:: Batch file to generate a reference manual from the comments in the source code, with :: Doxygen. The following tools should be installed and added to the path: :: - DoxyGen (doxygen.exe) :: - Graphviz (dot.exe) :: - MikTex (pdflatex.exe) :: - HTML Help Workshop compiler (hhc.exe) if exist ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.pdf del ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.pdf if exist ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.chm del ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.chm doxygen.exe DoxyfileLibOpenBLT call .\output\LibOpenBLT\latex\make.bat call copy .\output\LibOpenBLT\latex\refman.pdf ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.pdf :: Remove the comment on the next line to automatically open the generated PDF file :: call start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" ..\RM_LibOpenBLT.pdf :: Remove the comment on the next line to automatically open the generated CHM file :: start .\..\RM_LibOpenBLT.chm