#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re import os import struct import sys import numbers from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict def int_or_float(s): # return number, trying to maintain int format if s.isdigit(): return int(s, 10) else: return float(s) DBCSignal = namedtuple( "DBCSignal", ["name", "start_bit", "size", "is_little_endian", "is_signed", "factor", "offset", "tmin", "tmax", "units"]) class dbc(): def __init__(self, fn): self.name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn)) with open(fn, encoding="ascii") as f: self.txt = f.readlines() self._warned_addresses = set() # regexps from https://github.com/ebroecker/canmatrix/blob/master/canmatrix/importdbc.py bo_regexp = re.compile(r"^BO\_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\w+) (\w+)") sg_regexp = re.compile(r"^SG\_ (\w+) : (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([\+|\-]) \(([0-9.+\-eE]+),([0-9.+\-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+\-eE]+)\|([0-9.+\-eE]+)\] \"(.*)\" (.*)") sgm_regexp = re.compile(r"^SG\_ (\w+) (\w+) *: (\d+)\|(\d+)@(\d+)([\+|\-]) \(([0-9.+\-eE]+),([0-9.+\-eE]+)\) \[([0-9.+\-eE]+)\|([0-9.+\-eE]+)\] \"(.*)\" (.*)") val_regexp = re.compile(r"VAL\_ (\w+) (\w+) (\s*[-+]?[0-9]+\s+\".+?\"[^;]*)") # A dictionary which maps message ids to tuples ((name, size), signals). # name is the ASCII name of the message. # size is the size of the message in bytes. # signals is a list signals contained in the message. # signals is a list of DBCSignal in order of increasing start_bit. self.msgs = {} # A dictionary which maps message ids to a list of tuples (signal name, definition value pairs) self.def_vals = defaultdict(list) # lookup to bit reverse each byte self.bits_index = [(i & ~0b111) + ((-i - 1) & 0b111) for i in range(64)] for l in self.txt: l = l.strip() if l.startswith("BO_ "): # new group dat = bo_regexp.match(l) if dat is None: print("bad BO {0}".format(l)) name = dat.group(2) size = int(dat.group(3)) ids = int(dat.group(1), 0) # could be hex if ids in self.msgs: sys.exit("Duplicate address detected %d %s" % (ids, self.name)) self.msgs[ids] = ((name, size), []) if l.startswith("SG_ "): # new signal dat = sg_regexp.match(l) go = 0 if dat is None: dat = sgm_regexp.match(l) go = 1 if dat is None: print("bad SG {0}".format(l)) sgname = dat.group(1) start_bit = int(dat.group(go + 2)) signal_size = int(dat.group(go + 3)) is_little_endian = int(dat.group(go + 4)) == 1 is_signed = dat.group(go + 5) == '-' factor = int_or_float(dat.group(go + 6)) offset = int_or_float(dat.group(go + 7)) tmin = int_or_float(dat.group(go + 8)) tmax = int_or_float(dat.group(go + 9)) units = dat.group(go + 10) self.msgs[ids][1].append( DBCSignal(sgname, start_bit, signal_size, is_little_endian, is_signed, factor, offset, tmin, tmax, units)) if l.startswith("VAL_ "): # new signal value/definition dat = val_regexp.match(l) if dat is None: print("bad VAL {0}".format(l)) ids = int(dat.group(1), 0) # could be hex sgname = dat.group(2) defvals = dat.group(3) defvals = defvals.replace("?", r"\?") # escape sequence in C++ defvals = defvals.split('"')[:-1] # convert strings to UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES defvals[1::2] = [d.strip().upper().replace(" ", "_") for d in defvals[1::2]] defvals = '"' + "".join(str(i) for i in defvals) + '"' self.def_vals[ids].append((sgname, defvals)) for msg in self.msgs.values(): msg[1].sort(key=lambda x: x.start_bit) self.msg_name_to_address = {} for address, m in self.msgs.items(): name = m[0][0] self.msg_name_to_address[name] = address def lookup_msg_id(self, msg_id): if not isinstance(msg_id, numbers.Number): msg_id = self.msg_name_to_address[msg_id] return msg_id def reverse_bytes(self, x): return ((x & 0xff00000000000000) >> 56) | \ ((x & 0x00ff000000000000) >> 40) | \ ((x & 0x0000ff0000000000) >> 24) | \ ((x & 0x000000ff00000000) >> 8) | \ ((x & 0x00000000ff000000) << 8) | \ ((x & 0x0000000000ff0000) << 24) | \ ((x & 0x000000000000ff00) << 40) | \ ((x & 0x00000000000000ff) << 56) def encode(self, msg_id, dd): """Encode a CAN message using the dbc. Inputs: msg_id: The message ID. dd: A dictionary mapping signal name to signal data. """ msg_id = self.lookup_msg_id(msg_id) msg_def = self.msgs[msg_id] size = msg_def[0][1] result = 0 for s in msg_def[1]: ival = dd.get(s.name) if ival is not None: ival = (ival - s.offset) / s.factor ival = int(round(ival)) if s.is_signed and ival < 0: ival = (1 << s.size) + ival if s.is_little_endian: shift = s.start_bit else: b1 = (s.start_bit // 8) * 8 + (-s.start_bit - 1) % 8 shift = 64 - (b1 + s.size) mask = ((1 << s.size) - 1) << shift dat = (ival & ((1 << s.size) - 1)) << shift if s.is_little_endian: mask = self.reverse_bytes(mask) dat = self.reverse_bytes(dat) result &= ~mask result |= dat result = struct.pack('>Q', result) return result[:size] def decode(self, x, arr=None, debug=False): """Decode a CAN message using the dbc. Inputs: x: A collection with elements (address, time, data), where address is the CAN address, time is the bus time, and data is the CAN data as a hex string. arr: Optional list of signals which should be decoded and returned. debug: True to print debugging statements. Returns: A tuple (name, data), where name is the name of the CAN message and data is the decoded result. If arr is None, data is a dict of properties. Otherwise data is a list of the same length as arr. Returns (None, None) if the message could not be decoded. """ if arr is None: out = {} else: out = [None] * len(arr) msg = self.msgs.get(x[0]) if msg is None: if x[0] not in self._warned_addresses: # print("WARNING: Unknown message address {}".format(x[0])) self._warned_addresses.add(x[0]) return None, None name = msg[0][0] if debug: print(name) st = x[2].ljust(8, b'\x00') le, be = None, None for s in msg[1]: if arr is not None and s[0] not in arr: continue start_bit = s[1] signal_size = s[2] little_endian = s[3] signed = s[4] factor = s[5] offset = s[6] if little_endian: if le is None: le = struct.unpack("Q", st)[0] tmp = be b1 = (start_bit // 8) * 8 + (-start_bit - 1) % 8 shift_amount = 64 - (b1 + signal_size) if shift_amount < 0: continue tmp = (tmp >> shift_amount) & ((1 << signal_size) - 1) if signed and (tmp >> (signal_size - 1)): tmp -= (1 << signal_size) tmp = tmp * factor + offset # if debug: # print("%40s %2d %2d %7.2f %s" % (s[0], s[1], s[2], tmp, s[-1])) if arr is None: out[s[0]] = tmp else: out[arr.index(s[0])] = tmp return name, out def get_signals(self, msg): msg = self.lookup_msg_id(msg) return [sgs.name for sgs in self.msgs[msg][1]]