Refs #690. Added demo programs for the NXP DevKit-S12G128 board.

git-svn-id: 5dc33758-31d5-4daf-9ae8-b24bf3d40d73
This commit is contained in:
Frank Voorburg 2019-06-29 16:05:16 +00:00
parent 7dcbeb6eda
commit a4d11856b7
62 changed files with 39326 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/* This is a linker parameter file for the MC9S12G128 */
NAMES END /* CodeWarrior will pass all the needed files to the linker by command line. But here you may add your own files too. */
SEGMENTS /* Here all RAM/ROM areas of the device are listed. Used in PLACEMENT below. */
/* Register space */
/* IO_SEG = PAGED 0x0000 TO 0x03FF; intentionally not defined */
/* RAM */
RAM = READ_WRITE 0x2000 TO 0x3FFF;
/* D-Flash */
DFLASH = READ_ONLY 0x0400 TO 0x13FF;
/* non-paged FLASHs */
ROM_E800 = READ_ONLY 0xE800 TO 0xFEFF; /* Place bootloader in last 6kb */
PLACEMENT /* here all predefined and user segments are placed into the SEGMENTS defined above. */
_PRESTART, /* Used in HIWARE format: jump to _Startup at the code start */
STARTUP, /* startup data structures */
ROM_VAR, /* constant variables */
STRINGS, /* string literals */
VIRTUAL_TABLE_SEGMENT, /* C++ virtual table segment */
DEFAULT_ROM, NON_BANKED, /* runtime routines which must not be banked */
COPY /* copy down information: how to initialize variables */
/* in case you want to use ROM_4000 here as well, make sure
that all files (incl. library files) are compiled with the
option: -OnB=b */
SSTACK, /* allocate stack first to avoid overwriting variables on overflow */
ENTRIES /* keep the following unreferenced variables */

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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@

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* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Boot/blt_conf.h
* \brief Bootloader configuration header file.
* \ingroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2019 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef BLT_CONF_H
#define BLT_CONF_H
* C P U D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* To properly initialize the baudrate clocks of the communication interface, typically
* the speed of the crystal oscillator and/or the speed at which the system runs is
* needed. Set these through configurables BOOT_CPU_XTAL_SPEED_KHZ and
* BOOT_CPU_SYSTEM_SPEED_KHZ, respectively. To enable data exchange with the host that is
* not dependent on the targets architecture, the byte ordering needs to be known.
* Setting BOOT_CPU_BYTE_ORDER_MOTOROLA to 1 selects big endian mode and 0 selects
* little endian mode.
* Set BOOT_CPU_USER_PROGRAM_START_HOOK to 1 if you would like a hook function to be
* called the moment the user program is about to be started. This could be used to
* de-initialize application specific parts, for example to stop blinking an LED, etc.
/** \brief Frequency of the external crystal oscillator. */
#define BOOT_CPU_XTAL_SPEED_KHZ (8000)
/** \brief Desired system speed. */
/** \brief Motorola or Intel style byte ordering. */
/** \brief Enable/disable hook function call right before user program start. */
* C O M M U N I C A T I O N I N T E R F A C E C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* The CAN communication interface is selected by setting the BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE
* configurable to 1. Configurable BOOT_COM_CAN_BAUDRATE selects the communication speed
* in bits/second. Two CAN messages are reserved for communication with the host. The
* message identifier for sending data from the target to the host is configured with
* BOOT_COM_CAN_TXMSG_ID. The one for receiving data from the host is configured with
* BOOT_COM_CAN_RXMSG_ID. Note that an extended 29-bit CAN identifier is configured by
* OR-ing with mask 0x80000000. The maximum amount of data bytes in a message for data
* transmission and reception is set through BOOT_COM_CAN_TX_MAX_DATA and
* BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MAX_DATA, respectively. It is common for a microcontroller to have more
* than 1 CAN controller on board. The zero-based BOOT_COM_CAN_CHANNEL_INDEX selects the
* CAN controller channel.
/** \brief Enable/disable CAN transport layer. */
/** \brief Configure the desired CAN baudrate. */
#define BOOT_COM_CAN_BAUDRATE (500000)
/** \brief Configure CAN message ID target->host. */
#define BOOT_COM_CAN_TX_MSG_ID (0x7E1 /*| 0x80000000*/)
/** \brief Configure number of bytes in the target->host CAN message. */
/** \brief Configure CAN message ID host->target. */
#define BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MSG_ID (0x667 /*| 0x80000000*/)
/** \brief Configure number of bytes in the host->target CAN message. */
/** \brief Select the desired CAN peripheral as a zero based index. */
/* The UART communication interface is selected by setting the BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE
* configurable to 1. Configurable BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE selects the communication speed
* in bits/second. The maximum amount of data bytes in a message for data transmission
* and reception is set through BOOT_COM_UART_TX_MAX_DATA and BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA,
* respectively. It is common for a microcontroller to have more than 1 UART interface
* on board. The zero-based BOOT_COM_UART_CHANNEL_INDEX selects the UART interface.
/** \brief Enable/disable UART transport layer. */
/** \brief Configure the desired communication speed. */
#define BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE (57600)
/** \brief Configure number of bytes in the target->host data packet. */
/** \brief Configure number of bytes in the host->target data packet. */
/** \brief Select the desired UART peripheral as a zero based index. */
* B A C K D O O R E N T R Y C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* It is possible to implement an application specific method to force the bootloader to
* stay active after a reset. Such a backdoor entry into the bootloader is desired in
* situations where the user program does not run properly and therefore cannot
* reactivate the bootloader. By enabling these hook functions, the application can
* implement the backdoor, which overrides the default backdoor entry that is programmed
* into the bootloader. When desired for security purposes, these hook functions can
* also be implemented in a way that disables the backdoor entry altogether.
/** \brief Enable/disable the backdoor override hook functions. */
* N O N - V O L A T I L E M E M O R Y D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* The NVM driver typically supports erase and program operations of the internal memory
* present on the microcontroller. Through these hook functions the NVM driver can be
* extended to support additional memory types such as external flash memory and serial
* eeproms. The size of the internal memory in kilobytes is specified with configurable
* BOOT_NVM_SIZE_KB. If desired the internal checksum writing and verification method can
* be overridden with a application specific method by enabling configuration switch
/** \brief Enable/disable the NVM hook function for supporting additional memory devices. */
/** \brief Configure the size of the default memory device (typically flash EEPROM). */
#define BOOT_NVM_SIZE_KB (128)
/** \brief Enable/disable hooks functions to override the user program checksum handling. */
* W A T C H D O G D R I V E R C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* The COP driver cannot be configured internally in the bootloader, because its use
* and configuration is application specific. The bootloader does need to service the
* watchdog in case it is used. When the application requires the use of a watchdog,
* set BOOT_COP_HOOKS_ENABLE to be able to initialize and service the watchdog through
* hook functions.
/** \brief Enable/disable the hook functions for controlling the watchdog. */
* S E E D / K E Y S E C U R I T Y C O N F I G U R A T I O N
/* A security mechanism can be enabled in the bootloader's XCP module by setting configu-
* rable BOOT_XCP_SEED_KEY_ENABLE to 1. Before any memory erase or programming
* operations can be performed, access to this resource need to be unlocked.
* In the Microboot settings on tab "XCP Protection" you need to specify a DLL that
* implements the unlocking algorithm. The demo programs are configured for the (simple)
* algorithm in "libseednkey.dll". The source code for this DLL is available so it can be
* customized to your needs.
* During the unlock sequence, Microboot requests a seed from the bootloader, which is in
* the format of a byte array. Using this seed the unlock algorithm in the DLL computes
* a key, which is also a byte array, and sends this back to the bootloader. The
* bootloader then verifies this key to determine if programming and erase operations are
* permitted.
* After enabling this feature the hook functions XcpGetSeedHook() and XcpVerifyKeyHook()
* are called by the bootloader to obtain the seed and to verify the key, respectively.
#endif /* BLT_CONF_H */
/*********************************** end of blt_conf.h *********************************/

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\defgroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior Bootloader
\brief Bootloader.
\ingroup HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// ver 0.1 (09-Mar-08)
// HCS12P Core erasing + unsecuring command file:
// These commands mass erase the chip then program the security byte to 0xFE (unsecured state).
DEFINEVALUEDLG "Information required to unsecure the device" "FCLKDIV" 17 "To unsecure the device, the command script needs \nthe correct value for the FCLKDIV onchip register.\n\nDatasheet proposed values:\n\noscillator frequency\tFCLKDIV value (decimal)\n\n 16 \tMHz\t\t17\n 12 \tMHz\t\t13\n 8 \tMHz\t\t9\n 4 \tMHz\t\t5\n"
wb 0x03c 0x00 //disable cop
wait 20
WB 0x100 FCLKDIV // clock divider
WB 0x106 0x30 // clear any error flags
WB 0x102 0x00 // CCOBIX = 0
WB 0x10A 0x08 // load erase all blocks command
WB 0x106 0x80 // launch command
WB 0x100 FCLKDIV // clock divider
WB 0x106 0x30 // clear any error flags
WB 0x102 0x00 // CCOBIX = 0
WB 0x10A 0x06 // load program command
WB 0x10B 0x03 // load GPAGE
WB 0x102 0x01 // CCOBIX = 1
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load addr hi
WB 0x10B 0x08 // load addr lo
WB 0x102 0x02 // CCOBIX = 2
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x03 // CCOBIX = 3
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x04 // CCOBIX = 4
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x05 // CCOBIX = 5
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFE // load data
WB 0x106 0x80 // launch command
undef FCLKDIV // undefine variable

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After load the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Before load the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After reset the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// At startup the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After programming the flash, the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Before programming the flash, the commands written below will be executed

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* s-record file with linear addresses for MicroBoot/OpenBLT */
format = motorola
busWidth = 1
len = 0x4000
/* logical non banked flash at $4000 and $C000 to physical */
origin = 0x004000
destination = 0x34000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x00C000
destination = 0x3C000
len = 0x4000
/* logical 128 kB banked flash to physical */
origin = 0x088000
destination = 0x020000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x098000
destination = 0x024000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0A8000
destination = 0x028000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0B8000
destination = 0x02C000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0C8000
destination = 0x030000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0D8000
destination = 0x034000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0E8000
destination = 0x038000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0F8000
destination = 0x03C000
len = 0x4000

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@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
start12.c - standard startup code
The startup code may be optimized to special user requests
Copyright (c) Metrowerks, Basel, Switzerland
All rights reserved
Note: ROM libraries are not implemented in this startup code
Note: C++ destructors of global objects are NOT yet supported in the HIWARE Object File Format.
To use this feature, please build your application with the ELF object file format.
/* these macros remove some unused fields in the startup descriptor */
#define __NO_FLAGS_OFFSET /* we do not need the flags field in the startup data descriptor */
#define __NO_MAIN_OFFSET /* we do not need the main field in the startup data descriptor */
#define __NO_STACKOFFSET_OFFSET /* we do not need the stackOffset field in the startup data descriptor */
/*#define __BANKED_COPY_DOWN : allow to allocate .copy in flash area */
#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || !defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__))
#error /* the __BANKED_COPY_DOWN switch is only supported for the HCS12X with ELF */
/* (and not for the HC12, HCS12 or for the HIWARE object file format) */
#include "hidef.h"
#include "start12.h"
/* Macros to control how the startup code handles the COP: */
/* #define _DO_FEED_COP_ : do feed the COP */
/* #define _DO_ENABLE_COP_: do enable the COP */
/* #define _DO_DISABLE_COP_: disable the COP */
/* Without defining any of these, the startup code does NOT handle the COP */
/* __ONLY_INIT_SP define: */
/* This define selects an shorter version of the startup code */
/* which only loads the stack pointer and directly afterwards calls */
/* main. This version does however NOT initialized global variables */
/* (So this version is not ANSI compliant!) */
/* __FAR_DATA define: */
/* By default, the startup code only supports to initialize the default */
/* kind of memory. If some memory is allocated far in the small or banked */
/* memory model, then the startup code only supports to initialize this */
/* memory blocks if __FAR_DATA is defined. If __FAR_DATA is not defined, */
/* then the linker will issue a message like */
/* "L1128: Cutting value _Range beg data member from 0xF01000 to 0x1000" */
/* and this startup code writes to the cutted address */
/* __BANKED_COPY_DOWN define: */
/* by default, the startup code assumes that the startup data structure */
/* _startupData, the zero out areas and the .copy section are all */
/* allocated in NON_BANKED memory. Especially the .copy section can be */
/* huge if there are many or huge RAM areas to initialize. */
/* For the HCS12X, which also copies the XGATE RAM located code via .copy */
/* section, the startup code supports to allocate .copy in a banked flash */
/* The placement of .copy in the prm file has to be adapted when adding or */
/* removing the this macro. */
/* Note: This macro is only supported for the HCS12X and when using ELF */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define __EXTERN_C extern "C"
#define __EXTERN_C
/*lint -estring(961,"only preprocessor statements and comments before '#include'") , MISRA 19.1 ADV, non_bank.sgm and default.sgm each contain a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
__EXTERN_C void main(void); /* prototype of main function */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
#pragma DATA_SEG __NEAR_SEG STARTUP_DATA /* _startupData can be accessed using 16 bit accesses. */
/* This is needed because it contains the stack top, and without stack, far data cannot be accessed */
struct _tagStartup _startupData; /* read-only: */
/* _startupData is allocated in ROM and */
/* initialized by the linker */
#endif /* __ONLY_INIT_SP */
#if defined(FAR_DATA) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN))
/*lint -e451 non_bank.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "non_bank.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
/* the init function must be in non banked memory if banked variables are used */
/* because _SET_PAGE is called, which may change any page register. */
/*lint -esym(752,_SET_PAGE) , symbol '_SET_PAGE' is referenced in HLI */
__EXTERN_C void _SET_PAGE(void); /* the inline assembler needs a prototype */
/* this is a runtime routine with a special */
/* calling convention, do not use it in c code! */
/*lint -e451 default.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "default.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
#endif /* defined(FAR_DATA) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)) */
/* define value and bits for Windef Register */
#ifdef HC812A4
#define WINDEF (*(volatile unsigned char*) 0x37)
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__PPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_PPAGE__ 0x40
#define __ENABLE_PPAGE__ 0x0
#if defined(__DPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_DPAGE__ 0x80
#define __ENABLE_DPAGE__ 0x0
#if defined(__EPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_EPAGE__ 0x20
#define __ENABLE_EPAGE__ 0x0
#endif /* HC812A4 */
/* for Monitor based software remap the RAM & EEPROM to adhere
to EB386. Edit RAM and EEPROM sections in PRM file to match these. */
#define ___INITRM (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0010)
#define ___INITRG (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0011)
#define ___INITEE (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0012)
#if defined(_DO_FEED_COP_)
#define __FEED_COP_IN_HLI() } asm movb #0x55, _COP_RST_ADR; asm movb #0xAA, _COP_RST_ADR; asm {
#define __FEED_COP_IN_HLI() /* do nothing */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
#if (!defined(FAR_DATA) || defined(__HCS12X__)) && (defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN))
static void __far Init(void)
static void Init(void)
/* purpose: 1) zero out RAM-areas where data is allocated */
/* 2) copy initialization data from ROM to RAM */
/* 3) call global constructors in C++ */
/* called from: _Startup, LibInits */
asm {
#if defined(__HIWARE_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__LARGE__)
LDX _startupData.pZeroOut:1 ; in the large memory model in the HIWARE format, pZeroOut is a 24 bit pointer
LDX _startupData.pZeroOut ; *pZeroOut
LDY _startupData.nofZeroOuts ; nofZeroOuts
BEQ CopyDown ; if nothing to zero out
NextZeroOut: PSHY ; save nofZeroOuts
#if defined(FAR_DATA)
LDAB 1,X+ ; load page of destination address
LDY 2,X+ ; load offset of destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)
#else /* defined(__HCS12X__) */
__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE) ; sets the page in the correct page register
#endif /* defined(__HCS12X__) */
#else /* FAR_DATA */
LDY 2,X+ ; start address and advance *pZeroOut (X = X+4)
#endif /* FAR_DATA */
#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)
LDX 0,X ; byte count
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)
NextWord: GSTAA 1,Y+ ; clear memory byte
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE X, NextWord ; dec byte count
LDD #0
BEQ LoopClrW1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
NextWord: GSTD 2,Y+ ; clear memory word
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE X, NextWord ; dec word count
BCC LastClr ; handle last byte
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; handle last byte
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
LDD 2,X+ ; byte count
NextWord: CLR 1,Y+ ; clear memory byte
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D, NextWord ; dec byte count
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */
LDD 2,X+ ; byte count
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ LoopClrW1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
LDX #0
LoopClrW: STX 2,Y+ ; Word-Clear
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D, LoopClrW
BCC LastClr ; handle last byte
CLR 1,Y+
PULY ; restore nofZeroOuts
DEY ; dec nofZeroOuts
BNE NextZeroOut
#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)
LDAA _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:0 ; get PAGE address of .copy section
STAA __PPAGE_ADR__ ; set PPAGE address
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:1 ; load address of copy down desc.
#elif defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg ; load address of copy down desc.
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:2 ; load address of copy down desc.
LDD 2,X+ ; size of init-data -> D
BEQ funcInits ; end of copy down desc.
#ifdef FAR_DATA
PSHD ; save counter
LDAB 1,X+ ; load destination page
LDY 2,X+ ; destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)
#else /* __HCS12X__ */
__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE) ; sets the destinations page register
#endif /* __HCS12X__ */
PULD ; restore counter
#else /* FAR_DATA */
LDY 2,X+ ; load destination address
#endif /* FAR_DATA */
#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
Copy: PSHA
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-byte loop
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ Copy1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
Copy: PSHD
LDD 2,X+
GSTD 2,Y+ ; move a word from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-word loop
BCC NextBlock ; handle last byte?
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
Copy: MOVB 1,X+,1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-byte loop
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ Copy1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
Copy: MOVW 2,X+,2,Y+ ; move a word from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-word loop
BCC NextBlock ; handle last byte?
MOVB 1,X+,1,Y+ ; copy the last byte
BRA NextBlock
funcInits: ; call of global construtors is only in c++ necessary
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#if defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
LDY _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.initBodies ; load address of first module to initialize
LEAX 3,X ; increment to next init
PSHX ; save address of next function to initialize
PSHY ; save cpp counter
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
PULY ; restore cpp counter
PULX ; restore actual address
DEY ; decrement cpp counter
BNE nextInit
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDD _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.initBodies ; load address of first module to initialize
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to initialize
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call initialization function
PULX ; restore actual address
PULD ; restore cpp counter
DBNE D, nextInit
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
#else /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__ */
LDX _startupData.mInits ; load address of first module to initialize
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
nextInit: LDY 3,X+ ; load address of initialization function
BEQ done ; stop when address == 0
; in common environments the offset of a function is never 0, so this test could be avoided
#ifdef __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__
BRCLR -1,X, done, 0xff ; stop when address == 0
#endif /* __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__ */
PSHX ; save address of next function to initialize
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to initialize
BEQ done ; stop when address of function == 0
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call initialization function
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
PULX ; restore actual address
BRA nextInit
#endif /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ONLY_INIT_SP */
#if defined( __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__cplusplus ) && 0 /* the call to main does not support to return anymore */
#if !defined(FAR_DATA) && (defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__))
static void __far Fini(void)
static void Fini(void)
/* purpose: 1) call global destructors in C++ */
asm {
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
LDY _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.finiBodies ; load address of first module to finalize
LEAX 3,X ; increment to next init
PSHX ; save address of next function to finalize
PSHY ; save cpp counter
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
PULY ; restore cpp counter
PULX ; restore actual address
DEY ; decrement cpp counter
BNE nextInit2
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDD _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.finiBodies ; load address of first module to finalize
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to finalize
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call finalize function
PULX ; restore actual address
PULD ; restore cpp counter
DBNE D, nextInit2
#endif /* defined(__BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
/*lint -e451 non_bank.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "non_bank.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
#pragma MESSAGE DISABLE C12053 /* Stack-pointer change not in debugging-information */
#pragma NO_FRAME
#pragma NO_ENTRY
#if !defined(__SMALL__)
#pragma NO_EXIT
/* The function _Startup must be called in order to initialize global variables and to call main */
/* You can adapt this function or call it from your startup code to implement a different startup */
/* functionality. */
/* You should also setup the needed IO registers as WINDEF (HC12A4 only) or the COP registers to run */
/* on hardware */
/* to set the reset vector several ways are possible : */
/* 1. define the function with "interrupt 0" as done below in the first case */
/* 2. add the following line to your prm file : VECTOR ADDRESS 0xfffe _Startup */
/* of course, even more posibilities exists */
/* the reset vector must be set so that the application has a defined entry point */
#if defined(__SET_RESET_VECTOR__)
__EXTERN_C void __interrupt 0 _Startup(void) {
__EXTERN_C void _Startup(void) {
/* purpose: 1) initialize the stack
2) initialize the RAM, copy down init data etc (Init)
3) call main;
parameters: NONE
called from: _PRESTART-code generated by the Linker
or directly referenced by the reset vector */
/* initialize the stack pointer */
/*lint -e{960} , MISRA 14.3 REQ, macro INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC() expands to HLI code */
/*lint -e{522} , MISRA 14.2 REQ, macro INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC() expands to HLI code */
INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC(); /* HLI macro definition in hidef.h */
#if defined(_HCS12_SERIALMON)
/* for Monitor based software remap the RAM & EEPROM to adhere
to EB386. Edit RAM and EEPROM sections in PRM file to match these. */
___INITRG = 0x00; /* lock registers block to 0x0000 */
___INITRM = 0x39; /* lock Ram to end at 0x3FFF */
___INITEE = 0x09; /* lock EEPROM block to end at 0x0fff */
/* Here user defined code could be inserted, the stack could be used */
#if defined(_DO_DISABLE_COP_)
/* Example : Set up WinDef Register to allow Paging */
#ifdef HC812A4 /* HC12 A4 derivative needs WINDEF to configure which pages are available */
#if (__ENABLE_EPAGE__ != 0 || __ENABLE_DPAGE__ != 0 || __ENABLE_PPAGE__ != 0)
#if (defined(__MAP_RAM__) || defined(__MAP_FLASH__) || defined(__MAP_EXTERNAL__)) && !defined(__DO_SET_MMCTL1__)
#define __DO_SET_MMCTL1__
#if defined(__DO_SET_MMCTL1__)
/* Set the MMCTL1 byte. Please use for HCS12XE and change the bits according */
/* to your configuration. */
/* Note: MMCTL1 is write once therefore please adapt this initialization here. */
/* This has to be done prior to the call to Init. */
#define _MMCTL1_ADR (0x00000013)
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_TGMRAMON (1<<7) /* EEE Tag RAM and FTM SCRATCH RAM visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_EEEIFRON (1<<5) /* EEE IFR visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_PGMIFRON (1<<4) /* Program IFR visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_RAMHM (1<<3) /* RAM only in the higher half of the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_EROMON (1<<2) /* Enables emulated Flash or ROM memory in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_ROMHM (1<<1) /* FLASH or ROM only in higher Half of Memory Map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_ROMON (1<<0) /* Enable FLASH or ROM in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_SET(value) ((*(volatile unsigned char*)_MMCTL1_ADR)= (value))
#if defined(__MAP_FLASH__)
#elif defined(__MAP_EXTERNAL__)
#else /* RAM */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
/*lint -e{522} , MISRA 14.2 REQ, function Init() contains HLI only */
Init(); /* zero out, copy down, call constructors */
/* Here user defined code could be inserted, all global variables are initilized */
#if defined(_DO_ENABLE_COP_)
/* call main() */
/*lint --e{766} , non_bank.sgm is not a regular header file, it contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
/*lint +estring(961,"only preprocessor statements and comments before '#include'") */
/*lint +e451 */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Boot/hooks.c
* \brief Bootloader callback source file.
* \ingroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2019 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "boot.h" /* bootloader generic header */
#include "led.h" /* LED driver header */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
* C P U D R I V E R H O O K F U N C T I O N S
** \brief Callback that gets called when the bootloader is about to exit and
** hand over control to the user program. This is the last moment that
** some final checking can be performed and if necessary prevent the
** bootloader from activiting the user program.
** \return BLT_TRUE if it is okay to start the user program, BLT_FALSE to keep
** keep the bootloader active.
blt_bool CpuUserProgramStartHook(void)
/* additional and optional backdoor entry through the pushbutton SW3 on the board. to
* force the bootloader to stay active after reset, keep the pushbutton pressed while
* resetting the microcontroller.
if (PTT_PTT6 != 0)
/* pushbutton pressed, so do not start the user program and keep the bootloader
* active instead.
return BLT_FALSE;
/* clean up the LED driver */
/* okay to start the user program */
return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of CpuUserProgramStartHook ***/
* W A T C H D O G D R I V E R H O O K F U N C T I O N S
** \brief Callback that gets called at the end of the internal COP driver
** initialization routine. It can be used to configure and enable the
** watchdog.
** \return none.
void CopInitHook(void)
/* this function is called upon initialization. might as well use it to initialize
* the LED driver. It is kind of a visual watchdog anyways.
} /*** end of CopInitHook ***/
** \brief Callback that gets called at the end of the internal COP driver
** service routine. This gets called upon initialization and during
** potential long lasting loops and routine. It can be used to service
** the watchdog to prevent a watchdog reset.
** \return none.
void CopServiceHook(void)
/* run the LED blink task. this is a better place to do it than in the main() program
* loop. certain operations such as flash erase can take a long time, which would cause
* a blink interval to be skipped. this function is also called during such operations,
* so no blink intervals will be skipped when calling the LED blink task here.
} /*** end of CopServiceHook ***/
#endif /* BOOT_COP_HOOKS_ENABLE > 0 */
* B A C K D O O R E N T R Y H O O K F U N C T I O N S
** \brief Initializes the backdoor entry option.
** \return none.
void BackDoorInitHook(void)
} /*** end of BackDoorInitHook ***/
** \brief Checks if a backdoor entry is requested.
** \return BLT_TRUE if the backdoor entry is requested, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
blt_bool BackDoorEntryHook(void)
/* default implementation always activates the bootloader after a reset */
return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of BackDoorEntryHook ***/
* N O N - V O L A T I L E M E M O R Y D R I V E R H O O K F U N C T I O N S
** \brief Callback that gets called at the start of the internal NVM driver
** initialization routine.
** \return none.
void NvmInitHook(void)
} /*** end of NvmInitHook ***/
** \brief Callback that gets called at the start of a firmware update to reinitialize
** the NVM driver.
** \return none.
void NvmReinitHook(void)
} /*** end of NvmReinitHook ***/
** \brief Callback that gets called at the start of the NVM driver write
** routine. It allows additional memory to be operated on. If the address
** is not within the range of the additional memory, then
** BLT_NVM_NOT_IN_RANGE must be returned to indicate that the data hasn't
** been written yet.
** \param addr Start address.
** \param len Length in bytes.
** \param data Pointer to the data buffer.
** \return BLT_NVM_OKAY if successful, BLT_NVM_NOT_IN_RANGE if the address is
** not within the supported memory range, or BLT_NVM_ERROR is the write
** operation failed.
blt_int8u NvmWriteHook(blt_addr addr, blt_int32u len, blt_int8u *data)
} /*** end of NvmWriteHook ***/
** \brief Callback that gets called at the start of the NVM driver erase
** routine. It allows additional memory to be operated on. If the address
** is not within the range of the additional memory, then
** BLT_NVM_NOT_IN_RANGE must be returned to indicate that the memory
** hasn't been erased yet.
** \param addr Start address.
** \param len Length in bytes.
** \return BLT_NVM_OKAY if successful, BLT_NVM_NOT_IN_RANGE if the address is
** not within the supported memory range, or BLT_NVM_ERROR is the erase
** operation failed.
blt_int8u NvmEraseHook(blt_addr addr, blt_int32u len)
} /*** end of NvmEraseHook ***/
** \brief Callback that gets called at the end of the NVM programming session.
** \return BLT_TRUE is successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
blt_bool NvmDoneHook(void)
return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of NvmDoneHook ***/
#endif /* BOOT_NVM_HOOKS_ENABLE > 0 */
** \brief Verifies the checksum, which indicates that a valid user program is
** present and can be started.
** \return BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
blt_bool NvmVerifyChecksumHook(void)
return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of NvmVerifyChecksum ***/
** \brief Writes a checksum of the user program to non-volatile memory. This is
** performed once the entire user program has been programmed. Through
** the checksum, the bootloader can check if a valid user programming is
** present and can be started.
** \return BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
blt_bool NvmWriteChecksumHook(void)
return BLT_TRUE;
* S E E D / K E Y S E C U R I T Y H O O K F U N C T I O N S
** \brief Provides a seed to the XCP master that will be used for the key
** generation when the master attempts to unlock the specified resource.
** Called by the GET_SEED command.
** \param resource Resource that the seed if requested for (XCP_RES_XXX).
** \param seed Pointer to byte buffer wher the seed will be stored.
** \return Length of the seed in bytes.
blt_int8u XcpGetSeedHook(blt_int8u resource, blt_int8u *seed)
/* request seed for unlocking ProGraMming resource */
if ((resource & XCP_RES_PGM) != 0)
seed[0] = 0x55;
/* return seed length */
return 1;
} /*** end of XcpGetSeedHook ***/
** \brief Called by the UNLOCK command and checks if the key to unlock the
** specified resource was correct. If so, then the resource protection
** will be removed.
** \param resource resource to unlock (XCP_RES_XXX).
** \param key pointer to the byte buffer holding the key.
** \param len length of the key in bytes.
** \return 1 if the key was correct, 0 otherwise.
blt_int8u XcpVerifyKeyHook(blt_int8u resource, blt_int8u *key, blt_int8u len)
/* suppress compiler warning for unused parameter */
len = len;
/* the example key algorithm in "libseednkey.dll" works as follows:
* - PGM will be unlocked if key = seed - 1
/* check key for unlocking ProGraMming resource */
if ((resource == XCP_RES_PGM) && (key[0] == (0x55-1)))
/* correct key received for unlocking PGM resource */
return 1;
/* still here so key incorrect */
return 0;
} /*** end of XcpVerifyKeyHook ***/
#endif /* BOOT_XCP_SEED_KEY_ENABLE > 0 */
/*********************************** end of hooks.c ************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
OPEN source 0 0 60 39
Source < attributes MARKS off
OPEN assembly 60 0 40 31
Assembly < attributes ADR on,CODE off,ABSADR on,SYMB off,TOPPC 0xF88C
OPEN procedure 0 39 60 17
Procedure < attributes VALUES on,TYPES off
OPEN register 60 31 40 25
Register < attributes FORMAT AUTO,COMPLEMENT None
OPEN memory 60 56 40 22
Memory < attributes FORMAT hex,COMPLEMENT None,WORD 1,ASC on,ADR on,ADDRESS 0x80
OPEN data 0 56 60 22
Data:1 < attributes SCOPE global,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
OPEN data 0 78 60 22
Data:2 < attributes SCOPE local,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
OPEN command 60 78 40 22
Command < attributes CACHESIZE 1000
bckcolor 50331647
font 'Courier New' 9 BLACK
ACTIVATE Data:2 Command Procedure Data:1 Source Register Assembly Memory

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
[Environment Variables]
TOOLBAR=57600 57601 32795 0 57635 57634 57637 0 57671 57669 0 32777 32776 32782 32780 32781 32778 0 32806
CMDFILE0=CMDFILE STARTUP ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_startup.cmd"
CMDFILE1=CMDFILE RESET ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_reset.cmd"
CMDFILE2=CMDFILE PRELOAD ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_preload.cmd"
CMDFILE3=CMDFILE POSTLOAD ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_postload.cmd"
CMDFILE4=CMDFILE VPPON ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_vppon.cmd"
CMDFILE5=CMDFILE VPPOFF ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_vppoff.cmd"
CMDFILE6=CMDFILE UNSECURE ON ".\cmd\OpenSourceBDM_erase_unsecure_hcs12p.cmd"
NV_PARAMETER_FILE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CWS12v5.1\prog\FPP\mcu01C2.fpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Boot/led.c
* \brief LED driver source file.
* \ingroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2019 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "boot.h" /* bootloader generic header */
#include "led.h" /* module header */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
* Local data declarations
/** \brief Holds the desired LED blink interval time. */
static blt_int16u ledBlinkIntervalMs;
** \brief Initializes the LED blink driver.
** \param interval_ms Specifies the desired LED blink interval time in milliseconds.
** \return none.
void LedBlinkInit(blt_int16u interval_ms)
/* store the interval time between LED toggles */
ledBlinkIntervalMs = interval_ms;
/* disable pull device for PP6 */
/* configure PP6 as a digital output */
/* turn off the LED by default */
PTP_PTP6 = 1;
} /*** end of LedBlinkInit ***/
** \brief Task function for blinking the LED as a fixed timer interval.
** \return none.
void LedBlinkTask(void)
static blt_bool ledOn = BLT_FALSE;
static blt_int32u nextBlinkEvent = 0;
/* check for blink event */
if (TimerGet() >= nextBlinkEvent)
/* toggle the LED state */
if (ledOn == BLT_FALSE)
ledOn = BLT_TRUE;
PTP_PTP6 = 0;
ledOn = BLT_FALSE;
PTP_PTP6 = 1;
/* schedule the next blink event */
nextBlinkEvent = TimerGet() + ledBlinkIntervalMs;
} /*** end of LedBlinkTask ***/
** \brief Cleans up the LED blink driver. This is intended to be used upon program
** exit.
** \return none.
void LedBlinkExit(void)
/* turn the LED off */
PTP_PTP6 = 1;
} /*** end of LedBlinkExit ***/
/*********************************** end of led.c **************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Boot/led.h
* \brief LED driver header file.
* \ingroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2019 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef LED_H
#define LED_H
* Function prototypes
void LedBlinkInit(blt_int16u interval_ms);
void LedBlinkTask(void);
void LedBlinkExit(void);
#endif /* LED_H */
/*********************************** end of led.h **************************************/

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Note: This file is recreated by the project wizard whenever the MCU is
* changed and should not be edited by hand
/* Include the derivative-specific header file */
#include <mc9s12g128.h>
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12g128"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
/* Based on CPU DB MC9S12G128_100, version 3.00.015 (RegistersPrg V2.32) */
/* DataSheet : MC9S12GRMV1 Rev. 1.02 June 7, 2011 */
#include <mc9s12g128.h>
/*lint -save -esym(765, *) */
/* * * * * 8-BIT REGISTERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
volatile PORTESTR _PORTE; /* Port E Data Register; 0x00000008 */
volatile DDRESTR _DDRE; /* Port E Data Direction Register; 0x00000009 */
volatile MODESTR _MODE; /* Mode Register; 0x0000000B */
volatile PUCRSTR _PUCR; /* Pull-Up Control Register; 0x0000000C */
volatile DIRECTSTR _DIRECT; /* Direct Page Register; 0x00000011 */
volatile MMCCTL1STR _MMCCTL1; /* MMC Control Register; 0x00000013 */
volatile PPAGESTR _PPAGE; /* Program Page Index Register; 0x00000015 */
volatile ECLKCTLSTR _ECLKCTL; /* ECLK Control Register; 0x0000001C */
volatile IRQCRSTR _IRQCR; /* Interrupt Control Register; 0x0000001E */
volatile DBGC1STR _DBGC1; /* Debug Control Register 1; 0x00000020 */
volatile DBGSRSTR _DBGSR; /* Debug Status Register; 0x00000021 */
volatile DBGTCRSTR _DBGTCR; /* Debug Trace Control Register; 0x00000022 */
volatile DBGC2STR _DBGC2; /* Debug Control Register 2; 0x00000023 */
volatile DBGCNTSTR _DBGCNT; /* Debug Count Register; 0x00000026 */
volatile DBGSCRXSTR _DBGSCRX; /* Debug State Control Register; 0x00000027 */
volatile DBGXCTLSTR _DBGXCTL; /* Debug Comparator Control Register; 0x00000028 */
volatile DBGXAHSTR _DBGXAH; /* Debug Comparator Address High Register; 0x00000029 */
volatile DBGXAMSTR _DBGXAM; /* Debug Comparator Address Mid Register; 0x0000002A */
volatile DBGXALSTR _DBGXAL; /* Debug Comparator Address Low Register; 0x0000002B */
volatile DBGADHSTR _DBGADH; /* Debug Comparator Data High Register; 0x0000002C */
volatile DBGADLSTR _DBGADL; /* Debug Comparator Data Low Register; 0x0000002D */
volatile DBGADHMSTR _DBGADHM; /* Debug Comparator Data High Mask Register; 0x0000002E */
volatile DBGADLMSTR _DBGADLM; /* Debug Comparator Data Low Mask Register; 0x0000002F */
volatile CPMUSYNRSTR _CPMUSYNR; /* S12CPMU Synthesizer Register; 0x00000034 */
volatile CPMUREFDIVSTR _CPMUREFDIV; /* S12CPMU Reference Divider Register; 0x00000035 */
volatile CPMUPOSTDIVSTR _CPMUPOSTDIV; /* S12CPMU Post Divider Register; 0x00000036 */
volatile CPMUFLGSTR _CPMUFLG; /* S12CPMU Flags Register; 0x00000037 */
volatile CPMUINTSTR _CPMUINT; /* S12CPMU Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000038 */
volatile CPMUCLKSSTR _CPMUCLKS; /* S12CPMU Clock Select Register; 0x00000039 */
volatile CPMUPLLSTR _CPMUPLL; /* S12CPMU PLL Control Register; 0x0000003A */
volatile CPMURTISTR _CPMURTI; /* CPMU RTI Control Register; 0x0000003B */
volatile CPMUCOPSTR _CPMUCOP; /* CPMU COP Control Register; 0x0000003C */
volatile CPMUARMCOPSTR _CPMUARMCOP; /* CPMU COP Timer Arm/Reset Register; 0x0000003F */
volatile TIOSSTR _TIOS; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Select; 0x00000040 */
volatile CFORCSTR _CFORC; /* Timer Compare Force Register; 0x00000041 */
volatile OC7MSTR _OC7M; /* Output Compare 7 Mask Register; 0x00000042 */
volatile OC7DSTR _OC7D; /* Output Compare 7 Data Register; 0x00000043 */
volatile TSCR1STR _TSCR1; /* Timer System Control Register1; 0x00000046 */
volatile TTOVSTR _TTOV; /* Timer Toggle On Overflow Register; 0x00000047 */
volatile TCTL1STR _TCTL1; /* Timer Control Register 1; 0x00000048 */
volatile TCTL2STR _TCTL2; /* Timer Control Register 2; 0x00000049 */
volatile TCTL3STR _TCTL3; /* Timer Control Register 3; 0x0000004A */
volatile TCTL4STR _TCTL4; /* Timer Control Register 4; 0x0000004B */
volatile TIESTR _TIE; /* Timer Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000004C */
volatile TSCR2STR _TSCR2; /* Timer System Control Register 2; 0x0000004D */
volatile TFLG1STR _TFLG1; /* Main Timer Interrupt Flag 1; 0x0000004E */
volatile TFLG2STR _TFLG2; /* Main Timer Interrupt Flag 2; 0x0000004F */
volatile PACTLSTR _PACTL; /* 16-Bit Pulse Accumulator A Control Register; 0x00000060 */
volatile PAFLGSTR _PAFLG; /* Pulse Accumulator A Flag Register; 0x00000061 */
volatile OCPDSTR _OCPD; /* Output Compare Pin Disconnect Register; 0x0000006C */
volatile PTPSRSTR _PTPSR; /* Precision Timer Prescaler Select Register; 0x0000006E */
volatile ATDSTAT0STR _ATDSTAT0; /* ATD Status Register 0; 0x00000076 */
volatile PWMESTR _PWME; /* PWM Enable Register; 0x000000A0 */
volatile PWMPOLSTR _PWMPOL; /* PWM Polarity Register; 0x000000A1 */
volatile PWMCLKSTR _PWMCLK; /* PWM Clock Select Register; 0x000000A2 */
volatile PWMPRCLKSTR _PWMPRCLK; /* PWM Prescale Clock Select Register; 0x000000A3 */
volatile PWMCAESTR _PWMCAE; /* PWM Center Align Enable Register; 0x000000A4 */
volatile PWMCTLSTR _PWMCTL; /* PWM Control Register; 0x000000A5 */
volatile PWMCLKABSTR _PWMCLKAB; /* PWM Clock Select Register; 0x000000A6 */
volatile PWMSCLASTR _PWMSCLA; /* PWM Scale A Register; 0x000000A8 */
volatile PWMSCLBSTR _PWMSCLB; /* PWM Scale B Register; 0x000000A9 */
volatile SCI0ACR2STR _SCI0ACR2; /* SCI 0 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000CA */
volatile SCI0CR2STR _SCI0CR2; /* SCI 0 Control Register 2; 0x000000CB */
volatile SCI0SR1STR _SCI0SR1; /* SCI 0 Status Register 1; 0x000000CC */
volatile SCI0SR2STR _SCI0SR2; /* SCI 0 Status Register 2; 0x000000CD */
volatile SCI0DRHSTR _SCI0DRH; /* SCI 0 Data Register High; 0x000000CE */
volatile SCI0DRLSTR _SCI0DRL; /* SCI 0 Data Register Low; 0x000000CF */
volatile SCI1ACR2STR _SCI1ACR2; /* SCI 1 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000D2 */
volatile SCI1CR2STR _SCI1CR2; /* SCI 1 Control Register 2; 0x000000D3 */
volatile SCI1SR1STR _SCI1SR1; /* SCI 1 Status Register 1; 0x000000D4 */
volatile SCI1SR2STR _SCI1SR2; /* SCI 1 Status Register 2; 0x000000D5 */
volatile SCI1DRHSTR _SCI1DRH; /* SCI 1 Data Register High; 0x000000D6 */
volatile SCI1DRLSTR _SCI1DRL; /* SCI 1 Data Register Low; 0x000000D7 */
volatile SPI0CR1STR _SPI0CR1; /* SPI 0 Control Register 1; 0x000000D8 */
volatile SPI0CR2STR _SPI0CR2; /* SPI 0 Control Register 2; 0x000000D9 */
volatile SPI0BRSTR _SPI0BR; /* SPI 0 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000DA */
volatile SPI0SRSTR _SPI0SR; /* SPI 0 Status Register; 0x000000DB */
volatile SCI2ACR2STR _SCI2ACR2; /* SCI 2 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000EA */
volatile SCI2CR2STR _SCI2CR2; /* SCI 2 Control Register 2; 0x000000EB */
volatile SCI2SR1STR _SCI2SR1; /* SCI 2 Status Register 1; 0x000000EC */
volatile SCI2SR2STR _SCI2SR2; /* SCI 2 Status Register 2; 0x000000ED */
volatile SCI2DRHSTR _SCI2DRH; /* SCI 2 Data Register High; 0x000000EE */
volatile SCI2DRLSTR _SCI2DRL; /* SCI 2 Data Register Low; 0x000000EF */
volatile SPI1CR1STR _SPI1CR1; /* SPI 1 Control Register 1; 0x000000F0 */
volatile SPI1CR2STR _SPI1CR2; /* SPI 1 Control Register 2; 0x000000F1 */
volatile SPI1BRSTR _SPI1BR; /* SPI 1 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000F2 */
volatile SPI1SRSTR _SPI1SR; /* SPI 1 Status Register; 0x000000F3 */
volatile SPI2CR1STR _SPI2CR1; /* SPI 2 Control Register 1; 0x000000F8 */
volatile SPI2CR2STR _SPI2CR2; /* SPI 2 Control Register 2; 0x000000F9 */
volatile SPI2BRSTR _SPI2BR; /* SPI 2 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000FA */
volatile SPI2SRSTR _SPI2SR; /* SPI 2 Status Register; 0x000000FB */
volatile FCLKDIVSTR _FCLKDIV; /* Flash Clock Divider Register; 0x00000100 */
volatile FSECSTR _FSEC; /* Flash Security Register; 0x00000101 */
volatile FCCOBIXSTR _FCCOBIX; /* Flash CCOB Index Register; 0x00000102 */
volatile FCNFGSTR _FCNFG; /* Flash Configuration Register; 0x00000104 */
volatile FERCNFGSTR _FERCNFG; /* Flash Error Configuration Register; 0x00000105 */
volatile FSTATSTR _FSTAT; /* Flash Status Register; 0x00000106 */
volatile FERSTATSTR _FERSTAT; /* Flash Error Status Register; 0x00000107 */
volatile FPROTSTR _FPROT; /* P-Flash Protection Register; 0x00000108 */
volatile DFPROTSTR _DFPROT; /* D-Flash Protection Register; 0x00000109 */
volatile FOPTSTR _FOPT; /* Flash Option Register; 0x00000110 */
volatile IVBRSTR _IVBR; /* Interrupt Vector Base Register; 0x00000120 */
volatile CANCTL0STR _CANCTL0; /* MSCAN Control 0 Register; 0x00000140 */
volatile CANCTL1STR _CANCTL1; /* MSCAN Control 1 Register; 0x00000141 */
volatile CANBTR0STR _CANBTR0; /* MSCAN Bus Timing Register 0; 0x00000142 */
volatile CANBTR1STR _CANBTR1; /* MSCAN Bus Timing Register 1; 0x00000143 */
volatile CANRFLGSTR _CANRFLG; /* MSCAN Receiver Flag Register; 0x00000144 */
volatile CANRIERSTR _CANRIER; /* MSCAN Receiver Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000145 */
volatile CANTFLGSTR _CANTFLG; /* MSCAN Transmitter Flag Register; 0x00000146 */
volatile CANTIERSTR _CANTIER; /* MSCAN Transmitter Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000147 */
volatile CANTARQSTR _CANTARQ; /* MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Request; 0x00000148 */
volatile CANTAAKSTR _CANTAAK; /* MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Acknowledge; 0x00000149 */
volatile CANTBSELSTR _CANTBSEL; /* MSCAN Transmit Buffer Selection; 0x0000014A */
volatile CANIDACSTR _CANIDAC; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Control Register; 0x0000014B */
volatile CANMISCSTR _CANMISC; /* MSCAN Miscellaneous Register; 0x0000014D */
volatile CANRXERRSTR _CANRXERR; /* MSCAN Receive Error Counter Register; 0x0000014E */
volatile CANTXERRSTR _CANTXERR; /* MSCAN Transmit Error Counter Register; 0x0000014F */
volatile CANIDAR0STR _CANIDAR0; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 0; 0x00000150 */
volatile CANIDAR1STR _CANIDAR1; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 1; 0x00000151 */
volatile CANIDAR2STR _CANIDAR2; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 2; 0x00000152 */
volatile CANIDAR3STR _CANIDAR3; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 3; 0x00000153 */
volatile CANIDMR0STR _CANIDMR0; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 0; 0x00000154 */
volatile CANIDMR1STR _CANIDMR1; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 1; 0x00000155 */
volatile CANIDMR2STR _CANIDMR2; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 2; 0x00000156 */
volatile CANIDMR3STR _CANIDMR3; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 3; 0x00000157 */
volatile CANIDAR4STR _CANIDAR4; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 4; 0x00000158 */
volatile CANIDAR5STR _CANIDAR5; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 5; 0x00000159 */
volatile CANIDAR6STR _CANIDAR6; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 6; 0x0000015A */
volatile CANIDAR7STR _CANIDAR7; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 7; 0x0000015B */
volatile CANIDMR4STR _CANIDMR4; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 4; 0x0000015C */
volatile CANIDMR5STR _CANIDMR5; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 5; 0x0000015D */
volatile CANIDMR6STR _CANIDMR6; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 6; 0x0000015E */
volatile CANIDMR7STR _CANIDMR7; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 7; 0x0000015F */
volatile CANRXIDR0STR _CANRXIDR0; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 0; 0x00000160 */
volatile CANRXIDR1STR _CANRXIDR1; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 1; 0x00000161 */
volatile CANRXIDR2STR _CANRXIDR2; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 2; 0x00000162 */
volatile CANRXIDR3STR _CANRXIDR3; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 3; 0x00000163 */
volatile CANRXDSR0STR _CANRXDSR0; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 0; 0x00000164 */
volatile CANRXDSR1STR _CANRXDSR1; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 1; 0x00000165 */
volatile CANRXDSR2STR _CANRXDSR2; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 2; 0x00000166 */
volatile CANRXDSR3STR _CANRXDSR3; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 3; 0x00000167 */
volatile CANRXDSR4STR _CANRXDSR4; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 4; 0x00000168 */
volatile CANRXDSR5STR _CANRXDSR5; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 5; 0x00000169 */
volatile CANRXDSR6STR _CANRXDSR6; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 6; 0x0000016A */
volatile CANRXDSR7STR _CANRXDSR7; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 7; 0x0000016B */
volatile CANRXDLRSTR _CANRXDLR; /* MSCAN Receive Data Length Register; 0x0000016C */
volatile CANTXIDR0STR _CANTXIDR0; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 0; 0x00000170 */
volatile CANTXIDR1STR _CANTXIDR1; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 1; 0x00000171 */
volatile CANTXIDR2STR _CANTXIDR2; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 2; 0x00000172 */
volatile CANTXIDR3STR _CANTXIDR3; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 3; 0x00000173 */
volatile CANTXDSR0STR _CANTXDSR0; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 0; 0x00000174 */
volatile CANTXDSR1STR _CANTXDSR1; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 1; 0x00000175 */
volatile CANTXDSR2STR _CANTXDSR2; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 2; 0x00000176 */
volatile CANTXDSR3STR _CANTXDSR3; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 3; 0x00000177 */
volatile CANTXDSR4STR _CANTXDSR4; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 4; 0x00000178 */
volatile CANTXDSR5STR _CANTXDSR5; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 5; 0x00000179 */
volatile CANTXDSR6STR _CANTXDSR6; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 6; 0x0000017A */
volatile CANTXDSR7STR _CANTXDSR7; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 7; 0x0000017B */
volatile CANTXDLRSTR _CANTXDLR; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Length Register; 0x0000017C */
volatile CANTXTBPRSTR _CANTXTBPR; /* MSCAN Transmit Buffer Priority; 0x0000017D */
volatile PTTSTR _PTT; /* Port T Data Register; 0x00000240 */
volatile PTITSTR _PTIT; /* Port T Input Register; 0x00000241 */
volatile DDRTSTR _DDRT; /* Port T Data Direction Register; 0x00000242 */
volatile PERTSTR _PERT; /* Port T Pull Device Enable Register; 0x00000244 */
volatile PPSTSTR _PPST; /* Port T Polarity Select Register; 0x00000245 */
volatile PTSSTR _PTS; /* Port S Data Register; 0x00000248 */
volatile PTISSTR _PTIS; /* Port S Input Register; 0x00000249 */
volatile DDRSSTR _DDRS; /* Port S Data Direction Register; 0x0000024A */
volatile PERSSTR _PERS; /* Port S Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000024C */
volatile PPSSSTR _PPSS; /* Port S Polarity Select Register; 0x0000024D */
volatile WOMSSTR _WOMS; /* Port S Wired-Or Mode Register; 0x0000024E */
volatile PRR0STR _PRR0; /* Pin Routing Register 0; 0x0000024F */
volatile PTMSTR _PTM; /* Port M Data Register; 0x00000250 */
volatile PTIMSTR _PTIM; /* Port M Input Register; 0x00000251 */
volatile DDRMSTR _DDRM; /* Port M Data Direction Register; 0x00000252 */
volatile PERMSTR _PERM; /* Port M Pull Device Enable Register; 0x00000254 */
volatile PPSMSTR _PPSM; /* Port M Polarity Select Register; 0x00000255 */
volatile WOMMSTR _WOMM; /* Port M Wired-Or Mode Register; 0x00000256 */
volatile PKGCRSTR _PKGCR; /* Package Code Register; 0x00000257 */
volatile PTPSTR _PTP; /* Port P Data Register; 0x00000258 */
volatile PTIPSTR _PTIP; /* Port P Input Register; 0x00000259 */
volatile DDRPSTR _DDRP; /* Port P Data Direction Register; 0x0000025A */
volatile PERPSTR _PERP; /* Port P Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000025C */
volatile PPSPSTR _PPSP; /* Port P Polarity Select Register; 0x0000025D */
volatile PIEPSTR _PIEP; /* Port P Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000025E */
volatile PIFPSTR _PIFP; /* Port P Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000025F */
volatile PTJSTR _PTJ; /* Port J Data Register; 0x00000268 */
volatile PTIJSTR _PTIJ; /* Port J Input Register; 0x00000269 */
volatile DDRJSTR _DDRJ; /* Port J Data Direction Register; 0x0000026A */
volatile PERJSTR _PERJ; /* Port J Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000026C */
volatile PPSJSTR _PPSJ; /* Port J Polarity Select Register; 0x0000026D */
volatile PIEJSTR _PIEJ; /* Port J Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000026E */
volatile PIFJSTR _PIFJ; /* Port J Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000026F */
volatile CPMULVCTLSTR _CPMULVCTL; /* Low Voltage Control Register; 0x000002F1 */
volatile CPMUAPICTLSTR _CPMUAPICTL; /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Control Register; 0x000002F2 */
volatile CPMUACLKTRSTR _CPMUACLKTR; /* Autonomous Clock Trimming Register; 0x000002F3 */
volatile CPMUOSCSTR _CPMUOSC; /* S12CPMU Oscillator Register; 0x000002FA */
volatile CPMUPROTSTR _CPMUPROT; /* S12CPMUV1 Protection Register; 0x000002FB */
/* NVFPROT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile P-Flash Protection Register; 0x0000FF0C */
/* NVDFPROT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile D-Flash Protection Register; 0x0000FF0D */
/* NVFOPT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile Flash Option Register; 0x0000FF0E */
/* NVFSEC - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile Flash Security Register; 0x0000FF0F */
/* * * * * 16-BIT REGISTERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
volatile PORTABSTR _PORTAB; /* Port AB Data Register; 0x00000000 */
volatile DDRABSTR _DDRAB; /* Port AB Data Direction Register; 0x00000002 */
volatile PORTCDSTR _PORTCD; /* Port CD Data Register; 0x00000004 */
volatile DDRCDSTR _DDRCD; /* Port CD Data Direction Register; 0x00000006 */
volatile PARTIDSTR _PARTID; /* Part ID Register; 0x0000001A */
volatile DBGTBSTR _DBGTB; /* Debug Trace Buffer Register; 0x00000024 */
volatile TCNTSTR _TCNT; /* Timer Count Register; 0x00000044 */
volatile TC0STR _TC0; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 0; 0x00000050 */
volatile TC1STR _TC1; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 1; 0x00000052 */
volatile TC2STR _TC2; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 2; 0x00000054 */
volatile TC3STR _TC3; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 3; 0x00000056 */
volatile TC4STR _TC4; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 4; 0x00000058 */
volatile TC5STR _TC5; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 5; 0x0000005A */
volatile TC6STR _TC6; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 6; 0x0000005C */
volatile TC7STR _TC7; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 7; 0x0000005E */
volatile PACNTSTR _PACNT; /* Pulse Accumulators Count Register; 0x00000062 */
volatile ATDCTL01STR _ATDCTL01; /* ATD Control Register 01; 0x00000070 */
volatile ATDCTL23STR _ATDCTL23; /* ATD Control Register 23; 0x00000072 */
volatile ATDCTL45STR _ATDCTL45; /* ATD Control Register 45; 0x00000074 */
volatile ATDCMPESTR _ATDCMPE; /* ATD Compare Enable Register; 0x00000078 */
volatile ATDSTAT2STR _ATDSTAT2; /* ATD Status Register 2; 0x0000007A */
volatile ATDDIENSTR _ATDDIEN; /* ATD Input Enable Register; 0x0000007C */
volatile ATDCMPHTSTR _ATDCMPHT; /* ATD Compare Higher Than Register; 0x0000007E */
volatile ATDDR0STR _ATDDR0; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 0; 0x00000080 */
volatile ATDDR1STR _ATDDR1; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 1; 0x00000082 */
volatile ATDDR2STR _ATDDR2; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 2; 0x00000084 */
volatile ATDDR3STR _ATDDR3; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 3; 0x00000086 */
volatile ATDDR4STR _ATDDR4; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 4; 0x00000088 */
volatile ATDDR5STR _ATDDR5; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 5; 0x0000008A */
volatile ATDDR6STR _ATDDR6; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 6; 0x0000008C */
volatile ATDDR7STR _ATDDR7; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 7; 0x0000008E */
volatile ATDDR8STR _ATDDR8; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 8; 0x00000090 */
volatile ATDDR9STR _ATDDR9; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 9; 0x00000092 */
volatile ATDDR10STR _ATDDR10; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 10; 0x00000094 */
volatile ATDDR11STR _ATDDR11; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 11; 0x00000096 */
volatile PWMCNT01STR _PWMCNT01; /* PWM Channel Counter 01 Register; 0x000000AC */
volatile PWMCNT23STR _PWMCNT23; /* PWM Channel Counter 23 Register; 0x000000AE */
volatile PWMCNT45STR _PWMCNT45; /* PWM Channel Counter 45 Register; 0x000000B0 */
volatile PWMCNT67STR _PWMCNT67; /* PWM Channel Counter 67 Register; 0x000000B2 */
volatile PWMPER01STR _PWMPER01; /* PWM Channel Period 01 Register; 0x000000B4 */
volatile PWMPER23STR _PWMPER23; /* PWM Channel Period 23 Register; 0x000000B6 */
volatile PWMPER45STR _PWMPER45; /* PWM Channel Period 45 Register; 0x000000B8 */
volatile PWMPER67STR _PWMPER67; /* PWM Channel Period 67 Register; 0x000000BA */
volatile PWMDTY01STR _PWMDTY01; /* PWM Channel Duty 01 Register; 0x000000BC */
volatile PWMDTY23STR _PWMDTY23; /* PWM Channel Duty 23 Register; 0x000000BE */
volatile PWMDTY45STR _PWMDTY45; /* PWM Channel Duty 45 Register; 0x000000C0 */
volatile PWMDTY67STR _PWMDTY67; /* PWM Channel Duty 67 Register; 0x000000C2 */
volatile SCI0BDSTR _SCI0BD; /* SCI 0 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000C8 */
volatile SCI1BDSTR _SCI1BD; /* SCI 1 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000D0 */
volatile SPI0DRSTR _SPI0DR; /* SPI 0 Data Register; 0x000000DC */
volatile SCI2BDSTR _SCI2BD; /* SCI 2 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000E8 */
volatile SPI1DRSTR _SPI1DR; /* SPI 1 Data Register; 0x000000F4 */
volatile SPI2DRSTR _SPI2DR; /* SPI 2 Data Register; 0x000000FC */
volatile FCCOBSTR _FCCOB; /* Flash Common Command Object Register; 0x0000010A */
volatile CANRXTSRSTR _CANRXTSR; /* MSCAN Receive Time Stamp Register; 0x0000016E */
volatile CANTXTSRSTR _CANTXTSR; /* MSCAN Transmit Time Stamp Register; 0x0000017E */
volatile PT01ADSTR _PT01AD; /* Port AD Data Register; 0x00000270 */
volatile PTI01ADSTR _PTI01AD; /* Port AD Input Register; 0x00000272 */
volatile DDR01ADSTR _DDR01AD; /* Port AD Data Direction Register; 0x00000274 */
volatile PER01ADSTR _PER01AD; /* Port AD Pull Up Enable Register; 0x00000278 */
volatile PPS01ADSTR _PPS01AD; /* Port AD Polarity Select Register; 0x0000027A */
volatile PIE01ADSTR _PIE01AD; /* Port AD Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000027C */
volatile PIF01ADSTR _PIF01AD; /* Port AD Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000027E */
volatile CPMUAPIRSTR _CPMUAPIR; /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate Register; 0x000002F4 */
volatile CPMUIRCTRIMSTR _CPMUIRCTRIM; /* S12CPMU IRC1M Trim Registers; 0x000002F8 */
/* BAKEY0 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 0; 0x0000FF00 */
/* BAKEY1 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 1; 0x0000FF02 */
/* BAKEY2 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 2; 0x0000FF04 */
/* BAKEY3 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 3; 0x0000FF06 */
/*lint -restore */
/* EOF */

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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Boot/main.c
* \brief Demo program application source file.
* \ingroup Boot_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2019 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "boot.h" /* bootloader generic header */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
* Function prototypes
static void Init(void);
static void SystemClockInit(void);
** \brief This is the entry point for the bootloader application and is called
** by the reset interrupt vector after the C-startup routines executed.
** \return none.
void main(void)
/* initialize the microcontroller */
/* initialize the bootloader */
/* start the infinite program loop */
for (;;)
/* run the bootloader task */
} /*** end of main ***/
** \brief Initializes the microcontroller.
** \return none.
static void Init(void)
volatile unsigned long delayCnt;
/* ---- initialize the system clock ---- */
/* ---- configure SW3 digital input ---- */
/* disable pull device for the pushbutton */
PERT &= ~0x40;
/* configure the pushbutton pin as a digital input */
DDRT &= ~0x40;
/* ---- configure the CAN Tx and Rx pins ---- */
/* configure pullup device for the CAN pins */
PPSM &= ~0x03;
/* enable the pull device for the CAN pins */
PERM |= 0x03;
/* configure the CAN tx pin as a push pull output */
WOMM |= 0x02;
/* ---- configure the SPI pins for the SBC with CAN transceiver ---- */
/* configure a pullup device for SPI MISO, MOSI, CLK and a pulldown for CS */
PPSJ &= ~0x7;
PPSJ |= 0x10;
/* enabled the pull device for the SPI pins */
PERJ |= 0x0F;
/* disable interrupt on the SPI CS pin */
PIEJ &= ~0x10;
/* configure the SPI CS pin as a digital output and deselect the chip */
PTJ |= 0x10;
DDRJ |= 0x10;
/* ---- initialize the SPI peripheral ---- */
/* disable the SPI1 module and clearing flags in SPISR register */
SPI1CR1 = 0x00;
/* set configuration in control register 2
SPI1CR2 = 0x50;
/* configure the communication speed */
SPI1BR = 0x42;
/* set the configuration in control register 1
SPI1CR1 = 0x56;
/* ---- communicate with SBC via SPI to enable CAN communication ---- */
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* read Vreg register H */
SPI1DRL = 0x80;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* enter in "normal mode" */
SPI1DRH = 0x5A;
SPI1DRL = 0x00;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* enable 5V-CAN and Vaux */
SPI1DRH = 0x5E;
SPI1DRL = 0x90;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* set CAN in Tx-Rx mode, fast slew rate */
SPI1DRH = 0x60;
SPI1DRL = 0xC0;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
} /*** end of Init ***/
** \brief Initializes the clock configuration of the microcontroller.
** \return none.
static void SystemClockInit(void)
/* system clock initialization in PEE mode. the external 8 MHz crystal oscillator is
* used to drive the PLL such that the system clock (Fpll) is 24 MHz, with and Fvco
* of 48 MHz and the bus clock is Fpll/2 = 12 MHz.
/* disable the protection of the clock configuration registers */
CPMUPROT = 0x26;
/* configure the oscillator to be disabled in stop mode */
/* enable the PLL to allow write to divider registers */
/* configure Fref to be 4 MHz. REFDIV = 0, REFCLK = 2 - 6 MHz.
* Fref = Fosc / (REFDIV + 1)
/* configure Fvco to be 48 MHz. SYNDIV = 11, VCOFRQ = 48 - 50 MHz.
* Fvco = Fref * (SYNDIV + 1)
/* select Fpll (locked) to be 24 MHz. POSTDIV = 1.
* Fpll = Fvco / (POSTDIV + 1)
/* set Fpll as the source of the system clocks */
/* wait for hardware handshake, which verifies a correct configuration of CPMUCLKS */
/* enabled the external oscillator, since it is used to drive the PLL */
/* wait for the oscillation to stabilize */
while(CPMUFLG_UPOSC == 0)
/* configure the PLL frequency modulation */
CPMUPLL = 0x00U;
/* wait for the PLL to lock */
while(CPMUFLG_LOCK == 0)
/* enable the protection of the clock configuration registers */
CPMUPROT = 0x00;
} /*** end of SystemClockInit ***/
/*********************************** end of main.c *************************************/

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
/* This is a linker parameter file for the MC9S12G128 */
NAMES END /* CodeWarrior will pass all the needed files to the linker by command line. But here you may add your own files too. */
SEGMENTS /* Here all RAM/ROM areas of the device are listed. Used in PLACEMENT below. */
/* Register space */
/* IO_SEG = PAGED 0x0000 TO 0x03FF; intentionally not defined */
/* RAM */
RAM = READ_WRITE 0x2000 TO 0x3FFF;
/* D-Flash */
DFLASH = READ_ONLY 0x0400 TO 0x13FF;
/* non-paged FLASHs */
ROM_4000 = READ_ONLY 0x4000 TO 0x7FFF;
ROM_C000 = READ_ONLY 0xC000 TO 0xE6FF;
/* paged FLASH: 0x8000 TO 0xBFFF; addressed through PPAGE */
PAGE_08 = READ_ONLY 0x088000 TO 0x08BFFF;
PAGE_09 = READ_ONLY 0x098000 TO 0x09BFFF;
/* PAGE_0D = READ_ONLY 0x0D8000 TO 0x0DBFFF; not used: equivalent to ROM_4000 */
PAGE_0F = READ_ONLY 0x0F8000 TO 0x0FA6FF; /* equivalent to ROM_C000. last part reserved for vector table and OpenBLT */
PLACEMENT /* here all predefined and user segments are placed into the SEGMENTS defined above. */
_PRESTART, /* Used in HIWARE format: jump to _Startup at the code start */
STARTUP, /* startup data structures */
ROM_VAR, /* constant variables */
STRINGS, /* string literals */
VIRTUAL_TABLE_SEGMENT, /* C++ virtual table segment */
NON_BANKED, /* runtime routines which must not be banked */
COPY /* copy down information: how to initialize variables */
/* in case you want to use ROM_C000 here as well, make sure
that all files (incl. library files) are compiled with the
option: -OnB=b */
INTO ROM_4000/*, ROM_C000*/;
SSTACK, /* allocate stack first to avoid overwriting variables on overflow */
ENTRIES /* keep the following unreferenced variables */

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_Evbplus_Dragon12p_CodeWarrior/Prog/boot.c
* \brief Demo program bootloader interface source file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_Evbplus_Dragon12p_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2013 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include "header.h" /* generic header */
* Function prototypes
static void BootComUartInit(void);
static void BootComUartCheckActivationRequest(void);
static void BootComCanInit(void);
static void BootComCanCheckActivationRequest(void);
** \brief Initializes the communication interface.
** \return none.
void BootComInit(void)
} /*** end of BootComInit ***/
** \brief Receives the CONNECT request from the host, which indicates that the
** bootloader should be activated and, if so, activates it.
** \return none.
void BootComCheckActivationRequest(void)
} /*** end of BootComCheckActivationRequest ***/
** \brief Bootloader activation function.
** \return none.
void BootActivate(void)
/* perform a software reset by letting the watchdog time out. make sure it is
* enabled
if ( (CPMUCOP & 0x07) == 0)
/* enable the watchdog */
CPMUCOP = 0x41;
/* wait for the watchdog to time out which triggers a reset */
for (;;)
} /*** end of BootActivate ***/
* U N I V E R S A L A S Y N C H R O N O U S R X T X I N T E R F A C E
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Timeout time for the reception of a CTO packet. The timer is started upon
* reception of the first packet byte.
* Function prototypes
static unsigned char UartReceiveByte(unsigned char *data);
** \brief Initializes the UART communication interface.
** \return none.
static void BootComUartInit(void)
unsigned short baudrate_sbr0_12;
/* reset the SCI subsystem's configuration, which automatically configures it for
* 8,n,1 communication mode.
SCI0CR2 = 0;
SCI0CR1 = 0;
SCI0BDH = 0;
SCI0BDL = 0;
/* configure the baudrate from BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE */
baudrate_sbr0_12 = (BOOT_CPU_SYSTEM_SPEED_KHZ * 1000ul) / 16 / BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE;
baudrate_sbr0_12 &= SCI0BD_SBR_MASK;
/* write first MSB then LSB for the baudrate to latch */
SCI0BDH = (unsigned char)(baudrate_sbr0_12 >> 8);
SCI0BDL = (unsigned char)baudrate_sbr0_12;
/* enable the receiver */
} /*** end of BootComUartInit ***/
** \brief Receives the CONNECT request from the host, which indicates that the
** bootloader should be activated and, if so, activates it.
** \return none.
static void BootComUartCheckActivationRequest(void)
static unsigned char xcpCtoReqPacket[BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA+1];
static unsigned char xcpCtoRxLength;
static unsigned char xcpCtoRxInProgress = 0;
static unsigned long xcpCtoRxStartTime = 0;
/* start of cto packet received? */
if (xcpCtoRxInProgress == 0)
/* store the message length when received */
if (UartReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[0]) == 1)
/* check that the length has a valid value. it should not be 0 */
if ( (xcpCtoReqPacket[0] > 0) &&
(xcpCtoReqPacket[0] <= BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA) )
/* store the start time */
xcpCtoRxStartTime = TimerGet();
/* indicate that a cto packet is being received */
xcpCtoRxInProgress = 1;
/* reset packet data count */
xcpCtoRxLength = 0;
/* store the next packet byte */
if (UartReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[xcpCtoRxLength+1]) == 1)
/* increment the packet data count */
/* check to see if the entire packet was received */
if (xcpCtoRxLength == xcpCtoReqPacket[0])
/* done with cto packet reception */
xcpCtoRxInProgress = 0;
/* check if this was an XCP CONNECT command */
if ((xcpCtoReqPacket[1] == 0xff) && (xcpCtoReqPacket[2] == 0x00))
/* connection request received so start the bootloader */
/* check packet reception timeout */
if (TimerGet() > (xcpCtoRxStartTime + UART_CTO_RX_PACKET_TIMEOUT_MS))
/* cancel cto packet reception due to timeout. note that this automatically
* discards the already received packet bytes, allowing the host to retry.
xcpCtoRxInProgress = 0;
} /*** end of BootComUartCheckActivationRequest ***/
** \brief Receives a communication interface byte if one is present.
** \param data Pointer to byte where the data is to be stored.
** \return 1 if a byte was received, 0 otherwise.
static unsigned char UartReceiveByte(unsigned char *data)
/* check if a new byte was received by means of the RDRF-bit */
if((SCI0SR1 & SCI0SR1_RDRF_MASK) != 0)
/* store the received byte */
data[0] = SCI0DRL;
/* inform caller of the newly received byte */
return 1;
/* inform caller that no new data was received */
return 0;
} /*** end of UartReceiveByte ***/
#endif /* BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE > 0 */
* C O N T R O L L E R A R E A N E T W O R K I N T E R F A C E
* Type definitions
/** \brief Structure type with the layout of the CAN bus timing registers. */
typedef struct
unsigned char tseg1; /**< CAN time segment 1 */
unsigned char tseg2; /**< CAN time segment 2 */
} tCanBusTiming;
* Macro definitions
#define CONVERT_STD_ID_TO_REG0(id) ((unsigned char)(((unsigned short)id & 0x07f8) >> 3))
#define CONVERT_STD_ID_TO_REG1(id) ((unsigned char)(id & 0x07) << 5)
#define CONVERT_STD_ID_TO_REG2(id) (0)
#define CONVERT_STD_ID_TO_REG3(id) (0)
#define CONVERT_EXT_ID_TO_REG0(id) ((unsigned char)(id >> 21))
#define CONVERT_EXT_ID_TO_REG1(id) ((((unsigned char)(id >> 15)) & 0x07) | \
(((unsigned char)(id >> 13)) & 0xe0) | CANRXIDR1_IDE_MASK)
#define CONVERT_EXT_ID_TO_REG2(id) ((unsigned char)(((unsigned short)id & 0x7f80) >> 7))
#define CONVERT_EXT_ID_TO_REG3(id) ((unsigned char)(id & 0x7f) << 1)
* Local constant declarations
* \brief Array with possible time quanta configurations.
* \details According to the CAN protocol 1 bit-time can be made up of between 8..25
* time quanta (TQ). The total TQ in a bit is SYNC + TSEG1 + TSEG2 with SYNC
* always being 1. The sample point is (SYNC + TSEG1) / (SYNC + TSEG1 + SEG2)
* * 100%. This array contains possible and valid time quanta configurations
* with a sample point between 68..78%.
static const tCanBusTiming canTiming[] =
{ /* TQ | TSEG1 | TSEG2 | SP */
/* ------------------------- */
{ 5, 2 }, /* 8 | 5 | 2 | 75% */
{ 6, 2 }, /* 9 | 6 | 2 | 78% */
{ 6, 3 }, /* 10 | 6 | 3 | 70% */
{ 7, 3 }, /* 11 | 7 | 3 | 73% */
{ 8, 3 }, /* 12 | 8 | 3 | 75% */
{ 9, 3 }, /* 13 | 9 | 3 | 77% */
{ 9, 4 }, /* 14 | 9 | 4 | 71% */
{ 10, 4 }, /* 15 | 10 | 4 | 73% */
{ 11, 4 }, /* 16 | 11 | 4 | 75% */
{ 12, 4 }, /* 17 | 12 | 4 | 76% */
{ 12, 5 }, /* 18 | 12 | 5 | 72% */
{ 13, 5 }, /* 19 | 13 | 5 | 74% */
{ 14, 5 }, /* 20 | 14 | 5 | 75% */
{ 15, 5 }, /* 21 | 15 | 5 | 76% */
{ 15, 6 }, /* 22 | 15 | 6 | 73% */
{ 16, 6 }, /* 23 | 16 | 6 | 74% */
{ 16, 7 }, /* 24 | 16 | 7 | 71% */
{ 16, 8 } /* 25 | 16 | 8 | 68% */
** \brief Search algorithm to match the desired baudrate to a possible bus timing
** configuration.
** \param baud The desired baudrate in kbps. Valid values are 10..1000.
** \param btr0 Pointer to where the value for register CANxBTR0 will be stored.
** \param btr1 Pointer to where the value for register CANxBTR1 will be stored.
** \return 1 if the CAN bustiming register values were found, 0 otherwise.
static unsigned char CanGetSpeedConfig(unsigned short baud, unsigned char *btr0, unsigned char *btr1)
unsigned char prescaler;
unsigned char cnt;
/* loop through all possible time quanta configurations to find a match */
for (cnt=0; cnt < sizeof(canTiming)/sizeof(canTiming[0]); cnt++)
if ((BOOT_CPU_XTAL_SPEED_KHZ % (baud*(canTiming[cnt].tseg1+canTiming[cnt].tseg2+1))) == 0)
/* compute the prescaler that goes with this TQ configuration */
prescaler = (unsigned char)(BOOT_CPU_XTAL_SPEED_KHZ/(baud*(canTiming[cnt].tseg1+canTiming[cnt].tseg2+1)));
/* make sure the prescaler is valid */
if ( (prescaler > 0) && (prescaler <= 64) )
/* store the MSCAN bustiming register values */
*btr0 = prescaler - 1;
*btr1 = ((canTiming[cnt].tseg2 - 1) << 4) | (canTiming[cnt].tseg1 - 1);
/* found a good bus timing configuration */
return 1;
/* could not find a good bus timing configuration */
return 0;
} /*** end of CanGetSpeedConfig ***/
** \brief Initializes the CAN communication interface.
** \return none.
static void BootComCanInit(void)
unsigned char btrRegValues[2];
unsigned long accept_code;
unsigned long accept_mask;
/* enter initialization mode. note that this automatically disables CAN interrupts */
/* wait for initialization mode entry handshake from the hardware */
while ((CANCTL1 & CANCTL1_INITAK_MASK) == 0)
/* enable the CAN controller, disable wake up and listen modes and set the
* crystal oscillator as the clock source.
/* configure baudrate */
if (CanGetSpeedConfig(BOOT_COM_CAN_BAUDRATE/1000, &btrRegValues[0], &btrRegValues[1]) == 1)
/* configure the baudrate */
CANBTR0 = btrRegValues[0];
CANBTR1 = btrRegValues[1];
/* enable 2 32-bit acceptance filters. both will be configured for the same code and
* mask. the only difference is that filter 0 will be setup to receive extended 29-bit
* identifiers and filter 0 to receive standard 11-bit identifiers.
/* set the acceptance filter code and mask to receive all messages */
accept_code = 0x00000000;
accept_mask = 0x1fffffff;
/* configure acceptance filter 0 for 29-bit extended identifiers */
CANIDMR1 = (CONVERT_EXT_ID_TO_REG1(accept_mask) | 0x10) & (unsigned char)(~0x08);
/* configure acceptance filter 1 for 11-bit standard identifiers */
CANIDMR5 = CONVERT_STD_ID_TO_REG1(accept_mask) | (0x04 | 0x02 | 0x01);
/* leave initialization mode and synchronize to the CAN bus */
/* wait for CAN bus synchronization handshake from the hardware */
while ((CANCTL1 & CANCTL1_INITAK_MASK) != 0)
} /*** end of BootComCanInit ***/
** \brief Receives the CONNECT request from the host, which indicates that the
** bootloader should be activated and, if so, activates it.
** \return none.
static void BootComCanCheckActivationRequest(void)
unsigned long rxMsgId;
/* check if a new message was received */
/* check IDE-bit to determine if it is a 11-bit or 29-bit identifier */
/* 11-bit id */
rxMsgId = (*(unsigned short*)(&CANRXIDR0)) >> 5;
/* 29-bit id */
rxMsgId = (unsigned long)(((*(unsigned long*)(&CANRXIDR0)) & 0x0007ffff) >> 1) |
(unsigned long)(((*(unsigned long*)(&CANRXIDR0)) & 0xffe00000) >> 3);
rxMsgId |= 0x80000000;
/* is this the packet identifier? */
if (rxMsgId == BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MSG_ID)
/* check if this was an XCP CONNECT command */
if ( (CANRXDSR0 == 0xff) && (CANRXDSR1 == 0x00) )
/* release the receive object by clearing the rx flag */
/* connection request received so start the bootloader */
/* release the receive object by clearing the rx flag */
} /*** end of BootComCanCheckActivationRequest ***/
#endif /* BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE > 0 */
/*********************************** end of boot.c *************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_Evbplus_Dragon12p_CodeWarrior/Prog/boot.h
* \brief Demo program bootloader interface header file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_Evbplus_Dragon12p_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2013 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef BOOT_H
#define BOOT_H
* Function prototypes
void BootComInit(void);
void BootComCheckActivationRequest(void);
void BootActivate(void);
#endif /* BOOT_H */
/*********************************** end of boot.h *************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// ver 0.1 (09-Mar-08)
// HCS12P Core erasing + unsecuring command file:
// These commands mass erase the chip then program the security byte to 0xFE (unsecured state).
DEFINEVALUEDLG "Information required to unsecure the device" "FCLKDIV" 17 "To unsecure the device, the command script needs \nthe correct value for the FCLKDIV onchip register.\n\nDatasheet proposed values:\n\noscillator frequency\tFCLKDIV value (decimal)\n\n 16 \tMHz\t\t17\n 12 \tMHz\t\t13\n 8 \tMHz\t\t9\n 4 \tMHz\t\t5\n"
wb 0x03c 0x00 //disable cop
wait 20
WB 0x100 FCLKDIV // clock divider
WB 0x106 0x30 // clear any error flags
WB 0x102 0x00 // CCOBIX = 0
WB 0x10A 0x08 // load erase all blocks command
WB 0x106 0x80 // launch command
WB 0x100 FCLKDIV // clock divider
WB 0x106 0x30 // clear any error flags
WB 0x102 0x00 // CCOBIX = 0
WB 0x10A 0x06 // load program command
WB 0x10B 0x03 // load GPAGE
WB 0x102 0x01 // CCOBIX = 1
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load addr hi
WB 0x10B 0x08 // load addr lo
WB 0x102 0x02 // CCOBIX = 2
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x03 // CCOBIX = 3
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x04 // CCOBIX = 4
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFF // load data
WB 0x102 0x05 // CCOBIX = 5
WB 0x10A 0xFF // load data
WB 0x10B 0xFE // load data
WB 0x106 0x80 // launch command
undef FCLKDIV // undefine variable

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After load the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Before load the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After reset the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// At startup the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// After programming the flash, the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Before programming the flash, the commands written below will be executed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* s-record file with linear addresses for MicroBoot/OpenBLT */
format = motorola
busWidth = 1
len = 0x4000
/* logical non banked flash at $4000 and $C000 to physical */
origin = 0x004000
destination = 0x34000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x00C000
destination = 0x3C000
len = 0x4000
/* logical 128 kB banked flash to physical */
origin = 0x088000
destination = 0x020000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x098000
destination = 0x024000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0A8000
destination = 0x028000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0B8000
destination = 0x02C000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0C8000
destination = 0x030000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0D8000
destination = 0x034000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0E8000
destination = 0x038000
len = 0x4000
origin = 0x0F8000
destination = 0x03C000
len = 0x4000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
start12.c - standard startup code
The startup code may be optimized to special user requests
Copyright (c) Metrowerks, Basel, Switzerland
All rights reserved
Note: ROM libraries are not implemented in this startup code
Note: C++ destructors of global objects are NOT yet supported in the HIWARE Object File Format.
To use this feature, please build your application with the ELF object file format.
/* these macros remove some unused fields in the startup descriptor */
#define __NO_FLAGS_OFFSET /* we do not need the flags field in the startup data descriptor */
#define __NO_MAIN_OFFSET /* we do not need the main field in the startup data descriptor */
#define __NO_STACKOFFSET_OFFSET /* we do not need the stackOffset field in the startup data descriptor */
/*#define __BANKED_COPY_DOWN : allow to allocate .copy in flash area */
#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || !defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__))
#error /* the __BANKED_COPY_DOWN switch is only supported for the HCS12X with ELF */
/* (and not for the HC12, HCS12 or for the HIWARE object file format) */
#include "hidef.h"
#include "start12.h"
/* Macros to control how the startup code handles the COP: */
/* #define _DO_FEED_COP_ : do feed the COP */
/* #define _DO_ENABLE_COP_: do enable the COP */
/* #define _DO_DISABLE_COP_: disable the COP */
/* Without defining any of these, the startup code does NOT handle the COP */
/* __ONLY_INIT_SP define: */
/* This define selects an shorter version of the startup code */
/* which only loads the stack pointer and directly afterwards calls */
/* main. This version does however NOT initialized global variables */
/* (So this version is not ANSI compliant!) */
/* __FAR_DATA define: */
/* By default, the startup code only supports to initialize the default */
/* kind of memory. If some memory is allocated far in the small or banked */
/* memory model, then the startup code only supports to initialize this */
/* memory blocks if __FAR_DATA is defined. If __FAR_DATA is not defined, */
/* then the linker will issue a message like */
/* "L1128: Cutting value _Range beg data member from 0xF01000 to 0x1000" */
/* and this startup code writes to the cutted address */
/* __BANKED_COPY_DOWN define: */
/* by default, the startup code assumes that the startup data structure */
/* _startupData, the zero out areas and the .copy section are all */
/* allocated in NON_BANKED memory. Especially the .copy section can be */
/* huge if there are many or huge RAM areas to initialize. */
/* For the HCS12X, which also copies the XGATE RAM located code via .copy */
/* section, the startup code supports to allocate .copy in a banked flash */
/* The placement of .copy in the prm file has to be adapted when adding or */
/* removing the this macro. */
/* Note: This macro is only supported for the HCS12X and when using ELF */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define __EXTERN_C extern "C"
#define __EXTERN_C
/*lint -estring(961,"only preprocessor statements and comments before '#include'") , MISRA 19.1 ADV, non_bank.sgm and default.sgm each contain a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
__EXTERN_C void main(void); /* prototype of main function */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
#pragma DATA_SEG __NEAR_SEG STARTUP_DATA /* _startupData can be accessed using 16 bit accesses. */
/* This is needed because it contains the stack top, and without stack, far data cannot be accessed */
struct _tagStartup _startupData; /* read-only: */
/* _startupData is allocated in ROM and */
/* initialized by the linker */
#endif /* __ONLY_INIT_SP */
#if defined(FAR_DATA) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN))
/*lint -e451 non_bank.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "non_bank.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
/* the init function must be in non banked memory if banked variables are used */
/* because _SET_PAGE is called, which may change any page register. */
/*lint -esym(752,_SET_PAGE) , symbol '_SET_PAGE' is referenced in HLI */
__EXTERN_C void _SET_PAGE(void); /* the inline assembler needs a prototype */
/* this is a runtime routine with a special */
/* calling convention, do not use it in c code! */
/*lint -e451 default.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "default.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
#endif /* defined(FAR_DATA) && (!defined(__HCS12X__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)) */
/* define value and bits for Windef Register */
#ifdef HC812A4
#define WINDEF (*(volatile unsigned char*) 0x37)
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__PPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_PPAGE__ 0x40
#define __ENABLE_PPAGE__ 0x0
#if defined(__DPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_DPAGE__ 0x80
#define __ENABLE_DPAGE__ 0x0
#if defined(__EPAGE__)
#define __ENABLE_EPAGE__ 0x20
#define __ENABLE_EPAGE__ 0x0
#endif /* HC812A4 */
/* for Monitor based software remap the RAM & EEPROM to adhere
to EB386. Edit RAM and EEPROM sections in PRM file to match these. */
#define ___INITRM (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0010)
#define ___INITRG (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0011)
#define ___INITEE (*(volatile unsigned char *) 0x0012)
#if defined(_DO_FEED_COP_)
#define __FEED_COP_IN_HLI() } asm movb #0x55, _COP_RST_ADR; asm movb #0xAA, _COP_RST_ADR; asm {
#define __FEED_COP_IN_HLI() /* do nothing */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
#if (!defined(FAR_DATA) || defined(__HCS12X__)) && (defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN))
static void __far Init(void)
static void Init(void)
/* purpose: 1) zero out RAM-areas where data is allocated */
/* 2) copy initialization data from ROM to RAM */
/* 3) call global constructors in C++ */
/* called from: _Startup, LibInits */
asm {
#if defined(__HIWARE_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__LARGE__)
LDX _startupData.pZeroOut:1 ; in the large memory model in the HIWARE format, pZeroOut is a 24 bit pointer
LDX _startupData.pZeroOut ; *pZeroOut
LDY _startupData.nofZeroOuts ; nofZeroOuts
BEQ CopyDown ; if nothing to zero out
NextZeroOut: PSHY ; save nofZeroOuts
#if defined(FAR_DATA)
LDAB 1,X+ ; load page of destination address
LDY 2,X+ ; load offset of destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)
#else /* defined(__HCS12X__) */
__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE) ; sets the page in the correct page register
#endif /* defined(__HCS12X__) */
#else /* FAR_DATA */
LDY 2,X+ ; start address and advance *pZeroOut (X = X+4)
#endif /* FAR_DATA */
#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)
LDX 0,X ; byte count
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__)
NextWord: GSTAA 1,Y+ ; clear memory byte
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE X, NextWord ; dec byte count
LDD #0
BEQ LoopClrW1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
NextWord: GSTD 2,Y+ ; clear memory word
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE X, NextWord ; dec word count
BCC LastClr ; handle last byte
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; handle last byte
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
LDD 2,X+ ; byte count
NextWord: CLR 1,Y+ ; clear memory byte
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D, NextWord ; dec byte count
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */
LDD 2,X+ ; byte count
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ LoopClrW1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
LDX #0
LoopClrW: STX 2,Y+ ; Word-Clear
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D, LoopClrW
BCC LastClr ; handle last byte
CLR 1,Y+
PULY ; restore nofZeroOuts
DEY ; dec nofZeroOuts
BNE NextZeroOut
#if defined(__BANKED_COPY_DOWN)
LDAA _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:0 ; get PAGE address of .copy section
STAA __PPAGE_ADR__ ; set PPAGE address
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:1 ; load address of copy down desc.
#elif defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg ; load address of copy down desc.
LDX _startupData.toCopyDownBeg:2 ; load address of copy down desc.
LDD 2,X+ ; size of init-data -> D
BEQ funcInits ; end of copy down desc.
#ifdef FAR_DATA
PSHD ; save counter
LDAB 1,X+ ; load destination page
LDY 2,X+ ; destination address
#if defined(__HCS12X__)
#else /* __HCS12X__ */
__PIC_JSR(_SET_PAGE) ; sets the destinations page register
#endif /* __HCS12X__ */
PULD ; restore counter
#else /* FAR_DATA */
LDY 2,X+ ; load destination address
#endif /* FAR_DATA */
#if defined(__HCS12X__) && defined(FAR_DATA)
#if defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
Copy: PSHA
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-byte loop
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ Copy1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
Copy: PSHD
LDD 2,X+
GSTD 2,Y+ ; move a word from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-word loop
BCC NextBlock ; handle last byte?
GSTAA 1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
#elif defined(__OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE__) /* -os, default */
Copy: MOVB 1,X+,1,Y+ ; move a byte from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-byte loop
#else /* __OPTIMIZE_FOR_TIME__ */
LSRD ; /2 and save bit 0 in the carry
BEQ Copy1 ; do we copy more than 1 byte?
Copy: MOVW 2,X+,2,Y+ ; move a word from ROM to the data area
__FEED_COP_IN_HLI() ; feed the COP if necessary /*lint !e505 !e522 asm code */
DBNE D,Copy ; copy-word loop
BCC NextBlock ; handle last byte?
MOVB 1,X+,1,Y+ ; copy the last byte
BRA NextBlock
funcInits: ; call of global construtors is only in c++ necessary
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#if defined(__ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__)
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
LDY _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.initBodies ; load address of first module to initialize
LEAX 3,X ; increment to next init
PSHX ; save address of next function to initialize
PSHY ; save cpp counter
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
PULY ; restore cpp counter
PULX ; restore actual address
DEY ; decrement cpp counter
BNE nextInit
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDD _startupData.nofInitBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.initBodies ; load address of first module to initialize
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to initialize
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call initialization function
PULX ; restore actual address
PULD ; restore cpp counter
DBNE D, nextInit
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
#else /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__ */
LDX _startupData.mInits ; load address of first module to initialize
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
nextInit: LDY 3,X+ ; load address of initialization function
BEQ done ; stop when address == 0
; in common environments the offset of a function is never 0, so this test could be avoided
#ifdef __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__
BRCLR -1,X, done, 0xff ; stop when address == 0
#endif /* __InitFunctionsMayHaveOffset0__ */
PSHX ; save address of next function to initialize
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to initialize
BEQ done ; stop when address of function == 0
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call initialization function
#endif /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
PULX ; restore actual address
BRA nextInit
#endif /* __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __ONLY_INIT_SP */
#if defined( __ELF_OBJECT_FILE_FORMAT__) && defined(__cplusplus ) && 0 /* the call to main does not support to return anymore */
#if !defined(FAR_DATA) && (defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__))
static void __far Fini(void)
static void Fini(void)
/* purpose: 1) call global destructors in C++ */
asm {
#if defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__)
LDY _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.finiBodies ; load address of first module to finalize
LEAX 3,X ; increment to next init
PSHX ; save address of next function to finalize
PSHY ; save cpp counter
CALL [-3,X] ; use double indirect call to load the page register also
PULY ; restore cpp counter
PULX ; restore actual address
DEY ; decrement cpp counter
BNE nextInit2
#else /* defined( __BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
LDD _startupData.nofFiniBodies; load number of cpp.
BEQ done ; if cppcount == 0, goto done
LDX _startupData.finiBodies ; load address of first module to finalize
LDY 2,X+ ; load address of first module to finalize
PSHX ; save actual address
JSR 0,Y ; call finalize function
PULX ; restore actual address
PULD ; restore cpp counter
DBNE D, nextInit2
#endif /* defined(__BANKED__) || defined(__LARGE__) */
/*lint -e451 non_bank.sgm contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
#include "non_bank.sgm"
/*lint +e451 */
#pragma MESSAGE DISABLE C12053 /* Stack-pointer change not in debugging-information */
#pragma NO_FRAME
#pragma NO_ENTRY
#if !defined(__SMALL__)
#pragma NO_EXIT
/* The function _Startup must be called in order to initialize global variables and to call main */
/* You can adapt this function or call it from your startup code to implement a different startup */
/* functionality. */
/* You should also setup the needed IO registers as WINDEF (HC12A4 only) or the COP registers to run */
/* on hardware */
/* to set the reset vector several ways are possible : */
/* 1. define the function with "interrupt 0" as done below in the first case */
/* 2. add the following line to your prm file : VECTOR ADDRESS 0xfffe _Startup */
/* of course, even more posibilities exists */
/* the reset vector must be set so that the application has a defined entry point */
#if defined(__SET_RESET_VECTOR__)
__EXTERN_C void __interrupt 0 _Startup(void) {
__EXTERN_C void _Startup(void) {
/* purpose: 1) initialize the stack
2) initialize the RAM, copy down init data etc (Init)
3) call main;
parameters: NONE
called from: _PRESTART-code generated by the Linker
or directly referenced by the reset vector */
/* initialize the stack pointer */
/*lint -e{960} , MISRA 14.3 REQ, macro INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC() expands to HLI code */
/*lint -e{522} , MISRA 14.2 REQ, macro INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC() expands to HLI code */
INIT_SP_FROM_STARTUP_DESC(); /* HLI macro definition in hidef.h */
#if defined(_HCS12_SERIALMON)
/* for Monitor based software remap the RAM & EEPROM to adhere
to EB386. Edit RAM and EEPROM sections in PRM file to match these. */
___INITRG = 0x00; /* lock registers block to 0x0000 */
___INITRM = 0x39; /* lock Ram to end at 0x3FFF */
___INITEE = 0x09; /* lock EEPROM block to end at 0x0fff */
/* Here user defined code could be inserted, the stack could be used */
#if defined(_DO_DISABLE_COP_)
/* Example : Set up WinDef Register to allow Paging */
#ifdef HC812A4 /* HC12 A4 derivative needs WINDEF to configure which pages are available */
#if (__ENABLE_EPAGE__ != 0 || __ENABLE_DPAGE__ != 0 || __ENABLE_PPAGE__ != 0)
#if (defined(__MAP_RAM__) || defined(__MAP_FLASH__) || defined(__MAP_EXTERNAL__)) && !defined(__DO_SET_MMCTL1__)
#define __DO_SET_MMCTL1__
#if defined(__DO_SET_MMCTL1__)
/* Set the MMCTL1 byte. Please use for HCS12XE and change the bits according */
/* to your configuration. */
/* Note: MMCTL1 is write once therefore please adapt this initialization here. */
/* This has to be done prior to the call to Init. */
#define _MMCTL1_ADR (0x00000013)
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_TGMRAMON (1<<7) /* EEE Tag RAM and FTM SCRATCH RAM visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_EEEIFRON (1<<5) /* EEE IFR visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_PGMIFRON (1<<4) /* Program IFR visible in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_RAMHM (1<<3) /* RAM only in the higher half of the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_EROMON (1<<2) /* Enables emulated Flash or ROM memory in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_ROMHM (1<<1) /* FLASH or ROM only in higher Half of Memory Map */
#define _MMCTL1_BIT_ROMON (1<<0) /* Enable FLASH or ROM in the memory map */
#define _MMCTL1_SET(value) ((*(volatile unsigned char*)_MMCTL1_ADR)= (value))
#if defined(__MAP_FLASH__)
#elif defined(__MAP_EXTERNAL__)
#else /* RAM */
#ifndef __ONLY_INIT_SP
/*lint -e{522} , MISRA 14.2 REQ, function Init() contains HLI only */
Init(); /* zero out, copy down, call constructors */
/* Here user defined code could be inserted, all global variables are initilized */
#if defined(_DO_ENABLE_COP_)
/* call main() */
/*lint --e{766} , non_bank.sgm is not a regular header file, it contains a conditionally compiled CODE_SEG pragma */
/*lint +estring(961,"only preprocessor statements and comments before '#include'") */
/*lint +e451 */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/header.h
* \brief Generic header file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef HEADER_H
#define HEADER_H
* Defines
/** \brief Configuration switch to enable programming and debugging with a BDM
* interface.
* \details To configure the program for downloading with the OpenBLT bootloader, set
* this value to 0. This is typically done for release versions. If support
* for programming and debugging with a BDM debugger interface is desired
* during development, then set this value to 1.
* Include files
#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "../Boot/blt_conf.h" /* bootloader configuration */
#include "boot.h" /* bootloader interface driver */
#include "led.h" /* LED driver */
#include "timer.h" /* Timer driver */
#include "derivative.h" /* MCU registers */
#endif /* HEADER_H */
/*********************************** end of header.h ***********************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
OPEN source 0 0 60 39
Source < attributes MARKS off
OPEN assembly 60 0 40 31
Assembly < attributes ADR on,CODE off,ABSADR on,SYMB off,TOPPC 0xF88C
OPEN procedure 0 39 60 17
Procedure < attributes VALUES on,TYPES off
OPEN register 60 31 40 25
Register < attributes FORMAT AUTO,COMPLEMENT None
OPEN memory 60 56 40 22
Memory < attributes FORMAT hex,COMPLEMENT None,WORD 1,ASC on,ADR on,ADDRESS 0x80
OPEN data 0 56 60 22
Data:1 < attributes SCOPE global,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
OPEN data 0 78 60 22
Data:2 < attributes SCOPE local,COMPLEMENT None,FORMAT Symb,MODE automatic,UPDATERATE 10,NAMEWIDTH 16
OPEN command 60 78 40 22
Command < attributes CACHESIZE 1000
bckcolor 50331647
font 'Courier New' 9 BLACK
ACTIVATE Data:2 Command Procedure Data:1 Source Register Assembly Memory

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
[Environment Variables]
TOOLBAR=57600 57601 32795 0 57635 57634 57637 0 57671 57669 0 32777 32776 32782 32780 32781 32778 0 32806
CMDFILE0=CMDFILE STARTUP ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_startup.cmd"
CMDFILE1=CMDFILE RESET ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_reset.cmd"
CMDFILE2=CMDFILE PRELOAD ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_preload.cmd"
CMDFILE3=CMDFILE POSTLOAD ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_postload.cmd"
CMDFILE4=CMDFILE VPPON ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_vppon.cmd"
CMDFILE5=CMDFILE VPPOFF ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_vppoff.cmd"
CMDFILE6=CMDFILE UNSECURE ON ".\..\cmd\P&E_Multilink_USB_erase_unsecure_hcs12p.cmd"
NV_PARAMETER_FILE=C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CWS12v5.1\prog\FPP\mcu01C2.fpp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/led.c
* \brief LED driver source file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include "header.h" /* generic header */
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Toggle interval time in milliseconds. */
#define LED_TOGGLE_MS (500)
** \brief Initializes the LED.
** \return none.
void LedInit(void)
/* disable pull device for PP6 */
/* configure PP6 as a digital output */
/* turn off the LED by default */
PTP_PTP6 = 1;
} /*** end of LedInit ***/
** \brief Toggles the LED at a fixed time interval.
** \return none.
void LedToggle(void)
static unsigned char led_toggle_state = 0;
static unsigned long timer_counter_last = 0;
unsigned long timer_counter_now;
/* check if toggle interval time passed */
timer_counter_now = TimerGet();
if ( (timer_counter_now - timer_counter_last) < LED_TOGGLE_MS)
/* not yet time to toggle */
/* determine toggle action */
if (led_toggle_state == 0)
led_toggle_state = 1;
/* turn the LED on */
PTP_PTP6 = 0;
led_toggle_state = 0;
/* turn the LED off */
PTP_PTP6 = 1;
/* store toggle time to determine next toggle interval */
timer_counter_last = timer_counter_now;
} /*** end of LedToggle ***/
/*********************************** end of led.c **************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/led.h
* \brief LED driver header file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef LED_H
#define LED_H
* Function prototypes
void LedInit(void);
void LedToggle(void);
#endif /* LED_H */
/*********************************** end of led.h **************************************/

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Note: This file is recreated by the project wizard whenever the MCU is
* changed and should not be edited by hand
/* Include the derivative-specific header file */
#include <mc9s12g128.h>
#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12g128"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
/* Based on CPU DB MC9S12G128_100, version 3.00.001 (RegistersPrg V2.32) */
/* DataSheet : MC9S12GRMV1 Rev. 0.29 April 20, 2010 */
#include <mc9s12g128.h>
/*lint -save -esym(765, *) */
/* * * * * 8-BIT REGISTERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
volatile PORTESTR _PORTE; /* Port E Data Register; 0x00000008 */
volatile DDRESTR _DDRE; /* Port E Data Direction Register; 0x00000009 */
volatile MODESTR _MODE; /* Mode Register; 0x0000000B */
volatile PUCRSTR _PUCR; /* Pull-Up Control Register; 0x0000000C */
volatile DIRECTSTR _DIRECT; /* Direct Page Register; 0x00000011 */
volatile MMCCTL1STR _MMCCTL1; /* MMC Control Register; 0x00000013 */
volatile PPAGESTR _PPAGE; /* Program Page Index Register; 0x00000015 */
volatile ECLKCTLSTR _ECLKCTL; /* ECLK Control Register; 0x0000001C */
volatile IRQCRSTR _IRQCR; /* Interrupt Control Register; 0x0000001E */
volatile DBGC1STR _DBGC1; /* Debug Control Register 1; 0x00000020 */
volatile DBGSRSTR _DBGSR; /* Debug Status Register; 0x00000021 */
volatile DBGTCRSTR _DBGTCR; /* Debug Trace Control Register; 0x00000022 */
volatile DBGC2STR _DBGC2; /* Debug Control Register 2; 0x00000023 */
volatile DBGCNTSTR _DBGCNT; /* Debug Count Register; 0x00000026 */
volatile DBGSCRXSTR _DBGSCRX; /* Debug State Control Register; 0x00000027 */
volatile DBGXCTLSTR _DBGXCTL; /* Debug Comparator Control Register; 0x00000028 */
volatile DBGXAHSTR _DBGXAH; /* Debug Comparator Address High Register; 0x00000029 */
volatile DBGXAMSTR _DBGXAM; /* Debug Comparator Address Mid Register; 0x0000002A */
volatile DBGXALSTR _DBGXAL; /* Debug Comparator Address Low Register; 0x0000002B */
volatile DBGADHSTR _DBGADH; /* Debug Comparator Data High Register; 0x0000002C */
volatile DBGADLSTR _DBGADL; /* Debug Comparator Data Low Register; 0x0000002D */
volatile DBGADHMSTR _DBGADHM; /* Debug Comparator Data High Mask Register; 0x0000002E */
volatile DBGADLMSTR _DBGADLM; /* Debug Comparator Data Low Mask Register; 0x0000002F */
volatile CPMUSYNRSTR _CPMUSYNR; /* S12CPMU Synthesizer Register; 0x00000034 */
volatile CPMUREFDIVSTR _CPMUREFDIV; /* S12CPMU Reference Divider Register; 0x00000035 */
volatile CPMUPOSTDIVSTR _CPMUPOSTDIV; /* S12CPMU Post Divider Register; 0x00000036 */
volatile CPMUFLGSTR _CPMUFLG; /* S12CPMU Flags Register; 0x00000037 */
volatile CPMUINTSTR _CPMUINT; /* S12CPMU Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000038 */
volatile CPMUCLKSSTR _CPMUCLKS; /* S12CPMU Clock Select Register; 0x00000039 */
volatile CPMUPLLSTR _CPMUPLL; /* S12CPMU PLL Control Register; 0x0000003A */
volatile CPMURTISTR _CPMURTI; /* CPMU RTI Control Register; 0x0000003B */
volatile CPMUCOPSTR _CPMUCOP; /* CPMU COP Control Register; 0x0000003C */
volatile CPMUARMCOPSTR _CPMUARMCOP; /* CPMU COP Timer Arm/Reset Register; 0x0000003F */
volatile TIOSSTR _TIOS; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Select; 0x00000040 */
volatile CFORCSTR _CFORC; /* Timer Compare Force Register; 0x00000041 */
volatile OC7MSTR _OC7M; /* Output Compare 7 Mask Register; 0x00000042 */
volatile OC7DSTR _OC7D; /* Output Compare 7 Data Register; 0x00000043 */
volatile TSCR1STR _TSCR1; /* Timer System Control Register1; 0x00000046 */
volatile TTOVSTR _TTOV; /* Timer Toggle On Overflow Register; 0x00000047 */
volatile TCTL1STR _TCTL1; /* Timer Control Register 1; 0x00000048 */
volatile TCTL2STR _TCTL2; /* Timer Control Register 2; 0x00000049 */
volatile TCTL3STR _TCTL3; /* Timer Control Register 3; 0x0000004A */
volatile TCTL4STR _TCTL4; /* Timer Control Register 4; 0x0000004B */
volatile TIESTR _TIE; /* Timer Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000004C */
volatile TSCR2STR _TSCR2; /* Timer System Control Register 2; 0x0000004D */
volatile TFLG1STR _TFLG1; /* Main Timer Interrupt Flag 1; 0x0000004E */
volatile TFLG2STR _TFLG2; /* Main Timer Interrupt Flag 2; 0x0000004F */
volatile PACTLSTR _PACTL; /* 16-Bit Pulse Accumulator A Control Register; 0x00000060 */
volatile PAFLGSTR _PAFLG; /* Pulse Accumulator A Flag Register; 0x00000061 */
volatile OCPDSTR _OCPD; /* Output Compare Pin Disconnect Register; 0x0000006C */
volatile PTPSRSTR _PTPSR; /* Precision Timer Prescaler Select Register; 0x0000006E */
volatile ATDSTAT0STR _ATDSTAT0; /* ATD Status Register 0; 0x00000076 */
volatile PWMESTR _PWME; /* PWM Enable Register; 0x000000A0 */
volatile PWMPOLSTR _PWMPOL; /* PWM Polarity Register; 0x000000A1 */
volatile PWMCLKSTR _PWMCLK; /* PWM Clock Select Register; 0x000000A2 */
volatile PWMPRCLKSTR _PWMPRCLK; /* PWM Prescale Clock Select Register; 0x000000A3 */
volatile PWMCAESTR _PWMCAE; /* PWM Center Align Enable Register; 0x000000A4 */
volatile PWMCTLSTR _PWMCTL; /* PWM Control Register; 0x000000A5 */
volatile PWMCLKABSTR _PWMCLKAB; /* PWM Clock Select Register; 0x000000A6 */
volatile PWMSCLASTR _PWMSCLA; /* PWM Scale A Register; 0x000000A8 */
volatile PWMSCLBSTR _PWMSCLB; /* PWM Scale B Register; 0x000000A9 */
volatile SCI0ACR2STR _SCI0ACR2; /* SCI 0 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000CA */
volatile SCI0CR2STR _SCI0CR2; /* SCI 0 Control Register 2; 0x000000CB */
volatile SCI0SR1STR _SCI0SR1; /* SCI 0 Status Register 1; 0x000000CC */
volatile SCI0SR2STR _SCI0SR2; /* SCI 0 Status Register 2; 0x000000CD */
volatile SCI0DRHSTR _SCI0DRH; /* SCI 0 Data Register High; 0x000000CE */
volatile SCI0DRLSTR _SCI0DRL; /* SCI 0 Data Register Low; 0x000000CF */
volatile SCI1ACR2STR _SCI1ACR2; /* SCI 1 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000D2 */
volatile SCI1CR2STR _SCI1CR2; /* SCI 1 Control Register 2; 0x000000D3 */
volatile SCI1SR1STR _SCI1SR1; /* SCI 1 Status Register 1; 0x000000D4 */
volatile SCI1SR2STR _SCI1SR2; /* SCI 1 Status Register 2; 0x000000D5 */
volatile SCI1DRHSTR _SCI1DRH; /* SCI 1 Data Register High; 0x000000D6 */
volatile SCI1DRLSTR _SCI1DRL; /* SCI 1 Data Register Low; 0x000000D7 */
volatile SPI0CR1STR _SPI0CR1; /* SPI 0 Control Register 1; 0x000000D8 */
volatile SPI0CR2STR _SPI0CR2; /* SPI 0 Control Register 2; 0x000000D9 */
volatile SPI0BRSTR _SPI0BR; /* SPI 0 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000DA */
volatile SPI0SRSTR _SPI0SR; /* SPI 0 Status Register; 0x000000DB */
volatile SCI2ACR2STR _SCI2ACR2; /* SCI 2 Alternative Control Register 2; 0x000000EA */
volatile SCI2CR2STR _SCI2CR2; /* SCI 2 Control Register 2; 0x000000EB */
volatile SCI2SR1STR _SCI2SR1; /* SCI 2 Status Register 1; 0x000000EC */
volatile SCI2SR2STR _SCI2SR2; /* SCI 2 Status Register 2; 0x000000ED */
volatile SCI2DRHSTR _SCI2DRH; /* SCI 2 Data Register High; 0x000000EE */
volatile SCI2DRLSTR _SCI2DRL; /* SCI 2 Data Register Low; 0x000000EF */
volatile SPI1CR1STR _SPI1CR1; /* SPI 1 Control Register 1; 0x000000F0 */
volatile SPI1CR2STR _SPI1CR2; /* SPI 1 Control Register 2; 0x000000F1 */
volatile SPI1BRSTR _SPI1BR; /* SPI 1 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000F2 */
volatile SPI1SRSTR _SPI1SR; /* SPI 1 Status Register; 0x000000F3 */
volatile SPI2CR1STR _SPI2CR1; /* SPI 2 Control Register 1; 0x000000F8 */
volatile SPI2CR2STR _SPI2CR2; /* SPI 2 Control Register 2; 0x000000F9 */
volatile SPI2BRSTR _SPI2BR; /* SPI 2 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000FA */
volatile SPI2SRSTR _SPI2SR; /* SPI 2 Status Register; 0x000000FB */
volatile FCLKDIVSTR _FCLKDIV; /* Flash Clock Divider Register; 0x00000100 */
volatile FSECSTR _FSEC; /* Flash Security Register; 0x00000101 */
volatile FCCOBIXSTR _FCCOBIX; /* Flash CCOB Index Register; 0x00000102 */
volatile FCNFGSTR _FCNFG; /* Flash Configuration Register; 0x00000104 */
volatile FERCNFGSTR _FERCNFG; /* Flash Error Configuration Register; 0x00000105 */
volatile FSTATSTR _FSTAT; /* Flash Status Register; 0x00000106 */
volatile FERSTATSTR _FERSTAT; /* Flash Error Status Register; 0x00000107 */
volatile FPROTSTR _FPROT; /* P-Flash Protection Register; 0x00000108 */
volatile DFPROTSTR _DFPROT; /* D-Flash Protection Register; 0x00000109 */
volatile FOPTSTR _FOPT; /* Flash Option Register; 0x00000110 */
volatile IVBRSTR _IVBR; /* Interrupt Vector Base Register; 0x00000120 */
volatile CANCTL0STR _CANCTL0; /* MSCAN Control 0 Register; 0x00000140 */
volatile CANCTL1STR _CANCTL1; /* MSCAN Control 1 Register; 0x00000141 */
volatile CANBTR0STR _CANBTR0; /* MSCAN Bus Timing Register 0; 0x00000142 */
volatile CANBTR1STR _CANBTR1; /* MSCAN Bus Timing Register 1; 0x00000143 */
volatile CANRFLGSTR _CANRFLG; /* MSCAN Receiver Flag Register; 0x00000144 */
volatile CANRIERSTR _CANRIER; /* MSCAN Receiver Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000145 */
volatile CANTFLGSTR _CANTFLG; /* MSCAN Transmitter Flag Register; 0x00000146 */
volatile CANTIERSTR _CANTIER; /* MSCAN Transmitter Interrupt Enable Register; 0x00000147 */
volatile CANTARQSTR _CANTARQ; /* MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Request; 0x00000148 */
volatile CANTAAKSTR _CANTAAK; /* MSCAN Transmitter Message Abort Acknowledge; 0x00000149 */
volatile CANTBSELSTR _CANTBSEL; /* MSCAN Transmit Buffer Selection; 0x0000014A */
volatile CANIDACSTR _CANIDAC; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Control Register; 0x0000014B */
volatile CANMISCSTR _CANMISC; /* MSCAN Miscellaneous Register; 0x0000014D */
volatile CANRXERRSTR _CANRXERR; /* MSCAN Receive Error Counter Register; 0x0000014E */
volatile CANTXERRSTR _CANTXERR; /* MSCAN Transmit Error Counter Register; 0x0000014F */
volatile CANIDAR0STR _CANIDAR0; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 0; 0x00000150 */
volatile CANIDAR1STR _CANIDAR1; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 1; 0x00000151 */
volatile CANIDAR2STR _CANIDAR2; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 2; 0x00000152 */
volatile CANIDAR3STR _CANIDAR3; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 3; 0x00000153 */
volatile CANIDMR0STR _CANIDMR0; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 0; 0x00000154 */
volatile CANIDMR1STR _CANIDMR1; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 1; 0x00000155 */
volatile CANIDMR2STR _CANIDMR2; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 2; 0x00000156 */
volatile CANIDMR3STR _CANIDMR3; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 3; 0x00000157 */
volatile CANIDAR4STR _CANIDAR4; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 4; 0x00000158 */
volatile CANIDAR5STR _CANIDAR5; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 5; 0x00000159 */
volatile CANIDAR6STR _CANIDAR6; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 6; 0x0000015A */
volatile CANIDAR7STR _CANIDAR7; /* MSCAN Identifier Acceptance Register 7; 0x0000015B */
volatile CANIDMR4STR _CANIDMR4; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 4; 0x0000015C */
volatile CANIDMR5STR _CANIDMR5; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 5; 0x0000015D */
volatile CANIDMR6STR _CANIDMR6; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 6; 0x0000015E */
volatile CANIDMR7STR _CANIDMR7; /* MSCAN Identifier Mask Register 7; 0x0000015F */
volatile CANRXIDR0STR _CANRXIDR0; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 0; 0x00000160 */
volatile CANRXIDR1STR _CANRXIDR1; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 1; 0x00000161 */
volatile CANRXIDR2STR _CANRXIDR2; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 2; 0x00000162 */
volatile CANRXIDR3STR _CANRXIDR3; /* MSCAN Receive Identifier Register 3; 0x00000163 */
volatile CANRXDSR0STR _CANRXDSR0; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 0; 0x00000164 */
volatile CANRXDSR1STR _CANRXDSR1; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 1; 0x00000165 */
volatile CANRXDSR2STR _CANRXDSR2; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 2; 0x00000166 */
volatile CANRXDSR3STR _CANRXDSR3; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 3; 0x00000167 */
volatile CANRXDSR4STR _CANRXDSR4; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 4; 0x00000168 */
volatile CANRXDSR5STR _CANRXDSR5; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 5; 0x00000169 */
volatile CANRXDSR6STR _CANRXDSR6; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 6; 0x0000016A */
volatile CANRXDSR7STR _CANRXDSR7; /* MSCAN Receive Data Segment Register 7; 0x0000016B */
volatile CANRXDLRSTR _CANRXDLR; /* MSCAN Receive Data Length Register; 0x0000016C */
volatile CANTXIDR0STR _CANTXIDR0; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 0; 0x00000170 */
volatile CANTXIDR1STR _CANTXIDR1; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 1; 0x00000171 */
volatile CANTXIDR2STR _CANTXIDR2; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 2; 0x00000172 */
volatile CANTXIDR3STR _CANTXIDR3; /* MSCAN Transmit Identifier Register 3; 0x00000173 */
volatile CANTXDSR0STR _CANTXDSR0; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 0; 0x00000174 */
volatile CANTXDSR1STR _CANTXDSR1; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 1; 0x00000175 */
volatile CANTXDSR2STR _CANTXDSR2; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 2; 0x00000176 */
volatile CANTXDSR3STR _CANTXDSR3; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 3; 0x00000177 */
volatile CANTXDSR4STR _CANTXDSR4; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 4; 0x00000178 */
volatile CANTXDSR5STR _CANTXDSR5; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 5; 0x00000179 */
volatile CANTXDSR6STR _CANTXDSR6; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 6; 0x0000017A */
volatile CANTXDSR7STR _CANTXDSR7; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Segment Register 7; 0x0000017B */
volatile CANTXDLRSTR _CANTXDLR; /* MSCAN Transmit Data Length Register; 0x0000017C */
volatile CANTXTBPRSTR _CANTXTBPR; /* MSCAN Transmit Buffer Priority; 0x0000017D */
volatile PTTSTR _PTT; /* Port T Data Register; 0x00000240 */
volatile PTITSTR _PTIT; /* Port T Input Register; 0x00000241 */
volatile DDRTSTR _DDRT; /* Port T Data Direction Register; 0x00000242 */
volatile PERTSTR _PERT; /* Port T Pull Device Enable Register; 0x00000244 */
volatile PPSTSTR _PPST; /* Port T Polarity Select Register; 0x00000245 */
volatile PTSSTR _PTS; /* Port S Data Register; 0x00000248 */
volatile PTISSTR _PTIS; /* Port S Input Register; 0x00000249 */
volatile DDRSSTR _DDRS; /* Port S Data Direction Register; 0x0000024A */
volatile PERSSTR _PERS; /* Port S Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000024C */
volatile PPSSSTR _PPSS; /* Port S Polarity Select Register; 0x0000024D */
volatile WOMSSTR _WOMS; /* Port S Wired-Or Mode Register; 0x0000024E */
volatile PRR0STR _PRR0; /* Pin Routing Register 0; 0x0000024F */
volatile PTMSTR _PTM; /* Port M Data Register; 0x00000250 */
volatile PTIMSTR _PTIM; /* Port M Input Register; 0x00000251 */
volatile DDRMSTR _DDRM; /* Port M Data Direction Register; 0x00000252 */
volatile PERMSTR _PERM; /* Port M Pull Device Enable Register; 0x00000254 */
volatile PPSMSTR _PPSM; /* Port M Polarity Select Register; 0x00000255 */
volatile WOMMSTR _WOMM; /* Port M Wired-Or Mode Register; 0x00000256 */
volatile PKGCRSTR _PKGCR; /* Package Code Register; 0x00000257 */
volatile PTPSTR _PTP; /* Port P Data Register; 0x00000258 */
volatile PTIPSTR _PTIP; /* Port P Input Register; 0x00000259 */
volatile DDRPSTR _DDRP; /* Port P Data Direction Register; 0x0000025A */
volatile PERPSTR _PERP; /* Port P Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000025C */
volatile PPSPSTR _PPSP; /* Port P Polarity Select Register; 0x0000025D */
volatile PIEPSTR _PIEP; /* Port P Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000025E */
volatile PIFPSTR _PIFP; /* Port P Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000025F */
volatile PTJSTR _PTJ; /* Port J Data Register; 0x00000268 */
volatile PTIJSTR _PTIJ; /* Port J Input Register; 0x00000269 */
volatile DDRJSTR _DDRJ; /* Port J Data Direction Register; 0x0000026A */
volatile PERJSTR _PERJ; /* Port J Pull Device Enable Register; 0x0000026C */
volatile PPSJSTR _PPSJ; /* Port J Polarity Select Register; 0x0000026D */
volatile PIEJSTR _PIEJ; /* Port J Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000026E */
volatile PIFJSTR _PIFJ; /* Port J Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000026F */
volatile CPMULVCTLSTR _CPMULVCTL; /* Low Voltage Control Register; 0x000002F1 */
volatile CPMUAPICTLSTR _CPMUAPICTL; /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Control Register; 0x000002F2 */
volatile CPMUACLKTRSTR _CPMUACLKTR; /* Autonomous Clock Trimming Register; 0x000002F3 */
volatile CPMUOSCSTR _CPMUOSC; /* S12CPMU Oscillator Register; 0x000002FA */
volatile CPMUPROTSTR _CPMUPROT; /* S12CPMUV1 Protection Register; 0x000002FB */
/* NVFPROT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile P-Flash Protection Register; 0x0000FF0C */
/* NVDFPROT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile D-Flash Protection Register; 0x0000FF0D */
/* NVFOPT - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile Flash Option Register; 0x0000FF0E */
/* NVFSEC - macro for reading non volatile register Non Volatile Flash Security Register; 0x0000FF0F */
/* * * * * 16-BIT REGISTERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
volatile PORTABSTR _PORTAB; /* Port AB Data Register; 0x00000000 */
volatile DDRABSTR _DDRAB; /* Port AB Data Direction Register; 0x00000002 */
volatile PORTCDSTR _PORTCD; /* Port CD Data Register; 0x00000004 */
volatile DDRCDSTR _DDRCD; /* Port CD Data Direction Register; 0x00000006 */
volatile PARTIDSTR _PARTID; /* Part ID Register; 0x0000001A */
volatile DBGTBSTR _DBGTB; /* Debug Trace Buffer Register; 0x00000024 */
volatile TCNTSTR _TCNT; /* Timer Count Register; 0x00000044 */
volatile TC0STR _TC0; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 0; 0x00000050 */
volatile TC1STR _TC1; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 1; 0x00000052 */
volatile TC2STR _TC2; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 2; 0x00000054 */
volatile TC3STR _TC3; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 3; 0x00000056 */
volatile TC4STR _TC4; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 4; 0x00000058 */
volatile TC5STR _TC5; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 5; 0x0000005A */
volatile TC6STR _TC6; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 6; 0x0000005C */
volatile TC7STR _TC7; /* Timer Input Capture/Output Compare Register 7; 0x0000005E */
volatile PACNTSTR _PACNT; /* Pulse Accumulators Count Register; 0x00000062 */
volatile ATDCTL01STR _ATDCTL01; /* ATD Control Register 01; 0x00000070 */
volatile ATDCTL23STR _ATDCTL23; /* ATD Control Register 23; 0x00000072 */
volatile ATDCTL45STR _ATDCTL45; /* ATD Control Register 45; 0x00000074 */
volatile ATDCMPESTR _ATDCMPE; /* ATD Compare Enable Register; 0x00000078 */
volatile ATDSTAT2STR _ATDSTAT2; /* ATD Status Register 2; 0x0000007A */
volatile ATDDIENSTR _ATDDIEN; /* ATD Input Enable Register; 0x0000007C */
volatile ATDCMPHTSTR _ATDCMPHT; /* ATD Compare Higher Than Register; 0x0000007E */
volatile ATDDR0STR _ATDDR0; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 0; 0x00000080 */
volatile ATDDR1STR _ATDDR1; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 1; 0x00000082 */
volatile ATDDR2STR _ATDDR2; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 2; 0x00000084 */
volatile ATDDR3STR _ATDDR3; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 3; 0x00000086 */
volatile ATDDR4STR _ATDDR4; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 4; 0x00000088 */
volatile ATDDR5STR _ATDDR5; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 5; 0x0000008A */
volatile ATDDR6STR _ATDDR6; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 6; 0x0000008C */
volatile ATDDR7STR _ATDDR7; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 7; 0x0000008E */
volatile ATDDR8STR _ATDDR8; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 8; 0x00000090 */
volatile ATDDR9STR _ATDDR9; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 9; 0x00000092 */
volatile ATDDR10STR _ATDDR10; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 10; 0x00000094 */
volatile ATDDR11STR _ATDDR11; /* ATD Conversion Result Register 11; 0x00000096 */
volatile PWMCNT01STR _PWMCNT01; /* PWM Channel Counter 01 Register; 0x000000AC */
volatile PWMCNT23STR _PWMCNT23; /* PWM Channel Counter 23 Register; 0x000000AE */
volatile PWMCNT45STR _PWMCNT45; /* PWM Channel Counter 45 Register; 0x000000B0 */
volatile PWMCNT67STR _PWMCNT67; /* PWM Channel Counter 67 Register; 0x000000B2 */
volatile PWMPER01STR _PWMPER01; /* PWM Channel Period 01 Register; 0x000000B4 */
volatile PWMPER23STR _PWMPER23; /* PWM Channel Period 23 Register; 0x000000B6 */
volatile PWMPER45STR _PWMPER45; /* PWM Channel Period 45 Register; 0x000000B8 */
volatile PWMPER67STR _PWMPER67; /* PWM Channel Period 67 Register; 0x000000BA */
volatile PWMDTY01STR _PWMDTY01; /* PWM Channel Duty 01 Register; 0x000000BC */
volatile PWMDTY23STR _PWMDTY23; /* PWM Channel Duty 23 Register; 0x000000BE */
volatile PWMDTY45STR _PWMDTY45; /* PWM Channel Duty 45 Register; 0x000000C0 */
volatile PWMDTY67STR _PWMDTY67; /* PWM Channel Duty 67 Register; 0x000000C2 */
volatile SCI0BDSTR _SCI0BD; /* SCI 0 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000C8 */
volatile SCI1BDSTR _SCI1BD; /* SCI 1 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000D0 */
volatile SPI0DRSTR _SPI0DR; /* SPI 0 Data Register; 0x000000DC */
volatile SCI2BDSTR _SCI2BD; /* SCI 2 Baud Rate Register; 0x000000E8 */
volatile SPI1DRSTR _SPI1DR; /* SPI 1 Data Register; 0x000000F4 */
volatile SPI2DRSTR _SPI2DR; /* SPI 2 Data Register; 0x000000FC */
volatile FCCOBSTR _FCCOB; /* Flash Common Command Object Register; 0x0000010A */
volatile CANRXTSRSTR _CANRXTSR; /* MSCAN Receive Time Stamp Register; 0x0000016E */
volatile CANTXTSRSTR _CANTXTSR; /* MSCAN Transmit Time Stamp Register; 0x0000017E */
volatile PT01ADSTR _PT01AD; /* Port AD Data Register; 0x00000270 */
volatile PTI01ADSTR _PTI01AD; /* Port AD Input Register; 0x00000272 */
volatile DDR01ADSTR _DDR01AD; /* Port AD Data Direction Register; 0x00000274 */
volatile PER01ADSTR _PER01AD; /* Port AD Pull Up Enable Register; 0x00000278 */
volatile PPS01ADSTR _PPS01AD; /* Port AD Polarity Select Register; 0x0000027A */
volatile PIE01ADSTR _PIE01AD; /* Port AD Interrupt Enable Register; 0x0000027C */
volatile PIF01ADSTR _PIF01AD; /* Port AD Interrupt Flag Register; 0x0000027E */
volatile CPMUAPIRSTR _CPMUAPIR; /* Autonomous Periodical Interrupt Rate Register; 0x000002F4 */
volatile CPMUIRCTRIMSTR _CPMUIRCTRIM; /* S12CPMU IRC1M Trim Registers; 0x000002F8 */
/* BAKEY0 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 0; 0x0000FF00 */
/* BAKEY1 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 1; 0x0000FF02 */
/* BAKEY2 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 2; 0x0000FF04 */
/* BAKEY3 - macro for reading non volatile register Backdoor Comparison Key 3; 0x0000FF06 */
/*lint -restore */
/* EOF */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/main.c
* \brief Demo program application source file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include "header.h" /* generic header */
* Function prototypes
static void Init(void);
static void SystemClockInit(void);
** \brief This is the entry point for the bootloader application and is called
** by the reset interrupt vector after the C-startup routines executed.
** \return none.
void main(void)
/* initialize the microcontroller */
/* initialize the bootloader interface */
/* start the infinite program loop */
for (;;)
/* toggle LED with a fixed frequency */
/* check for bootloader activation request */
} /*** end of main ***/
** \brief Initializes the microcontroller.
** \return none.
static void Init(void)
volatile unsigned long delayCnt;
/* ----- initialize the system clock ----- */
/* ----- configure the CAN Tx and Rx pins ----- */
/* configure pullup device for the CAN pins */
PPSM &= ~0x03;
/* enable the pull device for the CAN pins */
PERM |= 0x03;
/* configure the CAN tx pin as a push pull output */
WOMM |= 0x02;
/* ---- configure the SPI pins for the SBC with CAN transceiver ---- */
/* configure a pullup device for SPI MISO, MOSI, CLK and a pulldown for CS */
PPSJ &= ~0x7;
PPSJ |= 0x10;
/* enabled the pull device for the SPI pins */
PERJ |= 0x0F;
/* disable interrupt on the SPI CS pin */
PIEJ &= ~0x10;
/* configure the SPI CS pin as a digital output and deselect the chip */
PTJ |= 0x10;
DDRJ |= 0x10;
/* ---- initialize the SPI peripheral ---- */
/* disable the SPI1 module and clearing flags in SPISR register */
SPI1CR1 = 0x00;
/* set configuration in control register 2
SPI1CR2 = 0x50;
/* configure the communication speed */
SPI1BR = 0x42;
/* set the configuration in control register 1
SPI1CR1 = 0x56;
/* ---- communicate with SBC via SPI to enable CAN communication ---- */
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* read Vreg register H */
SPI1DRL = 0x80;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* enter in "normal mode" */
SPI1DRH = 0x5A;
SPI1DRL = 0x00;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* enable 5V-CAN and Vaux */
SPI1DRH = 0x5E;
SPI1DRL = 0x90;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* delay a bit to make sure the SBC is ready to receive new data */
delayCnt = 300;
while(delayCnt-- > 0);
/* set CAN in Tx-Rx mode, fast slew rate */
SPI1DRH = 0x60;
SPI1DRL = 0xC0;
/* wait for the SPI transmit data register to be empty */
while(SPI1SR_SPTEF == 0);
/* ---- init the led driver ---- */
/* ---- init the timer driver ---- */
/* ---- enable interrupts ---- */
} /*** end of Init ***/
** \brief Initializes the clock configuration of the microcontroller.
** \return none.
static void SystemClockInit(void)
/* system clock initialization in PEE mode. the external 8 MHz crystal oscillator is
* used to drive the PLL such that the system clock (Fpll) is 24 MHz, with and Fvco
* of 48 MHz and the bus clock is Fpll/2 = 12 MHz.
/* disable the protection of the clock configuration registers */
CPMUPROT = 0x26;
/* configure the oscillator to be disabled in stop mode */
/* enable the PLL to allow write to divider registers */
/* configure Fref to be 4 MHz. REFDIV = 0, REFCLK = 2 - 6 MHz.
* Fref = Fosc / (REFDIV + 1)
/* configure Fvco to be 48 MHz. SYNDIV = 11, VCOFRQ = 48 - 50 MHz.
* Fvco = Fref * (SYNDIV + 1)
/* select Fpll (locked) to be 24 MHz. POSTDIV = 1.
* Fpll = Fvco / (POSTDIV + 1)
/* set Fpll as the source of the system clocks */
/* wait for hardware handshake, which verifies a correct configuration of CPMUCLKS */
/* enabled the external oscillator, since it is used to drive the PLL */
/* wait for the oscillation to stabilize */
while(CPMUFLG_UPOSC == 0)
/* configure the PLL frequency modulation */
CPMUPLL = 0x00U;
/* wait for the PLL to lock */
while(CPMUFLG_LOCK == 0)
/* enable the protection of the clock configuration registers */
CPMUPROT = 0x00;
} /*** end of SystemClockInit ***/
/*********************************** end of main.c *************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
\defgroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior User Program
\ingroup HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
\brief User Program.
\details The intention of the demo user program is two-fold. (1) To test the
bootloader, you need some sort of firmware to see if you can perform a
firmware update with the bootloader. This program can be used for this
purpose. (2) To make firmware programmable by the bootloader, a few
adjustments to the firmware are required. The demo user program serves as an
example for how these adjustments can be implemented. Additional details on
this subject can be found in the port specifics documentation, which is
available at:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/timer.c
* \brief Timer driver source file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include "header.h" /* generic header */
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Number of free running timer counts in 1 millisecond. */
#define TIMER_COUNTS_PER_MS (24000)
* Local data declarations
/** \brief Local variable for storing the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since
* startup.
static unsigned long millisecond_counter;
** \brief Initializes the timer.
** \return none.
void TimerInit(void)
/* reset the timer configuration. note that this also sets the default prescaler
* to 1, so the free running counter runs at the same speed as the system clock.
/* configure timer channel 0 as a 1 millisecond software timer */
TIOS_IOS0 = 1;
/* make sure timer 0 interrupt flag is cleared */
/* generate output compare event in 1 milliseconds from now */
/* enable the interrupt for timer channel 0 */
TIE_C0I = 1;
/* enable the timer subsystem */
TSCR1_TEN = 1;
/* reset the millisecond counter */
} /*** end of TimerInit ***/
** \brief Stops and disables the timer.
** \return none.
void TimerDeinit(void)
/* bring the timer subsystem back into its reset state */
TIE = 0;
TSCR1 = 0;
TSCR2 = 0;
TIOS = 0;
TTOV = 0;
TCTL1 = 0;
TCTL2 = 0;
TCTL3 = 0;
TCTL4 = 0;
} /*** end of TimerDeinit ***/
** \brief Sets the initial counter value of the millisecond timer.
** \param timer_value initialize value of the millisecond timer.
** \return none.
void TimerSet(unsigned long timer_value)
/* set the millisecond counter */
millisecond_counter = timer_value;
} /*** end of TimerSet ***/
** \brief Obtains the counter value of the millisecond timer.
** \return Current value of the millisecond timer.
unsigned long TimerGet(void)
/* read and return the millisecond counter value */
return millisecond_counter;
} /*** end of TimerGet ***/
** \brief Interrupt service routine of the timer.
** \return none.
__interrupt void TimerISRHandler(void)
/* make sure timer 0 interrupt flag is cleared */
/* generate output compare event in 1 milliseconds from now */
/* increment the millisecond counter */
} /*** end of TimerISRHandler ***/
/*********************************** end of timer.c ************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/timer.h
* \brief Timer driver header file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT.
* If not, see <>.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
#ifndef TIMER_H
#define TIMER_H
* Function prototypes
void TimerInit(void);
void TimerDeinit(void);
void TimerSet(unsigned long timer_value);
unsigned long TimerGet(void);
__interrupt void TimerISRHandler(void);
#endif /* TIMER_H */
/*********************************** end of timer.h ************************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
* \file Demo/HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior/Prog/vectors.c
* \brief Demo program interrupt vectors source file.
* \ingroup Prog_HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include "header.h" /* generic header */
* External functions
extern void near _Startup(void);
* Type definitions
/** \brief Type for vector table entries. */
typedef void (*near tIsrFunc)(void);
** NAME: UnusedISR
** PARAMETER: none
** DESCRIPTION: Catch-all for unused interrrupt service routines.
__interrupt void UnusedISR(void)
/* unexpected interrupt occured, so halt the system */
for (;;)
} /*** end of UnusedISR ***/
* I N T E R R U P T V E C T O R T A B L E
/** \brief Interrupt vector table.
* \details Normally, these are at 0xff80-0xffff, but the bootloader occupies 0xe800 -
* 0xffff. The bootloader expects the vector table to be at the end of user
* program flash, which is 0xe780 - 0xe7ff. 2 more bytes are reserved for the
* checksum that is programmed and verified by the bootloader, so the start
* address ends up being 0xe77e. Note that this needs to be updated when the
* size of the bootloader changes, as defined in the flashLayout[] table in
* flash.c of the bootloader.
/* for programming and debugging with a BDM device, the vector table should be at
* its default location.
const tIsrFunc _vectab[] @0xff80 =
const tIsrFunc _vectab[] @0xe77e =
/* for programming and debugging with a BDM device, the checksum should not be
* programmed because it would be in a reserved flash memory space.
(tIsrFunc)0xaa55, /* Reserved for OpenBLT checksum */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Spurious interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Port AD interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* ADC compare interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF86 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Autonomous periodical int. */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Low voltage interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF8C */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* PortP interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF90 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF92 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF94 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF96 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF98 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reseved 0xFF9A */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF9C */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFF9E */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFA0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFA2 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFA4 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFA6 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFA8 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFAA */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFAC */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFAE */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* CAN transmit */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* CAN receive */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* CAN errors */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* CAN wakeup */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Flash command */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Flash error */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SPI2 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SPI1 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFC0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SCI2 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFC4 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* PLL lock */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Oscillator status interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFCA */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* ACMP */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* PortJ interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Reserved 0xFFD0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* ADC */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SCI1 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SCI0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SPI0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM pulse acc input edge */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM pulse acc A overflow */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer overflow */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 7 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 6 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 5 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 4 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 3 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 2 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* TIM timer channel 1 */
(tIsrFunc)TimerISRHandler, /* TIM timer channel 0 */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* RTI time-out interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* IRQ */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* XIRQ */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* SWI */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Unimplemented trap interrupt */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* COP watchdog reset */
(tIsrFunc)UnusedISR, /* Clock monitor reset */
(tIsrFunc)_Startup /* Reset */
/************************************ end of vectors.c *********************************/

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\defgroup HCS12_DevKit_S12G128_CodeWarrior Demo for NXP DevKit-S12G128/CodeWarrior
\ingroup Demos
\brief Preconfigured programs for the NXP DevKit-S12G128 and the CodeWarrior IDE.
\details For detailed getting started instructions, refer to: