/** * @file fsio_impl.cpp * @brief FSIO as it's used for GPIO * * set debug_mode 23 * https://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Flexible_Logic * * @date Oct 5, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 */ #include "global.h" #if EFI_FSIO || defined(__DOXYGEN__) #include "fsio_impl.h" #include "allsensors.h" #include "rpm_calculator.h" #include "efiGpio.h" /** * in case of zero frequency pin is operating as simple on/off. '1' for ON and '0' for OFF * */ #define NO_PWM 0 // see useFSIO15ForIdleRpmAdjustment #define MAGIC_OFFSET_FOR_IDLE_TARGET_RPM 14 // see useFSIO16ForTimingAdjustment #define MAGIC_OFFSET_FOR_TIMING_FSIO 15 fsio8_Map3D_f32t fsioTable1("fsio#1"); fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable2("fsio#2"); fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable3("fsio#3"); fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable4("fsio#4"); extern pin_output_mode_e DEFAULT_OUTPUT; /** * Here we define all rusEfi-specific methods */ static LENameOrdinalPair leRpm(LE_METHOD_RPM, "rpm"); static LENameOrdinalPair leTps(LE_METHOD_TPS, "tps"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMaf(LE_METHOD_MAF, "maf"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMap(LE_METHOD_MAP, "map"); static LENameOrdinalPair leVBatt(LE_METHOD_VBATT, "vbatt"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFan(LE_METHOD_FAN, "fan"); static LENameOrdinalPair leCoolant(LE_METHOD_COOLANT, "coolant"); static LENameOrdinalPair leIsCoolantBroken(LE_METHOD_IS_COOLANT_BROKEN, "is_clt_broken"); static LENameOrdinalPair leAcToggle(LE_METHOD_AC_TOGGLE, "ac_on_switch"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFanOnSetting(LE_METHOD_FAN_ON_SETTING, "fan_on_setting"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFanOffSetting(LE_METHOD_FAN_OFF_SETTING, "fan_off_setting"); static LENameOrdinalPair leTimeSinceBoot(LE_METHOD_TIME_SINCE_BOOT, "time_since_boot"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFsioSetting(LE_METHOD_FSIO_SETTING, "fsio_setting"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFsioTable(LE_METHOD_FSIO_TABLE, "fsio_table"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFsioAnalogInput(LE_METHOD_FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT, "fsio_analog_input"); static LENameOrdinalPair leFsioDigitalInput(LE_METHOD_FSIO_DIGITAL_INPUT, "fsio_digital_input"); static LENameOrdinalPair leKnock(LE_METHOD_KNOCK, "knock"); static LENameOrdinalPair leIntakeVVT(LE_METHOD_INTAKE_VVT, "ivvt"); static LENameOrdinalPair leExhaustVVT(LE_METHOD_EXHAUST_VVT, "evvt"); static LENameOrdinalPair leCrankingRpm(LE_METHOD_CRANKING_RPM, "cranking_rpm"); static LENameOrdinalPair leStartupFuelPumpDuration(LE_METHOD_STARTUP_FUEL_PUMP_DURATION, "startup_fuel_pump_duration"); static LENameOrdinalPair leInShutdown(LE_METHOD_IN_SHUTDOWN, "in_shutdown"); #define LE_EVAL_POOL_SIZE 32 extern EnginePins enginePins; static LECalculator evalCalc; static LEElement evalPoolElements[LE_EVAL_POOL_SIZE]; static LEElementPool evalPool(evalPoolElements, LE_EVAL_POOL_SIZE); #define SYS_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE 128 #define UD_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE 128 static LEElement sysElements[SYS_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE] CCM_OPTIONAL; LEElementPool sysPool(sysElements, SYS_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE); static LEElement userElements[UD_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE] CCM_OPTIONAL; LEElementPool userPool(userElements, UD_ELEMENT_POOL_SIZE); static LEElement * fsioLogics[FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT] CCM_OPTIONAL; static LEElement * acRelayLogic; static LEElement * fuelPumpLogic; static LEElement * radiatorFanLogic; static LEElement * alternatorLogic; #if EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) static LEElement * mainRelayLogic; #endif /* EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL */ EXTERN_ENGINE ; #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR static Logging *logger; float getEngineValue(le_action_e action DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, engine!=NULL, "getLEValue", NAN); switch (action) { case LE_METHOD_FAN: return enginePins.fanRelay.getLogicValue(); case LE_METHOD_AC_TOGGLE: return getAcToggle(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); case LE_METHOD_COOLANT: return getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); case LE_METHOD_IS_COOLANT_BROKEN: return engine->isCltBroken; case LE_METHOD_INTAKE_AIR: return getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); case LE_METHOD_RPM: return engine->rpmCalculator.getRpm(); case LE_METHOD_MAF: return getMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); case LE_METHOD_MAP: return getMap(); case LE_METHOD_INTAKE_VVT: case LE_METHOD_EXHAUST_VVT: return engine->triggerCentral.vvtPosition; case LE_METHOD_TIME_SINCE_BOOT: return getTimeNowSeconds(); case LE_METHOD_FAN_OFF_SETTING: return engineConfiguration->fanOffTemperature; case LE_METHOD_FAN_ON_SETTING: return engineConfiguration->fanOnTemperature; case LE_METHOD_CRANKING_RPM: return engineConfiguration->cranking.rpm; case LE_METHOD_STARTUP_FUEL_PUMP_DURATION: // todo: remove default value check and finish migration to startUpFuelPumpDuration param. return (engineConfiguration->startUpFuelPumpDuration == 0) ? 4 : engineConfiguration->startUpFuelPumpDuration; case LE_METHOD_IN_SHUTDOWN: return engine->isInShutdownMode(); case LE_METHOD_VBATT: return getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); default: warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_UNEXPECTED, "FSIO unexpected %d", action); return NAN; } } #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) #include "pin_repository.h" #include "pwm_generator.h" // todo: that's about bench test mode, wrong header for sure! #include "injector_central.h" static void setFsioAnalogInputPin(const char *indexStr, const char *pinName) { // todo: reduce code duplication between all "set pin methods" int index = atoi(indexStr) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", index); return; } brain_pin_e pin = parseBrainPin(pinName); // todo: extract method - code duplication with other 'set_xxx_pin' methods? if (pin == GPIO_INVALID) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid pin name [%s]", pinName); return; } engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[index] = (adc_channel_e) pin; scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO analog input pin #%d [%s]", (index + 1), hwPortname(pin)); } static void setFsioDigitalInputPin(const char *indexStr, const char *pinName) { // todo: reduce code duplication between all "set pin methods" int index = atoi(indexStr) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", index); return; } brain_pin_e pin = parseBrainPin(pinName); // todo: extract method - code duplication with other 'set_xxx_pin' methods? if (pin == GPIO_INVALID) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid pin name [%s]", pinName); return; } boardConfiguration->fsioDigitalInputs[index] = pin; scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO digital input pin #%d [%s]", (index + 1), hwPortname(pin)); } static void setFsioPidOutputPin(const char *indexStr, const char *pinName) { int index = atoi(indexStr) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= AUX_PID_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid AUX index: %d", index); return; } brain_pin_e pin = parseBrainPin(pinName); // todo: extract method - code duplication with other 'set_xxx_pin' methods? if (pin == GPIO_INVALID) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid pin name [%s]", pinName); return; } engineConfiguration->auxPidPins[index] = pin; scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO aux pin #%d [%s]", (index + 1), hwPortname(pin)); } static void showFsioInfo(void); static void setFsioOutputPin(const char *indexStr, const char *pinName) { int index = atoi(indexStr) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", index); return; } brain_pin_e pin = parseBrainPin(pinName); // todo: extract method - code duplication with other 'set_xxx_pin' methods? if (pin == GPIO_INVALID) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid pin name [%s]", pinName); return; } boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index] = pin; scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO output pin #%d [%s]", (index + 1), hwPortname(pin)); scheduleMsg(logger, "please writeconfig and reboot for pin to take effect"); showFsioInfo(); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ #endif /** * index is between zero and LE_COMMAND_LENGTH-1 */ void setFsioExt(int index, brain_pin_e pin, const char * formula, int pwmFrequency DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index] = pin; int len = strlen(formula); if (len >= LE_COMMAND_LENGTH) { return; } strcpy(config->fsioFormulas[index], formula); boardConfiguration->fsioFrequency[index] = pwmFrequency; } void setFsio(int index, brain_pin_e pin, const char * exp DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { setFsioExt(index, pin, exp, NO_PWM PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } void applyFsioConfiguration(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { userPool.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { brain_pin_e brainPin = boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[i]; if (brainPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { const char *formula = config->fsioFormulas[i]; LEElement *logic = userPool.parseExpression(formula); if (logic == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_PARSING, "parsing [%s]", formula); } fsioLogics[i] = logic; } } } void onConfigurationChangeFsioCallback(engine_configuration_s *previousConfiguration DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { #if EFI_FSIO || defined(__DOXYGEN__) applyFsioConfiguration(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #endif } #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) static SimplePwm fsioPwm[FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT] CCM_OPTIONAL; static LECalculator calc; extern LEElement * fsioLogics[FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT]; // that's crazy, but what's an alternative? we need const char *, a shared buffer would not work for pin repository static const char *getGpioPinName(int index) { switch (index) { case 0: return "FSIO_OUT_0"; case 1: return "FSIO_OUT_1"; case 10: return "FSIO_OUT_10"; case 11: return "FSIO_OUT_11"; case 12: return "FSIO_OUT_12"; case 13: return "FSIO_OUT_13"; case 14: return "FSIO_OUT_14"; case 15: return "FSIO_OUT_15"; case 2: return "FSIO_OUT_2"; case 3: return "FSIO_OUT_3"; case 4: return "FSIO_OUT_4"; case 5: return "FSIO_OUT_5"; case 6: return "FSIO_OUT_6"; case 7: return "FSIO_OUT_7"; case 8: return "FSIO_OUT_8"; case 9: return "FSIO_OUT_9"; } return NULL; } float getFsioOutputValue(int index DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { if (fsioLogics[index] == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_NO_FSIO, "no FSIO for #%d %s", index + 1, hwPortname(boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index])); return NAN; } else { return calc.getValue2(engine->fsioLastValue[index], fsioLogics[index] PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } /** * @param index from zero for (FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT - 1) */ static void handleFsio(int index DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { if (boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index] == GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { engine->fsioLastValue[index] = NAN; return; } bool isPwmMode = boardConfiguration->fsioFrequency[index] != NO_PWM; float fvalue = getFsioOutputValue(index PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); engine->fsioLastValue[index] = fvalue; if (isPwmMode) { fsioPwm[index].setSimplePwmDutyCycle(fvalue); } else { int value = (int) fvalue; if (value != enginePins.fsioOutputs[index].getLogicValue()) { // scheduleMsg(logger, "setting %s %s", getIo_pin_e(pin), boolToString(value)); enginePins.fsioOutputs[index].setValue(value); } } } static const char * action2String(le_action_e action) { static char buffer[_MAX_FILLER]; switch(action) { case LE_METHOD_RPM: return "RPM"; case LE_METHOD_CRANKING_RPM: return "cranking_rpm"; case LE_METHOD_COOLANT: return "CLT"; case LE_METHOD_FAN_ON_SETTING: return "fan_on"; case LE_METHOD_FAN_OFF_SETTING: return "fan_off"; case LE_METHOD_FAN: return "fan"; case LE_METHOD_STARTUP_FUEL_PUMP_DURATION: return "startup_fuel_pump_duration"; case LE_METHOD_IN_SHUTDOWN: return "in_shutdown"; default: { // this is here to make compiler happy } } itoa10(buffer, (int)action); return buffer; } static void setPinState(const char * msg, OutputPin *pin, LEElement *element) { if (isRunningBenchTest()) { return; // let's not mess with bench testing } if (element == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_INVALID_EXPRESSION, "invalid expression for %s", msg); } else { int value = (int)calc.getValue2(pin->getLogicValue(), element PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); if (pin->isInitialized() && value != pin->getLogicValue()) { for (int i = 0;i < calc.currentCalculationLogPosition;i++) { scheduleMsg(logger, "calc %d: action %s value %.2f", i, action2String(calc.calcLogAction[i]), calc.calcLogValue[i]); } scheduleMsg(logger, "setPin %s %s", msg, value ? "on" : "off"); pin->setValue(value); } } } static void setFsioFrequency(int index, int frequency) { index--; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", index); return; } boardConfiguration->fsioFrequency[index] = frequency; if (frequency == 0) { scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO output #%d@%s set to on/off mode", index + 1, hwPortname(boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index])); } else { scheduleMsg(logger, "Setting FSIO frequency %dHz on #%d@%s", frequency, index + 1, hwPortname(boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[index])); } } static void useFsioForServo(int servoIndex DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { LEElement * element = fsioLogics[8 - 1 + servoIndex]; if (element == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_INVALID_EXPRESSION, "invalid expression for %s", "servo"); } else { engine->servoValues[servoIndex] = calc.getValue2(engine->servoValues[servoIndex], element PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } /** * this method should be invoked periodically to calculate FSIO and toggle corresponding FSIO outputs */ void runFsio(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { for (int index = 0; index < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; index++) { handleFsio(index PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } #if EFI_FUEL_PUMP || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (boardConfiguration->fuelPumpPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { setPinState("pump", &enginePins.fuelPumpRelay, fuelPumpLogic); } #endif /* EFI_FUEL_PUMP */ #if EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (boardConfiguration->mainRelayPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) setPinState("main_relay", &enginePins.mainRelay, mainRelayLogic); #else /* EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL */ /** * main relay is always on if ECU is on, that's a good enough initial implementation */ if (boardConfiguration->mainRelayPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) enginePins.mainRelay.setValue(true); #endif /* EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL */ /** * o2 heater is off during cranking * todo: convert to FSIO? * open question if heater should be ON during cranking */ enginePins.o2heater.setValue(engine->rpmCalculator.isRunning()); if (boardConfiguration->acRelayPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { setPinState("A/C", &enginePins.acRelay, acRelayLogic); } // if (boardConfiguration->alternatorControlPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { // setPinState("alternator", &enginePins.alternatorField, alternatorLogic, engine); // } if (boardConfiguration->fanPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { setPinState("fan", &enginePins.fanRelay, radiatorFanLogic); } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO15ForIdleRpmAdjustment) { LEElement * element = fsioLogics[MAGIC_OFFSET_FOR_IDLE_TARGET_RPM]; if (element == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_INVALID_EXPRESSION, "invalid expression for %s", "RPM targer"); } else { engine->fsioIdleTargetRPMAdjustment = calc.getValue2(engine->fsioIdleTargetRPMAdjustment, element PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO16ForTimingAdjustment) { LEElement * element = fsioLogics[MAGIC_OFFSET_FOR_TIMING_FSIO]; if (element == NULL) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_INVALID_EXPRESSION, "invalid expression for %s", "timing"); } else { engine->fsioTimingAdjustment = calc.getValue2(engine->fsioTimingAdjustment, element PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO8ForServo1) { useFsioForServo(0 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO9ForServo2) { useFsioForServo(1 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO10ForServo3) { useFsioForServo(2 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO11ForServo4) { useFsioForServo(3 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } if (engineConfiguration->useFSIO12ForServo5) { useFsioForServo(4 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ static void showFsio(const char *msg, LEElement *element) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR if (msg != NULL) scheduleMsg(logger, "%s:", msg); while (element != NULL) { scheduleMsg(logger, "action %d: fValue=%.2f iValue=%d", element->action, element->fValue, element->iValue); element = element->next; } scheduleMsg(logger, ""); #endif } static void showFsioInfo(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR scheduleMsg(logger, "sys used %d/user used %d", sysPool.getSize(), userPool.getSize()); showFsio("a/c", acRelayLogic); showFsio("fuel", fuelPumpLogic); showFsio("fan", radiatorFanLogic); showFsio("alt", alternatorLogic); for (int i = 0; i < AUX_PID_COUNT ; i++) { brain_pin_e pin = engineConfiguration->auxPidPins[i]; if (pin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO aux #%d [%s]", (i + 1), hwPortname(pin)); } } for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { char * exp = config->fsioFormulas[i]; if (exp[0] != 0) { /** * in case of FSIO user interface indexes are starting with 0, the argument for that * is the fact that the target audience is more software developers */ scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO #%d [%s] at %s@%dHz value=%.2f", (i + 1), exp, hwPortname(boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[i]), boardConfiguration->fsioFrequency[i], engine->fsioLastValue[i]); // scheduleMsg(logger, "user-defined #%d value=%.2f", i, engine->engineConfiguration2->fsioLastValue[i]); showFsio(NULL, fsioLogics[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { float v = boardConfiguration->fsio_setting[i]; if (!cisnan(v)) { scheduleMsg(logger, "user property #%d: %.2f", i + 1, v); } } for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { brain_pin_e inputPin = boardConfiguration->fsioDigitalInputs[i]; if (inputPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { scheduleMsg(logger, "FSIO digital input #%d: %s", i, hwPortname(inputPin)); } } #endif } /** * set_fsio_setting 1 0.11 */ static void setFsioSetting(float humanIndexF, float value) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR int index = (int)humanIndexF - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", (int)humanIndexF); return; } engineConfiguration->bc.fsio_setting[index] = value; showFsioInfo(); #endif } static void setFsioExpression(const char *indexStr, const char *quotedLine) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR int index = atoi(indexStr) - 1; if (index < 0 || index >= FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { scheduleMsg(logger, "invalid FSIO index: %d", index); return; } char * l = unquote((char*) quotedLine); if (strlen(l) > LE_COMMAND_LENGTH - 1) { scheduleMsg(logger, "Too long %d", strlen(l)); return; } scheduleMsg(logger, "setting user out #%d to [%s]", index + 1, l); strcpy(config->fsioFormulas[index], l); // this would apply the changes applyFsioConfiguration(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); showFsioInfo(); #endif } static void rpnEval(char *line) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR line = unquote(line); scheduleMsg(logger, "Parsing [%s]", line); evalPool.reset(); LEElement * e = evalPool.parseExpression(line); if (e == NULL) { scheduleMsg(logger, "parsing failed"); } else { float result = evalCalc.getValue2(0, e PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); scheduleMsg(logger, "Evaluate result: %.2f", result); } #endif } void initFsioImpl(Logging *sharedLogger DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR logger = sharedLogger; #endif #if EFI_FUEL_PUMP || defined(__DOXYGEN__) fuelPumpLogic = sysPool.parseExpression(FUEL_PUMP_LOGIC); #endif /* EFI_FUEL_PUMP */ acRelayLogic = sysPool.parseExpression(AC_RELAY_LOGIC); radiatorFanLogic = sysPool.parseExpression(FAN_CONTROL_LOGIC); alternatorLogic = sysPool.parseExpression(ALTERNATOR_LOGIC); #if EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (boardConfiguration->mainRelayPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) mainRelayLogic = sysPool.parseExpression(MAIN_RELAY_LOGIC); #endif /* EFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__) for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { brain_pin_e brainPin = boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[i]; if (brainPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { int frequency = boardConfiguration->fsioFrequency[i]; if (frequency == 0) { enginePins.fsioOutputs[i].initPin(getGpioPinName(i), boardConfiguration->fsioOutputPins[i], &DEFAULT_OUTPUT); } else { startSimplePwmExt(&fsioPwm[i], "FSIOpwm", brainPin, &enginePins.fsioOutputs[i], frequency, 0.5f, applyPinState); } } } for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { brain_pin_e inputPin = boardConfiguration->fsioDigitalInputs[i]; if (inputPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { efiSetPadMode("FSIO input", inputPin, getInputMode(engineConfiguration->fsioInputModes[i])); } } addConsoleActionSS("set_fsio_pid_output_pin", (VoidCharPtrCharPtr) setFsioPidOutputPin); addConsoleActionSS("set_fsio_output_pin", (VoidCharPtrCharPtr) setFsioOutputPin); addConsoleActionII("set_fsio_output_frequency", (VoidIntInt) setFsioFrequency); addConsoleActionSS("set_fsio_digital_input_pin", (VoidCharPtrCharPtr) setFsioDigitalInputPin); addConsoleActionSS("set_fsio_analog_input_pin", (VoidCharPtrCharPtr) setFsioAnalogInputPin); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR addConsoleActionSS("set_rpn_expression", setFsioExpression); addConsoleActionFF("set_fsio_setting", setFsioSetting); addConsoleAction("fsioinfo", showFsioInfo); addConsoleActionS("rpn_eval", (VoidCharPtr) rpnEval); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE || EFI_SIMULATOR */ fsioTable1.init(config->fsioTable1, config->fsioTable1LoadBins, config->fsioTable1RpmBins); fsioTable2.init(config->fsioTable2, config->fsioTable2LoadBins, config->fsioTable2RpmBins); fsioTable3.init(config->fsioTable3, config->fsioTable3LoadBins, config->fsioTable3RpmBins); fsioTable4.init(config->fsioTable4, config->fsioTable4LoadBins, config->fsioTable4RpmBins); } void prepareFsio(void) { for (int i = 0; i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT; i++) { fsioLogics[i] = NULL; } } #endif /* EFI_FSIO */