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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only */
* $Id: 12274 2021-08-30 12:20:04Z Fabrice $
* @LastChange $Date: 2021-08-30 14:20:04 +0200 (Mon, 30 Aug 2021) $
* PCANBasic JAVA Interface.
* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 PEAK System-Technik GmbH <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* PCAN is a registered Trademark of PEAK-System Germany GmbH
* Author: Jonathan Urban/Uwe Wilhelm/Fabrice Vergnaud
* Contact: <>
* Maintainer: Fabrice Vergnaud <>
package peak.can.basic;
* This is the main class for using the PCANBasic API with your java
* applications. Steps to use this api:<br><br>
* <pre>
* 1. Create a new PCANBasic object:<br>
* example: <br>
* can = new PCANBasic();
* 2. Call the initializeAPI method<br>
* example: <br>
* can.initializeAPI();<br>
* 3. Call the Initialize method passing the TPCANHandle parameter which you want use, TPCANBaudrate and other parameters for Non-PNP devices <br>
* example: <br>
* can.initialize(TPCANHandle.PCAN_USBBUS1, TPCANBaudrate.PCAN_BAUD_1M);<br>
* 4. Call the read or write method passing the TPCANHandle parameter which is initialized and you want use<br>
* example:
* TPCANMsg msg = new TPCANMsg();;
* can.Read(TPCANHandle.PCAN_USBBUS1, msg, null);
* can.Write(TPCANHandle.PCAN_USBBUS1, msg);
* (do not forget to check if msg is null after calling the Read method)<br>
* 5. At the end call the Uninitialize method
* example:
* can.Uninitialize(TPCANHandle.PCAN_USBBUS1);
* </pre>
* <br>
* A minimalistic program that writes every can message that it receives
* (ping-pong)<br>
* looks like this:<br>
* <pre>
*import peak.can.basic.*;
*public class MinimalisticProgram
* public static void main(String[] args)
* {
* PCANBasic can = null;
* TPCANMsg msg = null;
* TPCANStatus status = null;
* can = new PCANBasic();
* if(!can.initializeAPI())
* {
* System.out.println("Unable to initialize the API");
* System.exit(0);
* }
* status = can.Initialize(TPCANHandle.PCAN_PCIBUS1, TPCANBaudrate.PCAN_BAUD_1M, TPCANType.PCAN_TYPE_NONE, 0, (short) 0);
* msg = new TPCANMsg();
* while(true)
* {
* while(can.Read(TPCANHandle.PCAN_PCIBUS1, msg, null) == TPCANStatus.PCAN_ERROR_OK)
* {
* status = can.Write(TPCANHandle.PCAN_PCIBUS1, msg);
* if(status != TPCANStatus.PCAN_ERROR_OK)
* {
* System.out.println("Unable to write the CAN message");
* System.exit(0);
* }
* }
* }
* }
* </pre>
public class PCANBasic {
* Initializes a PCAN Channel
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param Btr0Btr1 The speed for the communication (BTR0BTR1 code)
* @param HwType NON PLUG'n'PLAY: The type of hardware and operation mode
* @param IOPort NON PLUG'n'PLAY: The I/O address for the parallel port
* @param Interrupt NON PLUG'n'PLAY: Interrupt number of the parallel port
* @return a TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus Initialize(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1,
TPCANType HwType,
int IOPort,
short Interrupt);
* Initializes a FD capable PCAN Channel
* <p>
* See PCAN_BR_* values Bitrate string must follow the following
* construction rules: - parameters and values must be separated by '=' -
* Couples of Parameter/value must be separated by ',' - Following Parameter
* must be filled out: f_clock, data_brp, data_sjw, data_tseg1, data_tseg2,
* nom_brp, nom_sjw, nom_tseg1, nom_tseg2. - Following Parameters are
* optional (not used yet): data_ssp_offset, nom_samp
* </p>
* <p>
* Example: f_clock_mhz=80, nom_brp=1, nom_tset1=63, nom_tseg2=16,
* nom_sjw=7, data_brp=4, data_tset1=12, data_tseg2=7, data_sjw=1
* </p>
* @param Channel The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel
* @param BitrateFD The speed for the communication (FD Bitrate string)
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus InitializeFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANBitrateFD BitrateFD);
* Uninitializes one or all PCAN Channels initialized by CAN_Initialize
* Giving the TPCANHandle value "PCAN_NONEBUS", uninitialize all initialized
* channels
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus Uninitialize(TPCANHandle Channel);
* Resets the receive and transmit queues of the PCAN Channel A reset of the
* CAN controller is not performed.
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus Reset(
TPCANHandle Channel);
* Gets the current status of a PCAN Channel
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus GetStatus(
TPCANHandle Channel);
* Transmits a CAN message
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param MessageBuffer A TPCANMsg buffer with the message to be read
* @param TimestampBuffer A TPCANTimestamp structure buffer to get the
* reception time of the message. If this value is not desired, this
* parameter should be passed as NULL
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus Read(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsg MessageBuffer,
TPCANTimestamp TimestampBuffer);
* Reads a CAN message from the receive queue of a FD capable PCAN Channel
* @param Channel The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel
* @param MessageBuffer A TPCANMsgFD structure buffer to store the CAN
* message
* @param TimestampBuffer A TPCANTimestampFD buffer to get the reception
* time of the message
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus ReadFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsgFD MessageBuffer,
TPCANTimestampFD TimestampBuffer);
* Transmits a CAN message
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param MessageBuffer A TPCANMsg buffer with the message to be sent
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus Write(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsg MessageBuffer);
* Transmits a CAN message over a FD capable PCAN Channel
* @param Channel The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel
* @param MessageBuffer A TPCANMsgFD buffer with the message to be sent
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus WriteFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsgFD MessageBuffer);
* Configures the reception filter. The message filter will be expanded with
* every call to this function. If it is desired to reset the filter, please
* use the CAN_SetParameter function
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param FromID The lowest CAN ID to be received
* @param ToID The highest CAN ID to be received
* @param Mode Message type, Standard (11-bit identifier) or Extended
* (29-bit identifier)
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus FilterMessages(
TPCANHandle Channel,
int FromID,
int ToID,
TPCANMode Mode);
* Retrieves a PCAN Channel value Parameters can be present or not according
* with the kind of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a parameter is
* not available, a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be returned
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param Parameter The TPCANParameter parameter to get
* @param Buffer Buffer for the parameter value
* @param BufferLength Size in bytes of the buffer
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus GetValue(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANParameter Parameter,
Object Buffer,
int BufferLength);
* Configures or sets a PCAN Channel value Parameters can be present or not
* according with the kind of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a
* parameter is not available, a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be
* returned
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @param Parameter The TPCANParameter parameter to get
* @param Buffer Buffer for the parameter value
* @param BufferLength Size in bytes of the buffer
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus SetValue(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANParameter Parameter,
Object Buffer,
int BufferLength);
* Returns a descriptive text of a given TPCANStatus error code, in any
* desired language The current languages available for translation are:
* Neutral (0x00), German (0x07), English (0x09), Spanish (0x0A), Italian
* (0x10) and French (0x0C)
* @param Error A TPCANStatus error code
* @param Language Indicates a 'Primary language ID'
* @param Buffer Buffer for a null terminated char array
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus GetErrorText(
TPCANStatus Error,
short Language,
StringBuffer Buffer);
* Finds a PCAN-Basic channel that matches with the given parameters
* @param Parameters A comma separated string contained pairs of parameter-name/value to be matched within a PCAN-Basic channel
* @param FoundChannel Buffer for returning the PCAN-Basic channel
* @param Buffer Buffer for a null terminated char array
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus LookUpChannel(
StringBuffer Parameters,
MutableTPCANHandle FoundChannel);
* Sets the handle of the Receive-Event for the Channel. static method
* peak.can.basic.RcvEventDispatcher.dispatchRcvEvent is used to notify each
* Receive-Event
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus SetRcvEvent(TPCANHandle Channel);
* Resets the handle of the Receive-Event for the Channel.
* @param Channel The handle of a PCAN Channel
* @return A TPCANStatus error code
public native TPCANStatus ResetRcvEvent(TPCANHandle Channel);
* Initializes the PCANBasic API
* @return a boolean to indicate if API is successfully loaded
public native boolean initializeAPI();
static {
if (HackLoadLibraryFlag.LOAD_LIBRARY) {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {