
487 lines
7.9 KiB

object SessionXcpForm: TSessionXcpForm
Left = 582
Height = 308
Top = 371
Width = 407
Caption = 'XCP Session'
ClientHeight = 308
ClientWidth = 407
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
LCLVersion = ''
object LblTimeouts: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 20
Top = 160
Width = 68
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Timeouts'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object LblTimeoutT1: TLabel
Left = 23
Height = 20
Top = 187
Width = 53
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T1 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT1: TEdit
Left = 80
Height = 23
Hint = 'Command response timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 1000 ms)'
Top = 184
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 3
object LblTimeoutT3: TLabel
Left = 23
Height = 20
Top = 227
Width = 50
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T3 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT3: TEdit
Left = 80
Height = 23
Hint = 'Start programming timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 2000 ms)'
Top = 224
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 4
object LblTimeoutT4: TLabel
Left = 23
Height = 20
Top = 267
Width = 51
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T4 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT4: TEdit
Left = 80
Height = 23
Hint = 'Erase memory timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 10000 ms)'
Top = 264
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 5
object LblTimeoutT5: TLabel
Left = 226
Height = 20
Top = 187
Width = 46
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T5 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT5: TEdit
Left = 280
Height = 23
Hint = 'Program memory and target reset timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 1000 ms)'
Top = 184
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 6
object LblTimeoutT7: TLabel
Left = 226
Height = 20
Top = 267
Width = 46
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T7 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT7: TEdit
Left = 280
Height = 23
Hint = 'Busy wait timer timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 2000 ms)'
Top = 264
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 7
object LblConnection: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 20
Top = 8
Width = 80
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Connection'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object LblConnectMode: TLabel
Left = 23
Height = 20
Top = 38
Width = 49
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Mode:'
ParentColor = False
object CmbConnectMode: TComboBox
Left = 80
Height = 23
Hint = 'Connection mode value sent in the XCP connect command as a 8-bit value (Default=0)'
Top = 35
Width = 120
ItemHeight = 15
ItemIndex = 0
Items.Strings = (
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
Style = csDropDownList
TabOrder = 0
Text = '0'
object LblSecurity: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 20
Top = 72
Width = 64
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Security'
Font.Style = [fsBold]
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object LblSeedKey: TLabel
Left = 23
Height = 20
Top = 96
Width = 369
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'Select your seed/key algorithm shared library file:'
ParentColor = False
object EdtSeedKey: TEdit
Left = 23
Height = 23
Hint = 'Seed/key algorithm shared library filename (Optional)'
Top = 120
Width = 281
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 1
object BtnSeedKey: TButton
Left = 312
Height = 28
Top = 120
Width = 83
Caption = 'Browse..'
OnClick = BtnSeedKeyClick
TabOrder = 2
object LblTimeoutT6: TLabel
Left = 224
Height = 20
Top = 227
Width = 50
AutoSize = False
Caption = 'T6 (ms):'
ParentColor = False
object EdtTimeoutT6: TEdit
Left = 280
Height = 23
Hint = 'Connect response timeout in milliseconds as a 16-bit value (Default = 50 ms)'
Top = 224
Width = 115
OnChange = EdtTimeoutChange
OnKeyPress = EdtTimeoutKeyPress
ParentShowHint = False
ShowHint = True
TabOrder = 8
object OpenDialog: TOpenDialog
Filter = 'Shared libraries (*.dll;*.so)|*.dll;*.so|All files (*.*)|*.*'
Options = [ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing, ofViewDetail]
Left = 344
Top = 31