diff --git a/Host/MicroBoot.exe b/Host/MicroBoot.exe
index 1a221632..a59e991d 100644
Binary files a/Host/MicroBoot.exe and b/Host/MicroBoot.exe differ
diff --git a/Host/PCANBasic.dll b/Host/PCANBasic.dll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4836d8a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/Host/PCANBasic.dll differ
diff --git a/Host/Pcan_usb.dll b/Host/Pcan_usb.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index cfd024d5..00000000
Binary files a/Host/Pcan_usb.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.dfm b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.dfm
index 488be260..3534005d 100644
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.dfm and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.dfm differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.pas
index 23447f4c..24f49976 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MainUnit.pas
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@ end; //*** end of OnMbiStarted ***
procedure TmainForm.OnMbiProgress(progress: Longword);
prgDownload.Position := progress; // update the progress bar
+ prgDownload.Position := progress-1; // fix for progress bar not going to 100%
+ prgDownload.Position := progress; // update the progress bar
end; //*** end of OnMbiProgress ***
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ end; //*** end of OnMbiDone ***
procedure TmainForm.OnMbiError(error: ShortString);
- ShowMessage(error); // display error
+ ShowMessage(String(error)); // display error
Timer.Enabled := false; // stop the timer
StopWatch.Stop; // stop the stopwatch
mainForm.Caption := FormCaption; // restore caption
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ procedure TmainForm.OnMbiLog(info: ShortString);
if MbiLogging = True then
- LogLines.Add(info); // add to log
+ LogLines.Add(String(info)); // add to log
end; //*** end of OnMbiLog ***
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ end; //*** end of OnMbiLog ***
procedure TmainForm.OnMbiInfo(info: ShortString);
if NtbPages.PageIndex = 1 then
- lblDownloadProgress.Caption := info;
+ lblDownloadProgress.Caption := String(info);
end; //*** end of OnMbiLog ***
@@ -235,8 +237,8 @@ end; //*** end of OnMbiLog ***
function TmainForm.GetActiveMbi : string;
- if IsMbiInterface(MbiLibFile) then
- Result := MbiLibFile
+ if IsMbiInterface(String(MbiLibFile)) then
+ Result := String(MbiLibFile)
Result := '';
end; //*** end of GetActiveMbi ***
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ begin
if IsMbiInterface(libFile) then
- MbiLibFile := libFile;
+ MbiLibFile := ShortString(libFile);
MbiInterfaced := MbiInterface.Enable(libFile, OnMbiStarted, OnMbiProgress,
OnMbiDone, OnMbiError, OnMbiLog, OnMbiInfo);
@@ -315,7 +317,8 @@ begin
Result := LibValid;
-end; //*** end of IsMbiInterface ***
+//*** end of IsMbiInterface ***
@@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ begin
if Assigned(DescriptionFnc) then
- Result := Result + DescriptionFnc;
+ Result := Result + String(DescriptionFnc);
if Assigned(VersionFnc) then
@@ -406,11 +409,11 @@ end; //*** end of GetInterfaceFileList ***
procedure TmainForm.StartFileDownload(fileName : ShortString);
- if FileExists(fileName) and (MbiInterfaced = True) then
+ if FileExists(String(fileName)) and (MbiInterfaced = True) then
FormCaption := mainForm.Caption; // backup original caption
mainForm.Caption := FormCaption + ' - Downloading ' +
- ExtractFileName(fileName) + '...';
+ ExtractFileName(String(fileName)) + '...';
prgDownload.Position := 0; // reset the progress bar
NtbPages.PageIndex := 1; // go to the next page
btnSettings.Enabled := false; // settings can't be changed anymore
@@ -432,7 +435,7 @@ begin
// display interface library description
if MbiInterfaced = True then
- lblInterfaceName.Caption := 'for ' + MbiInterface.Description;
+ lblInterfaceName.Caption := 'for ' + String(MbiInterface.Description);
@@ -538,7 +541,7 @@ begin
// is it a valid Mbi interface library?
if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then
- MbiLibFile := foundLibrary;
+ MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary);
foundInterface := True;
@@ -560,7 +563,7 @@ begin
// is it a valid Mbi interface library?
if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then
- MbiLibFile := foundLibrary;
+ MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary);
foundInterface := True;
@@ -579,7 +582,7 @@ begin
// is it a valid Mbi interface library?
if IsMbiInterface(foundLibrary) = True then
- MbiLibFile := foundLibrary;
+ MbiLibFile := ShortString(foundLibrary);
foundInterface := True;
@@ -589,7 +592,7 @@ begin
// did we find a Mbi interface library?
if foundInterface = True then
- SetActiveMbi(MbiLibFile);
+ SetActiveMbi(String(MbiLibFile));
// create the stopwatch timer
@@ -634,7 +637,7 @@ begin
if (ParamCount > 0) and (FileExists(ParamStr(ParamCount))) then
edtDownloadFile.Text := ParamStr(ParamCount);
- StartFileDownload(ParamStr(ParamCount));
+ StartFileDownload(ShortString(ParamStr(ParamCount)));
Exit; // nothing more todo
@@ -653,7 +656,7 @@ begin
if FileExists(OpenDialog.FileName) then
edtDownloadFile.Text := OpenDialog.FileName;
- StartFileDownload(OpenDialog.FileName);
+ StartFileDownload(ShortString(OpenDialog.FileName));
@@ -676,7 +679,7 @@ begin
if FileExists(OpenDialog.FileName) then
edtDownloadFile.Text := OpenDialog.FileName;
- StartFileDownload(OpenDialog.FileName);
+ StartFileDownload(ShortString(OpenDialog.FileName));
end; //*** end of btnBrowseClick ***
@@ -702,7 +705,7 @@ begin
winRegistry := TRegistry.Create;
winRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
winRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Feaser\MicroBoot', true);
- winRegistry.WriteString('Interface', ExtractFileName(MbiLibFile));
+ winRegistry.WriteString('Interface', ExtractFileName(String(MbiLibFile)));
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@ begin
// start the download
if FileExists(edtDownloadFile.Text) then
- StartFileDownload(edtDownloadFile.Text);
+ StartFileDownload(ShortString(edtDownloadFile.Text));
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index d9e521de..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index ff39552a..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-[Excluded Packages]
-$(DELPHI)\Lib\dclusr40.bpl=Borland User
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dpr
index 3245830b..e5242bf6 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dpr
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dpr
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ uses
MainUnit in 'MainUnit.pas' {mainForm},
SettingsUnit in 'SettingsUnit.pas' {settingsForm},
- StopWatch in 'StopWatch.pas';
+ StopWatch in 'StopWatch.pas',
+ uBootInterface in 'uBootInterface.pas';
{$R *.RES}
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dproj b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..50f8e317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/MicroBoot.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ {DF84500F-F9C3-464D-AB96-10E57464FFB5}
+ MicroBoot.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Application
+ 18.1
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;System.Win;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ 00400000
+ MicroBoot
+ 1
+ true
+ false
+ ../../
+ 1
+ true
+ 1031
+ Vcl40;Vclx40;Vcldb40;vcldbx40;VclSmp40;Qrpt40;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ $(BDS)\bin\default_app.manifest
+ Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ true
+ 1033
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ false
+ 0
+ 1033
+ MicroBoot.ico
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ true
+ 2
+ CompanyName=Feaser;FileDescription=PC download tool for the OpenBLT bootloader;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=Feaser;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=MicroBoot;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ true
+ true
+ 1033
+ true
+ MicroBoot.ico
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.bmp b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index c7923878..00000000
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.png b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c0e1944
Binary files /dev/null and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpIcon.png differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpLoader.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpLoader.pas
index 7a89ae2b..c250f3f8 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpLoader.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/XcpLoader.pas
@@ -453,6 +453,10 @@ begin
// init return value
Result := false;
+ // validate packet length. it must always be > 0
+ if comDriver.packetLen = 0 then
+ Exit;
// make a copy of the packet data because the synch command could overwrite it
SetLength(dataCpy, comDriver.packetLen);
for cnt := 0 to comDriver.packetLen-1 do
@@ -1256,6 +1260,10 @@ begin
// init return value
result := false;
+ // validate FCtoPGMPacketLen because using it to prevent possible divide by 0
+ if FCtoPGMPacketLen = 0 then
+ exit;
// set the start address for the program operation
if not CmdSetMta(addr) then Exit;
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.bmp b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca58cdf..00000000
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.png b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed2db00d
Binary files /dev/null and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/CANIcon.png differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANBasic.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANBasic.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0257a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANBasic.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+// PCANBasic.pas
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// PCAN-Basic API
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Author : Keneth Wagner
+// Last change: 18.05.2016 Wagner
+// Language: Pascal
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Darmstadt
+// more Info at http://www.peak-system.com
+unit PCANBasic;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Value definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Currently defined and supported PCAN channels
+ //
+ PCAN_NONEBUS = $00; // Undefined/default value for a PCAN bus
+ PCAN_ISABUS1 = $21; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_ISABUS2 = $22; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 2
+ PCAN_ISABUS3 = $23; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 3
+ PCAN_ISABUS4 = $24; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 4
+ PCAN_ISABUS5 = $25; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 5
+ PCAN_ISABUS6 = $26; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 6
+ PCAN_ISABUS7 = $27; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 7
+ PCAN_ISABUS8 = $28; // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 8
+ PCAN_DNGBUS1 = $31; // PPCAN-Dongle/LPT interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_PCIBUS1 = $41; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_PCIBUS2 = $42; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 2
+ PCAN_PCIBUS3 = $43; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 3
+ PCAN_PCIBUS4 = $44; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 4
+ PCAN_PCIBUS5 = $45; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 5
+ PCAN_PCIBUS6 = $46; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 6
+ PCAN_PCIBUS7 = $47; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 7
+ PCAN_PCIBUS8 = $48; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 8
+ PCAN_PCIBUS9 = $409; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 9
+ PCAN_PCIBUS10 = $40A; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 10
+ PCAN_PCIBUS11 = $40B; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 11
+ PCAN_PCIBUS12 = $40C; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 12
+ PCAN_PCIBUS13 = $40D; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 13
+ PCAN_PCIBUS14 = $40E; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 14
+ PCAN_PCIBUS15 = $40F; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 15
+ PCAN_PCIBUS16 = $410; // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 16
+ PCAN_USBBUS1 = $51; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_USBBUS2 = $52; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 2
+ PCAN_USBBUS3 = $53; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 3
+ PCAN_USBBUS4 = $54; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 4
+ PCAN_USBBUS5 = $55; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 5
+ PCAN_USBBUS6 = $56; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 6
+ PCAN_USBBUS7 = $57; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 7
+ PCAN_USBBUS8 = $58; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 8
+ PCAN_USBBUS9 = $509; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 9
+ PCAN_USBBUS10 = $50A; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 10
+ PCAN_USBBUS11 = $50B; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 11
+ PCAN_USBBUS12 = $50C; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 12
+ PCAN_USBBUS13 = $50D; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 13
+ PCAN_USBBUS14 = $50E; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 14
+ PCAN_USBBUS15 = $50F; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 15
+ PCAN_USBBUS16 = $510; // PCAN-USB interface, channel 16
+ PCAN_PCCBUS1 = $61; // PCAN-PC Card interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_PCCBUS2 = $62; // PCAN-PC Card interface, channel 2
+ PCAN_LANBUS1 = $801; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 1
+ PCAN_LANBUS2 = $802; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 2
+ PCAN_LANBUS3 = $803; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 3
+ PCAN_LANBUS4 = $804; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 4
+ PCAN_LANBUS5 = $805; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 5
+ PCAN_LANBUS6 = $806; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 6
+ PCAN_LANBUS7 = $807; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 7
+ PCAN_LANBUS8 = $808; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 8
+ PCAN_LANBUS9 = $809; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 9
+ PCAN_LANBUS10 = $80A; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 10
+ PCAN_LANBUS11 = $80B; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 11
+ PCAN_LANBUS12 = $80C; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 12
+ PCAN_LANBUS13 = $80D; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 13
+ PCAN_LANBUS14 = $80E; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 14
+ PCAN_LANBUS15 = $80F; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 15
+ PCAN_LANBUS16 = $810; // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 16
+ // Represent the PCAN error and status codes
+ //
+ PCAN_ERROR_OK = $00000; // No error
+ PCAN_ERROR_XMTFULL = $00001; // Transmit buffer in CAN controller is full
+ PCAN_ERROR_OVERRUN = $00002; // CAN controller was read too late
+ PCAN_ERROR_BUSLIGHT = $00004; // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'light' limit [Not used with the *FD functions]
+ PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY = $00008; // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'heavy' limit
+ PCAN_ERROR_BUSWARNING = PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY; // An error counter reached the 'warning' limit [ONLY used with the *FD functions]
+ PCAN_ERROR_BUSPASSIVE = $40000; // Bus error: the CAN controller is in bus-off state
+ PCAN_ERROR_BUSOFF = $00010; // Bus error: the CAN controller is in bus-off state
+ PCAN_ERROR_QRCVEMPTY = $00020; // Receive queue is empty
+ PCAN_ERROR_QOVERRUN = $00040; // Receive queue was read too late
+ PCAN_ERROR_QXMTFULL = $00080; // Transmit queue is full
+ PCAN_ERROR_REGTEST = $00100; // Test of the CAN controller hardware registers failed (no hardware found)
+ PCAN_ERROR_NODRIVER = $00200; // Driver not loaded
+ PCAN_ERROR_HWINUSE = $00400; // Hardware already in use by a Net
+ PCAN_ERROR_NETINUSE = $00800; // A Client is already connected to the Net
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLHW = $01400; // Hardware handle is invalid
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLNET = $01800; // Net handle is invalid
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLCLIENT = $01C00; // Client handle is invalid
+ PCAN_ERROR_RESOURCE = $02000; // Resource (FIFO, Client, timeout) cannot be created
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE = $04000; // Invalid parameter
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMVAL = $08000; // Invalid parameter value
+ PCAN_ERROR_UNKNOWN = $10000; // Unknown error
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLDATA = $20000; // Invalid data, function, or action
+ PCAN_ERROR_CAUTION = $2000000; // An operation was successfully carried out, however, irregularities were registered
+ PCAN_ERROR_INITIALIZE = $4000000; // Channel is not initialized [Value was changed from 0x40000 to 0x4000000]
+ PCAN_ERROR_ILLOPERATION = $8000000; // Invalid operation [Value was changed from 0x80000 to 0x8000000]
+ // PCAN devices
+ //
+ PCAN_NONE = $00; // Undefined, unknown or not selected PCAN device value
+ PCAN_PEAKCAN = $01; // PCAN Non-Plug&Play devices. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
+ PCAN_ISA = $02; // PCAN-ISA, PCAN-PC/104, and PCAN-PC/104-Plus
+ PCAN_DNG = $03; // PCAN-Dongle
+ PCAN_PCI = $04; // PCAN-PCI, PCAN-cPCI, PCAN-miniPCI, and PCAN-PCI Express
+ PCAN_USB = $05; // PCAN-USB and PCAN-USB Pro
+ PCAN_PCC = $06; // PCAN-PC Card
+ PCAN_VIRTUAL = $07; // PCAN Virtual hardware. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
+ PCAN_LAN = $08; // PCAN Gateway devices
+ // PCAN parameters
+ //
+ PCAN_DEVICE_NUMBER = $01; // PCAN-USB device number parameter
+ PCAN_5VOLTS_POWER = $02; // PCAN-PC Card 5-Volt power parameter
+ PCAN_RECEIVE_EVENT = $03; // PCAN receive event handler parameter
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_FILTER = $04; // PCAN message filter parameter
+ PCAN_API_VERSION = $05; // PCAN-Basic API version parameter
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_VERSION = $06; // PCAN device channel version parameter
+ PCAN_BUSOFF_AUTORESET = $07; // PCAN Reset-On-Busoff parameter
+ PCAN_LISTEN_ONLY = $08; // PCAN Listen-Only parameter
+ PCAN_LOG_LOCATION = $09; // Directory path for log files
+ PCAN_LOG_STATUS = $0A; // Debug-Log activation status
+ PCAN_LOG_CONFIGURE = $0B; // Configuration of the debugged information (LOG_FUNCTION_***)
+ PCAN_LOG_TEXT = $0C; // Custom insertion of text into the log file
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_CONDITION = $0D; // Availability status of a PCAN-Channel
+ PCAN_HARDWARE_NAME = $0E; // PCAN hardware name parameter
+ PCAN_RECEIVE_STATUS = $0F; // Message reception status of a PCAN-Channel
+ PCAN_CONTROLLER_NUMBER = $10; // CAN-Controller number of a PCAN-Channel
+ PCAN_TRACE_LOCATION = $11; // Directory path for PCAN trace files
+ PCAN_TRACE_STATUS = $12; // CAN tracing activation status
+ PCAN_TRACE_SIZE = $13; // Configuration of the maximum file size of a CAN trace
+ PCAN_TRACE_CONFIGURE = $14; // Configuration of the trace file storing mode (TRACE_FILE_***)
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_IDENTIFYING = $15; // Physical identification of a USB based PCAN-Channel by blinking its associated LED
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_FEATURES = $16; // Capabilities of a PCAN device (FEATURE_***)
+ PCAN_BITRATE_ADAPTING = $17; // Using of an existing bit rate (PCAN-View connected to a channel)
+ PCAN_BITRATE_INFO = $18; // Configured bit rate as Btr0Btr1 value
+ PCAN_BITRATE_INFO_FD = $19; // Configured bit rate as TPCANBitrateFD string
+ PCAN_BUSSPEED_NOMINAL = $1A; // Configured nominal CAN Bus speed as Bits per seconds
+ PCAN_BUSSPEED_DATA = $1B; // Configured CAN data speed as Bits per seconds
+ PCAN_IP_ADDRESS = $1C; // Remote address of a LAN channel as string in IPv4 format
+ PCAN_LAN_SERVICE_STATUS = $1D; // Status of the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Service
+ // PCAN parameter values
+ //
+ PCAN_PARAMETER_OFF = $00; // The PCAN parameter is not set (inactive)
+ PCAN_PARAMETER_ON = $01; // The PCAN parameter is set (active)
+ PCAN_FILTER_CLOSE = $00; // The PCAN filter is closed. No messages will be received
+ PCAN_FILTER_OPEN = $01; // The PCAN filter is fully opened. All messages will be received
+ PCAN_FILTER_CUSTOM = $02; // The PCAN filter is custom configured. Only registered
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_UNAVAILABLE = $00; // The PCAN-Channel handle is illegal, or its associated hardware is not available
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE = $01; // The PCAN-Channel handle is available to be connected (Plug&Play Hardware: it means furthermore that the hardware is plugged-in)
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED = $02; // The PCAN-Channel handle is valid, and is already being used
+ PCAN_CHANNEL_PCANVIEW = PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE Or PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED; // The PCAN-Channel handle is already being used by a PCAN-View application, but is available to connect
+ LOG_FUNCTION_DEFAULT = $00; // Logs system exceptions / errors
+ LOG_FUNCTION_ENTRY = $01; // Logs the entries to the PCAN-Basic API functions
+ LOG_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS = $02; // Logs the parameters passed to the PCAN-Basic API functions
+ LOG_FUNCTION_LEAVE = $04; // Logs the exits from the PCAN-Basic API functions
+ LOG_FUNCTION_WRITE = $08; // Logs the CAN messages passed to the CAN_Write function
+ LOG_FUNCTION_READ = $10; // Logs the CAN messages received within the CAN_Read function
+ LOG_FUNCTION_ALL = $FFFF;// Logs all possible information within the PCAN-Basic API functions
+ TRACE_FILE_SINGLE = $00; // A single file is written until it size reaches PAN_TRACE_SIZE
+ TRACE_FILE_SEGMENTED = $01; // Traced data is distributed in several files with size PAN_TRACE_SIZE
+ TRACE_FILE_DATE = $02; // Includes the date into the name of the trace file
+ TRACE_FILE_TIME = $04; // Includes the start time into the name of the trace file
+ TRACE_FILE_OVERWRITE = $80; // Causes the overwriting of available traces (same name)
+ FEATURE_FD_CAPABLE = $01; // Device supports flexible data-rate (CAN-FD)
+ SERVICE_STATUS_STOPPED = $01; // The service is not running
+ SERVICE_STATUS_RUNNING = $04; // The service is running
+ // PCAN message types
+ //
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD = $00; // The PCAN message is a CAN Standard Frame (11-bit identifier)
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR = $01; // The PCAN message is a CAN Remote-Transfer-Request Frame
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED = $02; // The PCAN message is a CAN Extended Frame (29-bit identifier)
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_FD = $04; // The PCAN message represents a FD frame in terms of CiA Specs
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_BRS = $08; // The PCAN message represents a FD bit rate switch (CAN data at a higher bit rate)
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_ESI = $10; // The PCAN message represents a FD error state indicator(CAN FD transmitter was error active)
+ PCAN_MESSAGE_STATUS = $80; // The PCAN message represents a PCAN status message
+ // Frame Type / Initialization Mode
+ //
+ PCAN_MODE_STANDARD = PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD; // Mode is Standard (11-bit identifier)
+ PCAN_MODE_EXTENDED = PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED; // Mode is Extended (29-bit identifier)
+ // Baud rate codes = BTR0/BTR1 register values for the CAN controller.
+ // You can define your own Baud rate with the BTROBTR1 register.
+ // Take a look at www.peak-system.com for our free software "BAUDTOOL"
+ // to calculate the BTROBTR1 register for every bit rate and sample point.
+ //
+ PCAN_BAUD_1M = $0014; // 1 MBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_800K = $0016; // 800 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_500K = $001C; // 500 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_250K = $011C; // 250 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_125K = $031C; // 125 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_100K = $432F; // 100 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_95K = $C34E; // 95,238 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_83K = $852B; // 83,333 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_50K = $472F; // 50 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_47K = $1414; // 47,619 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_33K = $8B2F; // 33,333 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_20K = $532F; // 20 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_10K = $672F; // 10 kBit/s
+ PCAN_BAUD_5K = $7F7F; // 5 kBit/s
+ // Represents the configuration for a CAN bit rate
+ // Note:
+ // * Each parameter and its value must be separated with a '='.
+ // * Each pair of parameter/value must be separated using ','.
+ //
+ // Example:
+ // f_clock=80000000,nom_brp=0,nom_tseg1=13,nom_tseg2=0,nom_sjw=0,data_brp=0,data_tseg1=13,data_tseg2=0,data_sjw=0
+ //
+ PCAN_BR_CLOCK = 'f_clock';
+ PCAN_BR_CLOCK_MHZ = 'f_clock_mhz';
+ PCAN_BR_NOM_BRP = 'nom_brp';
+ PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG1 = 'nom_tseg1';
+ PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG2 = 'nom_tseg2';
+ PCAN_BR_NOM_SJW = 'nom_sjw';
+ PCAN_BR_NOM_SAMPLE = 'nom_sam';
+ PCAN_BR_DATA_BRP = 'data_brp';
+ PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG1 = 'data_tseg1';
+ PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG2 = 'data_tseg2';
+ PCAN_BR_DATA_SJW = 'data_sjw';
+ PCAN_BR_DATA_SAMPLE = 'data_ssp_offset';
+ // Type of PCAN (non plug&play) hardware
+ //
+ PCAN_TYPE_ISA = $01; // PCAN-ISA 82C200
+ PCAN_TYPE_DNG = $02; // PCAN-Dongle 82C200
+ PCAN_TYPE_DNG_EPP = $03; // PCAN-Dongle EPP 82C200
+ PCAN_TYPE_DNG_SJA = $05; // PCAN-Dongle SJA1000
+ PCAN_TYPE_DNG_SJA_EPP = $06; // PCAN-Dongle EPP SJA1000
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Type definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ TPCANHandle = Word; // Represents a PCAN hardware channel handle
+ TPCANStatus = Longword; // Represents a PCAN status/error code
+ TPCANParameter = Byte; // Represents a PCAN parameter to be read or set
+ TPCANDevice = Byte; // Represents a PCAN device
+ TPCANMessageType = Byte; // Represents the type of a PCAN message
+ TPCANType = Byte; // Represents the type of PCAN hardware to be initialized
+ TPCANMode = Byte; // Represents a PCAN filter mode
+ TPCANBaudrate = Word; // Represents a PCAN Baud rate register value
+ TPCANBitrateFD = PAnsiChar;// Represents a PCAN-FD bit rate string
+ TPCANTimestampFD = UInt64; // Represents a timestamp of a received PCAN FD message
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Structure definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Represents a PCAN message
+ //
+ TPCANMsg = record
+ ID: Longword; // 11/29-bit message identifier
+ MSGTYPE: TPCANMessageType; // Type of the message
+ LEN: Byte; // Data Length Code of the message (0..8)
+ DATA: array[0..7] of Byte; // Data of the message (DATA[0]..DATA[7])
+ end;
+ // Represents a timestamp of a received PCAN message.
+ // Total Microseconds = micros + 1000 * millis + 0x100000000 * 1000 * millis_overflow
+ //
+ TPCANTimestamp = record
+ millis: Longword; // Base-value: milliseconds: 0.. 2^32-1
+ millis_overflow: Word; // Roll-arounds of millis
+ micros: Word; // Microseconds: 0..999
+ end;
+ PTPCANTimestamp = ^TPCANTimestamp;
+ // Represents a PCAN message from a FD capable hardware
+ //
+ TPCANMsgFD = record
+ ID: Longword; // 11/29-bit message identifier
+ MSGTYPE: TPCANMessageType; // Type of the message
+ DLC: Byte; // Data Length Code of the message (0..15)
+ DATA: array[0..63] of Byte; // Data of the message (DATA[0]..DATA[63])
+ end;
+ PTPCANTimestampFD = ^TPCANTimestampFD;
+// PCAN-Basic API function declarations
+/// Initializes a PCAN Channel
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// The speed for the communication (BTR0BTR1 code)
+/// NON PLUG&PLAY: The type of hardware and operation mode
+/// NON PLUG&PLAY: The I/O address for the parallel port
+/// NON PLUG&PLAY: Interrupt number of the parallel port
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_Initialize(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ Btr0Btr1: TPCANBaudrate;
+ HwType: TPCANType;
+ IOPort: LongWord;
+ Interrupt: Word
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Initializes a FD capable PCAN Channel
+/// "The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"
+/// "The speed for the communication (FD bit rate string)"
+/// See PCAN_BR_* values
+/// * parameter and values ust be separated by '='
+/// * Couples of Parameter/value must be separated by ','
+/// * Following Parameter must be filled out: f_clock, data_brp, data_sjw, data_tseg1, data_tseg2,
+/// nom_brp, nom_sjw, nom_tseg1, nom_tseg2.
+/// * Following Parameters are optional (not used yet): data_ssp_offset, nom_samp
+/// f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=0,nom_tseg1=13,nom_tseg2=0,nom_sjw=0,data_brp=0,
+/// data_tseg1=13,data_tseg2=0,data_sjw=0
+/// "A TPCANStatus error code"
+function CAN_InitializeFD(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ BitrateFD: TPCANBitrateFD
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Uninitializes one or all PCAN Channels initialized by CAN_Initialize
+/// Giving the TPCANHandle value "PCAN_NONEBUS",
+/// uninitialize all initialized channels
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_Uninitialize(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Resets the receive and transmit queues of the PCAN Channel
+/// A reset of the CAN controller is not performed
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_Reset(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Gets the current status of a PCAN Channel
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_GetStatus(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Reads a CAN message from the receive queue of a PCAN Channel
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// A TPCANMsg structure buffer to store the CAN message
+/// A TPCANTimestamp structure buffer to get
+/// the reception time of the message
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_Read(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsg;
+ TimestampBuffer: PTPCANTimestamp
+ ):TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Reads a CAN message from the receive queue of a FD capable PCAN Channel
+/// "The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"
+/// "A TPCANMsgFD structure buffer to store the CAN message"
+/// "A TPCANTimestampFD buffer to get
+/// the reception time of the message. If this value is not desired, this parameter
+/// should be passed as NULL"
+/// "A TPCANStatus error code"
+function CAN_ReadFD(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsgFD;
+ TimestampBuffer: PTPCANTimestampFD
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Transmits a CAN message
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// A TPCANMsg buffer with the message to be sent
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_Write(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsg
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Transmits a CAN message over a FD capable PCAN Channel
+/// "The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"
+/// "A TPCANMsgFD buffer with the message to be sent"
+/// "A TPCANStatus error code"
+function CAN_WriteFD(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsgFD
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Configures the reception filter
+/// The message filter will be expanded with every call to
+/// this function. If it is desired to reset the filter, please use
+/// the 'SetValue' function
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// The lowest CAN ID to be received
+/// The highest CAN ID to be received
+/// Message type, Standard (11-bit identifier) or
+/// Extended (29-bit identifier)
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_FilterMessages(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ FromID: LongWord;
+ ToID: LongWord;
+ Mode: TPCANMode
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Retrieves a PCAN Channel value
+/// Parameters can be present or not according with the kind
+/// of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a parameter is not available,
+/// a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be returned
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// The TPCANParameter parameter to get
+/// Buffer for the parameter value
+/// Size in bytes of the buffer
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_GetValue(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ Parameter: TPCANParameter;
+ Buffer: Pointer;
+ BufferLength: LongWord
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Configures or sets a PCAN Channel value
+/// Parameters can be present or not according with the kind
+/// of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a parameter is not available,
+/// a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be returned
+/// The handle of a PCAN Channel
+/// The TPCANParameter parameter to set
+/// Buffer with the value to be set
+/// Size in bytes of the buffer
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_SetValue(
+ Channel: TPCANHandle;
+ Parameter: TPCANParameter;
+ Buffer: Pointer;
+ BufferLength: LongWord
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+/// Returns a descriptive text of a given TPCANStatus error
+/// code, in any desired language
+/// The current languages available for translation are:
+/// Neutral (0x00), German (0x07), English (0x09), Spanish (0x0A),
+/// Italian (0x10) and French (0x0C)
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+/// Indicates a 'Primary language ID'
+/// Buffer for the text (must be at least 256 in length)
+/// A TPCANStatus error code
+function CAN_GetErrorText(
+ Error: TPCANStatus;
+ Language: Word;
+ StringBuffer: PAnsiChar
+ ): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+uses SysUtils;
+const DLL_Name = 'PCANBASIC.DLL';
+function CAN_Initialize(Channel: TPCANHandle; Btr0Btr1: TPCANBaudrate; HwType: TPCANType; IOPort: LongWord; Interrupt: Word): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_InitializeFD(Channel: TPCANHandle; BitrateFD: TPCANBitrateFD): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_Uninitialize(Channel: TPCANHandle): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_Reset(Channel: TPCANHandle): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_GetStatus(Channel: TPCANHandle): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_Read(Channel: TPCANHandle; var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsg; TimestampBuffer: PTPCANTimestamp):TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_ReadFD(Channel: TPCANHandle; var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsgFD; TimestampBuffer: PTPCANTimestampFD):TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_Write(Channel: TPCANHandle; var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsg): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_WriteFD(Channel: TPCANHandle; var MessageBuffer: TPCANMsgFD): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_FilterMessages(Channel: TPCANHandle; FromID: LongWord; ToID: LongWord; Mode: TPCANMode): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_GetValue(Channel: TPCANHandle; Parameter: TPCANParameter; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: LongWord): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_SetValue(Channel: TPCANHandle; Parameter: TPCANParameter; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: LongWord): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
+function CAN_GetErrorText(Error: TPCANStatus; Language: Word; StringBuffer: PAnsiChar): TPCANStatus; stdcall;
+external DLL_Name;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANdrvD.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANdrvD.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index dc43a464..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/PCANdrvD.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-unit PCANdrvD;
-// Project Name: TPCanDriver component for Borland Delphi
-// Description: Encapsulates PCAN's Light driver into a VCL component for PCANUSB 1CH.
-// File Name: PCANdrvD.pas
-// C O P Y R I G H T
-// Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
-// This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular
-// purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy,
-// adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or
-// omissions or the results obtained from use of the software.
-// L I C E N S E
-// This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-// version.
-// OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-// PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
-// should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
-// Includes
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Pcan_usb;
-// Type Definitions
- TPCanChannel = ( pcanchannel0 );
- TPCanHardware = ( PCAN_USB1CH );
- TPCanDirection = ( PcanTx, PCanRx );
- TPCanMessage = packed record
- id : LongInt;
- dlc : Byte;
- data : array [0..7] of Byte;
- time : LongInt;
- ext : Boolean;
- end;
- TPCanMessageEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; Direction: TPCanDirection; Message: TPCanMessage ) of object;
- TPCanEventThread = class(TThread)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FMethod: TThreadMethod;
- protected
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- property Method : TThreadMethod read FMethod write FMethod;
- end;
- TPCanDriver = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FCanEventThread: TPCanEventThread;
- FThreadRunning : boolean;
- FCanConnected : boolean;
- FStartTickCnt : DWORD;
- function IsThreadRunning: boolean;
- procedure ProcessReception;
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- FBaudRate : LongInt;
- FChannel : TPCanChannel;
- FHardware : TPCanHardware;
- FPriority : TThreadPriority;
- FExtendedId : Boolean;
- FOnMessage : TPCanMessageEvent;
- procedure SetBaudRate( Value: LongInt );
- procedure SetChannel( Value: TPCanChannel );
- procedure SetHardware( Value: TPCanHardware );
- procedure SetPriority( Value: TThreadPriority );
- procedure SetExtendedId( Value: Boolean );
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Connect: boolean; virtual;
- procedure Disconnect; virtual;
- function Transmit( Message: TPCanMessage): boolean; virtual;
- function IsConnected: boolean; virtual;
- function IsComError: boolean; virtual;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property BaudRate : LongInt read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate default 500000;
- property Channel : TPCanChannel read FChannel write SetChannel default pcanchannel0;
- property Hardware : TPCanHardware read FHardware write SetHardware default PCAN_USB1CH;
- property Priority : TThreadPriority read FPriority write SetPriority default tpNormal;
- property ExtendedId : Boolean read FExtendedId write SetExtendedId default False;
- property OnMessage : TPCanMessageEvent read FOnMessage write FOnMessage;
- end;
-// Prototypes
-procedure Register;
-// NAME: Execute
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Overriden Execute function for the CanEventThread. Calls and synchro-
-// nizes with the TCanDriver.ProcessEvents function.
-procedure TPCanEventThread.Execute;
- while not Terminated do
- begin
- if Assigned(Method) then // make sure TPCanDriver.ProcessEvents is set
- Synchronize(Method); // call and synchronize
- end;
-end; //*** end of Execute ***
-// NAME: Create
-// PARAMETER: AOwner : owner of the component
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Component constructor. Calls TComponent's constructor and initializes
-// the private property variables to their default values.
-constructor TPCanDriver.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- // call inherited constructor
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- // set defaults for internal variables
- FThreadRunning := False;
- FCanConnected := False;
- // set defaults for properties
- FBaudRate := 500000;
- FChannel := pcanchannel0;
- FHardware := PCAN_USB1CH;
- FPriority := tpNormal;
- FExtendedId := False;
-end; //*** end of Create ***
-// NAME: Destroy
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Component destructor. Calls TComponent's destructor
-destructor TPCanDriver.Destroy;
- Disconnect; // close the port and driver
- inherited Destroy; // call inherited destructor
-end; //*** end of Destroy ***
-// NAME: IsConnected
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN driver is connected and active
-function TPCanDriver.IsConnected: boolean;
- Result := FCanConnected;
-end; //*** end of IsConnected ***
-// NAME: IsComError
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True if the communication interface is in error state, False otherwise
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN controller is in error state.
-function TPCanDriver.IsComError: boolean;
- // check for bus off
- result := ((CAN_Status and CAN_ERR_BUSOFF) <> 0);
-end; //*** end of IsComError ***
-// NAME: IsThreadRunning
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN event thread is running
-function TPCanDriver.IsThreadRunning: boolean;
- if FThreadRunning = True then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := False;
-end; //*** end of IsThreadRunning ***
-// NAME: SetBaudRate
-// PARAMETER: Value : new baudrate value [0 - 1000000 bps]
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the baudrate
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update baudrate configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TPCanDriver.SetBaudRate( Value: LongInt );
- FBaudRate := Value; // update property
-end; //*** end of SetBaudRate ***
-// NAME: SetChannel
-// PARAMETER: Value : channel0 or channel1
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the used CAN channel
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update channel configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TPCanDriver.SetChannel( Value: TPCanChannel );
- FChannel := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetChannel ***
-// NAME: SetHardware
-// PARAMETER: Value : type of CAN hardware (Virtual, CANcardXL, etc.)
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the used CAN hardware
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update hardware configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TPCanDriver.SetHardware( Value: TPCanHardware );
- FHardware := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetHardware ***
-// NAME: SetPriority
-// PARAMETER: Value : thread priority
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the priority for the CAN event thread
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Is Thread running? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Stop Thread |
-// | Update Thread priority | Update Thread priority
-// | Restart Thread |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TPCanDriver.SetPriority( Value: TThreadPriority );
- if IsThreadRunning then
- begin
- FCanEventThread.Suspend; // suspend the thread
- FPriority := Value; // update the priority
- FCanEventThread.Resume; // resume the thread
- end
- else
- begin
- FPriority := Value; // update the priority
- end;
-end; //*** end of SetPriority ***
-// NAME: SetExtendedId
-// PARAMETER: Value : true = support only 29-bit id's, false = support only 11-bit
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the support of extended 29-bit identifiers
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update extended id support selection
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TPCanDriver.SetExtendedId( Value: Boolean );
- FExtendedId := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetExtendedId ***/
-// NAME: Connect
-// PRECONDITIONS: Disconnected from CAN bus
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False for succees or error, respectively
-// DESCRIPTION: Initializes the CAN driver and synchronizes the hardware with the CAN
-// bus.
-function TPCanDriver.Connect: boolean;
- Baudcode : Word;
- MsgType : Integer;
- Result := False;
- FThreadRunning := False;
- FCanConnected := False;
- // convert baudrate in bps to supported baudrate code
- Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_500K; // init local
- case FBaudRate of
- 5000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_5K;
- 10000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_10K;
- 20000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_20K;
- 33333 : Baudcode := $1D14;
- 50000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_50K;
- 83333 : Baudcode := $4B14;
- 100000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_100K;
- 125000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_125K;
- 250000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_250K;
- 500000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_500K;
- 1000000 : Baudcode := CAN_BAUD_1M;
- end;
- // convert extented id info
- if FExtendedId then
- MsgType := 1
- else
- MsgType := 0;
- //-------------------------- open the driver ------------------------------------------
- if CAN_Init(Baudcode, MsgType) <> CAN_ERR_OK then Exit;
- //-------------------------- open the acceptance filter --------------------------------
- if CAN_ResetFilter <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- begin
- CAN_Close;
- Exit;
- end;
- if FExtendedId then
- begin
- if CAN_MsgFilter($000, $1FFFFFFF, MSGTYPE_EXTENDED) <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- begin
- CAN_Close;
- Exit;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- if CAN_MsgFilter($000, $7FF, MSGTYPE_STANDARD) <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- begin
- CAN_Close;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- //-------------------------- reset message queues -------------------------------------
- if CAN_ResetClient <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- begin
- CAN_Close;
- Exit;
- end;
- //-------------------------- start CAN event thread -----------------------------------
- FCanEventThread := TPCanEventThread.Create(True); // create and suspend
- FCanEventThread.FreeOnTerminate := True; // auto free on termination
- FCanEventThread.Method := ProcessReception; // set method
- FCanEventThread.Resume; // start
- FThreadRunning := True;
- //-------------------------- store start time for time stamps -------------------------
- FStartTickCnt := GetTickCount;
- //-------------------------- success --------------------------------------------------
- FCanConnected := True;
- Result := True; // successfully initialized the driver
-end; //*** end of Connect ***
-// NAME: Disconnect
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Disconnects the CAN driver
-procedure TPCanDriver.Disconnect;
- if IsConnected = True then // are we connected?
- begin
- FCanConnected := False;
- // close the channel
- CAN_Close;
- end;
- if IsThreadRunning then
- begin
- FCanEventThread.Terminate; // stop
- FThreadRunning := False;
- end;
-end; //*** end of Disconnect ***
-// NAME: Transmit
-// PRECONDITIONS: Driver initialized using 'Connect'
-// PARAMETER: Message: CAN message that is to be transmitted
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False for succees or error, respectively
-// DESCRIPTION: Transmits a CAN message.
-function TPCanDriver.Transmit( Message: TPCanMessage): boolean;
- cnt : Byte;
- msg : TPCANMsg;
- msgcpy : TPCanMessage;
- // make sure the CAN driver is connected
- if not IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := False; // can't transmit it not connected
- exit; // no need to continue
- end;
- // set the message identifier
- msg.ID := Message.id;
- if Message.ext then
- else
- // set the data length
- msg.LEN := Message.dlc;
- // store the data bytes
- for cnt :=0 to Message.dlc do
- begin
- msg.DATA[cnt] := Message.data[cnt];
- end;
- // submit the transmit request
- if CAN_Write(msg) <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- //---------------- process transmission confirmation --------------------------
- if Assigned( FOnMessage ) then
- begin
- msgcpy := Message;
- msgcpy.time := GetTickCount - FStartTickCnt;
- FOnMessage( Self, PCanTx, msgcpy ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- Result := True;
-end; //*** end of Transmit ***
-// NAME: ProcessReception
-// PRECONDITIONS: thread running
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the CAN event tread. This function traps and processes CAN
-// events for OnMessage.
-procedure TPCanDriver.ProcessReception;
- cnt : Byte;
- msg : TPCanMessage;
- msgraw : TPCANMsg;
- //---------------- process reception indication -------------------------------
- // continue only if a new message is present in the queue
- if CAN_Read(msgraw) <> CAN_ERR_OK then
- Exit;
- // only process CAN messages and not the status messages
- begin
- // copy the message info
- msg.time := GetTickCount - FStartTickCnt;
- msg.id := msgraw.ID;
- msg.dlc := msgraw.LEN;
- // store the data bytes
- for cnt :=0 to msg.dlc do
- begin
- msg.data[cnt] := msgraw.DATA[cnt];
- end;
- if Assigned( FOnMessage ) then
- begin
- FOnMessage( Self, PCanRx, msg ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of ProcessReception ***
-// NAME: Register
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Registers the TPCanDriver component into Borland Delphi's IDE.
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('Feaser', [TPCanDriver]);
-end; //*** end of Register ***
-//********************************** end of PCANdrvD.pas ********************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/Pcan_usb.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/Pcan_usb.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c7a4259..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/Pcan_usb.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-// PCAN-Light
-// PCAN_USB.pas
-// Version 2.x
-// ~~~~~~~~~~
-// Definition of the PCAN-Light API.
-// The Driver support a Hardware and a Software who want to communicate with CAN-busses
-// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-// PCAN-Light-API
-// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
-// - CAN_Init(wBTR0BTR1: Word; CANMsgType: Integer)
-// - CAN_Close()
-// - CAN_Status()
-// - CAN_Write(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg)
-// - CAN_Read(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg)
-// - CAN_ReadEx(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg; var RcvTime: TPCANTimestamp)
-// - CAN_VersionInfo(lpszTextBuff: PChar)
-// - CAN_DLLVersionInfo(lpszTextBuff: PChar)
-// - CAN_SpecialFunktion(distributorcode: LongWord; codenumber: Integer)
-// - CAN_ResetClient()
-// - CAN_MsgFilter(FromID, ToID: LongWord; _Type: Integer)
-// - CAN_ResetFilter()
-// - SetUSBDeviceNr(DevNum: Integer)
-// - GetUSBDeviceNr(var DevNum: Integer)
-// - CAN_SetRcvFunc(hEvent: THandle)
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Author : Hoppe, Wilhelm
-// Modified By: Wagner (29.09.2009)
-// Language: PASCAL OO
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (C) 1999-2009 PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Darmstadt
-unit pcan_usb;
- // Constants definitions - Frame Type
- //
- CAN_INIT_TYPE_EX = $01; //Extended Frame
- CAN_INIT_TYPE_ST = $00; //Standart Frame
- // Constants definitions - ID
- //
- CAN_MAX_EXTENDED_ID = $1fffffff;
- // Constants definitions - CAN message types
- //
- MSGTYPE_STANDARD = $00; // Standard Data frame (11-bit ID)
- MSGTYPE_RTR = $01; // 1, if Remote Request frame
- MSGTYPE_EXTENDED = $02; // 1, if Extended Data frame (CAN 2.0B, 29-bit ID)
- MSGTYPE_ERROR = $80; // 1, if Status information
- // Baud rate codes = BTR0/BTR1 register values for the CAN controller.
- // You can define your own Baudrate with the BTROBTR1 register !!
- // take a look at www.peak-system.com for our software BAUDTOOL to
- // calculate the BTROBTR1 register for every baudrate and sample point.
- //
- CAN_BAUD_1M = $0014; // 1 MBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_500K = $001C; // 500 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_250K = $011C; // 250 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_125K = $031C; // 125 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_100K = $432F; // 100 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_50K = $472F; // 50 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_20K = $532F; // 20 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_10K = $672F; // 10 kBit/s
- CAN_BAUD_5K = $7F7F; // 5 kBit/s
- // Error codes (bit code)
- //
- CAN_ERR_OK = $0000; // No error
- CAN_ERR_XMTFULL = $0001; // Transmit buffer in CAN controller is full
- CAN_ERR_OVERRUN = $0002; // CAN controller was read too late
- CAN_ERR_BUSLIGHT = $0004; // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'light' limit
- CAN_ERR_BUSHEAVY = $0008; // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'heavy' limit
- CAN_ERR_BUSOFF = $0010; // Bus error: the CAN controller is in bus-off state
- CAN_ERR_QRCVEMPTY = $0020; // Receive queue is empty
- CAN_ERR_QOVERRUN = $0040; // Receive queue was read too late
- CAN_ERR_QXMTFULL = $0080; // Transmit queue ist full
- CAN_ERR_REGTEST = $0100; // Test of the CAN controller hardware registers failed (no hardware found)
- CAN_ERR_NOVXD = $0200; // Driver not loaded
- CAN_ERR_NODRIVER = $0200; // Driver not loaded
- CAN_ERRMASK_ILLHANDLE=$1C00; // Mask for all handle errors
- CAN_ERR_HWINUSE = $0400; // Hardware already in use by a Net
- CAN_ERR_NETINUSE = $0800; // a Client is already connected to the Net
- CAN_ERR_ILLHW = $1400; // Hardware handle is invalid
- CAN_ERR_ILLNET = $1800; // Net handle is invalid
- CAN_ERR_ILLCLIENT = $1C00; // Client handle is invalid
- CAN_ERR_RESOURCE = $2000; // Resource (FIFO, Client, timeout) cannot be created
- CAN_ERR_ILLPARAMTYPE = $4000; // Invalid parameter
- CAN_ERR_ILLPARAMVAL = $8000; // Invalid parameter value
- CAN_ERR_UNKNOWN = $10000; // Unknown error
- // CAN Message
- //
- TPCANMsg = record
- ID: LongWord; // 11/29 bit identifier
- MSGTYPE: Byte; // Bits from MSGTYPE_*
- LEN: Byte; // Data Length Code of the Msg (0..8)
- DATA: array[0..7] of Byte; // Data 0 .. 7
- end;
- // Timestamp of a receive/transmit event
- // Total microseconds = micros + 1000 * millis + 0xFFFFFFFF * 1000 * millis_overflow
- //
- TPCANTimestamp = record
- millis: LongWord; // Base-value: milliseconds: 0.. 2^32-1
- millis_overflow: Word; // Roll-arounds of millis
- micros: Word; // Microseconds: 0..999
- end;
-// CAN_Init()
-// This function make the following:
-// - Activate a Hardware
-// - Make a Register Test of 82C200/SJA1000
-// - Allocate a Send buffer and a Hardware handle
-// - Programs the configuration of the transmit/receive driver
-// - Set the Baudrate register
-// - Set the Controller in RESET condition
-// If CANMsgType=0 ---> ID 11Bit
-// If CANMsgType=1 ---> ID 11/29Bit
-function CAN_Init(wBTR0BTR1: Word;
- CANMsgType: Integer): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_Close()
-// This function terminate and release the configured hardware and all
-// allocated resources
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD
-function CAN_Close: LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_Status()
-// This function request the current status of the hardware (b.e. BUS-OFF)
-function CAN_Status: LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_Write()
-// This function Place a CAN message into the Transmit Queue of the CAN Hardware
-function CAN_Write(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_Read()
-// This function get the next message or the next error from the Receive Queue of
-// the CAN Hardware.
-// - Check always the type of the received Message (MSGTYPE_STANDARD,MSGTYPE_RTR,
-// - The function will return ERR_OK always that you receive a CAN message successfully
-// although if the messages is a MSGTYPE_STATUS message.
-// - When a MSGTYPE_STATUS mesasge is got, the ID and Length information of the message
-// will be treated as indefined values. Actually information of the received message
-// should be interpreted using the first 4 data bytes as follow:
-// * Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Kind of Error
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 CAN_ERR_OVERRUN 0x0002 CAN Controller was read to late
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 CAN_ERR_BUSLIGHT 0x0004 Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (96)
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 CAN_ERR_BUSHEAVY 0x0008 Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (128)
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 CAN_ERR_BUSOFF 0x0010 Bus Error: Can Controller went "Bus-Off"
-// - If a CAN_ERR_BUSOFF status message is received, the CAN Controller must to be
-// initialized again using the Init() function. Otherwise, will be not possible
-// to send/receive more messages.
-// - The message will be written to 'msgbuff'.
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD QRCVEMPTY
-function CAN_Read(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_ReadEx()
-// This function get the next message or the next error from the Receive Queue of
-// the CAN Hardware and the time when the message arrived.
-// - Check always the type of the received Message (MSGTYPE_STANDARD,MSGTYPE_RTR,
-// - The function will return ERR_OK always that you receive a CAN message successfully
-// although if the messages is a MSGTYPE_STATUS message.
-// - When a MSGTYPE_STATUS mesasge is got, the ID and Length information of the message
-// will be treated as indefined values. Actually information of the received message
-// should be interpreted using the first 4 data bytes as follow:
-// * Data0 Data1 Data2 Data3 Kind of Error
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 CAN_ERR_OVERRUN 0x0002 CAN Controller was read to late
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 CAN_ERR_BUSLIGHT 0x0004 Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (96)
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x08 CAN_ERR_BUSHEAVY 0x0008 Bus Error: An error counter limit reached (128)
-// 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 CAN_ERR_BUSOFF 0x0010 Bus Error: Can Controller went "Bus-Off"
-// - If a CAN_ERR_BUSOFF status message is received, the CAN Controller must to be
-// initialized again using the Init() function. Otherwise, will be not possible
-// to send/receive more messages.
-// - The message will be written to 'msgbuff'.
-// Since Version 2.x the Ext. Version is available - new Parameter:
-// - Receive timestamp
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD QRCVEMPTY
-function CAN_ReadEx(
- var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg;
- var RcvTime: TPCANTimestamp
- ): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_VersionInfo()
-// This function get the Version and copyright of the hardware as text
-// (max. 255 characters)
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD
-function CAN_VersionInfo(
- lpszTextBuff: PChar
- ): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_DLLVersionInfo()
-// This function is used to get the Version and copyright of the DLL as
-// text (max. 255 characters)
-// Possible Errors: -1 for NULL-Pointer parameters :-)
-function CAN_DLLVersionInfo(
- lpszTextBuff: PChar
- ): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_SpecialFunktion()
-// This function is an special function to be used "ONLY" for distributors
-// Return: 1 - the given parameters and the parameters in the hardware agree
-// 0 - otherwise
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD
-function CAN_SpecialFunktion(
- distributorcode: LongWord;
- codenumber: Integer
- ): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_ResetClient()
-// This function delete the both queues (Transmit,Receive) of the CAN Controller
-// using a RESET
-// Possible Errors: ERR_ILLCLIENT ERR_NOVXD
-function CAN_ResetClient: LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_MsgFilter(FromID, ToID, int Type)
-// This function set the receive message filter of the CAN Controller.
-// - A quick register of all messages is possible using the parameters FromID and ToID = 0
-// - Every call of this function maybe cause an extention of the receive filter of the
-// CAN controller, which one can go briefly to RESET
-// - New in Ver 2.x:
-// * Standard frames will be put it down in the acc_mask/code as Bits 28..13
-// * Hardware driver for 82C200 must to be moved to Bits 10..0 again!
-// It is not guaranteed to receive ONLY the registered messages.
-function CAN_MsgFilter(FromID, ToID: LongWord; _Type: Integer): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_ResetFilter()
-// This function close completely the Message Filter of the Hardware.
-// They will be no more messages received.
-// Possible Errors: NOVXD
-function CAN_ResetFilter: LongWord; stdcall;
-// SetUSBDeviceNr()
-// This function set an identification number to the USB CAN hardware
-function SetUSBDeviceNr(DevNum: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
-// GetUSBDeviceNr()
-// This function read the device number of a USB CAN Hardware
-function GetUSBDeviceNr(var DevNum: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
-// CAN_SetRcvEvent()
-// This function is used to set the Event for the Event Handler
-function CAN_SetRcvEvent(hEvent: LongInt): LongWord; stdcall;
-uses SysUtils;
-const DLL_Name = 'PCAN_USB.dll';
-function CAN_Init(wBTR0BTR1: Word; CANMsgType: Integer): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_Close: LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_Status: LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_Write(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_Read(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_ReadEx(var MsgBuff: TPCANMsg; var RcvTime: TPCANTimestamp): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_NAME;
-function CAN_VersionInfo(lpszTextBuff: PChar): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_DLLVersionInfo(lpszTextBuff: PChar): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_SpecialFunktion(distributorcode: LongWord; codenumber: Integer): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_ResetClient: LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_MsgFilter(FromID, ToID: LongWord; _Type: Integer): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_ResetFilter: LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function SetUSBDeviceNr(DevNum: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function GetUSBDeviceNr(var DevNum: LongWord): LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
-function CAN_SetRcvEvent(hEvent: LongInt):LongWord; stdcall;
-external DLL_Name;
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.dfm b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.dfm
index 8bb21c85..22d0b1cc 100644
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.dfm and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.dfm differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.pas
index ec639384..7e312609 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpSettings.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ interface
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles;
+ StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, Vcl.Imaging.pngimage;
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ type
cmbChannel: TComboBox;
lblBaudRate: TLabel;
chbExtendedId: TCheckBox;
- edtBaudRate: TEdit;
lblT1: TLabel;
lblT3: TLabel;
lblT4: TLabel;
@@ -83,13 +82,22 @@ type
openDialog: TOpenDialog;
edtTconnect: TEdit;
lblTconnect: TLabel;
+ cmbBaudrate: TComboBox;
procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure cmbHardwareChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure edtTransmitIdChange(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure edtTransmitIdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ procedure edtReceiveIdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ procedure edtReceiveIdChange(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
+ procedure ValidateHexCanIdInputChange(EdtID: TEdit);
+ procedure ValidateHexCanIdInputPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
{ Public declarations }
+ procedure SetAvailableChannels;
@@ -106,6 +114,187 @@ type
{$R *.DFM}
+// NAME: SetAvailableChannels
+// PARAMETER: none
+// RETURN VALUE: none
+// DESCRIPTION: Updates the items in the channels combobox based on the selected
+// hardware.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.SetAvailableChannels;
+ maxChannels: Integer;
+ channelCnt: Integer;
+ oldSelectedIdx: Integer;
+ // init to safe value
+ maxChannels := 2;
+ case cmbHardware.ItemIndex of
+ 0 , 1: { PCAN USB or PCAN PCI }
+ begin
+ maxChannels := 8;
+ end;
+ 2: { PCAN PC Card }
+ begin
+ maxChannels := 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // backup currently selected channel
+ oldSelectedIdx := cmbChannel.ItemIndex;
+ // update the combobox contents
+ cmbChannel.Items.Clear;
+ for channelCnt := 1 to maxChannels do
+ begin
+ cmbChannel.Items.Add('Channel' + InttoStr(channelCnt));
+ end;
+ cmbChannel.DropDownCount := maxChannels;
+ // restore the selected channel
+ if oldSelectedIdx >= (maxChannels) then
+ begin
+ cmbChannel.ItemIndex := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ cmbChannel.ItemIndex := oldSelectedIdx;
+ end;
+end; //*** end of SetAvailableChannels ***
+// NAME: ValidateHexCanIdInputChange
+// PARAMETER: EdtID Signal source.
+// RETURN VALUE: none.
+// DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if a valid hexadecimal CAN identifier was entered in
+// the specified edit box. Should be called in the edit box's onChange
+// event handler.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.ValidateHexCanIdInputChange(EdtID: TEdit);
+ value: Int64;
+ // prevent a message identifier > 0x1FFFFFFF from being entered
+ if EdtID.Text <> '' then
+ begin
+ try
+ value := StrToInt64('$' + EdtID.Text);
+ if value < 0 then
+ begin
+ EdtID.Text := '0';
+ end
+ else if value > $1FFFFFFF then
+ begin
+ EdtID.Text := '1FFFFFFF';
+ end;
+ // automatically set extended if flag
+ if value > $7ff then
+ chbExtendedId.Checked := True;
+ except
+ // use id 0 if a non hex value was entered, for example through copy-paste
+ EdtID.Text := '0';
+ end;
+ end;
+end; //*** end of ValidateHexCanIdInputChange ***
+// NAME: ValidateHexCanIdInputPress
+// PARAMETER: Sender Signal source.
+// Key The key's character code that was pressed.
+// RETURN VALUE: none.
+// DESCRIPTION: Checks to see if a valid hexadecimal CAN identifier was entered in
+// the specified edit box. Should be called in the edit box's onPress
+// event handler.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.ValidateHexCanIdInputPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
+ if not (AnsiChar(Key) In ['0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F', #8, ^V, ^C]) then // #8 = backspace
+ begin
+ // ignore it
+ Key := #0;
+ end;
+ // convert a..f to upper case
+ if AnsiChar(Key) In ['a'..'f'] then
+ begin
+ Key := UpCase(Key);
+ end;
+end; //*** end of ValidateHexCanIdInputPress ***
+// NAME: cmbHardwareChange
+// PARAMETER: none
+// RETURN VALUE: modal result
+// DESCRIPTION: Event handler for when the hardware combobox selection changed.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.cmbHardwareChange(Sender: TObject);
+ SetAvailableChannels;
+end; //*** end of cmbHardwareChange ***
+// NAME: edtTransmitIdChange
+// PARAMETER: Sender Signal source.
+// DESCRIPTION: Called when the text in the edit box changed.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.edtReceiveIdChange(Sender: TObject);
+ ValidateHexCanIdInputChange(edtReceiveId);
+end; //*** end of edtReceiveIdChange ***
+// NAME: edtReceiveIdKeyPress
+// PARAMETER: Sender Signal source.
+// Key The key's character code that was pressed.
+// DESCRIPTION: Called when a key is pressed.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.edtReceiveIdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ ValidateHexCanIdInputPress(edtReceiveId, Key);
+end; //*** end of edtReceiveIdKeyPress ***
+// NAME: edtTransmitIdChange
+// PARAMETER: Sender Signal source.
+// DESCRIPTION: Called when the text in the edit box changed.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.edtTransmitIdChange(Sender: TObject);
+ ValidateHexCanIdInputChange(edtTransmitId);
+end; //*** end of edtTransmitIdChange ***
+// NAME: edtTransmitIdKeyPress
+// PARAMETER: Sender Signal source.
+// Key The key's character code that was pressed.
+// DESCRIPTION: Called when a key is pressed.
+procedure TXcpSettingsForm.edtTransmitIdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
+ ValidateHexCanIdInputPress(edtTransmitId, Key);
+end; //*** end of edtTransmitIdKeyPress ***
// NAME: btnOKClick
// PARAMETER: none
@@ -196,6 +385,7 @@ end; //*** end of Destroy ***
function TXcpSettings.Configure : Boolean;
settingsIni: TIniFile;
+ settingsInt: Integer;
// initialize the return value
result := false;
@@ -207,9 +397,22 @@ begin
settingsIni := TIniFile.Create(FIniFile);
// CAN related elements
- FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.ItemIndex := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'hardware', 0);
- FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.ItemIndex := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'channel', 0);
- FSettingsForm.edtBaudRate.Text := IntToStr(settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'baudrate', 500));
+ settingsInt := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'hardware', 0);
+ if settingsInt > FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.Items.Count then
+ settingsInt := 0;
+ FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.ItemIndex := settingsInt;
+ FSettingsForm.SetAvailableChannels;
+ settingsInt := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'channel', 0);
+ if settingsInt >= FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.Items.Count then
+ settingsInt := 0;
+ FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.ItemIndex := settingsInt;
+ settingsInt := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'baudrate', 2);
+ if settingsInt >= FSettingsForm.cmbBaudrate.Items.Count then
+ settingsInt := 2;
+ FSettingsForm.cmbBaudrate.ItemIndex := settingsInt;
FSettingsForm.chbExtendedId.Checked := settingsIni.ReadBool('can', 'extended', false);
FSettingsForm.edtTransmitId.Text := Format('%x',[settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'txid', $667)]);
FSettingsForm.edtReceiveId.Text := Format('%x',[settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'rxid', $7e1)]);
@@ -231,8 +434,9 @@ begin
// set defaults
// CAN related elements
FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.ItemIndex := 0;
+ FSettingsForm.SetAvailableChannels;
FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.ItemIndex := 0;
- FSettingsForm.edtBaudRate.Text := IntToStr(500);
+ FSettingsForm.cmbBaudrate.ItemIndex := 2;
FSettingsForm.chbExtendedId.Checked := false;
FSettingsForm.edtTransmitId.Text := Format('%x',[$667]);
FSettingsForm.edtReceiveId.Text := Format('%x',[$7e1]);
@@ -258,7 +462,7 @@ begin
// CAN related elements
settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'hardware', FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.ItemIndex);
settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'channel', FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.ItemIndex);
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'baudrate', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtBaudRate.Text));
+ settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'baudrate', FSettingsForm.cmbBaudrate.ItemIndex);
settingsIni.WriteBool('can', 'extended', FSettingsForm.chbExtendedId.Checked);
settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'txid', StrToInt('$'+FSettingsForm.edtTransmitId.Text));
settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'rxid', StrToInt('$'+FSettingsForm.edtReceiveId.Text));
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpTransport.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpTransport.pas
index 020666f4..ef4183df 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpTransport.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/XcpTransport.pas
@@ -36,36 +36,35 @@ interface
// Includes
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, IniFiles, PCANdrvD;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, IniFiles, PCANBasic;
// Global Constants
-const kMaxPacketSize = 256;
+// a CAN message can only have up to 8 bytes
+const kMaxPacketSize = 8;
// Type Definitions
- TXcpTransportInfo = (kNone, kResponse, kError);
+ TPCANhardware = ( PCAN_PCI = $40, PCAN_USB = $50, PCAN_PCC = $60 );
TXcpTransport = class(TObject)
- comEventInfo : TXcpTransportInfo;
- comEvent : THandle;
packetTxId : LongWord;
packetRxId : Longword;
extendedId : Boolean;
- procedure OnCanMessage(Sender: TObject; Direction: TPCanDirection; Message: TPCanMessage);
- function MsgWaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
+ canHardware : TPCANhardware; { PCAN_xxx }
+ canChannel : Word; { currently supported is 1..8 }
+ canBaudrate : Word; { in bits/sec }
+ connected : Boolean;
+ function ConstructPeakHandle(hardware: TPCANhardware; channel: Word): TPCANHandle;
packetData : array[0..kMaxPacketSize-1] of Byte;
packetLen : Word;
- pcanDriver : TPCanDriver;
constructor Create;
procedure Configure(iniFile : string);
function Connect: Boolean;
@@ -90,22 +89,6 @@ begin
// call inherited constructor
inherited Create;
- // reset can event info
- comEventInfo := kNone;
- // create the event that requires manual reset
- comEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
- if comEvent = 0 then
- Application.MessageBox( 'Could not obtain event placeholder.',
- 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR );
- // create a pcan driver instance
- pcanDriver := TPCanDriver.Create(nil);
- // set can driver event handlers
- pcanDriver.OnMessage := OnCanMessage;
// reset the packet ids
packetTxId := 0;
packetRxId := 0;
@@ -115,6 +98,9 @@ begin
// reset packet length
packetLen := 0;
+ // disconnected by default
+ connected := false;
end; //*** end of Create ***
@@ -127,12 +113,6 @@ end; //*** end of Create ***
destructor TXcpTransport.Destroy;
- // release can driver instance
- pcanDriver.Free;
- // release event handle
- CloseHandle(comEvent);
// call inherited destructor
end; //*** end of Destroy ***
@@ -148,7 +128,6 @@ end; //*** end of Destroy ***
procedure TXcpTransport.Configure(iniFile : string);
settingsIni : TIniFile;
- hwIndex : integer;
// read XCP configuration from INI
if FileExists(iniFile) then
@@ -156,24 +135,37 @@ begin
// create ini file object
settingsIni := TIniFile.Create(iniFile);
+ // set hardware configuration
+ case settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'hardware', 0) of
+ 0: canHardware := PCAN_USB;
+ 1: canHardware := PCAN_PCI;
+ 2: canHardware := PCAN_PCC;
+ else
+ canHardware := PCAN_USB;
+ end;
+ canChannel := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'channel', 0) + 1;
+ case settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'baudrate', 2) of
+ 0: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_1M;
+ 1: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_800K;
+ 2: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_500K;
+ 3: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_250K;
+ 4: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_125K;
+ 5: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_100K;
+ 6: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_83K;
+ 7: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_33K;
+ 8: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_20K;
+ 9: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_10K;
+ 10: canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_5K;
+ else
+ canBaudrate := PCAN_BAUD_500K;
+ end;
// set message configuration
packetTxId := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'txid', $667);
packetRxId := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'rxid', $7e1);
extendedId := settingsIni.ReadBool('can', 'extended', false);
- // configure can hardware
- hwIndex := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'hardware', 0);
- pcanDriver.Hardware := PCAN_USB1CH; // init to PCAN_USB1CH
- case hwIndex of
- 0 : pcanDriver.Hardware := PCAN_USB1CH;
- end;
- // configure baudrate
- pcanDriver.BaudRate := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'baudrate', 500) * 1000;
- // only 1 channel on PCAN USB 1CH
- pcanDriver.Channel := pcanchannel0;
// release ini file object
@@ -188,10 +180,33 @@ end; //*** end of Configure ***
function TXcpTransport.Connect: Boolean;
+ status: TPCANStatus;
+ iBuffer : Integer;
- result := true;
- if not pcanDriver.Connect then
- result := false;
+ // init result value
+ result := false;
+ // disconnect first if still connected
+ if connected then
+ Disconnect;
+ // attempt to connect to the CAN hardware interface
+ status := CAN_Initialize(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel), canBaudrate, 0, 0, 0);
+ // process the result
+ if status = PCAN_ERROR_OK then
+ begin
+ // connected. now enable the bus off automatic reset
+ status := CAN_SetValue(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel), PCAN_BUSOFF_AUTORESET,
+ PLongWord(@iBuffer), sizeof(iBuffer));
+ if status = PCAN_ERROR_OK then
+ begin
+ connected := true;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ end;
end; //*** end of Connect ***
@@ -203,8 +218,21 @@ end; //*** end of Connect ***
function TXcpTransport.IsComError: Boolean;
+ status: TPCANStatus;
- result := pcanDriver.IsComError;
+ // init result to no error.
+ result := false;
+ // check for bus off error if connected
+ if connected then
+ begin
+ status := CAN_GetStatus(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel));
+ if (status = PCAN_ERROR_BUSOFF) or (status = PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY) then
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ end;
end; //*** end of IsComError ***
@@ -218,57 +246,89 @@ end; //*** end of IsComError ***
function TXcpTransport.SendPacket(timeOutms: LongWord): Boolean;
- pcanmsg : TPCanMessage;
- cnt : byte;
- waitResult: Integer;
+ txMsg: TPCANMsg;
+ rxMsg: TPCANMsg;
+ byteIdx: Byte;
+ status: TPCANStatus;
+ responseReceived: Boolean;
+ timeoutTime: DWORD;
- // do not send any more data on the network when we are in bus off state.
- if IsComError then
+ // initialize the result value
+ result := false;
+ // do not send data when the packet length is invalid or when not connected
+ // to the CAN hardware
+ if (packetLen > kMaxPacketSize) or (not connected) then
- result := false;
- // prepare the packet
- pcanmsg.id := LongInt(PacketTxId);
- pcanmsg.dlc := packetLen;
- pcanmsg.ext := extendedId;
- for cnt := 0 to packetLen-1 do
+ // prepare the packet for transmission in a CAN message
+ txMsg.ID := packetTxId;
+ if extendedId then
+ else
+ txMsg.LEN := packetLen;
+ for byteIdx := 0 to (packetLen-1) do
- pcanmsg.data[cnt] := packetData[cnt];
+ txMsg.DATA[byteIdx] := packetData[byteIdx];
- // make sure the event is reset
- ResetEvent(comEvent);
- comEventInfo := kNone;
- // submit the packet transmission request
- if not pcanDriver.Transmit(pcanmsg) then
+ // transmit the packet via CAN
+ status := CAN_Write(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel), txMsg);
+ if status <> PCAN_ERROR_OK then
- // unable to submit tx request
- result := False;
- // packet is being transmitted. Now wait for the response to come in
- waitResult := MsgWaitForSingleObject(comEvent, timeOutms);
+ // reset flag and set the reception timeout time
+ responseReceived := false;
+ timeoutTime := GetTickCount + timeOutms;
- if waitResult <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
+ // attempt to receive the packet response within the timeout time
+ repeat
+ // read out the next message in the receive queue
+ status := CAN_Read(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel), rxMsg, nil);
+ // check if an error occurred
+ if (status <> PCAN_ERROR_OK) and (status <> PCAN_ERROR_QRCVEMPTY) then
+ begin
+ // error detected. stop loop.
+ Break;
+ end
+ // no error occurred, so either a message was received or the queue was
+ // empty. check for the latter condition
+ else if status = PCAN_ERROR_OK then
+ begin
+ // was the newly received CAN message the response we are waiting for?
+ if rxMsg.ID = packetRxId then
+ begin
+ // was the id type also a match?
+ if ((rxMsg.MSGTYPE = PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD) and (not extendedId)) or
+ ((rxMsg.MSGTYPE = PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED) and (extendedId)) then
+ begin
+ // response received. set flag
+ responseReceived := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // give the application a chance to use the processor
+ Application.ProcessMessages;
+ until (GetTickCount > timeoutTime) or (responseReceived);
+ // check if the response was correctly received
+ if responseReceived then
- // no com event triggered so either a timeout or internal error occurred
- result := False;
- Exit;
+ // copy the response for futher processing
+ packetLen := rxMsg.LEN;
+ for byteIdx := 0 to (packetLen-1) do
+ begin
+ packetData[byteIdx] := rxMsg.DATA[byteIdx];
+ end;
+ // success
+ result := true;
- // com event was triggered. now check if the reponse was correctly received
- if comEventInfo <> kResponse then
- begin
- result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // packet successfully transmitted and response packet received
- result := True;
end; //*** end of SendPacket ***
@@ -281,97 +341,28 @@ end; //*** end of SendPacket ***
procedure TXcpTransport.Disconnect;
- pcanDriver.Disconnect;
+ // disconnect CAN interface if connected
+ if connected then
+ begin
+ CAN_Uninitialize(ConstructPeakHandle(canHardware, canChannel));
+ end;
+ connected := false;
end; //*** end of Disconnect ***
-// NAME: OnCanMessage
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Can message event handler
+// NAME: ConstructPeakHandle
+// PARAMETER: hardware Peak hardware identifier.
+// channel Peak channel.
+// RETURN VALUE: Peak hardware channel handle.
+// DESCRIPTION: Converts this class' hardware and channel values into a handle that
+// can be passed to the Peak API.
-procedure TXcpTransport.OnCanMessage(Sender: TObject; Direction: TPCanDirection; Message: TPCanMessage);
- cnt : integer;
+function TXcpTransport.ConstructPeakHandle(hardware: TPCANhardware; channel: Word): TPCANHandle;
- // the event we are interested in is the reception of the command response from
- // slave.
- if Direction = PCanRx then
- begin
- if Message.id = LongInt(PacketRxId) then
- begin
- // store response data
- for cnt := 0 to Message.dlc-1 do
- begin
- packetData[cnt] := Message.data[cnt];
- end;
- // store response length
- packetLen := Message.dlc;
- // set event flag
- comEventInfo := kResponse;
- // trigger the event
- SetEvent(comEvent);
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of OnCanMessage ***
-// NAME: MsgWaitForSingleObject
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Improved version of WaitForSingleObject. This version actually
-// processes messages in the queue instead of blocking them.
-function TXcpTransport.MsgWaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
- dwEnd:DWord;
- // compute the time when the WaitForSingleObject is supposed to time out
- dwEnd := GetTickCount + dwMilliseconds;
- repeat
- // wait for an event to happen or a message to be in the queue
- result := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, hHandle, False, dwMilliseconds, QS_ALLINPUT);
- // a message was in the queue?
- if result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 then
- begin
- // process these messages
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- // check for timeout manually because if a message in the queue occurred, the
- // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will be called again and the timer will start from
- // scratch. we need to make sure the correct timeout time is used.
- dwMilliseconds := GetTickCount;
- if dwMilliseconds < dwEnd then
- begin
- dwMilliseconds := dwEnd - dwMilliseconds;
- end
- else
- begin
- // timeout occured
- result := WAIT_TIMEOUT;
- Break;
- end;
- end
- else
- // the event occured?
- begin
- // we can stop
- Break;
- end;
- until True = False;
-end; //*** end of MsgWaitForSingleObject ***
+ result := Word(hardware) + channel;
+end; //*** end of ConstructPeakHandle ***
//******************************** end of XcpTransport.pas ******************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index d2841ff5..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index 12f6b2c7..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-[Excluded Packages]
-$(DELPHI)\Lib\dclusr40.bpl=Borland User
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dpr
index 470531b8..aeb81d0f 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dpr
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dpr
@@ -51,9 +51,7 @@ uses
XcpLoader in '..\..\XcpLoader.pas',
XcpTransport in 'XcpTransport.pas',
XcpSettings in 'XcpSettings.pas' {XcpSettingsForm},
- pcan_usb in 'Pcan_usb.pas',
- PCANdrvD in 'PCANdrvD.pas';
+ PCANBasic in 'PCANBasic.pas';
// Global Constants
@@ -225,7 +223,7 @@ begin
// update the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog(logStr);
+ MbiCallbackOnLog(ShortString(logStr));
// update loop variables
len := len - currentWriteCnt;
@@ -259,25 +257,25 @@ begin
// connect the transport layer
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to the CAN interface.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to the CAN interface. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to the CAN interface. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnError('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- start the programming session --------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// try initial connect via XCP. if the user program is able to reactivate the bootloader
// it will do so now
sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -287,11 +285,11 @@ begin
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// possible that the bootloader is being activated, which means that the target's
// CAN controller is being reinitialized. We should not send any data on the CAN
- // network for this to finish. 200ms should do it. not that the backdoor entry time
+ // network for this to finish. 200ms should do it. note that the backdoor entry time
// should be at least 2.5x this.
// continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor
@@ -301,17 +299,17 @@ begin
sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
- // if the is in reset of otherwise does not have the CAN controller synchronized to
+ // if the hardware is in reset or otherwise does not have the CAN controller synchronized to
// the CAN bus, we will be generating error frames, possibly leading to a bus off.
// check for this
if loader.IsComError then
// bus off state, so try to recover.
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Communication error detected. Trying automatic recovery. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Communication error detected. Trying automatic recovery. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration.');
@@ -320,7 +318,7 @@ begin
// don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -335,7 +333,7 @@ begin
// still here so programming session was started
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// create the datafile object
datafile := TXcpDataFile.Create(progfile);
@@ -361,16 +359,16 @@ begin
datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
// erase the memory
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------
@@ -394,18 +392,18 @@ begin
if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen;
// program the data
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt);
if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// update progress
progress := progress + currentWriteCnt;
@@ -417,28 +415,28 @@ begin
bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
// update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]));
+ MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + ShortString(Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB])));
//---------------- stop the programming session ---------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// all done so set progress to 100% and finish up
progress := datafile.GetDataCnt;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of OnTimeout ***
@@ -502,7 +500,7 @@ begin
timer.Enabled := True;
// store the program's filename
- progfile := fileName;
+ progfile := String(fileName);
end; //*** end of MbiStart ***
@@ -520,7 +518,7 @@ begin
stopRequest := true;
// disconnect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of MbiStop ***
@@ -639,15 +637,15 @@ end; //*** end of MbiConfigure ***
//--- begin of don't change ---
- MbiInit index 1,
- MbiStart index 2,
- MbiStop index 3,
- MbiDeInit index 4,
- MbiName index 5,
- MbiDescription index 6,
- MbiVersion index 7,
- MbiConfigure index 8,
- MbiVInterface index 9;
+ MbiInit,
+ MbiStart,
+ MbiStop,
+ MbiDeInit,
+ MbiName,
+ MbiDescription,
+ MbiVersion,
+ MbiConfigure,
+ MbiVInterface;
//--- end of don't change ---
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dproj b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..484f6e54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/peak/openblt_can_peak.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ {C587575B-3E1C-4EA4-BB4F-912B83127DCE}
+ openblt_can_peak.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Library
+ 18.1
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ ../../../../../
+ openblt_can_peak
+ 1
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ 00400000
+ 1
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ Vcl40;Vclx40;Vcldb40;vcldbx40;VclSmp40;Qrpt40;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ true
+ 1031
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ 1
+ false
+ System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ 1033
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ false
+ 0
+ true
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ C:\Work\software\OpenBLT\Host\MicroBoot.exe
+ true
+ (None)
+ 1033
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ openblt_can_peak.dpr
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANIcon.bmp b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANIcon.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca58cdf..00000000
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANIcon.bmp and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANdrvD.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANdrvD.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e508c30..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANdrvD.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,754 +0,0 @@
-unit CANdrvD;
-// Project Name: TCanDriver component for Borland Delphi
-// Description: Encapsulates Vector's CANlib v4.3 into a VCL component
-// File Name: CANdrvD.pas
-// C O P Y R I G H T
-// Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
-// This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular
-// purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy,
-// adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or
-// omissions or the results obtained from use of the software.
-// L I C E N S E
-// This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-// version.
-// OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-// PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
-// should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
-// Includes
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, CANlibD;
-// Type Definitions
- TChannel = ( channel0, channel1 );
- THardware = ( Virtual, CANcardX, CANcardXL, CANcaseXL, CANboardXL,
- CANboardXL_Compact, CANac2, CANac2Pci, CANpari, CANdongle,
- CANcard, CANcardY, CANcard2, EDICcard );
- TDirection = ( Tx, Rx );
- TCanMsg = packed record
- id : LongInt;
- dlc : Byte;
- data : array [0..MAX_MSG_LEN-1] of Byte;
- time : LongInt;
- ext : Boolean;
- end;
- TMessageEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; Direction: TDirection; Message: TCanMsg ) of object;
- TErrorFrameEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; time: LongInt ) of object;
- TBusOffEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; time: LongInt ) of object;
- TCanEventThread = class(TThread)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FMethod: TThreadMethod;
- protected
- FEventHndl: LongInt;
- procedure Execute; override;
- public
- property Method : TThreadMethod read FMethod write FMethod;
- property EventHandle: LongInt read FEventHndl write FEventHndl;
- end;
- TCanDriver = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FPortHandle : VPortHandle;
- FChannelMask : Vaccess;
- FPermissionMask: Vaccess;
- FCanEventThread: TCanEventThread;
- FThreadRunning : boolean;
- FEventHandle : LongInt;
- FBusOffPending : Boolean;
- function IsThreadRunning: boolean;
- procedure ProcessEvents;
- procedure CopyMessage(event: Vevent; var msg: TCanMsg);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- FBaudRate : LongInt;
- FChannel : TChannel;
- FHardware : THardware;
- FFilterMask : LongInt;
- FFilterCode : LongInt;
- FPriority : TThreadPriority;
- FExtendedId : Boolean;
- FOnMessage : TMessageEvent;
- FOnErrorFrame: TErrorFrameEvent;
- FOnBusOff : TBusOffEvent;
- procedure SetBaudRate( Value: LongInt );
- procedure SetChannel( Value: TChannel );
- procedure SetHardware( Value: THardware );
- procedure SetFilterMask( Value: LongInt );
- procedure SetFilterCode( Value: LongInt );
- procedure SetPriority( Value: TThreadPriority );
- procedure SetExtendedId( Value: Boolean );
- public
- { Public declarations }
- constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Connect: boolean; virtual;
- procedure Disconnect; virtual;
- function Transmit( Message: TCanMsg): boolean; virtual;
- function IsConnected: boolean; virtual;
- function IsComError: boolean; virtual;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property BaudRate : LongInt read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate default 500000;
- property Channel : TChannel read FChannel write SetChannel default channel0;
- property Hardware : THardware read FHardware write SetHardware default Virtual;
- property FilterMask : LongInt read FFilterMask write SetFilterMask default 0;
- property FilterCode : LongInt read FFilterCode write SetFilterCode default 0;
- property Priority : TThreadPriority read FPriority write SetPriority default tpNormal;
- property ExtendedId : Boolean read FExtendedId write SetExtendedId default False;
- property OnMessage : TMessageEvent read FOnMessage write FOnMessage;
- property OnErrorFrame: TErrorFrameEvent read FOnErrorFrame write FOnErrorFrame;
- property OnBusOff : TBusOffEvent read FOnBusOff write FOnBusOff;
- end;
-// Prototypes
-procedure Register;
-// Constants
- Channels: array[channel0..channel1] of integer = ( 0, 1 );
- HardwareTypes: array[Virtual..EDICcard] of integer = (
-// NAME: Execute
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Overriden Execute function for the CanEventThread. Calls and synchro-
-// nizes with the TCanDriver.ProcessEvents function.
-procedure TCanEventThread.Execute;
- while not Terminated do
- begin
- if FEventHndl <> 0 then // make sure event is configured
- begin
- // wait for receive event
- WaitForSingleObject(FEventHndl, 1000);
- if Assigned(Method) then // make sure TCanDriver.ProcessEvents is set
- Synchronize(Method); // call and synchronize
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of Execute ***
-// NAME: Create
-// PARAMETER: AOwner : owner of the component
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Component constructor. Calls TComponent's constructor and initializes
-// the private property variables to their default values.
-constructor TCanDriver.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- // call inherited constructor
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- // set defaults for internal variables
- FChannelMask := 0;
- FPermissionMask:= 0;
- FThreadRunning := False;
- FEventHandle := 0;
- FBusOffPending := False;
- // set defaults for properties
- FBaudRate := 500000;
- FChannel := channel0;
- FHardware := Virtual;
- FFilterMask := 0;
- FFilterCode := 0;
- FPriority := tpNormal;
- FExtendedId := False;
-end; //*** end of Create ***
-// NAME: Destroy
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Component destructor. Calls TComponent's destructor
-destructor TCanDriver.Destroy;
- Disconnect; // close the port and driver
- inherited Destroy; // call inherited destructor
-end; //*** end of Destroy ***
-// NAME: IsConnected
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN driver is connected and active
-function TCanDriver.IsConnected: boolean;
- if FPortHandle <> INVALID_PORTHANDLE then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := False;
-end; //*** end of IsConnected ***
-// NAME: IsComError
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True if the communication interface is in error state, False otherwise
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN controller is in error state.
-function TCanDriver.IsComError: boolean;
- result := FBusOffPending;
-end; //*** end of IsComError ***
-// NAME: IsThreadRunning
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines whether or not the CAN event thread is running
-function TCanDriver.IsThreadRunning: boolean;
- if FThreadRunning = True then
- Result := True
- else
- Result := False;
-end; //*** end of IsThreadRunning ***
-// NAME: CopyMessage
-// PARAMETER: event: msg tx or rx event information (source)
-// msg: buffer to copy message to (destination)
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Copies a CAN message from an event type to a TCanMsg type.
-procedure TCanDriver.CopyMessage(event: Vevent; var msg: TCanMsg);
- cnt: integer;
- if (event.msg.id and EXT_MSG) = EXT_MSG then // 29-bit id?
- begin
- msg.id := (event.msg.id and not EXT_MSG); // reset ext bit
- msg.ext := True; // this is an 29-bit id
- end
- else
- begin
- msg.id := event.msg.id; // store id
- msg.ext := False; // this is an 11-bit id
- end;
- msg.dlc := event.msg.dlc;
- msg.time := event.timeStamp;
- // copy the data bytes
- for cnt :=0 to MAX_MSG_LEN-1 do
- begin
- if cnt < event.msg.dlc then
- msg.data[cnt] := event.msg.data[cnt]
- else
- msg.data[cnt] := 0;
- end;
-end; //*** end of CopyMessage ***
-// NAME: SetBaudRate
-// PARAMETER: Value : new baudrate value [0 - 1000000 bps]
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the baudrate
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update baudrate configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetBaudRate( Value: LongInt );
- FBaudRate := Value; // update property
-end; //*** end of SetBaudRate ***
-// NAME: SetChannel
-// PARAMETER: Value : channel0 or channel1
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the used CAN channel
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update channel configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetChannel( Value: TChannel );
- FChannel := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetChannel ***
-// NAME: SetHardware
-// PARAMETER: Value : type of CAN hardware (Virtual, CANcardXL, etc.)
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the used CAN hardware
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update hardware configuration
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetHardware( Value: THardware );
- FHardware := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetHardware ***
-// NAME: SetFilterMask
-// PARAMETER: Value : acceptance filter mask
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the acceptance filter mask for the CAN channel
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update filter mask value
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetFilterMask( Value: LongInt );
- FFilterMask := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetFilterMask ***
-// NAME: SetFilterCode
-// PARAMETER: Value : acceptance filter code
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the acceptance filter code for the CAN channel
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update filter code value
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetFilterCode( Value: LongInt );
- FFilterCode := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetFilterCode ***
-// NAME: SetPriority
-// PARAMETER: Value : thread priority
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the priority for the CAN event thread
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Is Thread running? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Stop Thread |
-// | Update Thread priority | Update Thread priority
-// | Restart Thread |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetPriority( Value: TThreadPriority );
- if IsThreadRunning then
- begin
- FCanEventThread.Suspend; // suspend the thread
- FPriority := Value; // update the priority
- FCanEventThread.Resume; // resume the thread
- end
- else
- begin
- FPriority := Value; // update the priority
- end;
-end; //*** end of SetPriority ***
-// NAME: SetExtendedId
-// PARAMETER: Value : true = support only 29-bit id's, false = support only 11-bit
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures the support of extended 29-bit identifiers
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Update extended id support selection
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.SetExtendedId( Value: Boolean );
- FExtendedId := Value;
-end; //*** end of SetExtendedId ***/
-// NAME: Connect
-// PRECONDITIONS: Disconnected from CAN bus
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False for succees or error, respectively
-// DESCRIPTION: Initializes the CAN driver and synchronizes the hardware with the CAN
-// bus.
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Connected? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Open the driver (ncdOpenDriver)
-// | Obtain mask to channel (ncdGetChannelMask)
-// | Open the port using this mask (ncdOpenPort)
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Permission to change settings? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Configure baudrate (ncdSetChannelBitrate) |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Configure acceptance filter (ncdSetChannelAcceptance)
-// | Enable error frames and chipstate events (ncdSetReceiveMode)
-// | Create synchronizatio object (ncdSetNotification)
-// | Reset internal clock (ncdResetClock)
-// | Sync to the CAN bus (ncdActivateChannel)
-// | Empty transmit and receive queue's (ncdFlushXxxQueue)
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Errors occurred during init? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Port opened? /n |
-// |-------------------------------------------------------------| Start CAN event thread
-// | Close port (ncdClosePort) | | Return TRUE
-// |-------------------------------------------------------------|
-// | Return FALSE |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function TCanDriver.Connect: boolean;
- vErr : Vstatus;
- acc : VsetAcceptance;
- error;
- // reset internal variables
- FChannelMask := 0;
- FPermissionMask:= 0;
- FThreadRunning := False;
- FEventHandle := 0;
- FBusOffPending := False;
- //-------------------------- open the driver ------------------------------------------
- vErr := ncdOpenDriver;
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- select a channel -----------------------------------------
- FChannelMask := ncdGetChannelMask(HardwareTypes[FHardware], 0, Channels[FChannel]);
- if FChannelMask=0 then goto error;
- //-------------------------- open a port ----------------------------------------------
- FPermissionMask := FChannelMask;
- vErr := ncdOpenPort(FPortHandle, 'TCanDriver0', FChannelMask, FPermissionMask,
- FPermissionMask, 1024);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- set baudrate ---------------------------------------------
- if FPermissionMask<>0 then
- begin
- vErr := ncdSetChannelBitrate(FPortHandle, FPermissionMask, FBaudRate);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- end;
- //-------------------------- set the acceptance filter --------------------------------
- acc.mask := FFilterMask;
- acc.code := FFilterCode;
- if FExtendedId = True then // 29-bit id used?
- begin
- acc.mask := acc.mask or LongInt(EXT_MSG);
- acc.code := acc.code or LongInt(EXT_MSG);
- end;
- vErr := ncdSetChannelAcceptance(FPortHandle, FChannelMask, acc);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- enable error frames and chipstate events -----------------
- vErr := ncdSetReceiveMode(FPortHandle, 0, 0);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- create synchronisation object ----------------------------
- FEventHandle := CreateEvent(nil, FALSE, FALSE, nil);
- if FEventHandle = 0 then goto error;
- vErr := ncdSetNotification(FPortHandle, FEventHandle, 1);
- if vErr<>VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- reset the clock ------------------------------------------
- vErr := ncdResetClock(FPortHandle);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- sync with bus --------------------------------------------
- vErr := ncdActivateChannel(FPortHandle, FChannelMask);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- flush queue's --------------------------------------------
- vErr := ncdFlushReceiveQueue(FPortHandle);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- vErr := ncdFlushTransmitQueue(FPortHandle, FChannelMask);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then goto error;
- //-------------------------- start CAN event thread -----------------------------------
- FCanEventThread := TCanEventThread.Create(True); // create and suspend
- FCanEventThread.FreeOnTerminate := True; // auto free on termination
- FCanEventThread.Method := ProcessEvents; // set method
- FCanEventThread.FEventHndl := FEventHandle; // set event handle
- FCanEventThread.Resume; // start
- FThreadRunning := True;
- //-------------------------- success --------------------------------------------------
- Result := True; // successfully initialized the driver
- exit; // stop here
- //-------------------------- error occurred -------------------------------------------
- error:
- if FEventHandle <> 0 then
- CloseHandle(FEventHandle);
- if FPortHandle <> INVALID_PORTHANDLE then
- begin
- ncdClosePort(FPortHandle);
- end;
- Result := False;
-end; //*** end of Connect ***
-// NAME: Disconnect
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Disconnects the CAN driver
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Connected? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Deactivate the channel (ncdDeactivateChannel) |
-// | Close port (ncdClosePort) |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Close the driver (ncdCloseDriver)
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ CAN event thread active? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Stop CAN event thread |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-procedure TCanDriver.Disconnect;
- if IsConnected = True then begin // are we connected?
- ncdDeactivateChannel(FPortHandle, FChannelMask); // deactivate channel
- if FEventHandle <> 0 then
- CloseHandle(FEventHandle);
- ncdClosePort(FPortHandle); // close the port
- FPortHandle := INVALID_PORTHANDLE; // invalidate handle
- end;
- ncdCloseDriver; // close the driver
- if IsThreadRunning then
- begin
- FCanEventThread.FEventHndl := 0; // reset event handle
- FCanEventThread.Terminate; // stop
- FThreadRunning := False;
- end;
-end; //*** end of Disconnect ***
-// NAME: Transmit
-// PRECONDITIONS: Driver initialized using 'Connect'
-// PARAMETER: Message: CAN message that is to be transmitted
-// RETURN VALUE: True or False for succees or error, respectively
-// DESCRIPTION: Transmits a CAN message.
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | y\ Connected? /n
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | Transmit message using ncdTransmit |
-// |----------------------------------------------| Return FALSE
-// | Return TRUE |
-// |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function TCanDriver.Transmit( Message: TCanMsg): boolean;
- vErr : Vstatus;
- event : Vevent;
- cnt : integer;
- // make sure the CAN driver is connected
- if not IsConnected then
- begin
- Result := False; // can't transmit it not connected
- exit; // no need to continue
- end;
- // configure message as tx with acknowledge
- event.tag := V_TRANSMIT_MSG;
- event.msg.flags := MSGFLAG_TX;
- // set the message identifier
- if Message.ext = True then
- event.msg.id := Message.id or LongInt(EXT_MSG)
- else
- event.msg.id := Message.id;
- // set the data length
- event.msg.dlc := Message.dlc;
- // store the data bytes
- for cnt :=0 to MAX_MSG_LEN-1 do
- begin
- event.msg.data[cnt] := Message.data[cnt];
- end;
- vErr := ncdTransmit(FPortHandle, FChannelMask, event);
- if vErr <> VSUCCESS then
- Result := False
- else
- Result := True;
-end; //*** end of Transmit ***
-// NAME: ProcessEvents
-// PRECONDITIONS: thread running
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the CAN event tread. This function traps and processes CAN
-// events for OnMessage, OnBusOff, and OnErrorFrame.
-procedure TCanDriver.ProcessEvents;
- vErr : Vstatus;
- pEvent : PVEvent;
- msg : TCanMsg;
- while True do
- begin
- vErr := ncdReceive1(FPortHandle, pEvent);
- if (vErr<>VSUCCESS) and (vErr<>VERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY) then break;
- if vErr=VERR_QUEUE_IS_EMPTY then break;
- case pEvent^.tag of
- begin
- if (pEvent^.msg.flags and MSGFLAG_ERROR_FRAME) = MSGFLAG_ERROR_FRAME then
- begin
- //---------------- process errorframe -----------------------------------------
- if Assigned( FOnErrorFrame ) then
- begin
- FOnErrorFrame( Self, pEvent^.timeStamp ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- end
- else if pEvent^.msg.flags = 0 then // msg rx indication
- begin
- //---------------- process reception indication -------------------------------
- CopyMessage(pEvent^, msg);
- if Assigned( FOnMessage ) then
- begin
- FOnMessage( Self, Rx, msg ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- end
- else if (pEvent^.msg.flags and MSGFLAG_TX) = MSGFLAG_TX then // msg tx confirmation
- begin
- //---------------- process transmission confirmation --------------------------
- CopyMessage(pEvent^, msg);
- if Assigned( FOnMessage ) then
- begin
- FOnMessage( Self, Tx, msg ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if (pEvent^.chipState.busStatus and CHIPSTAT_BUSOFF) = CHIPSTAT_BUSOFF then
- begin
- //---------------- process bus off event --------------------------------------
- FBusOffPending := True;
- if Assigned( FOnBusOff ) then
- begin
- FOnBusOff( Self, pEvent^.timeStamp ); // call application's event handler
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of ProcessEvents ***
-// NAME: Register
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Registers the TCanDriver component into Borland Delphi's IDE.
-procedure Register;
- RegisterComponents('Feaser', [TCanDriver]);
-end; //*** end of Register ***
-//********************************** end of CANdrvD.pas *********************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANlibD.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANlibD.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e6a3af..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/CANlibD.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,959 +0,0 @@
-unit CANlibD;
-| File:
-| CANlibD.pas
-| Project:
-| Unit for Delphi32 samples (V2.0)
-| Ported from cantrace.c by Torsten Lang
-| Copyright (c) 1998 BSK Datentechnik GmbH, Kiesacker 14, 35418 Buseck /
-| 1998 by Vector Informatik GmbH, Friolzheimer Str. 6, 70499 Stuttgart
-| All rights reserved.
-| BSK Datentechnik räumt der Vector Informatik GmbH das nicht ausschließliche Recht
-| ein, CANlibD.pas für eigene Zwecke zu nutzen. Vector ist es gestattet, die
-| Software zu kopieren, abzuändern, zu erweitern, weiterzugeben und in Software von
-| Vector zu integrieren. Im Quelltext enthaltene Copyright-Hinweise dürfen hierbei
-| nicht entfernt oder geändert werden.
-| Vector darf aus von ihm vorgenommenen Anpassungen und/oder Erweiterungen der
-| CANlibD.pas keine Rechte an irgendwelchen Teilen der Software gegenüber BSK
-| Datentechnik geltend machen.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
-{ environment switches }
-1. All functions that use pointers to structures (either explicitly or by using
- var parameters) may change the contents of the structures right after the
- funtction returns.
-{$ifdef WIN32}
-{$define CanLib4Delphi32}
-{$ifdef CONSOLE}
-{$define CanLib4Delphi32}
-{ public interface }
- ncdStringType = PChar;
- Vstatus = Word;
- VCAN_WAIT = 0;
- VCAN_POLL = 1;
- {$ifdef CanLib4Delphi32}
- { Attention: This exists only under Win32 }
- {$endif}
- VERROR = 255;
-// accessmask
- Vaccess = LongInt; { unsigned long doesn't exist for Delphi32 / Borland Pascal 7! }
-// porthandle
- VportHandle = LongInt;
-// acceptance filter
- VsetAcceptance = packed record
- code : LongInt; {unsigned long doesn't exist!}
- mask : LongInt; {unsigned long doesn't exist!}
- end;
- PVsetAcceptance = ^VsetAcceptance;
-// bit timing
- VchipParams = packed record
- bitRate : LongInt; {unsigned long doesn't exist!}
- sjw : Byte;
- tseg1 : Byte;
- tseg2 : Byte;
- sam : Byte; { 1 or 3 }
- end;
- PVchipParams = ^VchipParams;
-// definitions for the events and commands used by the driver
- V_TRIGGER = 6;
- V_TIMER = 8;
- VeventTag = Byte;
-// events
-// structure for V_RECEIVE_MSG
- MAX_MSG_LEN = 8;
- EXT_MSG = $80000000; { signs an extended identifier }
- MSGFLAG_ERROR_FRAME = $01; { Msg is a bus error }
- MSGFLAG_OVERRUN = $02; { Msgs following this has been lost }
- MSGFLAG_NERR = $04; { NERR active during this msg }
- MSGFLAG_WAKEUP = $08; { Msg rcv'd in wakeup mode }
- MSGFLAG_REMOTE_FRAME = $10; { Msg is a remote frame }
- MSGFLAG_RESERVED_1 = $20; { Reserved for future usage }
- MSGFLAG_TX = $40; { TX acknowledge }
- MSGFLAG_TXRQ = $80; { TX request }
- _Vmsg = packed record
- id : LongInt; {unsigned long doesn't exist!}
- flags : Byte;
- dlc : Byte;
- data : array [0..MAX_MSG_LEN-1] of Byte;
- end; { 14 Bytes }
- _PVmsg = ^_Vmsg;
-// structure for V_CHIP_STATE
- _VchipState = packed record
- busStatus : Byte;
- txErrorCounter : Byte;
- rxErrorCounter : Byte;
- end;
- _PVchipState = ^_VchipState;
-// structure for V_TRANSCEIVER
- _Vtransceiver = packed record
- event : Byte; { TRANSCEIVER_EVENT_xxx }
- end;
- _PVtransceiver = ^_Vtransceiver;
- Vevent = packed record
- tag : VeventTag; { 1 }
- chanIndex : Byte; { 1 }
- _transId : Byte; { 1 not implemented yet !!!! }
- portHandle : Byte; { 1 internal use only !!!! }
- timeStamp : LongInt; { 4 } { unsigned long doesn't exist! }
- case {tagData:}Byte of
- 0 : (msg : _Vmsg);
- 1 : (chipState : _VchipState);
- 2 : (transceiver : _Vtransceiver);
- { 14 Bytes (_VMessage) }
- end;
- { -------- }
- { 22 Bytes }
- PVevent = ^Vevent;
-// structure for SET_OUTPUT_MODE
-// configuration
-// defines for the supported hardware
- MAX_HWTYPE = 27;
-// defines for the tranceiver type
- (*
- *) { These have already been defined above }
- VChannelConfig = packed record
- name : array [0..MAX_CHAN_NAME] of Char;
- hwType : Byte; { HWTYPE_xxxx (see above) }
- hwIndex : Byte; { Index of the hardware (same type) (0,1,...) }
- hwChannel : Byte; { Index of the channel (same hardware) (0,1,...) }
- tranceiverType : Byte; { TRANCEIVER_TYPE_xxxx (see above) }
- channelIndex : Byte; { Global channel index (0,1,...) }
- channelMask : LongInt; { Global channel mask (=1< '' then
- begin
- // create ini file object
- settingsIni := TIniFile.Create(FIniFile);
- // CAN related elements
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'hardware', FSettingsForm.cmbHardware.ItemIndex);
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'channel', FSettingsForm.cmbChannel.ItemIndex);
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'baudrate', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtBaudRate.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteBool('can', 'extended', FSettingsForm.chbExtendedId.Checked);
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'txid', StrToInt('$'+FSettingsForm.edtTransmitId.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('can', 'rxid', StrToInt('$'+FSettingsForm.edtReceiveId.Text));
- // XCP related elements
- settingsIni.WriteString('xcp', 'seedkey', FSettingsForm.edtSeedKey.Text);
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 't1', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtT1.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 't3', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtT3.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 't4', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtT4.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 't5', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtT5.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 't7', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtT7.Text));
- settingsIni.WriteInteger('xcp', 'tconnect', StrToInt(FSettingsForm.edtTconnect.Text));
- // release ini file object
- settingsIni.Free;
- // indicate that the settings where successfully updated
- result := true;
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of Configure ***
-//******************************** end of XcpSettings.pas *******************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/XcpTransport.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/XcpTransport.pas
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index e144075f..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/XcpTransport.pas
+++ /dev/null
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-unit XcpTransport;
-// Description: XCP transport layer for CAN.
-// File Name: XcpTransport.pas
-// C O P Y R I G H T
-// Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
-// This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular
-// purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy,
-// adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or
-// omissions or the results obtained from use of the software.
-// L I C E N S E
-// This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-// version.
-// OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-// PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
-// should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
-// Includes
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, CANdrvD, IniFiles;
-// Global Constants
-const kMaxPacketSize = 256;
-// Type Definitions
- TXcpTransportInfo = (kNone, kResponse, kError);
- TXcpTransport = class(TObject)
- private
- comEventInfo : TXcpTransportInfo;
- comEvent : THandle;
- packetTxId : LongWord;
- packetRxId : Longword;
- extendedId : Boolean;
- procedure OnCanMessage(Sender: TObject; Direction: TDirection; Message: TCanMsg);
- procedure OnBusOff(Sender: TObject; time: LongInt);
- function MsgWaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
- public
- packetData : array[0..kMaxPacketSize-1] of Byte;
- packetLen : Word;
- canDriver : TCanDriver;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Configure(iniFile : string);
- function Connect: Boolean;
- function SendPacket(timeOutms: LongWord): Boolean;
- function IsComError: Boolean;
- procedure Disconnect;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
-// NAME: Create
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Class constructore
-constructor TXcpTransport.Create;
- // call inherited constructor
- inherited Create;
- // reset can event info
- comEventInfo := kNone;
- // create the event that requires manual reset
- comEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
- if comEvent = 0 then
- Application.MessageBox( 'Could not obtain event placeholder.',
- 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR );
- // create a can driver instance
- canDriver := TCanDriver.Create(nil);
- // set can driver event handlers
- canDriver.OnMessage := OnCanMessage;
- canDriver.OnBusOff := OnBusOff;
- // reset the packet ids
- packetTxId := 0;
- packetRxId := 0;
- // use standard id's by default
- extendedId := false;
- // reset packet length
- packetLen := 0;
-end; //*** end of Create ***
-// NAME: Destroy
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Class destructor
-destructor TXcpTransport.Destroy;
- // release can driver instances
- canDriver.Free;
- // release event handle
- CloseHandle(comEvent);
- // call inherited destructor
- inherited;
-end; //*** end of Destroy ***
-// NAME: Configure
-// PARAMETER: filename of the INI
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Configures both this class from the settings in the INI.
-procedure TXcpTransport.Configure(iniFile : string);
- settingsIni : TIniFile;
- hwIndex : integer;
- // read XCP configuration from INI
- if FileExists(iniFile) then
- begin
- // create ini file object
- settingsIni := TIniFile.Create(iniFile);
- // set message configuration
- packetTxId := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'txid', $667);
- packetRxId := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'rxid', $7e1);
- extendedId := settingsIni.ReadBool('can', 'extended', false);
- // configure can hardware
- hwIndex := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'hardware', 0);
- canDriver.Hardware := Virtual; // init to virtual channel
- case hwIndex of
- 0 : canDriver.Hardware := Virtual;
- 1 : canDriver.Hardware := CANcardX;
- 2 : canDriver.Hardware := CANcardXL;
- 3 : canDriver.Hardware := CANcaseXL;
- 4 : canDriver.Hardware := CANboardXL;
- 5 : canDriver.Hardware := CANboardXL_Compact;
- 6 : canDriver.Hardware := CANac2;
- 7 : canDriver.Hardware := CANac2Pci;
- 8 : canDriver.Hardware := CANpari;
- 9 : canDriver.Hardware := CANdongle;
- 10: canDriver.Hardware := CANcard;
- 11: canDriver.Hardware := CANcardY;
- 12: canDriver.Hardware := CANcard2;
- 13: canDriver.Hardware := EDICcard;
- end;
- // configure baudrate
- canDriver.BaudRate := settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'baudrate', 500) * 1000;
- if settingsIni.ReadInteger('can', 'channel', 0) = 0 then
- canDriver.Channel := channel0
- else
- canDriver.Channel := channel1;
- // release ini file object
- settingsIni.Free;
- end;
-end; //*** end of Configure ***
-// NAME: Connect
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True if successful, False otherwise.
-// DESCRIPTION: Connects the transport layer device.
-function TXcpTransport.Connect: Boolean;
- result := true;
- if not canDriver.Connect then
- result := false;
-end; //*** end of Connect ***
-// NAME: IsComError
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: True if in error state, False otherwise.
-// DESCRIPTION: Determines if the communication interface is in an error state.
-function TXcpTransport.IsComError: Boolean;
- result := canDriver.IsComError;
-end; //*** end of IsComError ***
-// NAME: SendPacket
-// PARAMETER: the time[ms] allowed for the reponse from the slave to come in.
-// RETURN VALUE: True if response received from slave, False otherwise
-// DESCRIPTION: Sends the XCP packet using the data in 'packetData' and length in
-// 'packetLen' and waits for the response to come in.
-function TXcpTransport.SendPacket(timeOutms: LongWord): Boolean;
- msg: TCanMsg;
- cnt : byte;
- waitResult: Integer;
- // do not send any more data on the network when we are in bus off state.
- if IsComError then
- begin
- result := false;
- Exit;
- end;
- // prepare the packet
- msg.id := LongInt(PacketTxId);
- msg.dlc := packetLen;
- msg.ext := extendedId;
- for cnt := 0 to packetLen-1 do
- begin
- msg.data[cnt] := packetData[cnt];
- end;
- // make sure the event is reset
- ResetEvent(comEvent);
- comEventInfo := kNone;
- // submit the packet transmission request
- if not canDriver.Transmit(msg) then
- begin
- // unable to submit tx request
- result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // packet is being transmitted. Now wait for the response to come in
- waitResult := MsgWaitForSingleObject(comEvent, timeOutms);
- if waitResult <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
- begin
- // no com event triggered so either a timeout or internal error occurred
- result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // com event was triggered. now check if the reponse was correctly received
- if comEventInfo <> kResponse then
- begin
- result := False;
- Exit;
- end;
- // packet successfully transmitted and response packet received
- result := True;
-end; //*** end of SendPacket ***
-// NAME: Disconnect
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Disconnects the transport layer device.
-procedure TXcpTransport.Disconnect;
- canDriver.Disconnect;
-end; //*** end of Disconnect ***
-// NAME: OnCanMessage
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Can message event handler
-procedure TXcpTransport.OnCanMessage( Sender: TObject; Direction: TDirection; Message: TCanMsg );
- cnt : integer;
- // the event we are interested in is the reception of the command response from
- // slave.
- if Direction = Rx then
- begin
- if Message.id = LongInt(PacketRxId) then
- begin
- // store response data
- for cnt := 0 to Message.dlc-1 do
- begin
- packetData[cnt] := Message.data[cnt];
- end;
- // store response length
- packetLen := Message.dlc;
- // set event flag
- comEventInfo := kResponse;
- // trigger the event
- SetEvent(comEvent);
- end;
- end;
-end; //*** end of OnCanMessage ***
-// NAME: OnBusOff
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Bus off event handler
-procedure TXcpTransport.OnBusOff(Sender: TObject; time: LongInt);
- // set error event flag
- comEventInfo := kError;
- // trigger the event
- SetEvent(comEvent);
-end; //*** end of OnBusOff ***
-// NAME: MsgWaitForSingleObject
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Improved version of WaitForSingleObject. This version actually
-// processes messages in the queue instead of blocking them.
-function TXcpTransport.MsgWaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
- dwEnd:DWord;
- // compute the time when the WaitForSingleObject is supposed to time out
- dwEnd := GetTickCount + dwMilliseconds;
- repeat
- // wait for an event to happen or a message to be in the queue
- result := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, hHandle, False, dwMilliseconds, QS_ALLINPUT);
- // a message was in the queue?
- if result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 then
- begin
- // process these messages
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- // check for timeout manually because if a message in the queue occurred, the
- // MsgWaitForMultipleObjects will be called again and the timer will start from
- // scratch. we need to make sure the correct timeout time is used.
- dwMilliseconds := GetTickCount;
- if dwMilliseconds < dwEnd then
- begin
- dwMilliseconds := dwEnd - dwMilliseconds;
- end
- else
- begin
- // timeout occured
- result := WAIT_TIMEOUT;
- Break;
- end;
- end
- else
- // the event occured?
- begin
- // we can stop
- Break;
- end;
- until True = False;
-end; //*** end of MsgWaitForSingleObject ***
-//******************************** end of XcpTransport.pas ******************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.cfg
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index d2841ff5..00000000
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index 564878ae..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-[Excluded Packages]
-$(DELPHI)\Lib\dclusr40.bpl=Borland User
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dpr
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index bbdc9133..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/can/vector/openblt_can_vector.dpr
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@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-library openblt_can_vector;
-// Project Name: MicroBoot Interface for Borland Delphi
-// Description: XCP - CAN interface for MicroBoot supporting Vector CAN
-// File Name: openblt_can_vector.dpr
-// C O P Y R I G H T
-// Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
-// This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular
-// purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy,
-// adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or
-// omissions or the results obtained from use of the software.
-// L I C E N S E
-// This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-// Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-// version.
-// OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-// without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-// PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
-// should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
-// Includes
- Windows,
- Messages,
- Graphics,
- Controls,
- Forms,
- Dialogs,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- Extctrls,
- XcpProtection in '..\..\XcpProtection.pas',
- SRecReader in '..\..\SRecReader.pas',
- XcpDataFile in '..\..\XcpDataFile.pas',
- XcpLoader in '..\..\XcpLoader.pas',
- XcpTransport in 'XcpTransport.pas',
- CANdrvD in 'CANdrvD.pas',
- CANlibD in 'CANlibD.pas',
- XcpSettings in 'XcpSettings.pas' {XcpSettingsForm};
-// Global Constants
-const kMaxProgLen = 256; // maximum number of bytes to progam at one time
-// Type Definitions
-// DLL Interface Callbacks - modifications requires potential update of all interfaces!
- TStartedEvent = procedure(length: Longword) of object;
- TProgressEvent = procedure(progress: Longword) of object;
- TDoneEvent = procedure of object;
- TErrorEvent = procedure(error: ShortString) of object;
- TLogEvent = procedure(info: ShortString) of object;
- TInfoEvent = procedure(info: ShortString) of object;
- TEventHandlers = class // create a dummy class
- procedure OnTimeout(Sender: TObject);
- end;
-// Global Variables
- //--- begin of don't change ---
- AppOnStarted : TStartedEvent;
- AppOnProgress : TProgressEvent;
- AppOnDone : TDoneEvent;
- AppOnError : TErrorEvent;
- AppOnLog : TLogEvent;
- AppOnInfo : TInfoEvent;
- //--- end of don't change ---
- timer : TTimer;
- events : TEventHandlers;
- loader : TXcpLoader;
- datafile : TXcpDataFile;
- progdata : array of Byte;
- progfile : string;
- stopRequest : boolean;
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnStarted
-// PARAMETER: length of the file that is being downloaded.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnStarted(length: Longword);
- if Assigned(AppOnStarted) then
- begin
- AppOnStarted(length);
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnStarted ***
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnProgress
-// PARAMETER: progress of the file download.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress: Longword);
- if Assigned(AppOnProgress) then
- begin
- AppOnProgress(progress);
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnProgress ***
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnDone
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnDone;
- if Assigned(AppOnDone) then
- begin
- AppOnDone;
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnDone ***
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnError
-// PARAMETER: info about the error that occured.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnError(error: ShortString);
- if Assigned(AppOnError) then
- begin
- AppOnError(error);
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnError ***
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnLog
-// PARAMETER: info on the log event.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnLog(info: ShortString);
- if Assigned(AppOnLog) then
- begin
- AppOnLog(info);
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnLog ***
-// NAME: MbiCallbackOnInfo
-// PARAMETER: details on the info event.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback
-procedure MbiCallbackOnInfo(info: ShortString);
- if Assigned(AppOnInfo) then
- begin
- AppOnInfo(info);
- end;
-end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnLog ***
-// NAME: LogData
-// PARAMETER: pointer to byte array and the data length
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Writes the program data formatted to the logfile
-procedure LogData(data : PByteArray; len : longword); stdcall;
- currentWriteCnt : byte;
- cnt : byte;
- logStr : string;
- bufferOffset : longword;
- bufferOffset := 0;
- while len > 0 do
- begin
- // set the current write length optimized to log 32 bytes per line
- currentWriteCnt := len mod 32;
- if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := 32;
- logStr := '';
- // prepare the line to add to the log
- for cnt := 0 to currentWriteCnt-1 do
- begin
- logStr := logStr + Format('%2.2x ', [data[bufferOffset+cnt]]);
- end;
- // update the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog(logStr);
- // update loop variables
- len := len - currentWriteCnt;
- bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
- end;
-end; //*** end of LogData ***
-// NAME: OnTimeout
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Timer event handler. A timer is used in this example to simulate the
-// progress of a file download. It also demonstrates how to use the
-// application callbacks to keep the application informed.
-procedure TEventHandlers.OnTimeout(Sender: TObject);
- errorInfo : string;
- progress : longword;
- regionCnt : longword;
- currentWriteCnt : word;
- sessionStartResult : byte;
- bufferOffset : longword;
- addr : longword;
- len : longword;
- dataSizeKB : real;
- timer.Enabled := False;
- // connect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to the CAN interface.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to the CAN interface. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- if not loader.Connect then
- begin
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- Exit;
- end;
- //---------------- start the programming session --------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- // try initial connect via XCP. if the user program is able to reactivate the bootloader
- // it will do so now
- sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
- if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- begin
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
- loader.Disconnect;
- Exit;
- end;
- // try initial connect via XCP
- if sessionStartResult <> kProgSessionStarted then
- begin
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- // possible that the bootloader is being activated, which means that the target's
- // CAN controller is being reinitialized. We should not send any data on the CAN
- // network for this to finish. 200ms should do it. not that the backdoor entry time
- // should be at least 2.5x this.
- Sleep(200);
- // continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor
- sessionStartResult := kProgSessionGenericError;
- while sessionStartResult <> kProgSessionStarted do
- begin
- sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
- Application.ProcessMessages;
- Sleep(5);
- // if the is in reset of otherwise does not have the CAN controller synchronized to
- // the CAN bus, we will be generating error frames, possibly leading to a bus off.
- // check for this
- if loader.IsComError then
- begin
- // bus off state, so try to recover.
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Communication error detected. Trying automatic recovery. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- loader.Disconnect;
- if not loader.Connect then
- begin
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration and try again. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not connect to CAN interface. Check your configuration.');
- Exit;
- end;
- Sleep(200);
- end;
- // don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource
- if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- begin
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
- Exit;
- end;
- // check if the user cancelled
- if stopRequest then
- begin
- MbiCallbackOnError('Programming session cancelled by user.');
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // still here so programming session was started
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- // create the datafile object
- datafile := TXcpDataFile.Create(progfile);
- // compute the size in kbytes
- dataSizeKB := datafile.GetDataCnt / 1024;
- // Call application callback when we start the actual download
- MbiCallbackOnStarted(datafile.GetDataCnt);
- // Init progress to 0 progress
- progress := 0;
- MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress);
- //---------------- next clear the memory regions --------------------------------------
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Erasing memory...');
- for regionCnt := 0 to datafile.GetRegionCnt-1 do
- begin
- // obtain the region info
- datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
- // erase the memory
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then
- begin
- loader.GetLastError(errorInfo);
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+').');
- datafile.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- end;
- //---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------
- for regionCnt := 0 to datafile.GetRegionCnt-1 do
- begin
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Reading file...');
- // obtain the region info
- datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
- // dynamically allocated buffer memory
- SetLength(progdata, len);
- // obtain the regiond data
- datafile.GetRegionData(regionCnt, progdata);
- bufferOffset := 0;
- while len > 0 do
- begin
- // set the current write length taking into account kMaxProgLen
- currentWriteCnt := len mod kMaxProgLen;
- if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen;
- // program the data
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt);
- if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then
- begin
- loader.GetLastError(errorInfo);
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+').');
- datafile.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- // update progress
- progress := progress + currentWriteCnt;
- MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress);
- // update loop variables
- len := len - currentWriteCnt;
- addr := addr + currentWriteCnt;
- bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]));
- end;
- end;
- //---------------- stop the programming session ---------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then
- begin
- loader.GetLastError(errorInfo);
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+').');
- datafile.Free;
- Exit;
- end;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- // all done so set progress to 100% and finish up
- progress := datafile.GetDataCnt;
- datafile.Free;
- MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress);
- MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnDone;
-end; //*** end of OnTimeout ***
-// NAME: MbiInit
-// PARAMETER: callback function pointers
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to initialize the interface library.
-procedure MbiInit(cbStarted: TStartedEvent; cbProgress: TProgressEvent;
- cbDone: TDoneEvent; cbError: TErrorEvent; cbLog: TLogEvent;
- cbInfo: TInfoEvent); stdcall;
- //--- begin of don't change ---
- AppOnStarted := cbStarted;
- AppOnProgress := cbProgress;
- AppOnDone := cbDone;
- AppOnLog := cbLog;
- AppOnInfo := cbInfo;
- AppOnError := cbError;
- //--- end of don't change ---
- // create xcp loader object
- loader := TXcpLoader.Create;
- // update to the latest configuration
- loader.Configure(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_can_vector.ini');
- // create and init a timer
- events := TEventHandlers.Create;
- timer := TTimer.Create(nil);
- timer.Enabled := False;
- timer.Interval := 100;
- timer.OnTimer := events.OnTimeout;
-end; //*** end of MbiInit ***
-// NAME: MbiStart
-// PARAMETER: filename of the file that is to be downloaded.
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to request the interface library to download
-// the file that is passed as a parameter.
-procedure MbiStart(fileName: ShortString); stdcall;
- // update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('');
- // start the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog('--- Downloading "'+fileName+'" ---');
- // reset stop request
- stopRequest := false;
- // start the startup timer which gives microBoot a chance to paint itself
- timer.Enabled := True;
- // store the program's filename
- progfile := fileName;
-end; //*** end of MbiStart ***
-// NAME: MbiStop
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to request the interface library to stop
-// a download that could be in progress.
-procedure MbiStop; stdcall;
- // set stop request
- stopRequest := true;
- // disconnect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- loader.Disconnect;
-end; //*** end of MbiStop ***
-// NAME: MbiDeInit
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to uninitialize the interface library.
-procedure MbiDeInit; stdcall;
- // release xcp loader object
- loader.Free;
- // release the timer and events object
- timer.Free;
- events.Free;
- //--- begin of don't change ---
- AppOnStarted := nil;
- AppOnProgress := nil;
- AppOnDone := nil;
- AppOnLog := nil;
- AppOnInfo := nil;
- AppOnError := nil;
- //--- end of don't change ---
-end; //*** end of MbiDeInit ***
-// NAME: MbiName
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: name of the interface library
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the name of the interface library.
-function MbiName : ShortString; stdcall;
- Result := 'OpenBLT CAN Vector';
-end; //*** end of MbiName ***
-// NAME: MbiDescription
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: description of the interface library
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the description of the interface
-// library.
-function MbiDescription : ShortString; stdcall;
- Result := 'OpenBLT using Vector CAN Interface';
-end; //*** end of MbiDescription ***
-// NAME: MbiVersion
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: version number
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the version number of the
-// interface library.
-function MbiVersion : Longword; stdcall;
- Result := 10000; // v1.00.00
-end; //*** end of MbiVersion ***
-// NAME: MbiVInterface
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: version number of the supported interface
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the version number of the
-// Mbi interface uBootInterface.pas (not the interface library). This can
-// be used by the application for backward compatibility.
-function MbiVInterface : Longword; stdcall;
- Result := 10001; // v1.00.01
-end; //*** end of MbiVInterface ***
-// NAME: MbiConfigure
-// PARAMETER: none
-// RETURN VALUE: none
-// DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to enable the user to configure the inter-
-// face library through the application.
-procedure MbiConfigure; stdcall;
- settings : TXcpSettings;
- // create xcp settings object
- settings := TXcpSettings.Create(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_can_vector.ini');
- // display the modal configuration dialog
- settings.Configure;
- // release the xcp settings object
- settings.Free;
- // update to the latest configuration
- loader.Configure(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_can_vector.ini');
-end; //*** end of MbiConfigure ***
-// External Declarations
- //--- begin of don't change ---
- MbiInit index 1,
- MbiStart index 2,
- MbiStop index 3,
- MbiDeInit index 4,
- MbiName index 5,
- MbiDescription index 6,
- MbiVersion index 7,
- MbiConfigure index 8,
- MbiVInterface index 9;
- //--- end of don't change ---
-//********************************** end of openblt_can_vector.dpr **********************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/WSockets.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/WSockets.pas
index db7c5c76..e81d36d9 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/WSockets.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/WSockets.pas
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@ begin
with WSAData do
FVersion:= Concat(IntToStr(Hi(wVersion)),'.',(IntToStr(Lo(wVersion))));
- FDescription:= StrPas(szDescription);
- FSystemStatus:= StrPas(szSystemStatus);
+ FDescription:= String(szDescription);
+ FSystemStatus:= String(szSystemStatus);
FMaxSockets:= iMaxSockets;
FMaxUDPSize:= iMaxUDPDg;
@@ -462,16 +462,16 @@ begin
- ServEnt:= getservbyname(PChar(Port), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
+ ServEnt:= getservbyname(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Port)), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
if ServEnt = nil then
SockAddrIn.sin_port:= htons(StrToInt(Port))
SockAddrIn.sin_port:= ServEnt^.s_port;
- SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr:= inet_addr(PChar(Host));
- if SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE then
+ SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr:= inet_addr(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Host)));
+ if SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr = Integer(INADDR_NONE) then
- HostEnt:= gethostbyname(PChar(Host));
+ HostEnt:= gethostbyname(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Host)));
if HostEnt = nil then
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ begin
if ProtoEnt = nil then
- ServEnt:= getservbyname(PChar(Port), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
+ ServEnt:= getservbyname(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Port)), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
if ServEnt = nil then
SockAddrIn.sin_port:= htons(StrToInt(Port))
@@ -518,13 +518,13 @@ begin
if ProtoEnt = nil then
- ServEnt:= getservbyname(PChar(Port), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
+ ServEnt:= getservbyname(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(Port)), ProtoEnt^.p_name);
if ServEnt = nil then
SockAddrIn.sin_port:= htons(StrToInt(Port))
SockAddrIn.sin_port:= ServEnt^.s_port;
- SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr:= INADDR_BROADCAST;
+ SockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr:= Integer(INADDR_BROADCAST);
Result:= true;
@@ -534,12 +534,12 @@ var
HostEnt:= gethostbyaddr(@SockAddrIn.sin_addr.S_addr, 4, AF_INET);
if HostEnt <> nil then
- Result:= HostEnt.h_name;
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(HostEnt.h_name));
function TCustomWSocket.SockAddrInToAddress(SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): string;
- Result:= inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr);
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr)));
function TCustomWSocket.SockAddrInToPort(SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn): string;
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ begin
HostEnt:= gethostbyaddr(@SockAddrIn.sin_addr.S_addr, 4, AF_INET);
if HostEnt <> nil then
- Result:= HostEnt.h_name;
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(HostEnt.h_name));
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ begin
Len:= SizeOf(SockAddrIn);
if getsockname(Socket, SockAddrIn, Len) <> SOCKET_ERROR then
- Result:= inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr);
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr)));
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ begin
HostEnt:= gethostbyaddr(@SockAddrIn.sin_addr.S_addr, 4, AF_INET);
if HostEnt <> nil then
- Result:= HostEnt.h_name;
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(HostEnt.h_name));
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ begin
Len:= SizeOf(SockAddrIn);
if getpeername(Socket, SockAddrIn, Len) <> SOCKET_ERROR then
- Result:= inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr);
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr)));
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ function TCustomWSocket.GetLocalHostAddress: string;
SockAddrIn: TSockAddrIn;
HostEnt: PHostEnt;
- szHostName: array[0..128] of char;
+ szHostName: array[0..128] of ansichar;
if gethostname(szHostName, 128) = 0 then
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ begin
SockAddrIn.sin_addr.S_addr:= longint(plongint(HostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^);
- Result:= inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr);
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(SockAddrIn.sin_addr)));
@@ -900,10 +900,10 @@ end;
function TCustomWSocket.GetLocalHostName: string;
- szHostName: array[0..128] of char;
+ szHostName: array[0..128] of ansichar;
if gethostname(szHostName, 128) = 0 then
- Result:= szHostName
+ Result:= String(AnsiString(szHostName))
@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ begin
SockOpt:= true; {Enable OOB Data inline}
- if setsockopt(FLocalSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, PChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
+ if setsockopt(FLocalSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE, PAnsiChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ begin
SockOpt:= true; {Enable OOB Data inline}
- if setsockopt(NewSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE , PChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
+ if setsockopt(NewSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_OOBINLINE , PAnsiChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ begin
SockOpt:= true; {Enable Broadcasting on this Socket}
- if setsockopt(FLocalSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, PChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
+ if setsockopt(FLocalSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, PAnsiChar(@SockOpt), SizeOf(SockOpt)) <> 0 then
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.dfm b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.dfm
index 47615e4b..b35a68d2 100644
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.dfm and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.dfm differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.pas
index 98a0339a..ea11d0a0 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpSettings.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ interface
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles;
+ StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, Vcl.Imaging.pngimage;
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ type
edtPort: TEdit;
edtTconnect: TEdit;
lblTconnect: TLabel;
- chbSocketRetry: TCheckBox;
procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
@@ -203,7 +202,6 @@ begin
// NET related elements
FSettingsForm.edtHostname.Text := settingsIni.ReadString('net', 'hostname', '');
FSettingsForm.edtPort.Text := settingsIni.ReadString('net', 'port', '1000');
- FSettingsForm.chbSocketRetry.Checked := settingsIni.ReadBool('net', 'retry', false);
// XCP related elements
FSettingsForm.edtSeedKey.Text := settingsIni.ReadString('xcp', 'seedkey', ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'');
@@ -223,7 +221,6 @@ begin
// NET related elements
FSettingsForm.edtHostname.Text := '';
FSettingsForm.edtPort.Text := '1000';
- FSettingsForm.chbSocketRetry.Checked := false;
// XCP related elements
FSettingsForm.edtSeedKey.Text := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'';
@@ -246,7 +243,6 @@ begin
// NET related elements
settingsIni.WriteString('net', 'hostname', FSettingsForm.edtHostname.Text);
settingsIni.WriteString('net', 'port', FSettingsForm.edtPort.Text);
- settingsIni.WriteBool('net', 'retry', FSettingsForm.chbSocketRetry.Checked);
// XCP related elements
settingsIni.WriteString('xcp', 'seedkey', FSettingsForm.edtSeedKey.Text);
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpTransport.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpTransport.pas
index df1bdd7d..79bd37cc 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpTransport.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/XcpTransport.pas
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ type
socket : TTCPClient;
hostname : string;
port : string;
- connectRetry : Boolean;
croCounter : LongWord;
procedure OnSocketDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; WinSocket: TSocket);
function MsgWaitForSingleObject(hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): DWORD;
@@ -156,9 +155,6 @@ begin
// configure port
port := settingsIni.ReadString('net', 'port', '1000');
- // configure the connection retry feature
- connectRetry := settingsIni.ReadBool('net', 'retry', false);
// release ini file object
@@ -169,9 +165,6 @@ begin
// configure default port
port := '1000';
- // configure default connection retry feature setting
- connectRetry := false;
end; //*** end of Configure ***
@@ -208,15 +201,11 @@ begin
// wait for the connection to be established
while socket.SocketState <> ssConnected do
- // check timeout if connection retry feature is enabled
- if connectRetry then
+ // check for timeout
+ if GetTickCount > connectTimeout then
- // check for timeout
- if GetTickCount > connectTimeout then
- begin
- result := false;
- Exit;
- end;
+ result := false;
+ Exit;
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e67a882..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d0ef50e..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dpr
index 6471202c..13f96c10 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dpr
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dpr
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ begin
// update the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog(logStr);
+ MbiCallbackOnLog(ShortString(logStr));
// update loop variables
len := len - currentWriteCnt;
@@ -258,14 +258,14 @@ begin
// connect the transport layer
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect via TCP/IP. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to connect the transport layer
while not loader.Connect do
@@ -282,11 +282,11 @@ begin
// we now have a socket connected to the target. next attempt to connect to the target
// via XCP.
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -299,18 +299,18 @@ begin
// ration of the ethernet controller so we need to disconnect the socket here and
// wait for it to reconnect.
MbiCallbackOnInfo('No response from target. Disconnecting TCP/IP socket.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('No response from target. Disconnecting TCP/IP socket. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('No response from target. Disconnecting TCP/IP socket. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// connect the transport layer
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect via TCP/IP. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to connect the transport layer
while not loader.Connect do
@@ -325,12 +325,12 @@ begin
//---------------- start the programming session --------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// try initial connect via XCP
sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession;
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ begin
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Please reset your target...');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor
sessionStartResult := kProgSessionGenericError;
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ begin
// don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ begin
// still here so programming session was started
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// create the datafile object
datafile := TXcpDataFile.Create(progfile);
@@ -394,16 +394,16 @@ begin
datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
// erase the memory
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------
@@ -427,18 +427,18 @@ begin
if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen;
// program the data
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt);
if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// update progress
progress := progress + currentWriteCnt;
@@ -450,28 +450,28 @@ begin
bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
// update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]));
+ MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + ShortString(Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB])));
//---------------- stop the programming session ---------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// all done so set progress to 100% and finish up
progress := datafile.GetDataCnt;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of OnTimeout ***
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ begin
timer.Enabled := True;
// store the program's filename
- progfile := fileName;
+ progfile := String(fileName);
end; //*** end of MbiStart ***
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ begin
stopRequest := true;
// disconnect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of MbiStop ***
@@ -672,15 +672,15 @@ end; //*** end of MbiConfigure ***
//--- begin of don't change ---
- MbiInit index 1,
- MbiStart index 2,
- MbiStop index 3,
- MbiDeInit index 4,
- MbiName index 5,
- MbiDescription index 6,
- MbiVersion index 7,
- MbiConfigure index 8,
- MbiVInterface index 9;
+ MbiInit,
+ MbiStart,
+ MbiStop,
+ MbiDeInit,
+ MbiName,
+ MbiDescription,
+ MbiVersion,
+ MbiConfigure,
+ MbiVInterface;
//--- end of don't change ---
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dproj b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4116efa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/net/openblt_net.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ {B16E2683-DC28-4FA8-9418-7F3350903FA7}
+ openblt_net.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Library
+ 18.1
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Vcl40;Vclx40;Vcldb40;vcldbx40;VclSmp40;Qrpt40;IcsDel40;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ 1
+ false
+ openblt_net
+ 1
+ false
+ true
+ ../../../../
+ 00400000
+ 1043
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ 1033
+ System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ (None)
+ 1033
+ C:\Work\software\OpenBLT\Host\MicroBoot.exe
+ true
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ openblt_net.dpr
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPDrv.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPDrv.pas
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d08f2d..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPDrv.pas
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1158 +0,0 @@
-// 20060225: Updated by Frank Voorburg - Feaser
-// - When using ReadXxx the windows messages are now being processed
-// - When using ReadXxx the loop will stop (FCancel) upon disconnect
-// UNIT : CPDrv.pas
-// CONTENTS : TCommPortDriver component
-// VERSION : 2.1
-// TARGET : (Inprise's) Borland Delphi 4.0
-// AUTHOR : Marco Cocco
-// STATUS : Freeware
-// INFOS : Implementation of TCommPortDriver component:
-// - non multithreaded serial I/O
-// KNOWN BUGS : none
-// COMPATIBILITY : Windows 95/98/NT/2000
-// REPLACES : TCommPortDriver v2.00 (Delphi 4.0)
-// TCommPortDriver v1.08/16 (Delphi 1.0)
-// TCommPortDriver v1.08/32 (Delphi 2.0/3.0)
-// BACK/COMPAT. : partial - a lot of properties have been renamed
-// RELEASE DATE : 06/06/2000
-// (Replaces v2.0 released on 30/NOV/1998)
-// FOR UPDATES : - sorry, no home page -
-// BUGS REPORT : mail to : mcocco@libero.it
-// or: ditrek@tiscalinet.it
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Marco Cocco. All rights reseved.
-// Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by d3k Software Company. All rights reserved.
-//* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its *
-//* documentation without fee for any purpose is hereby granted, *
-//* provided that the above copyright notice appears on all copies and that *
-//* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all *
-//* supporting documentation. *
-//* *
-unit CPDrv;
- // Delphi units
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Forms, Classes
- // ComDrv32 units
- ;
-// Property types
- // Baud Rates (custom or 110...256k bauds)
- TBaudRate = ( brCustom,
- br110, br300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800,
- br9600, br14400, br19200, br38400, br56000,
- br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000 );
- // Port Numbers ( custom or COM1..COM16 )
- TPortNumber = ( pnCustom,
- pnCOM1, pnCOM2, pnCOM3, pnCOM4, pnCOM5, pnCOM6, pnCOM7,
- pnCOM8, pnCOM9, pnCOM10, pnCOM11, pnCOM12, pnCOM13,
- pnCOM14, pnCOM15, pnCOM16 );
- // Data bits ( 5, 6, 7, 8 )
- TDataBits = ( db5BITS, db6BITS, db7BITS, db8BITS );
- // Stop bits ( 1, 1.5, 2 )
- TStopBits = ( sb1BITS, sb1HALFBITS, sb2BITS );
- // Parity ( None, odd, even, mark, space )
- TParity = ( ptNONE, ptODD, ptEVEN, ptMARK, ptSPACE );
- // Hardware Flow Control ( None, None + RTS always on, RTS/CTS )
- THwFlowControl = ( hfNONE, hfNONERTSON, hfRTSCTS );
- // Software Flow Control ( None, XON/XOFF )
- TSwFlowControl = ( sfNONE, sfXONXOFF );
- // What to do with incomplete (incoming) packets ( Discard, Pass )
- TPacketMode = ( pmDiscard, pmPass );
-// Event types
- // RX event ( packet mode disabled )
- TReceiveDataEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; DataPtr: pointer; DataSize: DWORD ) of object;
- // RX event ( packed mode enabled )
- TReceivePacketEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject; Packet: pointer; DataSize: DWORD ) of object;
-// Other types
- // Line status ( Clear To Send, Data Set Ready, Ring, Carrier Detect )
- TLineStatus = ( lsCTS, lsDSR, lsRING, lsCD );
- // Set of line status
- TLineStatusSet = set of TLineStatus;
-// Constants
-// TCommPortDriver component
- TCommPortDriver = class( TComponent )
- protected
- // Device Handle ( File Handle )
- FHandle : HFILE;
- // # of the COM port to use, or pnCustom to use custom port name
- FPort : TPortNumber;
- // Custom port name ( usually '\\.\COMn', with n = 1..x )
- FPortName : string;
- // COM Port speed (brXXX)
- FBaudRate : TBaudRate;
- // Baud rate ( actual numeric value )
- FBaudRateValue : DWORD;
- // Data bits size (dbXXX)
- FDataBits : TDataBits;
- // How many stop bits to use (sbXXX)
- FStopBits : TStopBits;
- // Type of parity to use (ptXXX)
- FParity : TParity;
- // Type of hw handshaking (hw flow control) to use (hfXXX)
- FHwFlow : THwFlowControl;
- // Type of sw handshaking (sw flow control) to use (sFXXX)
- FSwFlow : TSwFlowControl;
- // Size of the input buffer
- FInBufSize : DWORD;
- // Size of the output buffer
- FOutBufSize : DWORD;
- // Size of a data packet
- FPacketSize : smallint;
- // ms to wait for a complete packet (<=0 = disabled)
- FPacketTimeout : integer;
- // What to do with incomplete packets (pmXXX)
- FPacketMode : TPacketMode;
- // Event to raise on data reception (asynchronous)
- FOnReceiveData : TReceiveDataEvent;
- // Event to raise on packet reception (asynchronous)
- FOnReceivePacket : TReceivePacketEvent;
- // ms of delay between COM port pollings
- FPollingDelay : word;
- // Specifies if the DTR line must be enabled/disabled on connect
- FEnableDTROnOpen : boolean;
- // Output timeout - milliseconds
- FOutputTimeout : word;
- // Timeout for ReadData
- FInputTimeout : DWORD;
- // Set to TRUE to prevent hangs when no device connected or
- // device is OFF
- FCkLineStatus : boolean;
- // This is used for the timer
- FNotifyWnd : HWND;
- // Temporary buffer (RX) - used internally
- FTempInBuffer : pointer;
- // Time of the first byte of current RX packet
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime : DWORD;
- // Number of RX polling timer pauses
- FRXPollingPauses : integer;
- FCancel : Boolean;
- // Sets the COM port handle
- procedure SetHandle( Value: HFILE );
- // Selects the COM port to use
- procedure SetPort( Value: TPortNumber );
- // Sets the port name
- procedure SetPortName( Value: string );
- // Selects the baud rate
- procedure SetBaudRate( Value: TBaudRate );
- // Selects the baud rate ( actual baud rate value )
- procedure SetBaudRateValue( Value: DWORD );
- // Selects the number of data bits
- procedure SetDataBits( Value: TDataBits );
- // Selects the number of stop bits
- procedure SetStopBits( Value: TStopBits );
- // Selects the kind of parity
- procedure SetParity( Value: TParity );
- // Selects the kind of hardware flow control
- procedure SetHwFlowControl( Value: THwFlowControl );
- // Selects the kind of software flow control
- procedure SetSwFlowControl( Value: TSwFlowControl );
- // Sets the RX buffer size
- procedure SetInBufSize( Value: DWORD );
- // Sets the TX buffer size
- procedure SetOutBufSize( Value: DWORD );
- // Sets the size of incoming packets
- procedure SetPacketSize( Value: smallint );
- // Sets the timeout for incoming packets
- procedure SetPacketTimeout( Value: integer );
- // Sets the delay between polling checks
- procedure SetPollingDelay( Value: word );
- // Applies current settings to open COM port
- function ApplyCOMSettings: boolean;
- // Polling proc
- procedure TimerWndProc( var msg: TMessage );
- public
- // Constructor
- constructor Create( AOwner: TComponent ); override;
- // Destructor
- destructor Destroy; override;
- // Opens the COM port and takes of it. Returns false if something
- // goes wrong.
- function Connect: boolean;
- // Closes the COM port and releases control of it
- procedure Disconnect;
- // Returns true if COM port has been opened
- function Connected: boolean;
- // Returns the current state of CTS, DSR, RING and RLSD (CD) lines.
- // The function fails if the hardware does not support the control-register
- // values (that is, returned set is always empty).
- function GetLineStatus: TLineStatusSet;
- // Returns true if polling has not been paused
- function IsPolling: boolean;
- // Pauses polling
- procedure PausePolling;
- // Re-starts polling (after pause)
- procedure ContinuePolling;
- // Flushes the rx/tx buffers
- function FlushBuffers( inBuf, outBuf: boolean ): boolean;
- // Returns number of received bytes in the RX buffer
- function CountRX: integer;
- // Returns the output buffer free space or 65535 if not connected
- function OutFreeSpace: word;
- // Sends binary data
- function SendData( DataPtr: pointer; DataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
- // Sends binary data. Returns number of bytes sent. Timeout overrides
- // the value specifiend in the OutputTimeout property
- function SendDataEx( DataPtr: pchar; DataSize, Timeout: DWORD ): DWORD;
- // Sends a byte. Returns true if the byte has been sent
- function SendByte( Value: byte ): boolean;
- // Sends a char. Returns true if the char has been sent
- function SendChar( Value: char ): boolean;
- // Sends a pascal string (NULL terminated if $H+ (default))
- function SendString( s: string ): boolean;
- // Sends a C-style strings (NULL terminated)
- function SendZString( s: pchar ): boolean;
- // Reads binary data. Returns number of bytes read
- function ReadData( DataPtr: pchar; MaxDataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
- // Reads a byte. Returns true if the byte has been read
- function ReadByte( var Value: byte ): boolean;
- // Reads a char. Returns true if char has been read
- function ReadChar( var Value: char ): boolean;
- // Set DTR line high (onOff=TRUE) or low (onOff=FALSE).
- // You must not use HW handshaking.
- procedure ToggleDTR( onOff: boolean );
- // Set RTS line high (onOff=TRUE) or low (onOff=FALSE).
- // You must not use HW handshaking.
- procedure ToggleRTS( onOff: boolean );
- // Make the Handle of the COM port public (for TAPI...) [read/write]
- property Handle: HFILE read FHandle write SetHandle;
- published
- // # of the COM Port to use ( or pnCustom for port by name )
- property Port: TPortNumber read FPort write SetPort default pnCOM2;
- // Name of COM port
- property PortName: string read FPortName write SetPortName;
- // Speed ( Baud Rate )
- property BaudRate: TBaudRate read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate default br9600;
- // Speed ( Actual Baud Rate value )
- property BaudRateValue: DWORD read FBaudRateValue write SetBaudRateValue default 9600;
- // Data bits to use (5..8, for the 8250 the use of 5 data bits with 2 stop
- // bits is an invalid combination, as is 6, 7, or 8 data bits with 1.5 stop
- // bits)
- property DataBits: TDataBits read FDataBits write SetDataBits default db8BITS;
- // Stop bits to use (1, 1.5, 2)
- property StopBits: TStopBits read FStopBits write SetStopBits default sb1BITS;
- // Kind of Parity to use (none,odd,even,mark,space)
- property Parity: TParity read FParity write SetParity default ptNONE;
- // Kind of Hardware Flow Control to use:
- // hfNONE none
- // hfNONERTSON no flow control but keep RTS line on
- // hfRTSCTS Request-To-Send/Clear-To-Send
- property HwFlow: THwFlowControl read FHwFlow write SetHwFlowControl default hfNONERTSON;
- // Kind of Software Flow Control to use:
- // sfNONE none
- property SwFlow: TSwFlowControl read FSwFlow write SetSwFlowControl default sfNONE;
- // Input Buffer size ( suggested - driver might ignore this setting ! )
- property InBufSize: DWORD read FInBufSize write SetInBufSize default 2048;
- // Output Buffer size ( suggested - driver usually ignores this setting ! )
- property OutBufSize: DWORD read FOutBufSize write SetOutBufSize default 2048;
- // RX packet size ( this value must be less than InBufSize )
- // A value <= 0 means "no packet mode" ( i.e. standard mode enabled )
- property PacketSize: smallint read FPacketSize write SetPacketSize default -1;
- // Timeout (ms) for a complete packet (in RX)
- property PacketTimeout: integer read FPacketTimeout write SetPacketTimeout default -1;
- // What to do with incomplete packets (in RX)
- property PacketMode: TPacketMode read FPacketMode write FPacketMode default pmDiscard;
- // ms of delay between COM port pollings
- property PollingDelay: word read FPollingDelay write SetPollingDelay default 50;
- // Set to TRUE to enable DTR line on connect and to leave it on until disconnect.
- // Set to FALSE to disable DTR line on connect.
- property EnableDTROnOpen: boolean read FEnableDTROnOpen write FEnableDTROnOpen default true;
- // Output timeout (milliseconds)
- property OutputTimeout: word read FOutputTimeOut write FOutputTimeout default 500;
- // Input timeout (milliseconds)
- property InputTimeout: DWORD read FInputTimeOut write FInputTimeout default 200;
- // Set to TRUE to prevent hangs when no device connected or device is OFF
- property CheckLineStatus: boolean read FCkLineStatus write FCkLineStatus default false;
- // Event to raise when there is data available (input buffer has data)
- // (called only if PacketSize <= 0)
- property OnReceiveData: TReceiveDataEvent read FOnReceiveData write FOnReceiveData;
- // Event to raise when there is data packet available (called only if PacketSize > 0)
- property OnReceivePacket: TReceivePacketEvent read FOnReceivePacket write FOnReceivePacket;
- end;
-function BaudRateOf( bRate: TBaudRate ): DWORD;
-function DelayForRX( bRate: TBaudRate; DataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
- Win32BaudRates: array[br110..br256000] of DWORD =
- ( CBR_110, CBR_300, CBR_600, CBR_1200, CBR_2400, CBR_4800, CBR_9600,
- CBR_14400, CBR_19200, CBR_38400, CBR_56000, CBR_57600, CBR_115200,
- CBR_128000, CBR_256000 );
- dcb_Binary = $00000001;
- dcb_ParityCheck = $00000002;
- dcb_OutxCtsFlow = $00000004;
- dcb_OutxDsrFlow = $00000008;
- dcb_DtrControlMask = $00000030;
- dcb_DtrControlDisable = $00000000;
- dcb_DtrControlEnable = $00000010;
- dcb_DtrControlHandshake = $00000020;
- dcb_DsrSensivity = $00000040;
- dcb_TXContinueOnXoff = $00000080;
- dcb_OutX = $00000100;
- dcb_InX = $00000200;
- dcb_ErrorChar = $00000400;
- dcb_NullStrip = $00000800;
- dcb_RtsControlMask = $00003000;
- dcb_RtsControlDisable = $00000000;
- dcb_RtsControlEnable = $00001000;
- dcb_RtsControlHandshake = $00002000;
- dcb_RtsControlToggle = $00003000;
- dcb_AbortOnError = $00004000;
- dcb_Reserveds = $FFFF8000;
-function GetWinPlatform: string;
- ov.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(ov);
- if GetVersionEx( ov ) then
- begin
- case ov.dwPlatformId of
- VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: // Win32s on Windows 3.1
- Result := 'W32S';
- VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: // Win32 on Windows 95/98
- Result := 'W95';
- VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: // Windows NT
- Result := 'WNT';
- end;
- end
- else
- Result := '??';
-function GetWinVersion: DWORD;
- ov.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(ov);
- if GetVersionEx( ov ) then
- Result := MAKELONG( ov.dwMinorVersion, ov.dwMajorVersion )
- else
- Result := $00000000;
-function BaudRateOf( bRate: TBaudRate ): DWORD;
- if bRate = brCustom then
- Result := 0
- else
- Result := Win32BaudRates[ bRate ];
-function DelayForRX( bRate: TBaudRate; DataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
- Result := round( DataSize / (BaudRateOf(bRate) / 10) * 1000 );
-constructor TCommPortDriver.Create( AOwner: TComponent );
- inherited Create( AOwner );
- // Initialize to default values -----------------------
- // not canceled
- FCancel := false;
- // Not connected
- // COM 2
- FPort := pnCOM2;
- FPortName := '\\.\COM2';
- // 9600 bauds
- FBaudRate := br9600;
- FBaudRateValue := BaudRateOf( br9600 );
- // 8 data bits
- FDataBits := db8BITS;
- // 1 stop bit
- FStopBits := sb1BITS;
- // no parity
- FParity := ptNONE;
- // No hardware flow control but RTS on
- FHwFlow := hfNONERTSON;
- // No software flow control
- FSwFlow := sfNONE;
- // Input buffer of 2048 bytes
- FInBufSize := 2048;
- // Output buffer of 2048 bytes
- FOutBufSize := 2048;
- // Don't pack data
- FPacketSize := -1;
- // Packet timeout disabled
- FPacketTimeout := -1;
- // Discard incomplete packets
- FPacketMode := pmDiscard;
- // Poll COM port every 50ms
- FPollingDelay := 50;
- // Output timeout of 500ms
- FOutputTimeout := 500;
- // Timeout for ReadData(), 200ms
- FInputTimeout := 200;
- // DTR high on connect
- FEnableDTROnOpen := true;
- // Time not valid ( used by the packing routines )
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := DWORD(-1);
- // Don't check of off-line devices
- FCkLineStatus := false;
- // Init number of RX polling timer pauses - not paused
- FRXPollingPauses := 0;
- // Temporary buffer for received data
- FTempInBuffer := AllocMem( FInBufSize );
- // Allocate a window handle to catch timer's notification messages
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- FNotifyWnd := AllocateHWnd( TimerWndProc );
-destructor TCommPortDriver.Destroy;
- // Be sure to release the COM port
- Disconnect;
- // Free the temporary buffer
- FreeMem( FTempInBuffer, FInBufSize );
- // Destroy the timer's window
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- DeallocateHWnd( FNotifyWnd );
- // Call inherited destructor
- inherited Destroy;
-// The COM port handle made public and writeable.
-// This lets you connect to external opened com port.
-// Setting ComPortHandle to INVALID_PORT_HANDLE acts as Disconnect.
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetHandle( Value: HFILE );
- // If same COM port then do nothing
- if FHandle = Value then
- exit;
- // If value is RELEASE_NOCLOSE_PORT then stop controlling the COM port
- // without closing in
- if Value = RELEASE_NOCLOSE_PORT then
- begin
- // Stop the timer
- if Connected then
- KillTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1 );
- // No more connected
- end
- else
- begin
- // Disconnect
- Disconnect;
- // If Value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then exit now
- if Value = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- exit;
- // Set COM port handle
- FHandle := Value;
- // Start the timer ( used for polling )
- SetTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1, FPollingDelay, nil );
- end;
-// Selects the COM port to use
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetPort( Value: TPortNumber );
- // Be sure we are not using any COM port
- if Connected then
- exit;
- // Change COM port
- FPort := Value;
- // Update the port name
- if FPort <> pnCustom then
- FPortName := Format( '\\.\COM%d', [ord(FPort)] );
-// Sets the port name
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetPortName( Value: string );
- // Be sure we are not using any COM port
- if Connected then
- exit;
- // Change COM port
- FPort := pnCustom;
- // Update the port name
- FPortName := Value;
-// Selects the baud rate
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetBaudRate( Value: TBaudRate );
- // Set new COM speed
- FBaudRate := Value;
- if FBaudRate <> brCustom then
- FBaudRateValue := BaudRateOf( FBaudRate );
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the baud rate ( actual baud rate value )
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetBaudRateValue( Value: DWORD );
- // Set new COM speed
- FBaudRate := brCustom;
- FBaudRateValue := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the number of data bits
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetDataBits( Value: TDataBits );
- // Set new data bits
- FDataBits := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the number of stop bits
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetStopBits( Value: TStopBits );
- // Set new stop bits
- FStopBits := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the kind of parity
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetParity( Value: TParity );
- // Set new parity
- FParity := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the kind of hardware flow control
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetHwFlowControl( Value: THwFlowControl );
- // Set new hardware flow control
- FHwFlow := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Selects the kind of software flow control
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetSwFlowControl( Value: TSwFlowControl );
- // Set new software flow control
- FSwFlow := Value;
- // Apply changes
- if Connected then
- ApplyCOMSettings;
-// Sets the RX buffer size
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetInBufSize( Value: DWORD );
- // Do nothing if connected
- if Connected then
- exit;
- // Free the temporary input buffer
- FreeMem( FTempInBuffer, FInBufSize );
- // Set new input buffer size
- if Value > 8192 then
- Value := 8192
- else if Value < 128 then
- Value := 128;
- FInBufSize := Value;
- // Allocate the temporary input buffer
- FTempInBuffer := AllocMem( FInBufSize );
- // Adjust the RX packet size
- SetPacketSize( FPacketSize );
-// Sets the TX buffer size
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetOutBufSize( Value: DWORD );
- // Do nothing if connected
- if Connected then
- exit;
- // Set new output buffer size
- if Value > 8192 then
- Value := 8192
- else if Value < 128 then
- Value := 128;
- FOutBufSize := Value;
-// Sets the size of incoming packets
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetPacketSize( Value: smallint );
- // PackeSize <= 0 if data isn't to be 'packetized'
- if Value <= 0 then
- FPacketSize := -1
- // If the PacketSize if greater than then RX buffer size then
- // increase the RX buffer size
- else if DWORD(Value) > FInBufSize then
- begin
- FPacketSize := Value;
- SetInBufSize( FPacketSize );
- end;
-// Sets the timeout for incoming packets
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetPacketTimeout( Value: integer );
- // PacketTimeout <= 0 if packet timeout is to be disabled
- if Value < 1 then
- FPacketTimeout := -1
- // PacketTimeout cannot be less than polling delay + some extra ms
- else if Value < FPollingDelay then
- FPacketTimeout := FPollingDelay + (FPollingDelay*40) div 100;
-// Sets the delay between polling checks
-procedure TCommPortDriver.SetPollingDelay( Value: word );
- // Make it greater than 4 ms
- if Value < 5 then
- Value := 5;
- // If new delay is not equal to previous value...
- if Value <> FPollingDelay then
- begin
- // Stop the timer
- if Connected then
- KillTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1 );
- // Store new delay value
- FPollingDelay := Value;
- // Restart the timer
- if Connected then
- SetTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1, FPollingDelay, nil );
- // Adjust the packet timeout
- SetPacketTimeout( FPacketTimeout );
- end;
-// Apply COM settings
-function TCommPortDriver.ApplyCOMSettings: boolean;
-var dcb: TDCB;
- // Do nothing if not connected
- Result := false;
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // ** Setup DCB (Device Control Block) fields ******************************
- // Clear all
- fillchar( dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0 );
- // DCB structure size
- dcb.DCBLength := sizeof(dcb);
- // Baud rate
- dcb.BaudRate := FBaudRateValue;
- // Set fBinary: Win32 does not support non binary mode transfers
- // (also disable EOF check)
- dcb.Flags := dcb_Binary;
- // Enables the DTR line when the device is opened and leaves it on
- if EnableDTROnOpen then
- dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_DtrControlEnable;
- // Kind of hw flow control to use
- case FHwFlow of
- // No hw flow control
- hfNONE:;
- // No hw flow control but set RTS high and leave it high
- dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_RtsControlEnable;
- // RTS/CTS (request-to-send/clear-to-send) flow control
- dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_OutxCtsFlow or dcb_RtsControlHandshake;
- end;
- // Kind of sw flow control to use
- case FSwFlow of
- // No sw flow control
- sfNONE:;
- // XON/XOFF sw flow control
- dcb.Flags := dcb.Flags or dcb_OutX or dcb_InX;
- end;
- // Set XONLim: specifies the minimum number of bytes allowed in the input
- // buffer before the XON character is sent (or CTS is set).
- if (GetWinPlatform = 'WNT') and (GetWinVersion >= $00040000) then
- begin
- // WinNT 4.0 + Service Pack 3 needs XONLim to be less than or
- // equal to 4096 bytes. Win95/98 doesn't have such limit.
- if FInBufSize div 4 > 4096 then
- dcb.XONLim := 4096
- else
- dcb.XONLim := FInBufSize div 4;
- end
- else
- dcb.XONLim := FInBufSize div 4;
- // Specifies the maximum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before
- // the XOFF character is sent (or CTS is set low). The maximum number of bytes
- // allowed is calculated by subtracting this value from the size, in bytes, of
- // the input buffer.
- dcb.XOFFLim := dcb.XONLim;
- // How many data bits to use
- dcb.ByteSize := 5 + ord(FDataBits);
- // Kind of parity to use
- dcb.Parity := ord(FParity);
- // How many stop bits to use
- dcb.StopBits := ord(FStopbits);
- // XON ASCII char - DC1, Ctrl-Q, ASCII 17
- dcb.XONChar := #17;
- // XOFF ASCII char - DC3, Ctrl-S, ASCII 19
- dcb.XOFFChar := #19;
- // Apply new settings
- Result := SetCommState( FHandle, dcb );
- if not Result then
- exit;
- // Flush buffers
- Result := FlushBuffers( true, true );
- if not Result then
- exit;
- // Setup buffers size
- Result := SetupComm( FHandle, FInBufSize, FOutBufSize );
-function TCommPortDriver.Connect: boolean;
- // not canceled
- FCancel := false;
- // Do nothing if already connected
- Result := Connected;
- if Result then
- exit;
- // Open the COM port
- FHandle := CreateFile( pchar(FPortName),
- 0, // Not shared
- nil, // No security attributes
- 0 // No template
- ) ;
- Result := Connected;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- // Apply settings
- Result := ApplyCOMSettings;
- if not Result then
- begin
- Disconnect;
- exit;
- end;
- // Set ReadIntervalTimeout: Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds,
- // allowed to elapse between the arrival of two characters on the
- // communications line.
- // We disable timeouts because we are polling the com port!
- tms.ReadIntervalTimeout := 1;
- // Set ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier: Specifies the multiplier, in milliseconds,
- // used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.
- tms.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0;
- // Set ReadTotalTimeoutConstant: Specifies the constant, in milliseconds,
- // used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations.
- tms.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 1;
- // Set WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier: Specifies the multiplier, in milliseconds,
- // used to calculate the total time-out period for write operations.
- tms.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0;
- // Set WriteTotalTimeoutConstant: Specifies the constant, in milliseconds,
- // used to calculate the total time-out period for write operations.
- tms.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 10;
- // Apply timeouts
- SetCommTimeOuts( FHandle, tms );
- // Start the timer (used for polling)
- SetTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1, FPollingDelay, nil );
-procedure TCommPortDriver.Disconnect;
- // not canceled
- FCancel := true;
- if Connected then
- begin
- // Stop the timer (used for polling)
- KillTimer( FNotifyWnd, 1 );
- // Release the COM port
- CloseHandle( FHandle );
- // No more connected
- end;
-// Returns true if connected
-function TCommPortDriver.Connected: boolean;
- Result := FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-// Returns CTS, DSR, RING and RLSD (CD) signals status
-function TCommPortDriver.GetLineStatus: TLineStatusSet;
-var dwS: DWORD;
- Result := [];
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // Retrieves modem control-register values.
- // The function fails if the hardware does not support the control-register
- // values.
- if not GetCommModemStatus( FHandle, dwS ) then
- exit;
- if dwS and MS_CTS_ON <> 0 then Result := Result + [lsCTS];
- if dwS and MS_DSR_ON <> 0 then Result := Result + [lsDSR];
- if dwS and MS_RING_ON <> 0 then Result := Result + [lsRING];
- if dwS and MS_RLSD_ON <> 0 then Result := Result + [lsCD];
-// Returns true if polling has not been paused
-function TCommPortDriver.IsPolling: boolean;
- Result := FRXPollingPauses <= 0;
-// Pauses polling
-procedure TCommPortDriver.PausePolling;
- // Inc. RX polling pauses counter
- inc( FRXPollingPauses );
-// Re-starts polling (after pause)
-procedure TCommPortDriver.ContinuePolling;
- // Dec. RX polling pauses counter
- dec( FRXPollingPauses );
-// Flush rx/tx buffers
-function TCommPortDriver.FlushBuffers( inBuf, outBuf: boolean ): boolean;
-var dwAction: DWORD;
- // Do nothing if not connected
- Result := false;
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // Flush the RX data buffer
- dwAction := 0;
- if outBuf then
- dwAction := dwAction or PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_TXCLEAR;
- // Flush the TX data buffer
- if inBuf then
- dwAction := dwAction or PURGE_RXABORT or PURGE_RXCLEAR;
- Result := PurgeComm( FHandle, dwAction );
- // Used by the RX packet mechanism
- if Result then
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := DWORD(-1);
-// Returns number of received bytes in the RX buffer
-function TCommPortDriver.CountRX: integer;
-var stat: TCOMSTAT;
- errs: DWORD;
- // Do nothing if port has not been opened
- Result := 65535;
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // Get count
- ClearCommError( FHandle, errs, @stat );
- Result := stat.cbInQue;
-// Returns the output buffer free space or 65535 if not connected
-function TCommPortDriver.OutFreeSpace: word;
-var stat: TCOMSTAT;
- errs: DWORD;
- if not Connected then
- Result := 65535
- else
- begin
- ClearCommError( FHandle, errs, @stat );
- Result := FOutBufSize - stat.cbOutQue;
- end;
-// Sends binary data. Returns number of bytes sent. Timeout overrides
-// the value specifiend in the OutputTimeout property
-function TCommPortDriver.SendDataEx( DataPtr: pchar; DataSize, Timeout: DWORD ): DWORD;
-var nToSend, nSent, t1: DWORD;
- // Do nothing if port has not been opened
- Result := 0;
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // Current time
- t1 := GetTickCount;
- // Loop until all data sent or timeout occurred
- while DataSize > 0 do
- begin
- // Get TX buffer free space
- nToSend := OutFreeSpace;
- // If output buffer has some free space...
- if nToSend > 0 then
- begin
- // Check signals
- if FCkLineStatus and (GetLineStatus = []) then
- exit;
- // Don't send more bytes than we actually have to send
- if nToSend > DataSize then
- nToSend := DataSize;
- // Send
- WriteFile( FHandle, DataPtr^, nToSend, nSent, nil );
- nSent := abs( nSent );
- if nSent > 0 then
- begin
- // Update number of bytes sent
- Result := Result + nSent;
- // Decrease the count of bytes to send
- DataSize := DataSize - nSent;
- // Inc. data pointer
- DataPtr := DataPtr + nSent;
- // Get current time
- t1 := GetTickCount;
- // Continue. This skips the time check below (don't stop
- // trasmitting if the Timeout is set too low)
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- // Buffer is full. If we are waiting too long then exit
- if DWORD(GetTickCount-t1) > Timeout then
- exit;
- end;
-// Send data (breaks the data in small packets if it doesn't fit in the output
-// buffer)
-function TCommPortDriver.SendData( DataPtr: pointer; DataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
- Result := SendDataEx( DataPtr, DataSize, FOutputTimeout );
-// Sends a byte. Returns true if the byte has been sent
-function TCommPortDriver.SendByte( Value: byte ): boolean;
- Result := SendData( @Value, 1 ) = 1;
-// Sends a char. Returns true if the char has been sent
-function TCommPortDriver.SendChar( Value: char ): boolean;
- Result := SendData( @Value, 1 ) = 1;
-// Sends a pascal string (NULL terminated if $H+ (default))
-function TCommPortDriver.SendString( s: string ): boolean;
-var len: DWORD;
- len := length( s );
- {$IFOPT H+} // New syle pascal string (NULL terminated)
- Result := SendData( pchar(s), len ) = len;
- {$ELSE} // Old style pascal string (s[0] = length)
- Result := SendData( pchar(@s[1]), len ) = len;
- {$ENDIF}
-// Sends a C-style string (NULL terminated)
-function TCommPortDriver.SendZString( s: pchar ): boolean;
-var len: DWORD;
- len := strlen( s );
- Result := SendData( s, len ) = len;
-// Reads binary data. Returns number of bytes read
-function TCommPortDriver.ReadData( DataPtr: pchar; MaxDataSize: DWORD ): DWORD;
-var nToRead, nRead, t1: DWORD;
- // Do nothing if port has not been opened
- Result := 0;
- if not Connected then
- exit;
- // Pause polling
- PausePolling;
- // Current time
- t1 := GetTickCount;
- // Loop until all requested data read or timeout occurred
- while MaxDataSize > 0 do
- begin
- Application.ProcessMessages; // ##Vg process these messages
- if FCancel then exit;
- // Get data bytes count in RX buffer
- nToRead := CountRX;
- // If input buffer has some data...
- if nToRead > 0 then
- begin
- // Don't read more bytes than we actually have to read
- if nToRead > MaxDataSize then
- nToRead := MaxDataSize;
- // Read
- ReadFile( FHandle, DataPtr^, nToRead, nRead, nil );
- // Update number of bytes read
- Result := Result + nRead;
- // Decrease the count of bytes to read
- MaxDataSize := MaxDataSize - nRead;
- // Inc. data pointer
- DataPtr := DataPtr + nRead;
- // Get current time
- t1 := GetTickCount;
- // Continue. This skips the time check below (don't stop
- // reading if the FInputTimeout is set too low)
- continue;
- end;
- // Buffer is empty. If we are waiting too long then exit
- if (GetTickCount-t1) > FInputTimeout then
- break;
- end;
- // Continue polling
- ContinuePolling;
-// Reads a byte. Returns true if the byte has been read
-function TCommPortDriver.ReadByte( var Value: byte ): boolean;
- Result := ReadData( @Value, 1 ) = 1;
-// Reads a char. Returns true if char has been read
-function TCommPortDriver.ReadChar( var Value: char ): boolean;
- Result := ReadData( @Value, 1 ) = 1;
-// Set DTR line high (onOff=TRUE) or low (onOff=FALSE).
-// You must not use HW handshaking.
-procedure TCommPortDriver.ToggleDTR( onOff: boolean );
-const funcs: array[boolean] of integer = (CLRDTR,SETDTR);
- if Connected then
- EscapeCommFunction( FHandle, funcs[onOff] );
-// Set RTS line high (onOff=TRUE) or low (onOff=FALSE).
-// You must not use HW handshaking.
-procedure TCommPortDriver.ToggleRTS( onOff: boolean );
-const funcs: array[boolean] of integer = (CLRRTS,SETRTS);
- if Connected then
- EscapeCommFunction( FHandle, funcs[onOff] );
-// COM port polling proc
-procedure TCommPortDriver.TimerWndProc( var msg: TMessage );
-var nRead, nToRead, dummy: DWORD;
- comStat: TCOMSTAT;
- if (msg.Msg = WM_TIMER) and Connected then
- begin
- // Do nothing if RX polling has been paused
- if FRXPollingPauses > 0 then
- exit;
- // If PacketSize is > 0 then raise the OnReceiveData event only if the RX
- // buffer has at least PacketSize bytes in it.
- ClearCommError( FHandle, dummy, @comStat );
- if FPacketSize > 0 then
- begin
- // Complete packet received ?
- if DWORD(comStat.cbInQue) >= DWORD(FPacketSize) then
- begin
- repeat
- // Read the packet and pass it to the app
- nRead := 0;
- if ReadFile( FHandle, FTempInBuffer^, FPacketSize, nRead, nil ) then
- if (nRead <> 0) and Assigned(FOnReceivePacket) then
- FOnReceivePacket( Self, FTempInBuffer, nRead );
- // Adjust time
- //if comStat.cbInQue >= FPacketSize then
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := FFirstByteOfPacketTime +
- DelayForRX( FBaudRate, FPacketSize );
- comStat.cbInQue := comStat.cbInQue - WORD(FPacketSize);
- if comStat.cbInQue = 0 then
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := DWORD(-1);
- until DWORD(comStat.cbInQue) < DWORD(FPacketSize);
- // Done
- exit;
- end;
- // Handle packet timeouts
- if (FPacketTimeout > 0) and (FFirstByteOfPacketTime <> DWORD(-1)) and
- (GetTickCount - FFirstByteOfPacketTime > DWORD(FPacketTimeout)) then
- begin
- nRead := 0;
- // Read the "incomplete" packet
- if ReadFile( FHandle, FTempInBuffer^, comStat.cbInQue, nRead, nil ) then
- // If PacketMode is not pmDiscard then pass the packet to the app
- if (FPacketMode <> pmDiscard) and (nRead <> 0) and Assigned(FOnReceivePacket) then
- FOnReceivePacket( Self, FTempInBuffer, nRead );
- // Restart waiting for a packet
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := DWORD(-1);
- // Done
- exit;
- end;
- // Start time
- if (comStat.cbInQue > 0) and (FFirstByteOfPacketTime = DWORD(-1)) then
- FFirstByteOfPacketTime := GetTickCount;
- // Done
- exit;
- end;
- // Standard data handling
- nRead := 0;
- nToRead := comStat.cbInQue;
- if (nToRead > 0) and ReadFile( FHandle, FTempInBuffer^, nToRead, nRead, nil ) then
- if (nRead <> 0) and Assigned(FOnReceiveData) then
- FOnReceiveData( Self, FTempInBuffer, nRead );
- end
- // Let Windows handle other messages
- else
- Msg.Result := DefWindowProc( FNotifyWnd, Msg.Msg, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ) ;
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.inc b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.inc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb736695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+{ ComPort Library global definitions }
+{ Fixed up for Delphi 2009 by W.Postma. }
+{$IFDEF VER110} { C++ Builder 3 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+{$IFDEF VER120} { Delphi 4 }
+{$IFDEF VER125} { C++ Builder 4 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+{$IFDEF VER130} { Delphi 5 and C++ Builder 5 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER140} { Delphi 6 and C++ Builder 6}
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER150} { Delphi 7 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER160} { Delphi 8 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER170} { Delphi 9 (2005) }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER180} { Delphi 10 (2006) }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER185} { Delphi 11 - 2007 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER190} { Delphi 12 2008 }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER200} { Delphi 14 2009 UNICODE }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER210} { Delphi 15 XE 2010 UNICODE }
+ {$ObjExportAll On}
+ {$ENDIF}
+{... Lets try to make it work, for Delphi 2011 and later, right now...}
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.pas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..286cbcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/CPort.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,3652 @@
+ * ComPort Library ver. 4.11 *
+ * for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 2007-2010,XE and *
+ * C++ Builder 3, 4, 5, 6 *
+ * written by Dejan Crnila, 1998 - 2002 *
+ * maintained by Lars B. Dybdahl, 2003 *
+ * Homepage: http://comport.sf.net/ *
+ * *
+ * Brian Gochnauer Oct 2010 *
+ * Removed ansi references for backward compat *
+ * Made unicode ready *
+ *****************************************************)
+unit CPort;
+{$Warnings OFF}
+{$I CPort.inc}
+{$DEFINE No_Dialogs} //removes forms setup/config code
+ Windows, Messages, Classes, SysUtils, IniFiles, Registry, Types;
+ TComExceptions = ( CE_OpenFailed , CE_WriteFailed ,
+ CE_ReadFailed , CE_InvalidAsync ,
+ CE_PurgeFailed , CE_AsyncCheck ,
+ CE_SetStateFailed , CE_TimeoutsFailed ,
+ CE_SetupComFailed , CE_ClearComFailed ,
+ CE_ModemStatFailed , CE_EscapeComFailed ,
+ CE_TransmitFailed , CE_ConnChangeProp ,
+ CE_EnumPortsFailed , CE_StoreFailed ,
+ CE_LoadFailed , CE_RegFailed ,
+ CE_LedStateFailed , CE_ThreadCreated ,
+ CE_WaitFailed , CE_HasLink ,
+ CE_RegError , CEPortNotOpen );
+ // various types
+ TPort = string;
+ TBaudRate = (brCustom, br110, br300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800, br9600, br14400,
+ br19200, br38400, br56000, br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000);
+ TStopBits = (sbOneStopBit, sbOne5StopBits, sbTwoStopBits);
+ TDataBits = (dbFive, dbSix, dbSeven, dbEight);
+ TParityBits = (prNone, prOdd, prEven, prMark, prSpace);
+ TDTRFlowControl = (dtrDisable, dtrEnable, dtrHandshake);
+ TRTSFlowControl = (rtsDisable, rtsEnable, rtsHandshake, rtsToggle);
+ TFlowControl = (fcHardware, fcSoftware, fcNone, fcCustom);
+ TComEvent = (evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak, evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full);
+ TComEvents = set of TComEvent;
+ TComSignal = (csCTS, csDSR, csRing, csRLSD);
+ TComSignals = set of TComSignal;
+ TComError = (ceFrame, ceRxParity, ceOverrun, ceBreak, ceIO, ceMode, ceRxOver, ceTxFull);
+ TComErrors = set of TComError;
+ TSyncMethod = (smThreadSync, smWindowSync, smNone);
+ TStoreType = (stRegistry, stIniFile);
+ TStoredProp = (spBasic, spFlowControl, spBuffer, spTimeouts, spParity, spOthers);
+ TStoredProps = set of TStoredProp;
+ TComLinkEvent = (leConn, leCTS, leDSR, leRLSD, leRing, leRx, leTx, leTxEmpty, leRxFlag);
+ TRxCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer) of object;
+ TRxBufEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer) of object;
+ TComErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Errors: TComErrors) of object;
+ TComSignalEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; OnOff: Boolean) of object;
+ TComExceptionEvent = procedure(Sender:TObject;
+ TComException:TComExceptions; ComportMessage:String;
+ WinError:Int64; WinMessage:String) of object;
+ // types for asynchronous calls
+ TOperationKind = (okWrite, okRead);
+ TAsync = record
+ Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+ Kind: TOperationKind;
+ Data: Pointer;
+ Size: Integer;
+ end;
+ PAsync = ^TAsync;
+ {$IFNDEF Unicode}
+ UnicodeString = Widestring;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // TComPort component and asistant classes
+ TCustomComPort = class; // forward declaration
+ // class that links TCustomComPort events to other components
+ TComLink = class
+ private
+ FOnConn: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent;
+ FOnTxBuf: TRxBufEvent;
+ FOnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnRing: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnTx: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnRx: TComSignalEvent;
+ public
+ property OnConn: TComSignalEvent read FOnConn write FOnConn;
+ property OnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent read FOnRxBuf write FOnRxBuf;
+ property OnTxBuf: TRxBufEvent read FOnTxBuf write FOnTxBuf;
+ property OnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTxEmpty write FOnTxEmpty;
+ property OnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent read FOnRxFlag write FOnRxFlag;
+ property OnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnCTSChange write FOnCTSChange;
+ property OnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnDSRChange write FOnDSRChange;
+ property OnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnRLSDChange write FOnRLSDChange;
+ property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing;
+ property OnTx: TComSignalEvent read FOnTx write FOnTx;
+ property OnRx: TComSignalEvent read FOnRx write FOnRx;
+ end;
+ // thread for background monitoring of port events
+ TComThread = class(TThread)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FStopEvent: THandle;
+ FEvents: TComEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure DispatchComMsg;
+ procedure DoEvents;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ procedure SendEvents;
+ procedure Stop;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ // timoeout properties for read/write operations
+ TComTimeouts = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FReadInterval: Integer;
+ FReadTotalM: Integer;
+ FReadTotalC: Integer;
+ FWriteTotalM: Integer;
+ FWriteTotalC: Integer;
+ procedure SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ procedure SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer);
+ protected
+ procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ property ComPort: TCustomComPort read FComPort;
+ published
+ property ReadInterval: Integer read FReadInterval write SetReadInterval default -1;
+ property ReadTotalMultiplier: Integer read FReadTotalM write SetReadTotalM default 0;
+ property ReadTotalConstant: Integer read FReadTotalC write SetReadTotalC default 0;
+ property WriteTotalMultiplier: Integer
+ read FWriteTotalM write SetWriteTotalM default 100;
+ property WriteTotalConstant: Integer
+ read FWriteTotalC write SetWriteTotalC default 1000;
+ end;
+ // flow control settings
+ TComFlowControl = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FOutCTSFlow: Boolean;
+ FOutDSRFlow: Boolean;
+ FControlDTR: TDTRFlowControl;
+ FControlRTS: TRTSFlowControl;
+ FXonXoffOut: Boolean;
+ FXonXoffIn: Boolean;
+ FDSRSensitivity: Boolean;
+ FTxContinueOnXoff: Boolean;
+ FXonChar: Char;
+ FXoffChar: Char;
+ procedure SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ procedure SetOutCTSFlow(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetOutDSRFlow(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetControlDTR(const Value: TDTRFlowControl);
+ procedure SetControlRTS(const Value: TRTSFlowControl);
+ procedure SetXonXoffOut(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetXonXoffIn(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetDSRSensitivity(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetTxContinueOnXoff(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetXonChar(const Value: Char);
+ procedure SetXoffChar(const Value: Char);
+ procedure SetFlowControl(const Value: TFlowControl);
+ function GetFlowControl: TFlowControl;
+ protected
+ procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ property ComPort: TCustomComPort read FComPort;
+ published
+ property FlowControl: TFlowControl read GetFlowControl write SetFlowControl stored False;
+ property OutCTSFlow: Boolean read FOutCTSFlow write SetOutCTSFlow;
+ property OutDSRFlow: Boolean read FOutDSRFlow write SetOutDSRFlow;
+ property ControlDTR: TDTRFlowControl read FControlDTR write SetControlDTR;
+ property ControlRTS: TRTSFlowControl read FControlRTS write SetControlRTS;
+ property XonXoffOut: Boolean read FXonXoffOut write SetXonXoffOut;
+ property XonXoffIn: Boolean read FXonXoffIn write SetXonXoffIn;
+ property DSRSensitivity: Boolean
+ read FDSRSensitivity write SetDSRSensitivity default False;
+ property TxContinueOnXoff: Boolean
+ read FTxContinueOnXoff write SetTxContinueOnXoff default False;
+ property XonChar: Char read FXonChar write SetXonChar default #17;
+ property XoffChar: Char read FXoffChar write SetXoffChar default #19;
+ end;
+ // parity settings
+ TComParity = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FBits: TParityBits;
+ FCheck: Boolean;
+ FReplace: Boolean;
+ FReplaceChar: Char;
+ procedure SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ procedure SetBits(const Value: TParityBits);
+ procedure SetCheck(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetReplace(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetReplaceChar(const Value: Char);
+ protected
+ procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ property ComPort: TCustomComPort read FComPort;
+ published
+ property Bits: TParityBits read FBits write SetBits;
+ property Check: Boolean read FCheck write SetCheck default False;
+ property Replace: Boolean read FReplace write SetReplace default False;
+ property ReplaceChar: Char read FReplaceChar write SetReplaceChar default #0;
+ end;
+ // buffer size settings
+ TComBuffer = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FInputSize: Integer;
+ FOutputSize: Integer;
+ procedure SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ procedure SetInputSize(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetOutputSize(const Value: Integer);
+ protected
+ procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ property ComPort: TCustomComPort read FComPort;
+ published
+ property InputSize: Integer read FInputSize write SetInputSize default 1024;
+ property OutputSize: Integer read FOutputSize write SetOutputSize default 1024;
+ end;
+ // main component
+ TCustomComPort = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ FEventThread: TComThread;
+ FThreadCreated: Boolean;
+ FHandle: THandle;
+ FWindow: THandle;
+ FUpdateCount: Integer;
+ FLinks: TList;
+ FTriggersOnRxChar: Boolean;
+ FEventThreadPriority: TThreadPriority;
+ FHasLink: Boolean;
+ FConnected: Boolean;
+ FBaudRate: TBaudRate;
+ FCustomBaudRate: Integer;
+ FPort: TPort;
+ FStopBits: TStopBits;
+ FDataBits: TDataBits;
+ FDiscardNull: Boolean;
+ FEventChar: Char;
+ FEvents: TComEvents;
+ FBuffer: TComBuffer;
+ FParity: TComParity;
+ FTimeouts: TComTimeouts;
+ FFlowControl: TComFlowControl;
+ FSyncMethod: TSyncMethod;
+ FStoredProps: TStoredProps;
+ FOnRxChar: TRxCharEvent;
+ FOnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent;
+ FOnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnBreak: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnRing: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent;
+ FOnError: TComErrorEvent;
+ FOnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnAfterOpen: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnAfterClose: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnBeforeOpen: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnBeforeClose: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnRx80Full : TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnException :TComExceptionEvent;
+ FCodePage : Cardinal;
+ function GetTriggersOnRxChar: Boolean;
+ procedure SetTriggersOnRxChar(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetConnected(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate);
+ procedure SetCustomBaudRate(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetPort(const Value: TPort);
+ procedure SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits);
+ procedure SetDataBits(const Value: TDataBits);
+ procedure SetDiscardNull(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetEventChar(const Value: Char);
+ procedure SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod);
+ procedure SetEventThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
+ procedure SetParity(const Value: TComParity);
+ procedure SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts);
+ procedure SetBuffer(const Value: TComBuffer);
+ procedure SetFlowControl(const Value: TComFlowControl);
+ function HasLink: Boolean;
+ procedure TxNotifyLink(const Buffer; Count: Integer);
+ procedure NotifyLink(FLinkEvent: TComLinkEvent);
+ procedure SendSignalToLink(Signal: TComLinkEvent; OnOff: Boolean);
+ procedure CheckSignals(Open: Boolean);
+ procedure WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage);
+ procedure CallAfterOpen;
+ procedure CallAfterClose;
+ procedure CallBeforeOpen;
+ procedure CallBeforeClose;
+ procedure CallRxChar;
+ procedure CallTxEmpty;
+ procedure CallBreak;
+ procedure CallRing;
+ procedure CallRxFlag;
+ procedure CallCTSChange;
+ procedure CallDSRChange;
+ procedure CallError;
+ procedure CallRLSDChange;
+ procedure CallRx80Full;
+ procedure CallException(AnException: Word; const WinError: Int64 =0);
+ protected
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ procedure DoAfterClose; dynamic;
+ procedure DoAfterOpen; dynamic;
+ procedure DoBeforeClose; dynamic;
+ procedure DoBeforeOpen; dynamic;
+ procedure DoRxChar(Count: Integer); dynamic;
+ procedure DoRxBuf(const Buffer; Count: Integer); dynamic;
+ procedure DoTxEmpty; dynamic;
+ procedure DoBreak; dynamic;
+ procedure DoRing; dynamic;
+ procedure DoRxFlag; dynamic;
+ procedure DoCTSChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic;
+ procedure DoDSRChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic;
+ procedure DoError(Errors: TComErrors); dynamic;
+ procedure DoRLSDChange(OnOff: Boolean); dynamic;
+ procedure DoRx80Full; dynamic;
+ procedure StoreRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); virtual;
+ procedure StoreIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); virtual;
+ procedure LoadRegistry(Reg: TRegistry); virtual;
+ procedure LoadIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile); virtual;
+ procedure CreateHandle; virtual;
+ procedure DestroyHandle; virtual;
+ procedure ApplyDCB; dynamic;
+ procedure ApplyTimeouts; dynamic;
+ procedure ApplyBuffer; dynamic;
+ procedure SetupComPort; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure BeginUpdate;
+ procedure EndUpdate;
+ procedure StoreSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; StoreTo: string);
+ procedure LoadSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; LoadFrom: string);
+ procedure Open;
+ procedure Close;
+ {$IFNDEF No_Dialogs}procedure ShowSetupDialog;{$ENDIF}
+ function InputCount: Integer;
+ function OutputCount: Integer;
+ function Signals: TComSignals;
+ function StateFlags: TComStateFlags;
+ procedure SetDTR(OnOff: Boolean);
+ procedure SetRTS(OnOff: Boolean);
+ procedure SetXonXoff(OnOff: Boolean);
+ procedure SetBreak(OnOff: Boolean);
+ procedure ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean);
+ function LastErrors: TComErrors;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ function WriteStr( Str: string): Integer;
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ function ReadStr(var Str: string; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ function WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ function WriteStrAsync(var Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ function ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ function ReadStrAsync(var Str: Ansistring; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ function WriteUnicodeString(const Str: Unicodestring): Integer;
+ function ReadUnicodeString(var Str: UnicodeString; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ function WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ function IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean;
+ procedure WaitForEvent(var Events: TComEvents; StopEvent: THandle; Timeout: Integer);
+ procedure AbortAllAsync;
+ procedure TransmitChar(Ch: Char);
+ procedure RegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink);
+ procedure UnRegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink);
+ property Handle: THandle read FHandle;
+ property TriggersOnRxChar: Boolean read GetTriggersOnRxChar write SetTriggersOnRxChar;
+ property EventThreadPriority: TThreadPriority read FEventThreadPriority write SetEventThreadPriority;
+ property StoredProps: TStoredProps read FStoredProps write FStoredProps;
+ property Connected: Boolean read FConnected write SetConnected default False;
+ property BaudRate: TBaudRate read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate;
+ property CustomBaudRate: Integer read FCustomBaudRate write SetCustomBaudRate;
+ property Port: TPort read FPort write SetPort;
+ property Parity: TComParity read FParity write SetParity;
+ property StopBits: TStopBits read FStopBits write SetStopBits;
+ property DataBits: TDataBits read FDataBits write SetDataBits;
+ property DiscardNull: Boolean read FDiscardNull write SetDiscardNull default False;
+ property EventChar: Char read FEventChar write SetEventChar default #0;
+ property Events: TComEvents read FEvents write FEvents;
+ property Buffer: TComBuffer read FBuffer write SetBuffer;
+ property FlowControl: TComFlowControl read FFlowControl write SetFlowControl;
+ property Timeouts: TComTimeouts read FTimeouts write SetTimeouts;
+ property SyncMethod: TSyncMethod read FSyncMethod write SetSyncMethod default smThreadSync;
+ property OnAfterOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterOpen write FOnAfterOpen;
+ property OnAfterClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterClose write FOnAfterClose;
+ property OnBeforeOpen: TNotifyEvent read FOnBeforeOpen write FOnBeforeOpen;
+ property OnBeforeClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRxChar: TRxCharEvent read FOnRxChar write FOnRxChar;
+ property OnRxBuf: TRxBufEvent read FOnRxBuf write FOnRxBuf;
+ property OnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTxEmpty write FOnTxEmpty;
+ property OnBreak: TNotifyEvent read FOnBreak write FOnBreak;
+ property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing;
+ property OnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnCTSChange write FOnCTSChange;
+ property OnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnDSRChange write FOnDSRChange;
+ property OnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnRLSDChange write FOnRLSDChange;
+ property OnRxFlag: TNotifyEvent read FOnRxFlag write FOnRxFlag;
+ property OnError: TComErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError;
+ property OnRx80Full: TNotifyEvent read FOnRx80Full write FOnRx80Full;
+ property OnException: TComExceptionEvent read FOnException write FOnException;
+ // Translate strings between ANSI charsets
+ property CodePage: Cardinal read FCodePage write FCodePage default 0;
+ end;
+ // publish the properties
+ TComPort = class(TCustomComPort)
+ property Connected;
+ property BaudRate;
+ property Port;
+ property Parity;
+ property StopBits;
+ property DataBits;
+ property DiscardNull;
+ property EventChar;
+ property Events;
+ property Buffer;
+ property FlowControl;
+ property Timeouts;
+ property StoredProps;
+ property TriggersOnRxChar;
+ property SyncMethod;
+ property OnAfterOpen;
+ property OnAfterClose;
+ property OnBeforeOpen;
+ property OnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRxChar;
+ property OnRxBuf;
+ property OnTxEmpty;
+ property OnBreak;
+ property OnRing;
+ property OnCTSChange;
+ property OnDSRChange;
+ property OnRLSDChange;
+ property OnRxFlag;
+ property OnError;
+ property OnRx80Full;
+ property OnException;
+ property CodePage;
+ end;
+ TComStrEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Str: string) of object;
+ TCustPacketEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Str: string;
+ var Pos: Integer) of object;
+ // component for reading data in packets
+ TComDataPacket = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ FComLink: TComLink;
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ FStartString: string;
+ FStopString: string;
+ FMaxBufferSize: Integer;
+ FSize: Integer;
+ FIncludeStrings: Boolean;
+ FCaseInsensitive: Boolean;
+ FInPacket: Boolean;
+ FBuffer: string;
+ FOnPacket: TComStrEvent;
+ FOnDiscard: TComStrEvent;
+ FOnCustomStart: TCustPacketEvent;
+ FOnCustomStop: TCustPacketEvent;
+ procedure SetComPort(const Value: TCustomComPort);
+ procedure SetCaseInsensitive(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetSize(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetStartString(const Value: string);
+ procedure SetStopString(const Value: string);
+ procedure RxBuf(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer);
+ procedure CheckIncludeStrings(var Str: string);
+ function Upper(const Str: string): string;
+ procedure EmptyBuffer;
+ function ValidStop: Boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
+ procedure DoDiscard(const Str: string); dynamic;
+ procedure DoPacket(const Str: string); dynamic;
+ procedure DoCustomStart(const Str: string; var Pos: Integer); dynamic;
+ procedure DoCustomStop(const Str: string; var Pos: Integer); dynamic;
+ procedure HandleBuffer; virtual;
+ property Buffer: string read FBuffer write FBuffer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure AddData(const Str: string);
+ published
+ procedure ResetBuffer;
+ property ComPort: TCustomComPort read FComPort write SetComPort;
+ property CaseInsensitive: Boolean read FCaseInsensitive write SetCaseInsensitive default False;
+ property IncludeStrings: Boolean read FIncludeStrings write FIncludeStrings default False;
+ property MaxBufferSize: Integer read FMaxBufferSize write FMaxBufferSize default 1024;
+ property StartString: string read FStartString write SetStartString;
+ property StopString: string read FStopString write SetStopString;
+ property Size: Integer read FSize write SetSize default 0;
+ property OnDiscard: TComStrEvent read FOnDiscard write FOnDiscard;
+ property OnPacket: TComStrEvent read FOnPacket write FOnPacket;
+ property OnCustomStart: TCustPacketEvent read FOnCustomStart write FOnCustomStart;
+ property OnCustomStop: TCustPacketEvent read FOnCustomStop write FOnCustomStop;
+ end;
+ // com port stream
+ TComStream = class(TStream)
+ private
+ FComPort: TCustomComPort;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; override;
+ function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; override;
+ end;
+ // exception class for ComPort Library errors
+ EComPort = class(Exception)
+ private
+ FWinCode: Integer;
+ FCode: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer);
+ constructor CreateNoWinCode(ACode: Integer);
+ property WinCode: Integer read FWinCode write FWinCode;
+ property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode;
+ end;
+// aditional procedures
+procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
+procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
+procedure EnumComPorts(Ports: TStrings);
+// conversion functions
+function StrToBaudRate(Str: string): TBaudRate;
+function StrToStopBits(Str: string): TStopBits;
+function StrToDataBits(Str: string): TDataBits;
+function StrToParity(Str: string): TParityBits;
+function StrToFlowControl(Str: string): TFlowControl;
+function BaudRateToStr(BaudRate: TBaudRate): string;
+function StopBitsToStr(StopBits: TStopBits): string;
+function DataBitsToStr(DataBits: TDataBits): string;
+function ParityToStr(Parity: TParityBits): string;
+function FlowControlToStr(FlowControl: TFlowControl): string;
+function ComErrorsToStr(Errors:TComErrors):String;
+ // infinite wait
+ WaitInfinite = Integer(INFINITE);
+ // error codes
+ CError_OpenFailed = 1;
+ CError_WriteFailed = 2;
+ CError_ReadFailed = 3;
+ CError_InvalidAsync = 4;
+ CError_PurgeFailed = 5;
+ CError_AsyncCheck = 6;
+ CError_SetStateFailed = 7;
+ CError_TimeoutsFailed = 8;
+ CError_SetupComFailed = 9;
+ CError_ClearComFailed = 10;
+ CError_ModemStatFailed = 11;
+ CError_EscapeComFailed = 12;
+ CError_TransmitFailed = 13;
+ CError_ConnChangeProp = 14;
+ CError_EnumPortsFailed = 15;
+ CError_StoreFailed = 16;
+ CError_LoadFailed = 17;
+ CError_RegFailed = 18;
+ CError_LedStateFailed = 19;
+ CError_ThreadCreated = 20;
+ CError_WaitFailed = 21;
+ CError_HasLink = 22;
+ CError_RegError = 23;
+ CError_PortNotOpen = 24;
+ {$IFNDEF No_Dialogs} CPortSetup, {$ENDIF}
+ Controls, Forms, WinSpool;
+ // error messages
+ ComErrorMessages: array[1..24] of widestring;
+ // auxilary constants used not defined in windows.pas
+ dcb_Binary = $00000001;
+ dcb_Parity = $00000002;
+ dcb_OutxCTSFlow = $00000004;
+ dcb_OutxDSRFlow = $00000008;
+ dcb_DTRControl = $00000030;
+ dcb_DSRSensivity = $00000040;
+ dcb_TxContinueOnXoff = $00000080;
+ dcb_OutX = $00000100;
+ dcb_InX = $00000200;
+ dcb_ErrorChar = $00000400;
+ dcb_Null = $00000800;
+ dcb_RTSControl = $00003000;
+ dcb_AbortOnError = $00004000;
+ // com port window message
+ * auxilary functions and procedures *
+ *****************************************)
+function ComErrorsToStr(Errors:TComErrors):String;
+ procedure e(msg:String);
+ begin
+ if result='' then
+ result := msg
+ else
+ result := result+','+msg;
+ end;
+ result := '';
+ if ceFrame in Errors then e('Frame');
+ if ceRxParity in Errors then e('Parity');
+ if ceOverrun in Errors then e('Overrun');
+ if ceBreak in Errors then e('Break');
+ if ceIO in Errors then e('IO');
+ if ceMode in Errors then e('Mode');
+ if ceRxOver in Errors then e('RxOver');
+ if ceTxFull in Errors then e('TxFull');
+ if result = '' then
+ result := ''
+ else
+ result := '';
+// converts TComEvents type to Integer
+function EventsToInt(const Events: TComEvents): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if evRxChar in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_RXCHAR;
+ if evRxFlag in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_RXFLAG;
+ if evTxEmpty in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_TXEMPTY;
+ if evRing in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_RING;
+ if evCTS in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_CTS;
+ if evDSR in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_DSR;
+ if evRLSD in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_RLSD;
+ if evError in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_ERR;
+ if evBreak in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_BREAK;
+ if evRx80Full in Events then
+ Result := Result or EV_RX80FULL;
+function IntToEvents(Mask: Integer): TComEvents;
+ Result := [];
+ if (EV_RXCHAR and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evRxChar];
+ if (EV_TXEMPTY and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evTxEmpty];
+ if (EV_BREAK and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evBreak];
+ if (EV_RING and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evRing];
+ if (EV_CTS and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evCTS];
+ if (EV_DSR and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evDSR];
+ if (EV_RXFLAG and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evRxFlag];
+ if (EV_RLSD and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evRLSD];
+ if (EV_ERR and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evError];
+ if (EV_RX80FULL and Mask) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [evRx80Full];
+ * TComThread class *
+ *****************************************)
+// create thread
+constructor TComThread.Create(AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ inherited Create(false);
+ FStopEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+ // set thread priority
+ Priority := FComPort.EventThreadPriority;
+ // select which events are monitored
+ SetCommMask(FComPort.Handle, EventsToInt(FComPort.Events));
+ // execute thread
+ //{$IFDEF Unicode}Start; {$ELSE} Resume; {$ENDIF}
+// destroy thread
+destructor TComThread.Destroy;
+ Stop;
+ inherited Destroy;
+// thread action
+procedure TComThread.Execute;
+ EventHandles: array[0..1] of THandle;
+ Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+ Signaled, BytesTrans, Mask: DWORD;
+ FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(Overlapped), 0);
+ Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil);
+ EventHandles[0] := FStopEvent;
+ EventHandles[1] := Overlapped.hEvent;
+ repeat
+ // wait for event to occur on serial port
+ WaitCommEvent(FComPort.Handle, Mask, @Overlapped);
+ Signaled := WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @EventHandles, False, INFINITE);
+ // if event occurs, dispatch it
+ if (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)
+ and GetOverlappedResult(FComPort.Handle, Overlapped, BytesTrans, False)
+ then
+ begin
+ FEvents := IntToEvents(Mask);
+ DispatchComMsg;
+ end;
+ until Signaled <> (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1);
+ // clear buffers
+ SetCommMask(FComPort.Handle, 0);
+ PurgeComm(FComPort.Handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR);
+ CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
+ CloseHandle(FStopEvent);
+// stop thread
+procedure TComThread.Stop;
+ SetEvent(FStopEvent);
+ Sleep(0);
+// dispatch events
+procedure TComThread.DispatchComMsg;
+ case FComPort.SyncMethod of
+ smThreadSync: Synchronize(DoEvents); // call events in main thread
+ smWindowSync: SendEvents; // call events in thread that opened the port
+ smNone: DoEvents; // call events inside monitoring thread
+ end;
+// send events to TCustomComPort component using window message
+procedure TComThread.SendEvents;
+ if evError in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_ERR, 0);
+ if evRxChar in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RXCHAR, 0);
+ if evTxEmpty in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_TXEMPTY, 0);
+ if evBreak in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_BREAK, 0);
+ if evRing in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RING, 0);
+ if evCTS in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_CTS, 0);
+ if evDSR in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_DSR, 0);
+ if evRxFlag in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RXFLAG, 0);
+ if evRing in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RLSD, 0);
+ if evRx80Full in FEvents then
+ SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RX80FULL, 0);
+// call events
+procedure TComThread.DoEvents;
+ if evError in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallError;
+ if evRxChar in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallRxChar;
+ if evTxEmpty in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallTxEmpty;
+ if evBreak in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallBreak;
+ if evRing in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallRing;
+ if evCTS in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallCTSChange;
+ if evDSR in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallDSRChange;
+ if evRxFlag in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallRxFlag;
+ if evRLSD in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallRLSDChange;
+ if evRx80Full in FEvents then
+ FComPort.CallRx80Full;
+ * TComTimeouts class *
+ *****************************************)
+// create class
+constructor TComTimeouts.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FReadInterval := -1;
+ FWriteTotalM := 100;
+ FWriteTotalC := 1000;
+// copy properties to other class
+procedure TComTimeouts.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
+ if Dest is TComTimeouts then
+ begin
+ with TComTimeouts(Dest) do
+ begin
+ FReadInterval := Self.ReadInterval;
+ FReadTotalM := Self.ReadTotalMultiplier;
+ FReadTotalC := Self.ReadTotalConstant;
+ FWriteTotalM := Self.WriteTotalMultiplier;
+ FWriteTotalC := Self.WriteTotalConstant;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ inherited AssignTo(Dest);
+// select TCustomComPort to own this class
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+// set read interval
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FReadInterval then
+ begin
+ FReadInterval := Value;
+ // if possible, apply the changes
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ end;
+// set read total constant
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FReadTotalC then
+ begin
+ FReadTotalC := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ end;
+// set read total multiplier
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FReadTotalM then
+ begin
+ FReadTotalM := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ end;
+// set write total constant
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FWriteTotalC then
+ begin
+ FWriteTotalC := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ end;
+// set write total multiplier
+procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FWriteTotalM then
+ begin
+ FWriteTotalM := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ end;
+ * TComFlowControl class *
+ *****************************************)
+// create class
+constructor TComFlowControl.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FXonChar := #17;
+ FXoffChar := #19;
+// copy properties to other class
+procedure TComFlowControl.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
+ if Dest is TComFlowControl then
+ begin
+ with TComFlowControl(Dest) do
+ begin
+ FOutCTSFlow := Self.OutCTSFlow;
+ FOutDSRFlow := Self.OutDSRFlow;
+ FControlDTR := Self.ControlDTR;
+ FControlRTS := Self.ControlRTS;
+ FXonXoffOut := Self.XonXoffOut;
+ FXonXoffIn := Self.XonXoffIn;
+ FTxContinueOnXoff := Self.TxContinueOnXoff;
+ FDSRSensitivity := Self.DSRSensitivity;
+ FXonChar := Self.XonChar;
+ FXoffChar := Self.XoffChar;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ inherited AssignTo(Dest);
+// select TCustomComPort to own this class
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+// set input flow control for DTR (data-terminal-ready)
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetControlDTR(const Value: TDTRFlowControl);
+ if Value <> FControlDTR then
+ begin
+ FControlDTR := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set input flow control for RTS (request-to-send)
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetControlRTS(const Value: TRTSFlowControl);
+ if Value <> FControlRTS then
+ begin
+ FControlRTS := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set ouput flow control for CTS (clear-to-send)
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetOutCTSFlow(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FOutCTSFlow then
+ begin
+ FOutCTSFlow := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set output flow control for DSR (data-set-ready)
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetOutDSRFlow(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FOutDSRFlow then
+ begin
+ FOutDSRFlow := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set software input flow control
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonXoffIn(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FXonXoffIn then
+ begin
+ FXonXoffIn := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set software ouput flow control
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonXoffOut(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FXonXoffOut then
+ begin
+ FXonXoffOut := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set DSR sensitivity
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetDSRSensitivity(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FDSRSensitivity then
+ begin
+ FDSRSensitivity := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set transfer continue when Xoff is sent
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetTxContinueOnXoff(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FTxContinueOnXoff then
+ begin
+ FTxContinueOnXoff := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set Xon char
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetXonChar(const Value: Char);
+ if Value <> FXonChar then
+ begin
+ FXonChar := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set Xoff char
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetXoffChar(const Value: Char);
+ if Value <> FXoffChar then
+ begin
+ FXoffChar := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// get common flow control
+function TComFlowControl.GetFlowControl: TFlowControl;
+ if (FControlRTS = rtsHandshake) and (FOutCTSFlow)
+ and (not FXonXoffIn) and (not FXonXoffOut)
+ then
+ Result := fcHardware
+ else
+ if (FControlRTS = rtsDisable) and (not FOutCTSFlow)
+ and (FXonXoffIn) and (FXonXoffOut)
+ then
+ Result := fcSoftware
+ else
+ if (FControlRTS = rtsDisable) and (not FOutCTSFlow)
+ and (not FXonXoffIn) and (not FXonXoffOut)
+ then
+ Result := fcNone
+ else
+ Result := fcCustom;
+// set common flow control
+procedure TComFlowControl.SetFlowControl(const Value: TFlowControl);
+ if Value <> fcCustom then
+ begin
+ FControlRTS := rtsDisable;
+ FOutCTSFlow := False;
+ FXonXoffIn := False;
+ FXonXoffOut := False;
+ case Value of
+ fcHardware:
+ begin
+ FControlRTS := rtsHandshake;
+ FOutCTSFlow := True;
+ end;
+ fcSoftware:
+ begin
+ FXonXoffIn := True;
+ FXonXoffOut := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ * TComParity class *
+ *****************************************)
+// create class
+constructor TComParity.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FBits := prNone;
+// copy properties to other class
+procedure TComParity.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
+ if Dest is TComParity then
+ begin
+ with TComParity(Dest) do
+ begin
+ FBits := Self.Bits;
+ FCheck := Self.Check;
+ FReplace := Self.Replace;
+ FReplaceChar := Self.ReplaceChar;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ inherited AssignTo(Dest);
+// select TCustomComPort to own this class
+procedure TComParity.SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+// set parity bits
+procedure TComParity.SetBits(const Value: TParityBits);
+ if Value <> FBits then
+ begin
+ FBits := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set check parity
+procedure TComParity.SetCheck(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FCheck then
+ begin
+ FCheck := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set replace on parity error
+procedure TComParity.SetReplace(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FReplace then
+ begin
+ FReplace := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set replace char
+procedure TComParity.SetReplaceChar(const Value: Char);
+ if Value <> FReplaceChar then
+ begin
+ FReplaceChar := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+ * TComBuffer class *
+ *****************************************)
+// create class
+constructor TComBuffer.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FInputSize := 1024;
+ FOutputSize := 1024;
+// copy properties to other class
+procedure TComBuffer.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
+ if Dest is TComBuffer then
+ begin
+ with TComBuffer(Dest) do
+ begin
+ FOutputSize := Self.OutputSize;
+ FInputSize := Self.InputSize;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ inherited AssignTo(Dest);
+// select TCustomComPort to own this class
+procedure TComBuffer.SetComPort(const AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+// set input size
+procedure TComBuffer.SetInputSize(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FInputSize then
+ begin
+ FInputSize := Value;
+ if (FInputSize mod 2) = 1 then
+ Dec(FInputSize);
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyBuffer;
+ end;
+// set ouput size
+procedure TComBuffer.SetOutputSize(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FOutputSize then
+ begin
+ FOutputSize := Value;
+ if (FOutputSize mod 2) = 1 then
+ Dec(FOutputSize);
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.ApplyBuffer;
+ end;
+ * TCustomComPort component *
+ *****************************************)
+// create component
+constructor TCustomComPort.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ // component cannot reside on inheritable forms
+ FComponentStyle := FComponentStyle - [csInheritable];
+ FLinks := TList.Create;
+ FTriggersOnRxChar := True;
+ FEventThreadPriority := tpNormal;
+ FBaudRate := br9600;
+ FCustomBaudRate := 9600;
+ FPort := 'COM1';
+ FStopBits := sbOneStopBit;
+ FDataBits := dbEight;
+ FEvents := [evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRxFlag, evRing, evBreak,
+ evCTS, evDSR, evError, evRLSD, evRx80Full];
+ FStoredProps := [spBasic];
+ FParity := TComParity.Create;
+ FParity.SetComPort(Self);
+ FFlowControl := TComFlowControl.Create;
+ FFlowControl.SetComPort(Self);
+ FTimeouts := TComTimeouts.Create;
+ FTimeouts.SetComPort(Self);
+ FBuffer := TComBuffer.Create;
+ FBuffer.SetComPort(Self);
+ FCodePage := CP_ACP;//0; // uses default system codepage
+// destroy component
+destructor TCustomComPort.Destroy;
+ Close;
+ FBuffer.Free;
+ FFlowControl.Free;
+ FTimeouts.Free;
+ FParity.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+ FLinks.Free;
+//Handle Exceptions
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallException(AnException:Word; const WinError:Int64 =0);
+var winmessage:string;
+ if Assigned(FOnException) then
+ begin
+ if WinError > 0 then //get windows error string
+ try Win32Check(winerror = 0); except on E:Exception do WinMessage:=e.message; end;
+ FOnException(self,TComExceptions(AnException),ComErrorMessages[AnException],WinError, WinMessage);
+ end
+ else
+ if WinError > 0 then raise EComPort.Create(AnException, WinError)
+ else raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode(AnException);
+// create handle to serial port
+procedure TCustomComPort.CreateHandle;
+ FHandle := CreateFile(
+ PChar('\\.\' + FPort),
+ 0,
+ nil,
+ 0);
+ if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_OpenFailed, GetLastError);
+// destroy serial port handle
+procedure TCustomComPort.DestroyHandle;
+ if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ begin
+ if CloseHandle(FHandle) then
+ end;
+procedure TCustomComPort.Loaded;
+ inherited Loaded;
+ // open port if Connected is True at design-time
+ if FConnected and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ FConnected := False;
+ try
+ Open;
+ except
+ Application.HandleException(Self);
+ end;
+ end;
+// call events which have been dispatch using window message
+procedure TCustomComPort.WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage);
+ with Message do
+ if Msg = CM_COMPORT then
+ try
+ if InSendMessage then
+ ReplyMessage(0);
+ if FConnected then
+ case wParam of
+ EV_RXCHAR: CallRxChar;
+ EV_TXEMPTY: CallTxEmpty;
+ EV_BREAK: CallBreak;
+ EV_RING: CallRing;
+ EV_CTS: CallCTSChange;
+ EV_DSR: CallDSRChange;
+ EV_RXFLAG: CallRxFlag;
+ EV_RLSD: CallRLSDChange;
+ EV_ERR: CallError;
+ EV_RX80FULL: CallRx80Full;
+ end
+ except
+ Application.HandleException(Self);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := DefWindowProc(FWindow, Msg, wParam, lParam);
+// prevent from applying changes at runtime
+procedure TCustomComPort.BeginUpdate;
+ FUpdateCount := FUpdateCount + 1;
+// apply the changes made since BeginUpdate call
+procedure TCustomComPort.EndUpdate;
+ if FUpdateCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ FUpdateCount := FUpdateCount - 1;
+ if FUpdateCount = 0 then
+ SetupComPort;
+ end;
+// open port
+procedure TCustomComPort.Open;
+ // if already connected, do nothing
+ if not FConnected and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ CallBeforeOpen;
+ // open port
+ CreateHandle;
+ FConnected := True;
+ try
+ // initialize port
+ SetupComPort;
+ except
+ // error occured during initialization, destroy handle
+ DestroyHandle;
+ FConnected := False;
+ raise;
+ end;
+ // if at least one event is set, create special thread to monitor port
+ if (FEvents = []) then
+ FThreadCreated := False
+ else
+ begin
+ if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then
+ FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod);
+ FEventThread := TComThread.Create(Self);
+ FThreadCreated := True;
+ end;
+ // port is succesfully opened, do any additional initialization
+ CallAfterOpen;
+ end;
+// close port
+procedure TCustomComPort.Close;
+ // if already closed, do nothing
+ if FConnected and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ CallBeforeClose;
+ // abort all pending operations
+ AbortAllAsync;
+ // stop monitoring for events
+ if FThreadCreated then
+ begin
+ FEventThread.Free;
+ FThreadCreated := False;
+ if FSyncMethod = smWindowSync then
+ DeallocateHWnd(FWindow);
+ end;
+ // close port
+ DestroyHandle;
+ FConnected := False;
+ // port is closed, do any additional finalization
+ CallAfterClose;
+ end;
+// apply port properties
+procedure TCustomComPort.ApplyDCB;
+ CParityBits: array[TParityBits] of Integer =
+ CStopBits: array[TStopBits] of Integer =
+ CBaudRate: array[TBaudRate] of Integer =
+ (0, CBR_110, CBR_300, CBR_600, CBR_1200, CBR_2400, CBR_4800, CBR_9600,
+ CBR_14400, CBR_19200, CBR_38400, CBR_56000, CBR_57600, CBR_115200,
+ CBR_128000, CBR_256000);
+ CDataBits: array[TDataBits] of Integer = (5, 6, 7, 8);
+ CControlRTS: array[TRTSFlowControl] of Integer =
+ CControlDTR: array[TDTRFlowControl] of Integer =
+ // if not connected or inside BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block, do nothing
+ if FConnected and (FUpdateCount = 0) and
+ not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
+ begin
+ DCB.DCBlength := SizeOf(TDCB);
+ DCB.XonLim := FBuffer.InputSize div 4;
+ DCB.XoffLim := DCB.XonLim;
+ DCB.EvtChar := AnsiChar(FEventChar);
+ DCB.Flags := dcb_Binary;
+ if FDiscardNull then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_Null;
+ with FFlowControl do
+ begin
+ DCB.XonChar := AnsiChar(XonChar);
+ DCB.XoffChar := AnsiChar(XoffChar);
+ if OutCTSFlow then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutxCTSFlow;
+ if OutDSRFlow then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutxDSRFlow;
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or CControlDTR[ControlDTR]
+ or CControlRTS[ControlRTS];
+ if XonXoffOut then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_OutX;
+ if XonXoffIn then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_InX;
+ if DSRSensitivity then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_DSRSensivity;
+ if TxContinueOnXoff then
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_TxContinueOnXoff;
+ end;
+ DCB.Parity := CParityBits[FParity.Bits];
+ DCB.StopBits := CStopBits[FStopBits];
+ if FBaudRate <> brCustom then
+ DCB.BaudRate := CBaudRate[FBaudRate]
+ else
+ DCB.BaudRate := FCustomBaudRate;
+ DCB.ByteSize := CDataBits[FDataBits];
+ if FParity.Check then
+ begin
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_Parity;
+ if FParity.Replace then
+ begin
+ DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or dcb_ErrorChar;
+ DCB.ErrorChar := AnsiChar(FParity.ReplaceChar);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // apply settings
+ if not SetCommState(FHandle, DCB) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_SetStateFailed, GetLastError);
+ end;
+// apply timeout properties
+procedure TCustomComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
+ Timeouts: TCommTimeouts;
+ function GetTOValue(const Value: Integer): DWORD;
+ begin
+ if Value = -1 then
+ Result := MAXDWORD
+ else
+ Result := Value;
+ end;
+ // if not connected or inside BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block, do nothing
+ if FConnected and (FUpdateCount = 0) and
+ not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
+ begin
+ Timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadInterval);
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier);
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalConstant);
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier);
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := GetTOValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalConstant);
+ // apply settings
+ if not SetCommTimeouts(FHandle, Timeouts) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_TimeoutsFailed, GetLastError);
+ end;
+// apply buffers
+procedure TCustomComPort.ApplyBuffer;
+ // if not connected or inside BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block, do nothing
+ if FConnected and (FUpdateCount = 0) and
+ not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState))
+ then
+ //apply settings
+ if not SetupComm(FHandle, FBuffer.InputSize, FBuffer.OutputSize) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_SetupComFailed, GetLastError);
+// initialize port
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetupComPort;
+ ApplyBuffer;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ ApplyTimeouts;
+// get number of bytes in input buffer
+function TCustomComPort.InputCount: Integer;
+ Errors: DWORD;
+ ComStat: TComStat;
+ if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := ComStat.cbInQue;
+// get number of bytes in output buffer
+function TCustomComPort.OutputCount: Integer;
+ Errors: DWORD;
+ ComStat: TComStat;
+ if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := ComStat.cbOutQue;
+// get signals which are in high state
+function TCustomComPort.Signals: TComSignals;
+ Status: DWORD;
+ if not GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, Status) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ModemStatFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := [];
+ if (MS_CTS_ON and Status) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [csCTS];
+ if (MS_DSR_ON and Status) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [csDSR];
+ if (MS_RING_ON and Status) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [csRing];
+ if (MS_RLSD_ON and Status) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [csRLSD];
+// get port state flags
+function TCustomComPort.StateFlags: TComStateFlags;
+ Errors: DWORD;
+ ComStat: TComStat;
+ if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := ComStat.Flags;
+// set hardware line break
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetBreak(OnOff: Boolean);
+ Act: Integer;
+ if OnOff then
+ Act := Windows.SETBREAK
+ else
+ Act := Windows.CLRBREAK;
+ if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError);
+// set DTR signal
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetDTR(OnOff: Boolean);
+ Act: DWORD;
+ if OnOff then
+ Act := Windows.SETDTR
+ else
+ Act := Windows.CLRDTR;
+ if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError);
+// set RTS signals
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetRTS(OnOff: Boolean);
+ Act: DWORD;
+ if OnOff then
+ Act := Windows.SETRTS
+ else
+ Act := Windows.CLRRTS;
+ if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError);
+// set XonXoff state
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetXonXoff(OnOff: Boolean);
+ Act: DWORD;
+ if OnOff then
+ Act := Windows.SETXON
+ else
+ Act := Windows.SETXOFF;
+ if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_EscapeComFailed, GetLastError);
+// clear input and/or output buffer
+procedure TCustomComPort.ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean);
+ Flag: DWORD;
+ Flag := 0;
+ if Input then
+ if Output then
+ Flag := Flag or PURGE_TXCLEAR;
+ if not PurgeComm(FHandle, Flag) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError);
+// return last errors on port
+function TCustomComPort.LastErrors: TComErrors;
+ Errors: DWORD;
+ ComStat: TComStat;
+ if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ClearComFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := [];
+ if (CE_FRAME and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceFrame];
+ if ((CE_RXPARITY and Errors) <> 0) and FParity.Check then // get around a bug
+ Result := Result + [ceRxParity];
+ if (CE_OVERRUN and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceOverrun];
+ if (CE_RXOVER and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceRxOver];
+ if (CE_TXFULL and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceTxFull];
+ if (CE_BREAK and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceBreak];
+ if (CE_IOE and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceIO];
+ if (CE_MODE and Errors) <> 0 then
+ Result := Result + [ceMode];
+// prepare PAsync variable for read/write operation
+procedure PrepareAsync(AKind: TOperationKind; const Buffer; Count: Integer; AsyncPtr: PAsync);
+ with AsyncPtr^ do
+ begin
+ Kind := AKind;
+ if Data <> nil then
+ FreeMem(Data);
+ GetMem(Data, Count);
+ Move(Buffer, Data^, Count);
+ Size := Count;
+ end;
+// perform asynchronous write operation
+function TCustomComPort.WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ Success: Boolean;
+ BytesTrans: DWORD;
+ if AsyncPtr = nil then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_InvalidAsync);
+ if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_PortNotOpen, -24);
+ PrepareAsync(okWrite, Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
+ Success := WriteFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped)
+ or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING);
+ if not Success then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_WriteFailed, GetLastError);
+ SendSignalToLink(leTx, True);
+ Result := BytesTrans;
+// perform synchronous write operation
+function TCustomComPort.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ AsyncPtr: PAsync;
+ InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ try
+ WriteAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
+ Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ finally
+ DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ end;
+// perform asynchronous write operation
+function TCustomComPort.WriteStrAsync(var Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+var sa : Ansistring; var i:integer;
+ if Length(Str) > 0 then
+ begin
+ setlength(sa,length(str));
+ {$IFDEF Unicode}
+ if length(sa)>0 then
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length(str) do sa[i] := ansichar(byte(str[i]));
+ move(sa[1],str[1],length(sa));
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := WriteAsync(Str[1], Length(Str), AsyncPtr)
+ end
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+// perform synchronous write operation
+function TCustomComPort.WriteStr(Str: string): Integer;
+ AsyncPtr: PAsync;
+ InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ try
+ WriteStrAsync(Str, AsyncPtr);
+ Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ finally
+ DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ end;
+//Pierre Yager - includes codepage converstion of strings being sent
+function TCustomComPort.WriteUnicodeString(const Str: Unicodestring): Integer;
+ l: Integer;
+ rb: AnsiString;
+ l := WideCharToMultiByte(FCodePage, 0, PWideChar(Str), Length(Str), nil, 0, nil, nil);
+ SetLength(rb, l);
+ WideCharToMultiByte(FCodePage, 0, PWideChar(Str), Length(Str), PAnsiChar(rb), l, nil, nil);
+ Result := WriteStr(string(rb));
+//Pierre Yager - includes codepage converstion of strings received
+function TCustomComPort.ReadUnicodeString(var Str: UnicodeString; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ rb: AnsiString;
+ l: Integer;
+ AsyncPtr: PAsync;
+ InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ try
+ setLength(rb,count);
+ Result := ReadAsync(rb[1], Count, AsyncPtr); // ReadStr(s, Count);
+ //{$IFDEF Unicode}rb := UTF8Encode(s);{$ELSE} rb := s; {$ENDIF}
+ l := MultiByteToWideChar(FCodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(rb), Length(rb), nil, 0);
+ SetLength(Str, l);
+ Result := MultiByteToWideChar(FCodePage, 0, PAnsiChar(rb), Length(rb), PWideChar(Str), l);
+ finally
+ DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ end;
+// perform asynchronous read operation
+function TCustomComPort.ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ Success: Boolean;
+ BytesTrans: DWORD;
+ if AsyncPtr = nil then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_InvalidAsync);
+ AsyncPtr^.Kind := okRead;
+ if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_PortNotOpen, -24);
+ Success := ReadFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped)
+ or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING);
+ if not Success then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_ReadFailed, GetLastError);
+ Result := BytesTrans;
+// perform synchronous read operation
+function TCustomComPort.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ AsyncPtr: PAsync;
+ InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ try
+ ReadAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
+ Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ finally
+ DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ end;
+// perform asynchronous read operation
+function TCustomComPort.ReadStrAsync(var Str: Ansistring; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ setlength(str,count);
+ if Count > 0 then
+ Result := ReadAsync(str[1], Count, AsyncPtr)
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+// perform synchronous read operation
+function TCustomComPort.ReadStr(var Str: string; Count: Integer): Integer;
+ AsyncPtr: PAsync;
+ sa :ansistring;
+ i : integer;
+ InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ try
+ ReadStrAsync(sa, Count, AsyncPtr);
+ Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ SetLength(sa, Result);
+ SetLength(str, Result);
+ {$IFDEF Unicode}
+ if length(sa)>0 then
+ for i := 1 to length(sa) do str[i] := char(byte(sa[i]))
+ {$ELSE}
+ str := sa;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ finally
+ DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
+ end;
+function ErrorCode(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ case AsyncPtr^.Kind of
+ okWrite: Result := CError_WriteFailed;
+ okRead: Result := CError_ReadFailed;
+ end;
+// wait for asynchronous operation to end
+function TCustomComPort.WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
+ BytesTrans, Signaled: DWORD;
+ Success: Boolean;
+ if AsyncPtr = nil then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_InvalidAsync);
+ Signaled := WaitForSingleObject(AsyncPtr^.Overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE);
+ Success := (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0) and
+ (GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False));
+ if not Success then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(ErrorCode(AsyncPtr), GetLastError);
+ if (AsyncPtr^.Kind = okRead) and (InputCount = 0) then
+ SendSignalToLink(leRx, False)
+ else
+ if AsyncPtr^.Data <> nil then
+ TxNotifyLink(AsyncPtr^.Data^, AsyncPtr^.Size);
+ Result := BytesTrans;
+// abort all asynchronous operations
+procedure TCustomComPort.AbortAllAsync;
+ if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_PurgeFailed, GetLastError);
+// detect whether asynchronous operation is completed
+function TCustomComPort.IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean;
+ BytesTrans: DWORD;
+ if AsyncPtr = nil then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_InvalidAsync);
+ Result := GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False);
+ if not Result then
+ if (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) and (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_AsyncCheck, GetLastError);
+// waits for event to occur on serial port
+procedure TCustomComPort.WaitForEvent(var Events: TComEvents;
+ StopEvent: THandle; Timeout: Integer);
+ Overlapped: TOverlapped;
+ Mask: DWORD;
+ Success: Boolean;
+ Signaled, EventHandleCount: Integer;
+ EventHandles: array[0..1] of THandle;
+ // cannot call method if event thread is running
+ if FThreadCreated then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_ThreadCreated);
+ FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(TOverlapped), 0);
+ Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
+ EventHandles[0] := Overlapped.hEvent;
+ if StopEvent <> 0 then
+ begin
+ EventHandles[1] := StopEvent;
+ EventHandleCount := 2;
+ end
+ else
+ EventHandleCount := 1;
+ try
+ SetCommMask(FHandle, EventsToInt(Events));
+ // let's wait for event or timeout
+ Success := WaitCommEvent(FHandle, Mask, @Overlapped);
+ if (Success) or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING) then
+ begin
+ Signaled := WaitForMultipleObjects(EventHandleCount, @EventHandles,
+ False, Timeout);
+ Success := (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0)
+ or (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) or (Signaled = WAIT_TIMEOUT);
+ SetCommMask(FHandle, 0);
+ end;
+ if not Success then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_WaitFailed, GetLastError);
+ Events := IntToEvents(Mask);
+ finally
+ CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
+ end;
+// transmit char ahead of any pending data in ouput buffer
+procedure TCustomComPort.TransmitChar(Ch: Char);
+ if not TransmitCommChar(FHandle, AnsiChar(Ch)) then
+ //raise EComPort.Create
+ CallException(CError_TransmitFailed, GetLastError);
+// show port setup dialog
+{$IFNDEF No_Dialogs}
+procedure TCustomComPort.ShowSetupDialog;
+ EditComPort(Self);
+// some conversion routines
+function BoolToStr(const Value: Boolean): string;
+ if Value then
+ Result := 'Yes'
+ else
+ Result := 'No';
+function StrToBool(const Value: string): Boolean;
+ if UpperCase(Value) = 'YES' then
+ Result := True
+ else
+ Result := False;
+function DTRToStr(DTRFlowControl: TDTRFlowControl): string;
+ DTRStrings: array[TDTRFlowControl] of string = ('Disable', 'Enable',
+ 'Handshake');
+ Result := DTRStrings[DTRFlowControl];
+function RTSToStr(RTSFlowControl: TRTSFlowControl): string;
+ RTSStrings: array[TRTSFlowControl] of string = ('Disable', 'Enable',
+ 'Handshake', 'Toggle');
+ Result := RTSStrings[RTSFlowControl];
+function StrToRTS(Str: string): TRTSFlowControl;
+ I: TRTSFlowControl;
+ I := Low(TRTSFlowControl);
+ while (I <= High(TRTSFlowControl)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(RTSToStr(I)) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TRTSFlowControl) then
+ Result := rtsDisable
+ else
+ Result := I;
+function StrToDTR(Str: string): TDTRFlowControl;
+ I: TDTRFlowControl;
+ I := Low(TDTRFlowControl);
+ while (I <= High(TDTRFlowControl)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(DTRToStr(I)) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TDTRFlowControl) then
+ Result := dtrDisable
+ else
+ Result := I;
+function StrToChar(Str: string): Char;
+ A: Integer;
+ if Length(Str) > 0 then
+ begin
+ if (Str[1] = '#') and (Length(Str) > 1) then
+ begin
+ try
+ A := StrToInt(Copy(Str, 2, Length(Str) - 1));
+ except
+ A := 0;
+ end;
+ Result := Chr(Byte(A));
+ end
+ else
+ Result := Str[1];
+ end
+ else
+ Result := #0;
+function CharToStr(Ch: Char): string;
+ {$IFDEF Unicode}
+ if CharInSet(ch,[#33..#127]) then
+ {$ELSE}
+ if Ch in [#33..#127] then {$ENDIF}
+ Result := Ch
+ else
+ Result := '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch));
+// store settings to ini file
+procedure TCustomComPort.StoreIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile);
+ if spBasic in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Port', Port);
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate));
+ if BaudRate = brCustom then
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'CustomBaudRate', CustomBaudRate);
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl));
+ end;
+ if spOthers in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull));
+ end;
+ if spParity in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar));
+ end;
+ if spBuffer in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize);
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize);
+ end;
+ if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval);
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant);
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier);
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant);
+ IniFile.WriteInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier);
+ end;
+ if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutDSRFlow));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar));
+ IniFile.WriteString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar));
+ end;
+// store settings to registry
+procedure TCustomComPort.StoreRegistry(Reg: TRegistry);
+ if spBasic in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteString('Port', Port);
+ Reg.WriteString('BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate));
+ if BaudRate = brCustom then
+ Reg.WriteInteger('CustomBaudRate', CustomBaudRate);
+ Reg.WriteString('StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits));
+ Reg.WriteString('DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits));
+ Reg.WriteString('Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl));
+ end;
+ if spOthers in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteString('EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar));
+ Reg.WriteString('DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull));
+ end;
+ if spParity in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteString('Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check));
+ Reg.WriteString('Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace));
+ Reg.WriteString('Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar));
+ end;
+ if spBuffer in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize);
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize);
+ end;
+ if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval);
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant);
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier);
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant);
+ Reg.WriteInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier);
+ end;
+ if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutDSRFlow));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar));
+ Reg.WriteString('FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar));
+ end;
+// load settings from ini file
+procedure TCustomComPort.LoadIniFile(IniFile: TIniFile);
+ if spBasic in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Port := IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Port', Port);
+ BaudRate := StrToBaudRate(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'BaudRate', BaudRateToStr(BaudRate)));
+ if BaudRate = brCustom then
+ CustomBaudRate := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'CustomBaudRate', 9600);
+ StopBits := StrToStopBits(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'StopBits', StopBitsToStr(StopBits)));
+ DataBits := StrToDataBits(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'DataBits', DataBitsToStr(DataBits)));
+ Parity.Bits := StrToParity(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity', ParityToStr(Parity.Bits)));
+ FlowControl.FlowControl := StrToFlowControl(
+ IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl', FlowControlToStr(FlowControl.FlowControl)));
+ end;
+ if spOthers in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ EventChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'EventChar', CharToStr(EventChar)));
+ DiscardNull := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'DiscardNull', BoolToStr(DiscardNull)));
+ end;
+ if spParity in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Parity.Check := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.Check', BoolToStr(Parity.Check)));
+ Parity.Replace := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.Replace', BoolToStr(Parity.Replace)));
+ Parity.ReplaceChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'Parity.ReplaceChar', CharToStr(Parity.ReplaceChar)));
+ end;
+ if spBuffer in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Buffer.OutputSize := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Buffer.OutputSize', Buffer.OutputSize);
+ Buffer.InputSize := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Buffer.InputSize', Buffer.InputSize);
+ end;
+ if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Timeouts.ReadInterval := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadInterval', Timeouts.ReadInterval);
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant', Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant);
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier);
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant', Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant);
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier := IniFile.ReadInteger(Name, 'Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier', Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier);
+ end;
+ if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ FlowControl.ControlRTS := StrToRTS(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlRTS', RTSToStr(FlowControl.ControlRTS)));
+ FlowControl.ControlDTR := StrToDTR(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.ControlDTR', DTRToStr(FlowControl.ControlDTR)));
+ FlowControl.DSRSensitivity := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.DSRSensitivity', BoolToStr(FlowControl.DSRSensitivity)));
+ FlowControl.OutCTSFlow := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutCTSFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow)));
+ FlowControl.OutDSRFlow := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.OutDSRFlow', BoolToStr(FlowControl.OutCTSFlow)));
+ FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff', BoolToStr(FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff)));
+ FlowControl.XonXoffIn := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffIn', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffIn)));
+ FlowControl.XonXoffOut := StrToBool(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonXoffOut', BoolToStr(FlowControl.XonXoffOut)));
+ FlowControl.XoffChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XoffChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XoffChar)));
+ FlowControl.XonChar := StrToChar(IniFile.ReadString(Name, 'FlowControl.XonChar', CharToStr(FlowControl.XonChar)));
+ end;
+// load settings from registry
+procedure TCustomComPort.LoadRegistry(Reg: TRegistry);
+ if spBasic in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Port := Reg.ReadString('Port');
+ BaudRate := StrToBaudRate(Reg.ReadString('BaudRate'));
+ if BaudRate = brCustom then
+ CustomBaudRate := Reg.ReadInteger('CustomBaudRate');
+ StopBits := StrToStopBits(Reg.ReadString('StopBits'));
+ DataBits := StrToDataBits(Reg.ReadString('DataBits'));
+ Parity.Bits := StrToParity(Reg.ReadString('Parity'));
+ FlowControl.FlowControl := StrToFlowControl(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl'));
+ end;
+ if spOthers in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ EventChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('EventChar'));
+ DiscardNull := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('DiscardNull'));
+ end;
+ if spParity in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Parity.Check := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('Parity.Check'));
+ Parity.Replace := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('Parity.Replace'));
+ Parity.ReplaceChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('Parity.ReplaceChar'));
+ end;
+ if spBuffer in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Buffer.OutputSize := Reg.ReadInteger('Buffer.OutputSize');
+ Buffer.InputSize := Reg.ReadInteger('Buffer.InputSize');
+ end;
+ if spTimeouts in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ Timeouts.ReadInterval := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadInterval');
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant');
+ Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier');
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant');
+ Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier := Reg.ReadInteger('Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier');
+ end;
+ if spFlowControl in FStoredProps then
+ begin
+ FlowControl.ControlRTS := StrToRTS(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.ControlRTS'));
+ FlowControl.ControlDTR := StrToDTR(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.ControlDTR'));
+ FlowControl.DSRSensitivity := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.DSRSensitivity'));
+ FlowControl.OutCTSFlow := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.OutCTSFlow'));
+ FlowControl.OutDSRFlow := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.OutDSRFlow'));
+ FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.TxContinueOnXoff'));
+ FlowControl.XonXoffIn := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonXoffIn'));
+ FlowControl.XonXoffOut := StrToBool(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonXoffOut'));
+ FlowControl.XoffChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XoffChar'));
+ FlowControl.XonChar := StrToChar(Reg.ReadString('FlowControl.XonChar'));
+ end;
+// initialize registry
+procedure SetRegistry(Reg: TRegistry; Key: string; Name: string);
+ I: Integer;
+ Temp: string;
+ I := Pos('\', Key);
+ if I > 0 then
+ begin
+ Temp := Copy(Key, 1, I - 1);
+ if UpperCase(Temp) = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' then
+ else
+ if UpperCase(Temp) = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' then
+ Key := Copy(Key, I + 1, Length(Key) - I);
+ if Key[Length(Key)] <> '\' then
+ Key := Key + '\';
+ Key := Key + Name;
+ Reg.OpenKey(Key, True);
+ end;
+// store settings
+procedure TCustomComPort.StoreSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; StoreTo: string);
+ IniFile: TIniFile;
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ try
+ if StoreType = stRegistry then
+ begin
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ SetRegistry(Reg, StoreTo, Name);
+ StoreRegistry(Reg);
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end
+ end else
+ begin
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(StoreTo);
+ try
+ StoreIniFile(IniFile);
+ finally
+ IniFile.Free;
+ end
+ end;
+ except
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_StoreFailed);
+ end;
+// load settings
+procedure TCustomComPort.LoadSettings(StoreType: TStoreType; LoadFrom: string);
+ IniFile: TIniFile;
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ BeginUpdate;
+ try
+ try
+ if StoreType = stRegistry then
+ begin
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ SetRegistry(Reg, LoadFrom, Name);
+ LoadRegistry(Reg);
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end
+ end else
+ begin
+ IniFile := TIniFile.Create(LoadFrom);
+ try
+ LoadIniFile(IniFile);
+ finally
+ IniFile.Free;
+ end
+ end;
+ finally
+ EndUpdate;
+ end;
+ except
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_LoadFailed);
+ end;
+// register link from other component to TCustomComPort
+procedure TCustomComPort.RegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink);
+ if FLinks.IndexOf(Pointer(AComLink)) > -1 then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_RegFailed)
+ else
+ FLinks.Add(Pointer(AComLink));
+ FHasLink := HasLink;
+// unregister link from other component to TCustomComPort
+procedure TCustomComPort.UnRegisterLink(AComLink: TComLink);
+ if FLinks.IndexOf(Pointer(AComLink)) = -1 then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_RegFailed)
+ else
+ FLinks.Remove(Pointer(AComLink));
+ FHasLink := HasLink;
+// default actions on port events
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoBeforeClose;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then
+ FOnBeforeClose(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoBeforeOpen;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeOpen) then
+ FOnBeforeOpen(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoAfterOpen;
+ if Assigned(FOnAfterOpen) then
+ FOnAfterOpen(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoAfterClose;
+ if Assigned(FOnAfterClose) then
+ FOnAfterClose(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRxChar(Count: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnRxChar) then
+ FOnRxChar(Self, Count);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRxBuf(const Buffer; Count: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnRxBuf) then
+ FOnRxBuf(Self, Buffer, Count);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoBreak;
+ if Assigned(FOnBreak) then
+ FOnBreak(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoTxEmpty;
+ if Assigned(FOnTxEmpty)
+ then FOnTxEmpty(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRing;
+ if Assigned(FOnRing) then
+ FOnRing(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoCTSChange(OnOff: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnCTSChange) then
+ FOnCTSChange(Self, OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoDSRChange(OnOff: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnDSRChange) then
+ FOnDSRChange(Self, OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRLSDChange(OnOff: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnRLSDChange) then
+ FOnRLSDChange(Self, OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoError(Errors: TComErrors);
+ if Assigned(FOnError) then
+ FOnError(Self, Errors);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRxFlag;
+ if Assigned(FOnRxFlag) then
+ FOnRxFlag(Self);
+procedure TCustomComPort.DoRx80Full;
+ if Assigned(FOnRx80Full) then
+ FOnRx80Full(Self);
+// set signals to false on close, and to proper value on open,
+// because OnXChange events are not called automatically
+procedure TCustomComPort.CheckSignals(Open: Boolean);
+ if Open then
+ begin
+ CallCTSChange;
+ CallDSRChange;
+ CallRLSDChange;
+ end else
+ begin
+ SendSignalToLink(leCTS, False);
+ SendSignalToLink(leDSR, False);
+ SendSignalToLink(leRLSD, False);
+ DoCTSChange(False);
+ DoDSRChange(False);
+ DoRLSDChange(False);
+ end;
+// called in response to EV_X events, except CallXClose, CallXOpen
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallAfterClose;
+ SendSignalToLink(leConn, False);
+ DoAfterClose;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallAfterOpen;
+ SendSignalToLink(leConn, True);
+ DoAfterOpen;
+ CheckSignals(True);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallBeforeClose;
+ // shutdown com signals manually
+ CheckSignals(False);
+ DoBeforeClose;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallBeforeOpen;
+ DoBeforeOpen;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallBreak;
+ DoBreak;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallCTSChange;
+ OnOff: Boolean;
+ OnOff := csCTS in Signals;
+ // check for linked components
+ SendSignalToLink(leCTS, OnOff);
+ DoCTSChange(OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallDSRChange;
+ OnOff: Boolean;
+ OnOff := csDSR in Signals;
+ // check for linked components
+ SendSignalToLink(leDSR, OnOff);
+ DoDSRChange(OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallRLSDChange;
+ OnOff: Boolean;
+ OnOff := csRLSD in Signals;
+ // check for linked components
+ SendSignalToLink(leRLSD, OnOff);
+ DoRLSDChange(OnOff);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallError;
+ Errors: TComErrors;
+ Errors := LastErrors;
+ if Errors <> [] then
+ DoError(Errors);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallRing;
+ NotifyLink(leRing);
+ DoRing;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallRx80Full;
+ DoRx80Full;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallRxChar;
+ Count: Integer;
+ // read from input buffer
+ procedure PerformRead(var P: Pointer);
+ begin
+ GetMem(P, Count);
+ Read(P^, Count);
+ // call OnRxBuf event
+ DoRxBuf(P^, Count);
+ end;
+ // check if any component is linked, to OnRxChar event
+ procedure CheckLinks;
+ var
+ I: Integer;
+ P: Pointer;
+ ComLink: TComLink;
+ ReadFromBuffer: Boolean;
+ begin
+ // examine links
+ if (Count > 0) and (not TriggersOnRxChar) then
+ begin
+ ReadFromBuffer := False;
+ try
+ // cycle through links
+ for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]);
+ if Assigned(ComLink.OnRxBuf) then
+ begin
+ // link to OnRxChar event found
+ if not ReadFromBuffer then
+ begin
+ // TCustomComPort must read from comport, so OnRxChar event is
+ // not triggered
+ ReadFromBuffer := True;
+ PerformRead(P);
+ end;
+ // send data to linked component
+ ComLink.OnRxBuf(Self, P^, Count);
+ end
+ end;
+ if (not ReadFromBuffer) and (not FTriggersOnRxChar) then
+ begin
+ ReadFromBuffer := True;
+ PerformRead(P);
+ end;
+ finally
+ if ReadFromBuffer then
+ begin
+ FreeMem(P);
+ // data is already out of buffer, prevent from OnRxChar event to occur
+ Count := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Count := InputCount;
+ if Count > 0 then
+ SendSignalToLink(leRx, True);
+ CheckLinks;
+ if Count > 0 then
+ DoRxChar(Count);
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallRxFlag;
+ NotifyLink(leRxFlag);
+ DoRxFlag;
+procedure TCustomComPort.CallTxEmpty;
+ SendSignalToLink(leTx, False);
+ NotifyLink(leTxEmpty);
+ DoTxEmpty;
+// returns true if it has least one component linked to OnRxBuf event
+function TCustomComPort.HasLink: Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ ComLink: TComLink;
+ Result := False;
+ // examine links
+ if FLinks.Count > 0 then
+ for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]);
+ if Assigned(ComLink.OnRxBuf) then
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+// send TxBuf notify to link
+procedure TCustomComPort.TxNotifyLink(const Buffer; Count: Integer);
+ I: Integer;
+ ComLink: TComLink;
+ if (FLinks.Count > 0) then
+ for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]);
+ if Assigned(ComLink.OnTxBuf) then
+ ComLink.OnTxBuf(Self, Buffer, Count);
+ end;
+// send event notification to link
+procedure TCustomComPort.NotifyLink(FLinkEvent: TComLinkEvent);
+ I: Integer;
+ ComLink: TComLink;
+ Event: TNotifyEvent;
+ if (FLinks.Count > 0) then
+ for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]);
+ Event := nil;
+ case FLinkEvent of
+ leRing: Event := ComLink.OnRing;
+ leTxEmpty: Event := ComLink.OnTxEmpty;
+ leRxFlag: Event := ComLink.OnRxFlag;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(Event) then
+ Event(Self);
+ end;
+// send signal to linked components
+procedure TCustomComPort.SendSignalToLink(Signal: TComLinkEvent; OnOff: Boolean);
+ I: Integer;
+ ComLink: TComLink;
+ SignalEvent: TComSignalEvent;
+ if (FLinks.Count > 0) then
+ // cycle through links
+ for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ComLink := TComLink(FLinks[I]);
+ SignalEvent := nil;
+ case Signal of
+ leCTS: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnCTSChange;
+ leDSR: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnDSRChange;
+ leRLSD: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnRLSDChange;
+ leTx: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnTx;
+ leRx: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnRx;
+ leConn: SignalEvent := ComLink.OnConn;
+ end;
+ // if linked, trigger event
+ if Assigned(SignalEvent) then
+ SignalEvent(Self, OnOff);
+ end;
+// set connected property, same as Open/Close methods
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetConnected(const Value: Boolean);
+ if not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
+ begin
+ if Value <> FConnected then
+ if Value then
+ Open
+ else
+ Close;
+ end
+ else
+ FConnected := Value;
+// set baud rate
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate);
+ if Value <> FBaudRate then
+ begin
+ FBaudRate := Value;
+ // if possible, apply settings
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set custom baud rate
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetCustomBaudRate(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> FCustomBaudRate then
+ begin
+ FCustomBaudRate := Value;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set data bits
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetDataBits(const Value: TDataBits);
+ if Value <> FDataBits then
+ begin
+ FDataBits := Value;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set discard null characters
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetDiscardNull(const Value: Boolean);
+ if Value <> FDiscardNull then
+ begin
+ FDiscardNull := Value;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set event characters
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetEventChar(const Value: Char);
+ if Value <> FEventChar then
+ begin
+ FEventChar := Value;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set port
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetPort(const Value: TPort);
+ // 11.1.2001 Ch. Kaufmann; removed function ComString, because there can be com ports
+ // with names other than COMn.
+ if Value <> FPort then
+ begin
+ FPort := Value;
+ if FConnected and not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or
+ (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
+ begin
+ Close;
+ Open;
+ end;
+ end;
+// set stop bits
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits);
+ if Value <> FStopBits then
+ begin
+ FStopBits := Value;
+ ApplyDCB;
+ end;
+// set event synchronization method
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod);
+ if Value <> FSyncMethod then
+ begin
+ if FConnected and not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or
+ (csLoading in ComponentState))
+ then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_ConnChangeProp)
+ else
+ FSyncMethod := Value;
+ end;
+// sets RxChar triggering
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetTriggersOnRxChar(const Value: Boolean);
+ if FHasLink then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_HasLink);
+ FTriggersOnRxChar := Value;
+// sets event thread priority
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetEventThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
+ if Value <> FEventThreadPriority then
+ begin
+ if FConnected and not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) or
+ (csLoading in ComponentState))
+ then
+ //raise EComPort.CreateNoWinCode
+ CallException(CError_ConnChangeProp)
+ else
+ FEventThreadPriority := Value;
+ end;
+// returns true if RxChar is triggered when data arrives input buffer
+function TCustomComPort.GetTriggersOnRxChar: Boolean;
+ Result := FTriggersOnRxChar and (not FHasLink);
+// set flow control
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetFlowControl(const Value: TComFlowControl);
+ FFlowControl.Assign(Value);
+ ApplyDCB;
+// set parity
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetParity(const Value: TComParity);
+ FParity.Assign(Value);
+ ApplyDCB;
+// set timeouts
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts);
+ FTimeouts.Assign(Value);
+ ApplyTimeouts;
+// set buffer
+procedure TCustomComPort.SetBuffer(const Value: TComBuffer);
+ FBuffer.Assign(Value);
+ ApplyBuffer;
+ * TComDataPacket component *
+ *****************************************)
+// create component
+constructor TComDataPacket.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FComLink := TComLink.Create;
+ FComLink.OnRxBuf := RxBuf;
+ FMaxBufferSize := 1024;
+// destroy component
+destructor TComDataPacket.Destroy;
+ ComPort := nil;
+ FComLink.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+// add custom data to packet buffer
+procedure TComDataPacket.AddData(const Str: string);
+ if ValidStop then
+ begin
+ Buffer := Buffer + Str;
+ HandleBuffer;
+ end
+ else
+ DoPacket(Str);
+// remove ComPort property if being destroyed
+procedure TComDataPacket.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
+ Operation: TOperation);
+ inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
+ if (AComponent = FComPort) and (Operation = opRemove) then
+ ComPort := nil;
+// call OnDiscard
+procedure TComDataPacket.DoDiscard(const Str: string);
+ if Assigned(FOnDiscard) then
+ FOnDiscard(Self, Str);
+// call OnPacket
+procedure TComDataPacket.DoPacket(const Str: string);
+ if Assigned(FOnPacket) then
+ FOnPacket(Self, Str);
+// call OnCustomStart
+procedure TComDataPacket.DoCustomStart(const Str: string;
+ var Pos: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnCustomStart) then
+ FOnCustomStart(Self, Str, Pos);
+// call OnCustomStop
+procedure TComDataPacket.DoCustomStop(const Str: string; var Pos: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnCustomStop) then
+ FOnCustomStop(Self, Str, Pos);
+// discard start and stop strings
+procedure TComDataPacket.CheckIncludeStrings(var Str: string);
+ LenStart, LenStop: Integer;
+ if FIncludeStrings then
+ Exit;
+ LenStart := Length(FStartString);
+ LenStop := Length(FStopString);
+ // remove start string
+ if Pos(Upper(FStartString), Upper(Str)) = 1 then
+ Str := Copy(Str, LenStart + 1, Length(Str) - LenStart);
+ // remove stop string
+ if Pos(Upper(FStopString), Upper(Str)) = (Length(Str) - LenStop + 1) then
+ Str := Copy(Str, 1, Length(Str) - LenStop);
+// upper case
+function TComDataPacket.Upper(const Str: string): string;
+ if FCaseInsensitive then
+ Result := UpperCase(Str)
+ else
+ Result := Str;
+// split buffer in packets
+procedure TComDataPacket.HandleBuffer;
+ procedure DiscardPacketToPos(Pos: Integer);
+ var
+ Str: string;
+ begin
+ FInPacket := True;
+ if Pos > 1 then
+ begin
+ Str := Copy(Buffer, 1, Pos - 1); // some discarded data
+ Buffer := Copy(Buffer, Pos, Length(Buffer) - Pos + 1);
+ DoDiscard(Str);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FormPacket(CutSize: Integer);
+ var
+ Str: string;
+ begin
+ Str := Copy(Buffer, 1, CutSize);
+ Buffer := Copy(Buffer, CutSize + 1, Length(Buffer) - CutSize);
+ CheckIncludeStrings(Str);
+ DoPacket(Str);
+ end;
+ procedure StartPacket;
+ var
+ Found: Integer;
+ begin
+ // check for custom start condition
+ Found := -1;
+ DoCustomStart(Buffer, Found);
+ if Found > 0 then
+ DiscardPacketToPos(Found);
+ if Found = -1 then
+ begin
+ if Length(FStartString) > 0 then // start string valid
+ begin
+ Found := Pos(Upper(FStartString), Upper(Buffer));
+ if Found > 0 then
+ DiscardPacketToPos(Found);
+ end
+ else
+ FInPacket := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure EndPacket;
+ var
+ Found, CutSize, Len: Integer;
+ begin
+ // check for custom stop condition
+ Found := -1;
+ DoCustomStop(Buffer, Found);
+ if Found > 0 then
+ begin
+ // custom stop condition detected
+ CutSize := Found;
+ FInPacket := False;
+ end
+ else
+ if Found = -1 then
+ begin
+ Len := Length(Buffer);
+ if (FSize > 0) and (Len >= FSize) then
+ begin
+ // size stop condition detected
+ FInPacket := False;
+ CutSize := FSize;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Len := Length(FStartString);
+ Found := Pos(Upper(FStopString),
+ Upper(Copy(Buffer, Len + 1, Length(Buffer) - Len)));
+ if Found > 0 then
+ begin
+ // stop string stop condition detected
+ CutSize := Found + Length(FStopString) + Len - 1;
+ FInPacket := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not FInPacket then
+ FormPacket(CutSize); // create packet
+ end;
+ function IsBufferTooLarge: Boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := (Length(Buffer) >= FMaxBufferSize) and (FMaxBufferSize > 0);
+ end;
+ try
+ if not FInPacket then
+ StartPacket;
+ if FInPacket then
+ begin
+ EndPacket;
+ if not FInPacket then
+ HandleBuffer;
+ end;
+ finally
+ if IsBufferTooLarge then
+ EmptyBuffer;
+ end;
+// is stop condition valid?
+function TComDataPacket.ValidStop: Boolean;
+ Result := (FSize > 0) or (Length(FStopString) > 0)
+ or (Assigned(FOnCustomStop));
+// receive data
+procedure TComDataPacket.ResetBuffer;
+ EmptyBuffer;
+procedure TComDataPacket.RxBuf(Sender: TObject; const Buffer; Count: Integer);
+var sa:AnsiString; Str: string;
+ i:integer;
+ SetLength(Str, Count);
+ SetLength(Sa, Count);
+ Move(Buffer, Sa[1], Count);
+ {$IFDEF Unicode}
+ if length(sa)>0 then
+ for i := 1 to length(sa) do str[i] := char(byte(sa[i]));
+ {$ELSE} str := sa; {$ENDIF}
+ AddData(Str);
+// empty buffer
+procedure TComDataPacket.EmptyBuffer;
+ if Buffer <> '' then
+ begin
+ try
+ DoDiscard(Buffer);
+ finally
+ Buffer := '';
+ FInPacket := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+// set com port
+procedure TComDataPacket.SetComPort(const Value: TCustomComPort);
+ if Value <> FComPort then
+ begin
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ FComPort.UnRegisterLink(FComLink);
+ FComPort := Value;
+ if FComPort <> nil then
+ begin
+ FComPort.FreeNotification(Self);
+ FComPort.RegisterLink(FComLink);
+ end;
+ end;
+// set case sensitivity
+procedure TComDataPacket.SetCaseInsensitive(const Value: Boolean);
+ if FCaseInsensitive <> Value then
+ begin
+ FCaseInsensitive := Value;
+ if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ EmptyBuffer;
+ end;
+// set packet size
+procedure TComDataPacket.SetSize(const Value: Integer);
+ if FSize <> Value then
+ begin
+ FSize := Value;
+ if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ EmptyBuffer;
+ end;
+// set start string
+procedure TComDataPacket.SetStartString(const Value: string);
+ if FStartString <> Value then
+ begin
+ FStartString := Value;
+ if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ EmptyBuffer;
+ end;
+// set stop string
+procedure TComDataPacket.SetStopString(const Value: string);
+ if FStopString <> Value then
+ begin
+ FStopString := Value;
+ if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
+ EmptyBuffer;
+ end;
+ * EComPort exception *
+ *****************************************)
+// create stream
+constructor TComStream.Create(AComPort: TCustomComPort);
+ inherited Create;
+ FComPort := AComPort;
+// read from stream
+function TComStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
+ FComPort.Read(Buffer, Count);
+// write to stream
+function TComStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint;
+ FComPort.Write(Buffer, Count);
+// seek always to 0
+function TComStream.Seek(Offset: Integer; Origin: Word): Longint;
+ Result := 0;
+ * EComPort exception *
+ *****************************************)
+// create exception with windows error code
+constructor EComPort.Create(ACode: Integer; AWinCode: Integer);
+ FWinCode := AWinCode;
+ FCode := ACode;
+ inherited CreateFmt(ComErrorMessages[ACode] + ' (Error: %d)', [AWinCode]);
+// create exception
+constructor EComPort.CreateNoWinCode(ACode: Integer);
+ FWinCode := -1;
+ FCode := ACode;
+ inherited Create(ComErrorMessages[ACode]);
+ * other procedures/functions *
+ *****************************************)
+// initialization of PAsync variables used in asynchronous calls
+procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
+ New(AsyncPtr);
+ with AsyncPtr^ do
+ begin
+ FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(TOverlapped), 0);
+ Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil);
+ Data := nil;
+ Size := 0;
+ end;
+// clean-up of PAsync variable
+procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
+ with AsyncPtr^ do
+ begin
+ CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
+ if Data <> nil then
+ FreeMem(Data);
+ end;
+ Dispose(AsyncPtr);
+ AsyncPtr := nil;
+procedure EnumComPorts(Ports: TStrings);
+ KeyHandle: HKEY;
+ ErrCode, Index: Integer;
+ ValueName, Data: string;
+ ValueLen, DataLen, ValueType: DWORD;
+ TmpPorts: TStringList;
+ ErrCode := RegOpenKeyEx(
+ 0,
+ KeyHandle);
+ if ErrCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ begin
+ //raise EComPort.Create(CError_RegError, ErrCode);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ TmpPorts := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ Index := 0;
+ repeat
+ ValueLen := 256;
+ DataLen := 256;
+ SetLength(ValueName, ValueLen);
+ SetLength(Data, DataLen);
+ ErrCode := RegEnumValue(
+ KeyHandle,
+ Index,
+ PChar(ValueName),
+ Cardinal(ValueLen),
+ {$ELSE}
+ ValueLen,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ nil,
+ @ValueType,
+ PByte(PChar(Data)),
+ @DataLen);
+ if ErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS then
+ begin
+ SetLength(Data, DataLen - 1);
+ TmpPorts.Add(Data);
+ Inc(Index);
+ end
+ else
+ if ErrCode <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then break;
+ //raise EComPort.Create(CError_RegError, ErrCode);
+ until (ErrCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS) ;
+ TmpPorts.Sort;
+ Ports.Assign(TmpPorts);
+ finally
+ RegCloseKey(KeyHandle);
+ TmpPorts.Free;
+ end;
+// string to baud rate
+function StrToBaudRate(Str: string): TBaudRate;
+ I: TBaudRate;
+ I := Low(TBaudRate);
+ while (I <= High(TBaudRate)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(BaudRateToStr(TBaudRate(I))) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TBaudRate) then
+ Result := br9600
+ else
+ Result := I;
+// string to stop bits
+function StrToStopBits(Str: string): TStopBits;
+ I: TStopBits;
+ I := Low(TStopBits);
+ while (I <= High(TStopBits)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(StopBitsToStr(TStopBits(I))) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TStopBits) then
+ Result := sbOneStopBit
+ else
+ Result := I;
+// string to data bits
+function StrToDataBits(Str: string): TDataBits;
+ I: TDataBits;
+ I := Low(TDataBits);
+ while (I <= High(TDataBits)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(DataBitsToStr(I)) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TDataBits) then
+ Result := dbEight
+ else
+ Result := I;
+// string to parity
+function StrToParity(Str: string): TParityBits;
+ I: TParityBits;
+ I := Low(TParityBits);
+ while (I <= High(TParityBits)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(ParityToStr(I)) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TParityBits) then
+ Result := prNone
+ else
+ Result := I;
+// string to flow control
+function StrToFlowControl(Str: string): TFlowControl;
+ I: TFlowControl;
+ I := Low(TFlowControl);
+ while (I <= High(TFlowControl)) do
+ begin
+ if UpperCase(Str) = UpperCase(FlowControlToStr(I)) then
+ Break;
+ I := Succ(I);
+ end;
+ if I > High(TFlowControl) then
+ Result := fcCustom
+ else
+ Result := I;
+// baud rate to string
+function BaudRateToStr(BaudRate: TBaudRate): string;
+ BaudRateStrings: array[TBaudRate] of string = ('Custom', '110', '300', '600',
+ '1200', '2400', '4800', '9600', '14400', '19200', '38400', '56000', '57600',
+ '115200', '128000', '256000');
+ Result := BaudRateStrings[BaudRate];
+// stop bits to string
+function StopBitsToStr(StopBits: TStopBits): string;
+ StopBitsStrings: array[TStopBits] of string = ('1', '1.5', '2');
+ Result := StopBitsStrings[StopBits];
+// data bits to string
+function DataBitsToStr(DataBits: TDataBits): string;
+ DataBitsStrings: array[TDataBits] of string = ('5', '6', '7', '8');
+ Result := DataBitsStrings[DataBits];
+// parity to string
+function ParityToStr(Parity: TParityBits): string;
+ ParityBitsStrings: array[TParityBits] of string = ('None', 'Odd', 'Even',
+ 'Mark', 'Space');
+ Result := ParityBitsStrings[Parity];
+// flow control to string
+function FlowControlToStr(FlowControl: TFlowControl): string;
+ FlowControlStrings: array[TFlowControl] of string = ('Hardware',
+ 'Software', 'None', 'Custom');
+ Result := FlowControlStrings[FlowControl];
+ ComErrorMessages[1]:='Unable to open com port';
+ ComErrorMessages[2]:='WriteFile function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[3]:='ReadFile function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[4]:='Invalid Async parameter';
+ ComErrorMessages[5]:='PurgeComm function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[6]:='Unable to get async status';
+ ComErrorMessages[7]:='SetCommState function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[8]:='SetCommTimeouts failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[9]:='SetupComm function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[10]:='ClearCommError function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[11]:='GetCommModemStatus function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[12]:='EscapeCommFunction function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[13]:='TransmitCommChar function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[14]:='Cannot set property while connected';
+ ComErrorMessages[15]:='EnumPorts function failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[16]:='Failed to store settings';
+ ComErrorMessages[17]:='Failed to load settings';
+ ComErrorMessages[18]:='Link (un)registration failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[19]:='Cannot change led state if ComPort is selected';
+ ComErrorMessages[20]:='Cannot wait for event if event thread is created';
+ ComErrorMessages[21]:='WaitForEvent method failed';
+ ComErrorMessages[22]:='A component is linked to OnRxBuf event';
+ ComErrorMessages[23]:='Registry error';
+ ComErrorMessages[24]:='Port Not Open';// CError_PortNotOpen
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.dfm b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.dfm
index 5afe5dc3..67620e7d 100644
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.dfm and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.dfm differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.pas
index 9867bf5b..f2d34ab6 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpSettings.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ interface
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles;
+ StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, Vcl.Imaging.pngimage;
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpTransport.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpTransport.pas
index ec5e3b33..2f7222d2 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpTransport.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/XcpTransport.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ interface
// Includes
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, CPDrv, IniFiles;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, CPort, IniFiles;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type
packetData : array[0..kMaxPacketSize-1] of Byte;
packetLen : Word;
- sciDriver : TCommPortDriver;
+ sciDriver : TComPort;
constructor Create;
procedure Configure(iniFile : string);
function Connect : Boolean;
@@ -80,14 +80,12 @@ begin
inherited Create;
// create a sci driver instance
- sciDriver := TCommPortDriver.Create(nil);
+ sciDriver := TComPort.Create(nil);
// init sci settings
- sciDriver.DataBits := db8BITS;
- sciDriver.StopBits := sb1BITS;
- sciDriver.Parity := ptNONE;
- sciDriver.SwFlow := sfNONE;
- sciDriver.PollingDelay := 5;
+ sciDriver.DataBits := dbEight;
+ sciDriver.StopBits := sbOneStopBit;
+ sciDriver.Parity.Bits := prNone;
// reset packet length
packetLen := 0;
@@ -149,8 +147,7 @@ begin
// configure port
configIndex := settingsIni.ReadInteger('sci', 'port', 0);
- sciDriver.Port := pnCustom;
- sciDriver.PortName := Format( '\\.\COM%d', [ord(configIndex + 1)] );
+ sciDriver.Port := Format( 'COM%d', [ord(configIndex + 1)] );
// release ini file object
@@ -167,9 +164,8 @@ end; //*** end of Configure ***
function TXcpTransport.Connect : Boolean;
- result := true;
- if not sciDriver.Connect then
- result := false;
+ sciDriver.Open;
+ result := sciDriver.Connected;
end; //*** end of Connect ***
@@ -199,7 +195,6 @@ var
msgData : array of Byte;
resLen : byte;
cnt : byte;
- dwEnd :DWord;
// init the return value
result := false;
@@ -222,35 +217,26 @@ begin
msgData[cnt+1] := packetData[cnt];
+ // configure transmit timeout. timeout = (MULTIPLIER) * number_of_bytes + CONSTANT
+ sciDriver.Timeouts.WriteTotalConstant := 0;
+ sciDriver.Timeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier := timeOutms div (packetLen+1);
// submit the packet transmission request
- if sciDriver.SendData(@msgData[0], packetLen+1) <> (packetLen+1) then
+ if sciDriver.Write(msgData[0], packetLen+1) <> (packetLen+1) then
// unable to submit tx request
- // compute timeout time
- dwEnd := GetTickCount + timeOutms;
+ // configure reception timeout. timeout = (MULTIPLIER) * number_of_bytes + CONSTANT
+ sciDriver.Timeouts.ReadTotalConstant := timeOutms;
+ sciDriver.Timeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier := 0;
- // configure timeout for first byte
- sciDriver.InputTimeout := timeOutms;
- // receive the first byte which holds the packet length
- if sciDriver.ReadByte(resLen) = true then
+ // receive the first byte which should hold the packet length
+ if sciDriver.Read(resLen, 1) = 1 then
- timeOutms := GetTickCount;
- if timeOutms < dwEnd then
- begin
- // configure timeout for remaining bytes
- sciDriver.InputTimeout := dwEnd - timeOutms;
- end
- else
- begin
- Exit; // timed out
- end;
// receive the actual packet data
- if sciDriver.ReadData(@packetData[0], resLen) = resLen then
+ if sciDriver.Read(packetData[0], resLen) = resLen then
packetLen := resLen;
result := true;
@@ -268,7 +254,7 @@ end; //*** end of SendPacket ***
procedure TXcpTransport.Disconnect;
- sciDriver.Disconnect;
+ sciDriver.Close;
end; //*** end of Disconnect ***
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e67a882..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2c2a16..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-[Excluded Packages]
-$(DELPHI)\Lib\dclusr40.bpl=Borland User
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dpr
index ca070952..5f17d32b 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dpr
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dpr
@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ uses
XcpLoader in '..\XcpLoader.pas',
XcpTransport in 'XcpTransport.pas',
XcpSettings in 'XcpSettings.pas' {XcpSettingsForm},
- CPDrv in 'CPDrv.pas';
+ CPort in 'CPort.pas';
// Global Constants
@@ -224,7 +223,7 @@ begin
// update the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog(logStr);
+ MbiCallbackOnLog(ShortString(logStr));
// update loop variables
len := len - currentWriteCnt;
@@ -258,25 +257,25 @@ begin
// connect the transport layer
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to the COM port.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to the COM port. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to the COM port. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnError('Could not connect to COM port. Check your configuration.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to COM port. Check your configuration and try again. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not connect to COM port. Check your configuration and try again. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- start the programming session --------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// try initial connect via XCP
if loader.StartProgrammingSession <> kProgSessionStarted then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor
sessionStartResult := kProgSessionGenericError;
@@ -296,7 +295,7 @@ begin
// don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ begin
// still here so programming session was started
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// create the datafile object
datafile := TXcpDataFile.Create(progfile);
@@ -336,16 +335,16 @@ begin
datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
// erase the memory
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------
@@ -369,18 +368,18 @@ begin
if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen;
// program the data
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt);
if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// update progress
progress := progress + currentWriteCnt;
@@ -392,30 +391,29 @@ begin
bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
// update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]));
+ MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + ShortString(Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB])));
//---------------- stop the programming session ---------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// all done so set progress to 100% and finish up
progress := datafile.GetDataCnt;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of OnTimeout ***
@@ -477,7 +475,7 @@ begin
timer.Enabled := True;
// store the program's filename
- progfile := fileName;
+ progfile := String(fileName);
end; //*** end of MbiStart ***
@@ -495,7 +493,7 @@ begin
stopRequest := true;
// disconnect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of MbiStop ***
@@ -614,15 +612,15 @@ end; //*** end of MbiConfigure ***
//--- begin of don't change ---
- MbiInit index 1,
- MbiStart index 2,
- MbiStop index 3,
- MbiDeInit index 4,
- MbiName index 5,
- MbiDescription index 6,
- MbiVersion index 7,
- MbiConfigure index 8,
- MbiVInterface index 9;
+ MbiInit,
+ MbiStart,
+ MbiStop,
+ MbiDeInit,
+ MbiName,
+ MbiDescription,
+ MbiVersion,
+ MbiConfigure,
+ MbiVInterface;
//--- end of don't change ---
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dproj b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62c0ad2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/uart/openblt_uart.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ {38BAA5EC-0626-4775-9516-B3DED4560560}
+ openblt_uart.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Library
+ 18.1
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Vcl40;Vclx40;Vcldb40;vcldbx40;VclSmp40;Qrpt40;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ false
+ false
+ 1031
+ 00400000
+ 1
+ 1
+ true
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ openblt_uart
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ ../../../../
+ 1
+ 1033
+ System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ false
+ 0
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ 1033
+ C:\Work\software\OpenBLT\Host\MicroBoot.exe
+ (None)
+ true
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ openblt_uart.dpr
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/UsbBulkLib.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/UsbBulkLib.pas
index 12130645..c7df7292 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/UsbBulkLib.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/UsbBulkLib.pas
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ external DLL_Name;
-// NAME: UblDllTransmit
+// NAME: UblTransmit
// PARAMETER: data pointer to byte array with transmit data.
// len number of bytes to transmit.
// RETURN VALUE: UBL_OKAY if successful, UBL_ERROR otherwise.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ external DLL_Name;
-// NAME: UblDllReceive
+// NAME: UblReceive
// PARAMETER: data pointer to byte array where the data will be stored.
// len number of bytes to receive.
// timeout max time in milliseconds for the read to complete.
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.dfm b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.dfm
index 64f4f177..585cc2ee 100644
Binary files a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.dfm and b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.dfm differ
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.pas
index e78cdd96..f18a6271 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/XcpSettings.pas
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ interface
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles;
+ StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, IniFiles, Vcl.Imaging.pngimage;
@@ -102,7 +102,8 @@ implementation
procedure TXcpSettingsForm.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject);
ModalResult := mrOK;
-end; //*** end of btnOKClick ***
+//*** end of btnOKClick ***
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.cfg b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 929df35b..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dof b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dof
deleted file mode 100644
index 66305adc..00000000
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dof
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-[Version Info]
-[Version Info Keys]
-[Excluded Packages]
-$(DELPHI)\Lib\dclusr40.bpl=Borland User
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dpr b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dpr
index 1339f8b8..deb150eb 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dpr
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dpr
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ begin
// update the log
- MbiCallbackOnLog(logStr);
+ MbiCallbackOnLog(ShortString(logStr));
// update loop variables
len := len - currentWriteCnt;
@@ -258,14 +258,14 @@ begin
// connect the transport layer
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to target via USB.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via USB. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via USB. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.Connect then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect via USB. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to coonect the transport layer
while not loader.Connect do
@@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ begin
//---------------- start the programming session --------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// try initial connect via XCP
if loader.StartProgrammingSession <> kProgSessionStarted then
// update the user info
MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor
sessionStartResult := kProgSessionGenericError;
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ begin
// don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource
if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.');
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ begin
// still here so programming session was started
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// create the datafile object
datafile := TXcpDataFile.Create(progfile);
@@ -340,16 +340,16 @@ begin
datafile.GetRegionInfo(regionCnt, addr, len);
// erase the memory
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
//---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------
@@ -373,18 +373,18 @@ begin
if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen;
// program the data
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt])+'. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt);
if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// update progress
progress := progress + currentWriteCnt;
@@ -396,28 +396,28 @@ begin
bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt;
// update the user info
- MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]));
+ MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + ShortString(Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB])));
//---------------- stop the programming session ---------------------------------------
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+'). t='+TimeToStr(Time));
- MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+errorInfo+').');
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
+ MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').');
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
// all done so set progress to 100% and finish up
progress := datafile.GetDataCnt;
- MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of OnTimeout ***
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ begin
timer.Enabled := True;
// store the program's filename
- progfile := fileName;
+ progfile := String(fileName);
end; //*** end of MbiStart ***
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ begin
stopRequest := true;
// disconnect the transport layer
- MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+TimeToStr(Time));
+ MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time)));
end; //*** end of MbiStop ***
@@ -618,16 +618,15 @@ end; //*** end of MbiConfigure ***
//--- begin of don't change ---
- MbiInit index 1,
- MbiStart index 2,
- MbiStop index 3,
- MbiDeInit index 4,
- MbiName index 5,
- MbiDescription index 6,
- MbiVersion index 7,
- MbiConfigure index 8,
- MbiVInterface index 9;
+ MbiInit,
+ MbiStart,
+ MbiStop,
+ MbiDeInit,
+ MbiName,
+ MbiDescription,
+ MbiVersion,
+ MbiConfigure,
+ MbiVInterface;
//--- end of don't change ---
//********************************** end of openblt_usb.dpr *****************************
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dproj b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eaf36b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/interfaces/usb/openblt_usb.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ {5F773EB4-5A4B-4591-999A-E208B1A44407}
+ openblt_usb.dpr
+ True
+ Debug
+ 1
+ Library
+ 18.1
+ Win32
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 1
+ true
+ .\..\..\..\..\
+ 1
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 00400000
+ true
+ Vcl;Vcl.Imaging;Vcl.Touch;Vcl.Samples;Vcl.Shell;System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;Winapi;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ openblt_usb
+ 1031
+ 1
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=;FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProductName=;ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ Vcl40;Vclx40;Vcldb40;vcldbx40;VclSmp40;Qrpt40;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ 1033
+ System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ true
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ 0
+ 0
+ true
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ false
+ C:\Work\software\OpenBLT\Host\MicroBoot.exe
+ 1033
+ (None)
+ true
+ MainSource
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ openblt_usb.dpr
+ True
+ 12
diff --git a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/uBootInterface.pas b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/uBootInterface.pas
index 810eba14..92856138 100644
--- a/Host/Source/MicroBoot/uBootInterface.pas
+++ b/Host/Source/MicroBoot/uBootInterface.pas
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ end; //*** end of Create ***
destructor TMicroBootInterface.Destroy;
- if FLibraryHandle = 0 then //##Vg shouldn't this be <> 0?
+ if FLibraryHandle <> 0 then
FreeLibrary(FLibraryHandle); // release the handle
diff --git a/Host/openblt_can_peak.dll b/Host/openblt_can_peak.dll
index fc39d61e..d73863ad 100644
Binary files a/Host/openblt_can_peak.dll and b/Host/openblt_can_peak.dll differ
diff --git a/Host/openblt_can_peak.ini b/Host/openblt_can_peak.ini
index 98acacfa..a0c9bdec 100644
--- a/Host/openblt_can_peak.ini
+++ b/Host/openblt_can_peak.ini
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/Host/openblt_can_vector.dll b/Host/openblt_can_vector.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 10688c4d..00000000
Binary files a/Host/openblt_can_vector.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Host/openblt_can_vector.ini b/Host/openblt_can_vector.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 571a73bb..00000000
--- a/Host/openblt_can_vector.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Host/openblt_net.dll b/Host/openblt_net.dll
index 8936b1bc..918ad048 100644
Binary files a/Host/openblt_net.dll and b/Host/openblt_net.dll differ
diff --git a/Host/openblt_net.ini b/Host/openblt_net.ini
index d659c657..9e2d8189 100644
--- a/Host/openblt_net.ini
+++ b/Host/openblt_net.ini
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/Host/openblt_uart.dll b/Host/openblt_uart.dll
index 2f990392..77ac705c 100644
Binary files a/Host/openblt_uart.dll and b/Host/openblt_uart.dll differ
diff --git a/Host/openblt_uart.ini b/Host/openblt_uart.ini
index 34d42005..922a4fe5 100644
--- a/Host/openblt_uart.ini
+++ b/Host/openblt_uart.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Host/openblt_usb.dll b/Host/openblt_usb.dll
index a1116cfe..d8cf1002 100644
Binary files a/Host/openblt_usb.dll and b/Host/openblt_usb.dll differ
diff --git a/Host/vcand32.dll b/Host/vcand32.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 56dcfe98..00000000
Binary files a/Host/vcand32.dll and /dev/null differ