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* @file stm32f0xx.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief CMSIS STM32F0xx Device Peripheral Access Layer Header File.
* The file is the unique include file that the application programmer
* is using in the C source code, usually in main.c. This file contains:
* - Configuration section that allows to select:
* - The STM32F0xx device used in the target application
* - To use or not the peripheral’s drivers in application code(i.e.
* code will be based on direct access to peripheral’s registers
* rather than drivers API), this option is controlled by
* "#define USE_HAL_DRIVER"
* @attention
* <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/** @addtogroup CMSIS
* @{
/** @addtogroup stm32f0xx
* @{
#ifndef __STM32F0xx_H
#define __STM32F0xx_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** @addtogroup Library_configuration_section
* @{
* @brief STM32 Family
#if !defined (STM32F0)
#define STM32F0
#endif /* STM32F0 */
/* Uncomment the line below according to the target STM32 device used in your
#if !defined (STM32F030x6) && !defined (STM32F030x8) && \
!defined (STM32F031x6) && !defined (STM32F038xx) && \
!defined (STM32F042x6) && !defined (STM32F048xx) && !defined (STM32F070x6) && \
!defined (STM32F051x8) && !defined (STM32F058xx) && \
!defined (STM32F071xB) && !defined (STM32F072xB) && !defined (STM32F078xx) && !defined (STM32F070xB) && \
!defined (STM32F091xC) && !defined (STM32F098xx) && !defined (STM32F030xC)
/* #define STM32F030x6 */ /*!< STM32F030x4, STM32F030x6 Devices (STM32F030xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F030x8 */ /*!< STM32F030x8 Devices (STM32F030xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 64 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F031x6 */ /*!< STM32F031x4, STM32F031x6 Devices (STM32F031xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F038xx */ /*!< STM32F038xx Devices (STM32F038xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F042x6 */ /*!< STM32F042x4, STM32F042x6 Devices (STM32F042xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F048x6 */ /*!< STM32F048xx Devices (STM32F042xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F051x8 */ /*!< STM32F051x4, STM32F051x6, STM32F051x8 Devices (STM32F051xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 64 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F058xx */ /*!< STM32F058xx Devices (STM32F058xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 64 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F070x6 */ /*!< STM32F070x6 Devices (STM32F070x6 microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F070xB */ /*!< STM32F070xB Devices (STM32F070xB microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 64 and 128 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F071xB */ /*!< STM32F071x8, STM32F071xB Devices (STM32F071xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 64 and 128 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F072xB */ /*!< STM32F072x8, STM32F072xB Devices (STM32F072xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 64 and 128 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F078xx */ /*!< STM32F078xx Devices (STM32F078xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 128 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F030xC */ /*!< STM32F030xC Devices (STM32F030xC microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 256 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F091xC */ /*!< STM32F091xB, STM32F091xC Devices (STM32F091xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 128 and 256 Kbytes) */
/* #define STM32F098xx */ /*!< STM32F098xx Devices (STM32F098xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory is 256 Kbytes) */
/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to switch between these
devices, you can define the device in your toolchain compiler preprocessor.
#if !defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
* @brief Comment the line below if you will not use the peripherals drivers.
In this case, these drivers will not be included and the application code will
be based on direct access to peripherals registers
/*#define USE_HAL_DRIVER */
#endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */
* @brief CMSIS Device version number V2.3.4
#define __STM32F0_DEVICE_VERSION_MAIN (0x02) /*!< [31:24] main version */
#define __STM32F0_DEVICE_VERSION_SUB1 (0x03) /*!< [23:16] sub1 version */
#define __STM32F0_DEVICE_VERSION_SUB2 (0x04) /*!< [15:8] sub2 version */
#define __STM32F0_DEVICE_VERSION_RC (0x00) /*!< [7:0] release candidate */
* @}
/** @addtogroup Device_Included
* @{
#if defined(STM32F030x6)
#include "stm32f030x6.h"
#elif defined(STM32F030x8)
#include "stm32f030x8.h"
#elif defined(STM32F031x6)
#include "stm32f031x6.h"
#elif defined(STM32F038xx)
#include "stm32f038xx.h"
#elif defined(STM32F042x6)
#include "stm32f042x6.h"
#elif defined(STM32F048xx)
#include "stm32f048xx.h"
#elif defined(STM32F051x8)
#include "stm32f051x8.h"
#elif defined(STM32F058xx)
#include "stm32f058xx.h"
#elif defined(STM32F070x6)
#include "stm32f070x6.h"
#elif defined(STM32F070xB)
#include "stm32f070xb.h"
#elif defined(STM32F071xB)
#include "stm32f071xb.h"
#elif defined(STM32F072xB)
#include "stm32f072xb.h"
#elif defined(STM32F078xx)
#include "stm32f078xx.h"
#elif defined(STM32F091xC)
#include "stm32f091xc.h"
#elif defined(STM32F098xx)
#include "stm32f098xx.h"
#elif defined(STM32F030xC)
#include "stm32f030xc.h"
#error "Please select first the target STM32F0xx device used in your application (in stm32f0xx.h file)"
* @}
/** @addtogroup Exported_types
* @{
typedef enum
} FlagStatus, ITStatus;
typedef enum
} FunctionalState;
typedef enum
} ErrorStatus;
* @}
/** @addtogroup Exported_macros
* @{
#define SET_BIT(REG, BIT) ((REG) |= (BIT))
#define CLEAR_BIT(REG, BIT) ((REG) &= ~(BIT))
#define READ_BIT(REG, BIT) ((REG) & (BIT))
#define CLEAR_REG(REG) ((REG) = (0x0))
#define WRITE_REG(REG, VAL) ((REG) = (VAL))
#define READ_REG(REG) ((REG))
* @}
#if defined (USE_HAL_DRIVER)
#include "stm32f0xx_hal.h"
#endif /* USE_HAL_DRIVER */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __STM32F0xx_H */
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
* @file system_stm32f0xx.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M0 Device System Source File for STM32F0xx devices.
* @attention
* <h2><center>© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.</center></h2>
* This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
/** @addtogroup CMSIS
* @{
/** @addtogroup stm32f0xx_system
* @{
* @brief Define to prevent recursive inclusion
#ifndef __SYSTEM_STM32F0XX_H
#define __SYSTEM_STM32F0XX_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_System_Includes
* @{
* @}
/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_System_Exported_types
* @{
/* This variable is updated in three ways:
1) by calling CMSIS function SystemCoreClockUpdate()
3) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq()
3) by calling HAL API function HAL_RCC_ClockConfig()
Note: If you use this function to configure the system clock; then there
is no need to call the 2 first functions listed above, since SystemCoreClock
variable is updated automatically.
extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
extern const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16]; /*!< AHB prescalers table values */
extern const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8]; /*!< APB prescalers table values */
* @}
/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_System_Exported_Constants
* @{
* @}
/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_System_Exported_Macros
* @{
* @}
/** @addtogroup STM32F0xx_System_Exported_Functions
* @{
extern void SystemInit(void);
extern void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__SYSTEM_STM32F0XX_H */
* @}
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
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<h1 id="release-notes-for-stm32f0xx-cmsis"><strong>Release Notes for STM32F0xx CMSIS</strong></h1>
<p>Copyright © 2016 STMicroelectronics<br />
<a href="https://www.st.com" class="logo"><img src="./_htmresc/st_logo.png" alt="ST logo" /></a>
<h1 id="license"><strong>License</strong></h1>
This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, the “License”; You may not use this component except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
<a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause</a>
<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-8">
<h1 id="update-history"><strong>Update History</strong></h1>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_3_4" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_3_4" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.3.4 / 12-September-2019</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes">Main Changes</h2>
<li>General updates
<li>Align ErrorStatus typedef to common error handling (stm32f0xx.h)</li>
<li>SystemInit(): update to don’t reset RCC registers to its reset values.</li>
<li>USE UL postfix for _Msk definitions and momory/peripheral base addresses for MISRA C 2012 Compliance</li>
<li>Rename macro definition IS_USB_ALL_INSTANCE to IS_PCD_ALL_INSTANCE.</li>
<li>Add macro definition IS_GPIO_AF_INSTANCE for stm32f030xc devices</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_3_3" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_3_3" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.3.3 / 25-August-2017</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-1">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Remove support of Atollic TrueSTUDIO STM32 (TrueSTUDIO) toolchain.</li>
<li>Performance improvement of the startup code for GCC.</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_3_2" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_3_2" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.3.2 / 07-April-2017</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-2">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Rename GPIO_AFRH and GPIO_AFRL bitfields for alignment with all STM32 series.</li>
<li>Add macro definition : IS_TIM_ADVANCED.</li>
<li>Rename RTC_CR register bit definition to be aligned with STM32F0xx Reference Manual : RTC_CR_BCK ==> RTC_CR_BKP</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_3_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_3_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.3.1 / 04-November-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-3">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add TIM6_IRQHandler in vectors table for STM32F030x8 devices</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_3_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_3_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.3.0 / 27-May-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-4">Main Changes</h2>
<li>General updates
<li>Updated CMSIS Device compliancy with MISRA C 2004 rules:
<li>MISRA C 2004 rule 10.5 (bitwise operators ~ and <<).</li>
<li>MISRA C 2004 rule 10.6 (‘U’ suffix applied to all constants of ‘unsigned’ type).</li>
<li>Updated system_stm32f3xx.h/.c files:
<li>Added AHBPrescTable definition as external.</li>
<li>Added APBPrescTable definition as external.</li>
<li>EXTI updates
<li>Added definitions of bit 31 in EXTI registers for STM32F04x, STM32F078xx and STM32F098xx devices.</li>
<li>I2C updates - Added IS_I2C_WAKEUP_FROMSTOP_INSTANCE definition for I2C instances supporting Wakeup from Stop mode.</li>
<li>I2S updates - Removed SPI_I2S prescaler register not supported by STM32F030x6 and STM32F030x8 devices.</li>
<li>RCC updates - Added missing RCC_CFGR_PLLNODIV definition for STM32F030x4/6 devices.</li>
<li>RTC updates - Removed cast from RTC_BKP_NUMBER definition.</li>
<li>SYSCFG updates - Renamed SYSCFG_CFGR1_IRDA_ENV_SEL bit definitions to SYSCFG_CFGR1_IR_MOD for SYSCFG_CFGR1 register.</li>
<li>TIM updates - Added IS_TIM_HALL_SENSOR_INTERFACE_INSTANCE definition. - Added IS_TIM_ETR_INSTANCE definition.</li>
<li>USART updates - Defined USART_ISR_RWU bit for all STM32F0xx devices.</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_2_3" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_2_3" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.2.3 / 29-January-2016</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-5">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Added mention to STM32F091xB mcus missing in the list of mcus of stm32f0xx.h.</li>
<li>Updated CMSIS Device compliancy with MISRA C 2004 rule 10.6.</li>
<li>Updated CMSIS Device compliancy with MISRA C 2004 rule 5.1.</li>
<li>Added HSI48_VALUE definition in system_stm32f0xx.c file.</li>
<li>Put variable AHBPrescTable as external in system_stm32f0xx.h.</li>
<li>Added channel selection bit definitions for for DMA1_CSELR register.</li>
<li>Used RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL as reference in all the families.</li>
<li>Renamed RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL to RCC_CFGR_MCOSEL_PLL_DIV2 for alignment between all families.</li>
<li>Updated EWUPx pins defintions for STM32F042x6 and STM32F048xx devices.</li>
<li>Added FLASHSIZE_BASE and UID_BASE defines.</li>
<li>Added missing bits definition for RTC_TAFCR register.</li>
<li>Added missing bits definition for I2C_OAR2 register (I2C_OAR2 mask values).</li>
<li>Renamed I2C_CR1_DFN to I2C_CR1_DNF bit definition for I2C_CR1 register.</li>
<li>Removed __IO or __I on constant table declaration.</li>
<li>Used default DAC instance naming DAC1 in macro IS_DAC_ALL_INSTANCE().</li>
<li>Aligned EXTI registers Bits naming between all families.</li>
<li>Aligned WWDG registers Bits naming between all families.</li>
<li>Aligned COMP common instance definition.</li>
<li>Corrected CRC defines: Replaced POL field by RESERVED3 for STM32F030x6, STM32F030x8, STM32F031x6, STM32F038xx, STM32F042x6, STM32F048xx devices.</li>
<li>Corrected CRC defines: Removed Bit definitions related to Polynomial in CRC_CR and CRC_POL registers for STM32F030xC.</li>
<li>Updated for ADC: removed conditions on CCR_TS definition.</li>
<li>Corrected SYSCFG_RTC_WAKEUP and SYSCFG_RTC_ALRA Bits definition for SYSCFG_xxx ISR Wrapper register.</li>
<li>Added ADC_CHSELR_CHSEL Bit definition for ADC_CHSELR register.</li>
<li>Removed RCC_CSR_V18PWRRSTF Bit definition for STM32F0x8xx devices.</li>
<li>Corrected USART defines for STM32F030xx, STM32F070xx devices.</li>
<li>Removed IS_UART_AUTOBAUDRATE_DETECTION_INSTANCE macro definition.</li>
<li>Adapted IS_USART_AUTOBAUDRATE_DETECTION_INSTANCE to device feature support.</li>
<li>Removed IS_UART_DRIVER_ENABLE_INSTANCE definition for STM32F030x8, STM32F030xC and STM32F070xB devices.</li>
<li>Corrected FLASH_OBR_nBOOT0 value.</li>
<li>Removed Synchronous mode support on USART5/6 for STM32F030xC.</li>
<li>Removed HW Flow Control support on USART5/6/7/8 for STM32F091xC.</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_2_2" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_2_2" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.2.2 / 26-June-2015</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-6">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add missing WUT bits in EXTI_IMR/EMR/RTSR/FTSR/PR/SWIER for different IT lines.</li>
<li>Add preprocessor compilation switch #define STM32F0 in stm32f0xx.h.</li>
<li>Correct FLASH_KEY name difference between STM32F0 and STM32F3.</li>
<li>Remove RCC_CFGR3_USART2SW from CMSIS, present only for STM32F07x and STM32F09x.</li>
<li>Modify EXTI/COMP defines from uint16 to uint32.</li>
<li>Add missing definitions of EXTI_IMR_MR31 used by PWREx in stm32f042x6 and stm32f048xx files.</li>
<li>Add FLASH_BANK1_END defines.</li>
<li>Remove WRP defines for few defines under devices swicthes.</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_2_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_2_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.2.1 / 09-January-2015</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-7">Main Changes</h2>
<li>system_stm32f0xx.c: replace wrong compilation switch STM32F078xB by STM32F078xx.</li>
<li>stm32F070xb.h: correct wrong DMA remap mask value for STM32f070xB.</li>
<li>stm32F070xb.h, stm32F070x6.h, stm32F030xc.h: add missing macro IS_UART_DRIVER_ENABLE_INSTANCE()</li>
<li>stm32F070xb.h, stm32F030xc.h: add missing RTC periodic Wakeup register & bits description</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_2_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_2_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.2.0 / 05-December-2014</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-8">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add CMSIS files for new STM32F0 value line devices: STM32F030xC and STM32F070x6/xB.</li>
<li>Add macro to check AF capability of gpio instance</li>
<li>uint32_t alignement done on all Peripheral registers structures & bits definition</li>
<li>stm32f091xc.h: DMA channel remap register renamed for compatibility with other STM32 devices</li>
<li>startup_stm32f042x6.s & startup_stm32f070x6.s: fix boot issue</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_1_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_1_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.1.0 / 03-October-2014</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-9">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add new CMSIS files for STM32F091xc and STM32F098xx products</li>
<li>VDDIO2 IRQ missing in F07xx/F09xx/F04xx product</li>
<li>IS_DAC_CHANNEL_INSTANCE macro removed as unused</li>
<li>uint32_t partial alignement done on peripheral Bit definition & register structure</li>
<li>Bit definition name error for DMA_RMPCR1 register of STM32F091xC</li>
<li>Remove PDV feature on REGoff part</li>
<li>Remove POSITION_VAL macro as it uses RBIT, CLZ instructions, that are not supported by Cortex-M0</li>
<li>GPIOS BSRR regsiter should not be split in BSRRH/BSRRL</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_0_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_0_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.0.1 / 18-June-2014</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-10">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add new macros
<li>IS_GPIO_LOCK_INSTANCE to check GPIO port with lock capability</li>
<li>IS_UART_HALFDUPLEX_INSTANCE, IS_UART_LIN_INSTANCE and IS_UART_WAKEUP_INSTANCE to check the UART instance supported features.</li>
<li>STM32F042x8 and STM32F048xx update
<li>Rename DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn to DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn</li>
<li>Rename ADC1_COMP_IRQn to ADC1_IRQn</li>
<li>Remove SPI2 instance</li>
<li>STM32F051x8, STM32F058xx, STM32F071xB, STM32F072xB and STM32F078xx update
<li>Fix COMP2 instance base address</li>
<li>Add new macro IS_COMP_DAC1SWITCH_INSTANCE to check COMP instance with switch of DAC1 channel1 output to non inverting input</li>
<li>STM32F051x8 and STM32F058xx update
<li>Rename DMA1_Channel4_5_6_7_IRQn to DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQn</li>
<li>STM32F078xx update
<li>Remove CAN peripheral description</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section2_0_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section2_0_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V2.0.0 / 28-May-2014</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-11">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Major update based on STM32Cube specification: new CMSIS device files release dedicated to <strong>STM32F030x4/x6, STM32F030x8, STM32F031x4/x6, STM32F051x4/x6/x8, STM32F071x8/xB, STM32F042x4/x6, STM32F072x8/xB, STM32F038xx, STM32F048xx, STM32F058xx and STM32F078xx devices</strong>.</li>
<li><strong>This version has to be used for STM32CubeF0 based development although files can be used independently too</strong>.</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.1 / 22-November-2013</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-12">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Update STM32F030 devices definition:
<li>Remove the STM32F030X8 and STM32FO30X6 defines and replace them with the STM32F030 define</li>
<li>Update IRQn enum for STM32F030 devices</li>
<li>SystemInit(): update to support STM32F030 devices</li>
<li>Remove the startup files startup_stm32f030x8.s and startup_stm32f030x6.s and replace them by startup_stm32f030.s, for EWARM, MDK-ARM and Truestudio supported compilers</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_2_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_2_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.2.0 / 01-August-2013</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-13">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add support of STM32F030 devices (STM32F030x8 and STM32F030x6 microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes)</li>
<li>Update STM32F0xx devices definition:
<li>Add new definition STM32F030X8 and STM32FO30X6 for STM32F030 devices</li>
<li>Update IRQn enum for STM32F030 devices system_stm32f0xx.c SystemInit(): update to support STM32F030 devices Add new startup files, startup_stm32f030x8.s and startup_stm32f030x6.s, for EWARM, MDK-ARM and Truestudio supported compilers</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_1_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_1_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.1.1 / 31-July-2013</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-14">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Extend HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT and HSI_STARTUP_TIMEOUT values to 0x5000</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_1_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_1_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.1.0 / 10-May-2013</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-15">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add support of STM32F0xx Low-density devices (STM32F050xx and STM32F060xx microcontrollers where the Flash memory ranges between 16 and 32 Kbytes)</li>
<li>Update STM32F0xx devices definition:
<li>Define for STM32F0xx Medium-density devices changed from STM32F0XX to STM32F0XX_MD</li>
<li>Add new definition STM32F0XX_LD for STM32F0xx Low-density devices</li>
<li>Update IRQn enum for STM32F0XX_LD devices</li>
<li>Add new bits definition
<li>RCC_CFGR register: MCOPRE[0:2] and PLLNODIV</li>
<li>SYSCFG_CFGR1 register: FMP_I2C1, FMP_PA9 and FMP_PA10</li>
<li>SystemInit(): update to reset new bits added in RCC_CFGR register</li>
<li>Add new startup files, startup_stm32f0xx_ld.s, for the supported compilers</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_2" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_2" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.2 / 13-July-2012</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-16">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Fix issue with gcc_ride7 startup file</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_1" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_1" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.1 / 20-April-2012</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-17">Main Changes</h2>
<li>Add reference to STM32F050xx (Flash memory up to 32 Kbytes) and STM32F051xx (Flash memory up to 64 Kbytes) devices</li>
<li>RTC register bits definition: remove reference to Tamper3</li>
<div class="collapse">
<input type="checkbox" id="collapse-section1_0_0" aria-hidden="true"> <label for="collapse-section1_0_0" aria-hidden="true"><strong>V1.0.0 / 04-September-2012</strong></label>
<h2 id="main-changes-18">Main Changes</h2>
<li>First official release for <strong>STM32F30x</strong> devices (Standard Library)</li>
<footer class="sticky">
For complete documentation on STM32 Microcontrollers </mark> , visit: <span style="font-color: blue;"><a href="http://www.st.com/stm32">www.st.com/stm32</a></span> <em>This release note uses up to date web standards and, for this reason, should not be opened with Internet Explorer but preferably with popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft Edge.</em>
@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
* @file cmsis_armcc.h
* @brief CMSIS compiler ARMCC (Arm Compiler 5) header file
* @version V5.0.4
* @date 10. January 2018
* Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __CMSIS_ARMCC_H
#define __CMSIS_ARMCC_H
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 400677)
#error "Please use Arm Compiler Toolchain V4.0.677 or later!"
/* CMSIS compiler control architecture macros */
#if ((defined (__TARGET_ARCH_6_M ) && (__TARGET_ARCH_6_M == 1)) || \
(defined (__TARGET_ARCH_6S_M ) && (__TARGET_ARCH_6S_M == 1)) )
#define __ARM_ARCH_6M__ 1
#if (defined (__TARGET_ARCH_7_M ) && (__TARGET_ARCH_7_M == 1))
#define __ARM_ARCH_7M__ 1
#if (defined (__TARGET_ARCH_7E_M) && (__TARGET_ARCH_7E_M == 1))
#define __ARM_ARCH_7EM__ 1
/* __ARM_ARCH_8M_BASE__ not applicable */
/* __ARM_ARCH_8M_MAIN__ not applicable */
/* CMSIS compiler specific defines */
#ifndef __ASM
#define __ASM __asm
#ifndef __INLINE
#define __INLINE __inline
#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
#define __STATIC_FORCEINLINE static __forceinline
#ifndef __NO_RETURN
#define __NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#ifndef __USED
#define __USED __attribute__((used))
#ifndef __WEAK
#define __WEAK __attribute__((weak))
#ifndef __PACKED
#define __PACKED __attribute__((packed))
#define __PACKED_STRUCT __packed struct
#ifndef __PACKED_UNION
#define __PACKED_UNION __packed union
#ifndef __UNALIGNED_UINT32 /* deprecated */
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32(x) (*((__packed uint32_t *)(x)))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_WRITE(addr, val) ((*((__packed uint16_t *)(addr))) = (val))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_READ(addr) (*((const __packed uint16_t *)(addr)))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_WRITE(addr, val) ((*((__packed uint32_t *)(addr))) = (val))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ(addr) (*((const __packed uint32_t *)(addr)))
#ifndef __ALIGNED
#define __ALIGNED(x) __attribute__((aligned(x)))
#ifndef __RESTRICT
#define __RESTRICT __restrict
/* ########################### Core Function Access ########################### */
/** \ingroup CMSIS_Core_FunctionInterface
\defgroup CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions CMSIS Core Register Access Functions
\brief Enable IRQ Interrupts
\details Enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.
Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
/* intrinsic void __enable_irq(); */
\brief Disable IRQ Interrupts
\details Disables IRQ interrupts by setting the I-bit in the CPSR.
Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
/* intrinsic void __disable_irq(); */
\brief Get Control Register
\details Returns the content of the Control Register.
\return Control Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
register uint32_t __regControl __ASM("control");
\brief Set Control Register
\details Writes the given value to the Control Register.
\param [in] control Control Register value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_CONTROL(uint32_t control)
register uint32_t __regControl __ASM("control");
__regControl = control;
\brief Get IPSR Register
\details Returns the content of the IPSR Register.
\return IPSR Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_IPSR(void)
register uint32_t __regIPSR __ASM("ipsr");
\brief Get APSR Register
\details Returns the content of the APSR Register.
\return APSR Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_APSR(void)
register uint32_t __regAPSR __ASM("apsr");
\brief Get xPSR Register
\details Returns the content of the xPSR Register.
\return xPSR Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_xPSR(void)
register uint32_t __regXPSR __ASM("xpsr");
\brief Get Process Stack Pointer
\details Returns the current value of the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
\return PSP Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PSP(void)
register uint32_t __regProcessStackPointer __ASM("psp");
\brief Set Process Stack Pointer
\details Assigns the given value to the Process Stack Pointer (PSP).
\param [in] topOfProcStack Process Stack Pointer value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_PSP(uint32_t topOfProcStack)
register uint32_t __regProcessStackPointer __ASM("psp");
__regProcessStackPointer = topOfProcStack;
\brief Get Main Stack Pointer
\details Returns the current value of the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
\return MSP Register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_MSP(void)
register uint32_t __regMainStackPointer __ASM("msp");
\brief Set Main Stack Pointer
\details Assigns the given value to the Main Stack Pointer (MSP).
\param [in] topOfMainStack Main Stack Pointer value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_MSP(uint32_t topOfMainStack)
register uint32_t __regMainStackPointer __ASM("msp");
__regMainStackPointer = topOfMainStack;
\brief Get Priority Mask
\details Returns the current state of the priority mask bit from the Priority Mask Register.
\return Priority Mask value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_PRIMASK(void)
register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");
\brief Set Priority Mask
\details Assigns the given value to the Priority Mask Register.
\param [in] priMask Priority Mask
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_PRIMASK(uint32_t priMask)
register uint32_t __regPriMask __ASM("primask");
__regPriMask = (priMask);
#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
(defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) )
\brief Enable FIQ
\details Enables FIQ interrupts by clearing the F-bit in the CPSR.
Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
#define __enable_fault_irq __enable_fiq
\brief Disable FIQ
\details Disables FIQ interrupts by setting the F-bit in the CPSR.
Can only be executed in Privileged modes.
#define __disable_fault_irq __disable_fiq
\brief Get Base Priority
\details Returns the current value of the Base Priority register.
\return Base Priority register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_BASEPRI(void)
register uint32_t __regBasePri __ASM("basepri");
\brief Set Base Priority
\details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register.
\param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI(uint32_t basePri)
register uint32_t __regBasePri __ASM("basepri");
__regBasePri = (basePri & 0xFFU);
\brief Set Base Priority with condition
\details Assigns the given value to the Base Priority register only if BASEPRI masking is disabled,
or the new value increases the BASEPRI priority level.
\param [in] basePri Base Priority value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_BASEPRI_MAX(uint32_t basePri)
register uint32_t __regBasePriMax __ASM("basepri_max");
__regBasePriMax = (basePri & 0xFFU);
\brief Get Fault Mask
\details Returns the current value of the Fault Mask register.
\return Fault Mask register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FAULTMASK(void)
register uint32_t __regFaultMask __ASM("faultmask");
\brief Set Fault Mask
\details Assigns the given value to the Fault Mask register.
\param [in] faultMask Fault Mask value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_FAULTMASK(uint32_t faultMask)
register uint32_t __regFaultMask __ASM("faultmask");
__regFaultMask = (faultMask & (uint32_t)1U);
#endif /* ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
(defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) ) */
\brief Get FPSCR
\details Returns the current value of the Floating Point Status/Control register.
\return Floating Point Status/Control register value
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_FPSCR(void)
#if ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
(defined (__FPU_USED ) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)) )
register uint32_t __regfpscr __ASM("fpscr");
\brief Set FPSCR
\details Assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.
\param [in] fpscr Floating Point Status/Control value to set
__STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
#if ((defined (__FPU_PRESENT) && (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U)) && \
(defined (__FPU_USED ) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)) )
register uint32_t __regfpscr __ASM("fpscr");
__regfpscr = (fpscr);
/*@} end of CMSIS_Core_RegAccFunctions */
/* ########################## Core Instruction Access ######################### */
/** \defgroup CMSIS_Core_InstructionInterface CMSIS Core Instruction Interface
Access to dedicated instructions
\brief No Operation
\details No Operation does nothing. This instruction can be used for code alignment purposes.
#define __NOP __nop
\brief Wait For Interrupt
\details Wait For Interrupt is a hint instruction that suspends execution until one of a number of events occurs.
#define __WFI __wfi
\brief Wait For Event
\details Wait For Event is a hint instruction that permits the processor to enter
a low-power state until one of a number of events occurs.
#define __WFE __wfe
\brief Send Event
\details Send Event is a hint instruction. It causes an event to be signaled to the CPU.
#define __SEV __sev
\brief Instruction Synchronization Barrier
\details Instruction Synchronization Barrier flushes the pipeline in the processor,
so that all instructions following the ISB are fetched from cache or memory,
after the instruction has been completed.
#define __ISB() do {\
} while (0U)
\brief Data Synchronization Barrier
\details Acts as a special kind of Data Memory Barrier.
It completes when all explicit memory accesses before this instruction complete.
#define __DSB() do {\
} while (0U)
\brief Data Memory Barrier
\details Ensures the apparent order of the explicit memory operations before
and after the instruction, without ensuring their completion.
#define __DMB() do {\
} while (0U)
\brief Reverse byte order (32 bit)
\details Reverses the byte order in unsigned integer value. For example, 0x12345678 becomes 0x78563412.
\param [in] value Value to reverse
\return Reversed value
#define __REV __rev
\brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)
\details Reverses the byte order within each halfword of a word. For example, 0x12345678 becomes 0x34127856.
\param [in] value Value to reverse
\return Reversed value
__attribute__((section(".rev16_text"))) __STATIC_INLINE __ASM uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
rev16 r0, r0
bx lr
\brief Reverse byte order (16 bit)
\details Reverses the byte order in a 16-bit value and returns the signed 16-bit result. For example, 0x0080 becomes 0x8000.
\param [in] value Value to reverse
\return Reversed value
__attribute__((section(".revsh_text"))) __STATIC_INLINE __ASM int16_t __REVSH(int16_t value)
revsh r0, r0
bx lr
\brief Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit)
\details Rotate Right (immediate) provides the value of the contents of a register rotated by a variable number of bits.
\param [in] op1 Value to rotate
\param [in] op2 Number of Bits to rotate
\return Rotated value
#define __ROR __ror
\brief Breakpoint
\details Causes the processor to enter Debug state.
Debug tools can use this to investigate system state when the instruction at a particular address is reached.
\param [in] value is ignored by the processor.
If required, a debugger can use it to store additional information about the breakpoint.
#define __BKPT(value) __breakpoint(value)
\brief Reverse bit order of value
\details Reverses the bit order of the given value.
\param [in] value Value to reverse
\return Reversed value
#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
(defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) )
#define __RBIT __rbit
__attribute__((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value)
uint32_t result;
uint32_t s = (4U /*sizeof(v)*/ * 8U) - 1U; /* extra shift needed at end */
result = value; /* r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v */
for (value >>= 1U; value != 0U; value >>= 1U)
result <<= 1U;
result |= value & 1U;
result <<= s; /* shift when v's highest bits are zero */
return result;
\brief Count leading zeros
\details Counts the number of leading zeros of a data value.
\param [in] value Value to count the leading zeros
\return number of leading zeros in value
#define __CLZ __clz
#if ((defined (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ ) && (__ARM_ARCH_7M__ == 1)) || \
(defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) && (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ == 1)) )
\brief LDR Exclusive (8 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 8 bit value.
\param [in] ptr Pointer to data
\return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __LDREXB(ptr) ((uint8_t ) __ldrex(ptr))
#define __LDREXB(ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") ((uint8_t ) __ldrex(ptr)) _Pragma("pop")
\brief LDR Exclusive (16 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 16 bit values.
\param [in] ptr Pointer to data
\return value of type uint16_t at (*ptr)
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __LDREXH(ptr) ((uint16_t) __ldrex(ptr))
#define __LDREXH(ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") ((uint16_t) __ldrex(ptr)) _Pragma("pop")
\brief LDR Exclusive (32 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive LDR instruction for 32 bit values.
\param [in] ptr Pointer to data
\return value of type uint32_t at (*ptr)
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __LDREXW(ptr) ((uint32_t ) __ldrex(ptr))
#define __LDREXW(ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") ((uint32_t ) __ldrex(ptr)) _Pragma("pop")
\brief STR Exclusive (8 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 8 bit values.
\param [in] value Value to store
\param [in] ptr Pointer to location
\return 0 Function succeeded
\return 1 Function failed
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __STREXB(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)
#define __STREXB(value, ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") __strex(value, ptr) _Pragma("pop")
\brief STR Exclusive (16 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 16 bit values.
\param [in] value Value to store
\param [in] ptr Pointer to location
\return 0 Function succeeded
\return 1 Function failed
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __STREXH(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)
#define __STREXH(value, ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") __strex(value, ptr) _Pragma("pop")
\brief STR Exclusive (32 bit)
\details Executes a exclusive STR instruction for 32 bit values.
\param [in] value Value to store
\param [in] ptr Pointer to location
\return 0 Function succeeded
\return 1 Function failed
#if defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION < 5060020)
#define __STREXW(value, ptr) __strex(value, ptr)
#define __STREXW(value, ptr) _Pragma("push") _Pragma("diag_suppress 3731") __strex(value, ptr) _Pragma("pop")
\brief Remove the exclusive lock
\details Removes the exclusive lock which is created by LDREX.
#define __CLREX __clrex
\brief Signed Saturate
\details Saturates a signed value.
\param [in] value Value to be saturated
\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (1..32)
\return Saturated value
#define __SSAT __ssat
\brief Unsigned Saturate
\details Saturates an unsigned value.
\param [in] value Value to be saturated
\param [in] sat Bit position to saturate to (0..31)
\return Saturated value
#define __USAT __usat
\brief Rotate Right with Extend (32 bit)
\details Moves each bit of a bitstring right by one bit.
The carry input is shifted in at the left end of the bitstring.
\param [in] value Value to rotate
\return Rotated value
__attribute__((section(".rrx_text"))) __STATIC_INLINE __ASM uint32_t __RRX(uint32_t value)
rrx r0, r0
bx lr
\brief LDRT Unprivileged (8 bit)
\details Executes a Unprivileged LDRT instruction for 8 bit value.
\param [in] ptr Pointer to data
\return value of type uint8_t at (*ptr)
#define __LDRBT(ptr) ((uint8_t ) __ldrt(ptr))