#!/bin/bash echo "The PATH is ${PATH}" cd "${WORKSPACE}" echo "start in workspace ${PWD}" cd firmware echo "CD to ${PWD}" rm -fR .dep rm -fR build make if [ ! -f build/rusefi.hex ]; then echo "Firmware compilation failed" exit -1 fi cd "${WORKSPACE}/win32_algo_tests" echo "CD to ${PWD}" rm -fR .dep rm -fR build make if [ ! -f build/rusefi_test ]; then echo "test compilation failed" exit -1 fi # we want to terminate if test fails set -e # invoke the tests - hopefully error code would be propagated? build/rusefi_test cd "${WORKSPACE}/java_console" echo "CD to ${PWD}" ant cd "${WORKSPACE}" echo "CD to ${PWD}" zip -j firmware/build/rusefi_firmware.zip firmware/build/rusefi.hex firmware/tunerstudio/rusefi.ini echo user u71977750-build pass > ftp.cmd echo put firmware/build/rusefi_firmware.zip rusefi_firmware.zip >> ftp.cmd echo put java_console_binary/rusefi_console.jar rusefi_console.jar >> ftp.cmd ftp -npiv rusefi.com < ftp.cmd cat ftp.cmd rm ftp.cmd