/** * @file fsio_core.cpp * @brief core FSUI handling logic * * Here we parse and evaluate logical expressions in * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation * * Once the expressions are parsed on startup (that's a heavy operation), * evaluating those is relatively efficient. * * * @date Oct 3, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #include "global.h" #if EFI_FSIO #include "os_access.h" #include "fsio_core.h" #include "fsio_impl.h" extern fsio8_Map3D_f32t fsioTable1; extern fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable2; extern fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable3; extern fsio8_Map3D_u8t fsioTable4; static fsio8_Map3D_u8t * fsio8t_tables[] = {NULL, NULL, &fsioTable2, &fsioTable3, &fsioTable4}; EXTERN_ENGINE; LENameOrdinalPair * LE_FIRST = nullptr; /** * the main point of these static fields is that their constructor would register * them in the magic list of operator name/ordinal pairs */ static LENameOrdinalPair leAnd(LE_OPERATOR_AND, "and"); static LENameOrdinalPair leAnd2(LE_OPERATOR_AND, "&"); static LENameOrdinalPair leOr(LE_OPERATOR_OR, "or"); static LENameOrdinalPair leOr2(LE_OPERATOR_OR, "|"); static LENameOrdinalPair leNot(LE_OPERATOR_NOT, "not"); static LENameOrdinalPair leNot2(LE_OPERATOR_NOT, "!"); static LENameOrdinalPair leAdd(LE_OPERATOR_ADDITION, "+"); static LENameOrdinalPair leSub(LE_OPERATOR_SUBTRACTION, "-"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMul(LE_OPERATOR_MULTIPLICATION, "*"); static LENameOrdinalPair leDiv(LE_OPERATOR_DIVISION, "/"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMore(LE_OPERATOR_MORE, ">"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMoreOrEqual(LE_OPERATOR_MORE_OR_EQUAL, ">="); static LENameOrdinalPair leLess(LE_OPERATOR_LESS, "<"); static LENameOrdinalPair leLessOrEquals(LE_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL, "<="); static LENameOrdinalPair leMax(LE_METHOD_MAX, "max"); static LENameOrdinalPair leMin(LE_METHOD_MIN, "min"); static LENameOrdinalPair leIf(LE_METHOD_IF, "if"); static LENameOrdinalPair leSelf(LE_METHOD_SELF, "self"); LENameOrdinalPair::LENameOrdinalPair(le_action_e action, const char *name) { this->action = action; this->name = name; this->next = LE_FIRST; LE_FIRST = this; } LEElement::LEElement() { clear(); } void LEElement::clear() { action = LE_UNDEFINED; fValue = NAN; } void LEElement::init(le_action_e action) { this->action = action; } void LEElement::init(le_action_e action, float fValue) { this->action = action; this->fValue = fValue; } void LEElement::init(le_action_e action, bool bValue) { this->action = action; this->fValue = bValue ? 1 : 0; } LECalculator::LECalculator() { reset(); } void LECalculator::reset() { stack.reset(); currentCalculationLogPosition = 0; memset(calcLogAction, 0, sizeof(calcLogAction)); } bool float2bool(float v) { return v != 0; } float LECalculator::pop(le_action_e action) { if (stack.size() == 0) { warning(CUSTOM_EMPTY_FSIO_STACK, "empty stack for action=%d", action); return NAN; } return stack.pop(); } void LECalculator::push(le_action_e action, float value) { stack.push(value); if (currentCalculationLogPosition < MAX_CALC_LOG) { calcLogAction[currentCalculationLogPosition] = action; calcLogValue[currentCalculationLogPosition] = value; currentCalculationLogPosition++; } } static FsioResult doBinaryBoolean(le_action_e action, float lhs, float rhs) { bool v1 = float2bool(lhs); bool v2 = float2bool(rhs); switch (action) { case LE_OPERATOR_AND: return v1 && v2; case LE_OPERATOR_OR: return v1 || v2; default: return unexpected; } } static FsioResult doBinaryNumeric(le_action_e action, float v1, float v2) { // Process based on the action type switch (action) { case LE_OPERATOR_ADDITION: return v1 + v2; case LE_OPERATOR_SUBTRACTION: return v1 - v2; case LE_OPERATOR_MULTIPLICATION: return v1 * v2; case LE_OPERATOR_DIVISION: return v1 / v2; case LE_OPERATOR_LESS: return v1 < v2; case LE_OPERATOR_MORE: return v1 > v2; case LE_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL: return v1 <= v2; case LE_OPERATOR_MORE_OR_EQUAL: return v1 >= v2; case LE_METHOD_MIN: return minF(v1, v2); case LE_METHOD_MAX: return maxF(v1, v2); default: return unexpected; } } /** * @return true in case of error, false otherwise */ FsioResult LECalculator::processElement(const LEElement *element DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, getCurrentRemainingStack() > 64, "FSIO logic", unexpected); #endif switch (element->action) { // Literal values case LE_NUMERIC_VALUE: return element->fValue; case LE_BOOLEAN_VALUE: return element->fValue != 0; // Boolean input binary operators case LE_OPERATOR_AND: case LE_OPERATOR_OR: { float v1 = pop(LE_OPERATOR_OR); float v2 = pop(LE_OPERATOR_OR); return doBinaryBoolean(element->action, v1, v2); } // Numeric input binary operators case LE_OPERATOR_ADDITION: case LE_OPERATOR_SUBTRACTION: case LE_OPERATOR_MULTIPLICATION: case LE_OPERATOR_DIVISION: case LE_OPERATOR_LESS: case LE_OPERATOR_MORE: case LE_OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL: case LE_OPERATOR_MORE_OR_EQUAL: case LE_METHOD_MIN: case LE_METHOD_MAX: { // elements on stack are in reverse order float v2 = pop(element->action); float v1 = pop(element->action); return doBinaryNumeric(element->action, v1, v2); } // Boolean input unary operator case LE_OPERATOR_NOT: { float v = pop(LE_OPERATOR_NOT); return !float2bool(v) ? 1 : 0; } case LE_METHOD_IF: { // elements on stack are in reverse order float vFalse = pop(LE_METHOD_IF); float vTrue = pop(LE_METHOD_IF); float vCond = pop(LE_METHOD_IF); return vCond != 0 ? vTrue : vFalse; } case LE_METHOD_FSIO_SETTING: { float humanIndex = pop(LE_METHOD_FSIO_SETTING); int index = (int) humanIndex - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT) { return CONFIG(fsio_setting)[index]; } else { return unexpected; } } case LE_METHOD_FSIO_TABLE: { float i = pop(LE_METHOD_FSIO_TABLE); float yValue = pop(LE_METHOD_FSIO_TABLE); float xValue = pop(LE_METHOD_FSIO_TABLE); int index = (int) i; if (index < 1 || index > MAX_TABLE_INDEX) { return unexpected; } else { if (index == 1) { fsio8_Map3D_f32t *t = &fsioTable1; return t->getValue(xValue, yValue); } else { fsio8_Map3D_u8t *t = fsio8t_tables[index]; return t->getValue(xValue, yValue); } } } case LE_METHOD_FSIO_DIGITAL_INPUT: // todo: implement code for digital input!!! return unexpected; case LE_METHOD_FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT: { int index = clampF(0, pop(LE_METHOD_FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT), FSIO_ANALOG_INPUT_COUNT - 1); int sensorIdx = static_cast(SensorType::Aux1) + index; return Sensor::get(static_cast(sensorIdx)); } case LE_METHOD_KNOCK: return ENGINE(knockCount); case LE_UNDEFINED: warning(CUSTOM_UNKNOWN_FSIO, "FSIO undefined action"); return unexpected; default: return getEngineValue(element->action PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); } } float LECalculator::evaluate(const char * msg, float selfValue, const LEElement* element DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { if (!element) { warning(CUSTOM_NO_FSIO, "%s no FSIO code", msg); return NAN; } reset(); int counter = 0; // while not a return statement, execute instructions while (element->action != LE_METHOD_RETURN) { efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, counter < 200, "FSIOcount", NAN); // just in case if (element->action == LE_METHOD_SELF) { push(element->action, selfValue); } else { FsioResult result = processElement(element PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); if (!result) { // error already reported return NAN; } push(element->action, result.Value); } // Step forward to the next instruction in sequence element++; counter++; } // The stack should have exactly one element on it if (stack.size() != 1) { warning(CUSTOM_FSIO_STACK_SIZE, "%s unexpected FSIO stack size at return: %d", msg, stack.size()); return NAN; } return stack.pop(); } LEElementPool::LEElementPool(LEElement *pool, int size) { this->m_pool = pool; this->size = size; reset(); } void LEElementPool::reset() { // Next free element is the first one m_nextFree = m_pool; } int LEElementPool::getSize() const { return m_nextFree - m_pool; } bool isNumeric(const char* line) { return line[0] >= '0' && line[0] <= '9'; } bool isBoolean(const char* line) { bool isTrue = 0 == strcmp(line, "true"); bool isFalse = 0 == strcmp(line, "false"); return isTrue || isFalse; } /** * @return pointer at the position after the consumed token, null if no token consumed */ const char *getNextToken(const char *line, char *buffer, const int bufferSize) { while (line[0] != 0 && line[0] == ' ') { line++; } if (line[0] == 0) { return NULL; } int tokenLen = indexOf(line, ' '); if (tokenLen == -1) { // no space - the whole remaining line is the token tokenLen = strlen(line); } efiAssert(CUSTOM_ERR_ASSERT, tokenLen < bufferSize, "token overflow", NULL); strncpy(buffer, line, tokenLen); buffer[tokenLen] = 0; line += tokenLen; return line; } le_action_e parseAction(const char * line) { LENameOrdinalPair *pair = LE_FIRST; while (pair != NULL) { if (strEqualCaseInsensitive(pair->name, line)) { return pair->action; } pair = pair->next; } return LE_UNDEFINED; } static char parsingBuffer[64]; LEElement* LEElementPool::parseExpression(const char * line) { LEElement* expressionHead = m_nextFree; LEElement* n = expressionHead; while (true) { line = getNextToken(line, parsingBuffer, sizeof(parsingBuffer)); if (!line) { /** * No more tokens in this line, parsing complete! */ // Push a return statement on the end n->init(LE_METHOD_RETURN); // The next available element is the one after the return m_nextFree = n + 1; return expressionHead; } if (isNumeric(parsingBuffer)) { n->init(LE_NUMERIC_VALUE, atoff(parsingBuffer)); } else if (isBoolean(parsingBuffer)) { n->init(LE_BOOLEAN_VALUE, parsingBuffer[0] == 't'); } else { le_action_e action = parseAction(parsingBuffer); if (action == LE_UNDEFINED) { /** * Cannot recognize token */ firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_PARSING_ERROR, "unrecognized FSIO keyword [%s]", parsingBuffer); return nullptr; } n->init(action); } n++; } } FsioValue::FsioValue(float f) { u.f32 = f; // The low bit represents whether this is a bool or not, clear it for float u.u32 &= 0xFFFFFFFE; } FsioValue::FsioValue(bool b) { u.u32 = (b ? 2 : 0); // second bit is the actual value of the bool // Low bit indicates this is a bool u.u32 |= 0x1; } bool FsioValue::isFloat() const { uint32_t typeBit = u.u32 & 0x1; return typeBit == 0; } float FsioValue::asFloat() const { return u.f32; } bool FsioValue::isBool() const { uint32_t typeBit = u.u32 & 0x1; return typeBit == 1; } bool FsioValue::asBool() const { uint32_t boolBit = u.u32 & 0x2; return boolBit != 0; } #endif /* EFI_FSIO */