/** * @file trigger_structure.h * * rusEFI defines trigger shape programmatically in C code * For integration we have exportAllTriggers export * * @date Dec 22, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #pragma once #include "engine_ptr.h" #include "state_sequence.h" #include "engine_configuration_generated_structures.h" #define FOUR_STROKE_ENGINE_CYCLE 720 #define TRIGGER_GAP_DEVIATION 0.25f #define TRIGGER_GAP_DEVIATION_LOW (1.0f - TRIGGER_GAP_DEVIATION) #define TRIGGER_GAP_DEVIATION_HIGH (1.0f + TRIGGER_GAP_DEVIATION) #if EFI_ENABLE_ASSERTS #define assertAngleRange(angle, msg, code) if (angle > 10000000 || angle < -10000000) { firmwareError(code, "angle range %s %.2f", msg, angle);angle = 0;} #else #define assertAngleRange(angle, msg, code) {} #endif /** * @brief Shifts angle into the [0..720) range for four stroke and [0..360) for two stroke * I guess this implementation would be faster than 'angle % engineCycle' */ #define fixAngle2(angle, msg, code, engineCycle) \ { \ if (cisnan(angle)) { \ firmwareError(CUSTOM_ERR_ANGLE, "aNaN%s", msg); \ angle = 0; \ } \ assertAngleRange(angle, msg, code); \ float engineCycleDurationLocalCopy = engineCycle; \ /* todo: split this method into 'fixAngleUp' and 'fixAngleDown'*/ \ /* as a performance optimization?*/ \ while (angle < 0) \ angle += engineCycleDurationLocalCopy; \ /* todo: would 'if' work as good as 'while'? */ \ while (angle >= engineCycleDurationLocalCopy) \ angle -= engineCycleDurationLocalCopy; \ } /** * This structure defines an angle position in relation to specific tooth within trigger shape */ class event_trigger_position_s { public: size_t triggerEventIndex = 0; angle_t angleOffsetFromTriggerEvent = 0; void setAngle(angle_t angle DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); }; #define TRIGGER_CHANNEL_COUNT 3 class trigger_shape_helper { public: trigger_shape_helper(); SingleChannelStateSequence channels[TRIGGER_CHANNEL_COUNT]; private: pin_state_t pinStates[TRIGGER_CHANNEL_COUNT][PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; }; class Engine; class TriggerState; class TriggerFormDetails; class TriggerConfiguration; /** * @brief Trigger shape has all the fields needed to describe and decode trigger signal. * @see TriggerState for trigger decoder state which works based on this trigger shape model */ class TriggerWaveform { public: TriggerWaveform(); void initializeTriggerWaveform(operation_mode_e ambiguousOperationMode, bool useOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger, const trigger_config_s *triggerConfig); void setShapeDefinitionError(bool value); /** * Simplest trigger shape does not require any synchronization - for example if there is only * one primary channel tooth each raising (or falling depending on configuration) front would synchronize */ bool isSynchronizationNeeded; /** * number of consecutive trigger gaps needed to synchronize */ int gapTrackingLength = 1; /** * special case for triggers which do not provide exact TDC location * For example pick-up in distributor with mechanical ignition firing order control. */ bool shapeWithoutTdc = false; /** * this flag tells us if we should ignore events on second input channel * that's the way to ignore noise from the disconnected wire */ bool needSecondTriggerInput = false; /** * true value here means that we do not have a valid trigger configuration */ bool shapeDefinitionError = false; /** * https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/issues/898 * User can choose for example Miata trigger which is not compatible with useOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger option * Such contradictory configuration causes a very hard to identify issue and for the sake of usability it's better to * just crash with a very visible fatal error * * One day a nicer implementation could be simply ignoring 'useOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger' in case of 'bothFrontsRequired' */ bool bothFrontsRequired = false; /** * this variable is incremented after each trigger shape redefinition * See also */ int version = 0; /** * duty cycle for each individual trigger channel */ float expectedDutyCycle[PWM_PHASE_MAX_WAVE_PER_PWM]; /** * Depending on trigger shape, we use betweeb one and three previous gap ranges to detect synchronizaiton. * * Usually second or third gap is not needed, but some crazy triggers like 36-2-2-2 require two consecutive * gaps ratios to sync */ float syncronizationRatioFrom[GAP_TRACKING_LENGTH]; float syncronizationRatioTo[GAP_TRACKING_LENGTH]; /** * used by NoiselessTriggerDecoder (See TriggerCentral::handleShaftSignal()) */ int syncRatioAvg; /** * Trigger indexes within trigger cycle are counted from synchronization point, and all * engine processes are defined in angles from TDC. * * That's the angle distance from trigger event #0 and actual engine TDC * * see also globalTriggerAngleOffset */ angle_t tdcPosition; /** * In case of a multi-channel trigger, do we want to sync based on primary channel only? * See also gapBothDirections */ bool useOnlyPrimaryForSync; /** * Should we use falls or rises for gap ratio detection? */ bool useRiseEdge; /** * This is about selecting signal edges within particular trigger channels. * Should we measure gaps with both fall and rise signal edges? * See also useOnlyPrimaryForSync */ bool gapBothDirections; void calculateExpectedEventCounts(bool useOnlyRisingEdgeForTrigger); size_t getExpectedEventCount(int channelIndex) const; /** * This is used for signal validation */ size_t expectedEventCount[PWM_PHASE_MAX_WAVE_PER_PWM]; #if EFI_UNIT_TEST /** * These signals are used for trigger export only */ int triggerSignalIndeces[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; int triggerSignalStates[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; #endif MultiChannelStateSequence wave; // todo: add a runtime validation which would verify that this field was set properly // todo: maybe even automate this flag calculation? pin_state_t initialState[PWM_PHASE_MAX_WAVE_PER_PWM]; bool isRiseEvent[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; /** * This is a pretty questionable option which is considered by 'addEvent' method */ bool invertOnAdd; /** * Total count of shaft events per CAM or CRANK shaft revolution. * TODO this should be migrated to CRANKshaft revolution, this would go together * this variable is public for performance reasons (I want to avoid costs of method if it's not inlined) * but name is supposed to hint at the fact that decoders should not be assigning to it * Please use "getTriggerSize()" macro or "getSize()" method to read this value */ unsigned int privateTriggerDefinitionSize; bool useOnlyRisingEdgeForTriggerTemp; /* (0..1] angle range */ void addEvent(angle_t angle, trigger_wheel_e const channelIndex, trigger_value_e const state); /* (0..720] angle range * Deprecated! */ void addEvent720(angle_t angle, trigger_wheel_e const channelIndex, trigger_value_e const state); /** * this method helps us use real world 350 degrees shape for FOUR_STROKE_CAM_SENSOR and FOUR_STROKE_CRANK_SENSOR */ void addEvent360(angle_t angle, trigger_wheel_e const channelIndex, trigger_value_e const state); /** * This version of 'addEvent...' family considers the angle duration of operationMode in this trigger * For example, (0..180] for FOUR_STROKE_SYMMETRICAL_CRANK_SENSOR */ void addEventAngle(angle_t angle, trigger_wheel_e const channelIndex, trigger_value_e const state); /* (0..720] angle range * Deprecated? */ void addEventClamped(angle_t angle, trigger_wheel_e const channelIndex, trigger_value_e const stateParam, float filterLeft, float filterRight); operation_mode_e getOperationMode() const; void initialize(operation_mode_e operationMode); void setTriggerSynchronizationGap(float syncRatio); void setTriggerSynchronizationGap3(int index, float syncRatioFrom, float syncRatioTo); void setTriggerSynchronizationGap2(float syncRatioFrom, float syncRatioTo); void setSecondTriggerSynchronizationGap(float syncRatio); void setSecondTriggerSynchronizationGap2(float syncRatioFrom, float syncRatioTo); void setThirdTriggerSynchronizationGap(float syncRatio); /** * this one is per CRANKshaft revolution */ size_t getLength() const; size_t getSize() const; int getTriggerWaveformSynchPointIndex() const; void prepareShape(TriggerFormDetails *details DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); /** * This private method should only be used to prepare the array of pre-calculated values * See eventAngles array */ angle_t getAngle(int phaseIndex) const; angle_t getCycleDuration() const; /** * index of synchronization event within TriggerWaveform * See findTriggerZeroEventIndex() */ int triggerShapeSynchPointIndex; void initializeSyncPoint( TriggerState& state, const TriggerConfiguration& triggerConfiguration, const trigger_config_s& triggerConfig ); uint16_t findAngleIndex(TriggerFormDetails *details, angle_t angle) const; private: trigger_shape_helper h; /** * Working buffer for 'wave' instance * Values are in the 0..1 range */ float switchTimesBuffer[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; /** * These angles are in trigger DESCRIPTION coordinates - i.e. the way you add events while declaring trigger shape */ angle_t getSwitchAngle(int index) const; /** * This variable is used to confirm that events are added in the right order. * todo: this variable is probably not needed, could be reimplemented by accessing by index */ angle_t previousAngle; /** * this is part of performance optimization */ operation_mode_e operationMode; }; /** * Misc values calculated from TriggerWaveform */ class TriggerFormDetails { public: TriggerFormDetails(); /** * These angles are in event coordinates - with synchronization point located at angle zero. * These values are pre-calculated for performance reasons. */ angle_t eventAngles[PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT]; /** * this cache allows us to find a close-enough (with one degree precision) trigger wheel index by * given angle with fast constant speed. That's a performance optimization for event scheduling. */ uint16_t triggerIndexByAngle[720]; }; void findTriggerPosition( TriggerWaveform *shape, TriggerFormDetails *details, event_trigger_position_s *position, angle_t angle DEFINE_CONFIG_PARAM(angle_t, globalTriggerAngleOffset)); void setToothedWheelConfiguration(TriggerWaveform *s, int total, int skipped, operation_mode_e operationMode); #define TRIGGER_WAVEFORM(x) ENGINE(triggerCentral.triggerShape).x #define getTriggerSize() TRIGGER_WAVEFORM(privateTriggerDefinitionSize)