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* @file microsecond_timer.cpp
* Here we have a 1MHz timer dedicated to event scheduling. We are using one of the 32-bit timers here,
* so this timer can schedule events up to 4B/100M ~ 4000 seconds ~ 1 hour from current time.
* GPT5 timer clock: 84000000Hz
* If only it was a better multiplier of 2 (84000000 = 328125 * 256)
* @date Apr 14, 2014
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020
#include "pch.h"
#include "microsecond_timer.h"
#include "port_microsecond_timer.h"
#include "periodic_task.h"
// Just in case we have a mechanism to validate that hardware timer is clocked right and all the
// conversions between wall clock and hardware frequencies are done right
// delay in milliseconds
// if hardware timer is 20% off we throw a critical error and call it a day
// maybe this threshold should be 5%? 10%?
* Maximum duration of complete timer callback, all pending events together
* See also 'maxEventCallbackDuration' for maximum duration of one event
uint32_t maxPrecisionCallbackDuration = 0;
static efitick_t lastSetTimerTimeNt;
static bool isTimerPending = false;
static int timerCallbackCounter = 0;
static int timerRestartCounter = 0;
static const char * msg;
static int timerFreezeCounter = 0;
static int setHwTimerCounter = 0;
static bool hwStarted = false;
* sets the alarm to the specified number of microseconds from now.
* This function should be invoked under kernel lock which would disable interrupts.
void setHardwareSchedulerTimer(efitick_t nowNt, efitick_t setTimeNt) {
efiAssertVoid(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, hwStarted, "HW.started");
// How many ticks in the future is this event?
auto timeDeltaNt = setTimeNt - nowNt;
* #259 BUG error: not positive deltaTimeNt
* Once in a while we night get an interrupt where we do not expect it
if (timeDeltaNt <= 0) {
warning(CUSTOM_OBD_LOCAL_FREEZE, "local freeze cnt=%d", timerFreezeCounter);
// We need the timer to fire after we return - 1 doesn't work as it may actually schedule in the past
if (timeDeltaNt < US2NT(2)) {
timeDeltaNt = US2NT(2);
if (timeDeltaNt >= TOO_FAR_INTO_FUTURE_NT) {
// we are trying to set callback for too far into the future. This does not look right at all
firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_TIMER_OVERFLOW, "setHardwareSchedulerTimer() too far: %d", timeDeltaNt);
// Skip scheduling if there's a firmware error active
if (hasFirmwareError()) {
// Do the actual hardware-specific timer set operation
portSetHardwareSchedulerTimer(nowNt, setTimeNt);
lastSetTimerTimeNt = getTimeNowNt();
isTimerPending = true;
void globalTimerCallback();
void portMicrosecondTimerCallback() {
isTimerPending = false;
uint32_t before = getTimeNowLowerNt();
uint32_t precisionCallbackDuration = getTimeNowLowerNt() - before;
if (precisionCallbackDuration > maxPrecisionCallbackDuration) {
maxPrecisionCallbackDuration = precisionCallbackDuration;
class MicrosecondTimerWatchdogController : public PeriodicTimerController {
void PeriodicTask() override {
efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
if (nowNt >= lastSetTimerTimeNt + 2 * CORE_CLOCK) {
firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_SCHEDULING_ERROR, "watchdog: no events since %d", lastSetTimerTimeNt);
msg = isTimerPending ? "No_cb too long" : "Timer not awhile";
// 2 seconds of inactivity would not look right
efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_TIMER_WATCHDOG, nowNt < lastSetTimerTimeNt + 2 * CORE_CLOCK, msg);
int getPeriodMs() override {
return 500;
static MicrosecondTimerWatchdogController watchdogControllerInstance;
static scheduling_s watchDogBuddy;
static void watchDogBuddyCallback(void*) {
* the purpose of this periodic activity is to make watchdogControllerInstance
* watchdog happy by ensuring that we have scheduler activity even in case of very broken configuration
* without any PWM or input pins
engine->executor.scheduleForLater(&watchDogBuddy, MS2US(1000), watchDogBuddyCallback);
static volatile bool testSchedulingHappened = false;
static efitimems_t testSchedulingStart;
static void timerValidationCallback(void*) {
testSchedulingHappened = true;
efitimems_t actualTimeSinceScheduling = (currentTimeMillis() - testSchedulingStart);
firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_TIMER_TEST_CALLBACK_WRONG_TIME, "hwTimer broken precision: %ld ms", actualTimeSinceScheduling);
* This method would validate that hardware timer callbacks happen with some reasonable precision
* helps to make sure our GPT hardware settings are somewhat right
static void validateHardwareTimer() {
if (hasFirmwareError()) {
testSchedulingStart = currentTimeMillis();
// to save RAM let's use 'watchDogBuddy' here once before we enable watchdog
engine->executor.scheduleForLater(&watchDogBuddy, MS2US(TEST_CALLBACK_DELAY), timerValidationCallback);
chThdSleepMilliseconds(TEST_CALLBACK_DELAY + 2);
if (!testSchedulingHappened) {
firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_TIMER_TEST_CALLBACK_NOT_HAPPENED, "hwTimer not alive");
void initMicrosecondTimer() {
hwStarted = true;
lastSetTimerTimeNt = getTimeNowNt();
2022-07-21 12:17:32 -07:00
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */