import os import subprocess from cffi import FFI can_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) libdbc_fn = os.path.join(can_dir, "") subprocess.check_call(["make", "-j3"], cwd=can_dir) # don't use all the cores to avoid overheating ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" typedef struct { const char* name; double value; } SignalPackValue; typedef struct { uint32_t address; const char* name; double default_value; } SignalParseOptions; typedef struct { uint32_t address; int check_frequency; } MessageParseOptions; typedef struct { uint32_t address; uint16_t ts; const char* name; double value; } SignalValue; typedef enum { DEFAULT, HONDA_CHECKSUM, HONDA_COUNTER, TOYOTA_CHECKSUM, PEDAL_CHECKSUM, PEDAL_COUNTER, VOLKSWAGEN_CHECKSUM, VOLKSWAGEN_COUNTER, } SignalType; typedef struct { const char* name; int b1, b2, bo; bool is_signed; double factor, offset; SignalType type; } Signal; typedef struct { const char* name; uint32_t address; unsigned int size; size_t num_sigs; const Signal *sigs; } Msg; typedef struct { const char* name; uint32_t address; const char* def_val; const Signal *sigs; } Val; typedef struct { const char* name; size_t num_msgs; const Msg *msgs; const Val *vals; size_t num_vals; } DBC; void* can_init(int bus, const char* dbc_name, size_t num_message_options, const MessageParseOptions* message_options, size_t num_signal_options, const SignalParseOptions* signal_options); void can_update_string(void *can, const char* dat, int len); size_t can_query_latest(void* can, bool *out_can_valid, size_t out_values_size, SignalValue* out_values); const DBC* dbc_lookup(const char* dbc_name); void* canpack_init(const char* dbc_name); uint64_t canpack_pack(void* inst, uint32_t address, size_t num_vals, const SignalPackValue *vals, int counter); """) libdbc = ffi.dlopen(libdbc_fn)