echo "TIMESTAMP %date% %time% I am unit_tests.bat" rem 'RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_PASS' environment variable echo We should be in root folder pwd rem Prior to running unit tests we build real hardware firmware git submodule update --init cd firmware call update_version.bat IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 echo ERROR: INVOKING VERSION HEADER GENERATOR IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 EXIT /B 1 cd .. echo We are in root folder pwd cd unit_tests rem Clean build is needed since some file renames would produce a broken incremental build rem Only here we are building unit_tests call clean_compile.bat pwd ls -l build if not exist build/rusefi_test.exe echo ERROR: FAILED TO COMPILE UNIT TESTS if not exist build/rusefi_test.exe exit -1 echo "TIMESTAMP %date% %time% Unit tests build looks good, now executing unit tests" call build\rusefi_test.exe IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 echo ERROR: UNIT TEST FAILED IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 EXIT /B 1 cd .. echo Back to root folder pwd