", knk_maxmap, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "RPM window low", knk_lorpm, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "RPM window high", knk_hirpm, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "#Retarding"
field = "Maximum Retard", knk_maxrtd, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Retard Check Time", knk_trtd, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Retard Coarse Step Size", knk_step1, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Retard Fine Step Size", knk_step2, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "#Recovery"
field = "Advance Check Time", knk_tadv, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Advance Step Size", knk_step_adv, { knk_option > 0 }
field = "Recovery Advance", knk_dtble_adv, { knk_option == 1 }
dialog = ks4a, "", yAxis
field = "Cyl#"
field = "1"
field = "2"
field = "3"
field = "4"
field = "5"
field = "6"
field = "7"
field = "8"
field = "9"
field = "10"
field = "11"
field = "12"
dialog = ks4b, "", yAxis
field = "Gain"
field = "", knock_gain01
field = "", knock_gain02, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >1)}
field = "", knock_gain03, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >2)}
field = "", knock_gain04, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >3)}
field = "", knock_gain05, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >4)}
field = "", knock_gain06, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >5)}
field = "", knock_gain07, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >6)}
field = "", knock_gain08, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >7)}
field = "", knock_gain09, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >8)}
field = "", knock_gain10, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >9)}
field = "", knock_gain11, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >10)}
field = "", knock_gain12, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >11)}
dialog = ks4c, "", yAxis
field = "Sensor"
field = "", knock_sens01
field = "", knock_sens02, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >1)}
field = "", knock_sens03, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >2)}
field = "", knock_sens04, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >3)}
field = "", knock_sens05, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >4)}
field = "", knock_sens06, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >5)}
field = "", knock_sens07, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >6)}
field = "", knock_sens08, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >7)}
field = "", knock_sens09, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >8)}
field = "", knock_sens10, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >9)}
field = "", knock_sens11, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >10)}
field = "", knock_sens12, {knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders >11)}
dialog = ks4bot, "", xAxis
panel = ks4a
panel = ks4b
panel = ks4c
dialog = ks4top, ""
field = "Bandpass frequency (kHz)", knock_bpass
field = "Integrator time constant (us)", knock_int
field = "Number of sensors", knock_conf_num
field = "Monitor per cylinder", knock_conf_percyl
field = "Knock gain:"
dialog = knockSettings4, "Knock sensor parameters", border
panel = ks4top, North
panel = ks4bot, South
dialog = knockSettings, "Knock Sensor Settings", border
panel = knockSettings3, West
panel = knockthresh_curve, East
dialog = knockSettings2, "Knock Window Settings", border
panel = knockstart_curve, North
panel = knockduration_curve, South
dialog = idleAdvancemenu, "Idle Advance Settings"
field = "Idle advance on", idleadvance_on
field = "Idle RPM Timing Correction", idle_special_ops_timing_assist
field = "Go to idle advance/Idle RPM timing correction when:"
field = "PID idle activates", idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv, { idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist }
field = "TPS is below:", idleadvance_tps, { (idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist) && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv }
field = "and RPM is below:", idleadvance_rpm, { (idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist) && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv }
field = "and load is above:", idleadvance_load, { (idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist) && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv }
field = "and CLT is above:", idleadvance_clt, { (idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist) && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv }
field = "and after delay:", idleadvance_delay, { (idleadvance_on || idle_special_ops_timing_assist) && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleadv }
dialog = idleAdvance, "Idle Advance", border
panel = idleAdvancemenu, West
panel = idleAdvance_curve, East
dialog = idleVemenu, "Idle VE settings"
field = "Idle VE on", idleve_on
field = "Go to idle VE when:"
field = "PID idle activates", idleveadv_to_pid_idleve, { idleve_on }
field = "TPS is below:", idleve_tps, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
field = "and RPM is below:", idleve_rpm, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
field = "and load is above:", idleve_load, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
field = "and CLT is above:", idleve_clt, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
field = "and VSS zero?", idleve_vsson, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
field = "and after delay:", idleve_delay, { idleve_on && !idleveadv_to_pid_idleve }
dialog = idleVeTables_n, "Idle VE Table"
panel = idleve1Tbl, North, { idleve_on }
dialog = idleVeTables_s, "Idle VE Table - Dual Fuel"
panel = idleve2Tbl, South, { idleve_on && dualfuel_sw_on }
dialog = idleVeTables, "", yAxis
panel = idleVeTables_n
panel = idleVeTables_s
dialog = idleVe, "Idle VE", border
panel = idleVemenu, West
panel = idleVeTables, Center
dialog = setbaud, "Megasquirt baud rate"
field = "#Advanced users only."
field = "Megasquirt baud rate", baud
field = "9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 only"
field = "Set this, Burn"
field = "Then adjust tuning software comms baud rate to match"
field = "Then powercycle Megasquirt"
dialog = userdefined, "user defined menu"
field = "Feature enabled", user_conf0
field = "Mode", user_conf1, { user_conf0 } ; <---- this bit here greys the control out if the bit isn't set
field = "Value 1", user_value1, { user_conf0 }
field = "Value 2", user_value2, { user_conf0 }
help = helpGeneral, "Megasquirt 3 General Help"
webHelp = "http://www.msextra.com/"
text = "For current documentation, click the Web Help button,"
text = "or visit http://www.msextra.com/."
text = "
text = "
Megasquirt firmware is copyright and is only licensed for use on approved hardware."
text = "
See the LICENSE text supplied with your firmware."
text = "
text = "
To see legal Megasquirts, visit http://www.msextra.com/doc/general/whatmegasquirt.html"
; spare ports
; map the arrays and supply the labels.
; all arrays are expected to be the same length in the first dimension
; thus a [ 7] array will be 7 ports in length and expect 7 labels
; The second dimension will drive the number of conditions per array.
; thus a [7x2] array will have 2 conditions joined by the conditionRelationship.
; a [7x3] will have up to 3 conditions.
portEditor = ms3_port_edit, "Programmable On/Off Outputs"
; 1st the array constant, then the labels in the index order.
enabledPorts = psEnabled, "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "Stepper Out 2", "Stepper Out 1", "INVALID", "PWM Out 2", "High Current Out 3", "High Current Out 1", "High Current Out 2", "PWM Out 3", "PWM / Idle Out 1", "Injector Out I", "Injector Out J", "Digital Frequency In 2", "Tach Out", "Injector Out A", "Injector Out B", "Injector Out C", "Injector Out D", "Injector Out E", "Injector Out F", "Injector Out G", "Injector Out H", "Spark Out A", "Spark Out B", "Spark Out C", "Spark Out D", "Spark Out E", "Spark Out F", "Spark Out G", "Spark Out H", "CANout01", "CANout02", "CANout03", "CANout04", "CANout05", "CANout06", "CANout07", "CANout08", "CANout09", "CANout10", "CANout11", "CANout12", "CANout13", "CANout14", "CANout15", "CANout16"
outputOffset = psOutOffset
outputSize = psOutSize
operators = psCondition, "<", "=", ">", "&" ; the actual ASCII value of the operator will be sent to the controller
threshold = psThreshold
hysteresis = psHysteresis
powerOnValue = psInitValue
triggerValue = psPortValue
conditionRelationship = psConnector, " ", "|", "&"
curve = tc_slip_curve, "Slip threshold"
columnLabel = "Knob input", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = tcslipx
yBins = tcslipy
curve = blend1_curve, "VE1 -> VE2"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx1
yBins = blendy1
curve = blend2_curve, "Spk1 -> Spk2"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx2
yBins = blendy2
curve = blend3_curve, "VE1+2 -> VE3+4"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx3
yBins = blendy3
curve = blend4_curve, "Spk1+2 -> Spk3+4"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx4
yBins = blendy4
curve = blend5_curve, "AFR1 -> AFR2"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx5
yBins = blendy5
curve = blend6_curve, "Boost1 -> Boost2"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx6
yBins = blendy6
curve = blend7_curve, "Crank % 1 -> Crank % 2"
columnLabel = "X", "%"
xAxis = 0, 100, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = blendx7
yBins = blendy7
curve = tpswot_curve, "TPS for WOT"
columnLabel = "RPM", "TPS"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 7
xBins = tpswot_rpm, rpm
yBins = tpswot_tps
curve = launch_retard_time, "Retard vs time after launch"
columnLabel = "s", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = launch_time
yBins = launch_retard
curve = cl_idle_timing_curve, "Idle RPM timing correction curve"
columnLabel = "RPM delta", "Timing Delta"
xAxis = -400, 400, 8
yAxis = -20, 20, 8
xBins = cl_idle_timing_target_deltas
yBins = cl_idle_timing_advance_deltas
curve = idle_voltage_comp_curve, ""
columnLabel = "Voltage", "Duty"
xAxis = 9, 17, 6
yAxis = -10, 10, 6
xBins = idle_voltage_comp_voltage
yBins = idle_voltage_comp_delta
curve = time_accel_mapdot_curve, "MAP based AE"
columnLabel = "MAPdot", "Added"
xAxis = 0, 1200, 6
yAxis = 0, 48, 4
xBins = maeRates, MAPdot
yBins = maeBins
curve = time_accel_tpsdot_curve, "TPS based AE"
columnLabel = "TPSdot", "Added"
xAxis = 0, 1200, 6
yAxis = 0, 48, 4
xBins = taeRates, TPSdot
yBins = taeBins
curve = pump_accel_mapdot_curve, "Accel MAPdot Curve"
columnLabel = "MAPdot", "Added"
xAxis = -2000, 2000, 5
yAxis = -200, 200, 5
xBins = accel_mapdots, MAPdot
yBins = accel_mapdot_amts
curve = pump_accel_tpsdot_curve, "Accel TPSdot Curve"
columnLabel = "TPSdot", "Added"
xAxis = -1000, 1000, 5
yAxis = -200, 200, 5
xBins = accel_tpsdots, TPSdot
yBins = accel_tpsdot_amts
curve = knockstart_curve, "Knock window start"
columnLabel = "RPM", "deg"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = -40, 10, 6
xBins = knock_rpms, rpm
yBins = knock_starts
curve = knockduration_curve, "Knock window duration"
columnLabel = "RPM", "deg"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 40, 6
xBins = knock_rpms, rpm
yBins = knock_durations
curve = knockthresh_curve, "Knock input threshold"
columnLabel = "RPM", "%"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = knock_rpms, rpm
yBins = knock_thresholds
gauge = knockinGauge
curve = knockupscale_curve, "Knock coolant scaling"
columnLabel = "clt", "%"
xAxis = {cltlowlim}, {clthighlim}, 6
yAxis = 100, 500, 6
xBins = knock_clts, coolant
yBins = knock_upscale
gauge = cltGauge
curve = tc_perfect_curve, "Perfect vss vs. time"
columnLabel = "Time", "VSS"
xAxis = 0, 20, 9
#if MPH
yAxis = 0, 200, 6
yAxis = 0, 300, 6
xBins = tc_perfect_time
yBins = tc_perfect_vss
curve = tc_perfectrpm_curve, "Perfect RPM vs. time"
columnLabel = "Time", "RPM"
xAxis = 0, 20, 9
yAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
xBins = tc_perfect_time
yBins = tc_perfect_rpm
curve = tc_retard_curve, "Spark retard"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 30, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_retard
curve = tc_spkcut_curve, "Spark cut"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Spark"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_spkcut
curve = tc_nitrous_curve, "Nitrous%"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Nitrous"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_nitrous
curve = tc_boost_curve, "Boost cut"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Boost"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_boost
curve = tc_boost_duty_delta_curve, "Boost duty +/-"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Boost duty +/-"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = -100, 100, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_boost_duty_delta
curve = tc_addfuel_curve, "Add fuel"
columnLabel = "Slip x time", "Added Fuel"
xAxis = 0, 100, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = tc_react_x
yBins = tc_addfuel
curve = dualfuel_temp_curve, "Dual fuel temperature adjustment curve"
columnLabel = "Temperature", "adj %"
xAxis = -40, 220, 9
yAxis = -200, 200, 6
xBins = dualfuel_temp
; xBins = dualfuel_temp, df_temp
yBins = dualfuel_temp_adj
; gauge = deadGauge
curve = dualfuel_press_curve, "Dual fuel pressure adjustment curve"
columnLabel = "Pressure", "adj %"
xAxis = 0, 200, 9
yAxis = -200, 200, 6
xBins = dualfuel_press
; xBins = dualfuel_press, df_press
yBins = dualfuel_press_adj
; gauge = cltGauge
curve = primingPW2, "Priming Pulsewidth 2"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Prime PW"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 20, 5
xBins = temp_table_p21, coolant, readonly
yBins = primePWTable2
gauge = cltGauge
curve = crankingPW2, "Cranking Pulsewidth% 2"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Cranking PW%"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = temp_table_p21, coolant
yBins = crankPctTable2
gauge = cltGauge
curve = asePct2, "Afterstart Enrichment Percentage 2"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Afterstart"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = temp_table_p21, coolant, readonly
yBins = asePctTable2
gauge = cltGauge
curve = aseTaper2, "Afterstart Enrichment Taper 2"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Taper"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = temp_table_p21, coolant, readonly
yBins = aseCntTable2
gauge = cltGauge
curve = warmup_curve2, "Warmup Enrichment Curve 2"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "WUE %"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = temp_table_p21, coolant, readonly
yBins = wueBins2
gauge = cltGauge
curve = MAFtable1f, "MAF Flow Curve"
columnLabel = "MAF freq", "Flow"
xAxis = {maf_freq0}, {maf_freq1}, 11
yAxis = 0, {650 * (maf_range + 1)}, 11
xBins = maff, maf_freq
yBins = mafflow
gauge = maf_voltsGauge
curve = MAFtable1, "MAF Flow Curve"
columnLabel = "MAF volts", "Flow"
xAxis = 0, 5, 11
yAxis = 0, {650 * (maf_range + 1)}, 11
xBins = mafv, maf_volts
yBins = mafflow
gauge = maf_voltsGauge
curve = MAFtable1old, "MAF Correction Table (to alter default MAF curve)"
columnLabel = "MAF Flow", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, 300, 11
yAxis = 0, 255, 11
xBins = MAFFlow, maf
yBins = MAFCor
gauge = mafGauge
curve = dwellrpm_curve, "Dwell vs rpm"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Dwell"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 6, 6
xBins = dwellrpm_rpm
yBins = dwellrpm_dwell
curve = boostvss_duty_curve, "Boost duty vs speed"
columnLabel = "Speed", "Duty"
#if MPH
xAxis = 0, 200, 6
xAxis = 0, 300, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = boostvss_speed
yBins = boostvss_duty
curve = boostvss_target_curve, "Boost target vs speed"
columnLabel = "Speed", "kPa"
#if MPH
xAxis = 0, 200, 6
xAxis = 0, 300, 6
yAxis = 0, 400, 6
xBins = boostvss_speed
yBins = boostvss_target
; nitrous 1 vs time
curve = n2o1_duty_time, "Nitrous1 - Duty vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "Duty"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o1_time
yBins = n2o1_duty
curve = n2o1_pw_time, "Nitrous1 - Added fuel vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "pw"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o1_time
yBins = n2o1_pw
curve = n2o1_retard_time, "Nitrous1 - Retard vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o1_time
yBins = n2o1_retard
; nitrous 2 vs time
curve = n2o2_duty_time, "Nitrous2 - Duty vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "Duty"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o2_time
yBins = n2o2_duty
curve = n2o2_pw_time, "Nitrous2 - Added fuel vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "pw"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o2_time
yBins = n2o2_pw
curve = n2o2_retard_time, "Nitrous2 - Retard vs time"
columnLabel = "s", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o2_time
yBins = n2o2_retard
; nitrous 1 vs rpm
curve = n2o1_duty_rpm, "Nitrous1 - Duty vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Duty"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_duty
curve = n2o1_pw_rpm, "Nitrous1 - Added fuel vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "pw"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_pw
curve = n2o1_retard_rpm, "Nitrous1 - Retard vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_retard
; nitrous 2 vs rpm
curve = n2o2_duty_rpm, "Nitrous2 - Duty vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Duty"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_duty
curve = n2o2_pw_rpm, "Nitrous2 - Added fuel vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "pw"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_pw
curve = n2o2_retard_rpm, "Nitrous2 - Retard vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_retard
;combined curves
curve = n2o_duty_rpm, "Nitrous1+2 - Duty vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "%", "%"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_duty
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_duty
lineLabel = "N2O 1 Duty Cycle"
lineLabel = "N2O 2 Duty Cycle"
curve = n2o_pw_rpm, "Nitrous1+2 - Added fuel vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "pw", "pw"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_pw
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = -5, 20, 6
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_pw
lineLabel = "N2O 1 fuel PW"
lineLabel = "N2O 2 fuel PW"
curve = n2o_retard_rpm, "Nitrous1+2 - Retard vs RPM"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Retard", "Retard"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o1_rpm
yBins = n2o1_retard
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 6
yAxis = 0, 30, 7
xBins = n2o2_rpm
yBins = n2o2_retard
curve = matclt_curve, "%CLT used in MAT vs airflow"
columnLabel = "flow", "%CLT"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh * 400}, 5
yAxis = 0, 100, 5
xBins = matclt_flow, calcflow
yBins = matclt_pct
;small pulsewidths
curve = smallcurve0, "Small Pulsewidth Curve 1"
columnLabel = "Original", "New"
xAxis = 0, 2, 5
yAxis = 0, 2, 5
xBins = smallpwpw
yBins = smallpw0
curve = smallcurve1, "Small Pulsewidth Curve 2"
columnLabel = "Original", "New"
xAxis = 0, 2, 5
yAxis = 0, 2, 5
xBins = smallpwpw
yBins = smallpw1
curve = smallcurve2, "Small Pulsewidth Curve 3"
columnLabel = "Original", "New"
xAxis = 0, 2, 5
yAxis = 0, 2, 5
xBins = smallpwpw
yBins = smallpw2
curve = smallcurve3, "Small Pulsewidth Curve 4"
columnLabel = "Original", "New"
xAxis = 0, 2, 5
yAxis = 0, 2, 5
xBins = smallpwpw
yBins = smallpw3
curve = opencurve0, "Dead Time Voltage % Curve 1"
columnLabel = "Voltage", ""
xAxis = 7.2, 19.2, 7
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = opentimev, batteryVoltage
yBins = opentimepct0
curve = opencurve1, "Injector Dead Time Curve 2"
columnLabel = "Voltage", ""
xAxis = 7.2, 19.2, 7
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = opentimev, batteryVoltage
yBins = opentimepct1
curve = opencurve2, "Injector Dead Time Curve 3"
columnLabel = "Voltage", ""
xAxis = 7.2, 19.2, 7
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = opentimev, batteryVoltage
yBins = opentimepct2
curve = opencurve3, "Injector Dead Time Curve 4"
columnLabel = "Voltage", ""
xAxis = 7.2, 19.2, 7
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = opentimev, batteryVoltage
yBins = opentimepct3
curve = boost_timed_curve, "Boost %age after launch"
columnLabel = "Time", ""
xAxis = 0, 15, 6
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = boost_timed_time
yBins = boost_timed_pct
curve = mapsample_curve, "MAP sample timing"
columnLabel = "RPM", "deg"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 8
yAxis = 0, 180, 8
xBins = map_sample_rpms
yBins = map_sample_timing
gauge = tachometer
curve = dwellSettings, "Dwell Battery Adjustment"
columnLabel = "Voltage", "%age"
xAxis = 6, 16, 6
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = dwellvolts
yBins = dwellcorr
curve = coldAdvance, "Cold Ignition Advance Offset"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Offset"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = -10, 10, 5
xBins = tempTable, coolant, readonly
yBins = cold_adv_table
gauge = cltGauge
curve = iacBins, "IAC Step Bins"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "IAC Steps"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 300, 7
xBins = tempTable, coolant, readonly
yBins = iacstepTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = ipwBins, "PWM Idle Duty Cycle"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Idle PWM duty"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = tempTable, coolant, readonly
yBins = ipwmTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = primingPW, "Priming Pulsewidth"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Prime PW"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 20, 5
xBins = temp_table_p5, coolant, readonly
yBins = primePWTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = crankingPW, "Cranking Pulsewidth%"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Cranking PW%"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = temp_table_p5, coolant
yBins = crankPctTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = asePct, "Afterstart Enrichment Percentage"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Afterstart"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 100, 6
xBins = temp_table_p5, coolant, readonly
yBins = asePctTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = aseTaper, "Afterstart Enrichment Taper"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Taper"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = temp_table_p5, coolant, readonly
yBins = aseCntTable
gauge = cltGauge
curve = matBasedRetard, "MAT-Based Timing Retard"
columnLabel = "MAT", "Retard"
xAxis = -40, {mathigh}, 9
yAxis = 0, 15, 7
xBins = matTemps, airtemp
yBins = matRetard
gauge = matGauge
curve = barometerCorr, "Barometric Correction"
columnLabel = "Barometer", "Correction"
xAxis = 60, 120, 7
yAxis = -30, 120, 7
xBins = baroCorrVals, barometer
yBins = baroCorrDelta
gauge = barometerGauge
curve = airdenCorr, "Air density MAT Correction"
columnLabel = "Air temp", "Correction"
xAxis = -40, 200, 9
yAxis = -30, 130, 7
xBins = matCorrTemps2, airtemp
yBins = matCorrDelta2
gauge = airtempGauge
curve = manifoldTempCorr, "MAF/MAT Correction"
columnLabel = "MAT", "Correction"
xAxis = -40, 200, 9
yAxis = -30, 30, 7
xBins = matCorrTemps, mat
yBins = matCorrDelta
gauge = matGauge
; this is just as an example.. not yet finished
curve = EAEmanycurves, "Combined EAE Curve Graph - example to test TunerStudio features"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAESOCRPMbins, rpm
yBins = EAESON
xBins = EAEAWCRPMbins, rpm
yBins = EAEAWN
xBins = EAEAWCRPMbins2, rpm
yBins = EAEAWN2
xBins = EAESOCRPMbins2, rpm ; commented out to show last yAxis tied to previous xAxis
yBins = EAESON2
gauge = EAEGauge1 ; As always gauge is optional
lineLabel = "Sucked-from-walls const"
lineLabel = "Adhere-to-walls coef"
lineLabel = "Adhere-to-walls coef 2"
lineLabel = "Sucked-from-walls Correction"
curve = EAEBAWCcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment Added-to-Walls coefficient"
columnLabel = "%", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, 255, 12
yAxis = 0, 100, 12
xBins = EAEAWCKPAbins, eaeload1
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEBSOCcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment Sucked-from-Walls coefficient"
columnLabel = "%", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, 255, 12
yAxis = 0, 25.5, 12
xBins = EAESOCKPAbins, eaeload1
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEAWNcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment AWC RPM %"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAEAWCRPMbins, rpm
yBins = EAEAWN
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAESONcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment SOC RPM %"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAESOCRPMbins, rpm
yBins = EAESON
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAESOWcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment SOW CLT %"
columnLabel = "CLT", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {clthighlim}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAESOWCLTbins, coolant
yBins = EAESOW
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEAWWcurve, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment AWW CLT %"
columnLabel = "CLT", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {clthighlim}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAEAWWCLTbins, coolant
yBins = EAEAWW
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEBAWCcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment Added-to-Walls coefficient"
columnLabel = "%", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, 255, 12
yAxis = 0, 100, 12
xBins = EAEAWCKPAbins2, fuelload
yBins = EAEBAWC2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEBSOCcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment Sucked-from-Walls coefficient"
columnLabel = "%", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, 255, 12
yAxis = 0, 25.5, 12
xBins = EAESOCKPAbins2, fuelload
yBins = EAEBSOC2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEAWNcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment AWC RPM %"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAEAWCRPMbins2, rpm
yBins = EAEAWN2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAESONcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment SOC RPM %"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAESOCRPMbins2, rpm
yBins = EAESON2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAESOWcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment SOW CLT %"
columnLabel = "CLT", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {clthighlim}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAESOWCLTbins2, coolant
yBins = EAESOW2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = EAEAWWcurve2, "Enhanced Accel Enrichment AWW CLT %"
columnLabel = "CLT", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {clthighlim}, 12
yAxis = 0, 200, 12
xBins = EAEAWWCLTbins2, coolant
yBins = EAEAWW2
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = XAccTable, "X Accel Fuel Correction"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#ua"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 4
yAxis = 0, 120, 4
xBins = XTrpms, rpm
yBins = XAcc
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = XDecTable, "X Decel Fuel Correction"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#ud"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Correction"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 9
yAxis = 0, 120, 9
xBins = XTrpms, rpm
yBins = XDec
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = TauAccTable, "Tau Accel Fuel Correction"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#uc"
columnLabel = "RPM", "time"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 9
yAxis = 0, 1000, 9
xBins = XTrpms, rpm
yBins = TauAcc
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = TauDecTable, "Tau Decel Correction"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#ue"
columnLabel = "RPM", "time"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 9
yAxis = 0, 1000, 9
xBins = XTrpms, rpm
yBins = TauDec
gauge = EAEGauge1
curve = XCltTable, "X (Puddling) Temp. Correction Factors"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#ux"
columnLabel = "Temperature", "Correction"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 600, 9
xBins = XClt_temps
yBins = XClt
gauge = cltGauge
curve = TCltTable, "Tau (Time) Temp. Correction Factors"
topicHelp = "http://www.megamanual.com/mt28.htm#ut"
columnLabel = "Temperature", "time"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 600, 9
xBins = TauClt_temps
yBins = TauClt
gauge = cltGauge
curve = NoiseFiltercurve, "Noise filter curve"
columnLabel = "RPMS", "usec"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 4
yAxis = 0, 2000, 4
xBins = NoiseFilterRpm
yBins = NoiseFilterLen
curve = warmup_curve, "Warmup Enrichment Curve"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "WUE %"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 9
yAxis = 0, 500, 6
xBins = tempTable, coolant
yBins = wueBins
gauge = cltGauge
curve = idleAdvance_curve, "Idle Advance Timing"
columnLabel = "Load %", "deg"
xAxis = 0, 100, 4
yAxis = -10, 90, 4
xBins = idleadvance_loads, fuelload
yBins = idleadvance_curve
curve = pwmidle_target_curve, "Closed loop PWM idle target rpms"
columnLabel = "CLT", "RPM"
xAxis = 0, {clthighlim}, 8
yAxis = 0, 2000, 8
xBins = pwmidle_clt_temps, coolant
yBins = pwmidle_target_rpms
curve = revlimiterBins, "Coolant Based Rev Limit"
; topicHelp = "http://www.megasquirt.info/megatune.htm#ap"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Rev limit"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 8
yAxis = 0, 15000, 8
xBins = RevLimLookup, coolant
yBins = RevLimRpm1
gauge = cltGauge
curve = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_dutycurve, "Coolant-based crank duty"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Duty %"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 4
yAxis = 0, 100, 4
xBins = pwmidle_crank_clt_temps
yBins = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_duty
gauge = cltGauge
curve = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_stepscurve, "Coolant-based crank steps"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Steps"
xAxis = -40, {clthighlim}, 4
yAxis = 0, 512, 4
xBins = pwmidle_crank_clt_temps
yBins = pwmidle_crank_dutyorsteps_steps
gauge = cltGauge
curve = ITB_load_loadvals_curve, "ITB load at TPS switchpoint"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Load"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 100, 12
xBins = ITB_load_rpms, rpm
yBins = ITB_load_loadvals
curve = ITB_load_switchpoint_curve, "ITB load TPS switchpoints"
columnLabel = "RPM", "TPS %"
xAxis = 0, {rpmhigh}, 12
yAxis = 0, 100, 12
xBins = ITB_load_rpms, rpm
yBins = ITB_load_switchpoints
; table_id, map3d_id, "title", page
; table = ltt_Table1Tbl, ltt_Table1Map, "Long Term Trim Table 1", 15
; xBins = ltt_rpms, rpm
; yBins = ltt_loads, fuelload
; zBins = ltt_table1
; upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
; gridHeight = 2.0
; gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = alphaMAPTbl, alphaMAPMap, "Alpha-N MAP Table", 1
xBins = amap_rpm, rpm
yBins = amap_tps, tps
zBins = alphaMAPtable
upDownLabel = "UP", "DOWN"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_dty, pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_dtymap, "Closed loop idle initial values", 19
xBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_rpms, cl_idle_targ_rpm
yBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt, pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt_follower
zBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_duties
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_stps, pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_stpmap, "Closed loop idle initial values", 19
xBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_rpms, cl_idle_targ_rpm
yBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt, pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt_follower
zBins = pwmidle_cl_initialvalues_steps
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
;vvt timing
table = vvt_timing1_tbl, vvt_timing1_map, "VVT intake relative timing", 7
xBins = vvt_timing_rpm, rpm
yBins = vvt_timing_load, fuelload
zBins = vvt_timing1
upDownLabel = "ADVANCE", "RETARD"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = vvt_timing2_tbl, vvt_timing2_map, "VVT exhaust relative timing", 7
xBins = vvt_timing_rpm, rpm
yBins = vvt_timing_load, fuelload
zBins = vvt_timing2
upDownLabel = "ADVANCE", "RETARD"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = als_rifuelcut_tbl, als_rifuelcut_map, "ALS roving idle fuel cut%", 14
xBins = als_rirpms, rpm
yBins = als_ritpss, tps
zBins = als_rifuelcut
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = als_fuelcut_tbl, als_fuelcut_map, "ALS fuel cut%", 14
xBins = als_rpms, rpm
yBins = als_tpss, tps
zBins = als_fuelcut
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = als_sparkcut_tbl, als_sparkcut_map, "ALS spark cut%", 14
xBins = als_rpms, rpm
yBins = als_tpss, tps
zBins = als_sparkcut
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = als_timing_tbl, als_timing_map, "ALS timing", 14
xBins = als_rpms, rpm
yBins = als_tpss, tps
zBins = als_timing
upDownLabel = "ADVANCE", "RETARD"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = als_addfuel_tbl, als_addfuel_map, "ALS added fuel %age", 14
xBins = als_rpms, rpm
yBins = als_tpss, tps
zBins = als_addfuel
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_a, pwm_duties_map_a, "Generic PWM A", 11
xBins = pwm_rpms_a, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_a, pwma_load
zBins = pwm_duties_a
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_b, pwm_duties_map_b, "Generic PWM B", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_b, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_b, pwmb_load
zBins = pwm_duties_b
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_c, pwm_duties_map_c, "Generic PWM C", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_c, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_c, pwmc_load
zBins = pwm_duties_c
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_d, pwm_duties_map_d, "Generic PWM D", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_d, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_d, pwmd_load
zBins = pwm_duties_d
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_vvt, pwm_duties_map_vvt, "Generic PWM E / VVT", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_e, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_e, fuelload
zBins = pwm_duties_e
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_e, pwm_duties_map_e, "Generic PWM E", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_e, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_e, pwme_load
zBins = pwm_duties_e
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = pwm_duties_Tbl_f, pwm_duties_map_f, "Generic PWM F", 2
xBins = pwm_rpms_f, rpm
yBins = pwm_loadvals_f, pwmf_load
zBins = pwm_duties_f
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = waterinjTbl, waterinjMap, "Water Injection Duty Table ", 1
xBins = waterinj_rpm, rpm
yBins = waterinj_map, map
zBins = waterinj_duty
upDownLabel = "MORE", "LESS"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = maxafr1Tbl, maxafr1Map, "Max AFR 1 in Lambda", 1
gridHeight = 3.0
table = maxafr1Tbl, maxafr1Map, "Max AFR difference", 1
gridHeight = 1.0
xBins = maxafr1_rpm, rpm
yBins = maxafr1_load, maxafrload
zBins = maxafr1_diff
upDownLabel = "LEANER", "RICHER"
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = veTable1Tbl, veTable1Map, "VE Table 1", 4
; constant, variable
xBins = frpm_table1, rpm
yBins = fmap_table1, fuelload
zBins = veTable1
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = veTable2Tbl, veTable2Map, "VE Table 2", 4
xBins = frpm_table2, rpm
yBins = fmap_table2, fuelload2
zBins = veTable2
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = veTable3Tbl, veTable3Map, "VE Table 3", 4
; constant, variable
xBins = frpm_table3, rpm
yBins = fmap_table3, fuelload
zBins = veTable3
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = veTable4Tbl, veTable4Map, "VE Table 4", 4
; constant, variable
xBins = frpm_table4, rpm
yBins = fmap_table4, fuelload
zBins = veTable4
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = idleve1Tbl, idleve1Map, "Idle VE table", 10
xBins = idleve_rpms1, rpm
yBins = idleve_loads1, fuelload
zBins = idleve_table1
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = idleve2Tbl, idleve2Map, "Idle VE table - Dual Fuel", 10
xBins = idleve_rpms2, rpm
yBins = idleve_loads2, fuelload
zBins = idleve_table2
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = stagedTable, stagedMap, "Staged Injection table", 6
xBins = staged_rpms, rpm
yBins = staged_loads, fuelload
zBins = staged_percents
upDownLabel = "MORE", "LESS"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = afrTable1Tbl, afrTable1Map, "Lambda Table 1", 1
gridHeight = 3.0
table = afrTable1Tbl, afrTable1Map, "AFR Table 1", 1
gridHeight = 1.0
xBins = arpm_table1, rpm
yBins = amap_table1, afrload1
zBins = afrTable1
upDownLabel = "LEANER", "RICHER"
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = afrTable2Tbl, afrTable2Map, "Lambda Table 2", 1
gridHeight = 3.0
table = afrTable2Tbl, afrTable2Map, "AFR Table 2", 1
gridHeight = 1.0
xBins = arpm_table2, rpm
yBins = amap_table2, fuelload
zBins = afrTable2
upDownLabel = "LEANER", "RICHER"
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = ignitionTbl1, ignitionMap1, "Spark Advance Table1", 3
xBins = srpm_table1, rpm
yBins = smap_table1, ignload
zBins = advanceTable1
gridHeight = 3.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = ignitionTbl2, ignitionMap2, "Spark Advance Table2", 3
xBins = srpm_table2, rpm
yBins = smap_table2, ignload2
zBins = advanceTable2
gridHeight = 3.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = ignitionTbl3, ignitionMap3, "Spark Advance Table3", 4
xBins = srpm_table3, rpm
yBins = smap_table3, ignload
zBins = advanceTable3
gridHeight = 3.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = ignitionTbl4, ignitionMap4, "Spark Advance Table4", 4
xBins = srpm_table4, rpm
yBins = smap_table4, ignload2
zBins = advanceTable4
gridHeight = 3.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = RotarySplitTbl, RotarySplitMap, "Rotary Split Table", 3
xBins = RotarySplitRPM, rpm
yBins = RotarySplitLoad, ignload
zBins = RotarySplitTable
gridHeight = 3.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlDutys, boostctlDtyMap, "Boost Control Duty 1", 2
xBins = boost_ctl_pwmtarg_rpm_bins, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_pwmtarg_tps_bins, throttle
zBins = boost_ctl_pwm_targets
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlTargs, boostctlTargMap, "Boost Control Targets 1", 2
xBins = boost_ctl_loadtarg_rpm_bins, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_loadtarg_tps_bins, throttle
zBins = boost_ctl_load_targets
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlDutys2, boostctlDtyMap2, "Boost Control Duty 2", 2
xBins = boost_ctl_pwmtarg_rpm_bins2, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_pwmtarg_tps_bins2, throttle
zBins = boost_ctl_pwm_targets2
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlCLPWMtargs1, boostctlCLPWMtargsMap1, "Boost control Initial duty 1", 15
xBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_rpms1, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targboosts1, boost_targ_1
zBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs1
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlCLPWMtargs2, boostctlCLPWMtargsMap2, "Boost control Initial duty 1", 15
xBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_rpms2, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targboosts2, boost_targ_2
zBins = boost_ctl_cl_pwm_targs2
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = boostctlTargs2, boostctlTargMap2, "Boost Control Targets 2", 2
xBins = boost_ctl_loadtarg_rpm_bins2, rpm
yBins = boost_ctl_loadtarg_tps_bins2, throttle
zBins = boost_ctl_load_targets2
upDownLabel = "HIGHER", "LOWER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
;injector trims
table = inj_trimaTbl, inj_trimaMap, "Cyl 1 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload
zBins = inj_trima
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimbTbl, inj_trimbMap, "Cyl 2 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimb
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimcTbl, inj_trimcMap, "Cyl 3 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimc
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimdTbl, inj_trimdMap, "Cyl 4 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimd
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimeTbl, inj_trimeMap, "Cyl 5 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trime
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimfTbl, inj_trimfMap, "Cyl 6 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimf
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimgTbl, inj_trimgMap, "Cyl 7 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimg
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimhTbl, inj_trimhMap, "Cyl 8 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimh
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trim1Tbl, inj_trim1Map, "Injector Trim 1", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimi
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trim2Tbl, inj_trim2Map, "Injector Trim 2", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimj
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimiTbl, inj_trimiMap, "Cyl 9 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload
zBins = inj_trimi
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimjTbl, inj_trimjMap, "Cyl 10 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimj
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimkTbl, inj_trimkMap, "Cyl 11 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimk
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimlTbl, inj_trimlMap, "Cyl 12 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_triml
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimmTbl, inj_trimmMap, "Cyl 13 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimm
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimnTbl, inj_trimnMap, "Cyl 14 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimn
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimoTbl, inj_trimoMap, "Cyl 15 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimo
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = inj_trimpTbl, inj_trimpMap, "Cyl 16 fuel trim", 7
; constant, variable
xBins = inj_trim_rpm, rpm, readonly
yBins = inj_trim_load, fuelload, readonly
zBins = inj_trimp
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
;inj timing
table = inj_timing_tbl, inj_timing_map, "Injector Timing", 7
xBins = inj_timing_rpm, rpm
yBins = inj_timing_load, fuelload
zBins = inj_timing
upDownLabel = "ADVANCE", "RETARD"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
table = inj_timing_sec_tbl, inj_timing_sec_map, "Secondary Injector Timing", 7
xBins = inj_timing_sec_rpm, rpm
yBins = inj_timing_sec_load, fuelload
zBins = inj_timing_sec
upDownLabel = "ADVANCE", "RETARD"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340
;spark trims
table = spk_trimaTbl, spk_trimaMap, "Spark Trim 1", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trima
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimbTbl, spk_trimbMap, "Spark Trim 2", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimb
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimcTbl, spk_trimcMap, "Spark Trim 3", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimc
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimdTbl, spk_trimdMap, "Spark Trim 4", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimd
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimeTbl, spk_trimeMap, "Spark Trim 5", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trime
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimfTbl, spk_trimfMap, "Spark Trim 6", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimf
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimgTbl, spk_trimgMap, "Spark Trim 7", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimg
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimhTbl, spk_trimhMap, "Spark Trim 8", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimh
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimiTbl, spk_trimiMap, "Spark Trim 9", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimi
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimjTbl, spk_trimjMap, "Spark Trim 10", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimj
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimkTbl, spk_trimkMap, "Spark Trim 11", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimk
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimlTbl, spk_trimlMap, "Spark Trim 12", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_triml
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimmTbl, spk_trimmMap, "Spark Trim 13", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimm
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimnTbl, spk_trimnMap, "Spark Trim 14", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimn
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimoTbl, spk_trimoMap, "Spark Trim 15", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimo
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = spk_trimpTbl, spk_trimpMap, "Spark Trim 16", 8
; constant, variable
xBins = spk_trim_rpm, rpm
yBins = spk_trim_load, ignload
zBins = spk_trimp
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
table = narrowband_tgts_tbl, narrowband_tgts_map, "Narrowband EGO targets", 14
xBins = narrowband_tgts_rpms, rpm
yBins = narrowband_tgts_loads, afrload1
zBins = narrowband_tgts
upDownLabel = "RICHER", "LEANER"
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
; Define a gauge's characteristics here, then go to a specific layout
; block (Tuning or FrontPage) and use the name you've defined here to
; display that gauge in a particular position.
; Name = Case-sensitive, user-defined name for this gauge configuration.
; Var = Case-sensitive name of variable to be displayed, see the
; OutputChannels block in this file for possible values.
; Title = Title displayed at the top of the gauge.
; Units = Units displayed below value on gauge.
; Lo = Lower scale limit of gauge.
; Hi = Upper scale limit of gauge.
; LoD = Lower limit at which danger color is used for gauge background.
; LoW = Lower limit at which warning color is used.
; HiW = Upper limit at which warning color is used.
; HiD = Upper limit at which danger color is used.
; vd = Decimal places in displayed value
; ld = Label decimal places for display of Lo and Hi, above.
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
gaugeCategory = "Outputs 1"
pulseWidth1Gauge = pulseWidth1, "Pulse Width 1", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidth2Gauge = pulseWidth2, "Pulse Width 2", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq1Gauge = pwseq1, "Pulse Width Seq 1", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq2Gauge = pwseq2, "Pulse Width Seq 2", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq3Gauge = pwseq3, "Pulse Width Seq 3", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq4Gauge = pwseq4, "Pulse Width Seq 4", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq5Gauge = pwseq5, "Pulse Width Seq 5", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq6Gauge = pwseq6, "Pulse Width Seq 6", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq7Gauge = pwseq7, "Pulse Width Seq 7", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq8Gauge = pwseq8, "Pulse Width Seq 8", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq9Gauge = pwseq9, "Pulse Width Seq 9", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq10Gauge = pwseq10, "Pulse Width Seq 10", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq11Gauge = pwseq11, "Pulse Width Seq 11", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
pulseWidthSeq12Gauge = pwseq12, "Pulse Width Seq 12", "mSec", 0, 25.5, 1.0, 1.2, 20, 25, 3, 1
gaugeCategory = "Outputs 2"
IACgauge = iacstep, "IAC position", "steps", 0, 255, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
dwellGauge = dwell, "Dwell", "mSec", 0, 10, 0.5, 1.0, 6.0, 8.0, 1, 1
dwelltrlGauge = dwell_trl, "Dwell (Trailing)", "mSec", 0, 10, 0.5, 1.0, 6.0, 8.0, 1, 1
; IAC step == idle pwm, when using pwm idle control.
PWMIdlegauge = idleDC, "Idle PWM%", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 999, 90, 1, 1
advdegGauge = advance, "Ignition Advance", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
dutyCycle1Gauge = dutyCycle1, "Duty Cycle 1", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 85, 90, 1, 1
dutyCycle2Gauge = dutyCycle2, "Duty Cycle 2", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 85, 90, 1, 1
boostdutyGauge = boostduty, "Boost Duty", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 100, 100, 1, 1
boostdutyGauge2 = boostduty2, "Boost Duty 2", "%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 100, 100, 1, 1
injtimingpriGauge = inj_timing_pri, "Injector timing (pri)", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
injtimingsecGauge = inj_timing_sec, "Injector timing (sec)", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "Outputs 3"
nitrous_addfuel = n2o_addfuel, "Nitrous added fuel", "ms", -5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 3, 3
nitrous_retard = n2o_retard, "Nitrous retard", "deg", -5, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 1
nitrous1_duty = nitrous1_duty, "Nitrous 1 Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
nitrous2_duty = nitrous2_duty, "Nitrous 2 Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
nitrous_timer = nitrous_timer, "Nitrous Timer", "s", 0, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 3 ,3
water_duty = water_duty, "Water Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_a = duty_pwm_a, "Generic PWM A Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_b = duty_pwm_b, "Generic PWM B Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_c = duty_pwm_c, "Generic PWM C Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_d = duty_pwm_d, "Generic PWM D Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_e = duty_pwm_e, "Generic PWM E Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
duty_pwm_f = duty_pwm_f, "Generic PWM F Duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0 ,0
vvt_duty1 = vvt_duty1, "VVT 1 duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1 ,1
vvt_duty2 = vvt_duty2, "VVT 2 duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1 ,1
vvt_duty3 = vvt_duty3, "VVT 3 duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1 ,1
vvt_duty4 = vvt_duty4, "VVT 4 duty", "%", 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1 ,1
launch_timer = launch_timer, "Launch timer", "s", 0, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 3 ,3
launch_retard = launch_retard, "Launch timed retard", "deg", -5, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "Calculations 1"
accelEnrichGauge = accDecEnrich, "Accel Enrich%", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
accEnrichMSGauge = accEnrichMS, "Accel Enrich PW", "ms", 50, 150, -1, -1, 999, 999, 3, 3
clockGauge = seconds, "Clock", "Seconds", 0, 65535, 10, 10, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
gammaEnrichGauge = gammaEnrich, "Total cor", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 151, 151, 1, 1
gammaairGauge = airCorrection, "Air density Correction", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 151, 151, 1, 1
warmupgauge = warmupEnrich, "Warmup Enrichment", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 151, 151, 1, 1
barocorgauge = baroCorrection, "Barometric Correction", "%", 50, 150, -1, -1, 151, 151, 1, 1
WFGauge1 = wallfuel1, "Fuel on the walls 1", "", 0, 40000000, 0, 0, 40000000, 40000000, 0, 0
WFGauge2 = wallfuel2, "Fuel on the walls 2", "", 0, 40000000, 0, 0, 40000000, 40000000, 0, 0
EAEGauge1 = EAEFuelCorr1, "EAE Fuel Correction 1", "%", 0, 200, 40, 70, 130, 160, 0, 0
EAEGauge2 = EAEFuelCorr2, "EAE Fuel Correction 2", "%", 0, 200, 40, 70, 130, 160, 0, 0
fuelcorr = fuelCorrection,"E85 Fuel Correction", "%", 100, 200, 99, 99, 164, 170, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "Calculations 2"
knockGauge = knockRetard "Knock Retard", "deg", 0, 25.0, -1, -1, 5.0, 10.0, 1, 1
timingerrGauge = timing_err, "Timing pred err", "%", -127, 127, 255,255,255,255,0,0
lostsyncGauge = synccnt, "Lost sync counter", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
syncreasonGauge = syncreason, "Lost sync reason", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
; user0Gauge = user0, "User defined", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
veGauge1 = veCurr1, "VE1 Current", "%", 0, 120, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
veGauge2 = veCurr2, "VE2 Current", "%", 0, 120, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vss1dot = vss1dot, "VSS1 Acceleration", "ms-2", -25, 25, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0 ; adjust to 50 if running top fuel
vss2dot = vss2dot, "VSS2 Acceleration", "ms-2", -25, 25, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0 ; adjust to 50 if running top fuel
RPMdot = RPMdot, "RPMdot", "rpm/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
TPSdot = TPSdot, "TPSdot", "%/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
MAPdot = MAPdot, "MAPdot", "kPa/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
vvttargGauge1 = vvt_target1, "VVT 1 target", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvttargGauge2 = vvt_target2, "VVT 2 target", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvttargGauge3 = vvt_target3, "VVT 3 target", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvttargGauge4 = vvt_target4, "VVT 4 target", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
fuelflowGauge = fuelflow, "Fuel flow (avg)", "cc/min", 0, 65535, -1, -1, 99999, 99999, 0, 0
economy_l_100km = economy_l_100km, "Fuel economy", "l/100km", 0, 300, -1, -1, 900, 900, 1, 1
economy_mpg_us = economy_mpg_us, "Fuel economy", "mpg_us", 0, 60, -1, -1, 99, 99, 0, 0
economy_mpg_uk = economy_mpg_uk, "Fuel economy", "mpg_uk", 0, 60, -1, -1, 99, 99, 0, 0
tps_accel = tps_accel, "tps_accel", "%/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
map_accel = map_accel, "map_accel", "kPa/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
total_accel = total_accel, "total_accel", "%/sec", -15000, 15000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
boost_target_1 = boost_targ_1, "Boost Target 1", "%", 0, 500, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
boost_target_2 = boost_targ_2, "Boost Target 2", "%", 0, 500, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "EGT inputs"
egtGauge1 = egt1, "EGT 01", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge2 = egt2, "EGT 02", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge3 = egt3, "EGT 03", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge4 = egt4, "EGT 04", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge5 = egt5, "EGT 05", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge6 = egt6, "EGT 06", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge7 = egt7, "EGT 07", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge8 = egt8, "EGT 08", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge9 = egt9, "EGT 09", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge10 = egt10, "EGT 10", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge11 = egt11, "EGT 11", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge12 = egt12, "EGT 12", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge13 = egt13, "EGT 13", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge14 = egt14, "EGT 14", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge15 = egt15, "EGT 15", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge16 = egt16, "EGT 16", "C", 0, 1250, 0, 0, 1250, 1250, 0, 0
egtGauge1 = egt1, "EGT 01", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge2 = egt2, "EGT 02", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge3 = egt3, "EGT 03", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge4 = egt4, "EGT 04", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge5 = egt5, "EGT 05", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge6 = egt6, "EGT 06", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge7 = egt7, "EGT 07", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge8 = egt8, "EGT 08", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge9 = egt9, "EGT 09", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge10 = egt10, "EGT 10", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge11 = egt11, "EGT 11", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge12 = egt12, "EGT 12", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge13 = egt13, "EGT 13", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge14 = egt14, "EGT 14", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge15 = egt15, "EGT 15", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
egtGauge16 = egt16, "EGT 16", "F", 0, 2280, 0, 0, 2280, 2280, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "Sensor inputs1"
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°C", -40, 230, -100, -100, 170, 200, 0, 0
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°C", -40, 150, -100, -100, 95, 105, 0, 0
matGauge = mat, "Manifold Air Temp", "°C", -40, 110, -15, 0, 95, 100, 0, 0
airtempGauge = airtemp, "Est. Intake Air Temp", "°C", -40, 110, -15, 0, 95, 100, 0, 0
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°F", -40, 450, -100, -100, 350, 400, 0, 0
cltGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°F", -40, 300, -100, -100, 200, 220, 0, 0
matGauge = mat, "Manifold Air Temp", "°F", -40, 215, 0, 30, 200, 210, 0, 0
airtempGauge = airtemp, "Est. Intake Air Temp", "°F", -40, 215, 0, 30, 200, 210, 0, 0
voltMeter = batteryVoltage,"Battery Voltage", "volts", 7, 21, 8, 9, 15, 16, 2, 2
tachometer = rpm, "Engine Speed", "RPM", 0, {rpmhigh}, 300, 600, {rpmwarn}, {rpmdang}, 0, 0
throttleGauge = throttle, "Throttle Position", "%", 0, 100, -1, 1, 90, 100, 1, 0
mapGauge = map, "Engine MAP", "kPa", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
barometerGauge = barometer, "Barometer", "kPa", 60, 120, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
fuelloadGauge = fuelload, "Fuel Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
fuelload2Gauge = fuelload2, "Secondary Fuel Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
ignloadGauge = ignload, "Ign Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
ignload2Gauge = ignload2, "Secondary Ign Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
eaeloadGauge = eaeload1, "EAE Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
afrloadGauge = afrload1, "AFR Load", "%", 0, 255, 0, 20, 200, 245, 1, 0
mafGauge = maf, "Mass Air Flow", "g/sec", 0, {650 * (maf_range + 1)}, 0, {200 * (maf_range + 1)}, {480 * (maf_range + 1)}, {550 * (maf_range + 1)}, 2, 0
maf_voltsGauge = maf_volts, "MAF Volts", "V", 0, 5.00, 0, 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, 3, 1
maf_freqGauge = maf_freq, "MAF Frequency", "Hz", 0, 30000, 0, 30000, 30000, 30000, 0, 0
mafloadGauge = mafload, "MAFload", "kPa", 0, 400, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 0
boostbarGauge = boostbar, "Boost", "bar", -1, 3, -1, -1, 5, 5, 2, 2
boostpsigGauge = boostpsig, "Boost", "psig", -14.7, 21, -15, -15, 30, 30, 1, 1
boostvacGauge = boostvac, "Vac/Boost", "inHg/psig", -30, 30, -30, -30, 30, 30, 1, 1
knockinGauge = knock, "Knock Input", "%", 0, 100.0, -1, -1, 100.0, 100.0, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "Sensor inputs2"
stream_levelGauge = stream_level, "Stream Level", "", 0, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 0, 0
#if MPH
vehiclespeed1 = vss1, "Vehicle Speed 1", "MPH", 0, 200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0
vehiclespeed2 = vss2, "Vehicle Speed 2", "MPH", 0, 200, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 0, 0
vehiclespeed1 = vss1, "Vehicle Speed 1", "KPH", 0, 300, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 0, 0
vehiclespeed2 = vss2, "Vehicle Speed 2", "KPH", 0, 300, 1600, 1600, 1600, 1600, 0, 0
shaftspeed1 = ss1, "Shaft Speed 1", "RPM", 0, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 0, 0
shaftspeed2 = ss2, "Shaft Speed 2", "RPM", 0, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000, 0, 0
gear = gear, "Gear", "", -1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 0 ,0
accelx = accelx, "Accel X", "ms-2", -59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 2, 2
accely = accely, "Accel Y", "ms-2", -59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 2, 2
accelz = accelz, "Accel Z", "ms-2", -59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 2, 2
vvtGauge1 = vvt_ang1, "VVT 1 angle", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvtGauge2 = vvt_ang2, "VVT 2 angle", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvtGauge3 = vvt_ang3, "VVT 3 angle", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
vvtGauge4 = vvt_ang4, "VVT 4 angle", "degrees", 0, 50, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
fuelcompsn= fuel_pct, "Ethanol Percentage","%", 0, 100, -1, -1, 85, 101, 0, 0
fueltempGauge = fuel_temp, "Fuel Temp", "°C", -40, 110, -100, -100, 95, 105, 0, 0
fueltempGauge = fuel_temp, "Fuel Temp", "°F", -40, 240, -100, -100, 200, 220, 0, 0
TPSADCGauge = tpsADC, "TPS ADC", "ADC", 0, 1023, -1, 1, 1024, 1024, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "Sensor inputs3"
knock01Gauge = knock_cyl01, "Knock cyl# 1", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock02Gauge = knock_cyl02, "Knock cyl# 2", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock03Gauge = knock_cyl03, "Knock cyl# 3", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock04Gauge = knock_cyl04, "Knock cyl# 4", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock05Gauge = knock_cyl05, "Knock cyl# 5", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock06Gauge = knock_cyl06, "Knock cyl# 6", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock07Gauge = knock_cyl07, "Knock cyl# 7", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock08Gauge = knock_cyl08, "Knock cyl# 8", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock09Gauge = knock_cyl09, "Knock cyl# 9", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock10Gauge = knock_cyl10, "Knock cyl#10", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock11Gauge = knock_cyl11, "Knock cyl#11", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
knock12Gauge = knock_cyl12, "Knock cyl#12", "", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 1, 0
gaugeCategory = "AFR/EGO inputs"
egoV1Gauge = egov1, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 1", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV2Gauge = egov2, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 2", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV3Gauge = egov3, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 3", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV4Gauge = egov4, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 4", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV5Gauge = egov5, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 5", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV6Gauge = egov6, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 6", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV7Gauge = egov7, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 7", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
egoV8Gauge = egov8, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 8", "volts", 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
#elif LAMBDA
lambda1Gauge = lambda1, "Lambda 1", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda2Gauge = lambda2, "Lambda 2", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda3Gauge = lambda3, "Lambda 3", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda4Gauge = lambda4, "Lambda 4", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda5Gauge = lambda5, "Lambda 5", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda6Gauge = lambda6, "Lambda 6", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda7Gauge = lambda7, "Lambda 7", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda8Gauge = lambda8, "Lambda 8", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
egoV1Gauge = egov1, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 1", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV2Gauge = egov2, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 2", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV3Gauge = egov3, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 3", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV4Gauge = egov4, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 4", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV5Gauge = egov5, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 5", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV6Gauge = egov6, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 6", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV7Gauge = egov7, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 7", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV8Gauge = egov8, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 8", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
afr1Gauge = afr1, "Air:Fuel Ratio 1", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr2Gauge = afr2, "Air:Fuel Ratio 2", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr3Gauge = afr3, "Air:Fuel Ratio 3", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr4Gauge = afr4, "Air:Fuel Ratio 4", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr5Gauge = afr5, "Air:Fuel Ratio 5", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr6Gauge = afr6, "Air:Fuel Ratio 6", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr7Gauge = afr7, "Air:Fuel Ratio 7", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr8Gauge = afr8, "Air:Fuel Ratio 8", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
egoV1Gauge = egov1, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 1", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV2Gauge = egov2, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 2", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV3Gauge = egov3, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 3", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV4Gauge = egov4, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 4", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV5Gauge = egov5, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 5", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV6Gauge = egov6, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 6", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV7Gauge = egov7, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 7", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV8Gauge = egov8, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 8", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
gaugeCategory = "AFR/EGO calculations"
afr1targetGauge = afrtgt1, "EgoV 1 Target", "", 0, 1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 3, 3
afr2targetGauge = afrtgt2, "EgoV 2 Target", "", 0, 1, 20, 20, 20, 20, 3, 3
afr1errGauge = afr1err, "EgoV 1 Error", "", -1, +1, 12, 13, 15, 16, 3, 3
afr2errGauge = afr2err, "EgoV 2 Error", "", -1, +1, 12, 13, 15, 16, 3, 3
#elif LAMBDA
afr1targetGauge = afrtgt1, "Lambda 1 Target", "", 0.5, 1.5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2
afr2targetGauge = afrtgt2, "Lambda 2 Target", "", 0.5, 1.5, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2
afr1errGauge = afr1err, "Lambda 1 Error", "", -2, +2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr2errGauge = afr2err, "Lambda 2 Error", "", -2, +2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr1targetGauge = afrtgt1, "AFR 1 Target", "", 10, 19.4, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2
afr2targetGauge = afrtgt2, "AFR 2 Target", "", 10, 19.4, 20, 20, 20, 20, 2, 2
afr1errGauge = afr1err, "AFR 1 Error", "", -5, +5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr2errGauge = afr2err, "AFR 2 Error", "", -5, +5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
egoCorrGauge1 = egocor1, "EGO Correction 1", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge2 = egocor2, "EGO Correction 2", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge3 = egocor3, "EGO Correction 3", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge4 = egocor4, "EGO Correction 4", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge5 = egocor5, "EGO Correction 5", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge6 = egocor6, "EGO Correction 6", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge7 = egocor7, "EGO Correction 7", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge8 = egocor8, "EGO Correction 8", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "AFR/EGO inputs 9-16"
#elif LAMBDA
lambda9Gauge = lambda9, "Lambda 9", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda10Gauge = lambda10, "Lambda 10", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda11Gauge = lambda11, "Lambda 11", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
lambda12Gauge = lambda12, "Lambda 12", "", 0.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.7, 2, 1.1, 2, 2
afr9Gauge = afr9, "Air:Fuel Ratio 9", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr10Gauge = afr10, "Air:Fuel Ratio 10", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr11Gauge = afr11, "Air:Fuel Ratio 11", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
afr12Gauge = afr12, "Air:Fuel Ratio 12", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
egoV9Gauge = egov9, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 9", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV10Gauge = egov10, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 10", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV11Gauge = egov11, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 11", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
egoV12Gauge = egov12, "Exhaust Gas Oxygen 12", "volts", 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2
gaugeCategory = "AFR/EGO calculations 9-16"
egoCorrGauge9 = egocor9, "EGO Correction 9", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge10 = egocor10, "EGO Correction 10", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge11 = egocor11, "EGO Correction 11", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
egoCorrGauge12 = egocor12, "EGO Correction 12", "%", 50, 150, 90, 99, 101, 110, 1, 1
gaugeCategory = "Generic sensor inputs"
sensor01Gauge = sensor01, "Sensor 01", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor02Gauge = sensor02, "Sensor 02", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor03Gauge = sensor03, "Sensor 03", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor04Gauge = sensor04, "Sensor 04", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor05Gauge = sensor05, "Sensor 05", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor06Gauge = sensor06, "Sensor 06", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor07Gauge = sensor07, "Sensor 07", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor08Gauge = sensor08, "Sensor 08", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor09Gauge = sensor09, "Sensor 09", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor10Gauge = sensor10, "Sensor 10", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor11Gauge = sensor11, "Sensor 11", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor12Gauge = sensor12, "Sensor 12", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor13Gauge = sensor13, "Sensor 13", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor14Gauge = sensor14, "Sensor 14", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor15Gauge = sensor15, "Sensor 15", "", -3000, 3000, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 1, 1
sensor16Gauge = sensor16, "ECU temp.", "", -40, 200, -3277, -3277, 3277, 3277, 0, 0
gaugeCategory = "CAN board inputs/outputs"
canin1_8Gauge = canin1_8, "CAN inputs 1-8", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,0, 0
canout1_8Gauge = canout1_8, "CAN outputs 1-8", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,0, 0
canout9_16Gauge = canout9_16, "CAN outputs 9-16", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,0, 0
canpwmin0Gauge = canpwmin0, "CAN PWMin 0", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
canpwmin1Gauge = canpwmin1, "CAN PWMin 1", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
canpwmin2Gauge = canpwmin2, "CAN PWMin 2", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
canpwmin3Gauge = canpwmin3, "CAN PWMin 3", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
gaugeCategory = "X-Code dev"
status1Gauge = status1, "Status 1", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
status2Gauge = status2, "Status 2", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
status3Gauge = status3, "Status 3", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
status4Gauge = status4, "Status 4", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0
status5Gauge = status5, "Status 5", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
injcountGauge = status5, "Injection Count", "pulses", 0, 1000, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535,0, 0
looptimeGauge = looptime, "Mainloop time", "us", 0, 10000, -1, -1, 1000, 6000, 0, 0
sd_filenum = sd_filenum, "SDcard file number", "", 0, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 0 ,0
sd_error = sd_error, "SDcard error", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0 ,0
sd_status = sd_status, "SDcard status", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0 ,0
sd_phase = sd_phase, "SDcard phase", "", 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0 ,0
deadGauge = deadValue, "---", "", 0, 1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0
advBucketGauge = veTuneValue, "Advance Bucket", "degrees", 0, 55, -1, -1, 999, 999, 1, 1
veBucketGauge = veTuneValue, "VE Value", "%", 0, 120, -1, -1, 999, 999, 0, 0
cel_statusGauge = cel_status, "CEL Status", "", 0, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 0, 0
egoLEDs = 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ; Voltage settings.
#elif LAMBDA
egoLEDs = 1.5, 0.5, 1.0 ; Lambda settings.
egoLEDs = 19.7, 9.7, 14.7 ; Afr settings.
; Gauges are numbered left to right, top to bottom.
; 1 2 3 4
; 5 6 7 8
gauge1 = tachometer
; gauge2 = EAEGauge1
gauge2 = throttleGauge
gauge3 = pulseWidth1Gauge
gauge4 = cltGauge
gauge5 = advdegGauge
gauge6 = fuelloadGauge
gauge7 = egoV1Gauge
#elif LAMBDA
gauge7 = lambda1Gauge
gauge7 = afr1Gauge
; gauge7 = dwellGauge
gauge8 = matGauge
; Indicators
; expr off-label on-label, off-bg, off-fg, on-bg, on-fg
indicator = { ready }, "Not Ready", "Ready", white, black, green, black
indicator = { crank }, "Not Cranking", "Cranking", white, black, green, black
indicator = { startw }, "ASE OFF", "ASE", white, black, green, black
indicator = { warmup }, "WUE OFF", "WUE", white, black, green, black
indicator = { tpsaccaen }, "TPS Accel", "TPS Accel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { mapaccaen }, "MAP Accel", "MAP Accel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { tpsaccden }, "TPS Decel", "TPS Decel", white, black, green, black
indicator = { mapaccden }, "MAP Decel", "MAP Decel", white, black, green, black
; indicator = { tps > floodClear && crank }, "", "FLOOD CLEAR", white, black, red, black
; indicator = { port0 }, "Port 0 Off", "Port 0 On", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b00000001}, "Need Burn", "Need Burn", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b00000010}, "Data Lost", "Lost Data", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b00000100}, "Config Error", "Config Error", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b00001000}, "Not synced", "Synced", red, black, green, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b00100000}, "VE1/2", "VE3/4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b01000000}, "SPK1/2", "SPK3/4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status1 & 0b10000000}, "Half-sync", "Full-sync", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00000001}, "N2O 1 off", "N2O 1 on", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00000010}, "N2O 2 off", "N2O 2 on", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00000100}, "No rev lim", "Rev Lim", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00000100}, "No Launch", "Launch in", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00010000}, "No Flat shift", "Flat shift", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b00100000}, "Spark cut", "Spark cut", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b01000000}, "Over boost", "Over boost", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status2 & 0b10000000}, "CL Idle off", "CL idle on", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00000001}, "No Fuel cut", "Fuel cut", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00000010}, "T-log", "T-log", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00000100}, "3 step off", "3 step on", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00001000}, "Test mode", "Test mode", white, black, yellow, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00010000}, "No 3 step", "3 step in", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b00100000}, "No soft limit", "Soft limiter",white, black, red, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b01000000}, "No seq. shift", "Seq. Shift", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status3 & 0b10000000}, "Launch Off", "Launch on", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00000001}, "EGT warn", "EGT warn", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00000010}, "EGT shutdown", "EGT shutdown", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00000100}, "AFR warn", "AFR warn", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00001000}, "AFR shutdown", "AFR shutdown", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00010000}, "Idle VE", "Idle VE", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b00100000}, "Idle Adv", "Idle Adv", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b01000000}, "Fan", "Fan", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status6 & 0b10000000}, "MAPsample error!", "MAPsample error!", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0b00000001}, "VVT1 err", "VVT1 err", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0b00000010}, "VVT2 err", "VVT2 err", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0b00000100}, "VVT3 err", "VVT3 err", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0b00001000}, "VVT4 err", "VVT4 err", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0x10 }, "No Knock", "Knock", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0x20 }, "AC", "AC", white, black, green, black
indicator = { status7 & 0x40 }, "Check Engine", "Check Engine", white, black, red, black
indicator = { status7 & 0x80 }, "Limp mode", "Limp mode", white, black, red, black
indicator = { sd_status & 0b00010000}, "SD Err", "SD Err", white, black, red, black
indicator = { sd_status & 0b00001000}, "SD Log", "SD Log", white, black, green, black
indicator = { sd_status & 0b00000100}, "SD ready", "SD ready", white, black, green, black
indicator = { sd_status & 0b00000001}, "No SD", "SD in", white, black, green, black
indicator = { (gammaEnrich < 70) }, "-", "Tune error", white, black, red, black
indicator = { porta0 }, "PORTA0", "PORTA0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta1 }, "PORTA1", "PORTA1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta2 }, "PORTA2", "PORTA2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta3 }, "PORTA3", "PORTA3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta4 }, "PORTA4", "PORTA4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta5 }, "PORTA5", "PORTA5", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta6 }, "PORTA6", "PORTA6", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porta7 }, "PORTA7", "PORTA7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb0 }, "PORTB0", "PORTB0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb1 }, "PORTB1", "PORTB1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb2 }, "PORTB2", "PORTB2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb3 }, "PORTB3", "PORTB3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb4 }, "PORTB4", "PORTB4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb5 }, "PORTB5", "PORTB5", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb6 }, "PORTB6", "PORTB6", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portb7 }, "PORTB7", "PORTB7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porte0 }, "PORTE0", "PORTE0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porte1 }, "PORTE1", "PORTE1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porte2 }, "PORTE2", "PORTE2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porte4 }, "PORTE4", "PORTE4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porth6 }, "PORTH6", "PORTH6", white, black, green, black
indicator = { porth7 }, "PORTH7", "PORTH7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portk0 }, "PORTK0", "PORTK0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portk1 }, "PORTK1", "PORTK1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portk2 }, "PORTK2", "PORTK2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portk3 }, "PORTK3", "PORTK3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portk7 }, "PORTK7", "PORTK7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portj0 }, "PORTJ0", "PORTJ0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portj1 }, "PORTJ1", "PORTJ1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portm2 }, "PORTM2", "PORTM2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portm3 }, "PORTM3", "PORTM3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portm4 }, "PORTM4", "PORTM4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portm5 }, "PORTM5", "PORTM5", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portj7 }, "PORTJ7", "PORTJ7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp2 }, "PORTP2", "PORTP2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp3 }, "PORTP3", "PORTP3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp4 }, "PORTP4", "PORTP4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp5 }, "PORTP5", "PORTP5", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp6 }, "PORTP6", "PORTP6", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portp7 }, "PORTP7", "PORTP7", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt0 }, "PORTT0", "PORTT0", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt1 }, "PORTT1", "PORTT1", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt2 }, "PORTT2", "PORTT2", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt3 }, "PORTT3", "PORTT3", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt4 }, "PORTT4", "PORTT4", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt5 }, "PORTT5", "PORTT5", white, black, green, black
indicator = { portt6 }, "PORTT6", "PORTT6", white, black, green, black
indicator = { cel_status_map }, "MAP fault", "MAP fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_mat }, "MAT fault", "MAT fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_clt }, "CLT fault", "CLT fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_tps }, "TPS fault", "TPS fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_batt }, "BATT fault", "BATT fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_afr0 }, "AFR0 fault", "AFR0 fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_sync }, "SYNC fault", "SYNC fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_egt }, "EGT fault", "EGT fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_flex }, "Flex fault", "Flex fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_maf }, "MAF fault", "MAF fault", white, black, red, black
indicator = { cel_status_knock }, "Knock fault", "Knock fault", white, black, red, black
barHysteresis = 2.5 ; Seconds
coolantBar = {cltlowlim}, {clthighlim}
matBar = -40, {mathigh}
batteryBar = 6, 15
dutyCycleBar = 0, 100
egoBar = 0.0 , 1.0
#elif LAMBDA
egoBar = 0.5, 1.5
egoBar = 9.7, 19.7
gammaEBar = 0, 200
mapBar = 0, 255
pulseWidthBar = 0, 25.5
rpmBar = 0, {rpmhigh}
throttleBar = 0, 100
egoCorrBar = 0, 200
baroCorrBar = 0, 200
warmupCorrBar = 0, 200
airdenCorrBar = 0, 200
veCorrBar = 0, 200
accCorrBar = 0, 100
egoLEDs = 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ; Voltage settings.
#elif LAMBDA
egoLEDs = 1.5, 0.5, 1.0 ; Lambda settings.
egoLEDs = 19.7, 9.7, 14.7 ; Afr settings.
; font = "Lucida Console", 12
; font = "Courier", 14
spotDepth = 2 ; 0 = no indicators, 1 = Z only, 2 = XYZ indicators.
cursorDepth = 2 ; Same as spot depth.
; The four radio buttons on the tuning screen select a "page" of six
; gauges. The gauge numbering is the same as the front page, across
; then down.
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; gaugeColumns allows you to hide or show gauges in column 2 (i.e.,
; gauges 2, 4 and 6).
gaugeColumns = 2 ; Only 1 or 2 are valid.
; Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
pageButtons = "&EGO", "&WUE", "PW&1", "PW&2"
gauge1 = tachometer, tachometer, tachometer, tachometer
gauge2 = mapGauge, mapGauge, mapGauge, mapGauge
gauge3 = egoV1Gauge, egoV1Gauge, egoV1Gauge, egoV1Gauge
#elif LAMBDA
gauge3 = lambda1Gauge, lambda1Gauge, lambda1Gauge, lambda1Gauge
gauge3 = afr1Gauge, afr1Gauge, afr1Gauge, afr1Gauge
gauge4 = egoCorrGauge1, warmupEnrichGauge, pulseWidth1Gauge, pulseWidth2Gauge
gauge5 = veBucketGauge, veBucketGauge, veBucketGauge, veBucketGauge
gauge6 = egoCorrGauge2, accelEnrichGauge, dutyCycle1Gauge, dutyCycle2Gauge
tpsDotBar = 0, 800
mapDotBar = 0, 700
; getCommand = "a\x00\x06"
getCommand = "A"
deadValue = { 0 } ; Convenient unchanging value.
;full version that works anywhere - be sure to change the no. bytes requested
ochGetCommand = "r\x00\x07\x00\x00\x01\xaa"
; fast get via serial
ochGetCommand = "A"
ochBlockSize = 426 ;oi! change ochGetCommand as well ; SIZEOFTXBUF
seconds = scalar, U16, 0, "s", 1.000, 0.0
secl = { seconds % 256 }, "s" ; For runtime screen.
#if PW_4X
pulseWidth1 = scalar, U16, 2, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pulseWidth2 = scalar, U16, 4, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pulseWidth1 = scalar, U16, 2, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pulseWidth2 = scalar, U16, 4, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pulseWidth = { pulseWidth1 }, "ms" ; For runtime screen.
rpm = scalar, U16, 6, "RPM", 1.000, 0.0
advance = scalar, S16, 8, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
; unsigned char squirt,engine,afrtgt1,afrtgt2; // afrtgt in afr x 10
squirt = scalar, U08, 10, "bit", 1.000, 0.0
; Squirt Event Scheduling Variables - bit fields for "squirt" variable above
; inj1: equ 3 ; 0 = no squirt 1 = squirt
; inj2: equ 5 ; 0 = no squirt 1 = squirt
; sched1: equ 2 ; 0 = nothing scheduled 1 = scheduled to squirt
; firing1: equ 0 ; 0 = not squirting 1 = squirting
; sched2: equ 4
; firing2: equ 1
firing1 = bits, U08, 10, [0:0]
firing2 = bits, U08, 10, [1:1]
sched1 = bits, U08, 10, [2:2]
inj1 = bits, U08, 10, [3:3]
sched2 = bits, U08, 10, [4:4]
inj2 = bits, U08, 10, [5:5]
engine = scalar, U08, 11, "bit", 1.000, 0.0
; Engine Operating/Status variables - bit fields for "engine" variable above
; ready: equ 0 ; 0 = engine not ready 1 = ready to run
; crank: equ 1 ; 0 = engine not cranking 1 = engine cranking
; startw: equ 2 ; 0 = not in startup warmup 1 = in warmup enrichment
; warmup: equ 3 ; 0 = not in warmup 1 = in warmup
; tpsaen: equ 4 ; 0 = not in TPS acceleration mode 1 = TPS acceleration mode
; tpsden: equ 5 ; 0 = not in deacceleration mode 1 = in deacceleration mode
ready = bits, U08, 11, [0:0]
crank = bits, U08, 11, [1:1]
startw = bits, U08, 11, [2:2]
warmup = bits, U08, 11, [3:3]
tpsaccaen = bits, U08, 11, [4:4]
tpsaccden = bits, U08, 11, [5:5]
mapaccaen = bits, U08, 11, [6:6]
mapaccden = bits, U08, 11, [7:7]
afrtgt1 = scalar, U08, 12, "Volts", 0.00489, 0.0
afrtgt2 = scalar, U08, 13, "Volts", 0.00489, 0.0
#elif LAMBDA
afrtgt1raw = scalar, U08, 12, "Lambda", 0.1, 0.0
afrtgt2raw = scalar, U08, 13, "Lambda", 0.1, 0.0
afrtgt1 = scalar, U08, 12, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afrtgt2 = scalar, U08, 13, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
; unsigned char wbo2_en1,wbo2_en2; // from wbo2 - indicates whether wb afr valid
wbo2_en1 = scalar, U08, 14, "", 1.000, 0.0
wbo2_en2 = scalar, U08, 15, "", 1.000, 0.0
; int baro,map,mat,clt,tps,batt,ego1,ego2,knock, // baro - kpa x 10
; // map - kpa x 10
; // mat, clt deg(C/F)x 10
; // tps - % x 10
; // batt - vlts x 10
; // ego1,2 - afr x 10
; // knock - volts x 10
barometer = scalar, S16, 16, "kPa", 0.100, 0.0
map = scalar, S16, 18, "kPa", 0.100, 0.0
mat = scalar, S16, 20, "°C", 0.05555, -320.0
coolant = scalar, S16, 22, "°C", 0.05555, -320.0
mat = scalar, S16, 20, "°F", 0.100, 0.0
coolant = scalar, S16, 22, "°F", 0.100, 0.0
tps = scalar, S16, 24, "%", 0.100, 0.0
throttle = { tps }, "%"
batteryVoltage = scalar, S16, 26, "v", 0.100, 0.0
afr1_old = scalar, S16, 28, "AFR", 0.100, 0.0
afr2_old = scalar, S16, 30, "AFR", 0.100, 0.0
knock = scalar, S16, 32, "%", 0.100, 0.0
; egocor1,egocor2,aircor,warmcor, // all in %
egoCorrection1 = scalar, S16, 34, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egoCorrection = { ( egoCorrection1 + egoCorrection2) / 2 }, "%" ; Alias for old gauges.
egoCorrection2 = scalar, S16, 36, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
airCorrection = scalar, S16, 38, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
warmupEnrich = scalar, S16, 40, "%", 1.000, 0.0
; tpsaccel,tpsfuelcut,barocor,gammae, // tpsaccel - acc enrich(.1 ms units)
; // tpsfuelcut - %
; // barcor,gammae - %
accelEnrich = scalar, S16, 42, "ms", 0.100, 0.0
tpsfuelcut = scalar, S16, 44, "%", 1.000, 0.0
baroCorrection = scalar, S16, 46, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
gammaEnrich = scalar, S16, 48, "%", 1.000, 0.0
; vecurr1,vecurr2,iacstep,cold_adv_deg; // vecurr - %
; // iacstep - steps
; // cold_adv_deg - deg x 10
veCurr1 = scalar, S16, 50, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
veCurr2 = scalar, S16, 52, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
veCurr = { veCurr1 }, "%" ; For runtime display.
iacstep = scalar, S16, 54, "", 1.000, 0.0
idleDC = scalar, S16, 54, "%", 0.392, 0.0
coldAdvDeg = scalar, S16, 56, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
TPSdot = scalar, S16, 58, "%/s", 0.100, 0.0
MAPdot = scalar, S16, 60, "kPa/s", 1.000, 0.0
dwell = scalar, U16, 62, "ms", 0.1000, 0.0
mafload = scalar, S16, 64, "kPa", 0.1000, 0.0
fuelload = scalar, S16, 66, "%", 0.100, 0.0 ; Blend of MAP and TPS, depends on algorithm
fuelCorrection = scalar, S16, 68, "%", 1.000, 0.0 ; Percent alcohol in fuel.
; byte 70 is not used presently
knockRetard = scalar, U08, 71, "deg", 0.1, 0.0
EAEFuelCorr1 = scalar, U16, 72, "%", 1.0, 0.0
egoV = scalar, S16, 74, "V", 0.01, 0.0 ; was omitted
egoV2 = scalar, S16, 76, "V", 0.01, 0.0 ; was omitted
status1 = scalar, U08, 78, "", 1.0, 0.0 ; status1
status2 = scalar, U08, 79, "", 1.0, 0.0 ; status2
status3 = scalar, U08, 80, "", 1.0, 0.0 ; status3
status4 = scalar, U08, 81, "", 1.0, 0.0 ; status4
looptime = scalar, U16, 82, "us", 1.0, 0.0
status5 = scalar, U16, 84, "", 1, 0 ; istatus5
tpsADC = scalar, U16, 86, "ADC", 1, 0 ; REAL for calibrator
fuelload2 = scalar, S16, 88, "%", 0.100, 0.0
ignload = scalar, S16, 90, "%", 0.100, 0.0
ignload2 = scalar, S16, 92, "%", 0.100, 0.0
synccnt = scalar, U08, 94, "", 1, 0
timing_err = scalar, S08, 95, "%", 1, 0 ; accuracy of timing prediction
wallfuel1 = scalar, U32, 96, "uS", 0.010, 0.0
wallfuel2 = scalar, U32, 100, "uS", 1.000, 0.0
sensor01 = scalar, S16, 104, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor02 = scalar, S16, 106, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor03 = scalar, S16, 108, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor04 = scalar, S16, 110, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor05 = scalar, S16, 112, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor06 = scalar, S16, 114, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor07 = scalar, S16, 116, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor08 = scalar, S16, 118, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor09 = scalar, S16, 120, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor10 = scalar, S16, 122, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor11 = scalar, S16, 124, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor12 = scalar, S16, 126, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor13 = scalar, S16, 128, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor14 = scalar, S16, 130, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor15 = scalar, S16, 132, "", 0.1000, 0.0
sensor16 = scalar, S16, 134, "", 0.1000, 0.0
canin1_8 = scalar, U08, 136, "", 1.000, 0.0
canout1_8 = scalar, U08, 137, "", 1.000, 0.0
canout9_16 = scalar, U08, 138, "", 1.000, 0.0
boostduty = scalar, U08, 139 , "%", 1.0, 0.0
#if PW_4X
n2o_addfuel = scalar, S16, 140, "ms", 0.004, 0
n2o_addfuel = scalar, S16, 140, "ms", 0.001, 0
n2o_retard = scalar, S16, 142, "deg", 0.1, 0
#if PW_4X
pwseq1 = scalar, U16, 144, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq2 = scalar, U16, 146, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq3 = scalar, U16, 148, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq4 = scalar, U16, 150, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq5 = scalar, U16, 152, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq6 = scalar, U16, 154, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq7 = scalar, U16, 156, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq8 = scalar, U16, 158, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq9 = scalar, U16, 160, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq10 = scalar, U16, 162, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq11 = scalar, U16, 164, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq12 = scalar, U16, 166, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq13 = scalar, U16, 168, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq14 = scalar, U16, 170, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq15 = scalar, U16, 172, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq16 = scalar, U16, 174, "ms", 0.004, 0.0
pwseq1 = scalar, U16, 144, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq2 = scalar, U16, 146, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq3 = scalar, U16, 148, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq4 = scalar, U16, 150, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq5 = scalar, U16, 152, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq6 = scalar, U16, 154, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq7 = scalar, U16, 156, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq8 = scalar, U16, 158, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq9 = scalar, U16, 160, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq10 = scalar, U16, 162, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq11 = scalar, U16, 164, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq12 = scalar, U16, 166, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq13 = scalar, U16, 168, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq14 = scalar, U16, 170, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq15 = scalar, U16, 172, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
pwseq16 = scalar, U16, 174, "ms", 0.001, 0.0
nitrous1_duty = scalar, U08, 176, "%", 1, 0
nitrous2_duty = scalar, U08, 177, "%", 1, 0
egt1 = scalar, S16, 178, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt2 = scalar, S16, 180, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt3 = scalar, S16, 182, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt4 = scalar, S16, 184, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt5 = scalar, S16, 186, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt6 = scalar, S16, 188, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt7 = scalar, S16, 190, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt8 = scalar, S16, 192, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt9 = scalar, S16, 194, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt10 = scalar, S16, 196, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt11 = scalar, S16, 198, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt12 = scalar, S16, 200, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt13 = scalar, S16, 202, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt14 = scalar, S16, 204, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt15 = scalar, S16, 206, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt16 = scalar, S16, 208, "°C", 0.05555, -320
egt1 = scalar, S16, 178, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt2 = scalar, S16, 180, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt3 = scalar, S16, 182, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt4 = scalar, S16, 184, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt5 = scalar, S16, 186, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt6 = scalar, S16, 188, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt7 = scalar, S16, 190, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt8 = scalar, S16, 192, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt9 = scalar, S16, 194, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt10 = scalar, S16, 196, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt11 = scalar, S16, 198, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt12 = scalar, S16, 200, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt13 = scalar, S16, 202, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt14 = scalar, S16, 204, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt15 = scalar, S16, 206, "°F", 0.1, 0
egt16 = scalar, S16, 208, "°F", 0.1, 0
maf = scalar, U16, 210, "g/sec", { 0.010 * (maf_range + 1) }, 0.0
canpwmin0 = scalar, U16, 212, "", 1.000, 0.0
canpwmin1 = scalar, U16, 214, "", 1.000, 0.0
canpwmin2 = scalar, U16, 216, "", 1.000, 0.0
canpwmin3 = scalar, U16, 218, "", 1.000, 0.0
fuelflow = scalar, U16, 220, "cc/min", 1, 0.0
fuelcons = scalar, U16, 222, "l/km", 1, 0.0
EAEFuelCorr2 = scalar, U16, 224 , "%", 1.0, 0.0
syncreason = scalar, U08, 226, "", 1.0, 0.0
sd_status = scalar, U08, 227, "", 1.0, 0.0
eaeload1 = scalar, S16, 228, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
afrload1 = scalar, S16, 230, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
gear = scalar, U08, 232, "", 1, 0
status6 = scalar, U08, 233, "", 1.0, 0.0
RPMdot = scalar, S16, 234, "rpm/sec", 10, 0
vss1dot = scalar, S16, 236, "ms-2", 0.1, 0
vss2dot = scalar, S16, 238, "ms-2", 0.1, 0
accelx = scalar, S16, 240, "ms-2", 0.001, 0
accely = scalar, S16, 242, "ms-2", 0.001, 0
accelz = scalar, S16, 244, "ms-2", 0.001, 0
duty_pwm_a = scalar, U08, 246, "%", 1, 0
duty_pwm_b = scalar, U08, 247, "%", 1, 0
duty_pwm_c = scalar, U08, 248, "%", 1, 0
duty_pwm_d = scalar, U08, 249, "%", 1, 0
duty_pwm_e = scalar, U08, 250, "%", 1, 0
duty_pwm_f = scalar, U08, 251, "%", 1, 0
afr1 = scalar, U08, 252, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr2 = scalar, U08, 253, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr3 = scalar, U08, 254, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr4 = scalar, U08, 255, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr5 = scalar, U08, 256, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr6 = scalar, U08, 257, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr7 = scalar, U08, 258, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr8 = scalar, U08, 259, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr9 = scalar, U08, 260, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr10 = scalar, U08, 261, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr11 = scalar, U08, 262, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr12 = scalar, U08, 263, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr13 = scalar, U08, 264, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr14 = scalar, U08, 265, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr15 = scalar, U08, 266, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
afr16 = scalar, U08, 267, "AFR", 0.1, 0.0
egov1 = scalar, U16, 268, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov2 = scalar, U16, 270, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov3 = scalar, U16, 272, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov4 = scalar, U16, 274, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov5 = scalar, U16, 276, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov6 = scalar, U16, 278, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov7 = scalar, U16, 280, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov8 = scalar, U16, 282, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov9 = scalar, U16, 284, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov10 = scalar, U16, 286, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov11 = scalar, U16, 288, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov12 = scalar, U16, 290, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov13 = scalar, U16, 292, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov14 = scalar, U16, 294, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov15 = scalar, U16, 296, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egov16 = scalar, U16, 298, "V", 0.00489, 0.0
egocor1 = scalar, S16, 300, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor2 = scalar, S16, 302, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor3 = scalar, S16, 304, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor4 = scalar, S16, 306, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor5 = scalar, S16, 308, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor6 = scalar, S16, 310, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor7 = scalar, S16, 312, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor8 = scalar, S16, 314, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor9 = scalar, S16, 316, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor10 = scalar, S16, 318, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor11 = scalar, S16, 320, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor12 = scalar, S16, 322, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor13 = scalar, S16, 324, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor14 = scalar, S16, 326, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor15 = scalar, S16, 328, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
egocor16 = scalar, S16, 330, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
stream_level = scalar, U08, 332, "", 1,0
water_duty = scalar, U08, 333, "%", 1, 0
dwell_trl = scalar, U16, 334, "ms", 0.1000, 0.0
vss1_real = scalar, U16, 336, "ms-1", 1, 0.0
vss2_real = scalar, U16, 338, "ms-1", 1, 0.0
ss1 = scalar, U16, 340, "RPM", 1.000, 0.0
ss2 = scalar, U16, 342, "RPM", 1.000, 0.0
nitrous_timer = scalar, U16, 344, "s", 0.001, 0
sd_filenum = scalar, U16, 346, "", 1, 0
sd_error = scalar, U08, 348, "", 1, 0
sd_phase = scalar, U08, 349, "", 1, 0
boostduty2 = scalar, U08, 350 , "%", 1.0, 0.0
status7 = scalar, U08, 351, "", 1.0, 0.0
vvt_ang1 = scalar, S16, 352, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_ang2 = scalar, S16, 354, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_ang3 = scalar, S16, 356, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_ang4 = scalar, S16, 358, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
inj_timing_pri = scalar, S16, 360, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
inj_timing_sec = scalar, S16, 362, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_target1 = scalar, S16, 364, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_target2 = scalar, S16, 366, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_target3 = scalar, S16, 368, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_target4 = scalar, S16, 370, "deg", 0.100, 0.0
vvt_duty1 = scalar, U08, 372 , "%", 0.392, 0.0
vvt_duty2 = scalar, U08, 373 , "%", 0.392, 0.0
vvt_duty3 = scalar, U08, 374 , "%", 0.392, 0.0
vvt_duty4 = scalar, U08, 375 , "%", 0.392, 0.0
fuel_pct = scalar, S16, 376, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
fuel_temp = scalar, S16, 378, "°C", 0.05555, -320
fuel_temp = scalar, S16, 378, "°F", 0.1, 0
cl_idle_targ_rpm = scalar, U16, 380, "rpm", 1, 0
tps_accel = scalar, S16, 382, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
map_accel = scalar, S16, 384, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
total_accel = scalar, S16, 386, "%", 0.1000, 0.0
knock_cyl01 = scalar, U08, 388, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl02 = scalar, U08, 389, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl03 = scalar, U08, 390, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl04 = scalar, U08, 391, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl05 = scalar, U08, 392, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl06 = scalar, U08, 393, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl07 = scalar, U08, 394, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl08 = scalar, U08, 395, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl09 = scalar, U08, 396, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl10 = scalar, U08, 397, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl11 = scalar, U08, 398, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl12 = scalar, U08, 399, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl13 = scalar, U08, 400, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl14 = scalar, U08, 401, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl15 = scalar, U08, 402, "%", 0.4, 0
knock_cyl16 = scalar, U08, 403, "%", 0.4, 0
launch_timer = scalar, U16, 404, "s", 0.001, 0
launch_retard = scalar, S16, 406, "deg", 0.1, 0
maf_volts = scalar, U16, 408, "V", 0.001, 0.0
porta = scalar, U08, 410, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
porta0 = bits, U08, 410, [0:0]
porta1 = bits, U08, 410, [1:1]
porta2 = bits, U08, 410, [2:2]
porta3 = bits, U08, 410, [3:3]
porta4 = bits, U08, 410, [4:4]
porta5 = bits, U08, 410, [5:5]
porta6 = bits, U08, 410, [6:6]
porta7 = bits, U08, 410, [7:7]
portb = scalar, U08, 411, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
portb0 = bits, U08, 411, [0:0]
portb1 = bits, U08, 411, [1:1]
portb2 = bits, U08, 411, [2:2]
portb3 = bits, U08, 411, [3:3]
portb4 = bits, U08, 411, [4:4]
portb5 = bits, U08, 411, [5:5]
portb6 = bits, U08, 411, [6:6]
portb7 = bits, U08, 411, [7:7]
porteh = scalar, U08, 412, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
porte0 = bits, U08, 412, [0:0]
porte1 = bits, U08, 412, [1:1]
porte2 = bits, U08, 412, [2:2]
porte4 = bits, U08, 412, [4:4]
porth6 = bits, U08, 412, [6:6]
porth7 = bits, U08, 412, [7:7]
portk = scalar, U08, 413, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
portk0 = bits, U08, 413, [0:0]
portk1 = bits, U08, 413, [1:1]
portk2 = bits, U08, 413, [2:2]
portk3 = bits, U08, 413, [3:3]
portk7 = bits, U08, 413, [7:7]
portmj = scalar, U08, 414, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
portj0 = bits, U08, 414, [0:0]
portj1 = bits, U08, 414, [1:1]
portm2 = bits, U08, 414, [2:2]
portm3 = bits, U08, 414, [3:3]
portm4 = bits, U08, 414, [4:4]
portm5 = bits, U08, 414, [5:5]
portj7 = bits, U08, 414, [7:7]
portp = scalar, U08, 415, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
portp2 = bits, U08, 415, [2:2]
portp3 = bits, U08, 415, [3:3]
portp4 = bits, U08, 415, [4:4]
portp5 = bits, U08, 415, [5:5]
portp6 = bits, U08, 415, [6:6]
portp7 = bits, U08, 415, [7:7]
portt = scalar, U08, 416, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; raw i/o port status bits
portt0 = bits, U08, 416, [0:0]
portt1 = bits, U08, 416, [1:1]
portt2 = bits, U08, 416, [2:2]
portt3 = bits, U08, 416, [3:3]
portt4 = bits, U08, 416, [4:4]
portt5 = bits, U08, 416, [5:5]
portt6 = bits, U08, 416, [6:6]
; spare
boost_targ_1 = scalar, S16, 418, "%", 0.1, 0
boost_targ_2 = scalar, S16, 420, "%", 0.1, 0
airtemp = scalar, S16, 422, "°C", 0.05555, -320.0
airtemp = scalar, S16, 422, "°F", 0.100, 0.0
cel_status = scalar, U16, 424, "bit", 1.000, 0.0 ; engine fault bits
cel_status_map = bits, U08, 425, [0:0] ; low byte
cel_status_mat = bits, U08, 425, [1:1]
cel_status_clt = bits, U08, 425, [2:2]
cel_status_tps = bits, U08, 425, [3:3]
cel_status_batt = bits, U08, 425, [4:4]
cel_status_afr0 = bits, U08, 425, [5:5]
cel_status_sync = bits, U08, 425, [6:6]
cel_status_egt = bits, U08, 425, [7:7]
cel_status_flex = bits, U08, 424, [0:0] ; high byte
cel_status_maf = bits, U08, 424, [1:1] ; high byte
cel_status_knock = bits, U08, 424, [2:2] ; high byte
accDecEnrich = { ((accEnrichMS + decEnrichMS)/pulseWidth1*100) + 100 }, "%"
accDecEnrichPcnt = { accelEnrich/pulseWidth1 + (tpsaccden ? tpsfuelcut : accelEnrich/pulseWidth1*100) }, "%"
accEnrichPcnt = { 100 + (accelEnrich/pulseWidth1*100) }, "%"
accEnrichMS = { accelEnrich }, "ms"
decEnrichPcnt = { (tpsaccden ? tpsfuelcut : 100) }, "%"
decEnrichMS = { (tpsfuelcut/100*pulseWidth1)-pulseWidth1 }, "ms" ; approximation because doesn't include deadtime
time = { timeNow }, "s"
rpm100 = { rpm / 100.0 }
cycleTime1 = { rpm ? (60000.0 / rpm * (2.0-(twoStroke&1))) : 0 }, "ms"
nSquirts1 = { nCylinders/divider}
altDiv1 = { alternate ? 2 : 1 }
dcfactor1 = { (sequential == 0) ? nSquirts1/altDiv1 : ( (sequential == 1) ? 2 : 1) }
dutyCycle1 = { cycleTime1 ? (100.0*dcfactor1*pulseWidth1/cycleTime1) : 0}, "%"
cycleTime2 = { rpm ? (60000.0 / rpm * (2.0-(twoStroke&1))) : 0 }, "ms"
nSquirts2 = { nCylinders/divider}
altDiv2 = { alternate ? 2 : 1 } ; ought to look at staging parameters too
dcfactor2a = { (sequential == 0) ? nSquirts2/altDiv2 : ( (sequential == 1) ? 2 : 1) } ; ought to look at staging parameters too
dcfactor2b = { (staged_first_param && staged_extended_opts_use_v3) ? 1 : dcfactor2a }
dutyCycle2 = { cycleTime2 ? (100.0*dcfactor2b*pulseWidth2/cycleTime2) : 0}, "%"
egoVoltage = { egoV }, "V" ; For LED bars...
afr1err = { egov1 - afrtgt1 }
afr2err = { egov2 - afrtgt2 }
#elif LAMBDA
lambda1 = { afr1 / stoich }, "Lambda"
lambda2 = { afr2 / stoich }, "Lambda2"
lambda3 = { afr3 / stoich }, "Lambda3"
lambda4 = { afr4 / stoich }, "Lambda4"
lambda5 = { afr5 / stoich }, "Lambda5"
lambda6 = { afr6 / stoich }, "Lambda6"
lambda7 = { afr7 / stoich }, "Lambda7"
lambda8 = { afr8 / stoich }, "Lambda8"
egoVoltage = { lambda1 }, "Lambda" ; For LED bars...
afrtgt1 = { afrtgt1raw / stoich * (egoType == 2) } ; return zero if NB because of mixed units with target in volts
afrtgt2 = { afrtgt2raw / stoich * (egoType == 2) }
afr1err = { (afr1 - afrtgt1raw) / stoich * (egoType == 2)}
afr2err = { (afr2 - afrtgt2raw) / stoich * (egoType == 2)}
egoVoltage = { afr1 }, "AFR" ; For LED bars...
afr1err = { afr1 - afrtgt1 }
afr2err = { afr2 - afrtgt2 }
; pwm_opt_load_a = bits, U08, 838, [5:7], "INVALID", "MAP", "% baro", "TPS", "MAFload", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID" ; ITB hidden
; Seems this doesn't work
pwma_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_a == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_a == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_a == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_a == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_a == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_a == 7))}
pwmb_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_b == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_b == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_b == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_b == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_b == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_b == 7))}
pwmc_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_c == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_c == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_c == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_c == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_c == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_c == 7))}
pwmd_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_d == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_d == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_d == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_d == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_d == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_d == 7))}
pwme_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_e == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_e == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_e == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_e == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_e == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_e == 7))}
pwmf_load = { (map * (pwm_opt_load_f == 1)) + (map*100/(barometer+(100*(barometer==0))) * (pwm_opt_load_f == 2)) + (tps * (pwm_opt_load_f == 3)) + (mafload * (pwm_opt_load_f == 4)) + (coolant * (pwm_opt_load_f == 5)) + (mat * (pwm_opt_load_f == 7))}
maxafrload = { (maxafr_opt1_load & 1) ? tps : map }
df_temp = { 0 }
df_press = { 0 }
; Vacuum and Boost Gauges
boostbar = { (map - barometer) / 101.33}
boostpsig = { (map - barometer) * 0.1450}
vacuum = { (barometer-map)*0.2953007 } ; Calculate vacuum in in-Hg.
boostvac = { map < barometer ? -vacuum : boostpsig }
#if MPH
vss1 = { vss1_real * 0.22369 }
vss2 = { vss2_real * 0.22369 }
vss1 = { vss1_real * 0.36 }
vss2 = { vss2_real * 0.36 }
; calculate instantaneous economy from fuel flow (not calculated in firmware at this time)
economy_l_km = { vss1_real ? (fuelflow / (vss1_real * 6)) : 0 }
; economy_mpg_us = { (1 / economy_l_km) * 3.800 / 1.609344 }
economy_mpg_us = { vss1_real ? (2.361 / economy_l_km) : 0 }
economy_mpg_uk = { vss1_real ? (2.825 / economy_l_km) : 0 }
economy_l_100km = { economy_l_km * 100 }
pwmidle_cl_initialvalue_matorclt_follower = { pwmidle_cl_opts_initval_clt ? coolant : mat }
clt_exp = { 1 }
clt_exp = { 0 }
cltlowlim = { clt_exp ? -40 : -40 }
clthighlim = { clt_exp ? 230 : 120 }
cltlowdang = { clt_exp ? 65 : 10 }
cltlowwarn = { clt_exp ? 93 : 65 }
clthighwarn = { clt_exp ? 162 : 93 }
clthighdang = { clt_exp ? 176 : 104 }
mathigh = { 110 }
#else ; fahrenheit
cltlowlim = { clt_exp ? -40 : -40 }
clthighlim = { clt_exp ? 450 : 250 }
cltlowdang = { clt_exp ? 150 : 50 }
cltlowwarn = { clt_exp ? 200 : 150 }
clthighwarn = { clt_exp ? 325 : 200 }
clthighdang = { clt_exp ? 350 : 220 }
mathigh = { 215 }
;synthetic air flow
calcflow = { fuelload * rpm * veCurr1/100 }
maf_freq = { MAFOption_t ? (maf_freq0 + ((maf_freq1 - maf_freq0) * maf_volts / 5)) : 0 }
;old names
tpsDOT = { TPSdot }
mapDOT = { MAPdot }
;-- The entries are saved in the datalog file in the order in which they --
;-- appear in the list below. --
;-- --
;-- Channel - Case sensitive name of output channel to be logged. --
;-- Label - String written to header line of log. --
;-- Type - Data type of output, converted before writing. --
;-- Format - C-style output format of data. --
; Channel Label Type Format
; -------------- ---------- ----- ------
entry = time, "Time", float, "%.3f"
entry = seconds, "SecL", int, "%d"
entry = rpm, "RPM", int, "%d"
entry = map, "MAP", float, "%.1f"
entry = boostpsig, "Boost psi", float, "%.1f"
entry = throttle, "TPS", float, "%.1f"
entry = tpsADC, "TPSADC", int, "%d" ; for debug
entry = maf, "MAF", float, "%.2f", { MAFOption || MAFOption_t }
entry = mafload, "MAFload", float, "%.1f", { MAFOption || MAFOption_t }
entry = maf_volts, "MAF volts", float, "%.3f", { MAFOption }
entry = maf_freq, "MAF Freq", int, "%d", { MAFOption_t }
entry = egov1 , "O2", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 0}
entry = egov2 , "O2 #2", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 1}
entry = egov3 , "O2 #3", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 2}
entry = egov4 , "O2 #4", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 3}
entry = egov5 , "O2 #5", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 4}
entry = egov6 , "O2 #6", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 5}
entry = egov7 , "O2 #7", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 6}
entry = egov8 , "O2 #8", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 7}
#elif LAMBDA
entry = lambda1, "Lambda", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 0}
entry = lambda2, "Lambda2", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 1}
entry = lambda3, "Lambda3", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 2}
entry = lambda4, "Lambda4", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 3}
entry = lambda5, "Lambda5", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 4}
entry = lambda6, "Lambda6", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 5}
entry = lambda7, "Lambda7", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 6}
entry = lambda8, "Lambda8", float, "%.3f", {egonum > 7}
entry = afr1, "AFR", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 0}
entry = afr2, "AFR2", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 1}
entry = afr3, "AFR3", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 2}
entry = afr4, "AFR4", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 3}
entry = afr5, "AFR5", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 4}
entry = afr6, "AFR6", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 5}
entry = afr7, "AFR7", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 6}
entry = afr8, "AFR8", float, "%.2f", {egonum > 7}
entry = mat, "MAT", float, "%.1f"
entry = coolant, "CLT", float, "%.1f"
entry = engine, "Engine", int, "%d"
entry = batteryVoltage, "Batt V", float, "%.1f"
entry = egocor1, "EGO cor1", int, "%.1f"
entry = egocor2, "EGO cor2", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 1}
entry = egocor3, "EGO cor3", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 2}
entry = egocor4, "EGO cor4", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 3}
entry = egocor5, "EGO cor5", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 4}
entry = egocor6, "EGO cor6", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 5}
entry = egocor7, "EGO cor7", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 6}
entry = egocor8, "EGO cor8", int, "%.1f", {egonum > 7}
entry = airCorrection, "Air cor", int, "%.1f"
entry = warmupEnrich, "Warmup cor", int, "%d"
entry = baroCorrection, "Baro cor", int, "%.1f"
entry = gammaEnrich, "Total cor", int, "%d"
entry = accDecEnrich, "Accel enrich", int, "%d"
entry = accEnrichMS, "Accel PW", float, "%.3f"
entry = veCurr1, "VE1", int, "%.1f"
entry = pulseWidth1, "PW", float, "%.3f"
entry = dutyCycle1, "Duty Cycle1", float, "%.1f"
entry = veCurr2, "VE2", int, "%.1f"
entry = pulseWidth2, "PW2", float, "%.3f"
entry = dutyCycle2, "Duty Cycle2", float, "%.1f"
entry = pwseq1, "Seq PW1", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq2, "Seq PW2", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq3, "Seq PW3", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq4, "Seq PW4", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq5, "Seq PW5", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq6, "Seq PW6", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq7, "Seq PW7", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq8, "Seq PW8", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq9, "Seq PW9", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq10, "Seq PW10", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq11, "Seq PW11", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = pwseq12, "Seq PW12", float, "%.3f", { sequential }
entry = advance, "Spark Advance", float, "%.1f"
entry = knockRetard, "Knock retard", float, "%.1f"
entry = knock, "Knock in", float, "%.1f"
entry = coldAdvDeg, "Cold advance", float, "%.1f"
entry = dwell, "Dwell", float, "%.2f"
entry = barometer, "Barometer", float, "%.1f"
entry = iacstep, "IACstep", int, "%d"
entry = idleDC, "PWM Idle duty", float, "%.1f"
entry = boostduty, "Boost duty", int, "%d", { boost_ctl_settings_on }
entry = afrtgt1, "EgoV 1 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrtgt2, "EgoV 2 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr1err, "EgoV 1 Error", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr2err, "EgoV 2 Error", float, "%.1f"
#elif LAMBDA
entry = afrtgt1, "Lambda 1 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrtgt2, "Lambda 2 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr1err, "Lambda 1 Error", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr2err, "Lambda 2 Error", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrtgt1, "AFR 1 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrtgt2, "AFR 2 Target", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr1err, "AFR 1 Error", float, "%.1f"
entry = afr2err, "AFR 2 Error", float, "%.1f"
entry = TPSdot, "TPSdot", float, "%.1f"
entry = MAPdot, "MAPdot", float, "%.1f"
entry = RPMdot, "RPMdot", int, "%d"
; entry = deltaT, "deltaT", float, "%.0f" - never used
entry = wallfuel1, "Wall fuel1", int, "%d"
entry = wallfuel2, "Wall fuel2", int, "%d"
entry = EAEFuelCorr1, "EAE1", int, "%d"
entry = EAEFuelCorr2, "EAE2", int, "%d"
entry = fuelload, "Load", float, "%.1f"
entry = fuelload2, "Secondary load", float, "%.1f"
entry = ignload, "Ign load", float, "%.1f"
entry = ignload2, "Secondary ign load", float, "%.1f"
entry = eaeload1, "EAE load", float, "%.1f"
entry = afrload1, "AFR load", float, "%.1f"
entry = inj_timing_pri, "Injector timing pri", float, "%.1f"
entry = inj_timing_sec, "Injector timing sec", float, "%.1f"
entry = egt1, "EGT1", int, "%d", {egt_num > 0}
entry = egt2, "EGT2", int, "%d", {egt_num > 1}
entry = egt3, "EGT3", int, "%d", {egt_num > 2}
entry = egt4, "EGT4", int, "%d", {egt_num > 3}
entry = egt5, "EGT5", int, "%d", {egt_num > 4}
entry = egt6, "EGT6", int, "%d", {egt_num > 5}
entry = egt7, "EGT7", int, "%d", {egt_num > 6}
entry = egt8, "EGT8", int, "%d", {egt_num > 7}
entry = egt9, "EGT9", int, "%d", {egt_num > 8}
entry = egt10, "EGT10", int, "%d", {egt_num > 9}
entry = egt11, "EGT11", int, "%d", {egt_num > 10}
entry = egt12, "EGT12", int, "%d", {egt_num > 11}
entry = egt13, "EGT13", int, "%d", {egt_num > 12}
entry = egt14, "EGT14", int, "%d", {egt_num > 13}
entry = egt15, "EGT15", int, "%d", {egt_num > 14}
entry = egt16, "EGT16", int, "%d", {egt_num > 15}
entry = sensor01, "Sensor01", float, "%.1f", { sensor01_source }
entry = sensor02, "Sensor02", float, "%.1f", { sensor02_source }
entry = sensor03, "Sensor03", float, "%.1f", { sensor03_source }
entry = sensor04, "Sensor04", float, "%.1f", { sensor04_source }
entry = sensor05, "Sensor05", float, "%.1f", { sensor05_source }
entry = sensor06, "Sensor06", float, "%.1f", { sensor06_source }
entry = sensor07, "Sensor07", float, "%.1f", { sensor07_source }
entry = sensor08, "Sensor08", float, "%.1f", { sensor08_source }
entry = sensor09, "Sensor09", float, "%.1f", { sensor09_source }
entry = sensor10, "Sensor10", float, "%.1f", { sensor10_source }
entry = sensor11, "Sensor11", float, "%.1f", { sensor11_source }
entry = sensor12, "Sensor12", float, "%.1f", { sensor12_source }
entry = sensor13, "Sensor13", float, "%.1f", { sensor13_source }
entry = sensor14, "Sensor14", float, "%.1f", { sensor14_source }
entry = sensor15, "Sensor15", float, "%.1f", { sensor15_source }
entry = sensor16, "ECU Temperature", float, "%.1f"
entry = canpwmin0, "CANpwmin0", int, "%d", { enable_pollPWM }
entry = canpwmin1, "CANpwmin1", int, "%d", { enable_pollPWM }
entry = canpwmin2, "CANpwmin2", int, "%d", { enable_pollPWM }
entry = canpwmin3, "CANpwmin3", int, "%d", { enable_pollPWM }
entry = timing_err, "Timing err", float, "%.1f"
entry = synccnt, "Lost sync count", int, "%d"
entry = syncreason, "Lost sync reason", int, "%d"
entry = fuelflow, "Fuel flow cc/min", int, "%d"
; entry = fuelcons, "Fuel cons. l/km", int, "%d"
entry = vss1, "VSS1", int, "%.1f", {vss_opt1 || vss1_an}
entry = vss2, "VSS2", int, "%.1f", {vss_opt2 || vss2_an}
#if MPH
entry = economy_mpg_us, "MPG(USA)", int, "%.1f", {vss_opt1 || vss1_an}
entry = economy_mpg_uk, "MPG(UK)", int, "%.1f", {vss_opt1 || vss1_an}
entry = economy_l_100km, "l/100km", int, "%d", {vss_opt1 || vss1_an}
entry = ss1, "Shaft rpm 1", int, "%d", { ss_opt1 }
entry = ss2, "Shaft rpm 2", int, "%d", { ss_opt2 }
entry = n2o_addfuel, "Nitrous added fuel", float, "%.3f", { N2Oopt_2 }
entry = n2o_retard, "Nitrous timing retard by", float, "%.1f", { N2Oopt_2 }
entry = nitrous1_duty, "Nitrous 1 duty", int, "%d", { N2Oopt_2 }
entry = nitrous2_duty, "Nitrous 2 duty", int, "%d", { N2Oopt_2 }
entry = nitrous_timer, "Nitrous Timer", float, "%.3f", { N2Oopt_2 }
entry = sd_filenum, "SDcard file number", int, "%d", { log_style_on }
entry = sd_status, "SDcard status", int, "%d", { log_style_on }
entry = sd_phase, "SDcard phase", int, "%d", { log_style_on }
entry = sd_error, "SDcard error", int, "%d", { log_style_on }
entry = gear, "Gear", int, "%d", { gear_method }
entry = vss1dot, "VSS1dot", float, "%.1f", {vss_opt1 || vss1_an}
entry = vss2dot, "VSS2dot", float, "%.1f", {vss_opt2 || vss2_an}
entry = accelx, "Accel X", float, "%.2f", { accXport }
entry = accely, "Accel Y", float, "%.2f", { accYport }
entry = accelz, "Accel Z", float, "%.2f", { accZport }
entry = duty_pwm_a, "PWM A duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_a }
entry = duty_pwm_b, "PWM B duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_b }
entry = duty_pwm_c, "PWM C duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_c }
entry = duty_pwm_d, "PWM D duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_d }
entry = duty_pwm_e, "PWM E duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_e }
entry = duty_pwm_f, "PWM F duty", int, "%d", { pwm_opt_on_f }
entry = status1, "Status1", int, "%d"
entry = status2, "Status2", int, "%d"
entry = status3, "Status3", int, "%d"
entry = status4, "Status4", int, "%d"
entry = status5, "Status5", int, "%d"
entry = status6, "Status6", int, "%d"
entry = status7, "Status7", int, "%d"
entry = vvt_ang1, "VVT angle 1", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on }
entry = vvt_ang2, "VVT angle 2", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 1}
entry = vvt_ang3, "VVT angle 3", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = vvt_ang4, "VVT angle 4", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = vvt_target1, "VVT target 1", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on }
entry = vvt_target2, "VVT target 2", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 1}
entry = vvt_target3, "VVT target 3", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = vvt_target4, "VVT target 4", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = vvt_duty1, "VVT duty 1", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on }
entry = vvt_duty2, "VVT duty 2", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 1}
entry = vvt_duty3, "VVT duty 3", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = vvt_duty4, "VVT duty 4", int, "%.1f", { vvt_opt1_on > 2}
entry = tps_accel, "TPS accel", int, "%.1f", { AE_options & 0x1 }
entry = map_accel, "MAP accel", int, "%.1f", { AE_options & 0x1 }
entry = total_accel, "Total accel", int, "%.1f", { AE_options & 0x1 }
entry = launch_timer, "Launch retard timer", float, "%.3f", { launch_opt_on && launch_opt_retard }
entry = launch_retard, "Launch timed retard", float, "%.1f", { launch_opt_on && launch_opt_retard }
entry = knock_cyl01, "Knock cyl# 1", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 0)}
entry = knock_cyl02, "Knock cyl# 2", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 1)}
entry = knock_cyl03, "Knock cyl# 3", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 2)}
entry = knock_cyl04, "Knock cyl# 4", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 3)}
entry = knock_cyl05, "Knock cyl# 5", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 4)}
entry = knock_cyl06, "Knock cyl# 6", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 5)}
entry = knock_cyl07, "Knock cyl# 7", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 6)}
entry = knock_cyl08, "Knock cyl# 8", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 7)}
entry = knock_cyl09, "Knock cyl#09", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 8)}
entry = knock_cyl10, "Knock cyl#10", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 9)}
entry = knock_cyl11, "Knock cyl#11", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 10)}
entry = knock_cyl12, "Knock cyl#12", float, "%.1f", {(knk_option_an == 3) && knock_conf_percyl && (nCylinders > 11)}
entry = porta, "porta", int, "%d"
entry = portb, "portb", int, "%d"
entry = porteh, "porteh", int, "%d"
entry = portk, "portk", int, "%d"
entry = portmj, "portmj", int, "%d"
entry = portp, "portp", int, "%d"
entry = portt, "portt", int, "%d"
entry = cel_status, "CEL status", int, "%d"
entry = fuel_pct, "Ethanol Percentage", int, "%d", { flexFuel > 0 }
entry = fuel_temp, "Fuel Temp", float, "%.1f", { flexFuel && (fueltemp1 == 1)} ; nb need to add DF fuel temp too
;internalLogField = fieldName, class, type, offset, units, scale, translate, digits
internalLogField = "Tooth number", scalar, U08, 1024, "#", 1.0, 0.0, 0
internalLogField = "Synch", scalar, U08, 1025, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "Cumulative cycles", scalar, U16, 1026, "#", 1.0, 0.0, 0
internalLogField = "Cumulative teeth", scalar, U16, 1027, "#", 1.0, 0.0, 0
internalLogField = "coilsel", scalar, U16, 1028, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "dwellsel", scalar, U16, 1029, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "PTM", scalar, U08, 1030, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "PTJ", scalar, U08, 1031, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "PTT", scalar, U08, 1032, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "PORTA", scalar, U08, 1033, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "PORTB", scalar, U08, 1034, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_dwell.tooth", scalar, U08, 1035, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_spark.tooth", scalar, U08, 1036, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj0.tooth", scalar, U08, 1037, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj1.tooth", scalar, U08, 1038, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj2.tooth", scalar, U08, 1039, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj3.tooth", scalar, U08, 1040, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj4.tooth", scalar, U08, 1041, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj5.tooth", scalar, U08, 1042, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj6.tooth", scalar, U08, 1043, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj7.tooth", scalar, U08, 1044, "", 1, 0, 0
; internalLogField = "fuel_ovflo", scalar, U08, 1046, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "wheeldec_ovflo", scalar, U08, 1047, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_dwell.time32", scalar, U32, 1048, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_spark.time32", scalar, U32, 1049, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "TIE", scalar, U08, 1050, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "TFLG1", scalar, U08, 1051, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "TIMTIE", scalar, U08, 1052, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "TIMTFLG1", scalar, U08, 1053, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[0].time", scalar, U16, 1054, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[1].time", scalar, U16, 1055, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[2].time", scalar, U16, 1056, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[3].time", scalar, U16, 1057, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[4].time", scalar, U16, 1058, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[5].time", scalar, U16, 1059, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[6].time", scalar, U16, 1060, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_inj[7].time", scalar, U16, 1061, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "XGSEM", scalar, U08, 1062, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "pwcalc1", scalar, U16, 1063, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "pwcalc2", scalar, U16, 1064, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_map_start_event.tooth", scalar, U08, 1065, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "XGCHID", scalar, U08, 1066, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "XGSWT", scalar, U08, 1067, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "xgate_deadman", scalar, U08, 1068, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "XGMCTL", scalar, U08, 1069, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "xgpc", scalar, U16, 1070, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "xgswe_count", scalar, U08, 1071, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "next_fuel", scalar, U08, 1072, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj1_cnt", scalar, U16, 1073, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj2_cnt", scalar, U16, 1074, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj3_cnt", scalar, U16, 1075, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj4_cnt", scalar, U16, 1076, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj5_cnt", scalar, U16, 1077, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj6_cnt", scalar, U16, 1078, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj7_cnt", scalar, U16, 1079, "", 1, 0, 0
internalLogField = "inj8_cnt", scalar, U16, 1080, "", 1, 0, 0