unit MainUnit; //*************************************************************************************** // Description: Contains the main user interface for MicroBoot. // File Name: mainunit.pas // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C O P Y R I G H T //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2018 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved // // This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular // purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, // adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or // omissions or the results obtained from use of the software. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // L I C E N S E //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It // should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy. // //*************************************************************************************** {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE objfpc}{$H+} {$ENDIF} interface //*************************************************************************************** // Includes //*************************************************************************************** uses Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, LCLType, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, CurrentConfig, ConfigGroups, SettingsDialog, FirmwareUpdate, StopWatch, FileLogger; //*************************************************************************************** // Constant declarations. //*************************************************************************************** const PROGRAM_NAME_STR = 'MicroBoot'; PROGRAM_VERSION_STR = 'v2.05'; //*************************************************************************************** // Type Definitions //*************************************************************************************** type //------------------------------ TUserInterfaceSetting -------------------------------- TUserInterfaceSetting = ( UIS_DEFAULT = 0, UIS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE ); //------------------------------ TMainForm -------------------------------------------- TMainForm = class(TForm) BtnExit: TButton; BtnSettings: TButton; BtnBrowse: TButton; ImgHeader: TImage; LblElapsedTime: TLabel; LblFirmwareUpdateInfo: TLabel; LblProgramConfig: TLabel; LblProgramName: TLabel; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; PnlBodyMain: TPanel; PnlBodyRight: TPanel; PnlHeader: TPanel; PnlFooterButtons: TPanel; PnlFooter: TPanel; PnlBody: TPanel; PgbFirmwareUpdate: TProgressBar; TmrClose: TTimer; procedure BtnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure PnlBodyMainResize(Sender: TObject); procedure TmrCloseTimer(Sender: TObject); private FCurrentConfig: TCurrentConfig; FFirmwareUpdate: TFirmwareUpdate; FUISetting: TUserInterfaceSetting; FStopWatch: TStopWatch; FFileLogger: TFileLogger; FHFreeSpaceProgressBar: Integer; FCmdOptionFileFound: Boolean; FFirmwareFile: String; procedure ParseCommandLine; function StartFirmwareUpdate: Boolean; procedure FinishFirmwareUpdate(CloseProgram: Boolean); procedure CancelFirmwareUpdate; procedure HandleFirmwareUpdateError(ErrorString: String); procedure UpdateUserInterface; procedure UpdateElapsedTime(Interval: String); procedure StopWatchUpdateEvent(Sender: TObject; Interval: String); procedure FirmwareUpdateStarted(Sender: TObject); procedure FirmwareUpdateStopped(Sender: TObject); procedure FirmwareUpdateDone(Sender: TObject); procedure FirmwareUpdateInfo(Sender: TObject; InfoString: String); procedure FirmwareUpdateLog(Sender: TObject; LogString: String); procedure FirmwareUpdateProgress(Sender: TObject; Percentage: Integer); procedure FirmwareUpdateError(Sender: TObject; ErrorString: String); function GetConfigSummary: String; public end; //*************************************************************************************** // Global Variables //*************************************************************************************** var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.lfm} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------- TMainForm -------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormCreate // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Form constructor. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var mainWindowConfig: TMainWindowConfig; begin // Clear panel captions as these are only needed as hint during design time. PnlHeader.Caption := ''; PnlBody.Caption := ''; PnlBodyMain.Caption := ''; PnlBodyRight.Caption := ''; PnlFooter.Caption := ''; PnlFooterButtons.Caption := ''; // Store the default difference in width between the progress bar and its parent panel. FHFreeSpaceProgressBar := PnlBodyMain.Width - PgbFirmwareUpdate.Width; // Initialize the user interface. FUISetting := UIS_DEFAULT; UpdateUserInterface(); // Initialize fields. FCmdOptionFileFound := False; FFirmwareFile := ''; // Parse the command line. ParseCommandLine; // Create instance to manage the program's configuration and add the configuration // group instances. FCurrentConfig := TCurrentConfig.Create; FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TMainWindowConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TMiscellaneousConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TSessionConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TSessionXcpConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TTransportConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TTransportXcpRs232Config.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TTransportXcpCanConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TTransportXcpUsbConfig.Create); FCurrentConfig.AddGroup(TTransportXcpTcpIpConfig.Create); // Load the program's configuration from the configuration file. FCurrentConfig.LoadFromFile; // Update the program configuration label. LblProgramConfig.Caption := GetConfigSummary; // Set main window configuration settings. mainWindowConfig := FCurrentConfig.Groups[TMainWindowConfig.GROUP_NAME] as TMainWindowConfig; MainForm.Width := mainWindowConfig.Width; MainForm.Height := mainWindowConfig.Height; // Create instance of the firmware update class. FFirmwareUpdate := TFirmwareUpdate.Create(FCurrentConfig); // Register its event handlers. FFirmwareUpdate.OnStarted := @FirmwareUpdateStarted; FFirmwareUpdate.OnStopped := @FirmwareUpdateStopped; FFirmwareUpdate.OnDone := @FirmwareUpdateDone; FFirmwareUpdate.OnInfo := @FirmwareUpdateInfo; FFirmwareUpdate.OnLog := @FirmwareUpdateLog; FFirmwareUpdate.OnProgress := @FirmwareUpdateProgress; FFirmwareUpdate.OnError := @FirmwareUpdateError; // Create and configure stopwatch instance. FStopWatch := TStopWatch.Create; FStopWatch.OnUpdate := @StopWatchUpdateEvent; // Create the file logger instance. FFileLogger := TFileLogger.Create; // Automatically kick off the firmware update procedure if a firmware file was // specified on the command line. if FCmdOptionFileFound then begin StartFirmwareUpdate; end; end; //*** end of FormCreate //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FormDestroy // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Form destructor. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var mainWindowConfig: TMainWindowConfig; begin // Release the file logger instance. FFileLogger.Free; // Release stopwatch instance. FStopWatch.Free; // Release instance of the firmware update class. FFirmwareUpdate.Free; // Store main window configuration settings. mainWindowConfig := FCurrentConfig.Groups[TMainWindowConfig.GROUP_NAME] as TMainWindowConfig; mainWindowConfig.Width := MainForm.Width; mainWindowConfig.Height := MainForm.Height; // Save the program's configuration to the configuration file. FCurrentConfig.SaveToFile; // Release the instance that manages the program's configuration. FCurrentConfig.Free; end; //*** end of FormDestroy *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: ParseCommandLine // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Parses the command line parameters. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.ParseCommandLine; begin // The program currently support one command line parameter, which is the firmware // file. If a valid file is specified, the firmware update should start automatically. if ParamCount = 1 then begin // Check if parameter contains an existing file. if FileExists(ParamStr(1)) then begin // Store the filename. FFirmwareFile := ParamStr(1); // Set flag for later processing. FCmdOptionFileFound := True; end; end; end; //*** end of ParseCommandLine *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: PnlBodyMainResize // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the panel is resized. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.PnlBodyMainResize(Sender: TObject); begin // Also resize the progress bar. PgbFirmwareUpdate.Width := PnlBodyMain.Width - FHFreeSpaceProgressBar; end; //*** end of PnlBodyMainResize *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: TmrCloseTimer // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the timer expires. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.TmrCloseTimer(Sender: TObject); begin // Disable the timer, because it is a one-shot timer. TmrClose.Enabled := False; // Close the program. Close; end; //*** end of TmrCloseTimer *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: StartFirmwareUpdate // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: True if successful, False otherwise. // DESCRIPTION: Starts the firmware update procedure. //*************************************************************************************** function TMainForm.StartFirmwareUpdate: Boolean; var miscellaneousConfig: TMiscellaneousConfig; begin // Initialize the result. Result := False; // Attempt to start the firmware update. if FFirmwareUpdate.Start(FFirmwareFile) then begin // Update the user interface setting. FUISetting := UIS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE; // Update the user interface. UpdateUserInterface; // Determine if file logging is requested. miscellaneousConfig := FCurrentConfig.Groups[TMiscellaneousConfig.GROUP_NAME] as TMiscellaneousConfig; if (miscellaneousConfig.Logging <> 0) and (miscellaneousConfig.LogFile <> '') then begin // Configure and start file logging. FFileLogger.LogFile := miscellaneousConfig.LogFile; FFileLogger.Start; end; // Start the stop watch refresh timer. FStopWatch.Start; end; end; //*** end of StartFirmwareUpdate *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FinishFirmwareUpdate // PARAMETER: CloseProgram True if the program should be closed, false otherwise. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Finished the firmware update after the firmware update procedure // completed. //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FinishFirmwareUpdate(CloseProgram: Boolean); begin // Stop file logging. FFileLogger.Stop; // Close the program if requested. if CloseProgram then begin // Start timer to perform a delayed closing of the program. This procedure could be // called from one of the OnXxx event handlers of the firmware update class. These // events are synchronized to the main loop, meaning that the internal thread of the // firmware update class is suspended until the event function completes. When you // close the program, it will also free the firmware update class, which in turn // terminates its internal thread. This could deadlock, because it might still be // suspended. The timer makes it possible for the internal thread of the firmware // update class to complete and terminate itself, preventing the deadlock situation. TmrClose.Enabled := True; end else begin // Stop the stop watch refresh timer. FStopWatch.Stop; // Update the user interface setting. FUISetting := UIS_DEFAULT; // Update the user interface. UpdateUserInterface; end; end; //*** end of FinishFirmwareUpdate *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: CancelFirmwareUpdate // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Cancels an ongoing firmware update procedure. //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.CancelFirmwareUpdate; begin // Stop the stop watch refresh timer. FStopWatch.Stop; // Cancel the firmware update. FFirmwareUpdate.Stop; // Update the user interface setting. FUISetting := UIS_DEFAULT; // Update the user interface. UpdateUserInterface; end; //*** end of CancelFirmwareUpdate *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: HandleFirmwareUpdateError // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Handles the situation when an error was detected during a firmware // update. //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.HandleFirmwareUpdateError(ErrorString: String); var boxStyle: Integer; begin // Stop the stop watch refresh timer. FStopWatch.Stop; // Configure the message box. boxStyle := MB_ICONERROR + MB_OK; // Display the message box. Application.MessageBox(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(ErrorString)), 'Error detected', boxStyle); // Update the user interface setting. FUISetting := UIS_DEFAULT; // Update the user interface. UpdateUserInterface; end; //*** end of HandleFirmwareUpdateError *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: UpdateUserInterface // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Updates the user interface look and layout based on the current // setting. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.UpdateUserInterface; begin // Update look and layout for the default setting. if FUISetting = UIS_DEFAULT then begin Caption := PROGRAM_NAME_STR + ' ' + PROGRAM_VERSION_STR; LblFirmwareUpdateInfo.Caption := 'Select file to start the firmware update'; LblElapsedTime.Caption := ''; PgbFirmwareUpdate.Position := 0; BtnBrowse.Enabled := True; BtnSettings.Enabled := True; BtnExit.Caption := 'Exit'; end // Update look and layout for the firmware update setting. else if FUISetting = UIS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE then begin Caption := PROGRAM_NAME_STR +' ' + PROGRAM_VERSION_STR + ' - ' + ExtractFileName(FFirmwareFile) + '..'; UpdateElapsedTime(''); PgbFirmwareUpdate.Position := 0; BtnBrowse.Enabled := False; BtnSettings.Enabled := False; BtnExit.Caption := 'Cancel'; end; end; //*** end of UpdateUserInterface *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: UpdateElapsedTime // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Updates the elapsed time on the user interface. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.UpdateElapsedTime(Interval: String); begin LblElapsedTime.Caption := 'Elapsed time: ' + Interval; end; //*** end of UpdateElapsedTime *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: StopWatchUpdateEvent // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the stopwatch got updated. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.StopWatchUpdateEvent(Sender: TObject; Interval: String); begin // Update the elapsed time on the user interface. UpdateElapsedTime(Interval); end; //*** end of StopWatchUpdateEvent *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateStarted // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update just started. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateStarted(Sender: TObject); begin // Nothing need to be done here for now. end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateStarted *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateStopped // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update was stopped. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateStopped(Sender: TObject); begin // Finish up to firmware update but do not close the program, because the firmware // update was cancelled. This makes if possible for the user to retry. FinishFirmwareUpdate(False); end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateStopped *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateDone // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update finished. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateDone(Sender: TObject); begin // Finish firmware update and close the program FinishFirmwareUpdate(True); end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateDone *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateInfo // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // InfoString One liner with info text. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update process has new // info to report. The info string can be used to update a label on the // user interface to inform the user of what the firmware updater is // currently working on. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateInfo(Sender: TObject; InfoString: String); begin // Display the info on the user interface. LblFirmwareUpdateInfo.Caption := InfoString; end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateInfo *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateLog // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // LogString Text for logging purposes. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update process has new // log information to report. The log string can be used to display // details regarding the firmware update process to the user or to write // this information to a log-file. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateLog(Sender: TObject; LogString: String); begin // Pass the log event on to the file logger, if active. if FFileLogger.Started then begin FFileLogger.Log(LogString); end; end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateLog *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateProgress // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // Percentage Firmware update progress as a percentage (0..100). // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when a firmware update process has new // progress to report. The progress information can be used to update // a progress bar for example. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateProgress(Sender: TObject; Percentage: Integer); begin // Display the progress on the user interface. PgbFirmwareUpdate.Position := Percentage; // Fix for progress bar not going 100% PgbFirmwareUpdate.Position := Percentage - 1; // Update progress bar one more time. PgbFirmwareUpdate.Position := Percentage; end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateProgress *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: FirmwareUpdateError // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // ErrorString Descriptive text regarding the error that occurred. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when an error was detected during the // firmware update process. This information can be used for logging // purposes and also to stop the firmware update process. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.FirmwareUpdateError(Sender: TObject; ErrorString: String); begin // Handle the error. HandleFirmwareUpdateError(ErrorString); end; //*** end of FirmwareUpdateError *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: GetConfigSummary // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: Configuration summary. // DESCRIPTION: Obtains a string that contains a summary of the current active // configuration, for example: 'for OpenBLT using XCP on UART'. // //*************************************************************************************** function TMainForm.GetConfigSummary: String; var sessionConfig: TSessionConfig; transportConfig: TTransportConfig; begin // Initialize the result. Result := 'Unknown configuration'; // Obtain access to the session configuration group. sessionConfig := FCurrentConfig.Groups[TSessionConfig.GROUP_NAME] as TSessionConfig; // Obtain access to the transport configuration group. transportConfig := FCurrentConfig.Groups[TTransportConfig.GROUP_NAME] as TTransportConfig; // Filter on the configured session protocol. if sessionConfig.Session = 'xcp' then begin Result := 'for OpenBLT using XCP '; if transportConfig.Transport = 'xcp_rs232' then begin Result := Result + 'on RS232'; end else if transportConfig.Transport = 'xcp_can' then begin Result := Result + 'on CAN'; end else if transportConfig.Transport = 'xcp_usb' then begin Result := Result + 'on USB'; end else if transportConfig.Transport = 'xcp_net' then begin Result := Result + 'on TCP/IP'; end; end; end; //*** end of GetConfigSummary *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: BtnExitClick // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the button is clicked. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.BtnExitClick(Sender: TObject); begin if BtnExit.Caption = 'Exit' then begin // Exit the program. Close; end else begin // Cancel the firmware update. CancelFirmwareUpdate; end; end; //*** end of BtnExitClick *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: BtnBrowseClick // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the button is clicked. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.BtnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject); begin // Reset firmware file name. FFirmwareFile := ''; // Display the dialog to prompt the user to pick a file. if OpenDialog.Execute then begin // Read out the selected file. FFirmwareFile := OpenDialog.FileName; // Start the actual firmware update. StartFirmwareUpdate; end; end; //*** end of BtnBrowseClick *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: BtnSettingsClick // PARAMETER: Sender Source of the event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Event handler that gets called when the button is clicked. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TMainForm.BtnSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); var settingsDialog: TSettingsForm; begin // Create the dialog and make us the owner. settingsDialog := TSettingsForm.Create(Self, FCurrentConfig); // Show the dialog in the modal state. if settingsDialog.ShowModal = mrOK then begin // Save the new settings to the file. FCurrentConfig.SaveToFile; // Update the program configuration label. LblProgramConfig.Caption := GetConfigSummary; end; // Release the dialog. settingsDialog.Free; end; //*** end of BtnSettingsClick *** end. //******************************** end of mainunit.pas **********************************