unit OpenBlt; //*************************************************************************************** // Description: Unit for accessing the OpenBLT shared library. // File Name: openblt.pas // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C O P Y R I G H T //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved // // This software has been carefully tested, but is not guaranteed for any particular // purpose. The author does not offer any warranties and does not guarantee the accuracy, // adequacy, or completeness of the software and is not responsible for any errors or // omissions or the results obtained from use of the software. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // L I C E N S E //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free // Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. // // OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It // should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy. // //*************************************************************************************** {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE objfpc}{$H+} {$ENDIF} interface //*************************************************************************************** // Global Includes //*************************************************************************************** uses Classes, SysUtils; //*************************************************************************************** // Global Constant Declarations //*************************************************************************************** const // Name of the external library. LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME = 'libopenblt'; // Function return value for when everything went okay. BLT_RESULT_OK = 0; // Function return value for when a generic error occured. BLT_RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC = 1; //*************************************************************************************** // V E R S I O N I N F O R M A T I O N //*************************************************************************************** function BltVersionGetNumber: LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltVersionGetString: PAnsiChar; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; //*************************************************************************************** // S E S S I O N / T R A N S P O R T L A Y E R S //*************************************************************************************** const // XCP protocol version 1.0. XCP is a universal measurement and calibration communica- // tion protocol. It contains functionality for reading, programming, and erasing // (non-volatile) memory making it a good fit for bootloader purposes. BLT_SESSION_XCP_V10: LongWord = 0; // Transport layer for the XCP v1.0 protocol that uses RS-232 serial communication for // data exchange. BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_RS232: LongWord = 0; // Transport layer for the XCP v1.0 protocol that uses Controller Area Network (CAN) // for data exchange. BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_CAN: LongWord = 1; // Transport layer for the XCP v1.0 protocol that uses USB for data exchange. BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_USB: LongWord = 2; // Transport layer for the XCP v1.0 protocol that uses TCP/IP for data exchange. BLT_TRANSPORT_XCP_V10_NET: LongWord = 3; type // Structure layout of the XCP version 1.0 session settings. tBltSessionSettingsXcpV10 = record timeoutT1: Word; // Command response timeout in milliseconds. timeoutT3: Word; // Start programming timeout in milliseconds. timeoutT4: Word; // Erase memory timeout in milliseonds. timeoutT5: Word; // Program memory and reset timeout in milliseonds. timeoutT6: Word; // Connect response timeout in milliseonds. timeoutT7: Word; // Busy wait timer timeout in milliseonds. seedKeyFile: PAnsiChar; // Seed/key algorithm library filename. connectMode: Byte; // Connection mode parameter in XCP connect command. end; // Structure layout of the XCP version 1.0 RS232 transport layer settings. tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Rs232 = record portName: PAnsiChar; // Communication port name such as /dev/tty0. baudrate: LongWord; // Communication speed in bits/sec. end; // Structure layout of the XCP version 1.0 CAN transport layer settings. tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Can = record deviceName: PAnsiChar; // Device name such as can0, peak_pcanusb, etc. deviceChannel: LongWord; // Channel on the device to use. baudrate: LongWord; // Communication speed in bits/sec. transmitId: LongWord; // Transmit CAN identifier. receiveId: LongWord; // Receive CAN identifier. useExtended: LongWord; // Boolean to configure 29-bit CAN identifiers. end; // Structure layout of the XCP version 1.0 NET transport layer settings. tBltTransportSettingsXcpV10Net = record address: PAnsiChar; // Target IP-address or hostname on the network. port: Word; // TCP port to use. end; procedure BltSessionInit(sessionType: LongWord; sessionSettings: Pointer; transportType: LongWord; transportSettings: Pointer); cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; procedure BltSessionTerminate; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltSessionStart: LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; procedure BltSessionStop; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltSessionClearMemory(address: LongWord; len: LongWord): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltSessionWriteData(address: LongWord; len: LongWord; data: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltSessionReadData(address: LongWord; len: LongWord; data: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; //*************************************************************************************** // F I R M W A R E D A T A C O N T R O L //*************************************************************************************** const // The S-record parser enables writing and reading firmware data to and from file // formatted as Motorola S-record. This is a widely known file format and pretty much // all microcontroller compiler toolchains included functionality to output or convert // the firmware's data as an S-record. BLT_FIRMWARE_PARSER_SRECORD: LongWord = 0; procedure BltFirmwareInit(parserType: LongWord); cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; procedure BltFirmwareTerminate; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareLoadFromFile(firmwareFile: PAnsiChar; addressOffsets: LongWord): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareSaveToFile(firmwareFile: PAnsiChar): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareGetSegmentCount: LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareGetSegment(idx: LongWord; var address: LongWord; var len: LongWord): PByte; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareAddData(address: LongWord; len: LongWord; data: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltFirmwareRemoveData(address: LongWord; len: LongWord): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; procedure BltFirmwareClearData; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; //*************************************************************************************** // G E N E R I C U T I L I T I E S //*************************************************************************************** function BltUtilCrc16Calculate(data: PByte; len: LongWord): Word; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltUtilCrc32Calculate(data: PByte; len: LongWord): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltUtilTimeGetSystemTime: LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; procedure BltUtilTimeDelayMs(delay: Word); cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltUtilCryptoAes256Encrypt(data: PByte; len: LongWord; key: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; function BltUtilCryptoAes256Decrypt(data: PByte; len: LongWord; key: PByte): LongWord; cdecl; external LIBOPENBLT_LIBNAME; implementation end. //******************************** end of openblt.pas ***********************************