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* \file Source/ARMCM4_S32K14/mbrtu.c
* \brief Bootloader Modbus RTU communication interface source file.
* \ingroup Target_ARMCM4_S32K14
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2023 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* \defgroup Target__template_mbrtu Modbus RTU driver of a port
* \brief This module implements the Modbus RTU driver of a microcontroller port.
* \details For the most parts, this driver is already implemented. The only parts that
* need porting are the UART initialization, byte reception and byte
* transmission.
* \ingroup Target__template
* Include files
#include "boot.h" /* bootloader generic header */
#include "device_registers.h" /* device registers */
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Timeout for transmitting a byte in milliseconds. */
/** \brief Set the peripheral LPUART0 base pointer. */
#define LPUARTx (LPUART0)
/** \brief Set the PCC index offset for LPUART0. */
/** \brief Set the peripheral LPUART1 base pointer. */
#define LPUARTx (LPUART1)
/** \brief Set the PCC index offset for LPUART1. */
/** \brief Set the peripheral LPUART2 base pointer. */
#define LPUARTx (LPUART2)
/** \brief Set the PCC index offset for LPUART2. */
* External data declarations
/** \brief The system clock frequency supplied to the SysTick timer and the processor
* core clock.
extern blt_int32u SystemCoreClock;
* Local data declarations
/** \brief Stores the number of free running counter ticks that represents the 3.5
* character delay time (T3_5) for Modbus RTU.
static blt_int16u mbRtuT3_5Ticks;
* Function prototypes
static blt_bool MbRtuReceiveByte(blt_int8u *data);
static void MbRtuTransmitByte(blt_int8u data, blt_bool end_of_packet);
** \brief Initializes the Modbus RTU communication interface.
** \attention It is the application's responsibility to initialize a timer peripheral
** to have an upwards counting free running counter, which runs at 100 kHz.
** \return none.
void MbRtuInit(void)
blt_int16u startTimeTicks;
blt_int16u deltaTimeTicks;
blt_int16u currentTimeTicks;
blt_int8u rxDummy;
blt_int32u sourceClockFreqHz;
blt_int32u div2RegValue;
blt_int32u ctrlRegValue;
blt_int16u baudrateSbr0_12;
blt_int8u const div2DividerLookup[] =
0U, /* 0b000. Output disabled. */
1U, /* 0b001. Divide by 1. */
2U, /* 0b010. Divide by 2. */
4U, /* 0b011. Divide by 4. */
8U, /* 0b100. Divide by 8. */
16U, /* 0b101. Divide by 16. */
32U, /* 0b110. Divide by 32. */
64U, /* 0b111. Divide by 64. */
/* Perform compile time assertion to check that the configured UART channel is actually
* supported by this driver.
/* calculate the 3.5 character delay time in free running counter ticks. note that
* the free running counter runs at 100 kHz, so one tick is 10 us. For baudrates >
* 19200 bps, it can be fixed to 1750 us.
/* set T3_5 time to a fixed value of 1750 us. */
mbRtuT3_5Ticks = 175;
/* calculate the T3_5 time, because the baudrate is <= 19200 bps. */
/* T3_5 [us * 10] = 3.5 * Tchar = 3.5 * 11 * 100000 / baudrate = 3850000 / baudrate.
* make sure to do integer round up though. Make sure to add 1 to adjust for 10us
* timer resolution inaccuracy.
mbRtuT3_5Ticks = (blt_int16u)(((3850000UL + (BOOT_COM_MBRTU_BAUDRATE - 1U)) /
/* Make sure the UART peripheral clock is disabled before configuring its source
* clock.
/* Reset the currently selected clock. */
/* Select option 3 as the UART peripheral source clock and enable the clock. Option 3
* is the FIRCDIV2_CLK, which is available on all peripherals and configurations. The
* FIRC clock also has a 3 times better accuracy than the SIRC clock.
/* Obtain the DIV2 divider value of the FIRC_CLK. */
/* Check if the DIV2 register value for FIRC is 0. In this case FIRCDIV2_CLK is
* currently disabled.
if (div2RegValue == 0U)
/* Configure the DIV2 for a default divide by 1 to make sure the FIRCDIV2_CLK is
* actually enabled.
div2RegValue = 1U;
/* Determine the FIRCDIV2_CLK frequency. The FIRC_CLK is trimmed to 48 MHz during
* reset. Process the configued DIV2 divider factor to get the actual frequency
* of FIRCDIV2_CLK, which was selected as the source clock for the UART peripheral.
sourceClockFreqHz = 48000000UL;
sourceClockFreqHz /= div2DividerLookup[div2RegValue];
/* Configure the baudrate from BOOT_COM_MBRTU_BAUDRATE, taking into account that an
* oversampling ratio of 4 will be configured. Integer rounding is used to get the best
* value for baudrateSbr0_12. Actual baudrate equals:
* sourceClockFreqHz / 4 / baudrateSbr0_12.
baudrateSbr0_12 = (((sourceClockFreqHz / BOOT_COM_MBRTU_BAUDRATE) +
/* OSR=3: Over sampling ratio = 3+1=4.
* SBNS=x: One or two stop bits.
* BOTHEDGE=1: receiver samples only on rising edge.
* M10=0: Rx and Tx use 7 to 9 bit data characters.
* RESYNCDIS=0: Resync during rec'd data word supported.
* LBKDIE, RXEDGIE=0: interrupts disable.
* TDMAE, RDMAE, TDMAE=0: DMA requests disabled.
* MAEN1, MAEN2, MATCFG=0: Match disabled.
/* Clear the error/interrupt flags */
/* Reset all features/interrupts by default */
LPUARTx->CTRL = 0x00000000;
/* Reset match addresses */
LPUARTx->MATCH = 0x00000000;
/* Reset IrDA modem features */
LPUARTx->MODIR = 0x00000000;
/* Reset FIFO feature */
/* Enable the transmit and receive FIFOs. */
/* Set the reception water mark to 0 and the transmitter water mark to 1. */
/* Enable transmitter and receiver, no parity, 8 bit char:
* RE=1: Receiver enabled.
* TE=1: Transmitter enabled.
* PE,PT=0: No hw parity generation or checking.
* M7,M,R8T9,R9T8=0: 8-bit data characters.
* DOZEEN=0: LPUART enabled in Doze mode.
* TxDIR=0: TxD pin is input if in single-wire mode.
* TXINV=0: Transmit data not inverted.
* RWU,WAKE=0: normal operation; rcvr not in standby.
* IDLCFG=0: one idle character.
* ILT=0: Idle char bit count starts after start bit.
* SBK=0: Normal transmitter operation - no break char.
* LOOPS,RSRC=0: no loop back.
ctrlRegValue = LPUART_CTRL_RE(1) | LPUART_CTRL_TE(1);
/* odd parity enabled? */
/* even parity enabled? */
ctrlRegValue |= LPUART_CTRL_M(1) | LPUART_CTRL_PE(1);
LPUARTx->CTRL = ctrlRegValue;
/* enable the receiver output to be able to receive. */
/* wait for idle line detection. This is T3_5 time after reception of the last byte. */
startTimeTicks = MbRtuFreeRunningCounterGet();
/* service the watchdog. */
/* get the current value of the free running counter. */
currentTimeTicks = MbRtuFreeRunningCounterGet();
/* check if a byte was received while waiting for the idle line. */
if (MbRtuReceiveByte(&rxDummy) == BLT_TRUE)
/* restart the idle line detection. */
startTimeTicks = currentTimeTicks;
/* calculate the number of ticks that elapsed since the start or since the last
* byte reception. Note that this calculation works, even if the free running counter
* overflowed.
deltaTimeTicks = currentTimeTicks - startTimeTicks;
while (deltaTimeTicks < mbRtuT3_5Ticks);
} /*** end of MbRtuInit ***/
** \brief Transmits a packet formatted for the communication interface.
** \param data Pointer to byte array with data that it to be transmitted.
** \param len Number of bytes that are to be transmitted.
** \return none.
void MbRtuTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u len)
blt_int16u data_index;
blt_int16u checksum;
blt_bool endOfPacket = BLT_FALSE;
/* Made static to lower stack load and +5 for Modbus RTU packet overhead. */
static blt_int8u txPacket[BOOT_COM_MBRTU_TX_MAX_DATA + 5];
/* On Modbus RTU, there must always be a T3_5 time separation between packet trans-
* missions.
* This bootloader uses XCP packets embedded in Modbus RTU packets. The XCP
* communication is always request / response based. That means that this packet is
* a response packet and it will only be sent, after the reception of a request packet.
* A response packet is only deemed valid, after the T3_5 idle time. This module
* implements the T3_5 end-of-packet time event detection. Consequently, it is already
* guaranteed that there is T3_5 between subsequent packet transmissions. As such, no
* further T3_5 wait time is needed here.
/* verify validity of the len-parameter */
/* construct the Modbus RTU packet. start by adding the slave address. */
/* add the user-defined function code for embedding XCP packets. */
/* add the XCP packet length. */
txPacket[2] = len;
/* copy the XCP packet data. */
CpuMemCopy((blt_int32u)&txPacket[3], (blt_int32u)data, len);
/* calculate the checksum for the packet, including slave address, function code and
* extra XCP length.
checksum = MbRtuCrcCalculate(&txPacket[0], len + 3);
/* add the checksum at the end of the packet */
txPacket[len + 3] = (blt_int8u)(checksum & 0xff);
txPacket[len + 4] = (blt_int8u)(checksum >> 8);
/* enable the driver output to be able to send. just make sure to wait a little around
* the togglng of the DE/NRE pin.
/* transmit all the packet bytes one-by-one */
for (data_index = 0; data_index < (len + 5); data_index++)
/* keep the watchdog happy */
/* last byte of the packet? */
if (data_index == ((len + 5) - 1))
/* update the end of packet flag. */
endOfPacket = BLT_TRUE;
/* write byte */
MbRtuTransmitByte(txPacket[data_index], endOfPacket);
/* enable the receiver output to be able to receive again. just make sure to wait a
* little around the togglng of the DE/NRE pin.
} /*** end of MbRtuTransmitPacket ***/
** \brief Receives a communication interface packet if one is present.
** \param data Pointer to byte array where the data is to be stored.
** \param len Pointer where the length of the packet is to be stored.
** \return BLT_TRUE if a packet was received, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
blt_bool MbRtuReceivePacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u *len)
blt_bool result = BLT_FALSE;
blt_int8u rxByte;
blt_int16u currentTimeTicks;
blt_int16u deltaTimeTicks;
blt_int16u checksumCalculated;
blt_int16u checksumReceived;
/* Made static to lower stack load and +5 for Modbus RTU packet overhead. */
static blt_int8u rxPacket[BOOT_COM_MBRTU_RX_MAX_DATA + 5];
static blt_int8u rxLength = 0;
static blt_bool packetRxInProgress = BLT_FALSE;
static blt_int16u lastRxByteTimeTicks = 0;
/* get the current value of the free running counter. */
currentTimeTicks = MbRtuFreeRunningCounterGet();
/* check for a newly received byte. */
if (MbRtuReceiveByte(&rxByte) == BLT_TRUE)
/* store the time at which the byte was received. */
lastRxByteTimeTicks = currentTimeTicks;
/* is this the potential start of a new packet? */
if (packetRxInProgress == BLT_FALSE)
/* initialize the reception of a new packet. */
rxLength = 0;
packetRxInProgress = BLT_TRUE;
/* store the newly received byte in the buffer, with buffer overrun protection. */
if (rxLength < (sizeof(rxPacket)/sizeof(rxPacket[0])))
rxPacket[rxLength] = rxByte;
/* buffer overrun occurred. received packet was longer than supported so discard
* the packet to try and sync to the next one.
/* discard the partially received packet. */
packetRxInProgress = BLT_FALSE;
/* only attempt to detect the end of packet, when a reception is in progress. */
if (packetRxInProgress == BLT_TRUE)
/* calculate the number of ticks that elapsed since the last byte reception. note
* that this calculation works, even if the free running counter overflowed.
deltaTimeTicks = currentTimeTicks - lastRxByteTimeTicks;
/* packet reception is assumed complete after T3_5 of not receiving new data. */
if (deltaTimeTicks >= mbRtuT3_5Ticks)
/* a Modbus RTU packet consists of at least the address field, function code and
* 16-bit CRC. Validate the packet length based on this info.
if (rxLength >= 4)
/* calculate the packet checksum. */
checksumCalculated = MbRtuCrcCalculate(&rxPacket[0], rxLength - 2);
/* extract the checksum received with the packet. */
checksumReceived = rxPacket[rxLength - 2] | (rxPacket[rxLength - 1] << 8);
/* only continue with packet processing if the checksums match. */
if (checksumCalculated == checksumReceived)
/* we are only interested in Modbus RTU packets that are addressed to us and
* have an XCP packet embedded.
if ( (rxPacket[0] == BOOT_COM_MBRTU_NODE_ID) &&
/* An XCP packet embedded in a Modbus RTU packet has an extra XCP packet
* length value. Use it to double-check that the packet length is valid.
if (rxPacket[2] == (rxLength - 5))
/* copy the packet's XCP data. */
CpuMemCopy((blt_int32u)data, (blt_int32u)&rxPacket[3], rxLength - 5);
/* set the packet's XCP length. */
*len = rxLength - 5;
/* update the result to success to indicate that this XCP packet is ready
* for processing.
result = BLT_TRUE;
/* reset the packet reception in progress flag, to be able to receive the next. */
packetRxInProgress = BLT_FALSE;
/* give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of MbRtuReceivePacket ***/
** \brief Receives a communication interface byte if one is present.
** \param data Pointer to byte where the data is to be stored.
** \return BLT_TRUE if a byte was received, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
static blt_bool MbRtuReceiveByte(blt_int8u *data)
blt_bool result = BLT_FALSE;
/* check if a new byte was received by means of the RDRF-bit. */
/* update the result */
result = BLT_TRUE;
/* check for a frame error. the frame error check is important because it can detect
* a missing stopbit. on an RS485 bus without bias resistors, the A-B differential
* voltage is 0. for an RS485 transceiver this is neither a 0 nor a 1 bit, so
* undefined. most RS485 transceivers feature a reception failsafe function to drive
* the Rx output (going to the UART Rx) to a defined state of logic 1. in case the
* used RS485 transceiver doesn't have such a feature, it typically leaves the Rx
* output in a logic 0 state. this means that after the stop bit of the last packet
* byte, the UART Rx input sees a logic 0, and assumes it is a start bit. the
* remaining data bits will always be 0 and, most importantly no stop bit is
* present, causing a framing error. Long story short: if you don't check for the
* framing error flag, you might receive an extra byte with value 0, which is not
* actually transmitted on the RS485 bus. you can catch and ignore this byte by doing
* a frame error check.
/* clear the error flag by writing a 1 to its bit location. */
/* ignore the byte because of a detected frame error. */
result = BLT_FALSE;
/* check for a parity error. */
/* clear the error flag by writing a 1 to its bit location. */
/* ignore the byte because of a detected parity error. */
result = BLT_FALSE;
/* retrieve and store the newly received byte. */
*data = LPUARTx->DATA;
/* give the result back to the caller */
return result;
} /*** end of MbRtuReceiveByte ***/
** \brief Transmits a communication interface byte.
** \param data Value of byte that is to be transmitted.
** \param end_of_packet BLT_TRUE if this is the last byte of the packet, BLT_FALSE
** otherwise.
** \return none.
static void MbRtuTransmitByte(blt_int8u data, blt_bool end_of_packet)
blt_int32u timeout;
/* write the byte value in 'data' to the transmit register of the UART peripheral such
* that the transmission of the byte value is started.
LPUARTx->DATA = data;
/* set timeout time to wait for transmit completion. */
timeout = TimerGet() + MBRTU_BYTE_TX_TIMEOUT_MS;
/* not the last byte of the packet? */
if (end_of_packet == BLT_FALSE)
/* wait for tx holding register to be empty */
/* keep the watchdog happy. */
/* break loop upon timeout. this would indicate a hardware failure. */
if (TimerGet() > timeout)
/* this is the last byte of a packet. */
/* wait for tx complete flag to be set. this is needed for the last byte, otherwise
* the transceiver's transmit output gets disabled with
* MbRtuDriverOutputControlHook() before the byte reception completes.
/* keep the watchdog happy. */
/* break loop upon timeout. this would indicate a hardware failure. */
if (TimerGet() > timeout)
} /*** end of MbRtuTransmitByte ***/
** \brief Obtains the counter value of the 100 kHz free running counter. Note that
** each count represent 10 us. The Modbus RTU communication module uses this
** free running counter for Modbus RTU packet timing related purposes. The
** already available 1 ms timer does not have the needed resolution for this
** purpose.
** \return Current value of the free running counter.
blt_int16u MbRtuFreeRunningCounterGet(void)
static blt_bool initialized = BLT_FALSE;
static blt_int32u counts_per_ten_us = 0;
static blt_int32u free_running_counter_last = 0;
static blt_int16u ten_us_tick_counter = 0;
blt_int32u free_running_counter_now;
blt_int32u delta_counts;
blt_int32u ten_us_ticks;
/* perform one-time initialization.*/
if (initialized == BLT_FALSE)
/* set the flag to make sure that this part only runs once. */
initialized = BLT_TRUE;
/* calculate how many counts of the SysTick's free running counter equals 10us,
* because one count of a 100 kHz counter equals that. Note that the timer module
* already initialized and enable the SysTick.
counts_per_ten_us = SystemCoreClock / 100000U;
/* initialize current value of the timer's free running counter. */
free_running_counter_last = (S32_SysTick->CVR & S32_SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK);
/* get the current value of the free running counter. */
free_running_counter_now = (S32_SysTick->CVR & S32_SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK);
/* Calculate the number of counts that passed since the detection of the last
* millisecond event. Keep in mind that the SysTick has a down-counting 24-bit free
* running counter. Note that this calculation also works, in case the free running
* counter overflowed, thanks to integer math.
delta_counts = free_running_counter_last - free_running_counter_now;
delta_counts &= S32_SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK;
/* did one or more ten microsecond counts pass since the last event? */
if (delta_counts >= counts_per_ten_us)
/* calculate how many ten microsecond counts passed. */
ten_us_ticks = delta_counts / counts_per_ten_us;
/* update the counter. */
ten_us_tick_counter += ten_us_ticks;
/* store the counter value of the last event to detect the next one. */
free_running_counter_last -= (ten_us_ticks * counts_per_ten_us);
free_running_counter_last &= S32_SysTick_CVR_CURRENT_MASK;
/* return the current value of the 100 kHz free running counter to the caller. */
return ten_us_tick_counter;
} /*** end of MbRtuFreeRunningCounterGet ***/
#endif /* BOOT_COM_MBRTU_ENABLE > 0 */
/*********************************** end of mbrtu.c ************************************/