library openblt_net; //*************************************************************************************** // Project Name: MicroBoot Interface for Borland Delphi // Description: XCP - NET (TCP/IP) interface for MicroBoot // File Name: openblt_net.dpr // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C O P Y R I G H T //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2014 by Feaser All rights reserved // // This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular // purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, // adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or // omissions or the results obtained from use of the software. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // L I C E N S E //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It // should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy. // //*************************************************************************************** //*************************************************************************************** // Includes //*************************************************************************************** uses Windows, Messages, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, SysUtils, Classes, Extctrls, XcpProtection in '..\XcpProtection.pas', XcpLoader in '..\XcpLoader.pas', XcpTransport in 'XcpTransport.pas', XcpSettings in 'XcpSettings.pas' {XcpSettingsForm}, WSockets in 'WSockets.pas', FirmwareData in '..\..\..\Library\FirmwareData\pas\FirmwareData.pas'; //*************************************************************************************** // Global Constants //*************************************************************************************** const kMaxProgLen = 256; // maximum number of bytes to progam at one time //*************************************************************************************** // Type Definitions //*************************************************************************************** // DLL Interface Callbacks - modifications requires potential update of all interfaces! type TStartedEvent = procedure(length: Longword) of object; TProgressEvent = procedure(progress: Longword) of object; TDoneEvent = procedure of object; TErrorEvent = procedure(error: ShortString) of object; TLogEvent = procedure(info: ShortString) of object; TInfoEvent = procedure(info: ShortString) of object; type TEventHandlers = class // create a dummy class procedure OnTimeout(Sender: TObject); end; //*************************************************************************************** // Global Variables //*************************************************************************************** var //--- begin of don't change --- AppOnStarted : TStartedEvent; AppOnProgress : TProgressEvent; AppOnDone : TDoneEvent; AppOnError : TErrorEvent; AppOnLog : TLogEvent; AppOnInfo : TInfoEvent; //--- end of don't change --- timer : TTimer; events : TEventHandlers; loader : TXcpLoader; datafile : TFirmwareData; progdata : array of Byte; progfile : string; stopRequest : boolean; //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnStarted // PARAMETER: length of the file that is being downloaded. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnStarted(length: Longword); begin if Assigned(AppOnStarted) then begin AppOnStarted(length); end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnStarted *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnProgress // PARAMETER: progress of the file download. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress: Longword); begin if Assigned(AppOnProgress) then begin AppOnProgress(progress); end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnProgress *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnDone // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnDone; begin if Assigned(AppOnDone) then begin AppOnDone; end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnDone *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnError // PARAMETER: info about the error that occured. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnError(error: ShortString); begin if Assigned(AppOnError) then begin AppOnError(error); end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnError *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnLog // PARAMETER: info on the log event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnLog(info: ShortString); begin if Assigned(AppOnLog) then begin AppOnLog(info); end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnLog *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiCallbackOnInfo // PARAMETER: details on the info event. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Wrapper function for safely calling an application callback // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiCallbackOnInfo(info: ShortString); begin if Assigned(AppOnInfo) then begin AppOnInfo(info); end; end; //** end of MbiCallbackOnLog *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: LogData // PARAMETER: pointer to byte array and the data length // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Writes the program data formatted to the logfile // //*************************************************************************************** procedure LogData(data : PByteArray; len : longword); stdcall; var currentWriteCnt : byte; cnt : byte; logStr : string; bufferOffset : longword; begin bufferOffset := 0; while len > 0 do begin // set the current write length optimized to log 32 bytes per line currentWriteCnt := len mod 32; if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := 32; logStr := ''; // prepare the line to add to the log for cnt := 0 to currentWriteCnt-1 do begin logStr := logStr + Format('%2.2x ', [data[bufferOffset+cnt]]); end; // update the log MbiCallbackOnLog(ShortString(logStr)); // update loop variables len := len - currentWriteCnt; bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt; end; end; //*** end of LogData *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: OnTimeout // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Timer event handler. A timer is used in this example to simulate the // progress of a file download. It also demonstrates how to use the // application callbacks to keep the application informed. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure TEventHandlers.OnTimeout(Sender: TObject); var errorInfo : string; progress : longword; segmentCnt : longword; byteCnt : longword; currentWriteCnt : word; sessionStartResult : byte; bufferOffset : longword; addr : longword; len : longword; dataSizeKB : real; dataSizeBytes : integer; begin timer.Enabled := False; // connect the transport layer MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. Reset your target if this takes a long time.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); Application.ProcessMessages; if not loader.Connect then begin // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect via TCP/IP. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); Application.ProcessMessages; // continuously try to connect the transport layer while not loader.Connect do begin Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(5); if stopRequest then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection cancelled by user. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Transport layer connection cancelled by user.'); Exit; end; end; end; // we now have a socket connected to the target. next attempt to connect to the target // via XCP. MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession; if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.'); loader.Disconnect; Exit; end; if sessionStartResult <> kProgSessionStarted then begin // note that a running user program might have received the connect command and // performed a software reset to activate the bootloader. this causes a reconfigu- // ration of the ethernet controller so we need to disconnect the socket here and // wait for it to reconnect. MbiCallbackOnInfo('No response from target. Disconnecting TCP/IP socket.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('No response from target. Disconnecting TCP/IP socket. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); loader.Disconnect; // connect the transport layer MbiCallbackOnInfo('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. Reset your target if this takes a long time.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Connecting to target via TCP/IP. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); Application.ProcessMessages; if not loader.Connect then begin // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect via TCP/IP. Retrying. Reset your target if this takes a long time.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection failed. Check the configured IP address and port. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnLog('Retrying transport layer connection. Reset your target if this takes a long time. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); Application.ProcessMessages; // continuously try to connect the transport layer while not loader.Connect do begin Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(5); if stopRequest then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Transport layer connection cancelled by user. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Transport layer connection cancelled by user.'); Exit; end; end; end; //---------------- start the programming session -------------------------------------- MbiCallbackOnLog('Starting the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); // try initial connect via XCP sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession; if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.'); loader.Disconnect; Exit; end; if sessionStartResult <> kProgSessionStarted then begin // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Could not connect. Please reset your target...'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Connect failed. Switching to backdoor entry mode. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); Application.ProcessMessages; // continuously try to connect via XCP true the backdoor sessionStartResult := kProgSessionGenericError; while sessionStartResult <> kProgSessionStarted do begin sessionStartResult := loader.StartProgrammingSession; Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(5); // don't retry if the error was caused by not being able to unprotect the programming resource if sessionStartResult = kProgSessionUnlockError then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource. Check your configured XCP protection DLL. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Security issue. Could not unprotect the programming resource.'); Exit; end; // check if the user cancelled if stopRequest then begin // disconnect the transport layer MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); loader.Disconnect; MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session cancelled by user. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Programming session cancelled by user.'); Exit; end; end; end; end; // still here so programming session was started MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session started. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); // read the firmware file MbiCallbackOnInfo('Reading firmware file.'); MbiCallbackOnLog('Reading firmware file. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); // create the datafile object and load the file contents datafile := TFirmwareData.Create; if not datafile.LoadFromFile(progfile, False) then begin MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not read firmware file (' + ShortString(ExtractFilename(progfile)) +'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Could not read firmware file (' + ShortString(ExtractFilename(progfile)) +').'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; // compute the size in kbytes dataSizeBytes := 0; // loop through all segment to get the total byte count for segmentCnt := 0 to (datafile.SegmentCount - 1) do begin dataSizeBytes := dataSizeBytes + datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].Size; end; // convert bytes to kilobytes dataSizeKB := dataSizeBytes / 1024; // Call application callback when we start the actual download MbiCallbackOnStarted(dataSizeBytes); // Init progress to 0 progress progress := 0; MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress); //---------------- next clear the memory regions -------------------------------------- // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Erasing memory...'); for segmentCnt := 0 to (datafile.SegmentCount - 1) do begin // check if the user cancelled if stopRequest then begin // disconnect the transport layer MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); loader.Disconnect; MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session cancelled by user. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Programming session cancelled by user.'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; // obtain the region info addr := datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].BaseAddress; len := datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].Size; // erase the memory MbiCallbackOnLog('Clearing Memory '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,len]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); if not loader.ClearMemory(addr, len) then begin loader.GetLastError(errorInfo); MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Could not clear memory ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; MbiCallbackOnLog('Memory cleared. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); end; //---------------- next program the memory regions ------------------------------------ for segmentCnt := 0 to (datafile.SegmentCount - 1) do begin // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Reading file...'); // obtain the region info addr := datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].BaseAddress; len := datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].Size; SetLength(progdata, len); for byteCnt := 0 to (len - 1) do begin progdata[byteCnt] := datafile.Segment[segmentCnt].Data[byteCnt]; end; bufferOffset := 0; while len > 0 do begin // check if the user cancelled if stopRequest then begin // disconnect the transport layer MbiCallbackOnLog('Disconnecting the transport layer. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); loader.Disconnect; MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session cancelled by user. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Programming session cancelled by user.'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; // set the current write length taking into account kMaxProgLen currentWriteCnt := len mod kMaxProgLen; if currentWriteCnt = 0 then currentWriteCnt := kMaxProgLen; // program the data MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming Data '+ShortString(Format('addr:0x%x,len:0x%x',[addr,currentWriteCnt]))+'. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); LogData(@progdata[bufferOffset], currentWriteCnt); if not loader.WriteData(addr, currentWriteCnt, @progdata[bufferOffset]) then begin loader.GetLastError(errorInfo); MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Could not program data ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; MbiCallbackOnLog('Data Programmed. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); // update progress progress := progress + currentWriteCnt; MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress); // update loop variables len := len - currentWriteCnt; addr := addr + currentWriteCnt; bufferOffset := bufferOffset + currentWriteCnt; // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo('Programming data... ' + ShortString(Format('(%.1n of %.1n Kbytes)',[(progress/1024), dataSizeKB]))); end; end; //---------------- stop the programming session --------------------------------------- MbiCallbackOnLog('Stopping the programming session. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); if not loader.StopProgrammingSession then begin loader.GetLastError(errorInfo); MbiCallbackOnLog('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+'). t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnError('Could not stop the programming session ('+ShortString(errorInfo)+').'); datafile.Free; Exit; end; MbiCallbackOnLog('Programming session stopped. t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); // all done so set progress to 100% and finish up progress := dataSizeBytes; datafile.Free; MbiCallbackOnProgress(progress); MbiCallbackOnLog('File successfully downloaded t='+ShortString(TimeToStr(Time))); MbiCallbackOnDone; end; //*** end of OnTimeout *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiInit // PARAMETER: callback function pointers // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to initialize the interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiInit(cbStarted: TStartedEvent; cbProgress: TProgressEvent; cbDone: TDoneEvent; cbError: TErrorEvent; cbLog: TLogEvent; cbInfo: TInfoEvent); stdcall; begin //--- begin of don't change --- AppOnStarted := cbStarted; AppOnProgress := cbProgress; AppOnDone := cbDone; AppOnLog := cbLog; AppOnInfo := cbInfo; AppOnError := cbError; //--- end of don't change --- // create xcp loader object loader := TXcpLoader.Create; // update to the latest configuration loader.Configure(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_net.ini'); // create and init a timer events := TEventHandlers.Create; timer := TTimer.Create(nil); timer.Enabled := False; timer.Interval := 100; timer.OnTimer := events.OnTimeout; end; //*** end of MbiInit *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiStart // PARAMETER: filename of the file that is to be downloaded. // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to request the interface library to download // the file that is passed as a parameter. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiStart(fileName: ShortString); stdcall; begin // update the user info MbiCallbackOnInfo(''); // start the log MbiCallbackOnLog('--- Downloading "'+fileName+'" ---'); // reset stop request stopRequest := false; // start the startup timer which gives microBoot a chance to paint itself timer.Enabled := True; // store the program's filename progfile := String(fileName); end; //*** end of MbiStart *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiStop // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to request the interface library to stop // a download that could be in progress. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiStop; stdcall; begin // set stop request stopRequest := true; end; //*** end of MbiStop *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiDeInit // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to uninitialize the interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiDeInit; stdcall; begin // release xcp loader object loader.Free; // release the timer and events object timer.Free; events.Free; //--- begin of don't change --- AppOnStarted := nil; AppOnProgress := nil; AppOnDone := nil; AppOnLog := nil; AppOnInfo := nil; AppOnError := nil; //--- end of don't change --- end; //*** end of MbiDeInit *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiName // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: name of the interface library // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the name of the interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** function MbiName : ShortString; stdcall; begin Result := 'OpenBLT TCP/IP'; end; //*** end of MbiName *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiDescription // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: description of the interface library // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the description of the interface // library. // //*************************************************************************************** function MbiDescription : ShortString; stdcall; begin Result := 'OpenBLT using TCP/IP'; end; //*** end of MbiDescription *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiVersion // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: version number // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the version number of the // interface library. // //*************************************************************************************** function MbiVersion : Longword; stdcall; begin Result := 10100; // v1.01.00 end; //*** end of MbiVersion *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiVInterface // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: version number of the supported interface // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to obtain the version number of the // Mbi interface uBootInterface.pas (not the interface library). This can // be used by the application for backward compatibility. // //*************************************************************************************** function MbiVInterface : Longword; stdcall; begin Result := 10001; // v1.00.01 end; //*** end of MbiVInterface *** //*************************************************************************************** // NAME: MbiConfigure // PARAMETER: none // RETURN VALUE: none // DESCRIPTION: Called by the application to enable the user to configure the inter- // face library through the application. // //*************************************************************************************** procedure MbiConfigure; stdcall; var settings : TXcpSettings; begin // create xcp settings object settings := TXcpSettings.Create(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_net.ini'); // display the modal configuration dialog settings.Configure; // release the xcp settings object settings.Free; // update to the latest configuration loader.Configure(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+'openblt_net.ini'); end; //*** end of MbiConfigure *** //*************************************************************************************** // External Declarations //*************************************************************************************** exports //--- begin of don't change --- MbiInit, MbiStart, MbiStop, MbiDeInit, MbiName, MbiDescription, MbiVersion, MbiConfigure, MbiVInterface; //--- end of don't change --- end. //********************************** end of openblt_net.dpr *****************************