Something something Automatic Compression Release #3442

This commit is contained in:
rusefi 2021-11-14 16:04:44 -05:00
parent 0813266ee1
commit 377c9e2fda
2 changed files with 16 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -798,6 +798,9 @@ void setHellenDefaultVrThresholds(DECLARE_CONFIG_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
* set engine_type 6
strcpy(engineConfiguration->scriptSettingName[0], "compReleaseRpm");
engineConfiguration->scriptSetting[0] = 300;
@ -808,7 +811,12 @@ void proteusHarley(DECLARE_CONFIG_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
engineConfiguration->luaOutputPins[0] = PROTEUS_LS_12;
strncpy(config->luaScript, R"(
startPwm(0, 100, 0)
outputIndex = 0
startPwm(outputIndex, 100, 0)
rpmLimitSetting = findSetting("compReleaseRpm", 300)
compReleaseDulationLimit = findSetting("compReleaseDur", 6000)
function onTick()
rpm = getSensor("RPM")
-- handle nil RPM, todo: change firmware to avoid nil RPM
@ -816,8 +824,10 @@ function onTick()
print('Rpm ' .. rpm)
print('getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs ' .. getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs())
enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid = getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs() < 5000 and rpm < 300
setPwmDuty(0, enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid and 100 or 0)
enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid = getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs() < compReleaseDulationLimit and rpm < rpmLimitSetting
duty = enableCompressionReleaseSolenoid and 100 or 0
print("Compression release solenoid " .. duty)
setPwmDuty(outputIndex, duty)
)", efi::size(config->luaScript));

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@ -497,9 +497,11 @@ void configureRusefiLuaHooks(lua_State* l) {
auto name = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, nullptr);
auto defaultValue = luaL_checknumber(l, 2);
auto index = getSettingIndexByName(name PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
if (index == EFI_ERROR_CODE) {
lua_pushnumber(l, defaultValue);
} else {
// TS counts curve from 1 so convert indexing here
lua_pushnumber(l, engineConfiguration->scriptSetting[index]);