/* * @file logicdata.cpp * * Based on LogicdataStreamFile.java by andreika * * Created on: Jul 19, 2020 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #include "logicdata.h" #include #include #include #include #define frequency 1000000 #define frequencyDiv 10 #define magic 0x7f #define BLOCK 0x15 #define CHANNEL_BLOCK 0x16 #define SUB 0x54 #define title "Data save2" #define FLAG_NOTEMPTY 2 #define FLAG_NOTEMPTY_LONG 3 #define FLAG_EMPTY 5 #define LOGIC4 0x40FD #define LOGIC8 0x673B #define SIGN_FLAG 0x80000000L #define numChannels 6 #define reservedDurationInSamples 10 #define MAX_STRING_SIZE 40 static char channelNames[][MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { "Primary", "Secondary", "TDC", "Sync", "Coil", "Injector", "Channel 6", "Channel 7" }; static int CHANNEL_FLAGS[] = { 0x13458b, 0x0000ff, 0x00a0f9, 0x00ffff, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000, 0xf020a0, }; static FILE *ptr; static int realDurationInSamples; static int scaledDurationInSamples; static void writeByte(uint8_t value) { fwrite(&value, 1, sizeof(value), ptr); } static void writeAs(int64_t value, int numBytes) { if (value == 0) { writeByte(0); } else { writeByte(numBytes); for (int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) { writeByte((uint8_t) ((value >> (i * 8)) & 0xff)); } } } // This is the main secret of this format! :) static void write(int64_t value) { if (value < 0 || value > 0xFFFFFFFFL) { writeAs(value, 8); } else if (value == 0) { writeByte(0); } else if (value <= 0xff) { writeAs(value, 1); } else if (value <= 0xffff) { writeAs(value, 2); } else if (value <= 0xffffff) { writeAs(value, 3); } else { writeAs(value, 4); } } static void writeString(const char *value) { int len = strlen(value); write(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { writeByte(value[i]); } } // todo: some C++ magic would allow us to drop 'count' parameter // todo: Look at efi::size in util static void write(int values[], int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { write(values[i]); } } static void write(int value, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) write(value); } static void writeId(int i1, int i2) { write((numChannels == 4) ? LOGIC4 : LOGIC8); write(i1); write(i2); } static void writeHeader() { writeByte(magic); write(strlen(title)); writeString(title); write(BLOCK); write(SUB); write(frequency); write(0); write(reservedDurationInSamples); write(frequency / frequencyDiv); write(0, 2); write(numChannels); write(BLOCK); write(0); write(BLOCK); for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { writeId(i, 1); } write(0); write(BLOCK); writeId(0, 0); write(0); write(0); } static void writeDouble(double value) { static_assert(sizeof(double) == 8); if (value == 0.0) { writeByte(0); } else { writeByte(8); char *ptr = (char*) (void*) &value; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { writeByte(ptr[i]); } } } static void writeChannelHeader(int ch) { write(0xff); write(ch); writeString(channelNames[ch]); write(0, 2); writeDouble(1.0); write(0); writeDouble(0.0); write(1); // or 2 writeDouble(0.0); // or 1.0 // this part sounds like the 'next' pointer? if (ch == numChannels - 1) { write(0); } else { writeId(1 + ch, 1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { write((CHANNEL_FLAGS[ch] >> (i * 8)) & 0xff); } } } static void writeEdges(int64_t *chDeltas, bool useLongDeltas, int numEdges) { for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++) { uint64_t d = chDeltas[i]; // set 16-bit 'sign' flag if (!useLongDeltas && (d & SIGN_FLAG) == SIGN_FLAG) d = (d & 0x7fff) | (SIGN_FLAG >> 16); writeByte((uint8_t) (d & 0xff)); writeByte((uint8_t) ((d >> 8) & 0xff)); if (useLongDeltas) { writeByte((uint8_t) ((d >> 16) & 0xff)); writeByte((uint8_t) ((d >> 24) & 0xff)); } } writeByte(0x00); } static void writeRaw(int value, int num) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { writeByte(value); } } static void writeChannelData(int ch, int64_t *chDeltas, int chLastState, int lastRecord, bool useLongDeltas, int numEdges) { if (numEdges == 0) lastRecord = 0; write(CHANNEL_BLOCK); // channel#0 is somehow special... if (ch == 0) { write(SUB); write(BLOCK); } write(ch + 1); write(0); write(realDurationInSamples); write(1); write(lastRecord); int numSamplesLeft = realDurationInSamples - lastRecord; write(numSamplesLeft); write(chLastState); int chFlag = (numEdges == 0) ? FLAG_EMPTY : (useLongDeltas ? FLAG_NOTEMPTY_LONG : FLAG_NOTEMPTY); write(chFlag); if (ch == 0) { write(0); write(BLOCK); write(0, 11); if (useLongDeltas) { write(BLOCK); write(0, 6); } write(BLOCK); } else { write(0, 10); if (useLongDeltas) { write(0, 5); } } write(numEdges); write(0); write(numEdges); write(0); write(numEdges); writeEdges(chDeltas, useLongDeltas, numEdges); if (ch == 0) { write(BLOCK); write(0, 6); if (!useLongDeltas) { write(BLOCK); write(0, 6); } write(BLOCK); } else { write(0, 4); if (!useLongDeltas) { write(0, 5); } } if (numEdges == 0) { write(0, 5); return; } write(1); write(0); write(1); write(0); write(1); write(0, 16); writeRaw(0xFF, 8); writeRaw(chFlag, 1); writeRaw(0x00, 7); } static void writeChannelDataHeader() { write(BLOCK); write(scaledDurationInSamples); write(0, 5); write(numChannels); write(0, 3); writeId(0, 1); write(0); write(BLOCK); write(0, 3); for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { writeChannelHeader(i); } write(BLOCK); int SUB_ARRAY[] = { SUB, SUB, 0, SUB, 0, SUB }; write(SUB_ARRAY, 6); write(0, 6); write(BLOCK); write(0, 2); write(realDurationInSamples); write(0); write(SUB); write(reservedDurationInSamples); write(frequency / frequencyDiv); write(0, 2); write(SUB); write(0, 2); write(1); write(0, 3); writeId(0, 0); write(BLOCK); int SAM_ARRAY[] = { realDurationInSamples, realDurationInSamples, realDurationInSamples }; write(SAM_ARRAY, 3); write(0); write(SUB); write(0); write(BLOCK); write(0); write(BLOCK); write(SUB, 4); write(0); write(BLOCK); write(frequency); write(0, 3); write(1); write(0, 3); writeId(0, 0); int ARR_6[] = { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0x13 }; write(ARR_6, 6); write(SUB); write(BLOCK); write(0); write(realDurationInSamples); write(0, 2); write(numChannels); int ARR_3[] = { 1, 0, 1 }; write(ARR_3, 3); } static void writeTimingMarker() { write(BLOCK); write(numChannels + 2); write(0, 4); writeString("Timing Marker Pair"); writeString("A1"); writeString("A2"); write(0, 2); write(SUB); write(0, 9); } static void writeChannelDataFooter() { write(0, 3); write(1); write(1); write(0); write(numChannels); } static int getChannelState(int ch, CompositeEvent *event) { switch (ch) { case 0: return event->primaryTrigger; case 1: return event->secondaryTrigger; case 2: return event->isTDC; case 3: return event->sync; case 4: return event->coil; case 5: return event->injector; } return -1; } static void writeEvents(CompositeEvent *events, int count) { // we need at least 2 records if (count < 2) return; int firstRecordTs = events[1].timestamp; int lastRecordTs = events[count - 1].timestamp; // we don't know the total duration, so we create a margin after the last record which equals to the duration of the first event realDurationInSamples = lastRecordTs + firstRecordTs; scaledDurationInSamples = realDurationInSamples / 4; writeChannelDataHeader(); int64_t *chDeltas = (int64_t*) malloc(sizeof(int64_t) * count); bool useLongDeltas = false; for (int ch = 0; ch < numChannels; ch++) { int chPrevState = -1; int prevTs = 0; int deltaCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CompositeEvent *event = &events[i]; int chState = getChannelState(ch, event); int ts = event->timestamp; if (chPrevState == -1) { chPrevState = chState; } if (chState != chPrevState) { long delta = ts - prevTs; if (delta > 0x7fff) { useLongDeltas = true; } // encode state if (chState == 0) delta |= SIGN_FLAG; chDeltas[deltaCount++] = delta; prevTs = ts; chPrevState = chState; } } writeChannelData(ch, chDeltas, chPrevState, prevTs, useLongDeltas, deltaCount); } free(chDeltas); writeChannelDataFooter(); } static void writeFooter() { write(BLOCK); for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { writeId(i, 1); } write(1); writeId(numChannels, 0x15); for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) { writeId(i, 1); } write(1); write(0); write(frequency); write(0, 16); write(0x01); write(0x23); // ??? write(SUB); write(BLOCK); write(numChannels + 1); write(0); write(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL); write(0xFFFFFFFFL); write(1); write(0, 3); write(BLOCK); write(0); write(BLOCK); write(0); writeDouble(1.0); write(SUB); write(0, 6); write(1); write(0, 4); write(1); write(0x29); // ??? write(SUB); writeTimingMarker(); } void writeFile(const char * fileName, CompositeEvent *events, int count) { ptr = fopen(fileName, "wb"); writeHeader(); writeEvents(events, count); writeFooter(); fclose(ptr); }