# PEAK PCAN PRO/PRO FD firmware for STM32F4 based boards Target hardware: * Any STM32F407/405 based boards with 8MHz oscillator Pinout: |PIN/PINS|DESCRIPTION| | ------ | ------ | |PC10|STATUS LED| |PA2/PA3|TX/RX CAN1 LED| |PC6/PC7|TX/RX CAN2 LED| |PB8/PB9|CAN1 RX/TX| |PB5/PB6|CAN2 RX/TX| |PB14/PB15|USB DM/DP| Features: - Works out of the box in Linux - Works with Linux PCAN-View ( needs to install [PEAK Linux drivers][pld] ) - Works with [BUSMASTER][bsmw] and [PEAK PCAN-View][pvw] in Windows Limits: - PRO FD firmware does not support FD frames cause bxCAN not supports it, but it will works with classic CAN - Some protocol specific messages not implemented yet - Be sure to use **PB14/PB15** pins for USB Toolchain: - GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain Tips: - PRO FD firmware has better performance on windows ( due internal PEAK driver implementation ) Build: - PCAN PRO firmware `make pro` - PCAN PRO FD firmware `make pro_fd` License ---- WTFPL [pld]: [pvw]: [bsmw]: