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2020-07-24 18:26:24 -07:00
* @file fuel_schedule.cpp
* Handles injection scheduling
#include "global.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "engine_math.h"
#include "event_registry.h"
FuelSchedule::FuelSchedule() {
for (int cylinderIndex = 0; cylinderIndex < MAX_INJECTION_OUTPUT_COUNT; cylinderIndex++) {
InjectionEvent *ev = &elements[cylinderIndex];
ev->ownIndex = cylinderIndex;
void FuelSchedule::clear() {
isReady = false;
void FuelSchedule::resetOverlapping() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(enginePins.injectors); i++) {
* @returns false in case of error, true if success
bool FuelSchedule::addFuelEventsForCylinder(int i DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) {
efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, engine!=NULL, "engine is NULL", false);
floatus_t oneDegreeUs = ENGINE(rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs); // local copy
if (cisnan(oneDegreeUs)) {
// in order to have fuel schedule we need to have current RPM
// wonder if this line slows engine startup?
return false;
* injection phase is scheduled by injection end, so we need to step the angle back
* for the duration of the injection
* todo: since this method is not invoked within trigger event handler and
* engineState.injectionOffset is calculated from the same utility timer should we more that logic here?
floatms_t fuelMs = ENGINE(injectionDuration);
efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, !cisnan(fuelMs), "NaN fuelMs", false);
angle_t injectionDuration = MS2US(fuelMs) / oneDegreeUs;
efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, !cisnan(injectionDuration), "NaN injectionDuration", false);
assertAngleRange(injectionDuration, "injectionDuration_r", CUSTOM_INJ_DURATION);
floatus_t injectionOffset = ENGINE(engineState.injectionOffset);
if (cisnan(injectionOffset)) {
// injection offset map not ready - we are not ready to schedule fuel events
return false;
angle_t baseAngle = injectionOffset - injectionDuration;
efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, !cisnan(baseAngle), "NaN baseAngle", false);
assertAngleRange(baseAngle, "baseAngle_r", CUSTOM_ERR_6554);
injection_mode_e mode = engine->getCurrentInjectionMode(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
int injectorIndex;
if (mode == IM_SIMULTANEOUS || mode == IM_SINGLE_POINT) {
// These modes only have one injector
injectorIndex = 0;
} else if (mode == IM_SEQUENTIAL || (mode == IM_BATCH && CONFIG(twoWireBatchInjection))) {
// Map order index -> cylinder index (firing order)
injectorIndex = getCylinderId(i PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) - 1;
} else if (mode == IM_BATCH) {
// Loop over the first half of the firing order twice
injectorIndex = i % (engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount / 2);
} else {
firmwareError(CUSTOM_OBD_UNEXPECTED_INJECTION_MODE, "Unexpected injection mode %d", mode);
injectorIndex = 0;
assertAngleRange(baseAngle, "addFbaseAngle", CUSTOM_ADD_BASE);
int cylindersCount = CONFIG(specs.cylindersCount);
if (cylindersCount < 1) {
// May 2020 this somehow still happens with functional tests, maybe race condition?
warning(CUSTOM_OBD_ZERO_CYLINDER_COUNT, "Invalid cylinder count: %d", cylindersCount);
return false;
float angle = baseAngle
+ i * ENGINE(engineCycle) / cylindersCount;
InjectorOutputPin *secondOutput;
if (mode == IM_BATCH && CONFIG(twoWireBatchInjection)) {
* also fire the 2nd half of the injectors so that we can implement a batch mode on individual wires
// Compute the position of this cylinder's twin in the firing order
// Each injector gets fired as a primary (the same as sequential), but also
// fires the injector 360 degrees later in the firing order.
int secondOrder = (i + (CONFIG(specs.cylindersCount) / 2)) % CONFIG(specs.cylindersCount);
int secondIndex = getCylinderId(secondOrder PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) - 1;
secondOutput = &enginePins.injectors[secondIndex];
} else {
secondOutput = nullptr;
InjectorOutputPin *output = &enginePins.injectors[injectorIndex];
bool isSimultanious = mode == IM_SIMULTANEOUS;
if (!isSimultanious && !output->isInitialized()) {
// todo: extract method for this index math
warning(CUSTOM_OBD_INJECTION_NO_PIN_ASSIGNED, "no_pin_inj #%s", output->name);
InjectionEvent *ev = &elements[i];
ev->ownIndex = i;
fixAngle(angle, "addFuel#1", CUSTOM_ERR_6554);
ev->outputs[0] = output;
ev->outputs[1] = secondOutput;
ev->isSimultanious = isSimultanious;
if (TRIGGER_WAVEFORM(getSize()) < 1) {
warning(CUSTOM_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED_TRIGGER, "uninitialized TriggerWaveform");
return false;
efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, !cisnan(angle), "findAngle#3", false);
assertAngleRange(angle, "findAngle#a33", CUSTOM_ERR_6544);
ev->injectionStart.setAngle(angle PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
printf("registerInjectionEvent angle=%.2f trgIndex=%d inj %d\r\n", angle, ev->injectionStart.triggerEventIndex, injectorIndex);
return true;
void FuelSchedule::addFuelEvents(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
for (int cylinderIndex = 0; cylinderIndex < CONFIG(specs.cylindersCount); cylinderIndex++) {
InjectionEvent *ev = &elements[cylinderIndex];
ev->ownIndex = cylinderIndex; // todo: is this assignment needed here? we now initialize in constructor
bool result = addFuelEventsForCylinder(cylinderIndex PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
if (!result)
isReady = true;
void FuelSchedule::onTriggerTooth(size_t toothIndex, int rpm, efitick_t nowNt DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) {
for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG(specs.cylindersCount); i++) {
elements[i].onTriggerTooth(toothIndex, rpm, nowNt);