#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "opendbc/can/common.h" #include "opendbc/can/common_dbc.h" std::regex bo_regexp(R"(^BO_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\w+) (\w+))"); std::regex sg_regexp(R"(^SG_ (\w+) : (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([\+|\-]) \(([0-9.+\-eE]+),([0-9.+\-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+\-eE]+)\|([0-9.+\-eE]+)\] \"(.*)\" (.*))"); std::regex sgm_regexp(R"(^SG_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([\+|\-]) \(([0-9.+\-eE]+),([0-9.+\-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+\-eE]+)\|([0-9.+\-eE]+)\] \"(.*)\" (.*))"); std::regex val_regexp(R"(VAL_ (\w+) (\w+) (\s*[-+]?[0-9]+\s+\".+?\"[^;]*))"); std::regex val_split_regexp{R"([\"]+)"}; // split on " #define DBC_ASSERT(condition, message) \ do { \ if (!(condition)) { \ std::stringstream is; \ is << "[" << dbc_name << ":" << line_num << "] " << message; \ throw std::runtime_error(is.str()); \ } \ } while (false) inline bool startswith(const std::string& str, const char* prefix) { return str.find(prefix, 0) == 0; } inline bool startswith(const std::string& str, std::initializer_list prefix_list) { for (auto prefix : prefix_list) { if (startswith(str, prefix)) return true; } return false; } inline bool endswith(const std::string& str, const char* suffix) { return str.find(suffix, 0) == (str.length() - strlen(suffix)); } inline std::string& trim(std::string& s, const char* t = " \t\n\r\f\v") { s.erase(s.find_last_not_of(t) + 1); return s.erase(0, s.find_first_not_of(t)); } ChecksumState* get_checksum(const std::string& dbc_name) { ChecksumState* s = nullptr; if (startswith(dbc_name, {"honda_", "acura_"})) { s = new ChecksumState({4, 2, 3, 5, false, HONDA_CHECKSUM, &honda_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, {"toyota_", "lexus_"})) { s = new ChecksumState({8, -1, 7, -1, false, TOYOTA_CHECKSUM, &toyota_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "hyundai_canfd")) { s = new ChecksumState({16, -1, 0, -1, true, HKG_CAN_FD_CHECKSUM, &hkg_can_fd_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "vw_mqb_2010")) { s = new ChecksumState({8, 4, 0, 0, true, VOLKSWAGEN_MQB_CHECKSUM, &volkswagen_mqb_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "vw_golf_mk4")) { s = new ChecksumState({8, 4, 0, -1, true, XOR_CHECKSUM, &xor_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "subaru_global_")) { s = new ChecksumState({8, -1, 0, -1, true, SUBARU_CHECKSUM, &subaru_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "chrysler_")) { s = new ChecksumState({8, -1, 7, -1, false, CHRYSLER_CHECKSUM, &chrysler_checksum}); } else if (startswith(dbc_name, "comma_body")) { s = new ChecksumState({8, 4, 7, 3, false, PEDAL_CHECKSUM, &pedal_checksum}); } return s; } void set_signal_type(Signal& s, ChecksumState* chk, const std::string& dbc_name, int line_num) { s.calc_checksum = nullptr; if (chk) { if (s.name == "CHECKSUM") { DBC_ASSERT(chk->checksum_size == -1 || s.size == chk->checksum_size, "CHECKSUM is not " << chk->checksum_size << " bits long"); DBC_ASSERT(chk->checksum_start_bit == -1 || (s.start_bit % 8) == chk->checksum_start_bit, " CHECKSUM starts at wrong bit"); DBC_ASSERT(s.is_little_endian == chk->little_endian, "CHECKSUM has wrong endianness"); DBC_ASSERT(chk->calc_checksum != nullptr, "CHECKSUM calculate function not supplied"); s.type = chk->checksum_type; s.calc_checksum = chk->calc_checksum; } else if (s.name == "COUNTER") { DBC_ASSERT(chk->counter_size == -1 || s.size == chk->counter_size, "COUNTER is not " << chk->counter_size << " bits long"); DBC_ASSERT(chk->counter_start_bit == -1 || (s.start_bit % 8) == chk->counter_start_bit, "COUNTER starts at wrong bit"); DBC_ASSERT(chk->little_endian == s.is_little_endian, "COUNTER has wrong endianness"); s.type = COUNTER; } } // TODO: CAN packer/parser shouldn't know anything about interceptors or pedals if (s.name == "CHECKSUM_PEDAL") { DBC_ASSERT(s.size == 8, "INTERCEPTOR CHECKSUM is not 8 bits long"); s.type = PEDAL_CHECKSUM; } else if (s.name == "COUNTER_PEDAL") { DBC_ASSERT(s.size == 4, "INTERCEPTOR COUNTER is not 4 bits long"); s.type = COUNTER; } } DBC* dbc_parse_from_stream(const std::string &dbc_name, std::istream &stream, ChecksumState *checksum, bool allow_duplicate_msg_name) { uint32_t address = 0; std::set address_set; std::set msg_name_set; std::map> signal_name_sets; std::map> signals; DBC* dbc = new DBC; dbc->name = dbc_name; std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); // used to find big endian LSB from MSB and size std::vector be_bits; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--) { be_bits.push_back(j + i * 8); } } std::string line; int line_num = 0; std::smatch match; // TODO: see if we can speed up the regex statements in this loop, SG_ is specifically the slowest while (std::getline(stream, line)) { line = trim(line); line_num += 1; if (startswith(line, "BO_ ")) { // new group bool ret = std::regex_match(line, match, bo_regexp); DBC_ASSERT(ret, "bad BO: " << line); Msg& msg = dbc->msgs.emplace_back(); address = msg.address = std::stoul(match[1].str()); // could be hex msg.name = match[2].str(); msg.size = std::stoul(match[3].str()); // check for duplicates DBC_ASSERT(address_set.find(address) == address_set.end(), "Duplicate message address: " << address << " (" << msg.name << ")"); address_set.insert(address); if (!allow_duplicate_msg_name) { DBC_ASSERT(msg_name_set.find(msg.name) == msg_name_set.end(), "Duplicate message name: " << msg.name); msg_name_set.insert(msg.name); } } else if (startswith(line, "SG_ ")) { // new signal int offset = 0; if (!std::regex_search(line, match, sg_regexp)) { bool ret = std::regex_search(line, match, sgm_regexp); DBC_ASSERT(ret, "bad SG: " << line); offset = 1; } Signal& sig = signals[address].emplace_back(); sig.name = match[1].str(); sig.start_bit = std::stoi(match[offset + 2].str()); sig.size = std::stoi(match[offset + 3].str()); sig.is_little_endian = std::stoi(match[offset + 4].str()) == 1; sig.is_signed = match[offset + 5].str() == "-"; sig.factor = std::stod(match[offset + 6].str()); sig.offset = std::stod(match[offset + 7].str()); set_signal_type(sig, checksum, dbc_name, line_num); if (sig.is_little_endian) { sig.lsb = sig.start_bit; sig.msb = sig.start_bit + sig.size - 1; } else { auto it = find(be_bits.begin(), be_bits.end(), sig.start_bit); sig.lsb = be_bits[(it - be_bits.begin()) + sig.size - 1]; sig.msb = sig.start_bit; } DBC_ASSERT(sig.lsb < (64 * 8) && sig.msb < (64 * 8), "Signal out of bounds: " << line); // Check for duplicate signal names DBC_ASSERT(signal_name_sets[address].find(sig.name) == signal_name_sets[address].end(), "Duplicate signal name: " << sig.name); signal_name_sets[address].insert(sig.name); } else if (startswith(line, "VAL_ ")) { // new signal value/definition bool ret = std::regex_search(line, match, val_regexp); DBC_ASSERT(ret, "bad VAL: " << line); auto& val = dbc->vals.emplace_back(); val.address = std::stoul(match[1].str()); // could be hex val.name = match[2].str(); auto defvals = match[3].str(); std::sregex_token_iterator it{defvals.begin(), defvals.end(), val_split_regexp, -1}; // convert strings to UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES std::vector words{it, {}}; for (auto& w : words) { w = trim(w); std::transform(w.begin(), w.end(), w.begin(), ::toupper); std::replace(w.begin(), w.end(), ' ', '_'); } // join string std::stringstream s; std::copy(words.begin(), words.end(), std::ostream_iterator(s, " ")); val.def_val = s.str(); val.def_val = trim(val.def_val); } } for (auto& m : dbc->msgs) { m.sigs = signals[m.address]; } for (auto& v : dbc->vals) { v.sigs = signals[v.address]; } return dbc; } DBC* dbc_parse(const std::string& dbc_path) { std::ifstream infile(dbc_path); if (!infile) return nullptr; const std::string dbc_name = std::filesystem::path(dbc_path).filename(); std::unique_ptr checksum(get_checksum(dbc_name)); return dbc_parse_from_stream(dbc_name, infile, checksum.get()); } const std::string get_dbc_root_path() { char *basedir = std::getenv("BASEDIR"); if (basedir != NULL) { return std::string(basedir) + "/opendbc"; } else { return DBC_FILE_PATH; } } const DBC* dbc_lookup(const std::string& dbc_name) { static std::mutex lock; static std::map dbcs; std::string dbc_file_path = dbc_name; if (!std::filesystem::exists(dbc_file_path)) { dbc_file_path = get_dbc_root_path() + "/" + dbc_name + ".dbc"; } std::unique_lock lk(lock); auto it = dbcs.find(dbc_name); if (it == dbcs.end()) { it = dbcs.insert(it, {dbc_name, dbc_parse(dbc_file_path)}); } return it->second; } std::vector get_dbc_names() { static const std::string& dbc_file_path = get_dbc_root_path(); std::vector dbcs; for (std::filesystem::directory_iterator i(dbc_file_path), end; i != end; i++) { if (!is_directory(i->path())) { std::string filename = i->path().filename(); if (!startswith(filename, "_") && endswith(filename, ".dbc")) { dbcs.push_back(filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4)); } } } return dbcs; }