# distutils: language = c++ # cython: c_string_encoding=ascii, language_level=3 from libc.stdint cimport uint32_t, uint64_t from libcpp.vector cimport vector from libcpp.map cimport map from libcpp.string cimport string from libcpp cimport bool from posix.dlfcn cimport dlopen, dlsym, RTLD_LAZY from common cimport CANPacker as cpp_CANPacker from common cimport dbc_lookup, SignalPackValue, DBC cdef class CANPacker: cdef: cpp_CANPacker *packer const DBC *dbc map[string, (int, int)] name_to_address_and_size map[int, int] address_to_size def __init__(self, dbc_name): self.packer = new cpp_CANPacker(dbc_name) self.dbc = dbc_lookup(dbc_name) num_msgs = self.dbc[0].num_msgs for i in range(num_msgs): msg = self.dbc[0].msgs[i] self.name_to_address_and_size[string(msg.name)] = (msg.address, msg.size) self.address_to_size[msg.address] = msg.size cdef uint64_t pack(self, addr, values, counter): cdef vector[SignalPackValue] values_thing cdef SignalPackValue spv names = [] for name, value in values.iteritems(): n = name.encode('utf8') names.append(n) # TODO: find better way to keep reference to temp string arround spv.name = n spv.value = value values_thing.push_back(spv) return self.packer.pack(addr, values_thing, counter) cdef inline uint64_t ReverseBytes(self, uint64_t x): return (((x & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) | ((x & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) | ((x & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) | ((x & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) | ((x & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) | ((x & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) | ((x & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) | ((x & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56)) cpdef make_can_msg(self, name_or_addr, bus, values, counter=-1): cdef int addr, size if type(name_or_addr) == int: addr = name_or_addr size = self.address_to_size[name_or_addr] else: addr, size = self.name_to_address_and_size[name_or_addr.encode('utf8')] cdef uint64_t val = self.pack(addr, values, counter) val = self.ReverseBytes(val) return [addr, 0, (&val)[:size], bus]