# PEAK PCAN firmware for STM32F042C6T6(STM32F072C8T6) based boards [![Build PCAN firmware](https://github.com/SummerFalls/pcan_cantact/actions/workflows/firmware_build.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/SummerFalls/pcan_cantact/actions/workflows/firmware_build.yml) ## :dart: 目标硬件 / Target Hardware - [CANtact](https://github.com/linklayer/cantact-hw) - opensource USB-CAN adapter project `make cantact_16` - [CANable](https://canable.io/) - opensource USB-CAN adapter based on CANtact project `make canable` - [Entreé](https://github.com/tuna-f1sh/entree) - opensource USB-C CAN adapter based on CANable project `make entree` - [Ollie](https://github.com/slimelec/ollie-hw) - opensource USB-CAN adapter with isolated USB `make ollie` - Any other STM32F042C6T6(STM32F072C8T6) based boards with external or internal OSC.
![PinConfig](PinConfig.jpg) | | PINs | FUNCTIONs | |-----:|------------| | PA0 | CAN_RX_LED | | PA1 | CAN_TX_LED | | PB8 | CAN_RX | | PB9 | CAN_TX | | PA11 | USB_DM | | PA12 | USB_DP | |