/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : version.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V3.0.6 * Date : 01-June-2018 * Description : Version file for DfuSe Demonstrator ******************************************************************************** * FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FILE * "www.st.com/sla0044" *******************************************************************************/ * V3.0.6 - 01-June-2018 ====================== New Features ************ + DFU Driver upgraded for Win10 tests (x86 and x64). See how to install + License upgraded Enhancements ************ + Added extra Erase time for some STM32 MCUs embedded bootloader, + Fix of wrong descriptor decoding for some L1/L0 DFU bootloaders. Limitations ************ + Not using UNICODE format + When Progamming/reading the device memories, avoid connecting/disconnecting other USB devices on same Host. + When Programming using DFU Bootloader, the written bytes should be multiple of 4 bytes or 8 Bytes as specified in AN2606 padding bytes should be added in the original file from linkers. * V3.0.5 - 01-September-2015 ====================== New Features ************ + Driver upgraded to pass WHCK Win8.1 tests Enhancements ************ + Some minor fix of memory leaks in some particular cases + Fix of DFUFileMgr not generating files in right selected directory Limitations ************ + Not using UNICODE format * V3.0.4 - 20-October-2014 ====================== New Features ************ + Upgrading the whole source projects to Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 + Removal of Options Bytes GUI and replaced by .dfu files Upload/download + Adding Support of all STM32 MCUs after Options bytes GUI removal Enhancements ************ + Some minor fix of memory leaks in some particular cases + Add of sources of STDFU and STTubeDriver DLLs to be able to re-compile in x64 version and recent Envirnoments Limitations ************ + Not using UNICODE format * V3.0.3 - 21-November-2011 ====================== New Features ************ + Adding Support of STM32F4 and STM32L High density devices for DFU factory programmed bootloader + Add new DfuSeCmd ( command line version) for automatic operations + Upgrading the whole source project to compile and excecute on 64-bits OS + New license added : MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2.pdf Enhancements ************ + Only DfuSeDemo.exe is upgraded to V3.0.3 all others items remain the same + Fix and remove of wrong HID devices enumeration causing memory leaks in some cases Limitations ************ + use only Visual C++ 2003 and above for developpment, VC6 is not supporting x64 OS * V3.0.2 - 09-May-2011 ====================== New Features ************ + Adding Support of STM32F2 devices for DFU factory programmed bootloader Enhancements ************ + Only DfuSeDemo.exe is upgraded to V3.0.2 all others items remain the same * V3.0.1 - 06/18/2010 ===================== New Features ************ + WHQL Certified with and published at WindowsUpdate (English only) web site : - Microsoft Windows 2000 family, - Microsoft Windows XP family, x86 - Microsoft Windows XP family, x64 - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x86 - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x64 - Microsoft Windows 7 + Add Pre-compiled Libraries for x64 machines under \Binary\x64\Release Enhancements ************ + Fix DfuSeDemo.exe application crash while enumerating many HID devices * V3.0.0 - 03/07/2009 ===================== New Features ************ + Adding Support of STM32 Connectivity Line devices for DFU factory programmed bootloader : - Adding Option bytes dialog for STM32 Connectivity Line devices, - Adding Remove read out protection specific command for Connectivity Line devices + New STTub30.sys driver version (3.0.0) compatible with all 32 and 64-bit Windows distributions : - See version.txt file under "Driver" sub-directory. Enhancements ************ + Fix a minor issue with read-only DFU files * V2.2.1 - 11/11/2008 ===================== + Removing license file from the install directory * V2.2.0 - 14/12/2007 ===================== New Features ************ + Enumeration of Compatible HID devices(see UM0412 document). + Adding HID detach command for HID devices (Combined with "Enter DFU Mode" command) + Verify after upgrade option added to upgrade operation + Transfered data size and duration time are displayed on the fly Enhancements ************ + UM0412 "DfuSe Getting Started" document is updated; "Step-by-step procedures" section is added * V2.1.0 - 30/03/2007 ===================== Enhancements ************ + Resolving binary dependencies (problem with MFC42D.dll) + Resolving memory access problem in the DfuSe Tester application + Adding "DfuSe Getting Started" document * V2.0.0 - 16/02/2007 ===================== + Adding source files and documentation to the initial release. ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2018 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******