/** * @file engine_controller.cpp * @brief Controllers package entry point code * * * * @date Feb 7, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 * * This file is part of rusEfi - see http://rusefi.com * * rusEfi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * rusEfi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. * If not, see . */ #include "global.h" #include "os_access.h" #include "trigger_central.h" #include "engine_controller.h" #include "fsio_core.h" #include "fsio_impl.h" #include "idle_thread.h" #include "advance_map.h" #include "rpm_calculator.h" #include "main_trigger_callback.h" #include "io_pins.h" #include "flash_main.h" #include "bench_test.h" #include "os_util.h" #include "engine_math.h" #include "allsensors.h" #include "electronic_throttle.h" #include "map_averaging.h" #include "malfunction_central.h" #include "malfunction_indicator.h" #include "speed_density.h" #include "local_version_holder.h" #include "alternator_controller.h" #include "fuel_math.h" #include "settings.h" #include "aux_pid.h" #include "spark_logic.h" #include "aux_valves.h" #include "accelerometer.h" #include "counter64.h" #include "perf_trace.h" #include "boost_control.h" #include "launch_control.h" #include "tachometer.h" #include "gppwm.h" #if EFI_SENSOR_CHART #include "sensor_chart.h" #endif /* EFI_SENSOR_CHART */ #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO #include "tunerstudio.h" #endif /* EFI_TUNER_STUDIO */ #if EFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER #include "logic_analyzer.h" #endif /* EFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER */ #if HAL_USE_ADC #include "AdcConfiguration.h" #endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */ #if defined(EFI_BOOTLOADER_INCLUDE_CODE) #include "bootloader/bootloader.h" #endif /* EFI_BOOTLOADER_INCLUDE_CODE */ #include "periodic_task.h" #if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST #include "init.h" #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ #include "adc_inputs.h" #include "pwm_generator_logic.h" #if EFI_PROD_CODE #include "pwm_tester.h" #include "lcd_controller.h" #include "pin_repository.h" #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ #if EFI_CJ125 #include "cj125.h" #endif /* EFI_CJ125 */ EXTERN_ENGINE; #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST static LoggingWithStorage logger("Engine Controller"); /** * todo: this should probably become 'static', i.e. private, and propagated around explicitly? */ Engine ___engine CCM_OPTIONAL; Engine * engine = &___engine; #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ void initDataStructures(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { #if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL initFuelMap(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); initTimingMap(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); initSpeedDensity(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif // EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL } #if EFI_ENABLE_MOCK_ADC static void initMockVoltage(void) { #if EFI_SIMULATOR setMockCltVoltage(2); setMockIatVoltage(2); #endif /* EFI_SIMULATOR */ } #endif /* EFI_ENABLE_MOCK_ADC */ #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST static void doPeriodicSlowCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); class PeriodicFastController : public PeriodicTimerController { void PeriodicTask() override { engine->periodicFastCallback(); } int getPeriodMs() override { return FAST_CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS; } }; class PeriodicSlowController : public PeriodicTimerController { void PeriodicTask() override { doPeriodicSlowCallback(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); } int getPeriodMs() override { // we need at least protection from zero value while resetting configuration int periodMs = maxI(50, CONFIG(generalPeriodicThreadPeriodMs)); return periodMs; } }; static PeriodicFastController fastController; static PeriodicSlowController slowController; class EngineStateBlinkingTask : public PeriodicTimerController { int getPeriodMs() override { return 50; } void PeriodicTask() override { counter++; #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT bool is_running = ENGINE(rpmCalculator).isRunning(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #else bool is_running = false; #endif /* EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT */ if (is_running) { // blink in running mode enginePins.runningLedPin.setValue(counter % 2); } else { int is_cranking = ENGINE(rpmCalculator).isCranking(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); enginePins.runningLedPin.setValue(is_cranking); } } private: int counter = 0; }; static EngineStateBlinkingTask engineStateBlinkingTask; /** * number of SysClock ticks in one ms */ #define TICKS_IN_MS (CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY / 1000) // todo: this overflows pretty fast! efitimems_t currentTimeMillis(void) { // todo: migrate to getTimeNowUs? or not? return chVTGetSystemTimeX() / TICKS_IN_MS; } // todo: this overflows pretty fast! efitimesec_t getTimeNowSeconds(void) { return currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } static void resetAccel(void) { engine->engineLoadAccelEnrichment.resetAE(); engine->tpsAccelEnrichment.resetAE(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(engine->wallFuel) / sizeof(engine->wallFuel[0]); i++) { engine->wallFuel[i].resetWF(); } } static void doPeriodicSlowCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { #if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL && EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6661, getCurrentRemainingStack() > 64, "lowStckOnEv"); #if EFI_PROD_CODE touchTimeCounter(); slowStartStopButtonCallback(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt(); if (nowNt - engine->triggerCentral.vvtSyncTimeNt >= NT_PER_SECOND) { // loss of VVT sync engine->triggerCentral.vvtSyncTimeNt = 0; } /** * Update engine RPM state if needed (check timeouts). */ bool isSpinning = engine->rpmCalculator.checkIfSpinning(nowNt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); if (!isSpinning) { engine->rpmCalculator.setStopSpinning(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); } if (ENGINE(directSelfStimulation) || engine->rpmCalculator.isStopped(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) { /** * rusEfi usually runs on hardware which halts execution while writing to internal flash, so we * postpone writes to until engine is stopped. Writes in case of self-stimulation are fine. * * todo: allow writing if 2nd bank of flash is used */ #if EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH writeToFlashIfPending(); #endif /* EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH */ resetAccel(); } if (!engine->rpmCalculator.isStopped(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) { updatePrimeInjectionPulseState(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); } if (engine->versionForConfigurationListeners.isOld(engine->getGlobalConfigurationVersion())) { updateAccelParameters(); } engine->periodicSlowCallback(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif /* if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL && EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT */ } void initPeriodicEvents(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { slowController.Start(); fastController.Start(); } char * getPinNameByAdcChannel(const char *msg, adc_channel_e hwChannel, char *buffer) { #if HAL_USE_ADC if (hwChannel == EFI_ADC_NONE) { strcpy(buffer, "NONE"); } else { strcpy((char*) buffer, portname(getAdcChannelPort(msg, hwChannel))); itoa10(&buffer[2], getAdcChannelPin(hwChannel)); } #else strcpy(buffer, "NONE"); #endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */ return (char*) buffer; } static char pinNameBuffer[16]; #if HAL_USE_ADC extern AdcDevice fastAdc; #endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */ static void printAnalogChannelInfoExt(const char *name, adc_channel_e hwChannel, float adcVoltage, float dividerCoeff) { #if HAL_USE_ADC if (hwChannel == EFI_ADC_NONE) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "ADC is not assigned for %s", name); return; } if (fastAdc.isHwUsed(hwChannel)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "fast enabled=%s", boolToString(CONFIG(isFastAdcEnabled))); } float voltage = adcVoltage * dividerCoeff; scheduleMsg(&logger, "%s ADC%d %s %s adc=%.2f/input=%.2fv/divider=%.2f", name, hwChannel, getAdcMode(hwChannel), getPinNameByAdcChannel(name, hwChannel, pinNameBuffer), adcVoltage, voltage, dividerCoeff); #endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */ } static void printAnalogChannelInfo(const char *name, adc_channel_e hwChannel) { #if HAL_USE_ADC printAnalogChannelInfoExt(name, hwChannel, getVoltage("print", hwChannel PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX), engineConfiguration->analogInputDividerCoefficient); #endif /* HAL_USE_ADC */ } static void printAnalogInfo(void) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "analogInputDividerCoefficient: %.2f", engineConfiguration->analogInputDividerCoefficient); printAnalogChannelInfo("hip9011", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("fuel gauge", engineConfiguration->fuelLevelSensor); printAnalogChannelInfo("TPS", engineConfiguration->tps1_1AdcChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("TPS2", engineConfiguration->tps2_1AdcChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("pPS", engineConfiguration->throttlePedalPositionAdcChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("CLT", engineConfiguration->clt.adcChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("IAT", engineConfiguration->iat.adcChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("MAF", engineConfiguration->mafAdcChannel); for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT ; i++) { adc_channel_e ch = engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i]; printAnalogChannelInfo("fsio", ch); } printAnalogChannelInfo("AFR", engineConfiguration->afr.hwChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("MAP", engineConfiguration->map.sensor.hwChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("BARO", engineConfiguration->baroSensor.hwChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("extKno", engineConfiguration->externalKnockSenseAdc); printAnalogChannelInfo("OilP", engineConfiguration->oilPressure.hwChannel); printAnalogChannelInfo("CJ UR", engineConfiguration->cj125ur); printAnalogChannelInfo("CJ UA", engineConfiguration->cj125ua); printAnalogChannelInfo("A/C sw", engineConfiguration->acSwitchAdc); printAnalogChannelInfo("HIP9011", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel); for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT ; i++) { printAnalogChannelInfo("FSIO", engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i]); } printAnalogChannelInfoExt("Vbatt", engineConfiguration->vbattAdcChannel, getVoltage("vbatt", engineConfiguration->vbattAdcChannel PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX), engineConfiguration->vbattDividerCoeff); } #define isOutOfBounds(offset) ((offset<0) || (offset) >= (int) sizeof(engine_configuration_s)) static void getShort(int offset) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; uint16_t *ptr = (uint16_t *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); uint16_t value = *ptr; /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "short%s%d is %d", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, value); } static void getByte(int offset) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); uint8_t value = *ptr; /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "byte%s%d is %d", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, value); } static void onConfigurationChanged() { #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO // on start-up rusEfi would read from working copy of TS while // we have a lot of console commands which write into real copy of configuration directly // we have a bit of a mess here syncTunerStudioCopy(); #endif /* EFI_TUNER_STUDIO */ incrementGlobalConfigurationVersion(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); } static void setBit(const char *offsetStr, const char *bitStr, const char *valueStr) { int offset = atoi(offsetStr); if (absI(offset) == absI(ERROR_CODE)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid offset [%s]", offsetStr); return; } if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) { return; } int bit = atoi(bitStr); if (absI(bit) == absI(ERROR_CODE)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid bit [%s]", bitStr); return; } int value = atoi(valueStr); if (absI(value) == absI(ERROR_CODE)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid value [%s]", valueStr); return; } int *ptr = (int *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); *ptr ^= (-value ^ *ptr) & (1 << bit); /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "bit%s%d/%d is %d", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, bit, value); onConfigurationChanged(); } static void setShort(const int offset, const int value) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; uint16_t *ptr = (uint16_t *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); *ptr = (uint16_t) value; getShort(offset); onConfigurationChanged(); } static void setByte(const int offset, const int value) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); *ptr = (uint8_t) value; getByte(offset); onConfigurationChanged(); } static void getBit(int offset, int bit) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; int *ptr = (int *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); int value = (*ptr >> bit) & 1; /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "bit%s%d/%d is %d", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, bit, value); } static void getInt(int offset) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; int *ptr = (int *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); int value = *ptr; /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "int%s%d is %d", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, value); } static void setInt(const int offset, const int value) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; int *ptr = (int *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); *ptr = value; getInt(offset); onConfigurationChanged(); } static void getFloat(int offset) { if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; float *ptr = (float *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); float value = *ptr; /** * this response is part of rusEfi console API */ scheduleMsg(&logger, "float%s%d is %.5f", CONSOLE_DATA_PROTOCOL_TAG, offset, value); } static void setFloat(const char *offsetStr, const char *valueStr) { int offset = atoi(offsetStr); if (absI(offset) == absI(ERROR_CODE)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid offset [%s]", offsetStr); return; } if (isOutOfBounds(offset)) return; float value = atoff(valueStr); if (cisnan(value)) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "invalid value [%s]", valueStr); return; } float *ptr = (float *) (&((char *) engineConfiguration)[offset]); *ptr = value; getFloat(offset); onConfigurationChanged(); } static void initConfigActions(void) { addConsoleActionSS("set_float", (VoidCharPtrCharPtr) setFloat); addConsoleActionII("set_int", (VoidIntInt) setInt); addConsoleActionII("set_short", (VoidIntInt) setShort); addConsoleActionII("set_byte", (VoidIntInt) setByte); addConsoleActionSSS("set_bit", setBit); addConsoleActionI("get_float", getFloat); addConsoleActionI("get_int", getInt); addConsoleActionI("get_short", getShort); addConsoleActionI("get_byte", getByte); addConsoleActionII("get_bit", getBit); } // todo: move this logic somewhere else? static void getKnockInfo(void) { adc_channel_e hwChannel = engineConfiguration->externalKnockSenseAdc; scheduleMsg(&logger, "externalKnockSenseAdc on ADC", getPinNameByAdcChannel("knock", hwChannel, pinNameBuffer)); engine->printKnockState(); } #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ // this method is used by real firmware and simulator and unit test void commonInitEngineController(Logging *sharedLogger DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { initInterpolation(sharedLogger); #if EFI_SIMULATOR printf("commonInitEngineController\n"); #endif #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST initConfigActions(); #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ #if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL /** * This has to go after 'enginePins.startPins()' in order to * properly detect un-assigned output pins */ prepareShapes(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE && EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL */ #if EFI_ENABLE_MOCK_ADC initMockVoltage(); #endif /* EFI_ENABLE_MOCK_ADC */ #if EFI_SENSOR_CHART initSensorChart(); #endif /* EFI_SENSOR_CHART */ #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO if (engineConfiguration->isTunerStudioEnabled) { startTunerStudioConnectivity(); } #endif /* EFI_TUNER_STUDIO */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR initSettings(); if (hasFirmwareError()) { return; } #endif #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST // This is tested independently - don't configure sensors for tests. // This lets us selectively mock them for each test. initNewSensors(sharedLogger); #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ initSensors(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); initAccelEnrichment(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #if EFI_FSIO initFsioImpl(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_FSIO */ initGpPwm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #if EFI_IDLE_CONTROL startIdleThread(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_IDLE_CONTROL */ #if EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY initElectronicThrottle(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif /* EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY */ #if EFI_MAP_AVERAGING if (engineConfiguration->isMapAveragingEnabled) { initMapAveraging(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } #endif /* EFI_MAP_AVERAGING */ #if EFI_BOOST_CONTROL initBoostCtrl(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_BOOST_CONTROL */ #if EFI_LAUNCH_CONTROL initLaunchControl(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT /** * there is an implicit dependency on the fact that 'tachometer' listener is the 1st listener - this case * other listeners can access current RPM value */ initRpmCalculator(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT */ #if (EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL && EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT) || EFI_SIMULATOR || EFI_UNIT_TEST if (CONFIG(isEngineControlEnabled)) { initAuxValves(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); /** * This method adds trigger listener which actually schedules ignition */ initSparkLogic(sharedLogger); initMainEventListener(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } #endif /* EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL */ initTachometer(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); } #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST void initEngineContoller(Logging *sharedLogger DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { addConsoleAction("analoginfo", printAnalogInfo); #if EFI_PROD_CODE && EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL enginePins.startPins(); initBenchTest(sharedLogger); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE && EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL */ commonInitEngineController(sharedLogger); #if EFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER if (engineConfiguration->isWaveAnalyzerEnabled) { initWaveAnalyzer(sharedLogger); } #endif /* EFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER */ #if EFI_CJ125 /** * this uses SimplePwm which depends on scheduler, has to be initialized after scheduler */ initCJ125(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_CJ125 */ // periodic events need to be initialized after fuel&spark pins to avoid a warning initPeriodicEvents(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); if (hasFirmwareError()) { return; } engineStateBlinkingTask.Start(); #if EFI_PWM_TESTER initPwmTester(); #endif /* EFI_PWM_TESTER */ #if EFI_ALTERNATOR_CONTROL initAlternatorCtrl(sharedLogger PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif /* EFI_ALTERNATOR_CONTROL */ #if EFI_AUX_PID initAuxPid(sharedLogger); #endif /* EFI_AUX_PID */ #if EFI_MALFUNCTION_INDICATOR initMalfunctionIndicator(); #endif /* EFI_MALFUNCTION_INDICATOR */ initEgoAveraging(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); if (engineConfiguration->externalKnockSenseAdc != EFI_ADC_NONE) { addConsoleAction("knockinfo", getKnockInfo); } #if EFI_PROD_CODE addConsoleAction("reset_accel", resetAccel); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ #if EFI_HD44780_LCD initLcdController(); #endif /* EFI_HD44780_LCD */ } /** * these two variables are here only to let us know how much RAM is available, also these * help to notice when RAM usage goes up - if a code change adds to RAM usage these variables would fail * linking process which is the way to raise the alarm * * You get "cannot move location counter backwards" linker error when you run out of RAM. When you run out of RAM you shall reduce these * UNUSED_SIZE contants. */ #ifndef RAM_UNUSED_SIZE #define RAM_UNUSED_SIZE 9800 #endif #ifndef CCM_UNUSED_SIZE #define CCM_UNUSED_SIZE 2900 #endif static char UNUSED_RAM_SIZE[RAM_UNUSED_SIZE]; static char UNUSED_CCM_SIZE[CCM_UNUSED_SIZE] CCM_OPTIONAL; /** * See also VCS_VERSION */ int getRusEfiVersion(void) { if (UNUSED_RAM_SIZE[0] != 0) return 123; // this is here to make the compiler happy about the unused array if (UNUSED_CCM_SIZE[0] * 0 != 0) return 3211; // this is here to make the compiler happy about the unused array #if defined(EFI_BOOTLOADER_INCLUDE_CODE) // make bootloader code happy too if (initBootloader() != 0) return 123; #endif /* EFI_BOOTLOADER_INCLUDE_CODE */ return 20200520; } #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */